M 68 , the SIMBAD biblio

M 68 , the SIMBAD biblio (1010 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:54:14

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Title First 3 Authors
1850CDT..1784..227M 111 ~ Catalogue des nebuleuses et des amas d'etoiles. MESSIER C.
1918ApJ....48..154S 78 81 Studies based on the colors and magnitudes in stellar clusters. VII. The distances, distribution in space, and dimensions of 69 globular clusters. SHAPLEY H.
1919ApJ....50..107S 106 8 Studies based on the colors and magnitudes in stellar clusters. XIV. Further remarks on the structure of the galactic system. SHAPLEY H. and SHAPLEY M.B.
1920ApJ....51...49S 63 T                   1 29 6 Studies based on the colors and magnitudes in stellar clusters. XV. A photometric analysis of the globular cluster system
Messier 68.
1939PDDO....1..125S 60 6 A catalogue of 1116 variable stars in globular star clusters. SAWYER H.B.
1943ApJ....98...49C 5 9 NGC 5053 and NGC 6838. CUFFEY J.
1947PASP...59..143G 2 1 Variable 27 in the globular cluster Messier 68. GREENSTEIN J.L., BIDELMAN W.P. and POPPER D.M.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954MmSAI..25..227R 65 T                   1 1 2 Periodi e curve di luce di stelle variabili nell'ammasso globulare
NGC 4590 = M 68. Nota II.
1954POBol...6e...1R 65 T                   1 24 0 Ricerche sugli ammassi globulari. X. Periodi e curve di luce di 24 stelle variabili nell' ammasso globulare
NGC 4590 = M 68.
1957AJ.....62..334V 24 4 RR Lyrae stars and galactic structure. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1959AnLei..21..253V 66 T                   1 34 22 Observations of variable stars in the globular clusters
NGC 4590 (M 68) and NGC 6266 (M 62).
1962AJ.....67..769F 75 9 Distance to the Galactic Center from globular clusters. FERNIE J.D.
1968AJ.....73..456K 52 148 The structure of star clusters. V. Star counts in 54 globular clusters. KING I.R., HEDMANN E., HODGE S.M., et al.
1970ApJS...19..343W 34 18 A bibliography of color-magnitude diagrams for globular clusters. WHITE R.E.
1971ApJ...168..381S 9 31 On the difference between the Oosterhoff types I and II globular clusters. STOBIE R.S.
1972A&A....18..390Z 104 147 A search for UV-bright stars in 27 globular clusters. ZINN R.J., NEWELL E.B. and GIBSON J.B.
1973ApJ...185..477V 2 11 167 On the two Oosterhoff groups of globular clusters. VAN ALBADA T.S. and BAKER N.
1973PDDO....3....6S viz 141 352 A third catalogue of variable stars in globular clusters comprising 2119 entries. SAWYER HOGG H.
1974AJ.....79...31H 94 98 The integrated colors of globular clusters. HARRIS W.E. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1975A&A....38..307T 71 9 Recherche d'etoiles variables dans les amas globulaires. TERZAN A. and RUTILY B.
1975A&A....42..109W 110 115 The galactic halo: globular clusters. WOLTJER L.
1975AJ.....80..427P 99 458 The structure of stars. VI. Observed radii and structural parameters in globular clusters. PETERSON C.J. and KING I.R.
1975ApJS...29..397H 366 155 New color-magnitude data for twelve globular clusters. HARRIS W.E.
1975MmSAI..46..303C 11 17 On the expected properties of the RR Lyrae pulsators. CAPUTO F. and CASTELLANI V.
1976A&AS...25..281B 68 T                   1 19 10 Sequences standards photoelectriques UBV au voisinage des amas NGC 6256, 6304, 6638 et photometrie globale de
NGC 4590, 6256, 6304, 6401, 6638.
1976AJ.....81..817K 59 60 Six-color photometry of globular clusters: another look at determinations of reddening and metal abundance. KRON G.E. and GUETTER H.H.
1977A&AS...29....9A 68 T                   1 53 24 The meta-poor globular cluster
NGC 4590.
1977AJ.....82..798H 62 83 Integrated colors of globular clusters in the Galaxy, Fornax, and M 31. HARRIS H.C. and CANTERNA R.
1977ApJ...214..502D 1 13 75 The theoretical red edge of the RR Lyrae gap. II. Dependence of the red edge on luminosity and composition, and observational consequences. DEUPREE R.G.
1977ApJ...217L.143H 31 31 An optical search for ionized hydrogen in globular clusters. II. HESSER J.E. and SHAWL S.J.
1977PASP...89..491A 132 42 Basic data for galactic globular clusters. ALCAINO G.
1978VA.....22...39R 24 34 Problems of variable stars in globular clusters. ROSINO L.
1979AJ.....84..217C 1 5 30 The RR Lyrae variables stars in the globular cluster IC 4499. COUTTS CLEMENT C., DICKENS R.J. and EPPS BINGHAM E.A.
1979ApJ...231L..19H 78 75 On the abundance gradient in the galactic halo. HARRIS W.E. and CANTERNA R.
1980ApJ...241..602Z 85 206 The globular cluster system of the Galaxy. II. The spatial and metallicity distributions, the second parameter phenomenon, and the formation of the cluster system. ZINN R.
1980IAUS...85...81H 114 39 The galactic distance scale: globular clusters. HARRIS W.E.
1980IAUS...85..425A 69 T                   1 1 8 Variables in
NGC 4590.
1981ApJS...45..259W 90 142 A catalog of radial velocities in galactic globular clusters. WEBBINK R.F.
1981CSCAS.C......0R 132 23 Catalogue of star clusters and associations. Suppl. 1 to the 2nd edition. RUPRECHT J., BALAZS B. and WHITE R.E.
1982A&A...113...39B 88 30 Search for (globular) clusters in M 31. III. Structural properties: X-ray sources and comparison with galactic globulars. BATTISTINI P., BONOLI F., BUONANNO R., et al.
1982ApJ...252..553S 1 56 481 The Oosterhoff period groups and the age of globular clusters. III. The age of the globular cluster system. SANDAGE A.
1982ApJ...262..145L 116 32 X-ray illumination of globular cluster puzzles. LIGHTMAN A.P. and GRINDLAY J.E.
1982MNRAS.198..173F 76 123 The form of the galactic globular cluster system and the distance to the galactic centre. FRENK C.S. and WHITE S.D.M.
1982MNRAS.199..565F 108 156 An ellipticity-age relation for globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud - I. Measurements. FRENK C.S. and FALL S.M.
1982MSS...C03....0H viz 14       D               1 30309 ~ Catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol. 3 HOUK N.
1983A&A...123..135C 11 33 The galactic globular cluster system: helium content versus metallicity. CAPUTO F., CAYREL R. and CAYREL DE STROBEL G.
1983A&A...123..141C 10 29 The canonical anticorrelation between Y and Z in galactic globular clusters and the case of the pulsators in M 15. CAPUTO F., CASTELLANI V. and DI GREGORIO R.
1983AJ.....88..982S 69 T                   1 16 18 The metal abundances of RR Lyrae stars in the globular clusters NGC 3201,
NGC 4590, and NGC 6171.
1983ApJ...266...94C 2 14 157 Double-mode RR Lyrae variables in M 15. COX A.N., HODSON S.W. and CLANCY S.P.
1983ApJ...275..105H 64 255 An X-ray survey of globular clusters and their X-ray luminosity function. HERTZ P. and GRINDLAY J.E.
1983ApJ...275..773F 1 33 248 Globular cluster giant branches and the metallicity scale. FROGEL J.A., COHEN J.G. and PERSSON S.E.
1983ApJS...53..713F 152 217 Infrared photometry, bolometric luminosities and effective temperatures for giant stars in 26 globular clusters. FROGEL J.A., PERSSON S.E. and COHEN J.G.
1983PASP...95..256H 181 49 Radial velocities of stars in M 12 (NGC 6218) and M 56 (NGC 6779) and UV-bright stars in globular clusters. HARRIS H.C., NEMEC J.M. and HESSER J.E.
1983AZh....60...44Z 101 1 Integrated photometry of globular clusters in the Vilnius system. ZDANAVICIUS K.V.
1983AN....304..305N 55 6 On eccentricities of globular cluster galactocentric orbits. NINKOVIC S.
1983Ap&SS..91...99B 91 113 DDO integrated photometry of globular clusters and initial chemical evolution of the galaxy. BICA E.L.D. and PASTORIZA M.G.
1983MmSAI..54..153C 18 0 Helium versus metals in galactic globular clusters. CAPUTO F.
1983MmSAI..54..199V 102 13 The radii of globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1984A&A...132..361V 76 6 The formation of close-binary systems in globular clusters. VAN DER WOERD H. and VAN DEN HEUVEL E.P.J.
1984AJ.....89.1712A 69 T                   1 4 18 Photoelectric UBVRI sequences in the region of the galactic globular clusters NGC 1261, NGC 3201,
NGC 4590, and NGC 5139 (omega Cen).
1984ApJ...281..148S 34 110 Metal abundances of galactic globular clusters. SMITH H.A.
1984ApJ...281..614P 92 119 The chemical composition of globular clusters: global trends. PILACHOWSKI C.A.
1984ApJS...55...45Z 4 64 1342 The globular cluster system of the Galaxy. III. Measurements of radial velocity and metallicity for 60 clusters and a compilation of metallicities for 121 clusters. ZINN R. and WEST M.J.
1984MNRAS.209..765B 1 14 101 Photographic photometry of RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M 15. BINGHAM E.A., CACCIARI C., DICKENS R.J., et al.
1984PASP...96..198K 69 37 Brightness profiles for 69 globular clusters determined by means of the electronic camera. KRON G.E., HEWITT A.V. and WASSERMAN L.H.
1984PASP...96..588M 32 13 On the relationship between giant-branch color and metallicity for globular clusters. MICHEL A. and SMITH H.A.
1984AExpr...1....1V 95 10 Radii of globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S. and MORBEY C.L.
1984Ap&SS.103...71C 42 0 The rotation of the globular cluster system. COLIN J.
1984IzPul.202...83K 47 2 Globular clusters and RR Lyrae variables. KADLA Z.I. and GERASHCHENKO A.N.
1984TrLen..39...93P 52 0 Dynamical ages of globular clusters. PETROVSKAYA I.V. and EIGENSON A.M.
1985A&A...147..317C 29 5 CO band strengths for giants in galactic globular clusters. Are they related to the second parameter problem ? CAPUTO F.
1985ApJ...290..171H 140 61 The nature of the low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources. HERTZ P. and WOOD K.S.
1985ApJ...293..424Z 1 119 1122 The globular cluster system of the Galaxy. IV. The halo and disk subsystems. ZINN R.
1985ApJS...59...33P viz 188 123 Differential population synthesis of early-type galaxies. I. Spectrophotometric atlas of synthesis standard spectra. PICKLES A.J.
1985ApJS...59...63R 90 264 Estimated number of field stars toward galactic globular clusters and local group galaxies. RATNATUNGA K.U. and BAHCALL J.N.
1985MNRAS.214..491H 71 45 UBVRI multi-aperture photometry for 71 globular clusters in our own Galaxy. HANES D.A. and BRODIE J.P.
1985PASP...97..120R 114 41 Homogenized integrated UBVRI colors for galactic globular clusters. REED B.C.
1985PASP...97..465H 141 106 Integrated spectral types from image-tube spectra for 90 Galactic globular clusters. HESSER J.E. and SHAWL S.J.
1985MmSAI..56...11C 11 0 Open questions about globular cluster pulsators. CASTELLANI V.
1985MmSAI..56...73C 30 0 Preliminary report on the second parameter problem and the Sandage-Oosterhoff effect. CAPUTO F.
1985MmSAI..56...97C 10 3 Mean colours of RR Lyrae stars in galactic globular clusters : a preliminary report. CACCIARI C., CLEMENTINI G., FUSI PECCI F., et al.
1985IAUS..113..541W 176 607 Structure parameters of galactic globular clusters. WEBBINK R.F.
1986A&A...162...21B 1 62 254 A base of star clusters for stellar population synthesis. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1986A&A...169..111G 39 47 Spectroscopy of RR Lyrae stars in Baade's Window and in omega Centauri. GRATTON R.G., TORNAMBE A. and ORTOLANI S.
1986A&AS...65..103H 77 5 Physical parameters for globular clusters from UBVRI integrated photometry. HAMUY M.
1986A&AS...66..171B 64 120 A grid of star cluster properties for stellar population synthesis. BICA E. and ALLOIN D.
1986AJ.....91..312S 113 83 Accurate optical positions for the centers of galactic globular clusters. SHAWL S.J. and WHITE R.E.
1986AJ.....92..358N 62 22 A search for double-mode RR Lyrae stars in omega Centauri. NEMEC J.M., NEMEC A.F.L. and NORRIS J.
1986AJ.....92.1358P 2 9 79 Effects of mass segregation of globular cluster main-sequence luminosity functions. PRYOR C., SMITH G.H. and McCLURE R.D.
1986ApJ...305L..61D 129 240 A preliminary survey of collapsed cores in globular clusters. DJORGOVSKI S. and KING I.R.
1986ApJ...307L..49M 3 9 141 Mass functions for globular cluster main sequences based on CCD photometry and stellar models. McCLURE R.D., VANDENBERG D.A., SMITH G.H., et al.
1986ApJS...61..667N viz 937 212 Population studies. II. Kinematics as a function of abundance and galactocentric position for Fe/H -0.6. NORRIS J.
1986PASP...98..192P viz 101 42 Blue and visual concentric aperture photometry of the globular clusters. PETERSON C.J.
1986PASP...98..403H 103 103 Systematic reinvestigation of the radial velocities of the galactic globular clusters: image-tube results. HESSER J.E., SHAWL S.J. and MEYER J.E.
1986PASP...98..544K 51 7 Integrated photometry and light distribution of 21 southern-hemisphere galactic globular clusters. KRON G.E. and GORDON K.C.
1986PASP...98.1258P 100 54 A bibliography of globular-cluster color-magnitude diagram studies. PETERSON C.J.
1986ARA&A..24..459S 2 22 249 Global structure of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies. SOFUE Y., FUJIMOTO M. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1986AZh....63..659E 60 2 Study of globular clusters by principal component method. EJGENSON A.M. and YATSYK O.S.
1986ApL....25..127H 69 5 Head-on binary collisions in globular clusters. HOFFER J.B.
1986MmSAI..57..321A 39 3 Ages of globular clusters derived from BVRI CCD photometry. ALCAINO G. and LILLER W.
1986MmSAI..57..373V 1 3 18 Some constraints on the ages of the galactic globular clusters. VANDENBERG D.A.
1987A&A...171...77M 33 5 Empirical colour-metallicity relations for population II giant stars. MARTINEZ ROGER C.
1987A&AS...68..119C 21 30 The galactic globular cluster system : constraints from Synthetic Horizontal Branches. CAPUTO F., DE STEFANIS P., PAEZ E., et al.
1987A&AS...71....1C 42 47 The Oosterhoff dichotomy revisited. I. The ranking of RR Lyrae periods versus metallicity. CASTELLANI V. and QUARTA M.L.
1987AJ.....93.1144M 75 T                   1 6 130 CCD photometry of the globular cluster
M 68.
1987AJ.....93.1464A 70 T                   1 53 30 Photoelectric UBVRI sequences in the region of the galactic globular clusters NGC 288, 1851, 1904,
4590, 4833, 5946, 6139 and 7099.
1987ApJ...317..246W 99 159 Axial ratios and orientations for 100 galactic globular star clusters. WHITE R.E. and SHAWL S.J.
1987ApJ...319..260S 7 9 Second-overtone models of RR Lyrae stars. STOTHERS R.B.
1987ApJ...319..760B 1 13 56 Deep CCD photometry of the globular cluster NGC 7099. BOLTE M.
1987PASP...99...20P 106 29 Structural parameters and luminosities of globular clusters. PETERSON C.J. and REED B.C.
1987PASP...99..739H viz 3 33 397 A CCD color-magnitude study of 47 Tucanae. HESSER J.E., HARRIS W.E., VANDENBERG D.A., et al.
1987PASP...99.1153P 39 23 Ages of globular clusters. PETERSON C.J.
1987Ap&SS.133...59D 49 0 Hydrodynamic and turbulent motions in the galactic disk. II. DE CASTRO ANDRADE J.R. and QUIROGA R.J.
1987BDus...77...13C 56 0 The calibrating of integral photometric indexes and colours of globular clusters from (fe/h). CHEKANIKHINA O.A.
1988A&AS...73..137G 5 4 92 Deep photometry of globular clusters. XI. Palomar 12 : the youngest galactic globular cluster ? GRATTON R.G. and ORTOLANI S.
1988AJ.....95..762J 7 22 NGC 2298 - another perfectly normal globular cluster in the outer halo. JANES K.A. and HEASLEY J.N.
1988AJ.....96..909S 1 66 470 CCD photometry of the globular cluster M 92. STETSON P.B. and HARRIS W.E.
1988AJ.....96.1632S viz 8 15 A color-magnitude diagram for the halo globular cluster M 55. SCHADE D., VANDENBERG D.A. and HARTWICK F.D.A.
1988AJ.....96.1925C 43 38 Metal abundance of RR Lyrae stars in or near seven globular clusters. COSTAR D. and SMITH H.A.
1988ApJ...324..840V 6 1 25 Thermal instabilities in low-mass subgiants ? VON RUDLOFF I.R., VANDENBERG D.A. and HARTWICK F.D.A.
1988ApJ...329..187R 3 4 58 Deep CCD photometry in globular clusters. VII. M 30. RICHER H.B., FAHLMAN G.G. and VANDENBERG D.A.
1988ApJ...330..191R 92 46 Pregalactic formation of globular clusters in cold dark matter. ROSENBLATT E.I., FABER S.M. and BLUMENTHAL G.R.
1988ApJ...335..720A 83 240 On the evolution of globular cluster systems. I. Present characteristics and rate of destruction in our galaxy. AGUILAR L., HUT P. and OSTRIKER J.P.
1988PASP..100..545R 93 164 Intrinsic integrated UBVRI colors of galactic globular clusters. REED B.C., HESSER J.E. and SHAWL S.J.
1988ATsir1527...21E 64 0 Taxonomical analysis of globular clusters. Colour-magnitude diagrams. EJGENSON A.M. and YATSYK O.S.
1988ATsir1527...23Y 86 0 On classification of globular clusters. YATSYK O.S.
1989A&A...211...41G 1 27 108 Metal abundances in metal-poor globular clusters. GRATTON R.G. and ORTOLANI S.
1989A&A...216...80B 3 19 266 The ages of globular clusters and the Sandage period-shift effect. BUONANNO R., CORSI C.E. and FUSI PECCI F.
1989A&AS...79..155O 6 14 Spectroscopy and deep photometry of Pal 3 and C 0422-213. ORTOLANI S. and GRATTON R.G.
1989AJ.....97..375A 95 292 The properties of the disk system of globular clusters. ARMANDROFF T.E.
1989AJ.....98.1624S 30 85 Evidence for an age spread among the galactic globular clusters. SARAJEDINI A. and KING C.R.
1989ApJ...339..904C 126 111 An analysis of the distribution of globular clusters with postcollapse cores in the galaxy. CHERNOFF D.F. and DJORGOVSKI S.
1989ApJ...341..186M 72 T                   1 1 10 Washington photometry of the very metal poor globular cluster
M 68.
1989ApJS...71...47C 13 4 213 Isochrones for hydrogen-burning globular cluster stars. I. The metallicity range -2< Fe/H ←1. CHIEFFI A. and STRANIERO O.
1989MNRAS.238.1319T 127 36 Spatial distribution and dynamics of the galactic globular cluster system. THOMAS P.
1989ARA&A..27..279W 15 13 789 Abundance ratios as a function of metallicity. WHEELER C., SNEDEN C. and TRURAN J.W.Jr
1990A&A...230..315B 19 24 The ZAHB luminosity-metallicity relationship as derived from main sequence fitting. BUONANNO R., CACCIARI C., CORSI C.E., et al.
1990A&AS...86..269G 32 5 Equivalent widths for Fe-group lines in field and cluster metal poor stars. GRATTON R.G. and SNEDEN C.
1990AJ.....99..221V 8 25 Is age really the second parameter in globular clusters ? VANDENBERG D.A. and DURRELL P.R.
1990AJ.....99..240C 70 T                   1 24 17 A search for double-mode RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster
M 68.
1990AJ.....99..572C 86 158 A survey of proper-motion stars. X. The early evolution of the Galaxy's halo. CARNEY B.W., LATHAM D.W. and LAIRD J.B.
1990AJ.....99.1831A viz 70 T                   1 5 16 BVRI CCD photometry of the metal-poor globular cluster M 68 (
NGC 4590).
1990AJ....100..445V 3 22 329 Measuring age differences among globular clusters having similar metallicities: a new method and first results. VANDENBERG D.A., BOLTE M. and STETSON P.B.
1990AJ....100..719L 434 30 An IRAS search for dust in globular clusters. LYNCH D.K. and ROSSANO G.S.
1990AJ....100.1811B viz 2 8 92 Ruprecht 106: a young metal-poor galactic globular cluster. BUONANNO R., BUSCEMA G., FUSI PECCI F., et al.
1990ApJ...350..155L 10 11 450 The horizontal-branch stars in globular clusters. I. The period-shift effect, the luminosity of the horizontal branch and the age-metallicity relation LEE Y.-W., DEMARQUE P. and ZINN R.
1990ApJ...350..631S 108 124 The Oosterhoff period effect: luminosities of globular cluster zero-age horizontal branches and field RR Lyrae stars as a function of metallicity. SANDAGE A.
1990ApJ...350..645S 1 36 204 The absolute magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars and the age of the galactic globular cluster system. SANDAGE A. and CACCIARI C.
1990ApJ...356..174K 89 102 The pulsar content of globular clusters. KULKARNI S.R., NARAYAN R. and ROMANI R.W.
1990ApJ...360..119S 10 17 On omega Centauri and its RRc stars. SIMON N.R.
1990ApJ...363..159L 47 166 On the Sandage period shift effect among field RR Lyrae stars. LEE Y.-W.
1990ApJ...365..559R 33 92 Core mass at the helium flash from observations and a new bound on neutrion electromagnetic properties. RAFFELT G.G.
1990MNRAS.242..167S 16 12 The giant branch of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. SAGAR R., HAWKINS M.R.S. and CANNON R.D.
1990JRASC..84..434C 24 11 A search for double-mode RR Lyrae stars in 22 galactic globular clusters. CLEMENT C.
1990MmSAI..61..647G 13 4 Chemical abundances in globular clusters. GRATTON R.G.
1991A&A...244..298C 14 35 Empirical correlations between globular cluster parameters and mass function morphology. CAPACCIOLI M., ORTOLANI S. and PIOTTO G.
1991A&A...246..354S 82 230 Trends in copper and zinc abundances for disk and halo stars. SNEDEN C., GRATTON R.G. and CROCKER D.A.
1991A&A...252...94M 129 157 Dynamical masses for galactic globular clusters. MANDUSHEV G., SPASSOVA N. and STANEVA A.
1991AJ....102..159A 15 21 BVRI CCD photometry of the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372. ALCAINO G., LILLER W., ALVARADO F., et al.
1991AJ....102..951T 3 16 227 Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: Sextans B. TOSI M., GREGGIO L., MARCONI G., et al.
1991AJ....102.1042V 8 ~ How age and [O/Fe] differences affect the location of a globular cluster's giant branch relative to its turnoff in the (V, B-V) plane. VANDENBERG D.A. and STETSON P.B.
1991AJ....102.1371A 11 4 BV CCD photometry of the low-latitude globular cluster NGC 5946. ALCAINO G., LILLER W., ALVARADO F., et al.
1991AJ....102.1836G 217 92 An improved metal abundance calibration for the Washington system. GEISLER D., CLARIA J.J. and MINNITI D.
1991ApJ...367..528S 156 206 Metal abundances of RR Lyrae variables in selected galactic star fields. V. The Lick astrographic fields at intermediate galactic latitudes. SUNTZEFF N.B., KINMAN T.D. and KRAFT R.P.
1991ApJ...375..121P 168 222 Detection of a galactic color gradient for blue horizontal-branch stars of the halo field and implications for the halo age and density distributions. PRESTON G.W., SHECTMAN S.A. and BEERS T.C.
1991ApJ...375..594V 101 180 Diameters of galactic globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S., MORBEY C. and PAZDER J.
1991ApJ...376..115B 1 18 81 On the formation of globular clusters. I. Dynamical limits on globular cluster metallicities. BROWN J.H., BURKERT A. and TRURAN J.W.
1991ApJ...377...72M 1 9 38 A numerical study of star formation in interacting disk galaxies. MIHOS J.C., RICHSTONE D.O. and BOTHUN G.D.
1991ApJS...76..525S 2 11 127 Isochrones for H-burning globular cluster stars. II. The metallicity range -2.3.< Fe/H < -O.5. STRANIERO O. and CHIEFFI A.
1991MNRAS.249..473D 3 2 30 The radial velocity and metal abundance of the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy. DA COSTA G.S., HATZIDIMITRIOU D., IRWIN M.J., et al.
1991PASP..103..177L 20 20 Perhaps the oxygen-poor star M 13 II67 isn't oxygen poor after all. LANGER G.E.
1991BAAS...23..949G 2 1 Abundances of the most metal poor globular clusters. GEISLER D., CLARIA J. and MINNITI D.
1991BAAS...23.1473S 11 0 Turnoff photometry of galactic globular clusters. SARAJEDINI A.
1991RMxAA..22..305G 3 0 A new abundance calibration for the Washington system and some early results. GEISLER D., CLARIA J.J. and MINNITI D.
1991RMxAA..22..309A 10 0 Ages of globular clusters derived from BVRI CCD photometry. ALCAINO G., LILLER W., ALVARADO F., et al.
1992A&A...262..369H 12 9 Image diameter-magnitude relations for stars on ESO/SERC R and J films. HORTNAGL A.M., KIMESWENGER S. and WEINBERGER R.
1992AJ....104..154D 24 59 The metal abundance and age of the globular cluster Ruprecht 106. DA COSTA G.S., ARMANDROFF T.E. and NORRIS J.E.
1992AJ....104..627G 60 34 Washington photometry of globular cluster giants: the most metal-poor clusters. GEISLER D., MINNITI D. and CLARIA J.J.
1992AJ....104.1472S 99 87 A statistical investigation into the shape of the globular cluster luminosity distribution. SECKER J.
1992AJ....104.1850A 14 12 BVR CCD photometry of the globular cluster NGC 1261. ALCAINO G., LILLER W., ALVARADO F., et al.
1992ApJ...386..663C 1 39 282 The Baade-Wesselink method and the distances to RR Lyrae stars. VIII. Comparisons with other techniques and implications for globular cluster distances and ages. CARNEY B.W., STORM J. and JONES R.V.
1992ApJ...390L..81W 1 49 226 The absolute magnitudes of LMC RR Lyrae variables and the ages of galactic globular clusters. WALKER A.R.
1992ApJ...394..515C 32 123 Ages of globular clusters and helium diffusion. CHABOYER B., SARAJEDINI A. and DEMARQUE P.
1992ApJ...401..260C 43 6 The galactic globular cluster system: empirical relationship between light-to-mass ratio and metallicity. CAPUTO F. and DE SANTIS R.
1992MNRAS.255..105K 47 78 The mass of the Milky Way galaxy. KULESSA A.S. and LYNDEN-BELL D.
1992MmSAI..63...11R 11 0 Early studies of globular clusters in Italy. ROSINO L.
1992MmSAI..63...79B 9 0 The mass of RRc variables in globular clusters. BRUZZI A. and CACCIARI C.
1992MmSAI..63..409C 37 3 The absolute magnitudes of field RR Lyrae stars and globular cluster ages. CARNEY B.W.
1992Msngr..69...21A 16 0 The Instituto Isaac Newton : a highly productive ESO-Chile connection. ALCAINO G. and LILLER W.
1992Rech..249.1452J 6 0 Deux vieilles etoiles pour un jeune pulsar ? JONCOUR I.
1993A&A...272..442C 15 13 Globular-cluster red giants as a probe of horizontal branch luminosities. CASTELLANI V., DEGL'INNOCENTI S. and LURIDIANA V.
1993A&A...276...41C 18 27 An atlas of theoretical constraints for horizontal branch stars. CAPUTO F., DE RINALDIS A., MANTEIGA M., et al.
1993A&A...276...87C 149 10 On the mass of type-c RR Lyrae variables in globular clusters. CACCIARI C. and BRUZZI A.
1993AJ....105..155J 1 5 23 Evaporation of stars from isolated, truncated globular clusters. JOHNSTONE D.
1993AJ....105..184B 1 14 75 Globular cluster ages revisited : the case of Ruprecht 106 BUONANNO R., CORSI C.E., FUSI PECCI F., et al.
1993AJ....105..971V 45 65 Globular cluster orbits and second parameter effects. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1993AJ....105.1145F 1 53 217 On the effects of cluster density and concentration on the horizontal branch morphology: the origin of the blue tails. FUSI PECCI F., FERRARO F.R., BELLAZZINI M., et al.
1993AJ....105.2148D 16 51 What determines the stellar mass functions in globularclusters? DJORGOVSKI S., PIOTTO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1993AJ....106..687S 147 87 The Oosterhoff period-metallicity relation for RR Lyrae stars at the blue fundamental edge of the instability strip. I. SANDAGE A.
1993AJ....106..719S 24 85 Globular cluster ages determined from the Oosterhoff period-metallicity effect using oxygen-enhanced isochrones. III. SANDAGE A.
1993AJ....106.1853V 46 9 Third parameter effects in globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S. and MORRIS S.
1993ApJ...409..635R 3 14 217 Star counts redivivus. I. A new look at the galaxy at faint magnitudes. REID N. and MAJEWSKI S.R.
1993ApJ...410..526S 2 10 105 A provisional RR Lyrae distance scale. SIMON N.R. and CLEMENT C.M.
1993ApJ...411..178V 91 115 The proto-galaxy, globular clusters and quasars. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1993ApJ...411..200F 1 4 17 Sub-giant branch evolution and efficient central energy transport. FAULKNER J. and SWENSON F.J.
1993ApJ...412..183C viz 106 T K                 57 39 The RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M 68. CLEMENT C.M., FERANCE S. and SIMON N.R.
1993ApJ...413..548M 20 44 High-dispersion spectroscopy of giants in metal-poor globular clusters. I. Iron abundances. MINNITI D., GEISLER D., PETERSON R.C., et al.
1993ApJ...414..580S 3 32 483 The alpha-enhanced isochrones and their impact of the fits to the galactic globular cluster system. SALARIS M., CHIEFFI A. and STRANIERO O.
1993MNRAS.261..819C 17 26 Disc-shocking and the mass function of galactic globular clusters. CAPACCIOLI M., PIOTTO G. and STIAVELLI M.
1993MNRAS.262..588V 45 18 The Oosterhoff effect. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1993Ap&SS.206..285M 146 11 Space distribution and metallicities of globular clusters : the distance to the Galactic Centre. MACIEL W.J.
1993MmSAI..64..601B 71 T                   24 0 CCD observations of RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M 68. BROCATO E., CASTELLANI V. and RIPEPI V.
1993RMxAA..26..103G 7 0 Abundances from high dispersion spectra of metal-poor globular cluster giants. GEISLER D., MINNITI D., PETERSON R., et al.
1994A&A...291..121S viz 18 18 A Baade-Wesselink analysis of the RR Lyrae star V9 in 47 Tucanae. STORM J., NORDSTROEM B., CARNEY B.W., et al.
1994AJ....107..230A viz 7 12 BVRI/CCD photometry of the globular cluster NGC 1904 (M79). ALCAINO G., LILLER W., ALVARADO F., et al.
1994AJ....107..622B viz 71 T                   28 18 CCD photometry of RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M 68. BROCATO E., CASTELLANI V. and RIPEPI V.
1994AJ....107.1381T viz 70 1 Sampling of globular clusters and the distance to the Galactic Center. I. Data description and analysis. TELLO C.
1994AJ....108..555W viz 71 T                   610 235 BVI CCD photometry of galactic globular clusters. II. M 68. WALKER A.R.
1994AJ....108.1773J 108 255 The galactic system of old star clusters: the development of the galactic disk. JANES K.A. and PHELPS R.L.
1994ApJ...423..248L 1 83 445 The horizontal-branch stars in globular clusters. II. The second parameter phenomenon. LEE Y.-W., DEMARQUE P. and ZINN R.
1994ApJ...423..274D 36 94 Predictions of a population of cataclysmic variables in globular clusters. DI STEFANO R. and RAPPAPORT S.
1994ApJ...423..294B 21 37 Oosterhoff dichotomy in the galaxy and globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. BONO G., CAPUTO F. and STELLINGWERF R.F.
1994ApJ...423..380K 1 4 24 Mass loss during the RR Lyrae phase of the horizontal branch : mass dispersion on the horizontal branch and RR Lyrae period changes. KOOPMANN R.A., LEE Y.-W., DEMARQUE P., et al.
1994ApJ...431L..17M 56 136 The Fornax-Leo-Sculptor stream revisited. MAJEWSKI S.R.
1994MNRAS.268..793P 1 5 32 Properties of the Washington photometric system derived from synthetic spectra. PALTOGLOU G. and BELL R.A.
1994PASP..106..205S 14 5 Globular-cluster photometry near the turnoff : blue stragglers, relative ages and the horizontal branch. SARAJEDINI A.
1994ComAp..17..273T 12 0 The students' observatory 1935-43 : when Aller measured radial velocities and Popper interpreted stellar spectra, with brief updates on the significance of DQ Her, SN 1937C, alpha Cygni, RY Scuti and the rotation of M 33. TRIMBLE V.
1994MmSAI..65..693S 11 3 Calibration of low mass stellar models. STRANIERO O., SALARIS M. and CHIEFFI A.
1994MmSAI..65..699S 4 2 Calibration of age indicators for globular clusters. SALARIS M., STRANIERO O. and CHIEFFI A.
1995A&A...300..732V 132 64 The ROSAT XRT Sky Survey of X-ray sources in globular clusters. VERBUNT F., BUNK W., HASINGER G., et al.
1995A&A...302..382M 4 4 70 Globular cluster ages with updated input physics. MAZZITELLI I., D'ANTONA F. and CALOI V.
1995AJ....109..173M viz 1781 71 Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: NGC 6822. MARCONI G., TOSI M., GREGGIO L., et al.
1995AJ....109..218T viz 125 426 Catalogue of galactic globular-cluster surface-brightness profiles. TRAGER S.C., KING I.R. and DJORGOVSKI S.
1995AJ....109..269S viz 60 30 BVI CCD photometry of NGC 5053: the most metal-poor galactic globular cluster. SARAJEDINI A. and MILONE A.A.E.
1995AJ....109..605G 96 46 Lower metallicity limit of the galactic globular cluster system: calcium triplet spectroscopy of metal-poor globular cluster giants. GEISLER D., PIATTI A.E., CLARIA J.J., et al.
1995AJ....109..650B viz 19 42 Young globular clusters in the Milky Way: Arp 2. BUONANNO R., CORSI C.E., FUSI PECCI F., et al.
1995AJ....109.1055P viz 1327 65 The globular cluster system of M 81. PERELMUTER J.-M. and RACINE R.
1995AJ....109.1086S viz 2 13 146 A photometric study of the globular cluster M 54 and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy: evidence for three distinct populations. SARAJEDINI A. and LAYDEN A.C.
1995AJ....109.1119S 54 14 Period changes of RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M 15. SILBERMANN N.A. and SMITH H.A.
1995AJ....109.1751M 38 54 Period-luminosity relations of SX Phoenicis stars. McNAMARA D.H.
1995AJ....109.2533D 1 55 253 Abundances and kinematics of the globular cluster systems of the galaxy and the Sagittarius dwarf. DA COSTA G.S. and ARMANDROFF T.E.
1995AJ....109.2553G 4 12 232 Globular clusters with tidal tails: deep two-color star counts. GRILLMAIR C.J., FREEMAN K.C., IRWIN M., et al.
1995AJ....110.1171V 122 28 Perigalactic distances of globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1995AJ....110.1177D 14 8 Near-infrared photometry of core-collapsed metal-poor globular clusters NGC 5946 and NGC 7099. DAVIDGE T.J.
1995AJ....110.1186N viz 116 32 SX Phoenecis stars in the extremely metal-poor globular cluster NGC 5053. NEMEC J.M., MATEO M., BURKE M., et al.
1995AJ....110.1664F 69 84 The young globular clusters of the Milky Way and the Local Group galaxies: playing with great circles. FUSI PECCI F., BELLAZZINI M., CACCIARI C., et al.
1995AJ....110.1712P 10 20 Double-mode RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M15. PURDUE P., SILBERMANN N.A., GAY P., et al.
1995AJ....110.2200C 11 11 The masses and luminosities of RR Lyrae variables in Oosterhoff type II clusters. I. NGC 2298. CLEMENT C.M., BEZAIRE J. and GIGUERE D.
1995ApJ...442..159B 37   K                 2 8 The RR Lyrae fundamental red edge. BONO G., CAPUTO F., CASTELLANI V., et al.
1995ApJ...445L..39C 11 42 Calibration of stellar models. CHIEFFI A., STRANIERO O. and SALARIS M.
1995ApJ...446....1S 98 50 Steps toward the Hubble constant. X. The distance of the Virgo cluster core using globular clusters. SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1995ApJ...446..637S 1 5 25 The uncertainties in the age of globular clusters from their helium abundance and mass loss. SHI X.
1995ApJ...454..767C 40 66 The OPAL equation of state and low-metallicity isochrones. CHABOYER B. and KIM Y.-C.
1995AcA....45..653J 35 98 Revision of the [Fe/H] scales used for globular clusters and RR Lyrae variables. JURCSIK J.
1995AZh....72..641E 265 1 Comparative classification of globular clusters in the Galaxy and M 31 using cluster analysis. EIGENSON A.M. and YATSYK O.S.
1995ComAp..17..343S 4 4 Possible systematic decreases in the age of globular clusters. SHI X., SCHRAMM D.N., DEARBORN D.S.P., et al.
1995RMxAC...3..233P 33 3 Searching for planetary nebulae in globular clusters. PENA M., STASINSKA G., MEDINA S., et al.
1995CCDA....2a..14S 3 ~ PSF photometry. SMIRNOV O.M., IPATOV A.P. and SAMUS N.N.
1996A&A...305..858S 33 68 New molecular opacities and effective temperature of RGB stellar models. SALARIS M. and CASSISI S.
1996A&A...312..111J viz 164 321 Determination of [Fe/H] from the light curves of RR Lyrae stars. JURCSIK J. and KOVACS G.
1996A&A...314..514K 1 2 9 RR Lyraes and Cepheids at minimum and maximum light. KANBUR S.M. and PHILLIPS P.M.
1996AJ....111..809B 59 25 CCD Photometry of RR Lyrae stars in M 5 as a test for the pulsational scenario. BROCATO E., CASTELLANI V. and RIPEPI V.
1996AJ....112..618C viz 34 10 The structure of the light curves of the RR Lyrae variables in the Oosterhoff type II cluster M9. CLEMENT C.M. and SHELTON I.
1996AJ....112.1054Z viz 18 13 The horizontal branches of globular clusters. I. The color-magnitude diagram of NGC 6426. ZINN R. and BARNES S.
1996AJ....112.1487H viz 8 146 3920 A catalog of parameters for globular clusters on the Milky Way. HARRIS W.E.
1996AJ....112.2013S 14 17 Deep photometry of the outer halo globular cluster in Pyxis. SARAJEDINI A. and GEISLER D.
1996AJ....112.2026W 4 6 86 CCD photometry of galactic globular clusters. III. IC 4499. WALKER A.R. and NEMEC J.M.
1996AJ....112.2576D 2 11 74 The dwarf spheroidal companions to M31: WFPC2 observations of Andromeda I. DA COSTA G.S., ARMANDROFF T.E., CALDWELL N., et al.
1996AJ....112.2634V 138 35 Some integrated properties of galactic globular clusters. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1996ApJ...459..558C 1 43 206 Globular cluster ages and the formation of the Galactic halo. CHABOYER B., DEMARQUE P. and SARAJEDINI A.
1996ApJ...463L..17J 3 1 11 A new self-consistency check on the ages of globular clusters. JIMENEZ R. and PADOAN P.
1996ApJ...463..602R 36 72 Age gradient and the second parameter problem in the Galactic halo. RICHER H.B., HARRIS W.E., FAHLMAN G.G., et al.
1996ApJ...466L..17K 1 23 71 On the light curve-luminosity relation of RR Lyrae stars. KOVACS G. and JURCSIK J.
1996ApJ...470..910S 116 139 CCD photometry of the globular cluster M5. I. The color-magnitude diagram and luminosity functions. SANDQUIST E.L., BOLTE M., STETSON P.B., et al.
1996ApJ...470..953M 31 27 High-dispersion spectroscopy of giants in metal-poor globular clusters. II. Oxygen and sodium abundances. MINNITI D., PETERSON R.C., GEISLER D., et al.
1996ApJ...471L..33B 38   K                 6 36 Double-mode RR Lyrae variables: pulsational masses revisited. BONO G., CAPUTO F., CASTELLANI V., et al.
1996ApJ...473..550C 93 1 281 Stellar turbulent convection: a self-consistent model. CANUTO V.M., GOLDMAN I. and MAZZITELLI I.
1996MNRAS.278..367R 1 8 43 The M5 RR Lyrae population. REID N.
1996MNRAS.282..614B 1 12 46 The age of the old Magellanic Cloud clusters. II. NGC 1786, 1841 and 2210 as evidence for an old coeval population of LMC and galactic globular clusters. BROCATO E., CASTELLANI V., FERRARO F.R., et al.
1996MNRAS.282..691B 126 35 A search for radio pulsars in globular clusters, supernova remnants and transient X-ray sources. BIGGS J.D. and LYNE A.G.
1996MNRAS.282..926J 1 16 65 Ages of globular clusters : a new approach. JIMENEZ R., THEJLL P., JORGENSEN U.G., et al.
1996MNRAS.283..683C 17 1 52 An accurate relative age estimator for globular clusters. CHABOYER B., DEMARQUE P., KERNAN P.J., et al.
1996PASP..108..560S 1 35 167 The relative ages of galactic globular clusters. STETSON P.B., VANDENBERG D.A. and BOLTE M.
1996PASP..108..900C 2 28 181 The constancy of [alpha/Fe] in globular clusters of differing [Fe/H] and age. CARNEY B.W.
1996ARA&A..34..461V 2 23 180 The age of the Galactic globular cluster system. VANDENBERG D.A., BOLTE M. and STETSON P.B.
1996AGAb...12..177W 3 0 The age of three metal-poor clusters. WEISS A., SALARIS M. and DEGL'INNOCENTI S.
1997A&A...317...54J viz 21 7 Globular clusters 1 and 3 in the Fornax dwarf galaxy. JORGENSEN U.G. and JIMENEZ R.
1997A&A...319..487D 8 8 The level of agreement between theoretical and observed globular cluster luminosity functions. DEGL'INNOCENTI S., WEISS A. and LEONE L.
1997A&A...320..823C 1 17 68 The distance scale to globular clusters through new horizontal branch models. CALOI V., D'ANTONA F. and MAZZITELLI I.
1997A&A...322..218K 64 64 Computation of the distance moduli of RR Lyrae stars from their light and colour curves. KOVACS G. and JURCSIK J.
1997A&A...323..374A 13 16 CCD photometry of the metal-rich halo cluster NGC 6366. ALONSO A., SALARIS M., MARTINEZ-ROGER C., et al.
1997A&A...327..107S 26 51 Chronology of the halo globular cluster system formation. SALARIS M. and WEISS A.
1997A&A...327..121F 12 10 Metallicity of the young halo globular cluster Ruprecht 106. FRANCOIS P., DANZIGER J., BUONANNO R., et al.
1997A&AS..121...95C viz 1 127 660 Abundances for globular cluster giants. I. Homogeneous metallicities for 24 clusters. CARRETTA E. and GRATTON R.G.
1997AJ....113..264S viz 26 59 Reddenings, metallicities, and possible abundance anomalies in young globular clusters. SARAJEDINI A. and LAYDEN A.
1997AJ....113..706B 62 84 Horizontal branch morphology in galactic globular cluster: dense environment is "a" second parameter. BUONANNO R., CORSI C., BELLAZZINI M., et al.
1997AJ....113..722N 19 15 A technique for simultaneous determination of the metallicity and reddening of old open clusters using (V,B-V) color-magnitude diagrams. NORIEGA-MENDOZA H. and RUELAS-MAYORGA A.
1997AJ....113.1711C viz 30 40 The structure of the light curves of the RR Lyrae variables in the Oosterhoff type I cluster NGC 6171. CLEMENT C.M. and SHELTON I.
1997AJ....114..161R 1 54 239 Younger and brighter-new distances to globular clusters based on Hipparcos parallax measurements of local subdwarfs. REID I.N.
1997AJ....114.1030H 3 11 102 NGC 2419, M 92, and the age gradient in the galactic halo. HARRIS W.E., BELL R.A., VANDENBERG D.A., et al.
1997ApJ...474..223G 1 119 533 Destruction of the galactic globular cluster system. GNEDIN O.Y. and OSTRIKER J.P.
1997ApJ...477..519D 3 6 60 The Universe and globular clusters: an age conflict? D'ANTONA F., CALOI V. and MAZZITELLI I.
1997ApJ...479..665S 43   K                 3 66 The age of the oldest globular clusters. SALARIS M., DEGL'INNOCENTI S. and WEISS A.
1997ApJ...482...89A 79 68 The MACHO project Large Magellanic Cloud variable star inventory. III. Multimode RR Lyrae stars, distance to the large Magellanic Cloud, and age of the oldest stars. ALCOCK C., ALLSMAN R.A., ALVES D., et al.
1997ApJ...486L.107L 1 10 33 The globular cluster M54 and the star formation history of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. LAYDEN A.C. and SARAJEDINI A.
1997ApJ...490..425S 8 5 130 Isochrones for hydrogen-burning globular cluster stars. III. From the Sun to the globular clusters. STRANIERO O., CHIEFFI A. and LIMONGI M.
1997ApJ...491..749G 2 47 311 Ages of globular clusters from Hipparcos parallaxes of local subdwarfs. GRATTON R.G., FUSI PECCI F., CARRETTA E., et al.
1997ApJ...491..789B 107 T K                 5 11 The age of the globular cluster
1997MNRAS.285..593C 3 14 148 A critical investigation on the discrepancy between the observational and the theoretical red giant luminosity function 'bump'. CASSISI S. and SALARIS M.
1997MNRAS.289..406S 1 29 100 The 'tip' of the red giant branch as a distance indicator: results from evolutionary models. SALARIS M. and CASSISI S.
1997PASP..109...78T 176 0 Astrophysics in 1996. (Review paper). TRIMBLE V. and McFADDEN L.A.
1997PASP..109..883R viz 380 158 Galactic globular cluster metallicity scale from the Ca II triplet I. Catalog. RUTLEDGE G.A., HESSER J.E., STETSON P.B., et al.
1997PASP..109..907R 1 70 299 Galactic globular cluster metallicity scale from the Ca II triplet II. Rankings, comparisons, and puzzles. RUTLEDGE G.A., HESSER J.E. and STETSON P.B.
1997PASP..109.1221M 77 123 Luminosities of SX Phoenicis, large-amplitude delta Scut, and RR Lyrae stars. McNAMARA D.H.
1997PASP..109.1321S 41 110 The relative ages of galactic globular clusters. SARAJEDINI A., CHABOYER B. and DEMARQUE P.
1997A&ARv...8....1M 1 80 386 Internal dynamics of globular clusters. MEYLAN G. and HEGGIE D.C.
1997MmSAI..68..797S 3 0 Evolutionary models and age determinations of galactic clusters. STRANIERO O., CHIEFFI A. and LIMONGI M.
1997ARep...41..436B 56 12 Gravitational mesolensing by King objects and quasar-galaxy associations. BARYSHEV Y.V. and EZOVA Y.L.
1998A&A...329..937C 19 15 On the calibration of Red Giant Branch metallicity indicators in globular clusters: new relations based on an improved abundance scale. CARRETTA E. and BRAGAGLIA A.
1998A&A...333..505B 37 60 On the relative ages of galactic globular clusters. A new observable, a semi-empirical calibration and problems with the theoretical isochrones. BUONANNO R., CORSI C.E., PULONE L., et al.
1998A&A...335..929B 26 21 CCD photometry of M80 and the ranking of the C-M diagrams of galactic globulars. BROCATO E., CASTELLANI V., SCOTTI G.A., et al.
1998A&A...335..943S 2 31 191 Metal-rich globular clusters in the galactic disk: new age determinations and the relation to halo clusters. SALARIS M. and WEISS A.
1998A&A...337L..29F 4 3 38 A nonlinear model for RR Lyrae double mode pulsation. FEUCHTINGER M.U.
1998AJ....115..144G 4 6 81 Hubble space telescope observations of the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy. GRILLMAIR C.J., MOULD J.R., HOLTZMAN J.A., et al.
1998AJ....115..535C 49 98 Dwarf elliptical galaxies in the M81 group: the structure and stellar populations of BK5N and F8D1. CALDWELL N., ARMANDROFF T.E., DA COSTA G.S., et al.
1998AJ....115.2369S 18 20 Placing the Fornax and Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal globular clusters in the horizontal-branch type versus metallicity diagram. SMITH E.O., RICH R.M. and NEILL J.D.
1998AJ....116...31B 7 3 Ω, age, and H0 implications of recent Hubble space telescope data in the Coma Cluster. BAUM W.A.
1998AJ....116..220W 37 75 CCD photometry of galactic globular clusters. IV. The NGC 1851 RR Lyrae variables. WALKER A.R.
1998AJ....116.1736Z 22 3 The horizontal branches of globular clusters. II. The color-magnitude diagram of NGC 6139. ZINN R. and BARNES S.
1998AJ....116.2395M viz 1 37 127 WFPC2 observations of star clusters in the Magellanic clouds. II. The oldest star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. MIGHELL K.J., SARAJEDINI A. and FRENCH R.S.
1998AJ....116.2854O 1 11 58 The NGC 1399 globular cluster system: Washington photometry revisited. OSTROV P.G., FORTE J.C. and GEISLER D.
1998AJ....116.2929R 32 41 The distance to NGC 6397 by M-subdwarf main-sequence fitting. REID I.N. and GIZIS J.E.
1998ApJ...494..265C 34 98 Bimodality and gaps on globular cluster horizontal branches. II. The cases of NGC 6229, NGC 1851, and NGC 2808. CATELAN M., BORISSOVA J., SWEIGART A.V., et al.
1998ApJ...495L..81C 38   K                 6 44 Is there a difference in luminosity between field and cluster RR Lyrae variables? CATELAN M.
1998ApJ...501L..33B 4 7 97 The ages of the globular clusters in the Fornax dwarf galaxy. BUONANNO R., CORSI C.E., ZINN R., et al.
1998ApJ...509..192S 1 6 29 Luminosity functions for globular clusters. SILVESTRI F., VENTURA P., D'ANTONA F., et al.
1998MNRAS.294..315M 1 12 44 The globular cluster system of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy: the age of Terzan 8. MONTEGRIFFO P., BELLAZZINI M., FERRARO F.R., et al.
1998MNRAS.296..347K 52 68 A search for variable stars in the globular cluster M3. KALUZNY J., HILDITCH R.W., CLEMENT C., et al.
1998MNRAS.297..872M 3 9 99 Towards the absolute planes: a new calibration of the bolometric corrections and temperature scales for Population II giants. MONTEGRIFFO P., FERRARO F.R., ORIGLIA L., et al.
1998MNRAS.300..251S 107 15 Metallicity of clusters from RRab pulsators: results of an automatic analysis. SCHWARZENBERG-CZERNY A. and KALUZNY J.
1998AcA....48..341M 34 17 Fourier coefficients of OGLE variables. II. RR Lyraes. MORGAN S.M., SIMET M. and BARGENQUAST S.
1998MmSAI..69...49K 1 9 31 Relative distance moduli based on the light and color curves of RR Lyrae stars. KOVACS G.
1998MmSAI..69..119C 1 0 Theoretical calibration of stellar luminosities in galactic globulars: a progress report. CASTELLANI V.
1998MmSAI..69..127C 23 1 The 'Tip' of the Red Giant Branch as a distance indicator: theoretical calibration and the value of H-o-. CASSISI S. and SALARIS M.
1998MmSAI..69..175G 21 1 Globular cluster distances and ages using HHIPPARCOS subdwarfs. GRATTON R., CLEMENTINI G. and CARRETTA E.
1998Natur.395A..20M 7 8 The age of the globular clusters. MOULD J.
1999A&A...343..904C 16 32 On the gap in horizontal branches at B-V about zero. CALOI V.
1999A&A...345..149K 10 13 V2109 Cygni, a second overtone field RR Lyrae star. KISS L.L., CSAK B., THOMSON J.R., et al.
1999A&A...346..897W 1 7 23 Colour transformations for isochrones in the VI-plane. WEISS A. and SALARIS M.
1999A&A...348..815D 3 3 27 Theoretical UBVI light curves of RR Lyrae stars. DORFI E.A. and FEUCHTINGER M.U.
1999AJ....117..247S viz 1 26 90 Ages for globular clusters in the outer galactic halo: the second-parameter clusters Palomar 3, Palomar 4, and Eridanus. STETSON P.B., BOLTE M., HARRIS W.E., et al.
1999AJ....117..277D 38   K                 10 89 Space velocities of southern globular clusters. II. New results for 10 clusters. DINESCU D.I., VAN ALTENA W.F., GIRARD T.M., et al.
1999AJ....117..308G 1 17 52 Standard giant branches in the Washington photometric system. GEISLER D. and SARAJEDINI A.
1999AJ....117.1332C 17 19 Double-mode RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M 3. CORWIN T.M., CARNEY B.W. and ALLEN D.M.
1999AJ....117.1792D 3 45 433 Space velocities of globular clusters. III. Cluster orbits and halo substructure. DINESCU D.I., GIRARD T.M. and VAN ALTENA W.F.
1999AJ....117.3059H 9 6 The age of NGC 6426, a metal-poor globular cluster in the galactic halo. HATZIDIMITRIOU D., PAPADAKIS I., CROKE B.F.W., et al.
1999AJ....118..453C viz 45 21 New CCD observations of the RR Lyrae variables in the Oosterhoff type II cluster M9. CLEMENT C.M. and SHELTON I.
1999AJ....118.1373L 52 77 RR Lyrae luminosity differences between Oosterhoff group I and II cluster systems and the origin of the Oosterhoff dichotomy. LEE J.-W. and CARNEY B.W.
1999AJ....118.1671B viz 3 11 106 Hubble space telescope photometry of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy: cluster 4 and its field. BUONANNO R., CORSI C.E., CASTELLANI M., et al.
1999AJ....118.1738F 1 61 305 The giant, horizontal, and asymptotic branches of galactic globular clusters. I. The catalog, photometric observables, and features. FERRARO F.R., MESSINEO M., FUSI PECCI F., et al.
1999AJ....118.2306R 2 36 231 Galactic globular cluster relative ages. ROSENBERG A., SAVIANE I., PIOTTO G., et al.
1999ApJ...512..271K 24 38 A detailed analysis of double-mode RR Lyrae stars: further support for a brighter luminosity scale. KOVACS G. and WALKER A.R.
1999ApJ...513..767C 21 18 The mode change of the RR Lyrae variable V79 in M3. CLEMENT C.M. and GORANSKIJ V.P.
1999ApJ...515L..85C 36   K                 19 55 The RR Lyrae period-amplitude relation as a clue to the origin of the Oosterhoff dichotomy. CLEMENT C.M. and SHELTON I.
1999ApJ...517L.135B 1 19 102 Striking photospheric abundance anomalies in blue horizontal-branch stars in globular cluster M13. BEHR B.B., COHEN J.G., McCARTHY J.K., et al.
1999ApJ...518L..49Z 30 87 Comparison between predicted and empirical ΔVbumpHB in galactic globular clusters. ZOCCALI M., CASSISI S., PIOTTO G., et al.
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1999MNRAS.302..771J 1 24 116 Measuring mass-loss rates from Galactic satellites. JOHNSTON K.V., SIGURDSSON S. and HERNQUIST L.
1999MNRAS.307..619B 1 16 57 The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Survey (SDGS) - II. The stellar content and constraints on the star formation history. BELLAZZINI M., FERRARO F.R. and BUONANNO R.
1999MNRAS.308...97D 1 7 25 A pulsational approach to the luminosity of horizontal branch stellar structures. DE SANTIS R. and CASSISI S.
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2000A&A...355..966S 37 60 The red giant branches of Galactic globular clusters in the [(V-I)0,MV] plane: metallicity indices and morphology. SAVIANE I., ROSENBERG A., PIOTTO G., et al.
2000A&A...355.1060A 183 26 The effective temperature scale of giant stars (F0-K5). III. Stellar radii and the calibration of convection. ALONSO A., SALARIS M., ARRIBAS S., et al.
2000A&A...358..943Z 24 36 Comparison between observed and theoretical Red Giant Branch luminosity functions of galactic globular clusters. ZOCCALI M. and PIOTTO G.
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2000A&A...363..526P 30 18 The Old Halo metallicity gradient: the trace of a self-enrichment process. PARMENTIER G., JEHIN E., MAGAIN P., et al.
2000A&AS..143..215K 73 36 RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M 5. KALUZNY J., OLECH A., THOMPSON I., et al.
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2000AJ....119..705D 42 63 The dwarf spheroidal companions to M31: WFPC2 observations of Andromeda II. DA COSTA G.S., ARMANDROFF T.E., CALDWELL N., et al.
2000AJ....119..851P 32 14 The NGC 6426 RR Lyrae variables and horizontal-branch morphology. PAPADAKIS I., HATZIDIMITRIOU D., CROKE B.F.W., et al.
2000AJ....119.1282F 2 20 166 A new infrared array photometric survey of galactic globular clusters: a detailed study of the red giant branch sequence as a step toward the global testing of stellar models. FERRARO F.R., MONTEGRIFFO P., ORIGLIA L., et al.
2000AJ....119.1760L viz 4 18 236 Photometry of the globular cluster M54 and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: the age-metallicity relation. LAYDEN A.C. and SARAJEDINI A.
2000AJ....120.1014P 94 203 What are these blue metal-poor stars? PRESTON G.W. and SNEDEN C.
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2000AJ....120.2054C 1 19 62 CU Comae: a new field double-mode RR Lyrae variable, the most metal-poor discovered to date. CLEMENTINI G., DI TOMASO S., DI FABRIZIO L., et al.
2000AJ....120.2437S 44 62 Hubble space telescope WFPC2 photometry of M33: properties of the halo star clusters and surrounding fields. SARAJEDINI A., GEISLER D., SCHOMMER R., et al.
2000AJ....120.2579C 147 72 The globular cluster ω Centauri and the Oosterhoff dichotomy. CLEMENT C.M. and ROWE J.
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2000ApJ...529..936L 12 16 Globular cluster giant branch luminosity functions: "extra stars" and "deep mixing". LANGER G.E., BOLTE M. and SANDQUIST E.
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2000ApJS..129..315V 1 34 158 Models for old, metal-poor stars with enhanced α-element abundances. II. Their implications for the ages of the galaxy's globular clusters and field halo stars. VANDENBERG D.A.
2000MNRAS.313..571S 88 32 A catalogue of helium abundance indicators from globular cluster photometry. SANDQUIST E.L.
2000MNRAS.316..721C 10 20 On the existence of differences in luminosity between horizontal branch stars in globular clusters and in the field. CARRETTA E., GRATTON R.G. and CLEMENTINI G.
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2000ARep...44..665B 145 17 Globular cluster subsystems in the Galaxy. BORKOVA T.V. and MARSAKOV V.A.
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2001A&A...366...91C 20 11 Mixing, enhanced helium and blue tails in globular clusters. CALOI V.
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2001A&A...375..469K 1 5 22 On the double-mode RR Lyrae variables of the Sculptor dwarf galaxy. KOVACS G.
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2001AJ....122..207B 82 37 Metallicities for double-mode RR Lyrae stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. BRAGAGLIA A., GRATTON R.G., CARRETTA E., et al.
2001AJ....122.1469C 2 14 116 An abundance analysis for four red horizontal-branch stars in the extremely metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6528. CARRETTA E., COHEN J.G., GRATTON R.G., et al.
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2001AJ....122.2587C viz 1 104 418 Variable stars in galactic globular clusters. CLEMENT C.M., MUZZIN A., DUFTON Q., et al.
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2001MNRAS.325..931R viz 430 15 A search for previously unrecognized metal-poor subdwarfs in the Hipparcos astrometric catalogue. REID I.N., VAN WYK F., MARANG F., et al.
2001MNRAS.326..342C 16 9 The distance to Galactic globular clusters through RR Lyrae pulsational properties. CASSISI S., DE SANTIS R. and PIERSIMONI A.M.
2001MNRAS.326..397D 9 5 RR Lyrae pulsational temperature scales: on the consistency between different empirical relations. DE SANTIS R.
2001MNRAS.327L..15B 1 5 26 Multiple stellar populations in the Sextans dwarf spheroidal galaxy. BELLAZZINI M., FERRARO F.R. and PANCINO E.
2001PASP..113..335M 82 13 The ages of globular clusters. McNAMARA D.H.
2002A&A...388..492S 1 55 235 Homogeneous age dating of 55 Galactic globular clusters. Clues to the Galaxy formation mechanisms. SALARIS M. and WEISS A.
2002A&A...391...55I 2 9 70 Extended star formation in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: The cases of Draco, Sextans, and Ursa Minor. IKUTA C. and ARIMOTO N.
2002A&A...391..945P viz 1 74 293 HST color-magnitude diagrams of 74 galactic globular clusters in the HST F439W and F555W bands. PIOTTO G., KING I.R., DJORGOVSKI S.G., et al.
2002A&A...392..115P 49 22 Does the mixing length parameter depend on metallicity? Further tests of evolutionary sequences using homogeneous databases. PALMIERI R., PIOTTO G., SAVIANE I., et al.
2002A&A...396..117K 7 4 Second parameter globulars and dwarf spheroidals around the Local Group massive galaxies: What can they evidence? KRAVTSOV V.
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2002AJ....124..332D 32 34 The dwarf spheroidal companions to M31: WFPC2 observations of Andromeda III. DA COSTA G.S., ARMANDROFF T.E. and CALDWELL N.
2002AJ....124..915B viz 14 23 The stellar population of NGC 5634: a globular cluster in the Sagittarius dSph stream? BELLAZZINI M., FERRARO F.R. and IBATA R.
2002AJ....124..949P 47 66 Variable stars in the unusual, metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6388. PRITZL B.J., SMITH H.A., CATELAN M., et al.
2002AJ....124.1528P 53 33 BVI time-series data of the galactic globular cluster NGC 3201. I. RR Lyrae stars. PIERSIMONI A.M., BONO G. and RIPEPI V.
2002AJ....124.2664L 1 8 37 Horizontal-branch morphology and the photometric evolution of old stellar populations. LEE H.-C., LEE Y.-W. and GIBSON B.K.
2002AJ....124.3222B viz 1533 127 The Draco and Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxies: a comparative study. BELLAZZINI M., FERRARO F.R., ORIGLIA L., et al.
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2002ApJS..143..499K 33 3 300 The Y2 isochrones for α-element enhanced mixtures. KIM Y.-C., DEMARQUE P., YI S.K., et al.
2002MNRAS.333..825C 36 11 Global metallicity of globular cluster stars from colour-magnitude diagrams. CAPUTO F. and CASSISI S.
2002MNRAS.336..276D 19 1 On the reliability of the semi-empirical RR Lyrae period-V -band luminosity-blue amplitude relation. DE SANTIS R. and CASSISI S.
2002AcASn..43..302W 29 2 Space distribution and motional orbits of globular clusters in the Galaxy. WANG L. and ZHOU H.-N.
2002Sci...297..578Y 26 34 An aligned stream of low-metallicity clusters in the halo of the Milky Way. YOON S.-J. and LEE Y.-W.
2002S&T...103d..32F 115 0 Urban astronomy : observing the Messier objects from the city. FLANDERS T.
2002PABei..20..245J 64 0 Delta Scuti stars and their related objects. JIANG S.
2003A&A...399..931Z 8 16 415 Age and metallicity distribution of the Galactic bulge from extensive optical and near-IR stellar photometry. ZOCCALI M., RENZINI A., ORTOLANI S., et al.
2003A&A...407..303M 1 9 31 Why hot horizontal branch stars can appear redder than red giants. MOMANY Y., CASSISI S., PIOTTO G., et al.
2003A&A...410..553R 54 44 The Red Giant Branch luminosity function bump. RIELLO M., CASSISI S., PIOTTO G., et al.
2003A&A...410..871C 43 28 RR Lyrae variables in Galactic globular clusters. I. The observational scenario. CASTELLANI M., CAPUTO F. and CASTELLANI V.
2003AJ....125..684S 4 31 457 VLT/UVES abundances in four nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies. I. Nucleosynthesis and abundance ratios. SHETRONE M., VENN K.A., TOLSTOY E., et al.
2003AJ....125.1291S 23 43 Spectroscopy of globular clusters in the Fornax dwarf galaxy. STRADER J., BRODIE J.P., FORBES D.A., et al.
2003AJ....125.1309C 1 48 220 Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud: the RR Lyrae stars. CLEMENTINI G., GRATTON R., BRAGAGLIA A., et al.
2003AJ....125.2502M viz 152 32 Mapping the galactic halo. VI. Spectroscopic measures of luminosity and metallicity. MORRISON H.L., NORRIS J., MATEO M., et al.
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2003ApJS..149..101B 144 88 Rotation velocities of red and blue field horizontal-branch stars. BEHR B.B.
2003MNRAS.342L..58K 52 17 Consistent distances from Baade-Wesselink analyses of Cepheids and RR Lyraes. KOVACS G.
2003MNRAS.345..747M viz 1 10 50 RR Lyrae stars in four globular clusters in the Fornax dwarf galaxy. MacKEY A.D. and GILMORE G.F.
2003PASP..115..143K 170 287 A globular cluster metallicity scale based on the abundance of Fe II. KRAFT R.P. and IVANS I.I.
2003ChA&A..27..269W 3 0 Monte Carlo simulation of the distribution of orbital parameters of the globular clusters of the Galaxy. WANG L. and ZHOU H.-N.
2003Sci...299...65K 7 12 254 Age estimates of globular clusters in the Milky Way: constraints on cosmology. KRAUSS L.M. and CHABOYER B.
2003AstL...29..214B viz 365 5 Globular clusters as candidates for gravitational lenses to explain quasar-galaxy associations. BUKHMASTOVA Y.L.
2004A&A...418.1051T 2 8 48 Angular momentum transport by internal gravity waves. II. Pop II stars from the Li plateau to the horizontal branch. TALON S. and CHARBONNEL C.
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2004A&A...420..911S 54 88 The initial helium abundance of the Galactic globular cluster system. SALARIS M., RIELLO M., CASSISI S., et al.
2004A&A...421..937G viz 64 102 Metal abundances of RR Lyrae stars in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud. GRATTON R.G., BRAGAGLIA A., CLEMENTINI G., et al.
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2004A&A...425..627S 2         O           6 38 Automated nonlinear stellar pulsation calculations: Applications to RR Lyrae stars. The slope of the fundamental blue edge and the first RRd model survey. SZABO R., KOLLATH Z. and BUCHLER J.R.
2004A&A...426..641C 1 12 60 RR Lyrae variables in Galactic globular clusters. IV. Synthetic HB and RR Lyrae predictions. CASSISI S., CASTELLANI M., CAPUTO F., et al.
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2004AJ....127..334A viz 55 34 The MACHO project Large Magellanic Cloud variable-star inventory. XIII. Fourier parameters for the first-overtone RR Lyrae variables and the LMC distance. ALCOCK C., ALVES D.R., AXELROD T.S., et al.
2004AJ....127..938C 79 46 Image-subtraction photometry of the globular cluster M3: identification of new double-mode RR Lyrae stars. CLEMENTINI G., CORWIN T.M., CARNEY B.W., et al.
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2004ApJ...612.1092D 2 12 90 RR Lyrae stars in galactic globular clusters. III. Pulsational predictions for metal content Z=0.0001 to Z=0.006. DI CRISCIENZO M., MARCONI M. and CAPUTO F.
2004MNRAS.347..367C 113 128 The effects of age on red giant metallicities derived from the near-infrared CaII triplet. COLE A.A., SMECKER-HANE T.A., TOLSTOY E., et al.
2004MNRAS.348...12M 2 40 330 A dwarf galaxy remnant in Canis Major: the fossil of an in-plane accretion on to the Milky Way. MARTIN N.F., IBATA R.A., BELLAZZINI M., et al.
2004MNRAS.348.1157H 41 4 BVRI photometry of the galactic globular cluster NGC 6779. HATZIDIMITRIOU D., ANTONIOU V., PAPADAKIS I., et al.
2004MNRAS.351.1204V viz 1 25 89 Red giant branch in near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams - I. Calibration of photometric indices. VALENTI E., FERRARO F.R. and ORIGLIA L.
2004MNRAS.354..815V 27 53 Red giant branch in near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams - II. The luminosity of the bump and the tip. VALENTI E., FERRARO F.R. and ORIGLIA L.
2004ARA&A..42..385G 4 54 750 Abundance variations within globular clusters. GRATTON R., SNEDEN C. and CARRETTA E.
2004RMxAA..40..209A viz 29 16 CCD photometry of the RR Lyrae stars in NGC 4147. ARELLANO FERRO A., AREVALO M.J., LAZARO C., et al.
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2005AJ....129.1465C viz 395 147 Spectroscopy of red giants in the Large Magellanic Cloud Bar: abundances, kinematics, and the age-metallicity relation. COLE A.A., TOLSTOY E., GALLAGHER III J.S., et al.
2005AJ....129.1922C 11 16 Different characteristics of the bright branches of the globular clusters M3 and M13. CHO D.-H., LEE S.-G., JEON Y.-B., et al.
2005AJ....129.2257M 1 8 34 A "pulsational" distance determination for the Large Magellanic Cloud. MARCONI M. and CLEMENTINI G.
2005AJ....130..116D 1 61 190 Galactic globular cluster relative ages. DE ANGELI F., PIOTTO G., CASSISI S., et al.
2005AJ....130.1097B viz 273 19 The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project. II. Global properties and the luminosity function of field blue horizontal branch stars. BROWN W.R., GELLER M.J., KENYON S.J., et al.
2005AJ....130.1640W viz 89 6 CCD photometry of candidate RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. WU C., QIU Y.L., DENG J.S., et al.
2005AJ....130.2140P viz 1 50 234 A comparison of elemental abundance ratios in globular clusters, field stars, and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. PRITZL B.J., VENN K.A. and IRWIN M.
2005ApJ...623L.117C 11 23 Discovery of more than 200 RR Lyrae variables in M62: an Oosterhoff I globular cluster with a predominantly blue horizontal branch. CONTRERAS R., CATELAN M., SMITH H.A., et al.
2005ApJ...630L.145C 25 26 Metal abundances of RR Lyrae stars in the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6441. CLEMENTINI G., GRATTON R.G., BRAGAGLIA A., et al.
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2005MNRAS.363..734C viz 150 20 The metal abundance distribution of the oldest stellar component in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. CLEMENTINI G., RIPEPI V., BRAGAGLIA A., et al.
2005PASP..117..245R 40 26 Age and metallicity estimation of globular clusters from Stromgren photometry. RAKOS K. and SCHOMBERT J.
2005AcA....55..303J 28 25 On the distribution of the modulation frequencies of RR Lyrae stars. JURCSIK J., SZEIDL B., NAGY A., et al.
2005ARA&A..43..387G 5 14 238 The adequacy of stellar evolution models for the interpretation of the color-magnitude diagrams of resolved stellar populations. GALLRT C., ZOCCALI M. and APARICIO A.
2006A&A...450..105B viz 161 151 Globular cluster system and Milky Way properties revisited. BICA E., BONATTO C., BARBUY B., et al.
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2006AJ....131..895K viz 6 14 168 Complexity on small scales: the metallicity distribution of the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy. KOCH A., GREBEL E.K., WYSE R.F.G., et al.
2006AJ....131.1750S 1 12 29 On the predicted and observed color boundaries of the RR Lyrae instability strip as a function of metallicity. SANDAGE A.
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2006AJ....132...85P viz 61 80 Atmospheres, chemical compositions, and evolutionary histories of very metal-poor red horizontal-branch stars in the galactic field and in NGC 7078 (M15). PRESTON G.W., SNEDEN C., THOMPSON I.B., et al.
2006AJ....132..714V viz 493 135 The QUEST RR Lyrae survey. II. The halo overdensities in the first catalog. VIVAS A.K. and ZINN R.
2006AJ....132.1014C 54 23 Image-subtraction photometry of variable stars in the globular clusters NGC 6388 and NGC 6441. CORWIN T.M., SUMEREL A.N., PRITZL B.J., et al.
2006AJ....132.1630G viz 282 135 Ca II triplet spectroscopy of Large Magellanic Cloud red giants. I. Abundances and velocities for a sample of populous clusters. GROCHOLSKI A.J., COLE A.A., SARAJEDINI A., et al.
2006ApJ...640..801J 1 46 110 Chemical compositions of red giant stars in old Large Magellanic Cloud globular clusters. JOHNSON J.A., IVANS I.I. and STETSON P.B.
2006ApJ...642..225F 28 34 An empirical calibration of the mixing-length parameter α. FERRARO F.R., VALENTI E., STRANIERO O., et al.
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