NAME Hydra I Cluster , the SIMBAD biblio

NAME Hydra I Cluster , the SIMBAD biblio (850 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:00:20

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Title First 3 Authors
1956AJ.....61...97H 1 130 1159 Redshifts and magnitudes of extragalactic nebulae. HUMASON M.L., MAYALL N.U. and SANDAGE A.R.
1966ApJ...146..528F 123 54 Radio emission from clusters of galaxies. FOMALONT E.B. and ROGSTAD D.H.
1970ApJ...162L.149B 83 379 On the classification of the forms of clusters of galaxies. BAUTZ L.P. and MORGAN W.W.
1971ApJS...23..371S 2711 51 Rectangular coordinates of rich clusters of galaxies on the Palomar Sky Survey charts. SASTRY G.N. and ROOD H.J.
1971PASP...83..313R 111 242 "Tuning Fork" classification of rich clusters of galaxies. ROOD H.J. and SASTRY G.N.
1973AJ.....78..913S 52 17 The diffuse interstellar bands: a correlation analysis. SNOW T.P.
1973ApJ...185L..13K 24 99 Clusters of galaxies with a wide range of X-ray luminosities. KELLOGG E., MURRAY S., GIACCONI R., et al.
1974AJ.....79.1356C 119 84 Abell galaxy cluster magnitudes and the Hubble diagram. CORWIN H.G.Jr
1975ApJ...196L..95V 73 T                   1 1 33 The velocity dispersio of the cluster of galaxies
Abell 1060 (
3U 1044-30).
1976MNRAS.176p..13I 68 T                   2 1 ~ Confirmation of the identification of the X-ray source
3U 1044-30 with the cluster of galaxies
Abell 1060.
1976LicOB.743....1F 13 0 Velocity dispersions for X-ray clusters of galaxies. FABER S.M. and DRESSLER A.
1977AJ.....82..187F 1 14 139 Radial velocities for galaxies in 11 clusters. FABER S.M. and DRESSLER A.
1977ApJ...216..214V 10 9 482 The color-absolute magnitude relation for E and S0 galaxies. I. Calibration and tests for universality using Virgo and eight other nearby clusters. VISVANATHAN N. and SANDAGE A.
1977ApJ...217L..77B 42 99 X-ray clusters of galaxies: correlations with optical morphology and galaxy density. BAHCALL N.A.
1977LicOB.753....1F 12 0 Radial velocities for galaxies in 11 clusters. FABER S.M. and DRESSLER A.
1978ApJ...222..761E 37 36 26.3 MHz radio source survey. III. Correlation with extragalactic X-ray sources. ERICKSON W.C., MATTHEWS T.A. and VINER M.R.
1978ApJ...224....1J 58 76 X-ray clusters of galaxies and the luminosity-richness relation. JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1978ApJ...225...21M 1 31 233 OSO 8 X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies. I. Observations of twenty clusters: physical correlations. MUSHOTZKY R.F., SERLEMITSOS P.J., SMITH B.W., et al.
1978ApJ...226..559B 2 23 278 The evolution of galaxies in clusters. II. The galaxy content of nearby clusters. BUTCHER H. and OEMLER A.
1978ApJS...38..357F viz 380 657 The fourth UHURU catalog of X-ray sources. FORMAN W., JONES C., COMINSKY L., et al.
1978MNRAS.182..489C viz 119 295 The Ariel V SSI catalogue of high galactic latitude (|b|>10) X-ray sources. COOKE B.A., RICKETTS M.J., MACCACARO T., et al.
1978MNRAS.184..783M 49 68 X-ray sources in clusters of galaxies. McHARDY I.
1979ApJ...232L.145H 27 32 Velocity dispersions for X-ray- emitting clusters of galaxies. HINTZEN P. and SCOTT J.S.
1979ApJS...40..657M 176 174 New hard X-ray sources observed with HEAO A-2. MARSHALL F.E., BOLDT E.A., HOLT S.S., et al.
1979AN....300..243B 10 10 Investigation of galaxy in 10 clusters. BAIER F.W.
1980A&A....82..322D 2 38 384 On velocity dispersions of galaxies in rich clusters. DANESE L., DE ZOTTI G. and DI TULLIO G.
1980A&AS...41..339A viz 35 35 A radio survey of clusters of galaxies. III. 6.2 cm observations, radio spectra and optical identifications of sources in 29 Abell clusters. ANDERNACH H., WALDTHAUSEN H. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1980MNRAS.190..631S 70 T                   1 1 12 Multiaperture photoelectric photometry of galaxies in the
Hydra I cluster.
1981A&A...100....7R 17 25 Observation of the cluster of galaxies A 401 at 11 cm. ROLAND J., SOL H., PAULINY-TOTH I., et al.
1981A&AS...43..155A viz 24 10 A radio survey of clusters of galaxies. IV. 11.1 cm observations of 19 Abell clusters in total intensity and polarization. ANDERNACH H., SCHALLWICH D., HASLAM C.G.T., et al.
1981ApJ...247..787B 1 24 134 The relation between velocity dispersion and central galaxy density in clusters of galaxies. BAHCALL N.A.
1981MNRAS.196..409C 19 14 Observations of rich clusters of galaxies at metre wavelengths. CANE H.V., ERICKSON W.C., HANISCH R.J., et al.
1981MNRAS.197..893M 140 144 The Ariel V (3A) catalogue of X-ray sources. II. Sources at high galactic latitude (|b| > 10 deg). McHARDY I.M., LAWRENCE A., PYE J.P., et al.
1981SvA....25..647F 460 24 A catalog of galaxy clusters with measured redshifts. FETISOVA T.S.
1982A&A...107..338B 169 353 The shape and orientation of clusters of galaxies. BINGGELI B.
1982A&A...108L...7S viz 329 84 A Table of redshifts for Abell Clusters. SARAZIN C.L., ROOD H.J. and STRUBLE M.F.
1982A&A...111..193R 69 T                   1 87 53 The
Hydra I cluster of galaxies.
1982AJ.....87....7S 276 111 Morphological classification (revised RS) of Abell clusters in D<4 and an analysis of observed correlations. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1982ApJ...253..485P 1 88 623 A complete X-ray sample of the high-latitude (b)-20 sky from HEAO 1 A-2: log N-log S and luminosity functions. PICCINOTTI G., MUSHOTZKY R.F., BOLDT E.A., et al.
1982Ap&SS..82....3A 472 20 Second catalogue of X-ray sources. AMNUEL P.R., GUSEINOV O.H. and RAKHAMINOV S.Y.
1983A&A...125..187R 69 T                   1 42 20 The
Hydra I cluster of galaxies.
1983ApJ...266..425J 144 42 A survey by HEAO 1 of clusters of galaxies. III. The complete Abell catalog. JOHNSON M.W., CRUDDACE R.G., ULMER M.P., et al.
1983ApJ...272..456H 71 T                   5 50 Globular cluster systems in the
Hydra I elliptical galaxies. II.
1983AN....304..277B 70 T                   1 1 9 Density and radial velocity structure of the
Hydra I cluster of galaxies.
1983PASAu...5..114S 399 26 Radio data on clusters of galaxies from the Culgoora circular array. SLEE O.B. and SIEGMAN B.C.
1984A&A...141..419G 31 2 Galaxy clusters : dynamical times and brightest member magnitudes. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1984A&AS...56..415B 91 12 A catalogue of X-ray spectra observed with the Ariel V proportional counter (Experiment C). BELL BURNELL S.J. and CHIAPPETTI L.
1984ApJ...276...38J 3 48 891 The structure of clusters of galaxies observed with Einstein. JONES C. and FORMAN W.
1984ApJ...278...51L 99 29 The bright end of the color-magnitude relation for early-type galaxies in clusters. LUGGER P.M.
1984ApJ...285....1S 1 35 182 The prevalence of cooling flows in clusters of galaxies. STEWART G.C., FABIAN A.C., JONES C., et al.
1984ApJ...286..106L 44 20 The structure of first-ranked cluster galaxies and the radius-magnitude relation. LUGGER P.M.
1984ApJS...56..403K viz 144 90 An X-ray survey of clusters of galaxies. IV. A survey of southern clusters and a compilation of upper limits for both Abell and southern clusters. KOWALSKI M.P., ULMER M.P., CRUDDACE R.G., et al.
1984ApJS...56..507W viz 900 396 The HEAO A-1 X-ray source catalog. WOOD K.S., MEEKINS J.F., YENTIS D.J., et al.
1984MNRAS.206..529E 2 23 246 Structure of superclusters and supercluster formation - III. Quantitative study of the Local Supercluster. EINASTO J., KLYPIN A.A., SAAR E., et al.
1984ARA&A..22..445H 1 50 267 The influence of environment on the HI content of galaxies. HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R. and CHINCARINI G.L.
1984AZh....61..645D 27 2 The origin of galaxies and clusters of galaxies in the neutrino universe. DOROSHKEVICH A.G.
1985A&A...144..431R 44 66 Iron abundance in galaxy clusters. ROTHENFLUG R. and ARNAUD M.
1985A&A...144..496L 69 T                   1 3 11 The nuclear radio sources in the elliptical galaxies NGC 3309 and NGC 3311 in the cluster
Abell 1060.
1985A&AS...61...93H 267 45 The Antlia cluster of galaxies and its environment : the Hydra I-Centaurus supercluster. HOPP U. and MATERNE J.
1985AJ.....90.1665K 2 2 28 The X-ray cluster Abell 744. KURTZ M.J., HUCHRA J.P., BEERS T.C., et al.
1985Natur.317..788R 45 2 Liouville's theorem and the velocity field of galaxies. RIVOLO A.R.
1985SSRv...40..669N 69 T                   1 2 2 Abell 1367 and
1060 observed with EXOSAT.
1986AJ.....91..822H 2 20 168 Globular clusters in galaxies beyond the local group. V. The giant ellipticals reconsidered. HARRIS W.E.
1986ApJ...301..675R 17 22 Optical and infrared studies of galaxy clusters with cooling accretion flows. ROMANISHIN W.
1986ApJ...309..564H 1 10 52 Globular clusters in galaxies beyond the local group. VIII. Elliptical galaxies in the Fornax cluster. HANES D.A. and HARRIS W.E.
1986MNRAS.219..457E 76 106 Structure of superclusters and supercluster formation - V. Spatial correlation and voids. EINASTO J., KLYPIN A.A. and SAAR E.
1986MNRAS.221..453L 27 92 The Centaurus cluster of galaxies - II. The bimodal velocity structure. LUCEY J.R., CURRIE M.J. and DICKENS R.J.
1986BAAS...18..906W 69 T                   1 2 1 A study of X-ray emitting gas in 2A 0335+096 and
A 1060 clusters of galaxies.
1987A&A...185...94F 70 T                   1 9 3 An expanding shell of galaxies in the center of the
Hydra I cluster ?
1987A&AS...67..237R 70 T                   1 19 35 The
Hydra I cluster of galaxies. III. New redshifts.
1987ApJ...321..686K 43 38 The marginal gravitational lensing. KOVNER I.
1987ApJ...323....1T 393 101 More about clustering on a scale of 0.1 c. TULLY R.B.
1987ApJS...63..543S 585 178 A compilation of redshifts and velocity dispersions for Abell clusters. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1987ApJS...63..555S viz 2712 116 A catalog of morphological properties of the 2712 Abell clusters. STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1987MNRAS.224...75J 2 25 246 The optical spectra of central galaxies in southern clusters : evidence for star formation. JOHNSTONE R.M., FABIAN A.C. and NULSEN P.E.J.
1987MNRAS.227..185W 1 7 33 Globular clusters belonging to galaxy clusters. WHITE III R.E.
1987MNRAS.227..801S 36 29 Axial inclination and differential rotation for 19 rapidly rotating stars. STOECKLEY T.R. and BUSCOMBE W.
1987MNRAS.228..973T 3 11 175 Mass deposition in cooling flows - analysis of the X-ray data. THOMAS P.A., FABIAN A.C. and NULSEN P.E.J.
1987ApL....26...43M 26 ~ Determination of the masses of elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies with AXAF. MUSHOTZKY R.F.
1987BAAS...19..686F 70 T                   1 2 0 VLA observations of neutral hydrogen in the
Hydra I cluster.
1987BAAS...19..687H 3 ~ Globular cluster systems and galactic halos. HARRIS W.E.
1987PhR...148..309A 76 28 Extragalactic magnetic fields. ASSEO E. and SOL H.
1988A&A...199...13M 72 83 Photometry, spectroscopy and content of the distant cluster of galaxies Abell 370. MELLIER Y., SOUCAIL G., FORT B., et al.
1988A&AS...73..265A viz 49 37 A radio survey of clusters of galaxies. VI. More observations of 34 Abell cluster areas at 11.1, 6.3 and 2.8 cm and a preliminary statistical review of data in papers I-VI. ANDERNACH H., HAN T., SIEVERS A., et al.
1988ApJ...330..620S 70 T                   1 3 5 EXOSAT observations of the hot gas in the
A 1060 cluster of galaxies.
1988ApJ...335...18F 71 T                   1 6 47 Dynamics of the
Hydra I galaxy cluster.
1988MNRAS.235.1177L 34 133 Distances to five nearby southern galaxy clusters and the absolute motion of the Local Group. LUCEY J.R. and CARTER D.
1988ARA&A..26..245R 2 7 82 Voids. ROOD H.J.
1988BAAS...20..686G 5 1 Cluster peculiar velocities from m* and implications. GUDEHUS D.H.
1988NewSc.119...48H 2 0 Galaxies that feed on gas. HENBEST N.
1988SoSAO..58...41A 796 4 A deep sky survey at 3.9, 7.7 and 14.4 GHz. AMIRKHANIAN V.R., GORSHKOV A.G. and IPATOV A.V.
1988IAUS..130..185A 6 1 Large peculiar velocities in the Hydra Centaurus supercluster. AARONSON M., BOTHUN G.D., BUDGE K.G., et al.
1989A&AS...77..237R 70 T                   1 582 25 The
Hydra I cluster of galaxies. V. A catalogue of galaxies in the cluster area.
1989AJ.....97..627O 5 8 The distribution of galaxies in Abell 1795. OEGERLE W.R., FITCHETT M.J. and HOESSEL J.G.
1989AJ.....98...64Z viz 289 71 A 20cm VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. I. Distance class <3 clusters. ZHAO J.-H., BURNS J.O. and OWEN F.N.
1989ApJ...342..617G 12 12 On the deviation from uniform expansion of the universe. GUDEHUS D.H.
1989ApJS...69..763F viz 712 594 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. VI. Sample selection and data summary. FABER S.M., WEGNER G., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1989ApJS...70....1A viz 5256 1561 A catalog of rich clusters of galaxies. ABELL G.O., CORWIN H.G.Jr and OLOWIN R.P.
1989MNRAS.238..881L 56 152 The spatial distribution of X-ray clusters of galaxies. LAHAV O., EDGE A.C., FABIAN A.C., et al.
1989MNRAS.241..787S 10 39 The peculiar velocity of the Local Group - III. Dipole, quadrupole and infall solutions. STAVELEY-SMITH L. and DAVIES R.D.
1989AcC....16....7D 20 0 On the dynamics of slowly rotating stellar systems. DAVOUST E.
1989AGAb....2...54K 2 1 An extended galaxy search in the zone of avoidance near Hydra. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C.
1989AN....310....7B 567 1 Catalogue of Abell clusters of galaxies with published photometric data. BAIER F.W. and ZIENER R.
1989JRASC..83..351S 5 4 Edwin HUBBLE 1889-1953. SANDAGE A.
1989Natur.342..251R 49 122 The distribution of galaxies in the direction of the 'great attractor'. RAYCHAUDHURY S.
1990A&A...231....1G 75 18 The local anomaly of the extragalactic velocity field. GIRAUD E.
1990ApJ...350...36W 57 121 A reanalysis of substructure in clusters of galaxies and their surroundings. WEST M.J. and BOTHUN G.D.
1990ApJ...351..406B 30 56 Infrared emission from central dominant galaxies in X-ray luminous clusters. BREGMAN J.N., McNAMARA B.R. and O'CONNELL R.W.
1990ApJ...353...90W 12 6 Luminosity-velocity diagrams for Virgo cluster spirals. I. Inner rotation curves. WOODS D., MADORE B.F. and FAHLMAN G.G.
1990ApJ...355..401G 39 41 Search for cold gas in clusters with and without cooling flows. GRABELSKY D.A. and ULMER M.P.
1990ApJ...361...49S viz 4 10 162 A redshift survey of IRAS galaxies. I. Sample selection. SRAUSS M.A., DAVIS M., YAHIL A., et al.
1990ApJ...364..433S 24 16 A search for small-scale X-ray surface brightness fluctuations in clusters of galaxies. SOLTAN A. and FABRICANT D.G.
1990ApJ...365....1S 1 19 123 Steps toward the Hubble constant. IX. The cosmic value of Ho freed from all local velocity anomalies. SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1990ApJS...74....1Z 372 296 The kinematics of Abell clusters. ZABLUDOFF A.I., HUCHRA J.P. and GELLER M.J.
1990MNRAS.245..559E 1 54 429 An X-ray flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies : evidence for evolution of the luminosity function. EDGE A.C., STEWART G.C., FABIAN A.C., et al.
1990MNRAS.247....1R 8 6 201 A sparse-sampled redshift survey of IRAS galaxies. I. The convergence of the IRAS dipole and the origin of our motion with respect to the microwave background. ROWAN-ROBINSON M., LAWRENCE A., SAUNDERS W., et al.
1990BAAS...22.1312M 70 T                   1 1 1 First results from a volume-limited HI survey of the
Hydra I cluster.
1990RMxAA..21..173K 19 0 NGC 3309 : an S-shaped radio galaxy in a nearby cluster. KOTANYI C.
1991A&A...252...13N 11 1 Statistical properties of X-ray clusters of galaxies. NESCI R.
1991A&AS...89..389M 53 27 Calan-Tololo survey. III. HII galaxies. MAZA J., RUIZ M.T., PENA M., et al.
1991AJ....101...57W 234 45 Studies of nearby poor clusters: A3574 and S753. WILLMER C.N.A., FOCARDI P., CHAN R., et al.
1991AJ....101..783M 43 31 A search for bound satellite populations around central dominant galaxies in clusters. MERRIFIELD M.R. and KENT S.M.
1991ApJ...366..393G 13 7 The luminosity-diameter relation for disk galaxies in different environments. GIRARDI M., BIVIANO A., GIURICIN G., et al.
1991ApJ...372..410H 2 33 369 A measurement of the mass fluctuation spectrum from the cluster X-ray temperature function. HENRY J.P. and ARNAUD K.A.
1991ApJ...383..467M 139 103 The velocity field of clusters of galaxies within 100 megaparsecs. I. Southern clusters. MOULD J.R., STAVELEY-SMITH L., SCHOMMER R.A., et al.
1991ApJS...77..363S viz 780 166 A compilation of redshifts and velocity dispersions for Abell clusters (epoch 1991.2). STRUBLE M.F. and ROOD H.J.
1991MNRAS.248..112W 70 T                   245 19 Optical identifications of IRAS point sources: the Fornax,
Hydra I and Coma clusters.
1991MNRAS.248..804L 95 45 New distances to and peculiar motions of two Abell clusters - evidence for spurious motions ? LUCEY J.R., GRAY P.M., CARTER D., et al.
1991MNRAS.249p..28D 3 ~ On the distribution of radio sources in rich galaxy clusters. DE VAUCOULEURS G.
1991MNRAS.249...46P 3 6 79 Evidence for large-scale structure on scales 300 h-1 Mpc. PLIONIS M. and VALDARNINI R.
1991MNRAS.250..607P 53 3 Morphological evolution of clusters. PEARCE F.R. and THOMAS P.A.
1991MNRAS.252..414E 2 41 371 EXOSAT observations of clusters of galaxies - I. The X-ray data. EDGE A.C. and STEWART G.C.
1991MNRAS.252..428E 2 35 285 EXOSAT observations of clusters of galaxies - II. X-ray to optical correlations. EDGE A.C. and STEWART G.C.
1991ARA&A..29..499G 23 87 Redshift surveys of galaxies. GIOVANELLI R. and HAYNES M.P.
1991ARA&A..29..543H 2 77 660 Globular cluster systems in galaxies beyond the Local Group. HARRIS W.E.
1991BAAS...23.1340M 70 T                   1 1 0 The properties of gas rich galaxies in the
Hydra I cluster.
1991Natur.349...32S 2 33 362 The density field of the local Universe. SAUNDERS W., FRENK C., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., et al.
1991NewSc1759...30R 3 1 Dark doubts for cosmology. ROWAN-ROBINSON M.
1991SciAm.265l..76H 1 0 Quantum cosmology and the creation of the universe. HALLIWELL J.J.
1992A&A...254...49A 1 47 267 Some constraints on the origin of the iron enriched intra-cluster medium. ARNAUD M., ROTHENFLUG R., BOULADE O., et al.
1992A&A...255...69G 273 68 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. I. Grouping hierarchical method and statistical properties. GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P. and FOUQUE P.
1992A&AS...93..211F 2164 70 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members. FOUQUE P., GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1992AJ....103..379M 48 19 Type Ia supernovae and cosmic peculiar velocities. MILLER D.L. and BRANCH D.
1992AJ....103..399M 70 T                   15 11 H I imaging of NGC 3312 and NGC 3314A. A foreground group to the Hydra cluster? McMAHON P.M., RICHTER O.-G., VAN GORKOM J.H., et al.
1992AJ....103.1051H 118 8 Verification of a subsample of the Abell survey using X-ray data. HENRIKSEN M.
1992AJ....103.1057V 181 14 Redshifts of luminous spiral galaxies in the direction of the Great Attractor. VISVANATHAN N. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1992AJ....103.1828B 11 17 A globular cluster system around the supergiant elliptical NGC 3842. BUTTERWORTH S.T. and HARRIS W.E.
1992ApJ...384..404P viz 376 238 The distribution of nearby rich clusters of galaxies. POSTMAN M., HUCHRA J.P. and GELLER M.J.
1992ApJ...394..452D 29 17 Semiempirical limits on the thermal conductivity of intracluster gas. DAVID L.P., HUGHES J.P. and TUCKER W.H.
1992ApJ...395...75H 17 17 Tha large-scale velocity field beyond the Local Supercluster. HAN M.
1992ApJ...395...91S 19 10 Reproducing the local and global morphological segregation between S and SO galaxies in rich clusters by sample ram-pressure stripping. SOLANES J.M. and SALVADOR-SOLE E.
1992ApJ...396...35B 68 64 Velocity segregation in galaxy clusters. BIVIANO A., GIRARDI M., GIURICIN G., et al.
1992ApJ...396..453H 81 98 Peculiar velocities of clusters in the Perseus-Pisces supercluster. HAN M. and MOULD J.R.
1992ApJS...78..423L 39 11 The spectral archive of cosmic X-ray sources observed by the Einstein Observatory focal plane crystal spectrometer. LUM K.S.K., CANIZARES C.R., CLARK G.W., et al.
1992ApJS...80..257E 823 245 The Einstein Slew Survey. ELVIS M., PLUMMER D., SCHACHTER J., et al.
1992ApJS...81...35H 299 51 I-band CCD surface photometry of spiral galaxies in 16 nearby clusters. HAN M.
1992MNRAS.258..177E 1 57 256 Properties of cooling flows in a flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies. EDGE A.C., STEWART G.C. and FABIAN A.C.
1992AcA....42..253U 1 53 302 The optical gravitational lensing experiment. UDALSKI A., SZYMANSKI M., KALUZNY J., et al.
1992AN....313..275B 28 3 Observational evidence for the evolution of cD galaxies. BAIER F.W. and SCHMIDT K.-H.
1993A&A...269L...9G 7 4 The motion of the Local group with respect to the microwave background frame : local anomaly and effect of clusters at distances >40h-1 Mpc. GOICOECHEA L.J.
1993A&A...276....1J 64 76 The Local group motion towards Virgo and the microwave background. JERJEN H. and TAMMANN G.A.
1993AJ....105...97S 83 62 Measuring galaxy distances from optical rotation curves. SCHOMMER R.A., BOTHUN G.D., WILLIAMS T.B., et al.
1993AJ....105.1596B 1 15 114 Astronomical applications of distribution shape estimations. BIRD C.M. and BEERS T.C.
1993AJ....106.1314Z 1 6 32 Morphology and kinematics in clusters of galaxies. ZABLUDOFF A.I. and FRANX M.
1993ApJ...407..470Z 423 116 All-sky catalogs of superclusters of Abell-ACO clusters. ZUCCA E., ZAMORANI G., SCARAMELLA R., et al.
1993ApJ...411...34J 47 75 Sources od scatter in the fundamental plane and the Dn-sigma relation. JORGENSEN I., FRANX M. and KJAERGAARD P.
1993ApJ...412..479D 1 103 506 A catalog of intracluster gas temperatures. DAVID L.P., SLYZ A., JONES C., et al.
1993ApJ...415L..17L 42 122 The relation between velocity dispersion and temperature in clusters : limiting the velocity bias. LUBIN L.M. and BAHCALL N.A.
1993ApJ...419...47Z 8 22 A technique for detecting structure in cluster velocity distributions. ZABLUDOFF A.I., FRANX M. and GELLER M.J.
1993ApJS...85..249H viz 71 T                   138 6 Surface photometry of the Hydra I cluster of galaxies. I. Photometric data. HAMABE M.
1993ApJS...87..135O 512 41 A 20 centimeter VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. III. Images and optical identifications. OWEN F.N., WHITE F.N. and GE J.P.
1993MNRAS.263..343F 17 36 A test for dust in clusters of galaxies. FERGUSON H.C.
1993ComAp..17..131H 2 0 An empirical approach to analysing the X-ray surface brightness distributions of clusters of galaxies. HENRIKSEN M.
1994A&A...281..673M 12 44 Sensitive limits on the molecular gas content of cluster cooling flows. McNAMARA B.R. and JAFFE W.
1994A&A...284L..31S 20 31 A Faber-Jackson relation for clusters of galaxies: implications for modified dynamics. SANDERS R.H.
1994A&A...290..725P 43 41 Optical observations of a ROSAT sample of clusters of galaxies. I. Techniques and X-ray/optical analysis. PIERRE M., BOEHRINGER H., EBELING H., et al.
1994AJ....107.1637B 1 24 144 Substructure in clusters and central galaxy peculiar velocities. BIRD C.M.
1994AJ....107.1962B 52 67 Tests of the Tully-Fisher relation. I. Scatter in infrared magnitude versus 21cm width. BERNSTEIN G.M., GUHATHAKURTA P., RAYCHAUDHURY S., et al.
1994AJ....108....1S viz 343 33 The intrinsic shape of clusters of galaxies: correlations among flattening, richness, and velocity dispersion. STRUBLE M.F. and FTACLAS C.
1994ApJ...422..467O 28 99 Constraints on molecular gas in cooling flows and powerful radio galaxies. O'DEA C.P., BAUM S.A., MALONEY P.R., et al.
1994ApJ...422..486M 1 23 135 The spatial structure of the M 87 globular cluster system. McLAUGHLIN D.E., HARRIS W.E. and HANES D.A.
1994ApJ...423L..93L 4 4 66 Wiener reconstruction of all-sky galaxy surveys in spherical harmonics. LAHAV O., FISHER K.B., HOFFMAN Y., et al.
1994ApJ...423..539E 1 16 67 Structures in galaxy clusters. ESCALERA E., BIVIANO A., GIRARDI M., et al.
1994ApJ...425..418L viz 125 332 The motion of the Local Group with respect to the 15,000 kilometer per second Abell cluster inertial frame. LAUER T.R. and POSTMAN M.
1994ApJ...430...29F 2 6 63 Bias properties of extragalactic distance indicators. III. Analysis of Tully-Fisher distances for the Mathewson-Ford-Buchhorn sample of 1355 galaxies. FEDERSPIEL M., SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1994ApJ...433..435K 13 19 Search unresolved sources in the COBE-DMR two-year sky maps. KOGUT A., BANDAY A.J., BENNETT C.L., et al.
1994MNRAS.269..301E viz 678 139 The structure of the universe traced by rich clusters of galaxies. EINASTO M., EINASTO J., TAGO E., et al.
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1998ApJ...504..629N 1 4 23 Contribution of type Ia and type II supernovae to intracluster medium enrichment. NAGATAKI S. and SATO K.
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1998MNRAS.297L..63A 40 98 The relationship between cooling flows and metallicity measurements for X-ray-luminous clusters. ALLEN S.W. and FABIAN A.C.
1998MNRAS.297..968J 31 6 The poor cluster of galaxies S639. JORGENSEN I. and JONCH-SORENSEN H.
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1998SciAm.279d..50K 24 1 Galaxies behind the Milky Way. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C. and LAHAV O.
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1999ApJ...510...71J 1 8 33 The infrared surface brightness fluctuation distances to the Hydra and Coma clusters. JENSEN J.B., TONRY J.L. and LUPPINO G.A.
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1999ApJ...517..627M 4 46 555 Properties of the intracluster medium in an ensemble of nearby galaxy clusters. MOHR J.J., MATHIESEN B. and EVRARD A.E.
1999ApJ...520...78H 1 50 165 Observational tests of the mass-temperature relation for galaxy clusters. HORNER D.J., MUSHOTZKY R.F. and SCHARF C.A.
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1999MNRAS.305..834E 1 43 207 ROSAT PSPC observations of 36 high-luminosity clusters of galaxies: constraints on the gas fraction. ETTORI S. and FABIAN A.C.
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1999LAstr.113..279S 6 0 Le Big Bang, une breve histoire de l'Univers. SILK J.
1999Ap&SS.267...95H 16 8 Globular cluster systems in other galaxies. HARRIS W.E.
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1999BaltA...8..535M 13 21 Galaxy surface photometry. MILVANG-JENSEN B. and JORGENSEN I.
1999PASA...16...53K 18 23 Overview of uncovered and suspected large-scale structures behind the Milky Way. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C. and WOUDT P.A.
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2000AJ....119..580B 61 175 VLA H I imaging of the brightest spiral galaxies in Coma. BRAVO-ALFARO H., CAYATTE V., VAN GORKOM J.H., et al.
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2000ApJ...530...62G 108 61 Optical luminosities and mass-to-light ratios of nearby galaxy clusters. GIRARDI M., BORGANI S., GIURICIN G., et al.
2000ApJ...533...62R 28 8 Shape of the galactic orbits in the CNOC1 clusters. RAMIREZ A.C., DE SOUZA R.E. and SCHADE D.
2000ApJ...533..137H 15 30 The globular cluster systems in the Coma ellipticals. II. Metallicity distribution and radial structure in NGC 4874 and implications for galaxy formation. HARRIS W.E., KAVELAARS J.J., HANES D.A., et al.
2000ApJ...533..744T viz 281 232 Distances to galaxies from the correlation between luminosities and line widths. III. Cluster template and global measurement of H0. TULLY R.B. and PIERCE M.J.
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2000ApJ...542..578W 46 18 On the radial density profile of intracluster gas tracing the isothermal dark halo with a finite core. WU X.-P. and XUE Y.-J.
2000ApJ...542..761W 72 56 Seeing galaxies through thick and thin. I. Optical opacity measures in overlapping galaxies. WHITE III R.E., KEEL W.C. and CONSELICE C.J.
2000ApJ...543L..19B 10 22 A new look at globular cluster colors in NGC 3311 and the case for exclusively metal-rich globular cluster systems. BRODIE J.P., LARSEN S.S. and KISSLER-PATIG M.
2000ApJ...544..188F 2 20 157 An ASCA study of the heavy-element distribution in clusters of galaxies. FINOGUENOV A., DAVID L.P. and PONMAN T.J.
2000MNRAS.312..663W 107 221 Deconvolution of ASCA X-ray data - II. Radial temperature and metallicity profiles for 106 galaxy clusters. WHITE D.A.
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2000MNRAS.313..469S viz 14       D               571 153 Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12000km/s - I. New spectroscopic data. SMITH R.J., LUCEY J.R., HUDSON M.J., et al.
2000MNRAS.313..553E 1 7 32 A case devoid of bias: Optical Redshift Survey voids versus IRAS voids. EL-AD H. and PIRAN T.
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2000MNRAS.315..689L 3 22 233 The entropy and energy of intergalactic gas in galaxy clusters. LLOYD-DAVIES E.J., PONMAN T.J. and CANNON D.B.
2000MNRAS.317..259J 21 4 The stellar content of brightest cluster galaxies. JAMES P.A. and MOBASHER B.
2000MNRAS.318..715X 35 22 Properties of the double β model for intracluster gas. XUE Y.-J. and WU X.-P.
2000MNRAS.318..733S 35 12 X-ray colour maps of the cores of galaxy clusters. SANDERS J.S., FABIAN A.C. and ALLEN S.W.
2000A&ARv..10..211K 32 72 The Universe behind the Milky Way. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R. and LAHAV O.
2000PASJ...52..153M 70 42 Gas, iron, and gravitational mass in galaxy clusters : the general lack of cluster evolution at z < 1.0. MATSUMOTO H., TSURU T., FUKAZAWA Y., et al.
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2000RPPh...63..763M 79 3 The calibration of the extragalactic distance scale: methods and problems. MOULD J., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and FREEDMAN W.
2000ARep...44..150K 9 13 The bulk motion of FGC galaxies on scales of 100 Mpc. KARACHENTSEV I.D., KARACHENTSEVA V.E., KUDRYA Y.N., et al.
2000PASA...17....6K 13 6 Mapping the hidden universe : the galaxy distribution in the Zone of Avoidance. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C. and JURASZEK S.
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2001AJ....122.1369K 1 13 42 Seeing galaxies through thick and thin. IV. The superposed spiral galaxies of NGC 3314. KEEL W.C. and WHITE III R.E.
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2001ApJ...546..150I 19 36 Iron abundance profiles of 12 clusters of galaxies observed with BeppoSAX. IRWIN J.A. and BREGMAN J.N.
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2001ApJ...548...97S 3 28 314 The H I content of spirals. II. Gas deficiency in cluster galaxies. SOLANES J.M., MANRIQUE A., GARCIA-GOMEZ C., et al.
2001ApJ...550..503J 51 42 The infrared surface brightness fluctuation Hubble constant. JENSEN J.B., TONRY J.L., THOMPSON R.I., et al.
2001ApJ...553...47F 7 133 3019 Final results from the Hubble Space Telescope key project to measure the Hubble constant. FREEDMAN W.L., MADORE B.F., GIBSON B.K., et al.
2001ApJ...553...78X 23 57 The mass-temperature relation of 22 nearby clusters. XU H., JIN G. and WU X.-P.
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2001ApJ...554..857G 16 37 The redshift-space two-point correlation functions of galaxies and groups in the nearby optical galaxy sample. GIURICIN G., SAMUROVIC S., GIRARDI M., et al.
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2001MNRAS.327..249S viz 15       D               486 9 Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12 000 km.s–1 - II. New photometric data for the Fundamental Plane. SMITH R.J., LUCEY J.R., SCHLEGEL D.J., et al.
2001MNRAS.327..265H viz 15       D               762 37 Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12 000 km.s–1 - III. A standardized catalogue of Fundamental Plane data. HUDSON M.J., LUCEY J.R., SMITH R.J., et al.
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