V* RW Aur , the SIMBAD biblio

V* RW Aur , the SIMBAD biblio (784 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:37:35

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Title First 3 Authors
1944PASP...56..123J 1 5 50 Five new double stars among variables of the T Tauri class. JOY A.H. and VAN BIESBROECK G.
1946PASP...58..244J 5 8 Faint emission-line stars in the Taurus region. JOY A.H.
1949AN....278...24H 65 T                   1 122 32 Die
RW Aurigae-Sterne und ihre Nebenformen.
1950AJ.....55..206B 9 0 Report. BROOWER D.
1950ApJ...111...15H 25 15 Spectra of variable stars in the Orion nebula. HERBIG G.H.
1952JRASC..46..222H 14 36 Emission-line stars in galactic nebulosities. HERBIG G.H.
1953AJ.....58...48W 3 13 The variable stars in the region of NGC 7023. WESTON E.B.
1953PASP...65..219H 3 0 Radial velocity observations of 61 Ursae Majoris. HAUPT H.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1955ZA.....36..230P 20 3 Gestorte Multipletts in Sternatmospharen. PRIESTER W.
1956JO.....39...46B 5 1 Observations de la variable 30.1934 Dra. BRUN A.
1957ApJ...125..824H 6 3 On the abnormal stars of delta Cephei type. HOFFMEISTER C.
1957JO.....40...37L 26 10 Observations photoelectriques. LENOUVEL F. and FIOGERE C.
1958ApJ...128..259H 86 130 NGC 7000, IC 5070 and the associated emission-line stars. HERBIG G.H.
1959MmSAI..30...83M 8 2 Nuove stelle variabili nella regione dell'M 20. MAFFEI P.
1959SvA.....3..291K 31 17 A revised list of T-associations and their members. KHOLOPOV P.N.
1960ApJ...131...83B 11 73 The abundance of Lithium in T Tauri stars and related objects. BONSACK W.K. and GREENSTEIN J.L.
1960ApJS....4..337H 2 63 894 The spectra of Be and Ae type stars associated with nebulosity. HERBIG G.H.
1960SvA.....4...91A 19 0 Photographic proper motions and the mean parallax of RW Aur variables. ARTYUKHINA N.M.
1962AJ.....67..403W 232 11 Measures of 278 double stars. WORLEY C.E.
1962JO.....45..117B 175 12 Catalogue d'etoiles doubles ayant une composante variable. BAIZE P.
1962SvA.....6..119B 3 2 Excess ultraviolet radiation in the spectrum of FU Ori. BARTAYA R.A.
1962ZA.....55..290H 57 37 Ein system von Dunkelwolken bei epsilon Chamaleontis. HOFFMEISTER C.
1963AJ.....68S.280H 5 0 Emission-line stars in an obscured region in Cha. HENIZE K.G.
1963SvA.....7..153B 6 0 Symposium on non-stable stars. BOYARCHUK A.A.
1963SvA.....7..407S 2 1 The two-color diagram and the galactic distribution of open clusters. SCHOENEICH W. and NIKOLOW N.S.
1965PASP...77..253K 8 7 The Wilson-Bappu effect in T Tauri stars. KUHI L.V.
1965VeSon...7....1G 66 T                   1 326 1 Einige Beziehungen der
RW-Aurigae-Sterne zur interstellaren Materie.
1966ApJ...143..992K 6 ~ Mass loss from T Tauri stars. II. KUHI L.V.
1966ApJ...143.1010M 1 18 178 Infrared photometry of T Tauri stars and related objects. MENDOZA E.E.
1966ApJ...144..666A 10 6 The effect of line emission upon the B-V colors of T Tauri objects. AVENI A.F.
1967AJ.....72..816M 9 ~ Additional infrared photometry of T Tauri stars and related objects. MENDOZA E.E.
1968ApJ...151..977M 2 13 178 Infrared excesses in T-Tauri stars and related objects. MENDOZA V E.E.
1970A&A.....8...73G 2 7 On the mass loss from T Tauri stars. GAHM G.F.
1970AJ.....75..345S 3 5 DI Car-a Cepheid ? SEGGEWISS W.
1970ApJ...160..545W 27 114 OH radio emission associated with infrared stars. WILSON W.J., BARRETT A.H. and MORAN J.M.
1970ApJ...160.1117G 68 T                   1 3 23 The spectrum of
RW Aurigae, 3250 to 4900 angstroems.
1971A&A....13..489G 10 10 OH observations at the positions of T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga region. GAHM G.F. and WINNBERG A.
1971PASP...83...77W 17 5 Observations of emission-line stars in the near infrared. WALLERSTEIN G.
1972A&A....17...97L 22 3 Brightness gradients for intrinsically variable celestial objects. LUKATSKAYA F.I.
1972A&A....17..385W 449 160 Characteristics of OH emission from infrared stars. WILSON W.J. and BARRETT A.H.
1972ApJ...174..401H 334 403 Second catalog of emission-line stars of the Orion population. HERBIG G.H. and RAO N.K.
1972ApJ...178L...5B 2 2 30 Spectroscopic observations of HZ Herculis. BOPP B.W., GRUPSMITH G. and VANDEN BOUT P.
1972MNRAS.159...67L 9 24 V553 Centauri: a type II Cepheid with an overabundance of carbon. LLOYD EVANS T., WISSE P.N. and WISSE M.
1973A&A....28..147G 8 9 Transition radiation and T Tauri type stars. GURZADYAN G.A.
1973A&A....29..199D 22 50 Chromospheres of T Tauri-type stars. DUMONT S., HEIDMANN N., KUHI L.V., et al.
1973ApJ...179..847K 22 91 A young stellar group in the vicinity of R Coronae Austrinae. KNACKE R.F., STROM K.M., STROM S.E., et al.
1973ApJ...182..781G 9 48 V1057 Cygni and pre-main-sequence evolution. GRASDALEN G.L.
1973MNRAS.161...97C 34 64 Infra-red observations of young stars. II. T Tauri stars and the Orion population. COHEN M.
1973MNRAS.165..121A 6 20 Dust temperatures around hot stars. ALLEN D.A. and PENSTON M.V.
1973Afz.....9..185Z 23 32 Emission H-alpha profiles in the spectra of irregular variable stars. ZAITSEVA G.V. and KOLOTILOV E.A.
1974A&A....33..399G 3 4 86 Simultaneous spectroscopic and photoelectric observations of the T Tauri star RU Lupi. GAHM G.F., NORDH H.L., OLOFSSON S.G., et al.
1974A&AS...15...47K 33 79 Spectral energy distributions of T Tauri stars. KUHI L.V.
1974ApJ...188...53B 47 65 Pre-main sequence stars. III. Herbig Be/Ae stars and other selected objects. BREGER M.
1974ApJ...191..143W 8 14 Fe I fluorescence in T Tauri stars. WILLSON L.A.
1974ApJS...28....1J 315 232 Spectral types of M dwarf stars. JOY A.H. and ABT H.A.
1974MNRAS.167..237G 88 98 An infrared survey of RW Aurigae stars. GLASS I.S. and PENSTON M.V.
1974IBVS..865....1I 2 0 Periodical component in the light curve of R Coronae Austrinae. ISHCHENKO I.M.
1974RMxAA...1...25I 11 18 Computed luminosities for T Tauri and related objects. IMHOFF C.L. and MENDOZA E.E.
1975ApJ...197..365W 2 1 14 Fe I fluorescence in T Tauri stars. II. Clues to the velocity field in the circumstellar envelope. WILLSON L.A.
1975MNRAS.173..279C 28 120 Infrared observations of young stars. VI. COHEN M.
1976ApJ...210..129K 1 7 38 Photometric variations of T Tauri stars. KUAN P.
1976ApJS...30..307R 1 37 252 The nature of the objects of Joy: a study of the T Tauri phenomenon. RYDGREN A.E., STROM S.E. and STROM K.M.
1976MNRAS.174..137C 24 102 Infrared observations of young stars - VII. Simultaneous optical and infrared monitoring for variability. COHEN M. and SCHWARTZ R.D.
1976BITon...2....3H 23 47 An observational approach to stellar evolution. I. HARO G.
1976IzKry..54...42P 39 1 Multicolour TV-photometry of T Tau-stars. I. Methods of observations and preliminary results. PETROV P.P.
1976IzKry..54...69P 11 0 Multicolour TV-photometry of T Tau-stars. II. On the variability of T Tau-stars. PETROV P.P.
1976IzKry..55..127B 468 2 Abundances of lithium in stellar atmospheres. BOYARCHUK M.E.
1976SvAL....2..167Z 3 2 Photometry with 10-sec resolution for the T Tau variable DF Tau. ZAITSEVA G.V. and LYUTYI V.M.
1977A&A....61..605D 6 13 Far-UV observations of T-Tau like stars. DE BOER K.S.
1977AJ.....82..593J 213 3 Proper motions of red stars at the North Galactic Pole. JONES B.F. and KLEMOLA A.R.
1977ApJ...214..747H 1 59 302 Radial velocities and spectral types of T Tauri stars. HERBIG G.H.
1977AN....298..215R 33 0 Discussion of infrared measurements of T Tau stars and related objects. ROSSIGER S.
1977Ap&SS..52...51G 6 15 Chromospheres of flare stars. GURZADYAN G.A.
1977PW&SO...2...71S 120 17 New position determinations, and other data, for 1280 known Halpha-emission stars in the Milky Way. STEPHENSON C.B. and SANDULEAK N.
1979AJ.....84.1709M 15 7 On the ionized regions associated with T Tauri stars. MARAN S.P., HOBBS R.W., BROWN R.L., et al.
1979AJ.....84.1872J 319 270 Proper motions of T Tauri variables and other stars associated with the Taurus-Auriga dark clouds. JONES B.F. and HERBIG G.H.
1979ApJ...230L..99U 44 43 The gas flow near T Tau stars. ULRICH R.K. and KNAPP G.R.
1979ApJ...234..949C 4 3 71 Atmospheres of T Tauri stars: the photosphere and low chromosphere. CRAM L.E.
1979ApJS...41..369S 9 37 High-resolution line profiles of T Tauri stars. SCHNEEBERGER T.J., WORDEN S.P. and WILKERSON M.S.
1979ApJS...41..743C 408 1380 Observational studies of pre-main-sequence evolution. COHEN M. and KUHI L.V.
1979SvA....23...17S 68 T                   1 1 1 Infrared spectroscopy of
RW Aur with a contact-type image tube.
1980ApJ...238..905C 1 7 35 Emission measures derived from far ultraviolet spectra of T Tauri stars. CRAM L.E., GIAMPAPA M.S. and IMHOFF C.L.
1980ApJ...239L.115I 75 T                   1 1 37 The ultraviolet spectrum of the T Tauri star
RW Aurigae.
1980ApJ...242L.163G 2 6 80 X-ray observations of T Tauri stars. GAHM G.F.
1980Ap.....16..147G 4 ~ Physical conditions in emission regions and the activity mechanisms of T Tau stars. GRININ V.P.
1980BAAS...12...60O 47 0 Lick Observatory - Santa Cruz Campus. OSTERBROCK D.E.
1980IUE80......105G 11 ~ IUE observations of young variables. GAHM G.F.
1980IUE80......185I 68 T                   1 4 ~ The ultraviolet variability of the T Tauri star
RW Aurigae.
1981A&A....94...80T 82 26 A search for H2O emission from Orion population stars. THUM C., BERTOUT C. and DOWNES D.
1981A&A....94..294B 16 33 The wavelength dependence of linear polarization in T Tauri stars. BASTIEN P.
1981A&AS...44..179P 310 51 A catalogue of variable-visual binary stars. PROUST D., OCHSENBEIN F. and PETTERSEN B.R.
1981AJ.....86.1069R 29 36 Nearly simultaneous optical and infrared photometry of T Tauri stars. RYDGREN A.E. and VRBA F.J.
1981ApJ...244..147U 8 24 Observations and analysis of the helium I recombination lines lam 5876 and lam 10830 in eight T Tauri stars. ULRICH R.K. and WOOD B.C.
1981ApJ...244..520W 2 6 72 Flare activity on T Tauri stars. WORDEN S.P., SCHNEEBERGER T.J., KUHN J.R., et al.
1981ApJ...248L..35F 1 12 100 Discovery of three X-ray luminous pre-main-sequence stars. FEIGELSON E.D. and KRISS G.A.
1981ApJ...251..113G 20 54 IUE observations of pre-main-sequence stars. I. MG II and CA II resonance line fluxes for T Tauri stars. GIAMPAPA M.S., CALVET N., IMHOFF C.L., et al.
1981MNRAS.195..429H 1 6 38 Linear polarization of T Tauri stars. HOUGH J.H., BAILEY J., CUNNINGHAM E.C., et al.
1981MitAG..52...15A 3 3 High resolution IUE observations of the Mg II resonance lines in the T Tauri star S CrA. APPENZELLER I., BERTOUT C., MUNDT R., et al.
1981Natur.290...34B 5 3 83 H2 emission in the EUV spectrum of T Tau and Burnham's nebula. BROWN A., JORDAN C., MILLAR T.J., et al.
1982A&A...105..313A 69 T                   1 6 14 YY Orionis line profiles in the spectrum of
RW Aurigae.
1982A&A...106...25G 13 12 On the absence of coronal line emission from Orion population stars. GAHM G.F. and KRAUTTER J.
1982A&A...106...98T 7 21 The variable shell star HR 5999. TJIN A DJIE H.R.E., THE P.S., HACK M., et al.
1982A&A...107..354F 8 30 Radio emission from young stars. FELLI M., GAHM G.F., HARTEN R.H., et al.
1982A&A...107..368B 41 43 Radio observations of pre-main-sequence stars: results and interpretation. BERTOUT C. and THUM C.
1982A&AS...48..153B 55 118 A linear polarization survey of T Tauri stars. BASTIEN P.
1982A&AS...48..513B 48 13 A linear polarization survey of T Tau stars. Erratum. BASTIEN P.
1982AJ.....87.1710H 34 53 Optical monitoring of Orion population stars. I. Results for some T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be stars. HERBST W., HOLTZMAN J.A. and PHELPS B.E.
1982ApJ...256..156M 2 6 62 Observations of rapid line profile variability in the spectra of T Tauri stars. MUNDT R. and GIAMPAPA M.S.
1982ApJ...256..168R 70 67 Evidence for a characteristic maximum temperature in the circumstellar dust associated with T Tauri stars. RYDGREN A.E., SCHMELZ J.T. and VRBA F.J.
1982ApJ...259L..35K 22 24 Broad carbon monoxide line wings near T Tauri stars. KUTNER M.L., LEUNG C.M., MACHNIK D.E., et al.
1982ApJS...48..109H 1 8 68 Line profiles of T Tauri stars: clues to the nature of the mass flow. HARTMANN L.
1982SvA....26..678K 6 0 Outer atmospheres of late stars. KATSOVA M.M.
1982SvAL....8...19G 4 4 A correlation between the age of a stellar aggregate and the color parameters of its member flare stars. GURZADYAN G.A.
1982SvAL....8...90B 69 T                   1 2 2 Simultaneous spectroscopy and photometry of
RW Aurigae.
1982IUE82......456I 8 ~ Chromospheres and Coronae in the T Tauri stars. IMHOFF C.L. and GIAMPAPA M.S.
1982IUE3r......113T 5 ~ The variable shell star HR 5999 VII. The extended atmosphere of a Herbig Ae star: chromospheric features. TJIN A DJIE H.R.E. and THE P.S.
1983A&A...118...75A 71 T                   1 1 13 The short-term spectral variability of the T Tauri star
RW Aur.
1983A&A...120..203S 5 18 Linear polarization variations of six T Tauri stars. SCHULTE-LADBECK R.
1983AJ.....88.1017R 71 71 Additional UBVRI and JHKL photometry of T Tauri stars in the Taurus region. RYDGREN A.E. and VRBA F.J.
1983AJ.....88.1027E 72 114 Comparison of the MT. Stromlo/AAO and Caltech/Tololo infrared photometric systems. ELIAS J.H., FROGEL J.A., HYLAND A.R., et al.
1983AJ.....88.1648H 19 69 Photometric variations of Orion population stars. II. Ae-irregular variables and T Tauri stars. HERBST W., HOLTZMAN J.A. and KLASKY R.S.
1983MNRAS.202...77P 1 4 20 Optical and ultraviolet line profiles and ultraviolet line intensities in the T Tauri star LHalpha 332-21. PENSTON M.V. and LAGO M.T.V.T.
1983PASP...95..656A 69 T                   1 1 1 On the absorption spectrum of
RW Aurigae.
1983BICDS..24...65W 1011 0 Errata in magnitudes of stars in AGK3. WILLSTROP R.V.
1983BAAS...15..928I 69 T                   1 1 1 The UV variability of
RW Aur.
1983IzKry..66..218A 3 0 The 200-channel spectrometer of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. ABRAMENKO A.N., ALEXANDRIN Y.S., PROKOFIEVA V.V., et al.
1983MitAG..60Q.298A 4 0 Coordinated spectroscopic observations of YY Orionis stars. AIAD A., APPENZELLER I., STAHL O., et al.
1983MitAG..60R.298A 69 T                   1 1 0 The absorption spectrum of
RW Aur.
1983VilOB..62....3M 27 0 T Tauri-type stars in the UBV photometric system. MEISTAS E.
1984A&A...130...67A 1 4 21 Coordinated spectroscopic observations of YY Orionis stars. AIAD A., APPENZELLER I., BERTOUT C., et al.
1984AJ.....89..108S 15 16 An investigation of T Tauri variability. SCHMELZ J.T.
1984ApJ...280..749M 2 12 139 Mass loss in T Tauri stars : observational studies of the cool parts of their stellar winds and expanding shells. MUNDT R.
1984ApJ...283...98M 16 8 Observations of diffuse interstellar bands toward T Tauri stars. MEYER D.M. and ULRICH R.K.
1984Msngr..37...11H 7 0 Roaming in the Sco OB1 association. HESKE A. and WENDKER H.J.
1984PUSNO..25....1R 66 46 Broad band spectral energy distributions of T Tauri stars in the Taurus- Auriga region. RYDGREN A.E.
1984RMxAA...9...35C 57 22 Energy sources of T Tauri stars. CALVET N. and ALBARRAN J.
1984IUE84.......81I 9 ~ UV observations and results on pre-main sequence stars. IMHOFF C.L.
1984IUE84......183S 7 ~ A search for young stellar chromospheres in NGC 2264. SIMON T.
1985A&AS...62..309S 36 5 Spectroscopic observations of 33 T Tau stars in the blue. SUN Y.-L., JASCHEK M., ANDRILLAT Y., et al.
1985AJ.....90..326V 11 21 Some systematic trends in the color variations of T Tauri stars at visible wavelengths. VRBA F.J., RYDGREN A.E., ZAK D.S., et al.
1985ApJ...293..551S 1 36 183 The evolution of chromospheric activity and the spin-down of solar-type stars. SIMON T., HERBIG G. and BOESGAARD A.M.
1985ApJ...293..575C 12 41 Simultaneous observations of Ca II K and Mg II k in T TAuri stars. CALVET N., BASRI G., IMHOFF C.L., et al.
1985ApJ...294..345C 39 106 Spectrophotometry at 10 microns of T Tauri stars. COHEN M. and WITTEBORN F.C.
1985ApJS...59..277B 54 67 A linear polarization survey of southern T Tauri stars. BASTIEN P.
1985AZh....62..306L 4 0 Coronal lines and the structure of the upper atmospheres of T Tauri stars. LAMZIN S.A.
1985BAAS...17..556H 14 1 The Van Vleck Observatory T Tauri monitoring program : season four. HERBST W. and BOOTH J.F.
1985IBVS.2750....1M 25 11 UBV observations of symbiotic stars in July and October 1982. MARTEL M.T. and GRAVINA R.
1985IzKry..71..109G 70 T                   1 1 7 The results of spectroscopic and photometric patrol observations of
RW Aurigae. I. Variability of the Balmer lines.
1985PZ.....22..103K 20 23 Some T Tauri stars and related objects. UBVR photoelectric observations results. KARDOPOLOV V.I. and FILIPEV G.K.
1986A&A...165..110B 1 37 212 Rotation in T Tauri stars. I. Obervations and immediate analysis. BOUVIER J., BERTOUT C., BENZ W., et al.
1986ApJ...300..339G 1 22 93 Relation of chromospheric activity to convection, rotation, and pre-main-sequence evolution. GILLILAND R.L.
1986ApJ...309..275H 1 48 367 Rotational and radial velocities of T Tauri stars. HARTMANN L., HEWETT R., STAHLER S., et al.
1986MNRAS.222..213S 6 4 Emission-line widths and stellar-wind flows in T Tauri stars. SA C., PENSTON M.V. and LAGO M.T.V.T.
1987AJ.....94..137H 34 75 Photometric variations of Orion population stars. V. A search for periodicities. HERBST W., BOOTH J.F., KORET D.L., et al.
1987AbaOB..62....1S 307 0 Trapezium - type multiple stellar systems in T-associations. SALUKVADZE G.N.
1987KFNT....3a..30B 3 ~ Equivalent width changes of emission lines in non-stable objects in the presence of some sources of their variability. BAYAZITOV U.S.
1987PZ.....22..461K 16 1 Some regularities of Is variable stars activity. IV. On the photometric features of some InT stars. KARDOPOLOV V.I., FILIPJEV G.K., SHAIMIEVA A.F., et al.
1987IAUS..122..105S 8 0 Stellar wind flows in T Tauri stars. SA C., LAGO M.T.V.T. and PENSTON M.V.
1987IAUS..122..135J 10 3 Polarization measuremnants of some T Tauri stars. JOSHI U.C., DESHPANDE M.R. and KULSHRESTHA A.K.
1987LNP87.291..411B 7 ~ The T Tauri stars. BASRI G.
1987LNP87.291..431K 7 ~ Accretion as an energy source for pre-main sequence stars. KENYON S.J.
1988AJ.....95..534S 58 64 Luminosity excesses in low-mass young stellar objects : a statistical study. STROM K.M., STROM S.E., KENYON S.J., et al.
1988AJ.....96..635E 420 76 Starbursts, binary stars and blue stragglers in local superclusters and groups. I. The very young disk and young disk populations. EGGEN O.J. and IBEN I.Jr
1988ApJ...330..350B 9 15 579 Accretion disks around T Tauri stars. BERTOUT C., BASRI G. and BOUVIER J.
1988Afz....29...83H 4 0 On the role of plasma turbulence in the atmospheres of active stars. HAYRAPETIAN V.S. and NIKOGHOSSIAN A.G.
1988AZh....65..366G 5 2 Influence of the magnetic field on the spectrum of linear polarization of radiation iof T Tauri-type stars. GNEDIN Yu.N., RED'KINA N.P. and TAROSOV K.V.
1988AZh....65..951K 12 9 Results of UBVR observations of some Is variable stars, T Tauri-type objects and stars Herbig AE/BE. KARDOPOLOV V.I., FILIP'EV G.K., SHAJMIEVA A.F., et al.
1988AZh....65.1250Y 132 0 An analysis of correlations between polarimetric and photometric properties of young stars. YUDIN R.V.
1988BAAS...20..694E 7 0 CaII, H-alpha, and broad-band photometry of T Tauri stars. ERWIN H.P. and HERBST W.
1988IzKry..78...52C 1 0 The nature of short-periodical light variations of RW Aur. I. Frequencies from observations of 1983-1986. CHUGAINOV P.F. and LOVKAYA M.N.
1988IzKry..79...63C 2 0 A study of short-periodical light variations of BY Dra results of 1984-1986. CHUGAINOV P.F. and LOVKAYA M.N.
1988IzKry..80...63C 2 0 An interpretation of amplitudes of light variations of RW Aur and BY Dra. CHUGAINOV P.F. and LOVKAYA M.N.
1988LicOB1111....1H viz 742 ~ Third catalog of emission-line stars of the Orion population. HERBIG G.H. and BELL K.R.
1988Msngr..51...10A 3 0 Some prospects of galactic and extragalactic studies. AMBARTSUMIAN V.A.
1988PASJ...40...89I 4 5 Spectroscopic observations of DR Tauri on December 2, 1981. ISOBE S., NORIMOTO Y. and KITAMURA T.
1988IAUS..132...99B 7 6 High quality echelle observations of T Tauri stars. BASRI G.
1988IUE88...2...97J 4 ~ The outer atmospheres and winds of T Tau and RU Lupi. JORDAN C. and KUIN N.P.M.
1989AJ.....97..873H 47 154 Additional measurements of pre-main-sequence stellar rotation. HARTMANN L. and STAUFFER J.R.
1989AJ.....97.1451S 1 146 875 Circumstellar material associated with solar-type pre-main-sequence stars: a possible constraint on the timescale for planet building. STROM K.M., STROM S.E., EDWARDS S., et al.
1989AJ.....98.1368T 75 87 A two micron polarization survey of T Tauri stars. TAMURA M. and SATO S.
1989AJ.....98.1444S 93 87 Lithium abundances among solar-type pre-main-sequence stars. STROM K.M., WILKIN F.P., STROM S.E., et al.
1989ApJ...339..455C 70 115 A reexamination of luminosity sources in T Tauri stars. I. Taurus-Auriga. COHEN M., EMERSON J.P. and BEICHMAN C.A.
1989ApJ...345..522C 41 163 Near-infrared CO emission in young stellar objects. CARR J.S.
1989ATsir1540...13I 70 T                   1 1 0 On the rapid variation in V/R relation for the H-alpha line in the spectrum of
RW Aur.
1989BAAS...21..716S 70 T                   1 1 0 Synoptic observations of
RW Aurigae.
1989BAAS...21.1085E 70 T                   1 2 0 Near-infrared spectra of T Tauris stars : V380 Orionis and
RW Aurigae.
1989KFNT....5f..64B 70 T                   1 1 ~ Anomalous ratios of emission lines intensities in the spectrum of
RW Aurigae.
1989MmSAI..60..111C 30 1 On the rotational periods of low-mass PMS stars. COVINO E., TERRANEGRA L. and VITTONE A.
1989RMxAA..18...37C 5 0 Circumstellar environment of T Tauri stars. CALVET N.
1989VilOB..84...21P 18 7 T Tauri-type and Ae/Be stars in the Vilnius photometric system. PAUPERS O., DZERVITIS U., STRAIZYS V., et al.
1990A&AS...84...29M 23 10 Stromgren photometry of six emission line stars of the Orion population. MENDOZA E.E., ROLLAND A. and RODRIGUEZ E.
1990AJ....100.1951H 7 12 TiO photometry of six T Tauri stars. HERBST W. and LEVREAULT R.M.
1990ApJ...349..168H 2 9 94 Winds from T Tauri stars. I. Spherically symmetric models. HARTMANN L., CALVET N., AVRETT E.H., et al.
1990ApJ...354L..25H 56 72 Correlations of optical and infrared excesses in T Tauri stars. HARTIGAN P., HARTMANN L., KENYON S.J., et al.
1990ApJ...362..168S 93 60 A study of the stellar population in the Lynds 1641 dark cloud. IV. The Einstein X-ray sources. STROM K.M., STROM S.E., WILKIN F.P., et al.
1990ApJ...363..654B 56 214 Hamilton echelle spectra of young stars. I. Optical veiling. BASRI G. and BATALHA C.
1990ApJS...74..575W 429 96 A catalog of pre-main-sequence emission-line stars with IRAS source associations. WEINTRAUB D.A.
1990IzKry..82...36C 70 T                   1 1 0 The nature of short-periodical light variations of
RW Aur. II. Colorimetric and frequency characteristics.
1990MmSAI..61..707B 5 16 Strong emission line profiles from T Tauri stars. BASRI G.
1990VeSon..10..442C 70 T                   1 2 0 Short-term light variations of BY Dra and
RW Aur.
1991A&A...249..392M 1 4 25 A study of the spatially-resolved T Tauri system. MAIHARA T. and KATAZA H.
1991A&A...252..625B 43 116 The lithium resonance line in T Tauri stars. BASRI G., MARTIN E.L. and BERTOUT C.
1991A&AS...90..327T viz 14       D               1 2734 208 1612 MHz OH survey of IRAS point sources. I. Observations made at Dwingeloo, Effelsberg and Parkes. TE LINTEL HEKKERT P., CASWELL J.L., HABING H.J., et al.
1991ApJ...367..173G 18 27 Infrared spectroscopy of T Tauri stars. GIOVANARDI C., GENNARI S., NATTA A., et al.
1991ApJ...382..617H 2 26 213 Optical excess emission in T Tauri stars. HARTIGAN P., KENYON S.J., HARTMANN L., et al.
1991Afz....35..181P 11 2 Spectral observations of the subfuor V 1143 Ori in the period 1985-1988. PEIMBERT M., PARSAMYAN E.S., GASPARYAN K.G., et al.
1991AZh....68..538B 2 2 Fluorescent iron lines in T Tauri stars. BAYAZITOV U.S. and SAKHIBULLIN N.A.
1991Ap&SS.185..107G 5 19 Stochastic models of stellar winds in T Tauri-stars. GRININ V.P. and MITSKEVICH A.S.
1992A&A...257..671L 13 5 Magnetic struture in cool stars. XVIII. UV-line emission from T Tauri stars. LEMMENS A.F.P., RUTTEN R.G.M. and ZWAAN C.
1992AJ....103..564M 87 46 Linear polarization observations of T Tauri stars. II. A sample of objects fainter than 13th magnitude. MENARD F. and BASTIEN P.
1992ApJ...394..628H 91 65 Emission-line studies of young stars. III. Correlations with the infrared excess. HAMANN F. and PERSSON S.E.
1992ApJ...396..251L 340 35 OH/IR star color mimics. LEWIS B.M.
1992ApJS...78..239W viz 732 125 A catalog of co-added IRAS fluxes or Orion population stars. WEAVER W.B. and JONES G.
1992ApJS...82..247H 51 139 Emission-line studies of young stars. I. The T Tauri stars. HAMANN F. and PERSSON S.E.
1992PASP..104.1144R 11 13 Automated CCD photometry of T Tauri stars. RICHTER M., BASRI G., PERLMUTTER S., et al.
1992BAAS...24Q1288S 1 ~ He I D3 line in T Tauri stars. STOUT N.M., BATALHA C.C. and BASRI G.S.
1993A&A...278...81R 105 378 Visual binaries among pre-main sequence stars. REIPURTH B. and ZINNECKER H.
1993A&A...278..129L 147 498 A systematic search for young binaries in Taurus. LEINERT C., ZINNECKER H., WEITZEL N., et al.
1993A&AS...98..589W viz 1214 138 IRAS sources beyond the solar circle. III. Observations of H2O, OH, CH3OH and CO. WOUTERLOOT J.G.A., BRAND J. and FIEGLE K.
1993A&AS..100..371G 18 39 A decade of photometric observations of young stars - with special comments on periodicities. GAHM G.F., GULLBRING E., FISCHERSTROM C., et al.
1993AJ....106..372E 1 79 332 Angular momentum regulation in low-mass young stars surrounded by accretion disks. EDWARDS S., STROM S., HARTIGAN P., et al.
1993AJ....106.1608V 32 64 Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of AA Tau, DN Tau, UX Tau A, T Tau, RY Tau, LkCa 4, and LkCa 7. VRBA F.J., CHUGAINOV P.F., WEAVER W.B., et al.
1993AJ....106.2005G 1 76 592 The multiplicity of T Tauri stars in the star forming regions Taurus-Auriga and Ophiuchus-Scorpius: a 2.2 micron speckle imaging survey. GHEZ A.M., NEUGEBAUER G. and MATTHEWS K.
1993AJ....106.2024V 104 255 T Tauri stars in blue. VALENTI J.A., BASRI G. and JOHNS C.M.
1993ApJS...89..189C viz 578 63 New OH/IR stars from color-selected IRAS sources. III. A complete survey. CHENGALUR J.N., LEWIS B.M., EDER J., et al.
1993ApJS...89..299S 70 12 Detection of water vapor in T Tauri stars. SHIBA H., SATO S., YAMASHITA T., et al.
1993Afz....36..409I 71 T                   1 1 Unsteady processes in the atmosphere of RW Aurigae. IVANOVA N.L.
1993BAAS...25.1351J 5 ~ Periodicities in T Tauri star line profiles. JOHNS C.M. and BASRI G.
1993BAAS...25Q1351V 4 ~ GHRS profiles of hot UV lines in T Tauri stars. VALENTI J.A., BASRI G., WALTER F., et al.
1993BAAS...25.1352P 4 ~ Lyman alpha as an accretion diagnostic in young stellar objects. PEREZ M.R., GRADY C.A., BLONDEL P.F.C., et al.
1993PZ.....23..103C 71 T                   2 0 Rotational modulation of the brightness of RW Aur. CHUGAINOV P.F. and LOVKAYA M.N.
1994A&A...287..523S 55 17 T Tauri stars as differential rotators. SMITH M.D.
1994A&AS..108..611L viz 28 5 A CaII and MgII luminosity/emission-width data base. LASTENNET E. and FREIRE FERRERO R.
1994AJ....108.1056E 4 16 267 Spectroscopic evidence for magnetospheric accretion in classical T Tauri stars. EDWARDS S., HARTIGAN P., GHANDOUR L., et al.
1994AJ....108.1906H 1 84 582 Catalogue of UBVRI photometry of the T Tauri stars and analysis of the causes of their variability. HERBST W., HERBST D.K. and GROSSMAN E.J.
1994ApJ...427L..99H 36   K                 17 107 Asymmetries in bipolar jets from young stars. HIRTH G.A., MUNDT R., SOLF J., et al.
1994ApJS...93..485H 43 130 Emission-line studies of young stars. IV. The optical forbidden lines. HAMANN F.
1994ARA&A..32..465M 1 98 451 Pre-main sequence binary stars. MATHIEU R.D.
1994MmSAI..65...73H 334 29 The active dynamo stars RS Cvn, BY Dra, FK Com, Algol, W UMa and T Tau. HALL D.S.
1994SSRv...69....1G 41 4 The pre-main-sequence star RU Lupi: an extreme T Tauri star. GIOVANNELLI F.
1994IAUCo.151..203G 70 ~ Flares in T Tauri stars. GAHM G.F.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995A&AS..114..439F 73 92 Hα emission from pre-main sequence stars. FERNANDEZ M., ORTIZ E., EIROA C., et al.
1995AJ....109.2800J 2 8 93 Hamilton echelle spectra of young stars. II. Time series analysis of H-alpha variations. JOHNS C.M. and BASRI G.
1995ApJ...439..288O 130 278 Millimeter-wave continuum measurements of young stars. OSTERLOH M. and BECKWITH S.V.W.
1995ApJ...444..818S 86 9 Another look at the UBV variability of T Tauri stars. SAFIER P.N.
1995ApJ...445..377C 222 293 Bolometric temperature and young stars in the Taurus and Ophiuchus complexes. CHEN H., MYERS P.C., LADD E.F., et al.
1995ApJ...446..331D 69 37 Einstein observations of T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga. I. Properties of X-ray emission. DAMIANI F., MICELA G., SCIORTINO S., et al.
1995ApJ...449..341J 6 4 104 The line profile variability of SU Aurigae. JOHNS C.M. and BASRI G.
1995ApJ...450..824S 66 95 Disk dissipation in single and binary young star systems in Taurus. SIMON M. and PRATO L.
1995ApJ...452..736H 3 63 848 Disk accretion and mass loss from young stars. HARTIGAN P., EDWARDS S. and GHANDOUR L.
1995ApJS..101..117K viz 2 184 1594 Pre-main-sequence evolution in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. KENYON S.J. and HARTMANN L.
1995Ap&SS.228..283W 30 0 Observing projects for small telescopes. WARNER B.
1995RMxAC...3..121M 40 2 The (V,B-V) diagram and the driving sources of Herbig-Haro objects. MORENO-CORRAL M.A., CHAVARRIA-K C. and DE LARA E.
1996A&A...310..309B 110 T K                 2 21 The optical jet of
RW Aurigae: excitation temperature and ionization state from long-slit spectra.
1996AJ....112.2159B 20 18 Photometric observations of YY Orionis: new insight into the accretion process. BERTOUT C., HARDER S., MALBET F., et al.
1996AJ....112.2168S 1 17 64 Near-infrared photometric monitoring of young stellar objects. SKRUTSKIE M.F., MEYER M.R., WHALEN D., et al.
1996ApJ...458..312J 1 53 178 The connection between submillimeter continuum flux and binary separation in young binaries: evidence of interaction between stars and disks. JENSEN E.L.N., MATHIEU R.D. and FULLER G.A.
1996ApJS..103..211B 28 53 The narrow emission lines of T Tauri stars. BATALHA C.C., STOUT-BATALHA N.M., BASRI G., et al.
1996MNRAS.283...55G 15 28 Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the hotspot in the classical T Tauri star DI Cep: observational indications of magnetically channelled accretion. GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I. and FERNANDEZ M.
1997A&A...317..823D 24 5 The strongly constrained interacting binary BY Crucis. DAEMS K., WAELKENS C. and MAYOR M.
1997A&A...318..472L 1 43 136 Binaries among Herbig Ae/Be stars. LEINERT C., RICHICHI A. and HAAS M.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997A&A...325..613F 133 52 New proper motions of pre-main sequence stars in Taurus-Auriga. FRINK S., ROESER S., NEUHAEUSER R., et al.
1997A&AS..124...75T viz 14       D               1 1441 254 MSC - a catalogue of physical multiple stars. TOKOVININ A.A.
1997A&AS..126..437H 1 39 204 Spatial and kinematic properties of the forbidden emission line region of T Tauri stars. HIRTH G.A., MUNDT R. and SOLF J.
1997ApJ...474..433J 1 9 52 The spectral variability of the T Tauri star DF Tauri. JOHNS-KRULL C.M. and BASRI G.
1997ApJ...489..284K 12 33 Warm disk coronae in classical T Tauri stars. KWAN J.
1997ApJ...490..353G 3 12 114 High spatial resolution imaging of pre-main-sequence binary stars: resolving the relationship between disks and close companions. GHEZ A.M., WHITE R.J. and SIMON M.
1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1997AAHam..11....1K viz 4093 ~ Catalogue of stars in the Northern Milky Way having H-α in emission. KOHOUTEK L. and WEHMEYER R.
1998A&A...334..750F 1 12 47 Possible bending mechanisms of protostellar jets. FENDT C. and ZINNECKER H.
1998AJ....115..358T 13 2 Parallaxes and proper motions of prototypes of astrophysically interesting classes of stars. TRIMBLE V. and KUNDU A.
1998AJ....115.2491K 144 96 Optical spectroscopy of embedded young stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. KENYON S.J., BROWN D.I., TOUT C.A., et al.
1998AJ....116..455M 6 12 226 Emission-line diagnostics of T Tauri magnetospheric accretion. I. Line profile observations. MUZEROLLE J., HARTMANN L. and CALVET N.
1998AJ....116..860M 3 6 56 T Tauri stars associated with Herbig-Haro objects and jets. MUNDT R. and EISLOEFFEL J.
1998ApJ...492..323G 5 43 769 Disk accretion rates for T Tauri stars. GULLBRING E., HARTMANN L., BRICENO C., et al.
1998ApJ...492..743M 8 10 247 Magnetospheric accretion models for the hydrogen emission lines of T Tauri stars. MUZEROLLE J., CALVET N. and HARTMANN L.W.
1998MNRAS.301L..39W 1 41 177 Hipparcos observations of pre-main-sequence stars. WICHMANN R., BASTIAN U., KRAUTTER J., et al.
1998PAZh...24..862L 4 ~ Relative intensities of intercombination lines in the ultraviolet spectra of T Tauri stars. LAMZIN S.A. and GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I.
1998BaltA...7..589S 51 3 Emission-line stars in the Vilnius photometric system. STRAIZYS V., EIMONTAS A., SUDZIUS J., et al.
1999A&A...342..480S 51 47 Physics of accretion onto young stars. III. Comparisons with observations. SIESS L., FORESTINI M. and BERTOUT C.
1999A&A...351..954D 25 58 Accretion in Taurus PMS binaries: a spectroscopic study. DUCHENE G., MONIN J.-L., BOUVIER J., et al.
1999A&A...352L..95G 112 T K                 2 27

RW Aur A,
a close binary?
1999A&A...352..517F 62 46 High veiling at near infrared wavelengths in classical T Tauri stars. FOLHA D.F.M. and EMERSON J.P.
1999A&A...352..574B 105 194 Revisiting Hipparcos data for pre-main sequence stars. BERTOUT C., ROBICHON N. and ARENOU F.
1999A&AS..134..255K viz 4182 102 Catalogue of H-alpha emission stars in the Northern Milky Way. KOHOUTEK L. and WEHMEYER R.
1999AJ....118.1043H viz 14       D               1 246 219 A photometric catalog of Herbig Ae/Be stars and discussion of the nature and cause of the variations of UX Orionis stars. HERBST W. and SHEVCHENKO V.S.
1999AJ....118.1073M 634 2 A second catalog of orbiting astronomical observatory 2 filter photometry: ultraviolet photometry of 614 stars. MEADE M.R.
1999MNRAS.304L..41G 1 8 34 Accretion shocks in T Tauri stars: diagnosis via semiforbidden ultraviolet line ratios. GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I. and LAMZIN S.A.
1999AcASn..40..407C 43 1 Infrared spectra of T Tauri stars. CHEN P.-S., WANG F. and WANG X.-H.
2000A&A...357L..61D 43   K                 7 161 T Tauri stars microjets resolved by adaptive optics. DOUGADOS C., CABRIT S., LAVALLEY C., et al.
2000A&A...357..951E 110 T K                 4 13 UV spectra of T Tauri stars from Hubble Space Telescope: RW Aur. ERRICO L., LAMZIN S.A. and VITTONE A.A.
2000A&A...363L..25V 8 21 A young stellar group associated with HD 199143 (d = 48 pc). VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., PEREZ M.R., DE WINTER D., et al.
2000AJ....119.1881A 35 95 Profiles of strong permitted lines in classical T Tauri stars. ALENCAR S.H.P. and BASRI G.
2000AJ....120.2609S 14 30 Silicate emission in the TW Hydrae association. SITKO M.L., LYNCH D.K. and RUSSELL R.W.
2000ApJ...532..474S 109 T K                 44 19 Accretion-induced lithium line enhancements in classical T Tauri stars: RW Aurigae. STOUT-BATALHA N.M., BATALHA C.C. and BASRI G.S.
2000ApJ...539..815J 122 131 An IUE atlas of pre-main-sequence stars. II. Far-ultraviolet accretion diagnostics in T Tauri stars. JOHNS-KRULL C.M., VALENTI J.A. and LINSKY J.L.
2000ApJS..129..399V 184 117 An IUE atlas of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. I. Co-added final archive spectra from the SWP camera. VALENTI J.A., JOHNS-KRULL C.M. and LINSKY J.L.
2000MNRAS.312..833H 14 5 The far-UV spectrum of T Tauri stars - I. The relevance of the IUE Newly Extracted Spectra. HUELAMO N., FRANQUEIRA M. and GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I.
2000MNRAS.319..457C 74 31 A comparison of the rotational properties of T Tauri stars in Orion and Taurus. CLARKE C.J. and BOUVIER J.
2000AGAb...17Q..60P 72 T                   1 ~ Periodic variations in RW Aur A: non-axisymmetric accretion. PETROV P., DUEMMLER R., GAHM G., et al.
2001A&A...365...90F viz 54 97 Near infrared hydrogen lines as diagnostic of accretion and winds in T Tauri stars. FOLHA D.F.M. and EMERSON J.P.
2001A&A...367..959R 1 5 28 A precessing, variable velocity jet model for DG Tauri. RAGA A., CABRIT S., DOUGADOS C., et al.
2001A&A...369..971K 207 20 X-ray emission of multiple T Tauri stars in Taurus. KOENIG B., NEUHAEUSER R. and STELZER B.
2001A&A...369..993P 112 T K                 7 79 Non-axisymmetric accretion on the classical TTS
RW Aur A.
2001A&A...375..977P 135 T K A   O           1 12 Periodic variations in the colours of the classical T Tauri star

RW Aur A
2001A&A...376..982W viz 72 56 Mass ratios of the components in T Tauri binary systems and implications for multiple star formation. WOITAS J., LEINERT C. and KOEHLER R.
2001A&A...377..557E         O           5 13 UV spectra of T Tauri stars from the HST and IUE satellites: BP Tau. ERRICO L., LAMZIN S.A. and VITTONE A.A.
2001A&A...377..609G 3         O           5 56 Atomic T Tauri disk winds heated by ambipolar diffusion. II. Observatio nal tests. GARCIA P.J.V., CABRIT S., FERREIRA J., et al.
2001A&A...380..264F 1 27 95 Intense accretion and mass loss of a very low mass young stellar object. FERNANDEZ M. and COMERON F.
2001AJ....122..413B 74 T                   6 20 The variability of T Tauri, RY Tauri, and RW Aurigae from 1899 to 1952. BECK T.L. and SIMON M.
2001AJ....122.3335A 2 8 53 The spectral variability of the classical T Tauri star DR Tauri. ALENCAR S.H.P., JOHNS-KRULL C.M. and BASRI G.
2001ApJ...548..976G 1 9 34 New constraints on protostellar jet collimation from high-density gas UV tracers. GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I. and VERDUGO E.
2001ApJ...551.1037B 1 34 132 Helium emission from classical T Tauri stars: dual origin in magnetospheric infall and hot wind. BERISTAIN G., EDWARDS S. and KWAN J.
2001ApJ...556..265W 1 108 451 Observational constraints on the formation and evolution of binary stars. WHITE R.J. and GHEZ A.M.
2001ARA&A..39..403R 1 132 518 Herbig-Haro flows : probes of early stellar evolution. REIPURTH B. and BALLY J.
2001AGAb...18R..78G 73 T                   1 ~ An optical/ultraviolet study of RW Aur. GAMEIRO J.F., COSTA V.M. and BROOKS D.H.
2001AGAb...18Q..87W 2 ~ High angular resolution observations of YSO jets with HST. WOITAS J., EISLOEFFEL J., MUNDT R., et al.
2001BAVSR..50...29B 102 1 Aufsuchkarten fur intrinsic Variable Stars in Brno. BRAUNE W.
2001AstL...27..313L 3 8 Analysis of HST and IUE ultraviolet spectra for T Tauri stars: DF Tau. LAMZIN S.A., VITTONE A.A. and ERRICO L.
2001IAUS..200..439A 5 3 Early orbital evolution of binaries: overview and outlook. ARTYMOWICZ P. and LUBOW S.H.
2001BaltA..10..589A viz 2043 9 Stars with the largest Hipparcos photometric amplitudes. ADELMAN S.J.
2002A&A...391..595S 3 3 32 Spectroscopy of T Tauri stars with UVES. Observations and analysis of RU Lup. STEMPELS H.C. and PISKUNOV N.
2002ApJ...566.1100A 2 10 78 Observations of T Tauri stars using Hubble space telescope GHRS. I. Far-ultraviolet emission lines. ARDILA D.R., BASRI G., WALTER F.M., et al.
2002ApJ...567.1013A 15 41 Observations of T Tauri stars using the Hubble space telescope GHRS. II. Optical and near-ultraviolet lines. ARDILA D.R., BASRI G., WALTER F.M., et al.
2002ApJ...573..685J 27 59 New tests of magnetospheric accretion in T Tauri stars. JOHNS-KRULL C.M. and GAFFORD A.D.
2002ApJ...580..336W 116 T K                 5 102 Hubble Space Telescope space telescope imaging spectrograph observations of the bipolar jet from RW Aurigae: tracing outflow asymmetries close to the source. WOITAS J., RAY T.P., BACCIOTTI F., et al.
2002ApJ...580..343B 14 31 Variability of southern T Tauri stars (VASTT). III. The continuum flux changes of the TW Hydrae bright spot. BATALHA C., BATALHA N.M., ALENCAR S.H.P., et al.
2002ApJ...581.1194P viz 231 98 Star formation in space and time: Taurus-Auriga. PALLA F. and STAHLER S.W.
2002MNRAS.331...45K viz 2685 195 New periodic variables from the Hipparcos epoch photometry. KOEN C. and EYER L.
2002AGAb...19Q..17W 73 T                   1 0 HST/STIS observations of the bipolar jet from
RW Aurigae.
2002IBVS.5298....1W viz 871 2 Coordinates and identifications of Harvard variables. WEBBINK R.F., HAZEN M.L. and HOFFLEIT D.
2002SSRv..102....9B 5 0 Stochastic appearance in stars and high energy sources. BISNOVATYI-KOGAN G.S.
2002AstL...28..676K 2 2 12 Analysis of HST ultraviolet spectra for T Tauri stars: DR Tau. KRAVTSOVA A.S. and LAMZIN S.A.
2002RMxAC..13....8B 12 14 Diagnostic determination of ionization and density in stellar jets from line ratios. BACCIOTTI F.
2002RMxAC..13...21G 4 1 Atomic T Tauri disk winds heated by ambipolar diffusion. GARCIA P., CABRIT S., FERREIRA J., et al.
2002RMxAC..13...43D 9 17 Probing the origin of mass loss in T Tauri stars. DOUGADOS C., CABRIT S. and LAVALLEY-FOUQUET C.
2002RMxAC..13...98O 5 0 MHD jets in inhomogeneous media. O'SULLIVAN S. and LERY T.
2002yCat.2237....0D viz 15       D               1 3848 167 Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system. DUCATI J.R.
2003A&A...397..693D 45 52 Near-IR echelle spectroscopy of Class I protostars: Mapping forbidden emission-line (FEL) regions in [FeII]. DAVIS C.J., WHELAN E., RAY T.P., et al.
2003A&A...405L...1L 125 T K                 1 47 Proper motions and velocity asymmetries in the
RW Aur jet.
2003ApJ...586.1136B 1 24 72 Detections of rovibrational H2Emission from the disks of T Tauri stars. BARY J.S., WEINTRAUB D.A. and KASTNER J.H.
2003ApJ...589..931N 2 27 220 Gas in the terrestrial planet region of disks: CO fundamental emission from T Tauri stars. NAJITA J., CARR J.S. and MATHIEU R.D.
2003ApJ...596L..87F 1 6 22 Near-infrared, adaptive optics observations of the T Tauri multiple-star system. FURLAN E., FORREST W.J., WATSON D.M., et al.
2003ApJ...597..443G 40   K                 2 23 Hubble space telescope STIS spectrum of
RW Aurigae A: evidence for an ionized beltlike structure and mass ejection in timescales of a few hours.
2003ApJS..147..305V viz 15       D               273 51 An IUE atlas of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. III. Co-added final archive spectra from the long-wavelength cameras. VALENTI J.A., FALLON A.A. and JOHNS-KRULL C.M.
2003Ap.....46..506P 27 13 T Tauri stars. PETROV P.P.
2003ANS...324b..11W 73 T                   1 ~ HST/STIS observations of the bipolar jet from
RW Aurigae.
2003ANS...324c.133W 2 ~ HST/STIS observations of T Tauri jets. WOITAS J., BACCIOTTI F., COFFEY D., et al.
2003RMxAC..15..106R 6 2 Generating YSO jets: what the HST has to tell us. RAY T.P. and BACCIOTTI F.
2004A&A...420..975M 37   K                 66 34 Classical T Tauri stars as sources of parsec-scale optical outflows. McGROARTY F. and RAY T.P.
2004A&A...421.1159S 2 8 64 The close T Tauri binary V 4046 Sagittarii. STEMPELS H.C. and GAHM G.F.
2004A&A...426L..25C 1 4 16 3-D numerical simulations of rotating jets. The case of the DG Tau microjet. CERQUEIRA A.H. and DE GOUVEIA DAL PINO E.M.
2004ApJ...600..789J 45 54 Testing protoplanetary disk alignment in young binaries. JENSEN E.L.N., MATHIEU R.D., DONAR A.X., et al.
2004ApJ...604..758C 44   K                 7 147 Rotation of jets from young stars: new clues from the Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. COFFEY D., BACCIOTTI F., WOITAS J., et al.
2004ApJ...606..353A 39 27 The irradiated Herbig-Haro jets near σ Orionis. ANDREWS S.M., REIPURTH B., BALLY J., et al.
2004ApJ...608..831G 31 23 PV Cephei: young star caught speeding. GOODMAN A.A. and ARCE H.G.
2004ApJ...609..261H 2 9 73 Going slitless: images of forbidden-line emission regions of classical T Tauri stars observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. HARTIGAN P., EDWARDS S. and PIERSON R.
2004ApJ...616..998W 1 63 278 On the evolutionary status of class I stars and Herbig-Haro energy sources in Taurus-Auriga. WHITE R.J. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2004ANS...325a...6W 2 ~ Rotation and excitation properties of jets from young stellar objects. WOITAS J., EISLOEFFEL J., BACCIOTTI F., et al.
2004ChJAA...4..258L 80 1 The status of ROSAT X-ray active young stars toward Taurus-Auriga. LI J.-Z.
2004BaltA..13..528M 30 0 Parsec-scale outflows from intermediate- mass sources and classical T Tauri stars. McGROARTY F., RAY T.P. and BALLY J.
2004BaltA..13..533W 4 0 HST/STIS observations of rotation of T Tauri jets. WOITAS J., EISLOEFFEL J., BACCIOTTI F., et al.
2005A&A...432..149W 147 T K A   O           2 87 Jet rotation: Launching region, angular momentum balance and magnetic properties in the bipolar outflow from
RW Aur.
2005A&A...434..671S 21 11 HD 34700 is a T Tauri multiple system. STERZIK M.F., MELO C.H.F., TOKOVININ A.A., et al.
2005A&A...434.1005A 26 30 Edge-on T Tauri stars. APPENZELLER I., BERTOUT C. and STAHL O.
2005A&A...435..125S 1 5 28 Interaction of young stellar object jets with their accretion disk. SOKER N.
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2008A&A...482L..35G 590   K A     X C       15 4 22 Unveiling extremely veiled T Tauri stars. GAHM G.F., WALTER F.M., STEMPELS H.C., et al.
2008A&A...483..199M 113         O X         3 15 18 A HST study of the environment of the Herbig Ae/Be star LkHα 233 and its bipolar jet. MELNIKOV S., WOITAS J., EISLOEFFEL J., et al.
2008MNRAS.388..357K 99           X         2 1 49 Oscillations of magnetohydrodynamic shock waves on the surfaces of T Tauri stars. KOLDOBA A.V., USTYUGOVA G.V., ROMANOVA M.M., et al.
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2008ApJ...688.1137D 38           X         1 5 3 The effect of a stellar magnetic variation on the jet velocity. DE COLLE F., GRACIA J. and MURPHY G.
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2008ApJ...689..513T 15       D               2 62 93 A tale of two Herbig Ae stars, MWC 275 and AB Aurigae: comprehensive models for spectral energy distribution and interferometry. TANNIRKULAM A., MONNIER J.D., HARRIES T.J., et al.
2008ApJ...689.1112C 794   K A D S   X C       20 10 67 T Tauri jet physics resolved near the launching region with the Hubble Space Telescope. COFFEY D., BACCIOTTI F. and PODIO L.
2009ApJS..180...84W 15       D               3 93 131 Crystalline silicates and dust processing in the protoplanetary disks of the Taurus young cluster. WATSON D.M., LEISENRING J.M., FURLAN E., et al.
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2009ApJ...692..309E 888   K   D     X C F     22 32 64 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Sub-AU-Sized regions of T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be disks. EISNER J.A., GRAHAM J.R., AKESON R.L., et al.
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2011ApJ...740...43S 399       D     X C       10 53 9 Dust grain evolution in spatially resolved T Tauri binaries. SKEMER A.J., CLOSE L.M., GREENE T.P., et al.
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2011A&A...535A...6P 270   K       X C       6 12 30 Accretion-powered chromospheres in classical T Tauri stars. PETROV P.P., GAHM G.F., STEMPELS H.C., et al.
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2012ApJ...745...19K viz 15       D               1 244 207 The role of multiplicity in disk evolution and planet formation. KRAUS A.L., IRELAND M.J., HILLENBRAND L.A., et al.
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2012ApJ...746...96T 271           X C       6 9 11 Numerical simulations of radiative magnetized Herbig-Haro jets: the influence of pre-ionization from x-rays on emission lines. TESILEANU O., MIGNONE A., MASSAGLIA S., et al.
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2012A&A...538L...3R 39         O X         1 84 47 Detection of warm water vapour in Taurus protoplanetary discs by Herschel. RIVIERE-MARICHALAR P., MENARD F., THI W.F., et al.
2012A&A...538A...2P 41           X         1 13 59 Molecule survival in magnetized protostellar disk winds. I. Chemical model and first results. PANOGLOU D., CABRIT S., PINEAU DES FORETS G., et al.
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2012ApJ...749..190G 209       D     X         6 35 11 Extended magnetospheres in pre-main-sequence evolution: from T Tauri stars to the brown dwarf limit. GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I. and MARCOS-ARENAL P.
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2012A&A...544A..93S 43           X         1 3 27 Optical spectroscopy of EX Lupi during quiescence and outburst. Infall, wind, and dynamics in the accretion flow. SICILIA-AGUILAR A., KOSPAL A., SETIAWAN J., et al.
2012A&A...545A..44P 1355     A D     X C       35 10 36 Herschel/PACS observations of young sources in Taurus: the far-infrared counterpart of optical jets. PODIO L., KAMP I., FLOWER D., et al.
2012A&A...545A..53M 185     A     X         5 1 15 Velocity asymmetries in young stellar object jets. Intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms. MATSAKOS T., VLAHAKIS N., TSINGANOS K., et al.
2012ApJ...759L...1S 78           X         2 4 11 Counterrotation in magnetocentrifugally driven jets and other winds. SAUTY C., CAYATTE V., LIMA J.J.G., et al.
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from the x-wind point of view: general features.
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2012A&A...548A.124J 62     A     X         2 9 11 Discovery of an outflow of the very low-mass star ISO 143. JOERGENS V., KOPYTOVA T. and POHL A.
2012AstL...38..783A 55 25 Rotation effects in classical T Tauri stars. ARTEMENKO S.A., GRANKIN K.N. and PATROV P.P.
2013AJ....145...59H viz 172       D     X         5 32 37 Highly variable extinction and accretion in the jet-driving class I-type young star PTF 10nvg (V2492 Cyg, IRAS 20496+4354). HILLENBRAND L.A., MILLER A.A., COVEY K.R., et al.
2013A&A...549A..92G 289       D   O X C F     6 53 52 A sensitive survey for 13CO, CN, H2CO, and SO in the disks of T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars. GUILLOTEAU S., DI FOLCO E., DUTREY A., et al.
2013MNRAS.428.3151T 78           X         2 9 17 Effects of entropy generation in jet-launching discs. TZEFERACOS P., FERRARI A., MIGNONE A., et al.
2013ApJ...766...12M 835   K   D     X C       21 10 11 Probing the inner regions of protoplanetary disks with CO absorption line spectroscopy. McJUNKIN M., FRANCE K., BURGH E.B., et al.
2013AJ....145..108C 1443   K A D S   X C       36 10 14 Time variability of emission lines for four active T Tauri stars. I. October-December in 2010. CHOU M.-Y., TAKAMI M., MANSET N., et al.
2013ApJ...766..134N 55       D     X         2 29 57 The HCN-water ratio in the planet formation region of disks. NAJITA J.R., CARR J.S., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., et al.
2013ApJ...767..112I 525       D     X C       13 34 173 Accretion rates for T Tauri stars using nearly simultaneous ultraviolet and optical spectra. INGLEBY L., CALVET N., HERCZEG G., et al.
2013MNRAS.431.2673K 82           X         2 10 83 Spectral variability of classical T Tauri stars accreting in an unstable regime. KUROSAWA R. and ROMANOVA M.M.
2013A&A...552L...2G viz 39           X         1 13 7 Spatially resolved H2 emission from a very low-mass star. GARCIA LOPEZ R., CARATTI O GARATTI A., WEIGELT G., et al.
2013A&A...552A.141K 40           X         1 26 101 Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). III. Far-infrared cooling lines in low-mass young stellar objects. KARSKA A., HERCZEG G.J., VAN DISHOECK E.F., et al.
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2013RMxAA..49...43N 16       D               1 6 6 The effect of sublimation temperature dependencies on disk walls around T Tauri stars. NAGEL E., D'ALESSIO P., CALVET N., et al.
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2013ApJS..207....1A 2418     A D S   X C       61 48 70 Hot gas lines in T Tauri stars. ARDILA D.R., HERCZEG G.J., GREGORY S.G., et al.
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2013ApJ...778..148E 172       D     X         5 24 16 Interpreting near-infrared hydrogen line ratios in T Tauri stars. EDWARDS S., KWAN J., FISCHER W., et al.
2013A&A...558A..83A 16       D               1 48 10 Inclination effects in T Tauri star spectra. APPENZELLER I. and BERTOUT C.
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2014A&A...563A..87E 41           X         1 6 35 Relating jet structure to photometric variability: the Herbig Ae star HD 163296. ELLERBROEK L.E., PODIO L., DOUGADOS C., et al.
2014ApJ...786...97H viz 16       D               2 329 295 An optical spectroscopic study of T Tauri stars. I. Photospheric properties. HERCZEG G.J. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2014ApJ...786...99L 157           X         4 13 3 Velocity-resolved [Ne III] from X-ray irradiated Sz 102 microjets. LIU C.-F., SHANG H., WALTER F.M., et al.
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2014ApJ...788..101S 4485 T K A D S   X C       112 9 11 Chandra resolves the T Tauri binary system RW Aur. SKINNER S.L. and GUDEL M.
2014ApJ...789...27D 79           X         2 9 16 Structure and dynamics of the accretion process and wind in TW Hya. DUPREE A.K., BRICKHOUSE N.S., CRANMER S.R., et al.
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2014A&A...565A.110M 80           X         2 6 14 Physical properties of the jet from DG Tauri on sub-arcsecond scales with HST/STIS. MAURRI L., BACCIOTTI F., PODIO L., et al.
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2014MNRAS.441.1681W 79           X         2 9 15 Multi-epoch sub-arcsecond [FeII] spectroimaging of the DG Tau outflows with NIFS - I. First data epoch. WHITE M.C., McGREGOR P.J., BICKNELL G.V., et al.
2014AJ....148....3L viz 16       D               2 136 8 Bright debris disk candidates detected with the AKARI/Far-infrared surveyor. LIU Q., WANG T. and JIANG P.
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2014A&A...567A..13R 1102     A D S   X         28 3 2 Numerical simulations of stellar jets and comparison between synthetic and observed maps: clues to the launch mechanism. RUBINI F., MAURRI L., INGHIRAMI G., et al.
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2014ApJ...792...83S 1235       D     X C       31 34 1 Emission from water vapor and absorption from other gases at 5-7.5 µm in Spitzer-IRS spectra of protoplanetary disks. SARGENT B.A., FORREST W., WATSON D.M., et al.
2014MNRAS.442...28W 79           X         2 16 8 Multi-epoch subarcsecond [FeII] spectroimaging of the DG Tau outflows with NIFS - II. On the nature of the bipolar outflow asymmetry. WHITE M.C., BICKNELL G.V., McGREGOR P.J., et al.
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2015MNRAS.448..484L viz 572       D     X         15 45 2 Constraints to the magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars - II. The MgII ultraviolet feature. LOPEZ-MARTINEZ F. and GOMEZ DE CASTRO A.I.
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2015IBVS.6143....1S 6         O           1 13 Hot Dust Revealed During the Dimming of the T Tauri Star RW Aur A. SHENAVRIN V.I., PETROV P.P. and GRANKIN K.N.
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2015MNRAS.449.1996D 1708 T K A S   X C       40 2 65 A tidal encounter caught in the act: modelling a star-disc fly-by in the young

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2015ApJ...807L..32D 43           X         1 6 44 Volatile depletion in the TW Hydrae disk atmosphere. DU F., BERGIN E.A. and HOGERHEIJDE M.R.
2015MNRAS.450..481D 119           X         3 8 10 Asymmetric MHD outflows/jets from accreting T Tauri stars. DYDA S., LOVELACE R.V.E., USTYUGOVA G.V., et al.
2015A&A...579A..82R 42           X         1 6 29 Chemistry in protoplanetary disks: the gas-phase CO/H2 ratio and the carbon reservoir. REBOUSSIN L., WAKELAM V., GUILLOTEAU S., et al.
2015AJ....150...45C 159           X         4 15 3 Principal component analysis of computed emission lines from protostellar jets. CERQUEIRA A.H., REYES-ITURBIDE J., DE COLLE F., et al.
2015A&A...580A..82S 41           X         1 6 20 Accretion dynamics of EX Lupi in quiescence. The star, the spot, and the accretion column. SICILIA-AGUILAR A., FANG M., ROCCATAGLIATA V., et al.
2015MNRAS.450.3559N 16       D               1 90 34 Demographics of transition discs in Ophiuchus and Taurus. NAJITA J.R., ANDREWS S.M. and MUZEROLLE J.
2015AJ....150..132R viz 40           X         1 55 20 Near-infrared variability in the Orion Nebula Cluster. RICE T.S., REIPURTH B., WOLK S.J., et al.
2015A&A...582A.105A 95       D     X         3 12 14 Understanding the water emission in the mid- and far-IR from protoplanetary disks around T Tauri stars. ANTONELLINI S., KAMP I., RIVIERE-MARICHALAR P., et al.
2015ApJ...814..113S 56       D     X         2 13 13 Wobbling and precessing jets from warped disks in binary systems. SHEIKHNEZAMI S. and FENDT C.
2015A&A...584L...9S 1074 T K A D     X C       26 3 12 The nature of the 2014-2015 dim state of

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2016AJ....151...29R 4682 T K A S   X C       114 7 14 Recurring occultations of
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2016AstL...42..193B 3 1 Wind dynamics and circumstellar extinction variations in the T Tauri star RY Tau. BABINA E.V., ARTEMENKO S.A. and PETROV P.P.
2016AstL...42..314G 43 2 T Tauri stars: Physical parameters and evolutionary status. GRANKIN K.N.
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2016ApJ...826...84S 40           X         1 18 4 Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations of the hyperactive T Tauri star RY Tau. SKINNER S.L., AUDARD M. and GUDEL M.
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