M 20 , the SIMBAD biblio

M 20 , the SIMBAD biblio (435 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:29:30

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Title First 3 Authors
1850CDT..1784..227M 111 ~ Catalogue des nebuleuses et des amas d'etoiles. MESSIER C.
1894AstAp..13..791B 61 T                   2 4 1 Photograph of M8, and the
Trifid nebula.
1895ApJ.....2..161C 61 T                   2 3 2 The visible spectrum of the
Trifid nebula.
1895ApJ.....2..351B 9 0 Celestial photographs with a "magic lantern" lens. BARNARD E.E.
1919ApJ....49....1B viz 1 8 101 On the dark markings of the sky, with a catalogue of 182 such objects. BARNARD E.E.
1922ApJ....56..162H 112 131 A general study of diffuse galactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.P.
1922ApJ....56..400H 62 99 The source of luminosity in galactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.
1923ApJ....57..137D 26 10 Photographic studies of nebulae. III. DUNCAN J.C.
1925ApJ....61..389M 200 27 Discovery and observations of stars of class Be. MERRILL P.W., HUMASON M.L. and BURWELL C.G.
1931PASP...43..255T 7 23 The distance of the Orion nebula. TRUMPLER R.J.
1954Natur.174..176H 25 22 Radio observations of ionized hydrogen nebulae and other discrete sources at a wavelength of 9.4 cm. HADDOCK F.T., MAYER C.H. and SLOANAKER R.M.
1956AuJPh...9...74P 51 18 Cosmic radio sources observed at 600 Mc/s. PIDDINGTON J.H. and TRENT G.H.
1957ApJ...125..654H 66 T                   1 34 35 Emission-line stars in the vicinity of Messier 8, Messier 20 and Simeis 188. HERBIG G.H.
1957ApJ...126..302V 66 T                   1 140 26 Halpha emission stars and planetary nebulae in the vicinity of M 8 and
M 20, and in Vela in longitude range 230 to 241 along the galactic equator.
1959MmSAI..30...83M 66 T                   1 8 2 Nuove stelle variabili nella regione dell'
M 20.
1960PASP...72..331W 116 99 A survey of galactic radiation at 960 MC/S. WILSON R.W. and BOLTON J.G.
1961MNRAS.123..113L 61 32 A radio survey of the galactic plane at a frequency of 408 MHz. I. The discrete sources. LARGE M.I., MATHEWSON D.S. and HASLAM C.G.T.
1961SvA.....5..819C 66 T                   1 12 ~ Radio observations of the diffuse nebulae NGC 6618, NGC 6523 and
NGC 6514 on decimeter wavelengths.
1963AJ.....68..181W 125 40 Catalogue of radio sources in the Galactic plane. WILSON R.W.
1963ApJ...137..747H 59 92 Dimensions of diffuse and planetary nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud. HENIZE K.G. and WESTERLUND B.E.
1963CoAsi.146....1M 66 T                   1 3 1 Osservazioni di stelle variabili nelle zone dell'
M 20 e dell'M 17.
1963MmSAI..34..441M 66 T                   1 19 6 Osservazioni di stelle variabili nelle zone dell'
M 20 e dell'M 17.
1964ApJ...140..969K 241 162 The spectra of non-thermal radio sources. KELLERMANN K.I.
1965MNRAS.129..447M 62 15 Observations of the radio emission from the galactic plane at a frequency of 610 Mc/s. MORAN M.
1965BAN....18...42D 196 26 A catalogue of discrete sources observed at 400 Mc/s. DAVIS M.M., GELATO-VOLDERS L. and WESTERHOUT G.
1965VA......6..149P 1 7 88 The diffuse emission nebulae. POTTASCH S.R.
1966ApJ...143..743O 1 6 67 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of gaseous nebulae. III. Scattered light in three bright HII regions. O'DELL C.R., HUBBARD W.B. and PEIMBERT M.
1967ApJ...150..435D 59 119 Observations of the hydrogen recombination line 158a in galactic H II regions. DIETER N.H.
1968ApJ...151..473M 92 147 Radial velocities and kinematics of galactic H II regions. MILLER J.S.
1969A&A.....1..153L 5 22 Sur la temperature electronique des regions H II. LOUISE R. and MONNET G.
1969ApJ...158..629M 101 179 The effective temperatures of the O stars. MORTON D.C.
1970A&A.....7..322G 40 11 Comparaison des vitesses radiales de regions H II obtenues en optique et en radio. GEORGELIN Y.P.
1970A&AS....1..319A 85 307 Surveys of the galactic plane at 1.414, 2.695 and 5.000 GHz. ALTENHOFF W.J., DOWNES D., GOAD L., et al.
1970ApJ...160..507A 33 29 The interstellar extinction of stars in HII regions. ANDERSON C.M.
1973ApJ...183..851B 68 T                   1 3 27 Structure of the HII regions M 8 and
M 20. I. Kinematics.
1973ApJ...184...93B 67 T                   1 4 17 Structure of the HII regions M 8 and
M 20. II. Electron densities.
1974A&A....32..121D 67 T                   1 7 12 Photoelectric photometry of gaseous nebulae. II. The temperature and ionization structure of M 8 and
M 20.
1975A&A....39..481G 15 33 Young stellar clusters in diffuse nebulae. GLUSHKOV Y.I., DENISYUK E.K. and KARYAGINA Z.V.
1975PASJ...27..119O 68 T                   1 40 14 UBV photometry of the stars in the fields of emission nebulae. I.
M 20.
1975SvAL....1...97V 68 T                   1 3 1 Radiation source in the northern part of the nebula
1976A&A....51..247B 42 25 Observational tests on star formation. I. Size variation of very young clusters through the galaxy. BURKI G. and MAEDER A.
1976Ap&SS..40...91G 2 3 30 W 28 - a possible association of supernova remnants and HII regions. GOUDIS C.
1976BICDS..11...16M 3 6 Catalogue of UBV photometry and MK spectral types in open clusters. Second edition. MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1976PASAu...3...47L 42 8 The AFCRL catalogue: some southern sources studies. LONGMORE A.J. and HYLAND A.R.
1978ApJ...224..417H 2 14 173 The chemical composition of galactic and extragalactic H II regions. HAWLEY S.A.
1978LicOB.797....1H 14 0 The chemical composition of galactic and extragalactic H II regions. HAWLEY S.A.
1979A&A....71..151D 17 19 Interaction of hot stars and the interstellar medium. IX - Morphology, excitation and kinematics of SH 2-158(NGC 7538), a bright high excitation galactic nebula. DEHARVENG L., LORTET M.C. and TESTOR G.
1979ApJ...232..761L 42 98 The distribution of dense HII regions in the inner galaxy. LOCKMAN F.J.
1980A&AS...40...33V 11 3 Photometrie photoelectrique de nebuleuses gazeuses diffuses dans la raie H-alpha. VIDAL J.-L.
1981A&AS...45..451N 77 31 The interstellar extinction law in some dusty HII regions. NECKEL T. and CHINI R.
1981SvA....25...25S 15 8 The structure of star formation regions. III. Individual regions: spatial extent, mass, and age of SFR Sagittarius I. STAL'BOVSKII O.I. and SHEVCHENKO V.S.
1982AJ.....87...98H 90 81 R associations. VI. The reddening law in dust clouds and the nature of early-type emission stars in nebulosity from a study of five associations. HERBST W., MILLER D.P., WARNER J.W., et al.
1982ApJS...49..183B viz 409 459 Catalogue of CO radial velocities toward galactic HII regions. BLITZ L., FICH M. and STARK A.A.
1983A&A...118..234D 26 71 A rediscussion of sulfur abundances in Magellanic Clouds and galactic HII regions. DENNEFELD M. and STASINSKA G.
1983Afz....19..127V 69 T                   1 3 1 The polarimetric observations of the nebula
M 20 with filters.
1983Afz....19..761K 33 7 Determination of distances to interstellar clouds from OH absorption features. KOLESNIK I.G. and YUREVICH L.V.
1983ApL....23..193H 69 T                   1 5 7 The structure of the faint nebulosity and obscuration toward M 8,
M 20, W 28.
1983BAAS...15..930L 69 T                   1 1 0 CCD observations of scattered light in the
Trifid nebula.
1984A&A...137....1C 8 28 Far-infrared survey of the galactic disc in the southern hemisphere. I. The large-scale structure. CAUX E., SERRA G., GISPERT R., et al.
1984AISAO..18...64P 1027 15 Catalogue of eclipsing and spectroscopic binary stars in the region of open clusters. POPOVA M. and KRAICHEVA Z.
1984BICDS..26....9M viz 863 3 Bibliography of individual radial velocities for stars in open cluster. II. NGC and IC clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1984BAAS...16..486M 3 0 Ionization correction factors for Argon, Carbon, and Neon in H II regions. MATHIS J.S.
1984S&W....23...37C 6 0 Astrographie in der Sierra Nevada. CELNIK W., RIEPE P. and WEBER H.-G.
1985ApJ...288..164L 71 T                   2 27 Optical measurements of the Trifid dust. LYNDS B.T., CANZIAN B.J. and O'NEIL E.J.Jr
1985ApJ...294..578L 70 T                   1 2 13 Optical line intensities in the
Trifid nebula.
1985AN....306...45S 178 11 Investigation of the initial mass spectrum of open star clusters. STECKLUM B.
1985JApA....6..177A 61 30 A survey of radio recombination line emission from the galactic plane at 325 MHz. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R.
1985JApA....6..203A 42 49 Low density ionized gas in the inner galaxy - Interpretation of recombination line observations at 325 MHz. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R.
1986A&A...158..279S 14 32 Excitation in the ionized diffuse interstellar medium. SIVAN J.-P., STASINSKA G. and LEQUEUX J.
1986AJ.....92.1125L 69 T                   4 3 The Trifid reflection nebulae. LYNDS B.T. and O'NEIL E.J.Jr
1986PASP...98.1002O 6 1 XI. Internal motions in HII regions. O'DELL C.R.
1986BICDS..31..175M 308 18 Catalogue of UBV photometry and MK spectral types in open clusters (Third edition). MERMILLIOD J.C.
1986BAAS...18.1032D 6 0 CCD imagery of galactic and extragalactic H II regions. DUFOUR R.J., HESTER J.J. and PARKER R.A.R.
1987A&A...176...34H 113 78 Kinematics of young open clusters and the rotation curve of our Galaxy. HRON J.
1987ApJ...317..676O 70 T                   1 7 15 Fine-scale motion in
NGC 6514 and NGC 6523.
1987ApJ...317..686O 1 6 42 Evidence for turbulence in H II regions. O'DELL C.R. and CASTANEDA H.O.
1987BAAS...19.1056O 7 0 Turbulence in galactic HII regions. O'DELL C.R. and CASTANEDA H.O.
1987S&T....74..465K 35 0 The spectacular O stars. KALER J.B.
1988A&A...195..230H 11 30 The SMC compact blob N 81: a detailed multi-wavelength investigation. HEYDARI-MALAYERI M., LE BERTRE T. and MAGAIN P.
1988GriO...52d...2V 6 0 Barnard's dilemma. VERSCHUUR G.L.
1988NASAR1202....1L viz 131 0 Catalog of open clusters and associated interstellar matter. LEISAWITZ D.
1988NewSc.120...23M 6 1 The developing art of star photography. MALIN D.
1988PAZh...14..817E 390 14 Young star-gaseous complexes of the galaxy. EFREMOV Y.N. and SITNIK T.G.
1989A&A...224..191V 42 8 Magnetised molecular cloud edges. VALLEE J.P.
1989ApJ...345..282G 1 35 140 The abundance of sulfur in extragalactic HII regions. GARNETT D.R.
1989ATsir1535...13R 70 T                   1 3 0 On the source luminescence of reflection nebula
M 20.
1989AZh....66..641R 70 T                   1 2 1 On the content of the internal dust in the nebulae
M 20 and IC 5146.
1989C&E...240...46B 5 0 Mauna Kea : les astronomes plus pres du ciel. BRUNIER S.
1989RMxAA..18...99O 8 2 The link between internal velocities in galactic HII regions and the extragalactic HII regions. O'DELL C.R.
1990AJ....100..193M 29 8 Small-scale star formation at low metallicity. McCALL M.L., HILL R. and ENGLISH J.
1990Afz....33..395G 106 7 Radial systems of dark globules. I. GYULBUDAGYAN A.L. and AKOPYAN V.A.
1991MNRAS.249...76B 100 80 Formation and evolutionary properties of the galactic open cluster system. BATTINELLI P. and CAPUZZO-DOLCETTA R.
1991Ast....19g..74H 13 0 Journey to the center of the galaxy. HARRINGTON P.
1991BAAS...23.1364Y 70 T                   1 3 1 High-resolution radio continuum observations of the
Trifid nebula.
1991PAZh...17..932K 5 1 On wave motions and turbulence spectrum in HII regions. KRASNOBAEV K.V. and SYSOEV N.E.
1992ApJ...389..196O 74 84 Near-infrared spectra and classification diagnostics of Seyfert galaxies. OSTERBROCK D.E., TRAN H.D. and VEILLEUX S.
1992ApJ...398..610M 3 4 63 Deviations of interstellar extinctions from the mean R-dependent extinction law. MATHIS J.S. and CARDELLI J.A.
1992ApJ...399L..67O 3 4 53 Extinction and scattering in the Orion nebula: comparison of optical and VLA 21 centimeter studies. O'DELL C.R., WALTER D.K. and DUFOUR R.J.
1993C&E...279...38J 8 0 Les etoiles monstrueuses de la galaxie. JODRA S.
1993Natur.364...99S 1 0 Early stages of star formation. STROM S.E.
1993SciAm.268f..24M 10 0 The most distant radio galaxies. MILEY G.K. and CHAMBERS K.C.
1993SciAm.269b..56M 3 0 A universe of color. MALIN D.F.
1993S&T....86f..38L 14 0 A portrait of our galaxy. LOMBERG J.
1994MNRAS.267..904S 12 36 Penetrating the fog: correcting ground-based CCD spectroscopy for telluric absorption. STEVENSON C.C.
1994Ast....22f..63E 15 0 Glittering realms of the summer Milky Way. EICHER D.J.
1994Ap.....37..317G 71 2 On the connection between radial systems of dark globules and stellar associations. GYUL'BUDAGYAN A.L., OGANYAN G.B. and AKHVERDYAN L.G.
1994JBAA..104...77D 16 0 Celestron Schmidt cameras: theory and practice. DRAGESCO J.
1995ApJS...96..605S viz 1280 5 Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: fields in Sagittarius and Scorpius. SCHMIDT E.G. and CARRUTHERS G.R.
1995MNSSA..54...72. 127 0 The nomenclature of deep-sky objects.
1996A&A...313L...5R 10 23 Iron abundance and dust in galactic H II regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
1996PASP..108..461S 6 3 Velocity fields in H II regions using high resolution imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometer. (Dissertation summary) SEEMA P.
1996Ast....24f..32S 6 0 Edward Barnard's magnificent Milky Way. SHEEHAN W.
1996Ast....24c..80G 8 0 Beyond the visible with CCDs. GOMBERT G., SCHRIEBER P. and CHUMACK J.
1996MmSAI..67...33A 37 0 High energy gamma-ray astronomy and high energy physics. AURIEMMA G.
1996MmSAI..67..289G 59 1 Young open clusters as gamma-ray emitters. GIOVANNELLI F.
1996CCDA....3c..12G 12 0 Exploring the near-infrared sky. GOMBERT G.
1997A&AS..123...63V viz 141 46 A multiwavelength study of star formation in the very young open cluster NGC 6530. VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., THE P.S., FEINSTEIN A., et al.
1997ApJ...476..347Y 101 86 Gamma-ray pulsars and massive stars in the solar neighborhood. YADIGAROGLU I.-A. and ROMANI R.W.
1997ApJ...478..271G 17 8 The H II region Sharpless 269. I. Morphological study of the radial velocity, velocity dispersion, and density fields. GODBOUT S., JONCAS G., DURAND D., et al.
1997CoKon.100..223P 58 0 Regions of low-mass star formation. PFAU W.
1997PAZh...23...90G viz 180 ~ Absolute proper motions of 181 young open clusters. GLUSHKOVA E.V., ZABOLOTSKIKH M.V., RASTORGUEV A.S., et al.
1997S&T....94d..53H 3 0 Celestron's PixCel 255 CCD camera. HORNE J.
1998ApJ...492..650B 2 15 96 Ionization structure and spectra of iron in gaseous nebulae. BAUTISTA M.A. and PRADHAN A.K.
1998ApJS..115..259N 1 11 60 Far-infrared [C ii] line survey observations of the Galactic Plane. NAKAGAWA T., YUI Y.Y., DOI Y., et al.
1998Sci...282..462C 73 T                   13 39 Induced massive star formation in the Trifid nebula? CERNICHARO J., LEFLOCH B., COX P., et al.
1999A&A...351.1075R 13 27 The abundances of O, S, Cl, N, Ar, He and C in seven Galactic HII regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
1999A&AS..134..129K 72 T                   8 16 Photometry and spectroscopy of the central star of the Trifid nebula. KOHOUTEK L., MAYER P. and LORENZ R.
1999AJ....118.2962R 108 T K                 17 13 The kinematics of the HH 399 jet in the Trifid nebula. ROSADO M., ESTEBAN C., LEFLOCH B., et al.
1999BASI...27..257C 9 0 Dynamics of astrophysical nebulae. CHAKRABORTY A.
1999Obs...119...16S 6 5 Spectroscopic binary orbits from ultraviolet radial velocities. Paper 30: HD 164402. STICKLAND D.J. and LLOYD C.
1999AstL...25..595R viz 119 30 Statistical parallaxes and kinematical parameters of classical Cepheids and young star clusters. RASTORGUEV A.S., GLUSHKOVA E.V., DAMBIS A.K., et al.
2000A&A...357..621C 22     A   O           31 28 Internal variation of electron density in galactic HII regions. COPETTI M.V.F., MALLMANN J.A.H., SCHMIDT A.A., et al.
2000A&A...364L..31H 36   K                 12 12 Revealing deuterium Balmer lines in HII regions with VLT-UVES. HEBRARD G., PEQUIGNOT D., WALSH J.R., et al.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2000A&AS..147...93C 48 9 Integrated photometry of galactic HII regions. COPETTI M.V.F.
2000AJ....120.1933D 14 36 High-resolution VLA imaging of the supernova remnant W28 at 328 and 1415 MHz. DUBNER G.M., VELAZQUEZ P.F., GOSS W.M., et al.
2000ApJ...540..842Y 109 T K                 21 20 Radio continuum emission from the central stars of
M20, and the detection of a new supernova remnant near M20.
2000ApJ...545..340L 109 T K                 26 25 Pre-Orion cores in the Trifid nebula. LEFLOCH B. and CERNICHARO J.
2000MNRAS.312..130D 141 87 An empirical calibration of nebular abundances based on the sulphur emission lines. DIAZ A.I. and PEREZ-MONTERO E.
2000PASP..112..434T 248 4 Astrophysics in 1999. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2000S&T...100f..54D 11 0 2MASS treasure hunt. DEANS P.
2000RMxAC...9..181R 4 0 Effects of the stellar component on derived physical parameters of galactic H II regions. ROBLEDO-RELLA V.
2000AAS...197.4302H 5 0 Water masers and YSOs in H II regions: preliminary results of a VLA survey. HEALY K.R., CLAUSSEN M.J. and HESTER J.J.
2000PASA...17..179B 42 1 Beauty and astrophysics. BESSELL M.S.
2001A&A...368L..13L 109 T K                 15 9 Disks around hot stars in the
Trifid nebula.
2001A&A...368..122G 98 100 High-mass binaries in the very young open cluster NGC 6231. Implication for cluster and star formation. GARCIA B. and MERMILLIOD J.C.
2001A&A...376..441D viz 169 51 Proper motions of open clusters within 1 kpc based on the TYCHO2 Catalogue. DIAS W.S., LEPINE J.R.D. and ALESSI B.S.
2001ApJ...556..203O 22 11 Measurement and interpretation of deuterium-line emission in the Orion Nebula. O'DELL C.R., FERLAND G.J. and HENNEY W.J.
2001ApJ...562..446R viz 109 T K                 120 20 X-rays and protostars in the Trifid nebula. RHO J., CORCORAN M.F., CHU Y.-H., et al.
2001MNRAS.327..788W 5 3 52 Hydrodynamics of photoionized columns in the Eagle Nebula, M 16. WILLIAMS R.J.R., WARD-THOMPSON D. and WHITWORTH A.P.
2001ARA&A..39..403R 1 132 518 Herbig-Haro flows : probes of early stellar evolution. REIPURTH B. and BALLY J.
2001SciAm.285d..52G 9 0 Refuges for life in a hostile universe. GONZALEZ G., BRONLEE D. and WARD P.D.
2001ARep...45..502P 38 5 A correlation between the distributions of pulsars and emission measures in the Galaxy. PYNZAR A.V. and SHISHOV V.I.
2001IAUS..200..191M 73 16 Spectroscopic binaries in young open clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C. and GARCIA B.
2002A&A...386..576E 56 42 The blue to red supergiant ratio in young clusters at various metallicities. EGGENBERGER P., MEYNET G. and MAEDER A.
2002A&A...389..556R 23     A   O           9 32 Iron abundance in HII regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
2002AJ....123..304H viz 726 44 The young cluster IC 5146. HERBIG G.H. and DAHM S.E.
2002AJ....124.2145V 1 9 44 Investigation of the large-scale neutral hydrogen near the supernova remnant W28. VELAZQUEZ P.F., DUBNER G.M., GOSS W.M., et al.
2002ApJ...575..201R 25 45 ROSAT/ASCA observations of the mixed-morphology supernova remnant W28. RHO J. and BORKOWSKI K.J.
2002ApJ...577..206E 4 24 297 Star formation from galaxies to globules. ELMEGREEN B.G.
2002ApJ...579L..95H 22 33 X-ray detection of the ionizing stars in ultracompact H II regions. HOFNER P., DELGADO H., WHITNEY B., et al.
2002ApJ...580..285T 27 30 The structure and evolution of the Lagoon nebula. I. Submillimeter continuum and CO line mapping. TOTHILL N.F.H., WHITE G.J., MATTHEWS H.E., et al.
2002ApJ...581..335L 110 T K                 26 23 The photoionization of a star-forming core in the
Trifid Nebula.
2002MNRAS.334..693E 17 29 Environmental dependences for star formation triggered by expanding shell collapse. ELMEGREEN B.G., PALOUS J. and EHLEROVA S.
2002Ap&SS.281...83E 17 0 Star formation from large to small scales. ELMEGREEN B.G.
2002S&T...103d..32F 115 0 Urban astronomy : observing the Messier objects from the city. FLANDERS T.
2002RMxAC..12...31R 6 1 Scattered light in galactic H II regions. ROBLEDO-RELLA V.
2002RMxAC..12...33R 8 0 Iron abundance in galactic H II regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
2002RMxAC..14...57M 39 1 Internal variation of electron density in galactic and extragalactic HII regions. MALLMANN J.A.H., COPETTI M.V.F., DOS SANTOS I.C.F., et al.
2003AJ....125.1397C viz 217 230 On the galactic disk metallicity distribution from open clusters. I. New catalogs and abundance gradient. CHEN L., HOU J.L. and WANG J.J.
2003ApJ...587L.105S 38 54 Numerous proplyd candidates in the harsh environment of the Carina nebula. SMITH N., BALLY J. and MORSE J.A.
2003ApJ...593..874T 130 196 10 MK gas in M17 and the Rosette nebula: X-ray flows in galactic H II regions. TOWNSLEY L.K., FEIGELSON E.D., MONTMERLE T., et al.
2003ApJS..149..405H viz 9 11 327 The Wisconsin Hα mapper northern sky survey. HAFFNER L.M., REYNOLDS R.J., TUFTE S.L., et al.
2003ARA&A..41...57L 5 148 2488 Embedded clusters in molecular clouds. LADA C.J. and LADA E.A.
2003MmSAI..74...19M 22 0 My researches at the infrared doors. MAFFEI P.
2003PhR...382..303T 127 127 Supernova remnants and gamma-ray sources. TORRES D.F., ROMERO G.E., DAME T.M., et al.
2003ARep...47....6L viz 387 27 Proper motions of open star clusters and the rotation rate of the galaxy. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2004A&A...414.1017T 40 48 Searching for signs of triggered star formation toward IC 1848. THOMPSON M.A., WHITE G.J., MORGAN L.K., et al.
2004A&A...426..567M         O           9 3 The supernova remnant G 6.4-0.1 and its environment. MAVROMATAKIS F., XILOURIS E. and BOUMIS P.
2004ApJ...607..904R viz 111 T K                 318 25 Chandra observation of the
Trifid nebula: X-ray emission from the O star complex and actively forming pre-main-sequence stars.
2004ApJ...610..835H 37   K                 46 26 A very large array search for water masers in six H II regions: tracers of triggered low-mass star formation. HEALY K.R., HESTER J.J. and CLAUSSEN M.J.
2004ApJS..150..343E viz 253 8 A uniform database of 2.2-16.5 µm spectra from the ISOCAM CVF spectrometer. ENGELKE C.W., KRAEMER K.E. and PRICE S.D.
2004ARA&A..42..119V 87 222 ISO spectroscopy of gas and dust : from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks. VAN DISHOECK E.F.
2004AN....325..740K viz 15       D               629 95 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5. II. Membership probabilities in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2004SSRv..112....1G 336 9 The impact of space experiments on our knowledge of the physics of the Universe. GIOVANNELLI F. and SABAU-GRAZIATI L.
2004AAS...20510505R 74 T                   2 0 Revealing spectacular, young and sequential star forming regions of the
Trifid Nebula with Spitzer.
RHO J., REACH W.T., LEFLOCH B., et al.
2004AAS...20511704S 8 0 High energy processes in young stars - recent results from the Chandra HETGS. SCHULZ N.S.
2005A&A...436L...1P 16 18 On the relationship between auroral and nebular oxygen line intensities in spectra of HII regions. PILYUGIN L.S.
2005A&A...438.1163K viz 525 572 Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2005AJ....130.1171Y 111 T K                 18 10 Hubble space telescope and United Kingdom infrared telescope observations of the center of the
Trifid nebula: evidence for the photoevaporation of a proplyd and a protostellar condensation.
2005ApJ...618L..95E 3 15 147 Carbon and oxygen galactic gradients: observational values from H II region recombination lines. ESTEBAN C., GARCIA-ROJAS J., PEIMBERT M., et al.
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