SIMBAD references

1957ApJ...126..302V - Astrophys. J., 126, 302-317 (1957)

Halpha emission stars and planetary nebulae in the vicinity of M 8 and M 20, and in Vela in longitude range 230 to 241 along the galactic equator.


Journal keyword(s):

Nomenclature: Table 1: Ve 1-NN (Nos 1 to 31). Table 2: Ve 2-NN (Nos 32 to 58). Table 3: Ve 3-NN (Nos 59 to 62). Table 4: Ve 4-NN (Nos 63 to 66). Table 5: Ve 5-NN (Nos 1 to 10). Table 6: Ve 6-NN (Nos 11 to 25). Table 7: Ve 7-NN (Nos 26 to 27).

CDS comments: (T) Fait FlorenceD mai98

Simbad objects: 140

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