NGC 6633 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 6633 , the SIMBAD biblio (388 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST04:53:41

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Title First 3 Authors
1918AJ.....31...57B 63 T                   1 1 0 Measures of the cluster
NGC 6633.
1921AN....214..171G 63 T                   1 3 0 Photometrische Vermessung des Sternhaufens
NGC 6633.
1943AN....274...69K 64 T                   1 503 46 Untersuchung der offenen Sternhaufen IC 4665,
NGC 6633, IC 4756.
1956PZ.....11..325K 298 14 Variable stars in open clusters. KHOLOPOV P.N.
1958AJ.....63..387V 66 T                   1 110 166 Relative proper motions of stars in the region of the open cluster
NGC 6633.
1958ApJ...127..539H 66 T                   1 158 58 The galactic cluster
NGC 6633.
1961LowOB...5..133J 133 145 Galactic clusters as indicators of stellar evolution and galactic structure. JOHNSON H.L., HOAG A.A., IRIARTE B., et al.
1963PASP...75..522W 10 8 Radial velocities of yellow giants in four galactic clusters. WALLERSTEIN G., WESTBROOKE W. and HANNIBAL D.
1963ZA.....57..117B 156 162 Die raumliche Verteilung von 156 galaktischen Sternhaufen in Abhangikeit von ihrem Alter. BECKER W.
1966AN....289...51D 40 36 Die photometrische Genauigkeit des Palomar Sky Survey bei Anwendung der Durchmessermethode. DORSCHNER J., GURTLER J., SCHIELICKE R., et al.
1967POPad.138....1B 41 1 A comparison of theoretical and observed evolutionary paths in the red giant region of the HR diagram. BARBARO G., DALLAPORTA N. and NOBILI L.
1968AJ.....73..649V 13 21 Astrometric accuracy and the flatness of glass filters. VAN ALTENA W.F. and MONNIER R.C.
1968ApJS...16....1H 48 118 Abundances in K giant stars. II. A survey of field stars. HELFER H.L. and WALLERSTEIN G.
1968ArA.....5....1L 178 108 The ages of open clusters. LINDOFF U.
1970PDDO....4....1H 190 56 An atlas of open cluster colour-magnitude diagrams. HAGEN G.
1971A&A....14..226S 6 6 237 An improved method for computing membership probabilities in open clusters. SANDERS W.L.
1971A&AS....4..241B 215 324 A catalogue of galactic star clusters observed in three colours. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1972BICDS...3...19M 7 1 On the problem of the identification of cluster stars. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1973A&AS....9..213S 67 T                   1 148 29 Membership of the open cluster
NGC 6633.
1973BICDS...4...22M 148 3 First supplement to the list of transit tables for star numbering in open clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1974AJ.....79.1280T 79 73 The luminosity function of the zero-age main sequence. TAFF L.G.
1974ApJ...194..657H 8 29 Are all blue stragglers close binaries ? HINTZEN P., SCOTT J. and WHELAN J.
1976A&AS...24..143C 5 5 Photographic photometry in four clusters. CUDWORTH K.M.
1976ApJS...30..451H 420 193 Evolved stars in open clusters. HARRIS G.L.H.
1976PASP...88...63S 68 T                   1 75 24 Four-color and H beta photometry of the galactic cluster
NGC 6633.
1977ApJ...216..372B 8 4 169 A main-sequence luminosity function for the Large Magellanic Cloud. BUTCHER H.
1977PASP...89..274L 68 T                   1 27 10 Spectral types in the open cluster
NGC 6633.
1980ApJ...235..992R 21 67 Determination of the upper mass limit for stars producing white-dwarf remnants. ROMANISHIN W. and ANGEL J.R.P.
1980BICDS..19...67P viz 61 14 Catalogue of masses and ages of stars in 68 open clusters. PISKUNOV A.
1980IAUS...85..129M 63 16 The present data situation for stars in open cluster. II. MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1981A&A...104..185N 43 61 Geneva photometric boxes. III. Distances and reddenings for 43 open clusters. NICOLET B.
1981A&AS...44..467M 73 154 Comparative studies of young open clusters. II. A atlas of composite colour-magnitude diagrams. MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1982ApJS...49..425J 454 232 Open clusters and galactic structure. JANES K. and ADLER D.
1983BASI...11...44S 142 22 Integrated photometric parameters of open and globular clusters. SAGAR R., JOSHI U.C. and SINVHAL S.D.
1984A&A...136..355B 37 63 Red giants in old open clusters. A test for stellar evolution. BARBARO G. and PIGATTO L.
1984ApJ...276..266A 99 16 The nature of the visual companions of Ap and Am stars. ABT H.A. and CARDONA O.
1984BICDS..26....9M viz 863 3 Bibliography of individual radial velocities for stars in open cluster. II. NGC and IC clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1984BAAS...16..947B 10 1 A radial velocity study of open clusters containing blue stragglers. BOLTE M.J. and MATEO M.
1984MitAG..62..294G 7 1 Feldspektroskopische Radialgeschwindigkeitsbestimmungen an offenen Sternhaufen. GEYER E.H. and NELLES B.
1985A&A...147...39C 36 65 Metallicities and distances of galactic clusters as determined from UBV-data. II. The metallicities and distances of 38 open clusters. CAMERON L.M.
1985A&A...147...47C 31 61 Metallicities and distances of galactic clusters as determined from UBV-data. III. Ages and abundance gradients of open clusters. CAMERON L.M.
1985A&AS...62..301G 69 T                   1 165 8 Galactic cluster star radial velocities obtained with a focal reducerfield spectrograph. I. The clusters IC 1805, NGC 2287, NGC 2548, IC 4665,
NGC 6633, NGC 6940, and NGC 7092.
1985AcASn..26..152Z 39 5 On determining membership of open clusters from relative proper motions. ZHAO J.-L. and TIAN K.-P.
1985Ap&SS.112..111S 49 11 Integrated magnitudes and colors of open clusters. SPASSOVA N.M. and BAEV P.V.
1985Ap&SS.113..171S 10 7 The effect of main-sequence stars on age estimates of open clusters. SAGAR R.
1985IAUS..113..579V 74 8 Proper motion studies of stars in and around open clusters. VAN LEEUWEN F.
1986AJ.....92...79C 91 82 Washington photometry of open cluster giants: the metal-rich clusters. CANTERNA R., GEISLER D., HARRIS H.C., et al.
1986BICDS..31..175M 308 18 Catalogue of UBV photometry and MK spectral types in open clusters (Third edition). MERMILLIOD J.C.
1986NIA86......415M 33 ~ Blue straggler stars in the ultraviolet. MORALES DURAN C. and GRAZIATI L.S.
1987A&AS...68..259H 834 24 Narrow-band photometry of late-type stars. II. HAGGKVIST L. and OJA T.
1987ApJ...313..743J 82 108 Mass-losing red giants in open clusters. JURA M.
1987MNRAS.228..483S 17 34 Study of interstellar extinction in some young open clusters. SAGAR R.
1987ATsir1508....6B 40 0 A possible rotation of the system of open cluster complexes. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSSIPKOV L.P.
1987ATsir1512....1D 11 0 The virial masses of multiple open clusters. DANILOV V.M., BESHENOV G.V., MALYSHEVA L.K., et al.
1987AZh....64..956B 70 6 A catalogue of some observational data and elements of galactic orbits of open star clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1987Ap&SS.129..293P 56 10 Age distribution of open clusters as a function of their linear diameter and age-dependence of cluster masses. PANDEY A.K., BHATT B.C. and MAHRA H.S.
1987Ap&SS.133...59D 49 0 Hydrodynamic and turbulent motions in the galactic disk. II. DE CASTRO ANDRADE J.R. and QUIROGA R.J.
1987BICDS..33...41M 32 1 Absolute magnitude calibration from H-beta photometry of open star clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1988A&AS...76..127R 416 13 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans des amas ouverts. RENSON P.
1988ApJS...68....1L viz 78 176 The guide star photometric catalog. I. LASKER B.M., STURCH C.R., LOPEZ C., et al.
1988AcA....38..225N 403 11 Chemically peculiar stars in open clusters. I. The catalog. NIEDZIELSKI A. and MUCIEK M.
1988AZh....65..330E 201 3 Cluster analysis of open clusters. EJGENSON A.M. and YATSYK O.S.
1988KFNT....4a..64B 57 ~ On some complexes of galactic clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1989A&A...210...66M 43 23 Blue stragglers and the binary hypothesis. MANTEIGA M., PICKLES A.J. and MARTINEZ ROGER C.
1989A&A...219..125M 70 T                   1 69 87 Red giants in open clusters. I. Binarity and stellar evolution in five Hyades-generation clusters: NGC 2447, 2539, 2632,
6633 and 6940.
1989AJ.....98..888F 59 69 Mass functions for eight nearby galactic clusters. FRANCIC S.P.
1989ApJ...347..835G 75 230 Carbon isotope ratios and lithium abundances in open cluster giants. GILROY K.K.
1989PASP..101...54E 338 27 Large and kinematically unbiased samples of G- and K-type stars. III. Evolved young disk stars in the bright star sample. EGGEN O.J.
1989AISof...5...43P 38 0 Theoretical C-M diagrams of open clusters. POPOVA M. and KRAICHEVA Z.
1989AZh....66...12P 62 3 The groups of open clusters with common motion in the galaxy. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1989AZh....66.1154B 70 2 Some properties of open star cluster complexes. BARKHATOVA K.A., OSSIPKOV L.P. and KUTUZOV S.A.
1989AN....310..367S 73 3 Two populations of open clusters. STROBEL A.
1989Ap&SS.156..169M 5 5 The contribution to population in ellipticals of blue stragglers : a test of their origin. MANTEIGA M., MARTINEZ ROGER C. and PICKLES A.J.
1990AZh....67.1134L 16 1 Redetermination of the characteristics of open clusters and structure of the galaxy. LOKTIN A.V. and MATKIN N.V.
1990BICDS..38..151R 451 4 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans les amas ouverts. RENSON P.
1991A&A...241..419P 54 209 The formation of Be stars through close binary evolution. POLS O.R., COTE J., WATERS L.B.F.M., et al.
1991A&A...247...35S 77 32 An observational age-metallicity relation for the galaxy. STROBEL A.
1991A&A...251...49M 47 10 Blue stragglers: a search for binaries in the infrared. MANTEIGA M., MARTINEZ ROGER C., MORALES C., et al.
1991AJ....102.1836G 217 92 An improved metal abundance calibration for the Washington system. GEISLER D., CLARIA J.J. and MINNITI D.
1991AN....312..177S 83 12 Metallicities of open clusters. STROBEL A.
1991PAZh...17...30G 147 1 The radial velocities of stars in open clusters. GLUSHKOVA E.V. and RASTORGUEV A.S.
1992A&A...256..463B 9 12 A photometric survey of the eclipsing RS CVn-type system RZ Eridani : starspot variability, circumstellar matter, tidal evolution. BURKI G., KVIZ Z. and NORTH P.
1992A&AS...93..271S 18 8 Estimation of the ages and distances of open clusters from the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. STROBEL A., SKABA W. and PROGA D.
1992JApA...13..109D 31 4 Effects of rotation on the colours and line indices of stars. 6. The reality of the blue straggler phenomenon. D'SOUZA J., MATHEW A. and RAJAMOHAN R.
1994A&A...285..451R 106 T K                 9 16 Spectroscopic identification of white dwarfs in galactic clusters. VII.
NGC 6633
1994A&A...285..915E 33 84 CNO isotopes in red giants: theory versus observations. EL EID M.F.
1994A&AS..104..379B viz 139 59 Integrated photometric properties of open clusters. BATTINELLI P., BRANDIMARTI A. and CAPUZZO-DOLCETTA R.
1995A&A...296..709V 1 39 202 Tidal circularization and the eccentricity of binaries containing giant stars. VERBUNT F. and PHINNEY E.S.
1995A&A...304..132R 6 6 Schmidt plate astrometric reductions using preliminary Hipparcos and Tycho data. ROBICHON N., TURON C., MAKAROV V.V., et al.
1995A&AS..109..375A viz 852 100 Catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters. AHUMADA J. and LAPASSET E.
1995AJ....110.2813P 162 89 Chemical evolution of the galactic disk: evidence for a gradient perpendicular to the galactic plane. PIATTI A.E., CLARIA J.J. and ABADI M.G.
1995ApJ...452..652A 77 16 On coagulation and the stellar mass spectrum. ALLEN E.J. and BASTIEN P.
1995AN....316..225A viz 1147 23 Photometric survey near the Main Galactic Meridian: 1. Photoelectric stellar magnitudes and colours in the UBVR system. ANDRUK V., KHARCHENKO N., SCHILBACH E., et al.
1995AN....316..401K 18 4 Investigation of PPM catalogue accuracy. KHARCHENKO I.N., PAKULYAK L., MOLOTAJ O., et al.
1995BAAS...27Q1439S 71 T                   1 ~ Detection of delta Scuti variables in NGC 6633. SCHUTT R.L.
1996A&A...314..491W viz 32 22 An analysis of the Ap spectroscopic binary HD 59435. WADE G.A., NORTH P., MATHYS G., et al.
1996ApJ...467..265A 4 3 On the evolution of the stellar mass spectrum: possible evidence for stellar evaporation. ALLEN E.J. and BASTIEN P.
1996KFNT...12d..60A 7 0 Photometric survey near the main Galactic meridian: photoelectric observations and creation of the catalogue of stellar magnitudes and colour indexes in the UBVR system. ANDRUK V.N.
1996BaltA...5..197A 12 5 UBVR and UPXYZVS sequences of standard stars for the MEGA program fields along the main meridian of the Galaxy. ANDRUK V., BARTASIUTE S. and KHARCHENKO N.
1996BaltA...5..207A 10 1 Program MEGA: transformation of instrumental magnitudes and color indices to the UBVR system. ANDRUK V. and KHARCHENKO N.
1996BaltA...5..445P 30 1 Observations of clusters using the Stromvil system. I. Standard areas. PHILIP A.G.D., BOYLE R.P. and STRAIZYS V.
1997A&AS..123...83J 25 18 An analysis of the currently available calibrations in Stroemgren photometry by using open clusters. JORDI C., MASANA E., FIGUERAS F., et al.
1997AJ....114.2556T 1 76 363 Some revised observational constraints on the formation and evolution of the galactic disk. TWAROG B.A., ASHMAN K.M. and ANTHONY-TWAROG B.J.
1997MNRAS.292..177J 72 T                   65 34 Membership and lithium abundances of late-type stars in NGC 6633. JEFFRIES R.D.
1997MmSAI..68..833J 32 3 Cluster membership determinations from proper motion surveys. JONES B.F.
1997MmSAI..68..905M 11 11 Lithium in young clusters and pre-main sequence stars. MARTIN E.L.
1997PAZh...23..667M viz 74 ~ Parameters of open star clusters from uvby-beta photometry. MALYSHEVA L.K.
1998A&A...337..125G viz 151 14 The overlapping open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758. III. Cluster-field segregation and clusters physical parameters. GALADI-ENRIQUEZ D., JORDI C. and TRULLOLS E.
1998ApJ...504..170P 4 15 220 The problem of Hipparcos distances to open clusters. I. Constraints from multicolor main-sequence fitting. PINSONNEAULT M.H., STAUFFER J., SODERBLOM D.R., et al.
1998ApJS..116..263P viz 155 32 Composite mv versus (V-I)0 diagram for template open clusters. PIATTI A.E., CLARIA J.J. and BICA E.
1999A&A...345..471R viz 426 235 Open clusters with Hipparcos. I. Mean astrometric parameters. ROBICHON N., ARENOU F., MERMILLIOD J.-C., et al.
1999A&A...351..635C 2 9 57 The hot side of the lithium dip - LiBeB abundances beyond the main sequence. CHARBONNEL C. and TALON S.
1999AJ....118.1301S 53 43 Evolution of the lithium abundances of solar-type stars. IX. High-resolution spectroscopy of low-mass stars in NGC 2264. SODERBLOM D.R., KING J.R., SIESS L., et al.
1999ApJ...511..218J 38 45 Lithium in Blanco 1: implications for stellar mixing. JEFFRIES R.D. and JAMES D.J.
1999ApJ...524..423C 1 8 28 The Brera multiscale wavelet ROSAT HRI source catalog. II. Application to the HRI and first results. CAMPANA S., LAZZATI D., PANZERA M.R., et al.
1999MNRAS.304..821J 21 17 Lithium in the low-mass stars of the Coma Berenices open cluster. JEFFRIES R.D.
1999CR2...327..161T 26 ~ Le satellite Hipparcos. Une moisson de resultats astrophysiques. TURON C.
2000A&A...354..943M 1 10 54 Mixing by internal waves. III. Li and Be abundance dependence on spectral type, age and rotation. MONTALBAN J. and SCHATZMAN E.
2000A&A...356..517A 18 7 Blue stragglers in open clusters. Part II. ANDRIEVSKY S.M., SCHOENBERNER D. and DRILLING J.S.
2000A&A...357..139F 55 6 A ROSAT HRI study of the open cluster NGC 3532. FRANCIOSINI E., RANDICH S. and PALLAVICINI R.
2000A&A...361..945L viz 368 11 UBV photometric study and basic parameters of the southern open cluster NGC 2539. LAPASSET E., CLARIA J.J. and MERMILLIOD J.-C.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2000AJ....119.2437D 9 26 Beryllium and iron abundances of the solar twins 16 Cygni A and B. DELIYANNIS C.P., CUNHA K., KING J.R., et al.
2000MNRAS.316..307U 9 3 Lithium depletion in G and K dwarfs. UMEZU M. and SAIO H.
2000MNRAS.319..826B 109 T K                 50 9 X-ray source populations in the region of the open clusters
NGC 6633 and IC 4756.
2000PASP..112..925S 5 33 546 Homogeneous photometry for star clusters and resolved galaxies. II. Photometric standard stars. (Research note). STETSON P.B.
2000AstL...26..657L 17 3 The Praesepe open cluster and the galactic distance scale. LOTKIN A.V.
2001A&A...366..178R 162 213 δ Scuti and related stars: Analysis of the R00 Catalogue. RODRIGUEZ E. and BREGER M.
2001A&A...369..851P 23 15 Luminosity and mass function of galactic open clusters. I. NGC 4815. PRISINZANO L., CARRARO G., PIOTTO G., et al.
2001A&A...373..633P 87 30 A spectroscopic survey for λ Bootis stars. III. Final results. PAUNZEN E.
2001A&A...376..441D viz 169 51 Proper motions of open clusters within 1 kpc based on the TYCHO2 Catalogue. DIAS W.S., LEPINE J.R.D. and ALESSI B.S.
2001AJ....122..257K 21 46 The CFHT open star cluster survey. I. Cluster selection and data reduction. KALIRAI J.S., RICHER H.B., FAHLMAN G.G., et al.
2001AJ....122..266K 3 8 85 The CFHT open star cluster survey. II. Deep CCD photometry of the old open star cluster NGC 6819. KALIRAI J.S., RICHER H.B., FAHLMAN G.G., et al.
2001AJ....122.3239K 1 21 66 The CFHT open star cluster survey. III. The white dwarf cooling age of the rich open star cluster NGC 2099 (M37). KALIRAI J.S., VENTURA P., RICHER H.B., et al.
2001MNRAS.324..473H 109 T K                 54 5 X-rays from the open cluster
NGC 6633.
2001AcA....51...49K 21 14 Search for variable stars in two old open clusters. NGC 2506 and NGC 2420. KIM S.-L., CHUN M.-Y., PARK B.-G., et al.
2001AstL...27..386L 46 21 Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes and the distance scale for open star clusters. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2001NewA....6..293T         O           164 23 Morphological analysis of open clusters' properties - I. Properties' estimations. TADROSS A.L.
2002AJ....124..989G 147 26 A spectroscopic search for λ Bootis and other peculiar A-type stars in intermediate-age open clusters. GRAY R.O. and CORBALLY C.J.
2002ApJ...570..820P 52 5 Detailed analysis of nearby bulgelike dwarf stars. II. Lithium abundances. POMPEIA L., BARBUY B., GRENON M., et al.
2002ApJ...577L..39D 10 20 Discovery of the most lithium-rich dwarf: diffusion in action. DELIYANNIS C.P., STEINHAUER A. and JEFFRIES R.D.
2002MNRAS.336.1109J 110 T K                 53 25 Membership, metallicity and lithium abundances for solar-type stars in
NGC 6633.
2002ChJAA...2...17H 89 14 Abundance gradient from open clusters and implications for the galactic disk evolution. HOU J.-L., CHANG R.-X. and CHEN L.
2002NewA....7..553T         O           166 39 Morphological analysis of open clusters' properties - II. Relationships projected onto the Galactic plane. TADROSS A.L., WERNER P., OSMAN A., et al.
2002AAS...201.3303W 3 0 Observations of white dwarfs in open clusters: the initial-final mass relation and the "white dwarf deficit". WILLIAMS K.A. and BOLTE M.
2003A&A...398.1073C viz 8 3 Physical parameters of the Algol system BP Muscae from simultaneous analysis of Geneva 7-colour light curves. CARRIER F., BARBLAN F., BURKI G., et al.
2003A&A...399...99C 20 6 Search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 2539. CHOO K.J., KIM S.-L., YOON T.S., et al.
2003A&A...406..203P 37   K                 66 28 Preparing the COROT space mission: Incidence and characterisation of pulsation in the lower instability strip. PORETTI E., GARRIDO R., AMADO P.J., et al.
2003AJ....125.1383T viz 102 34 CCD uvbyCaHβ photometry of clusters. III. The most metal-rich open cluster, NGC 6253. TWAROG B.A., ANTHONY-TWAROG B.J. and DE LEE N.
2003AJ....125.1397C viz 217 230 On the galactic disk metallicity distribution from open clusters. I. New catalogs and abundance gradient. CHEN L., HOU J.L. and WANG J.J.
2003ApJ...595.1148L 73 T                   12 15 A reevaluation of the super-lithium-rich star in
NGC 6633.
2003PASP..115..413S viz 179 162 Homogeneous photometry. III. A star catalog for the open cluster NGC 6791. STETSON P.B., BRUNTT H. and GRUNDAHL F.
2003SSRv..108..577F 81 95 Stellar coronal astronomy. FAVATA F. and MICELA G.
2003ARep...47....6L viz 387 27 Proper motions of open star clusters and the rotation rate of the galaxy. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2003ASPC..294..383H 1 1 An automated search for extrasolar planet transits. HIDAS M.G., WEBB J.K., ASHLEY M.C.B., et al.
2004AJ....128.2881H 37   K                 11 12 Photometric monitoring of open clusters. I. The survey. HEBB L., WYSE R.F.G. and GILMORE G.
2004ApJ...614L..65S 13 16 WIYN/Hydra detection of lithium depletion in F stars of the young open cluster M35 and implications for the development of the lithium gap. STEINHAUER A. and DELIYANNIS C.P.
2004MNRAS.349..757L viz 469 94 Lithium abundances of the local thin disc stars. LAMBERT D.L. and REDDY B.E.
2004MNRAS.350..331A 25 1 76 Practical planet prospecting. AIGRAIN S. and IRWIN M.
2004AN....325..740K viz 15       D               629 95 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5. II. Membership probabilities in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2004A&ARv..12...71G 119 356 X-ray astronomy of stellar coronae. GUDEL M.
2004MmSAI..75..434P 33 7 XMM-Newton EPIC observations of stellar cluster and star forming regions. PALLAVICINI R., FRANCIOSINI E. and RANDICH S.
2005A&A...438..317D 14 6 Outbursts on normal stars. FH Leo misclassified as a novalike variable. DALL T.H., SCHMIDTOBREICK L., SANTOS N.C., et al.
2005A&A...438.1163K viz 525 572 Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2005A&A...440..711M         O           9 12 HD 172189: an eclipsing and spectroscopic binary with a δ Sct-type pulsating component in an open cluster. MARTIN-RUIZ S., AMADO P.J., SUAREZ J.C., et al.
2005A&A...442..615S 2         O           33 238 Time scales of Li evolution: a homogeneous analysis of open clusters from ZAMS to late-MS. SESTITO P. and RANDICH S.
2005ApJ...618L.129K 16 18 The dearth of massive, helium-rich white dwarfs in young open star clusters. KALIRAI J.S., RICHER H.B., HANSEN B.M.S., et al.
2005MNRAS.360..703H 111 T K                 56 25 The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: methods and first results from a field centred on
NGC 6633.
HIDAS M.G., ASHLEY M.C.B., WEBB J.K., et al.
2005MNRAS.363L..81A 1 5 16 Beryllium enhancement as evidence for accretion in a lithium-rich F dwarf. ASHWELL J.F., JEFFRIES R.D., SMALLEY B., et al.
2005JHA....36..373H 45 0 Caroline Herschel as observer. HOSKIN M.
2005MNSSA..64..234S 13 0 Deepsky delights. STREICHER M.
2005Obs...125..199A 1 0 Planetary transits and stellar variability. (Thesis abstract) AIGRAIN S.
2006A&A...445..805F 37           X         1 91 170 WINGS: a WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey. I. Optical imaging. FASANO G., MARMO C., VARELA J., et al.
2006A&A...450..777B 306 159 Searching for links between magnetic fields and stellar evolution. I. A survey of magnetic fields in open cluster A- and B-type stars with FORS1. BAGNULO S., LANDSTREET J.D., MASON E., et al.
2006A&A...450..993P viz 793 11 Deep X-ray survey of the young open cluster NGC 2516 with XMM-Newton. PILLITTERI I., MICELA G., DAMIANI F., et al.
2006AJ....132.1177P 53 10 Survey for transiting extrasolar planets in stellar systems. IV. Variables in the field of NGC 1245. PEPPER J. and BURKE C.J.
2006MNRAS.367L..37G 12 15 Condensation temperature trends among stars with planets. GONZALEZ G.
2006MNRAS.370.1529Y 4 3 24 A new detached K7 dwarf eclipsing binary system. YOUNG T.B., HIDAS M.G., WEBB J.K., et al.
2006MNRAS.371.1641P 90 70 On the current status of open-cluster parameters. PAUNZEN E. and NETOPIL M.
2006JHA....37..251H 33 0 Caroline Herschel's catalogue of nebulae. HOSKIN M.
2006ChJAA...6..287Z 207 1 Kinematics of the open cluster system in the Galaxy. ZHAO J.-L., CHEN L. and ZU Z.-L.
2006MNRAS.372.1804K viz 52       D     X         2 129 89 New magnetic chemically peculiar stars. KUDRYAVTSEV D.O., ROMANYUK I.I., ELKIN V.G., et al.
2006PASP..118.1494G 22 34 The chemical compositions of stars with planets: a review. GONZALEZ G.
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