NGC 4478 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 4478 , the SIMBAD biblio (493 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:03:41

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Title First 3 Authors
1926ApJ....64..321H 407 942 Extragalactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.P.
1968PASP...80..129A 43 69 Lines of galaxies from radio sources. ARP H.
1971MNRAS.152..403C 61 67 Pencil-beam observations of bright galaxies. CAMERON M.J.
1973ApJ...179..731F 2 34 488 Variations in spectral-energy distributions and absorption-line strengths among elliptical galaxies. FABER S.M.
1974A&AS...13..269B 339 16 Studies of blue objects at high galactic latitudes. III. Faint blue objects in the field of BD +15 2469. BARBIERI C. and BENVENUTI P.
1974VeARI..26....0B 364 ~ Bibliography on the structure of galaxies. BROSCHE P., EINASTO J. and RUMMEL U.
1976ApJ...204..668F 12 25 1615 Velocity dispersions and mass-to-light ratios for elliptical galaxies. FABER S.M. and JACKSON R.E.
1976LicOB.714....1F 24 1 Velocity dispersions and mass-to-light ratios for elliptical galaxies. FABER S.M. and JACKSON R.E.
1977AJ.....82..941F 1 8 65 Spectrum of the halo of the cD galaxy in Abell 401. FABER S.M., BURSTEIN D. and DRESSLER A.
1978ApJ...220..449D 2 6 72 On the corona of M 87. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and NIETO J.-L.
1978ApJ...222..800K 39 114 H I observations of elliptical galaxies. KNAPP G.R., KERR F.J. and WILLIAMS B.A.
1979ApJ...227..776K 86 55 A neutral hydrogen study of early-type galaxies in and near the Virgo cluster. KRUMM N. and SALPETER E.E.
1979ApJ...232...74B 45 70 The absorption-line strengths of elliptical and So galaxies. BURSTEIN D.
1979ApJS...39...61P 81 204 Photometric studies of composite stellar systems. III. UBVR and JHK observations of E and S0 galaxies. PERSSON S.E., FROGEL J.A. and AARONSON M.
1979LicOB.826....1B 45 1 The absorption-line strengths if elliptical and S0 galaxies. BURSTEIN D.
1980A&AS...41..421K viz 385 51 A radio continuum survey at 1.4 GHz of the galaxies in the Virgo region. KOTANYI C.G.
1981ApJ...245...18A 51 41 The infrared color-magnitude relation for early-type galaxies in Virgo and Coma. AARONSON M., PERSSON S.E. and FROGEL J.A.
1981ApJ...250...43W 61 70 Velocity dispersions in the bulges of spiral and S0 galaxies. II. Further observations and a simple three-component model for spiral galaxies. WHITMORE B.C. and KIRSHNER R.P.
1981ApJS...46..267H 86 70 H I observations in the Virgo cluster area. HELOU G., GIOVANARDI C., SALPETER E.E., et al.
1982A&AS...47..505K 179 19 A complete sample of Virgo cluster galaxies. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C.
1982ApJ...261....1S viz 198 29 Middle-ultraviolet photometry of Virgo Cluster galaxies. SMITH A.M. and CORNETT R.H.
1982SvAL....8..104K 145 19 Radial velocities of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. KARACHENTSEV I.D. and KARACHENTSEVA V.E.
1983A&A...121..313M 18 8 Further statistics on the M/L ratios in early-type galaxies. MICHARD R.
1983ApJ...266...41D 5 25 681 The kinematic properties of faint elliptical galaxies. DAVIES R.L., EFSTATHIOU G., FALL S.M., et al.
1983ApJ...268...90C 44 29 The ages of the disks of the S0 galaxies. CALDWELL N.
1983ApJS...52...23B 749 4 A catalog of hierarchical subclustering in the Turner-Gott groups. BHAVSAR S.P. and PIGGOTT R.G.
1983ApJS...52...89H viz 2405 825 A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV. The data. HUCHRA J., DAVIS M., LATHAM D., et al.
1983Afz....19..655A 129 2 Observations of galaxies of Byurakan classification at a frequency of 102 MHz. ARTYUKH V.S. and HOVANISSIAN M.A.
1983Ap&SS..91...79D 68 3 DDO photometry and metallic abundances of E and SO galaxies and globular cluster of the LMC and SMC. DOTTORI H.A., PASTORIZA M.G. and BICA E.L.D.
1984AJ.....89...64B 2 31 330 Studies of the Virgo cluster. I. Photometry of 109 galaxies near the cluster center to serve as standards. BINGGELI B., SANDAGE A. and TARENGHI M.
1984ApJ...281..512D 47 167 Internal kinematics of galaxies in clusters. I. Velocity dispersions for elliptical galaxies in Coma and Virgo. DRESSLER A.
1984ApJS...56...91D 459 26 A comparison of distance scales for early-type galaxies. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and OLSON D.W.
1984MNRAS.206..453E 13 46 Multivariate analysis of elliptical galaxies. EFSTATHIOU G. and FALL S.M.
1984MNRAS.207..361J 53 7 The rapid stellar rotation of radio galaxies. JENKINS C.R.
1984PASJ...36....1N 33 0 N-body simulations of the evolution of elliptical galaxies. NOGUCHI M.
1985A&A...152..315B 200 34 Mass-to-light ratio of elliptical galaxies. BACON R., MONNET G. and SIMIEN F.
1985A&AS...59..205M 35 90 Detailed surface photometry of 36 E-SO galaxies. MICHARD R.
1985A&AS...60..517P 611 11 Supplement to the detailed bibliography on the surface photometry of galaxies. PENCE W.D. and DAVOUST E.
1985A&AS...61..273D 477 26 Catalogue of central velocity dispersions galaxies. DAVOUST E., PATUREL G. and VAUGLIN I.
1985AJ.....90..454K 151 213 The statistical distribution of the neutral-hydrogen content of elliptical galaxies. KNAPP G.R., TURNER E.L. and CUNNIFFE P.E.
1985AJ.....90.1681B viz 2095 1090 Studies of the Virgo cluster. II. A catalog of 2096 galaxies in the Virgo cluster area. BINGGELI B., SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1985ApJ...291...32B 56 156 The orientations of the rotation axes of radio galaxies. I. Radio morphologies of bright elliptical galaxies. BIRKINSHAW M. and DAVIES R.L.
1985ApJS...59....1W viz 651 146 A catalog of stellar velocity dispersions. I. Compilation and standard galaxies. WHITMORE B.C., McELROY D.B. and TONRY J.L.
1985PASJ...37..133T 277 12 The structure of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. TANAKA K.I.
1986A&AS...64..111H 461 44 HI-Observations of galaxies in the Virgo cluster of galaxies. I. The data. HUCHTMEIER W.K. and RICHTER O.-G.
1986ApJ...309..572I 68 62 Infrared studies of elliptical galaxies. I. An optically selected sample. IMPEY C.D., WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G. and BECKLIN E.E.
1986ApJS...60..475I 81 99 Surface photometry of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster. ICHIKAWA S.-I., WAKAMATSU K.-I. and OKAMURA S.
1986MNRAS.222..417L 52 14 A more precise L-sigma distance indicator. LUCEY J.R.
1986JAF....26Q..15P 2 0 Les galaxies elliptiques compactes ; observations, dynamique et evolution. PRUGNIEL P.
1986JApA....7...71A 16 6 Relation of the jet in M 87 to nearby galaxies in the Virgo cluster. ARP H.
1987A&A...173...49P 1 7 41 Photometric and spectroscopic investigation of three close companions of M 87. PRUGNIEL P., NIETO J.-L. and SIMIEN F.
1987A&A...177L..53B 32 41 Radio activity and the shape of elliptical galaxies. BENDER R., DOBEREINER S. and MOLLENHOFF C.
1987A&A...181..270B 12 19 The metallicity versus luminosity relationship for early-type galaxies. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1987A&A...186...30N 3 5 60 Origin and evolution of compact elliptical galaxies. NIETO J.-L. and PRUGNIEL P.
1987A&A...186...49B 93 142 Near-infrared spectral properties of star clusters and galactic nuclei. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1987A&AS...70..281B 165 81 Analysis of absorption-line spectra in a sample of 164 galactic nuclei. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1987ApJ...312..529D 189 89 Infrared characteristics of the nuclei of normal galaxies. DEVEREUX N.A., BECKLIN E.E. and SCOVILLE N.
1987ApJ...313...42D 2 107 1266 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. I. A new distance estimator. DRESSLER A., LYNDEN-BELL D., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1987ApJ...313...59D 3 106 1453 Fundamental properties of elliptical galaxies. DJORGOVSKI S. and DAVIS M.
1987ApJ...323...44V 771 130 The supernova rate in Shapley-Ames galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S., McCLURE R.D. and EVANS R.
1987ApJS...64..581D 434 291 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. II. The spectroscopic parameters. DAVIES R.L., BURSTEIN D., DRESSLER A., et al.
1987ApJS...64..601B 602 269 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. III. UBV aperture photometry, CCD photometry, and magnitude-related parameters. BURSTEIN D., DAVIES R.L., DRESSLER A., et al.
1987MNRAS.226..747J 4 48 840 CCD surface photometry of elliptical galaxies - I. Observations, reduction and results. JEDRZEJEWSKI R.I.
1987AnTok..21..437I 35 5 Surface photometry of dwarf elliptical galaxies. ICHIKAWA S.-I.
1987BICDS..33...17P 5 1 Photometrie des galaxies. PRUGNIEL P.
1987IAUS..127...99N 9 14 Compact elliptical galaxies. NIETO J.-L. and PRUGNIEL P.
1987IAUS..127..189G 13 21 Line-strength gradients in early-type galaxies. GORGAS J. and EFSTATHIOU G.
1988A&A...193L...7B 1 31 203 Velocity anisotropies and isophote shapes in elliptical galaxies. BENDER R.
1988A&A...195...76B 152 327 Population synthesis in galactic nuclei using a library of star clusters. BICA E.
1988A&A...202...70A 88 11 What is the mean redshift of the Virgo cluster ? ARP H.
1988A&AS...74..385B 70 240 Isophote shapes of elliptical galaxies. I. The data. BENDER R., DOBEREINER S. and MOLLENHOFF C.
1988AJ.....95..422E 154 93 A search for features in early-type galaxies. EBNETER K., DJORGOVSKI S. and DAVIS M.
1989A&A...215..266N 34 114 Boxiness in elliptical galaxies. NIETO J.-L. and BENDER R.
1989A&A...217...35B 110 394 Isophote shapes of elliptical galaxies. II. Correlations with global optical, radio and X-ray properties. BENDER R., SURMA P., DOBEREINER S., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1000O 16 4 Self-consistent hydrodynamical models for E galaxies. ORTEGA V.G. and DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A.
1989AJ.....97.1319C 643 25 On the relationship between radio emission and optical properties in early-type galaxies. CALVANI M., FASANO G. and FRANCESCHINI A.
1989ApJ...345..752E 856 107 Revised supernova rates in Shapley-Ames galaxies. EVANS R., VAN DEN BERGH S. and McCLURE R.D.
1989ApJ...346L..57T 1 8 55 Surface brightness fluctuations and the distance to the Virgo cluster. TONRY J.L., AJHAR E.A. and LUPPINO G.A.
1989ApJS...69..763F viz 14       D               712 594 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. VI. Sample selection and data summary. FABER S.M., WEGNER G., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1989PASP..101.1072V 124 13 Can E and SO galaxies be distinguished photometrically ? VAN DEN BERGH S.
1990A&A...230L..17N 20 36 The low-mass extension of the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies. NIETO J.-L., BENDER R., DAVOUST E., et al.
1990A&A...233...16C 22 55 The influence of absorption on galaxy diameters and magnitudes. CAMERON L.M.
1990A&A...234...89F 81 21 Systematic errors in the geometrical parameters of elliptical galaxies. FASANO G. and BONOLI C.
1990A&AS...86..429C 34 97 Photographic and CCD surface photometry of 33 early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. I. The data. CAON N., CAPACCIOLI M. and RAMPAZZO R.
1990AJ.....99.1243T 147 263 An atlas of HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE photometric, spectrophotometric, and polarimetric calibration objects. TURNSHEK D.A., BOHLIN R.C., WILLIAMSON II R.L., et al.
1990AJ....100.1091P viz 3 42 523 CCD surface photometry of galaxies with dynamical data. II. UBR photometry of 39 elliptical galaxies. PELETIER R.F., DAVIES R.L., ILLINGWORTH G.D., et al.
1990AJ....100.1416T 2 17 184 Observations of surface-brightness fluctuations in Virgo. TONRY J.L., AJHAR E.A. and LUPPINO G.A.
1990ApJ...357..453T 61 102 Galactic bulge M giants. III. Near-infrared spectra and implications for the stellar content of E and S0 galaxies. TERNDRUP D.M., FROGEL J.A. and WHITFORD A.E.
1990ApJ...361....1S 463 48 The surface brightness test for the expansion of the Universe. II. Radii, surface brightness, and absolute magnitude correlations for nearby E galaxies. SANDAGE A. and PERELMUTER J.-M.
1990ApJ...363..422K 100 20 Vacuum ultraviolet imagery of the Virgo cluster region. II. Total far-ultraviolet flux of galaxies. KODAIRA K., WATANABE T., ONAKA T., et al.
1990MNRAS.242p..24C 33 ~ Further evidence of continuity between elliptical and disc galaxies. CAPACCIOLI M., CAON N. and RAMPAZZO R.
1990MNRAS.245..217G 1 32 174 Line-strengths in early-type galaxies. GORGAS J., EFSTATHIOU G. and ARAGON-SALAMANCA A.
1991A&A...244L..25N 18 45 The shape of central regions in elliptical galaxies. NIETO J.-L., BENDER R., ARNAUD J., et al.
1991A&A...249..312R 125 23 The manifold of early-type galaxies from IR photometry in clusters of galaxies. The Virgo cluster. RECILLAS-CRUZ E., CARRASCO L., SERRANO A., et al.
1991A&A...252...27B 219 254 Dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster. I. The systematic photometric properties of early-type dwarfs. BINGGELI B. and CAMERON L.M.
1991AJ....101..127W 217 53 Radio-continuum sources in nearby and bright E/S0 galaxies: sample selection and well-studied cases. WROBEL J.M.
1991AJ....101..148W 200 133 Radio-continuum sources in nearby and bright E/S0 galaxies: active nuclei versus star formation. WROBEL J.M. and HEESCHEN D.S.
1991AJ....102..896D 70 T                   1 10 16 Absorption line gradients in the compact elliptical galaxies
NGC 4478, NGC 4486B, and NGC 5846A.
1991ApJ...368L..11F 36 18 Zero point of the supernova Hubble diagram. FUKUGITA M. and HOGAN C.J.
1991ApJS...75..751R 463 210 Interstellar matter in early-type galaxies. I. The catalog. ROBERTS M.S., HOGG D.E., BREGMAN J.N., et al.
1991MNRAS.248..523C 33 15 On the lack of a simple relation between Re and mu.e for early-type galaxies. CAPACCIOLI M. and CAON N.
1991MNRAS.249..779F 140 61 On the external origin for dust in elliptical galaxies. FORBES D.A.
1991BCFHT..25....2N 8 0 Disques et barres dans les galaxies elliptiques. NIETO J.-L.
1991JRASC..85..195D 70 T                   1 2 0 Spectroscopic gradients in the compact elliptical galaxies
NGC 4478 and NGC 4486B.
1992A&A...262...52B 57 30 The role played by rotation and random motions in elliptical galaxies. BUSARELLO G., LONGO G. and FEOLI A.
1992A&AS...93..211F 2164 70 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members. FOUQUE P., GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1992AJ....103.1512D 28 37 Spectroscopic gradients in bright elliptical galaxies. DAVIDGE T.J.
1992ApJ...398...69W 1 83 597 Mg and Fe absorption features in elliptical galaxies. WORTHEY G., FABER S.M. and GONZALEZ J.J.
1992ApJ...399...76K 129 107 Infrared emission and mass loss from evolved stars in elliptical galaxies. KNAPP G.R., GUNN J.E. and WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G.
1992ApJ...399..462B 1 108 807 Dynamically hot galaxies. I. Structural properties. BENDER R., BURSTEIN D. and FABER S.M.
1992ApJS...79..197I 180 36 Far-infrared luminosity functions of normal galaxies. ISOBE T. and FEIGELSON E.D.
1992MNRAS.254..589B 98 316 Precision photometry of early-type galaxies in the Coma and Virgo clusters: a test of the universality of the colour-magnitude relation - I. The data. BOWER R.G., LUCEY J.R. and ELLIS R.S.
1993A&A...271...51P 21 81 The stellar content of elliptical galaxies: optical and infrared colour profiles of M 32 and NGC 205. PELETIER R.F.
1993A&A...278...23B 64 44 Do elliptical galaxies have r1/4 brightness profiles? BURKERT A.
1993A&AS...98..229P 155 20 Low-luminosity early-type galaxies. I. Photometry and morphology. PRUGNIEL P., BICA E., KLOTZ A., et al.
1993A&AS...98..297B 329 73 Dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster. II. Photometric techniques and basic data. BINGGELI B. and CAMERON L.M.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1993ApJ...411..153B 112 327 Dynamically hot galaxies. II. Global stellar populations. BENDER R., BURSTEIN D. and FABER S.M.
1993ApJS...85....1N 1321 89 A revised catalog of CfA1 galaxy groups in the Virgo/Great Attractor flow field. NOLTHENIUS R.
1993MNRAS.261..379G 27 25 Can isophotal shape discriminate between possible origins of elliptical galaxies ? GOVERNATO F., REDUZZI L. and RAMPAZZO R.
1993MNRAS.265.1013C 3 53 641 On the shape of the light profiles of early-type galaxies. CAON N., CAPACCIOLI M. and D'ONOFRIO M.
1993ApL....28..323C 64 ~ Angular momentum loss during the formation of elliptical galaxies. CURIR A., DE FELICE F., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1993PAZh...19..701S 4 ~ The Mg/Fe ratio in the nuclei of elliptical and disk galaxies. SIL'CHENKO O.K.
1993PBeiO..23...67X 18 0 Galaxy rotation and blackhole formation. XU W.
1994A&A...288..401M 43 22 Quantitative morphology of E-S0 galaxies IV. Ellipticals and lenticulars as a single population. MICHARD R.
1994A&AS..103..573P viz 278 47 UBVRI photoelectric photometry of bright southern early-type galaxies. POULAIN P. and NIETO J.-L.
1994A&AS..105..481M viz 109 61 Quantitative morphology of E-S0 galaxies. III. Coded and parametric description of 108 galaxies in a complete sample. MICHARD R. and MARCHAL J.
1994AJ....108.1567J 1 18 140 Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo cluster elliptical galaxies. I. Observations, discussion, and conclusions. JAFFE W., FORD H.C., O'CONNELL R.W., et al.
1994AJ....108.1579V 1 11 87 Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo cluster elliptical galaxies. II. Isophote shapes. VAN DEN BOSCH F.C., FERRARESE L., JAFFE W., et al.
1994AJ....108.1598F viz 3 16 216 Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo cluster elliptical galaxies. III. Brightness profiles. FERRARESE L., VAN DEN BOSCH F.C., FORD H.C., et al.
1994ApJ...433..567P 15 55 The dispersion in the near-infrared surface brightness fluctuations in the Virgo cluster. PAHRE M.A. and MOULD J.R.
1994MNRAS.269..655K 47 18 Low-mass stars in cooling-flow galaxies. KROUPA P. and GILMORE G.
1994MNRAS.271...39S 68 8 Line-strength gradients in the bulge components of NGC 3190 and 1023. SANSOM A.E., PEACE G. and DODD M.
1994AcApS..14....1X 19 1 Galactic rotation and the criterion for black hole formation. XU W. and YU Y.-Q.
1994AZh....71..706S viz 268 18 Photometrically distinct nuclei in elliptical and early-type disks galaxies. SIL'CHENKO O.K.
1995A&AS..109..341R viz 362 13 The UV properties of normal galaxies. II. The ``non-IUE'' data. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995A&AS..114..527R viz 372 35 The UV properties of normal galaxies. III. Standard luminosity profiles and total magnitudes. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995AJ....109..517B viz 1470 28 Integrated photoelectric magnitudes and color indices of bright galaxies in the Johnson UBV system. BUTA R., CORWIN H.G.Jr, DE VAUCOULEURS G., et al.
1995AJ....110.1052G 43 5 The infrared diameter-velocity dispersion relation for elliptical galaxies. GREGG M.D.
1995AJ....110.2027V 66 246 Dust in the cores of early-type galaxies. VAN DOKKUM P.G. and FRANX M.
1995ApJ...440..565T 1 27 157 The nature of Seyfert 2 galaxies with obscured broad-line regions. I. Observations. TRAN H.D.
1995ApJS...98..477H viz 506 435 A search for "dwarf" Seyfert nuclei. II. An optical spectral atlas of the nuclei of nearby galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1995ApJS..100..105M viz 1290 138 A catalog of stellar velocity dispersions. II. 1994 update. McELROY D.B.
1995MNRAS.273..913C 54 12 Morphological segregation of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. CAON N. and EINASTO M.
1995AN....316...39B viz 14       D               1 2139 0 Construction of a diameter-limited sample of galaxies in the northern sky. The catalogue. BARDELLI S. and ZUCCA E.
1996A&A...309..749P viz 1603 202 The fundamental plane of early-type galaxies: stellar populations and mass-to-light ratio. PRUGNIEL P. and SIMIEN F.
1996A&A...310..412G 96 3 Distance calibration for E-galaxies. I. Elliptical calibrators. GARCIA A.M., FOURNIER A., DI NELLA H., et al.
1996A&A...311..425B 1 43 166 Probing the age of elliptical galaxies. BRESSAN A., CHIOSI C. and TANTALO R.
1996A&AS..117..467G viz 22335 19 An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-0deg and δ=70deg. GARNIER R., PATUREL G., PETIT C., et al.
1996AJ....111.1889B 59 126 The centers of early-type galaxies with HST. II. Empirical models and structural parameters. BYUN Y.-I., GRILLMAIR C.J., FABER S.M., et al.
1996AJ....112..105G 1 68 265 The centers of early-type galaxies with HST. III. Non-parametric recovery of stellar luminosity distributions. GEBHARDT K., RICHSTONE D., AJHAR E.A., et al.
1996ApJ...461..155W 55 62 The effects of dust on broadband color gradients in elliptical galaxies. WISE M.W. and SILVA D.R.
1996MNRAS.278..841D 20 9 Metallicity and abundance ratios in elliptical galaxies. DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A.
1996BAAS...28U.842N 71 T                   1 ~ The distance to NGC 4478 using the surface brightness fluctuation method on HST images. NEILSEN E., TSZETANOV Z. and FORD H.
1997A&A...320..415B 41 62 The relation between the virial theorem and the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies. BUSARELLO G., CAPACCIOLI M., CAPOZZIELLO S., et al.
1997A&A...321..343A 19 5 M/LB and [Fe/H] of elliptical galaxies and the initial mass function. ANGELETTI L. and GIANNONE P.
1997A&AS..122..521S viz 21 39 Kinematical data on early-type galaxies. I. SIMIEN F. and PRUGNIEL P.
1997AJ....114.1771F 3 67 750 The centers of early-type galaxies with HST. IV. Central parameter relations. FABER S.M., TREMAINE S., AJHAR E.A., et al.
1997ApJ...477..128A 64 116 The iron discrepancy in elliptical galaxies after ASCA. ARIMOTO N., MATSUSHITA K., ISHIMARU Y., et al.
1997ApJ...483..745N viz 107 T K                 135 12 The surface brightness fluctuations and globular cluster population of
NGC 4478.
1997ApJS..111..163B viz 1026 18 An Einstein X-ray survey of optically selected galaxies. I. Data. BURSTEIN D., JONES C., FORMAN W., et al.
1997ApJS..112..315H viz 610 1186 A search for "dwarf" Seyfert nuclei. III. Spectroscopic parameters and properties of the host galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1997MNRAS.287..221G 2 27 171 Some effects of galaxy structure and dynamics on the Fundamental Plane. GRAHAM A. and COLLESS M.
1997MNRAS.291..461S 198 42 Galaxy clusters in the Perseus-Pisces region - I. Spectroscopic and photometric data for early-type galaxies. SMITH R.J., LUCEY J.R., HUDSON M.J., et al.
1998A&A...333..419T 45 131 Ages and metallicities in elliptical galaxies from the Hβ, <Fe>, and Mg2 diagnostics. TANTALO R., CHIOSI C. and BRESSAN A.
1998A&A...333..813D 1 26 145 Young tidal dwarf galaxies around the gas-rich disturbed lenticular NGC 5291. DUC P.-A. and MIRABEL I.F.
1998A&A...334..453M 69 10 Color distributions in E-S0 galaxies. I. Frequency and importance of dust patterns for various brands of E classified galaxies. MICHARD R.
1998A&A...335...49M 40 7 Color distributions in E-S0 galaxies. III. E-objects with ``power-law'' or ``core-like'' central profiles. MICHARD R.
1998A&AS..127..117P viz 2385 30 A catalogue of spatially resolved kinematics of galaxies: Bibliography. PRUGNIEL P., ZASOV A., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1998A&AS..127..367Y viz 237 27 The ``Virgo photometry catalogue'' YOUNG C.K. and CURRIE M.J.
1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
1998A&AS..132..255G viz 1417 17 A catalogue of Mg2 indices of galaxies and globular clusters. GOLEV V. and PRUGNIEL P.
1998A&AS..132..387K 19 14 Results of the digital co-addition of thirteen Schmidt films of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. KATSIYANNIS A.C., KEMP S.N., BERRY D.S., et al.
1998ApJ...492...62C viz 354 78 The planetary nebula luminosity function of M 87 and the intracluster stars of Virgo. CIARDULLO R., JACOBY G.H., FELDMEIER J.J., et al.
1998MNRAS.295..933G 38 14 Some effects of galaxy structure and dynamics on the Fundamental Plane. II. A Virgo-Fornax distance modulus. GRAHAM A.W.
1998Ap.....41...32P 67 0 One arc degree core substructure of the Virgo cluster. PETROSIAN A.R., GURZADYAN V.G., HENDRY M.A., et al.
1998Ap.....41..308M 1394 1 Groups of galaxies. III. Some empirical characteristics. MAHTESSIAN A.P.
1998MmSAI..69..217B 50 1 The M/L vs relation and the tilt of the fundamental plane. BUSARELLO G., LANZONI B., CAPACCIOLI M., et al.
1999A&A...351..487P 59 41 Global X-ray emission and central properties of early type galaxies. PELLEGRINI S.
1999A&AS..136..519G viz 89 5 Central Mg2 indices for early-type galaxies. GOLEV V., PRUGNIEL P., SIMIEN F., et al.
1999A&AS..137..245M 46 27 Colour distributions in E-S0 galaxies. IV. Colour data and dust in E's from Nieto's B, R frames. MICHARD R.
1999A&AS..140...89P viz 14       D               1 16701 9 Galaxy coordinates. II. Accurate equatorial coordinates for 17298 galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
1999AJ....118.1526G 1 54 198 Globular cluster systems. I. V-I color distributions. GEBHARDT K. and KISSLER-PATIG M.
1999ApJ...515L..13N 13 24 The color distributions of globular clusters in Virgo elliptical galaxies. NEILSEN E.H.Jr and TSVETANOV Z.I.
1999ApJ...516...85T 14 27 A polarimetric search for hidden quasars in three radio-selected ultraluminous infrared galaxies. TRAN H.D., BROTHERTON M.S., STANFORD S.A., et al.
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1999MNRAS.309..623F 94 45 On the relationship between age and dynamics in elliptical galaxies. FORBES D.A. and PONMAN T.J.
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2000ApJS..128..431F 178 172 A database of cepheid distance moduli and tip of the red giant branch, globular cluster luminosity function, planetary nebula luminosity function, and surface brightness fluctuation data useful for distance determinations. FERRARESE L., FORD H.C., HUCHRA J., et al.
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2003MNRAS.339..189Y 35 7 Stellar collisions in galactic centres: black hole growth and colour gradients. YU Q.
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2004A&A...419..863H 1 5 17 Extragalactic globular clusters in the near infrared. IV. Quantifying the age structure using Monte-Carlo simulations. HEMPEL M. and KISSLER-PATIG M.
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2005AJ....129..647L 6 13 Ram pressure stripping in the low-luminosity Virgo cluster elliptical galaxy NGC 4476. LUCERO D.M., YOUNG L.M. and VAN GORKOM J.H.
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2005ApJ...621..673T viz 3 130 1294 The epochs of early-type galaxy formation as a function of environment. THOMAS D., MARASTON C., BENDER R., et al.
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2005RMxAC..24..129V 2 1 Absorption line indices for studying stellar populations. VAZDEKIS A.
2005RMxAC..24..225C 6 0 Modelling the Mg[b] spectroscopic index with the tunable filters of OSIRIS. CERVANTES-RODRIGUEZ J.L., VAZDEKIS A. and CEPA J.
2006A&A...449..519M 41 9 Peculiarities and populations in elliptical galaxies. III. Dating the last star formation event. MICHARD R.
2006AJ....132.1248K 23 2 Massive star cluster populations in irregular galaxies as probable younger counterparts of old metal-rich globular cluster populations in spheroids. KRAVTSOV V.V.
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2006ApJ...639...95P 1 107 360 The ACS Virgo cluster survey. IX. The color distributions of globular cluster systems in early-type galaxies. PENG E.W., JORDAN A., COTE P., et al.
2006ApJ...639..838P 1 43 87 The ACS Virgo cluster survey. XI. The nature of diffuse star clusters in early-type galaxies. PENG E.W., COTE P., JORDAN A., et al.
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2006NewAR..49..670C 4 1 Modelling Lick spectroscopic indexes with the tunable filters of OSIRIS on GTC. CERVANTES-RODRIGUEZ J.L., VAZDEKIS A. and CEPA J.
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2007A&A...464..853L 54 24 Potential of colors for determining age and metallicity of stellar populations. LI Z., HAN Z. and ZHANG F.
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2007ApJ...662..808L viz 15       D               1 288 372 The masses of nuclear black holes in luminous elliptical galaxies and implications for the space density of the most massive black holes. LAUER T.R., FABER S.M., RICHSTONE D., et al.
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2007AstL...33..355B viz 26 1 Quasars lensed by globular clusters of spiral and elliptical galaxies. BUKHMASTOVA Y.L.
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2008AJ....135.1837R viz 15       D               1 967 72 Spectroscopic determination of the luminosity function in the galaxy clusters A2199 and Virgo. RINES K. and GELLER M.J.
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2008ApJ...681..197P viz 129       D     X         4 108 267 The ACS Virgo cluster survey. XV. The formation efficiencies of globular clusters in early-type galaxies: the effects of mass and environment. PENG E.W., JORDAN A., COTE P., et al.
2008A&A...487..177Z 15       D               2 45 13 Stellar and dust properties of local elliptical galaxies: clues to the onset of nuclear activity. ZHANG Y., GU Q.-S. and HO L.C.
2008MNRAS.389.1150S viz 39           X         1 12 26 Extending the baseline: Spitzer mid-infrared photometry of globular cluster systems in the Centaurus A and Sombrero Galaxies. SPITLER L.R., FORBES D.A. and BEASLEY M.A.
2008MNRAS.389.1924F viz 15       D               601 107 Uniting old stellar systems: from globular clusters to giant ellipticals. FORBES D.A., LASKY P., GRAHAM A.W., et al.
2008ApJ...685..752G 15       D               3 74 134 Supernovae in early-type galaxies: directly connecting age and metallicity with type Ia luminosity. GALLAGHER J.S., GARNAVICH P.M., CALDWELL N., et al.
2009ApJS..180...54J viz 15       D               1 12852 143 The ACS Virgo cluster survey XVI. Selection procedure and catalogs of globular cluster candidates. JORDAN A., PENG E.W., BLAKESLEE J.P., et al.
2009MNRAS.392..691C 94       D         F     4 7 52 An optimized Hβ index for disentangling stellar population ages. CERVANTES J.L. and VAZDEKIS A.
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2009ApJS..182..216K viz 172       D     X C       4 72 795 Structure and formation of elliptical and spheroidal galaxies. KORMENDY J., FISHER D.B., CORNELL M.E., et al.
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2006ChJAA...6..669L 15       D               2 83 12 A study of binary stellar population synthesis of elliptical galaxies. LI Z.-M., ZHANG F.-H. and HAN Z.-W.
2009ApJ...702..955D viz 15       D               1 1578 16 Nearby galaxies in the 2 µm All Sky Survey. I. K-band luminosity functions. DEVEREUX N., WILLNER S.P., ASHBY M.L.N., et al.
2009MNRAS.397.1003F 91       D         F     3 68 15 The globular clusters-stellar haloes connection in early-type galaxies. FORTE J.C., VEGA E.I. and FAIFER F.
2009AJ....138.1990C 15       D               1 66 13 A very large array radio survey of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. CAPETTI A., KHARB P., AXON D.J., et al.
2009ApJ...707..890T viz 15       D               1 227 58 Spitzer observations of passive and star-forming early-type galaxies: an infrared color-color sequence. TEMI P., BRIGHENTI F. and MATHEWS W.G.
2009PASP..121.1267S 1 5 15 Removing internal reflections from deep imaging data sets. SLATER C.T., HARDING P. and MIHOS J.C.
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2010MNRAS.402..447R 398       D     X C F     9 15 30 Exploring the star formation history of elliptical galaxies: beyond simple stellar populations with a new line strength estimator. ROGERS B., FERRERAS I., PELETIER R., et al.
2008ChJAA...8..369Y 75             C       1 56 2 A Critical Review of the Evidence for M32 being a Compact Dwarf Satellite of M31 rather than a More Distant Normal Galaxy YOUNG C.K.-S., CURRIE M.J., DICKENS R.J., et al.
2010ApJ...714...25G viz 15       D               2 103 80 AMUSE-virgo. II. Down-sizing in black hole accretion. GALLO E., TREU T., MARSHALL P.J., et al.
2010ApJ...715..972J 40           X         1 20 80 Diffuse tidal structures in the halos of Virgo ellipticals. JANOWIECKI S., MIHOS J.C., HARDING P., et al.
2010ApJ...717..603V 15       D               1 137 131 The ACS Fornax cluster survey. VIII. The luminosity function of globular clusters in Virgo and Fornax early-type galaxies and its use as a distance indicator. VILLEGAS D., JORDAN A., PENG E.W., et al.
2010ApJ...717..640P 15       D               1 115 55 The nuclear X-ray emission of nearby early-type galaxies. PELLEGRINI S.
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2010MNRAS.406.1220W 178       D     X C       4 32 660 Accurate masses for dispersion-supported galaxies. WOLF J., MARTINEZ G.D., BULLOCK J.S., et al.
2010MNRAS.407..969L 168       D       C F     3 67 19 A census of nuclear stellar discs in early-type galaxies. LEDO H.R., SARZI M., DOTTI M., et al.
2010A&A...518A..32M 1069     A D     X C       28 10 20 Multiband photometric decomposition of nuclear stellar disks. MORELLI L., CESETTI M., CORSINI E.M., et al.
2010ApJS..191....1C 92       D         F     3 110 51 Homogeneous UGRIZ photometry for ACS Virgo cluster survey galaxies: a non-parametric analysis from SDSS imaging. CHEN C.-W., COTE P., WEST A.A., et al.
2011ApJ...726...31G 15       D               1 148 34 The ACS Fornax cluster survey. IV. Deprojection of the surface brightness profiles of early-type galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters: investigating the "Core/Power-law dichotomy". GLASS L., FERRARESE L., COTE P., et al.
2011ApJ...728L..24S 15       D               1 40 17 Relation between globular clusters and supermassive black holes in ellipticals as a manifestation of the black hole fundamental plane. SNYDER G.F., HOPKINS P.F. and HERNQUIST L.
2011ApJ...728..116L 38           X         1 90 44 The ACS Fornax cluster survey. X. Color gradients of globular cluster systems in early-type galaxies. LIU C., PENG E.W., JORDAN A., et al.
2010SerAJ.180...57L 168       D     X         5 24 0 Calculation of velocity dispersion of the nearby galaxies using different stellar template libraries. LALOVIC A.
2011A&A...527A.126P viz 15       D               1 16772 65 Cross-correlation of the 2XMMi catalogue with Data Release 7 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. PINEAU F.-X., MOTCH C., CARRERA F., et al.
2011MNRAS.413..813C viz 92       D         F     3 874 903 The ATLAS3D project – I. A volume-limited sample of 260 nearby early-type galaxies: science goals and selection criteria. CAPPELLARI M., EMSELLEM E., KRAJNOVIC D., et al.
2011MNRAS.414..888E viz 16       D               1 263 607 The ATLAS3D project – III. A census of the stellar angular momentum within the effective radius of early-type galaxies: unveiling the distribution of fast and slow rotators. EMSELLEM E., CAPPELLARI M., KRAJNOVIC D., et al.
2011MNRAS.414..940Y viz 15       D               1 283 338 The ATLAS3D project – IV. The molecular gas content of early-type galaxies. YOUNG L.M., BUREAU M., DAVIS T.A., et al.
2011MNRAS.414.2055M viz 15       D               1 300 38 A survey of 286 Virgo cluster galaxies at optical griz and near-IR H band: surface brightness profiles and bulge–disc decompositions. McDONALD M., COURTEAU S., TULLY R.B., et al.
2011MNRAS.414.2923K 92       D         F     2 261 387 The ATLAS3D project – II. Morphologies, kinemetric features and alignment between photometric and kinematic axes of early-type galaxies. KRAJNOVIC D., EMSELLEM E., CAPPELLARI M., et al.
2011MNRAS.414.3699M viz 15       D               139 493 156 Families of dynamically hot stellar systems over 10 orders of magnitude in mass. MISGELD I. and HILKER M.
2011A&A...532A..74B viz 15       D               1 4469 118 The EFIGI catalogue of 4458 nearby galaxies with detailed morphology. BAILLARD A., BERTIN E., DE LAPPARENT V., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.1680C viz 15       D               3 877 364 The ATLAS3D project – VII. A new look at the morphology of nearby galaxies: the kinematic morphology-density relation. CAPPELLARI M., EMSELLEM E., KRAJNOVIC D., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.1844W viz 15       D               2 256 134 2XMM ultraluminous X-ray source candidates in nearby galaxies. WALTON D.J., ROBERTS T.P., MATEOS S., et al.
2011MNRAS.417.1643K 323       D     X   F     8 68 112 Age and metallicity gradients in early-type galaxies: a dwarf-to-giant sequence. KOLEVA M., PRUGNIEL P., DE RIJCKE S., et al.
2011AJ....142..199B viz 15       D               1 975 169 The relationships among compact stellar systems: a fresh view of ultracompact dwarfs. BRODIE J.P., ROMANOWSKY A.J., STRADER J., et al.
2011ApJS..197...33S viz 192           X C       4 1102 156 Wide-field precision kinematics of the M87 globular cluster system. STRADER J., ROMANOWSKY A.J., BRODIE J.P., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.2840L viz 15       D               1 72554 178 The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue. LAVAUX G. and HUDSON M.J.
2012ApJ...744..152L 54       D     X         2 101 5 AMUSE-virgo. III. Mid-infrared photometry of early-type galaxies and limits on obscured nuclear emission. LEIPSKI C., GALLO E., TREU T., et al.
2012A&A...538A..69L viz 15       D               1 224 18 A deep view on the Virgo cluster core. LIEDER S., LISKER T., HILKER M., et al.
2012ApJ...748...15Z viz 15       D               1 304 4 Testing distance estimators with the fundamental manifold. ZARITSKY D., ZABLUDOFF A.I. and GONZALEZ A.H.
2012ApJ...748...29R viz 348           X C       8 141 103 The ongoing assembly of a central cluster galaxy: phase-space substructures in the halo of M87. ROMANOWSKY A.J., STRADER J., BRODIE J.P., et al.
2012MNRAS.421..635F 39           X         1 17 26 Mapping the galaxy NGC 4486 (M87) through its globular cluster system. FORTE J.C., VEGA E.I. and FAIFER F.
2012ApJ...748..123S 16       D               3 80 165 The Herschel reference survey: dust in early-type galaxies and across the Hubble sequence. SMITH M.W.L., GOMEZ H.L., EALES S.A., et al.
2012ApJ...750...91C viz 15       D               1 386 9 Uncovering the formation of ultracompact dwarf galaxies by multivariate statistical analysis. CHATTOPADHYAY T., SHARINA M., DAVOUST E., et al.
2012ApJS..199...26H viz 15       D               1 48924 517 The 2MASS Redshift Survey - Description and data release. HUCHRA J.P., MACRI L.M., MASTERS K.L., et al.
2012MNRAS.422.1835S 155           X   F     3 172 332 The ATLAS3D project - XIII. Mass and morphology of H I in early-type galaxies as a function of environment. SERRA P., OOSTERLOO T., MORGANTI R., et al.
2012ApJ...755..163D 402       D     X         11 45 26 Sizing up partially depleted galaxy cores. DULLO B.T. and GRAHAM A.W.
2012A&A...543A.161C viz 15       D               1 324 82 Submillimetre photometry of 323 nearby galaxies from the Herschel Reference Survey. CIESLA L., BOSELLI A., SMITH M.W.L., et al.
2012A&A...544A.101C viz 15       D               1 325 110 The GALEX view of the Herschel reference survey. Ultraviolet structural properties of nearby galaxies. CORTESE L., BOISSIER S., BOSELLI A., et al.
2012ApJ...759...64L 209       D     X         6 66 21 Cores and the kinematics of early-type galaxies. LAUER T.R.
2012ApJS..203...17R 15       D               1 114 227 Angular momentum and galaxy formation revisited. ROMANOWSKY A.J. and FALL S.M.
2012MNRAS.427..204D 596       D     X C F     14 33 6 Surface brightness and intrinsic luminosity of ellipticals. DHAR B.K. and WILLIAMS L.L.R.
2013A&A...550C...1C 78             C       2 324 1 Submillimetre photometry of 323 nearby galaxies from the Herschel reference survey. (Corrigendum) CIESLA L., BOSELLI A., SMITH M.W.L., et al.
2013MNRAS.428.1880A viz 16       D               1 757 57 The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - XII. FIR properties of optically selected Virgo cluster galaxies. AULD R., BIANCHI S., SMITH M.W.L., et al.
2013MNRAS.428.2949K 39           X         1 40 20 The transmutation of dwarf galaxies: stellar populations. KOLEVA M., BOUCHARD A., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2013ApJ...768...28M 16       D               1 60 8 Variations of mid- and far-infrared luminosities among early-type galaxies: relation to stellar metallicity and cold dust. MATHEWS W.G., TEMI P., BRIGHENTI F., et al.
2013ApJ...768...36D 40           X         1 22 51 Central stellar mass deficits in the bulges of local lenticular galaxies, and the connection with compact z ∼ 1.5 galaxies. DULLO B.T. and GRAHAM A.W.
2013MNRAS.432..374R 94       D         F     6 103 25 A Spitzer-IRS spectroscopic atlas of early-type galaxies in the revised shapley-ames catalog. RAMPAZZO R., PANUZZO P., VEGA O., et al.
2013ApJ...769L...5K 81           X         2 5 32 The L∝σ8 correlation for elliptical galaxies with cores: relation with black hole mass. KORMENDY J. and BENDER R.
2013ApJ...769..145W 39           X         1 10 14 The ACS Virgo cluster survey. XVII. The spatial alignment of globular cluster systems with early-type host galaxies. WANG Q., PENG E.W., BLAKESLEE J.P., et al.
2013MNRAS.432.1709C 95       D         F     2 261 552 The ATLAS3D project - XV. Benchmark for early-type galaxies scaling relations from 260 dynamical models: mass-to-light ratio, dark matter, fundamental plane and mass plane. CAPPELLARI M., SCOTT N., ALATALO K., et al.
2013MNRAS.432.1768K 16       D               1 261 129 The ATLAS3D project - XVII. Linking photometric and kinematic signatures of stellar discs in early-type galaxies. KRAJNOVIC D., ALATALO K., BLITZ L., et al.
2013MNRAS.432.1862C 16       D               1 265 506 The ATLAS3D project - XX. Mass-size and mass-σ distributions of early-type galaxies: bulge fraction drives kinematics, mass-to-light ratio, molecular gas fraction and stellar initial mass function. CAPPELLARI M., McDERMID R.M., ALATALO K., et al.
2013MNRAS.432.1894S 79               F     2 38 76 The ATLAS3D project - XXI. Correlations between gradients of local escape velocity and stellar populations in early-type galaxies. SCOTT N., CAPPELLARI M., DAVIES R.L., et al.
2013ApJ...772...68S 16       D               1 105 9 About the linearity of the color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster. SMITH CASTELLI A.V., GONZALEZ N.M., FAIFER F.R., et al.
2013MNRAS.433..434P 117           X         3 14 7 Searching for nuclear stellar discs in simulations of star cluster mergers. PORTALURI E., CORSINI E.M., MORELLI L., et al.
2013ApJ...772...82H viz 16       D               1 422 227 A catalog of globular cluster systems: what determines the size of a galaxy's globular cluster population? HARRIS W.E., HARRIS G.L.H. and ALESSI M.
2013MNRAS.433.2812K viz 195           X         5 141 64 The ATLAS3D project - XXIII. Angular momentum and nuclear surface brightness profiles. KRAJNOVIC D., KARICK A.M., DAVIES R.L., et al.
2013ApJ...773L..27P viz 16       D               3 25 15 Dual halos and formation of early-type galaxies. PARK H.S. and LEE M.G.
2013ApJ...775..129W viz 16       D               1 412 17 The optical green valley versus mid-infrared canyon in compact groups. WALKER L.M., BUTTERFIELD N., JOHNSON K., et al.
2013AJ....146...77P 16       D               2 52 12 UV-bright nearby early-type galaxies observed in the mid-infrared: evidence for a multi-stage formation history by way of WISE and GALEX imaging. PETTY S.M., NEILL J.D., JARRETT T.H., et al.
2013AJ....146...86T viz 16       D               1 9233 484 Cosmicflows-2: the data. TULLY R.B., COURTOIS H.M., DOLPHIN A.E., et al.
2013MNRAS.435..623V viz 16       D               3 168 78 MegaMorph - multiwavelength measurement of galaxy structure. Sersic profile fits to galaxies near and far. VIKA M., BAMFORD S.P., HAUSSLER B., et al.
2014ApJ...780....6P 16       D               2 206 9 An environmental study of the ultraluminous X-ray source population in early-type galaxies. PLOTKIN R.M., GALLO E., MILLER B.P., et al.
2014ApJ...783...20W 79               F     10 21 22 Individual alpha elements, C, N, and ba in early-type galaxies. WORTHEY G., TANG B. and SERVEN J.
2014ApJ...783..135A viz 16       D               7 224 24 Star formation bimodality in early-type galaxies. AMBLARD A., RIGUCCINI L., TEMI P., et al.
2014MNRAS.439..823N 39           X         1 9 9 The effects of stellar dynamics on the X-ray emission of flat early-type galaxies. NEGRI A., CIOTTI L. and PELLEGRINI S.
2014AJ....147...93D viz 16       D               1 220 20 Prospects for measuring supermassive black hole masses with future extremely large telescopes. DO T., WRIGHT S.A., BARTH A.J., et al.
2014A&A...564A..65B viz 16       D               1 332 118 Cold gas properties of the Herschel Reference Survey. I. 12CO(1-0) and HI data. BOSELLI A., CORTESE L. and BOQUIEN M.
2014MNRAS.440..942C viz 16       D               1 325 89 PACS photometry of the Herschel Reference Survey - far-infrared/submillimetre colours as tracers of dust properties in nearby galaxies. CORTESE L., FRITZ J., BIANCHI S., et al.
2014A&A...565A..50R 134       D     X         4 53 2 A Spitzer-IRS view of early-type galaxies with cuspy/core nuclei and fast/slow rotation. RAMPAZZO R., VEGA O., BRESSAN A., et al.
2014A&A...565A.128C viz 16       D               1 326 153 Dust spectral energy distributions of nearby galaxies: an insight from the Herschel Reference Survey. CIESLA L., BOQUIEN M., BOSELLI A., et al.
2014A&A...569A..91K viz 16       D               3 2200 25 Optical imaging for the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies. Data release and notes on interacting galaxies. KNAPEN J.H., ERROZ-FERRER S., ROA J., et al.
2014A&A...569A.124V viz 16       D               1 1764 10 The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). III. The ultraviolet source catalogs. VOYER E.N., BOSELLI A., BOISSIER S., et al.
2014A&A...570A..69B viz 16       D               1 1764 119 The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). IV. The role of the cluster environment on galaxy evolution. BOSELLI A., VOYER E., BOISSIER S., et al.
2014MNRAS.443.1151N viz 16       D               1 888 133 The AIMSS Project - I. Bridging the star cluster-galaxy divide. NORRIS M.A., KANNAPPAN S.J., FORBES D.A., et al.
2014MNRAS.444.2700D 118           X         3 74 47 Depleted cores, multicomponent fits, and structural parameter relations for luminous early-type galaxies. DULLO B.T. and GRAHAM A.W.
2014MNRAS.444.3427D 16       D               1 232 147 The ATLAS3D Project - XXVIII. Dynamically driven star formation suppression in early-type galaxies. DAVIS T.A., YOUNG L.M., CROCKER A.F., et al.
2014ApJ...797...55N viz 16       D               1 210 26 Being WISE. I. Validating stellar population models and M{sstarf}/L ratios at 3.4 and 4.6 µm. NORRIS M.A., MEIDT S., VAN DE VEN G., et al.
2013NewA...22...39D 17       D               1 24 55 Fermionic warm dark matter produces galaxy cores in the observed scales because of quantum mechanics. DESTRI C., DE VEGA H.J. and SANCHEZ N.G.
2014ApJS..215...22K viz 16       D               1 2785 109 The Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog. KIM S., REY S.-C., JERJEN H., et al.
2015ApJ...799...98M 16       D               1 212 114 X-ray constraints on the local supermassive black hole occupation fraction. MILLER B.P., GALLO E., GREENE J.E., et al.
2014RAA....14..144H 16       D               1 185 1 Revisiting the dichotomy of early-type galaxies. HE Y.-Q., HAO C.-N. and XIA X.-Y.
2015MNRAS.446.2030Z viz 16       D               1 192 5 The connection between the UV colour of early-type galaxies and the stellar initial mass function revisited. ZARITSKY D., GIL DE PAZ A. and BOUQUIN A.Y.K.
2015MNRAS.447.3639M 79           X         2 13 1 Young star clusters in the interacting galaxies of Hickson Compact Group 90. MIAH J.A., SHARPLES R.M. and CHO J.
2015ApJS..217...27A viz 16       D               1 5847 53 A catalog of visually classified galaxies in the local (z ∼ 0.01) universe. ANN H.B., SEO M. and HA D.K.
2015MNRAS.448.3484M viz 16       D               1 262 326 The ATLAS3D Project - XXX. Star formation histories and stellar population scaling relations of early-type galaxies. McDERMID R.M., ALATALO K., BLITZ L., et al.
2015AJ....149..171T viz 16       D               1 49218 119 Galaxy groups: a 2MASS catalog. TULLY R.B.
2015A&A...577A.106S 40         O X         1 68 27 The influence of diffuse scattered light. II. Observations of galaxy haloes and thick discs and hosts of blue compact galaxies. SANDIN C.
2015A&A...579A.102B viz 16       D               1 328 81 Hα imaging of the Herschel Reference Survey. The star formation properties of a volume-limited, K-band-selected sample of nearby late-type galaxies. BOSELLI A., FOSSATI M., GAVAZZI G., et al.
2015ApJS..220....6B viz 16       D               1 4071 18 An updated ultraviolet catalog of GALEX nearby galaxies. BAI Y., ZOU H., LIU J., et al.
2015ApJ...810..138R viz 16       D               2 194 2 Mid-IR enhanced galaxies in the Coma & Virgo clusters: lenticulars with a high star formation rate. RIGUCCINI L., TEMI P., AMBLARD A., et al.
2015ApJ...811...34C 119           X         3 105 8 Exploring the role of globular cluster specific frequency on the nova rates in three Virgo elliptical galaxies. CURTIN C., SHAFTER A.W., PRITCHET C.J., et al.
2016MNRAS.455..859S 97       D       C       2 165 261 Rates of stellar tidal disruption as probes of the supermassive black hole mass function. STONE N.C. and METZGER B.D.
2016ApJ...821..113Z viz 16       D               1 577 7 Hierarchical formation in action: characterizing accelerated galaxy evolution in compact groups using whole-sky WISE data. ZUCKER C., WALKER L.M., JOHNSON K., et al.
2016MNRAS.457.1198C 40           X         1 14 3 The young nuclear stellar disc in the SB0 galaxy NGC 1023. CORSINI E.M., MORELLI L., PASTORELLO N., et al.
2016A&A...588A..14T viz 16       D               2 84076 35 Friends-of-friends galaxy group finder with membership refinement. TEMPEL E., KIPPER R., TAMM A., et al.
2016MNRAS.458.2221N viz 40           X         1 163 57 The atlas3D Project - XXXI. Nuclear radio emission in nearby early-type galaxies. NYLAND K., YOUNG L.M., WROBEL J.M., et al.
2016AJ....152...50T viz 16       D               1 20396 318 Cosmicflows-3. TULLY R.B., COURTOIS H.M. and SORCE J.G.
2016MNRAS.460.4492D viz 16       D               1 1781 14 An extensive catalogue of early-type galaxies in the nearby Universe. DABRINGHAUSEN J. and FELLHAUER M.
2017ApJ...835..223S viz 16       D               1 720 36 Chandra survey of nearby galaxies: the catalog. SHE R., HO L.C. and FENG H.
2017ApJ...837..120G viz 16       D               1 14403 66 LOSS revisited. I. Unraveling correlations between supernova rates and galaxy properties, as measured in a reanalysis of the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. GRAUR O., BIANCO F.B., HUANG S., et al.
2017AJ....153..114F viz 16       D               1 4220 15 The SLUGGS survey: a catalog of over 4000 globular cluster radial velocities in 27 nearby early-type galaxies. FORBES D.A., ALABI A., BRODIE J.P., et al.
2017MNRAS.464.1029N 16       D               1 267 14 Star formation in nearby early-type galaxies: the radio continuum perspective. NYLAND K., YOUNG L.M., WROBEL J.M., et al.
2017ApJ...843...16K viz 16       D               1 12390 133 Galaxy groups within 3500 km s–1. KOURKCHI E. and TULLY R.B.
2017MNRAS.467.1397P 97       D         F     2 258 51 Systematic trends in total mass profiles from dynamical models of early-type galaxies. POCI A., CAPPELLARI M. and McDERMID R.M.
2017MNRAS.468.3917F 41           X         1 37 3 Supra-galactic colour patterns in globular cluster systems. FORTE J.C.
2017A&A...605A..74K viz 162           X C       3 260 9 A star formation study of the ATLAS3D early-type galaxies with the AKARI all-sky survey. KOKUSHO T., KANEDA H., BUREAU M., et al.
2018A&A...609A..37C viz 16       D               1 882 80 DustPedia: Multiwavelength photometry and imagery of 875 nearby galaxies in 42 ultraviolet-microwave bands. CLARK C.J.R., VERSTOCKEN S., BIANCHI S., et al.
2018ApJ...856..126C 16       D               3 97 60 The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XVIII. Measurement and calibration of surface brightness fluctuation distances for bright galaxies in Virgo (and beyond). CANTIELLO M., BLAKESLEE J.P., FERRARESE L., et al.
2018A&A...611A..28G viz 16       D               1 173 7 Hα imaging observations of early-type galaxies from the ATLAS3D survey. GAVAZZI G., CONSOLANDI G., PEDRAGLIO S., et al.
2018MNRAS.477.3030K 43           X         1 14 38 A quartet of black holes and a missing duo: probing the low end of the MBH-σ relation with the adaptive optics assisted integral-field spectroscopy. KRAJNOVIC D., CAPPELLARI M., McDERMID R.M., et al.
2018MNRAS.477.4711G viz 41           X         1 2754 110 SDSS-IV MaNGA: stellar angular momentum of about 2300 galaxies: unveiling the bimodality of massive galaxy properties. GRAHAM M.T., CAPPELLARI M., LI H., et al.
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