
Query : 2023MNRAS.524.3314A

2023MNRAS.524.3314A - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 524, 3314-3323 (2023/September-3)

Dynamical mass of the white dwarf in XY Ari: a test for intermediate polar X-ray spectral models.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a dynamical study of the eclipsing intermediate polar XY Ari based on time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy obtained with the EMIR spectrograph on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias. Using main sequence template spectra taken with the same instrument setup as the target spectra, we measure a radial velocity amplitude of the late K- type donor star K2 = 256 ± 2 km s–1. We also obtain the rotational broadening of its photospheric lines vrot sin i = 141 ± 3 km s–1. From these and the eclipse geometry, we derive a donor-to-white dwarf mass ratio q = M2/M1 = 0.62 ± 0.02, an orbital inclination i = 80.8° ± 0.5° and dynamical masses $M_{1} = 1.21 \pm 0.04 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ and $M_2 = 0.75 \pm 0.04 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ (1σ). This result places the white dwarf in XY Ari as one of the three most massive known in a cataclysmic variable. Comparison with white dwarf mass estimates from X-ray spectral studies could indicate the necessity of an improvement of the X-ray models and/or analysis techniques, as a number of X-ray white dwarf masses are in disagreement with the dynamical mass value.

Abstract Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): accretion, accretion discs - binaries: close - stars: individual: XY Ari - novae, cataclysmic variables

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Number of rows : 34
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 3765 PM* 00 40 49.2698857963 +40 11 13.823048636   8.30   6.8   K2V 268 0
2 * 107 Psc PM* 01 42 29.7625251280 +20 16 06.645657710 6.57 6.08 5.24 4.55 4.12 K1V 559 0
3 LDN 1457 DNe 02 55.9 +19 35           ~ 85 1
4 V* XY Ari CV* 02 56 08.19048 +19 26 34.1844           ~ 157 1
5 2MASS J02561213+1925362 NIR 02 56 12.13992 +19 25 36.2928           ~ 1 0
6 HD 19305 PM* 03 06 26.7370541893 +01 57 54.630530984 11.697 10.44 9.055 8.201 7.427 M0V 136 0
7 HD 21197 PM* 03 24 59.7306143247 -05 21 49.518370545 10.172 9.012 7.841 7.162 6.607 K4V 170 0
8 V* GK Per No* 03 31 12.0098863320 +43 54 15.469951212   14.139 13.090 12.589   K1IV 937 0
9 HD 232979 Er* 04 37 40.9304170763 +52 53 37.012960438   10.006 8.648 8.750   M0.5V 185 0
10 HD 36003 PM* 05 28 26.0955363191 -03 29 58.398928866 9.864 8.777 7.642 6.968 6.401 K5V 213 0
11 HD 42581 Er* 06 10 34.6149358167 -21 51 52.656352926 10.801 9.607 8.125 7.164 6.121 M1V 483 0
12 HD 45977 PM* 06 30 07.3034607672 -11 48 32.192061732   10.25 9.10     K4+Vk: 51 0
13 V* U Gem CV* 07 55 05.2323858391 +22 00 05.045435077   15.3 14.54     DA 1104 0
14 HD 68834 PM* 08 14 35.9143163838 +13 01 22.175088893 11.156 10.008 8.797 8.091 7.487 K5V 46 0
15 BD+14 1876 PM* 08 20 55.3290776448 +14 04 16.797469944 12.332 11.068 9.748 8.953 8.265 M0V 56 0
16 V* AD Leo Er* 10 19 36.2808181226 +19 52 12.010446571   10.82 9.52 9.19   dM3 1347 1
17 * 36 UMa B PM* 10 30 25.3088805072 +55 59 56.855409072   10.10   8.749   K7Ve 134 1
18 HD 95735 Er* 11 03 20.1948195942 +35 58 11.576182057 10.030 8.960 7.520 5.99 4.79 M2+V 723 0
19 V* YY Dra EB* 11 43 35 +71 42.2           ~ 37 1
20 V* DO Dra CV* 11 43 38.4921265896 +71 41 20.559036192       13.747   DQ 221 1
21 HD 118100 Er* 13 34 43.2063495866 -08 20 31.338030204 11.578 10.552 9.372 8.602 7.930 K5Ve 349 0
22 HD 119850 Er* 13 45 43.7755597223 +14 53 29.471707437 10.989 9.894 8.50 7.465 6.363 M2V 357 0
23 LP 800-56 PM* 14 24 49.8608772936 -17 27 08.096957585   11.940 10.81 10.15 9.29 K7V 33 0
24 * 14 Her PM* 16 10 24.3156759007 +43 49 03.507406809   7.57   6.1   K0V 457 1
25 HD 157881 PM* 17 25 45.2324302566 +02 06 41.123732402 10.126 8.865 7.56 6.649 5.89 K7V 340 0
26 V* AM Her CV* 18 16 13.2546725104 +49 52 04.759613537   15.124 14.808 13.525   M4.5-5Ve 971 2
27 LP 814-44 PM* 20 17 52.3783167544 -17 17 09.035178321   12.350 11.049 10.568   K8V 29 0
28 BD+44 3567 PM* 20 45 04.0992448490 +44 29 56.645139366   12.03 10.704 10.299 8.57 M2V 164 0
29 * 61 Cyg B Er* 21 06 55.2638444466 +38 44 31.358519864 8.63 7.40 6.03 4.86 3.55 K7V 731 0
30 HD 204587 PM* 21 30 02.7560054580 -12 30 36.245166319 11.59 10.36 9.075 8.28 7.586 K7Vk: 122 0
31 HD 209290 PM* 22 02 10.2750978279 +01 24 00.832158070 11.838 10.616 9.146 8.213 7.245 M0.5V 252 0
32 HD 218566 PM* 23 09 10.7269903047 -02 15 38.682667763   9.641 9.208 9.105 8.73 K3V 108 1
33 HD 219134 Er* 23 13 16.9749603608 +57 10 06.083823619 7.460 6.560 5.570 4.76 4.23 K3V 609 1
34 V* IP Peg CV* 23 23 08.5362249504 +18 24 59.206884012           M2 384 0

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