SIMBAD references

2022MNRAS.514.3410H - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 514, 3410-3451 (2022/August-2)

Disc cloaking: Establishing a lower limit to the number density of local compact massive spheroids/bulges and the potential fate of some high-z red nuggets.


Abstract (from CDS):

The near-absence of compact massive quiescent galaxies in the local Universe implies a size evolution since z ∼ 2.5. It is often theorized that such 'red nuggets' have evolved into today's elliptical (E) galaxies via an E-to-E transformation. We examine an alternative scenario in which a red nugget develops a rotational disc through mergers and accretion, say, at 1 <= z <= 2, thereby cloaking the nugget as the extant bulge/spheroid component of a larger, now old, galaxy. We have performed detailed, physically motivated, multicomponent decompositions of a volume-limited sample of 103 massive (M*/M \gtrsim 1 ×1011) galaxies within 110 Mpc. Many less massive nearby galaxies are known to be 'fast-rotators' with discs. Among our 28 galaxies with existing elliptical classifications, we found that 18 have large-scale discs, and two have intermediate-scale discs, and are reclassified here as lenticulars (S0) and elliculars (ES). The local spheroid stellar mass function, size-mass diagram and bulge-to-total (B/T) flux ratio are presented. We report lower limits for the volume number density of compact massive spheroids, n_c, Sph_ ∼ (0.17-1.2) ×10–4 Mpc–3, based on different definitions of 'red nuggets' in the literature. Similar number densities of local compact massive bulges were reported by de la Rosa et al. using automated two-component decompositions and their existence is now abundantly clear with our multicomponent decompositions. We find disc-cloaking to be a salient alternative for galaxy evolution. In particular, instead of an E-to-E process, disc growth is the dominant evolutionary pathway for at least low-mass (1 ×1010 \lt M*/ M \lessapprox 4 ×1010) red nuggets, while our current lower limits are within an alluring factor of a few of the peak abundance of high-mass red nuggets at 1 <= z <= 2.

Abstract Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: abundances - galaxies: bulges - galaxies: discs - galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: structure

Simbad objects: 152

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