NGC 6822 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 6822 , the SIMBAD biblio (1580 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST09:44:17

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Title First 3 Authors
1923ApJ....57..137D 26 10 Photographic studies of nebulae. III. DUNCAN J.C.
1925ApJ....62..409H 63 T                   1 26 160
NGC 6822, a remote stellar system.
1926MNRAS..86..636M 7 16 New nebulae shown on Franklin-Adams chart plates. MELOTTE P.J.
1936ApJ....84..158H 1 9 87 The luminosity function of nebulae. I. The luminosity function of resolved nebulae as indicated by their brightest stars. HUBBLE E.
1946ApJ...104..290M 40 115 The radial velocities of fifty globular star clusters. MAYALL N.U.
1959PASP...71....5V 15 4 The evolution of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1960ApJ...131..215V 205 276 A preliminary luminosity classification of late-type galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1960PASP...72..188H 17 17 Dwarf members of a southern cluster of galaxies. II. HODGE P.W.
1961BAN....15..307V 68 T                   1 3 57 Observations of neutral hydrogen in IC 1613,
NGC 6822 and M 82.
1963AJ.....68..274B 66 T                   1 1 4 Neutral hydrogen in
NGC 6822.
1966AJ.....71..922V 244 97 Luminosity classifications of dwarf galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1967AJ.....72..134K 67 T                   1 95 89 Photometry of the nearby irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
1967ApJ...150....1D 77 80 Radio observations of galaxies. DE JONG M.L.
1968JRASC..62..145V 45 71 The galaxies of the local group. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1969AJ.....74..859R 99 306 Integral properties of spiral and irregular galaxies. ROBERTS M.S.
1969ApJ...156..847H 7 34 Distribution of H II regions in irregular galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1970A&A.....7..311P 68 T                   1 7 59 On the chemical abundance of
NGC 6822.
1972A&A....18..121B 5 14 21-cm line study of the heavily obscured galaxy IC 10. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L. and HEIDMANN J.
1972MmRAS..75...85H 93 193 Inclination and absorption effects on the apparent diameters, optical luminosities and neutral hydrogen radiation of galaxies -I. Optical and 21 cm line data. HEIDMANN J., HEIDMANN N. and DE VAUCOULEURS G.
1972VA.....14..163D 1 63 453 Structure and dynamics of barred spiral galaxies, in particular of the Magellanic type. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and FREEMAN K.C.
1972IAUS...44...67D 8 17 The neutral hydrogen distribution in spiral and irregular galaxies. DAVIES R.D.
1974ApJ...190..525S 3 12 239 Steps toward the Hubble constant. I. Calibrations of the linear sizes of extragalactic H II regions. SANDAGE A. and TAMMANN G.A.
1974VeARI..26....0B 364 ~ Bibliography on the structure of galaxies. BROSCHE P., EINASTO J. and RUMMEL U.
1974IAUS...58..119D 9 19 Neutral hydrogen at large distances from parent galaxies. DAVIES R.D.
1975A&A....44..151F 71 313 Neutral hydrogen observations of DDO dwarf. FISHER J.R. and TULLY R.B.
1975ApJ...199..591S 3 21 393 Spectrophotometric observations of ionized hydrogen regions in nearby spiral and irregular galaxies. SMITH H.E.
1975IAUS...69..331R 25 38 The rotation curves of galaxies. ROBERTS M.S.
1976Ap&SS..41..357S 21 19 30 Dor as the active centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud. SCHMIDT-KALER T. and FEITZINGER J.V.
1977A&A....61L..31C 1 6 31 Two new faint stellar systems discovered on ESO Schmidt plates. CESARSKY D.A., LAUSTSEN S., LEQUEUX J., et al.
1977A&A....61..523G 69 T                   1 9 66 An interferometer study of the neutral hydrogen associated with the optical core of the irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
1977ApJ...217..903Y 2 27 381 The Local Group: the solar motion relative to its centroid. YAHIL A., TAMMANN G.A. and SANDAGE A.
1977ApJ...218..633B 11 5 289 On the frequency-period distributions of Cepheid variables in galaxies in the local group. BECKER S.A., IBEN I. and TUGGLE R.S.
1977ApJS...33...69H 68 T                   1 52 112 The structure and contents of
NGC 6822.
1978ApJS...37..117D 14 3 220 Optical emission from shocks. IV. The Herbig-Haro objects. DOPITA M.A.
1979A&A....78..200A 1 44 422 Nitrogen and oxygen abundances in galaxies. ALLOIN D., COLLIN-SOUFFRIN S., JOLY M., et al.
1979A&A....80..155L 22 9 1025 Chemical composition and evolution of irregular and blue compact galaxies. LEQUEUX J., PEIMBERT M., RAYO J.F., et al.
1979AJ.....84..604V 74 T                   1 1 30 UBV photometry in the dwarf irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
1979ApJ...230...95V 1 3 28 Star clusters in IC 1613 and in the Small Magellanic Cloud. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1979ApJ...234..854H 22 52 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. IV. Baade's field IV in M 31. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1979MNRAS.186..217C 1 4 24 Fine structure in very high-velocity clouds. COHEN R.J. and MIRABEL I.F.
1979PASP...91..749K 68 T                   1 4 18 New compact H II regions in
NGC 6822.
1979Msngr..19....7W 1 3 23 Red stars in nearby galaxies. WESTERLUND B.E.
1980A&AS...40...67D 66 142 A catalogue of supernova remnant candidates in nearby galaxies. D'ODORICO S., DOPITA M.A. and BENVENUTI P.
1980A&AS...41..189R 89 89 A neutral hydrogen mapping survey of large galaxies. I. Observations. ROTS A.H.
1980AJ.....85.1325E 47 20 The location of star-forming regions in barred Magellanic-type galaxies. ELMEGREEN D.M. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
1980ApJ...235...22D 68 T                   1 5 24 Spectrophotometry of a planetary nebula in the irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
1980ApJ...238...65H 68 T                   1 46 50 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. V. The local group irregulars
NGC 6822 and IC 1613.
1980ApJ...241..125H 73 T                   1 2 57 The recent evolutionary history of the galaxies
NGC 6822 and IC 1613.
1980ApJ...241..587H 3 5 96 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. VI. The brightest supergiants and the distance to M 33. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1980MNRAS.193..219P 71 T                   1 13 229 On the composition of HII regions in southern galaxies. II.
NGC 6822 and 1313.
1981AJ.....86.1464V 15 72 Frequency distribution of H II region diameters. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1982A&A...109..331H 40 28 Extended H I-envelopes around spiral galaxies: NGC 2655 and NGC 2715. HUCHTMEIER W.K. and RICHTER O.G.
1982AJ.....87.1341H 226 21 Optical surveys of H II regions in galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1982ApJ...254...38H 1 6 51 Photometry of resolved galaxies. I. The Pegasus dwarf irregular. HOESSEL J.G. and MOULD J.R.
1982ApJ...254...50B 1 36 195 Abundance gradients in M 31: comparison of results from supernova remnants and HII regions. BLAIR W.P., KIRSHNER R.P. and CHEVALIER R.A.
1982ApJ...258..439S 15 45 Distance and absolute magnitudes of the brightest stars in the dwarf galaxy Sextans A. SANDAGE A. and CARLSON G.
1982PASP...94..444K 69 T                   1 68 30 A catalog of diffuse nebulae and emission-line stars in
NGC 6822.
1983A&A...117..332K 13 45 A survey of the distribution of lambda 2.8 cm radio continuum in nearby galaxies. III. A small sample of irregular and blue compact galaxies. KLEIN U., GRAVE R. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1983A&A...123..121M 45 155 Stochastic star formation and chemical evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies. MATTEUCCI F. and CHIOSI C.
1983A&A...123..159W 71 T                   1 2 20 Discovery of a Wolf-Rayet star in
NGC 6822.
1983A&A...125..308T 4 6 Estimated energy and momentum input to the interstellar medium for several external galaxies. TARRAB I.
1983AJ.....88..764D 243 44 Integrated magnItudes and mean colors of DDO dwarf galaxies in the UBV system. II. Distances, luminosities, and HI properties. DE VAUCOULEURS G., DE VAUCOULEURS A. and BUTA R.
1983AJ.....88.1323H 16 45 Size distributions of HII regions in galaxies. I. Irregular galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1983AJ.....88.1569S 12 45 The brightest stars in nearby galaxies. II. SANDAGE A.
1983AJ.....88.1736I 184 87 A radio continuum survey of nearby galaxies. I. Observations at 0.4, 0.8, 4.8 and 10.7 GHz. ISRAEL F.P. and VAN DER HULST J.M.
1983ApJ...265..176H 108 52 Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. VIII. The Small Magellanic Cloud. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1983ApJ...266L..21L 6 9 279 Some implications of nonluminous matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. LIN D.N.C. and FABER S.M.
1983ApJ...268..145P 7 2 The effects of mass and metallicity upon planetary nebula formation. PAPP K.A., PURTON C.R. and KWOK S.
1983ApJ...269..335H 33 84 The brightest stars as extragalactic distance indicators. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1983ApJ...270...51L 1 7 50 Stellar and gaseous dynamics of triaxial galaxies. LAKE G. and NORMAN C.
1983ApJ...271...65H 1 6 33 Photometry of resolved galaxies. III. GR 8. HOESSEL J.G. and DANIELSON G.E.
1983ApJ...273..539M 84 T                   1 1 78 The distance to
NGC 6822 from infrared photometry of Cepheids.
1983ApJ...273..544M 27 51 Wolf-Rayet stars in the Local Group galaxies M 31 and NGC 6822. MOFFAT A.F.J. and SHARA M.M.
1983ApJ...274..577H 20 38 Photometry of resolved galaxies. II. Sextans A. HOESSEL J.G., SCHOMMER R.A. and DANIELSON G.E.
1983BAAS...15..906M 4 ~ The distance to nearby galaxies based on near-infrared photometry of Cepheids. McALARY C.W., MADORE B.F., WELCH D.L., et al.
1983Msngr..33...21B 7 9 Search for Wolf-Rayet, carbon and M stars in external galaxies with the GRISM/GRENS technique. BREYSACHER J. and LEQUEUX J.
1983MitAG..60..210K 1 0 Radiokontinuumstrahlung von Zwerggalaxien. KLEIN U.
1983RMxAA...8..117S 1 7 46 Chemical evolution of galaxies. III.. The N/O versus O/H relationship. SERRANO A. and PEIMBERT M.
1983S&W....22...68G 29 0 Planetarische Nebel. GIESEKING F.
1983IAUS..101..517D 7 19 Chemical abundances in the interstellar medium of galaxies from spectrophotometry of supernova remnants. D'ODORICO S. and DOPITA M.
1983IAUS..103....1A 22 43 Planetary nebulae: an introductory review. ALLER L.H.
1983IAUS..103..443F 18 19 Planetary nebulae in local goup galaxies. FORD H.C.
1984A&A...130..279B 3 4 74 The HR diagram of massive stars : widening of the main sequence band and WR formation. BERTELLI G., BRESSAN A.G. and CHIOSI C.
1984A&A...140..325D 39 49 Ultraviolet luminosities and colors of spiral and irregular galaxies. The present-day star formation rate. DONAS J. and DEHARVENG J.M.
1984A&AS...56..381B 797 165 HI line studies of galaxies. III. Distance moduli of 822 disk galaxies. BOTTINELLI L., GOUGUENHEIM L., PATUREL G., et al.
1984A&AS...57..361R 43 41 IUE UV spectra of extragalactic H II regions. I. The catalogue and the atlas. ROSA M., JOUBERT M. and BENVENUTI P.
1984AJ.....89..919S 167 402 Studies of the Virgo cluster. III. A classification system and an illustrated Atlas of Virgo cluster dwarf galaxies. SANDAGE A. and BINGGELI B.
1984AJ.....89.1160D 6 21 Leo A : color-magnitude diagram of its brightest stars. DEMERS S., KIBBLEWHITE E.J., IRWIN M.J., et al.
1984ApJ...276..653D 5 4 103 Radiative shock-wave theory. I. Chemical abundance diagnostics and galactic abundance gradients. DOPITA M.A., BINETTE L., D'ODORICO S., et al.
1984ApJ...277L...9A 72 T                   1 1 19 Discovery of the first carbon star in
NGC 6822.
1984ApJ...281..811C 17 6 Very slow classical Cepheids: theoretical models with periods longer than 50 days. CARSON T.R. and STOTHERS R.B.
1984ApJ...283..158O 13 21 Studies of galactic planetary nebulae and extragalactic H II complexes. O'DELL C.R. and CASTANEDA H.O.
1984ApJ...286..159H 11 18 Photometry of resolved galaxies. IV. Holmberg I and Holmberg II. HOESSEL J.G. and DANIELSON G.E.
1984PASP...96..329V 1 8 49 Globular clusters and galaxy halos. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1984PASP...96Q.791M 3 3 Wolf-Rayet stars in nearby galaxies: tracers of massive stars. MASSEY P. and ARMANDROFF T.
1984PASP...96..913H 11 26 Endpoints of stellar evolution: X-ray surveys of the Local Group. HELFAND D.J.
1984ARA&A..22...37G 1 23 204 Structure and evolution of irregular galaxies. GALLAGHER J.S. and HUNTER D.A.
1984BAAS...16..456M 69 T                   1 2 0 Wolf-Rayet stars in
NGC 6822 and IC 1613.
1984BAAS...16..888F 2 0 Distances to local group galaxies based on BVRI CCD photometry of Cepheids. FREEDMAN W.L.
1984BAAS...16..889C 4 0 The red stellar content of nearby galaxies. COOK K.H., AARONSON M. and NORRIS J.
1984BAAS...16..948M 5 0 Massive stars in nearby galaxies: a search for Wolf-Rayet stars in M 31 and NGC 300 (the Saga continues). MASSEY P., ARMANDROFF T.E. and CONTI P.S.
1984BAAS...16..950R 69 T                   1 2 0 IRAS maps of
NGC 6822.
1984IAUS..108..145H 59 10 The brightest stars in the Magellanic Clouds and other late-type galaxies. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1985A&AS...62..173Z 21 13 On the effect of recent atomic parameter values in the blue compact galaxies abundance. ZAMORANO J. and REGO M.
1985AJ.....90..414D 1 3 18 VLA observations of three extragalactic SNR at 20 and 6 cm. DICKEL J.R., D'ODORICO S. and SILVERMAN A.
1985AJ.....90.1012A 12 15 HI clouds in the Sculptor and local groups. ARP H.
1985AJ.....90.1104M 4 16 The search, discovery and use of Cepheid variables as distance indicators: past procedures and future strategies. MADORE B.F. and FREEDMAN W.L.
1985AJ.....90.1163A 2 8 119 Spectra of the two brightest objects in the amorphous galaxy NGC 1569: superluminous young star clusters - or stars in a nearby peculiar galaxy ? ARP H. and SANDAGE A.
1985AJ.....90.1464S 73 77 The brightest stars in nearby galaxies. VI. Cepheids and the brightest stars in WLM. SANDAGE A. and CARLSON G.
1985ApJ...288..182V 51 39 Distances to Magellanic Clouds from observations of Cepheids at 1.05 microns. VISVANATHAN N.
1985ApJ...289..141E 57 37 M supergiants in local group irregular galaxies : metallicities and distances. ELIAS J.H. and FROGEL J.A.
1985ApJ...290..449S 2 7 101 Spatial variations in the physical conditions in the giant extragalactic HII region NGC 5471. SKILLMAN E.D.
1985ApJ...291L..41A 69 T                   1 35 16 Discovery of the first S star in
NGC 6822.
1985ApJ...291..685A 69 T                   1 61 107 Wolf-Rayet stars in
NGC 6822 and IC 1613.
1985ApJ...295...73K 3 35 542 Families of ellipsoidal stellar systems and the formation of dwarf elliptical galaxies. KORMENDY J.
1985ApJ...297..564M 10 18 Observations of four nearby galaxies with the Einstein Observatory MARKERT T.H. and DONAHUE M.E.
1985ApJ...299...74F 2 11 113 The upper end of the stellar luminosity function for a sample of nearby resolved late-type galaxies. FREEDMAN W.L.
1985ApJS...57..261V viz 281 49 Catalog of CO observations of galaxies. VERTER F.
1985ApJS...58..533H 1 33 166 Star-forming properties and histories of dwarf irregular galaxies: down but not out. HUNTER D.A. and GALLAGHER III J.S.
1985ApJS...59...63R 90 264 Estimated number of field stars toward galactic globular clusters and local group galaxies. RATNATUNGA K.U. and BAHCALL J.N.
1985MNRAS.212..163M 16 22 Predictions of distance within the Local Group. MISHRA R.
1985MNRAS.217..391M 38 129 Nitrogen and oxygen evolution in dwarf irregular galaxies. MATTEUCCI F. and TOSI M.
1985PASP...97....5M 6 4 123 Wolf-Rayet stars in nearby galaxies: tracers of the most massive stars. MASSEY P.
1985Ap&SS.114..119F 8 1 Variable yields and the problem of nitrogen production. FORIERI C.
1985BICDS..28...41W 23 0 Radio surveys of the sky. WIELEBINSKI R.
1985MmSAI..56..645P 9 0 Significance of ST For studies of planetary nebulae. PERINOTTO M.
1985PASAu...6..104M 8 20 The Magellanic system. MATHEWSON D.S.
1985PASAu...6..140V 5 2 A new estimate of the Hubble constant using the Virgo cluster distance. VISVANATHAN N.
1985SSRv...40..531L 11 3 Extragalactic supernova remnants. LONG K.S.
1985S&W....24..194M 15 0 Der lokale Superhaufen und seine Umgebung. Zur Struktur des nahen Universums. MATERNE J.
1986A&A...156..207A 30 33 A corrected velocity for the local standard of rest by fitting to the mean redshift of local group galaxies. ARP H.
1986A&A...160..374H 38 54 Turbulent gas motions in giant HII regions. II. The luminosity-velocity dispersion relation. HIPPELEIN H.H.
1986A&A...161..155K 1 10 74 Multi-frequency radio continuum observations of dwarf irregular galaxies. KLEIN U. and GRAVE R.
1986A&A...163....1B 97 11 Errors in the 21-cm redshifts of galaxies : a statistical analysis. BAIESI-PILLASTRINI G.C. and PALUMBO G.G.C.
1986A&AS...63..323H 332 80 HI-observations of galaxies in the Kraan-Korteweg - Tammann catalogue of nearby galaxies. I. The data. HUCHTMEIER W.K. and RICHTER O.G.
1986AJ.....91..808H 15 41 The luminosities of M supergiants and the distances to M 101, NGC 2403, and M 81. HUMPHREYS R.M., AARONSON M., LEBOFSKY M., et al.
1986AJ.....92..567A 34 27 Integrated H alpha profiles of giant extragalactic H II regions. ARSENAULT R. and ROY J.-R.
1986AJ.....92.1303M 206 102 Massive stars in M 31. MASSEY P., ARMANDROFF T.E. and CONTI P.S.
1986ApJ...300..624R 1 18 77 H-alpha velocity widths of giant extragalactic HII regions. ROY J.-R., ARSENAULT R. and JONCAS G.
1986ApJ...302..579R 16 10 The H-alpha velocity widths of giant HII regions as distance indicators. ROY J.-R. and ARSENAULT R.
1986ApJ...303...10M 1 11 48 The formation and evolution of carbon stars. MOULD J. and AARONSON M.
1986ApJ...305..583W 3 8 113 The distance to M 31 from infrared photometry of its Cepheids. WELCH D.L., McALARY C.W., McLAREN R.A., et al.
1986ApJ...305..634C 2 8 72 Carbon and M stars in nearby galaxies: a preliminary survey using a photometric technique. COOK K.H., AARONSON M. and NORRIS J.
1986ApJ...307....1S 1 30 233 The redshift-distance relation. IX. Perturbation of the very nearby velocity field by the mass of the Local Group. SANDAGE A.
1986ApJ...311...85C 1 8 39 Kinematic detection of supernova remnants in giant HII regions. CHU Y.-H. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1986ApJ...311...98T 82 201 Star formation in active dwarf galaxies. THRONSON H.A.Jr and TELESCO C.M.
1986ApJS...60..507H 110 T K                 1 1 26 Photometry of resolved galaxies. V.
NGC 6822.
1986PASP...98.1005P 1 19 119 XII. New measurements of helium in HII galaxies. PAGEL B.E.J., TERLEVICH R.J. and MELNICK J.
1986PASP...98.1095H 9 7 HII regions and star formation in galaxies. HODGE P.
1986ARA&A..24..421S 1 17 93 The population concept, globular clusters, subdwarfs, ages, and the collapse of the Galaxy. SANDAGE A.
1986BAAS...18Q.964S 69 T                   1 1 0 Light curves for Cepheids in
NGC 6822.
1986Icar...65..152V 100 4 A search for the tritium hyperfine line from nearby stars. VALDES F. and FREITAS R.A.Jr
1986MmSAI..57..553H 23 2 The ages of the local group galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1986IAUS..116..369H 1 9 49 Systems of stellar associations in galaxies. HODGE P.
1987A&A...171...33R 27 58 HI observations of galaxies in a catalog of nearby galaxies. II. The motion of the sun and the galaxy and the velocity dispersion of 'field' galaxies. RICHTER O.-G., TAMMANN G.A. and HUCHTMEIER W.K.
1987A&A...172...15V 53 69 Some inferences on chemical evolution from a study of irregular and blue compact galaxies. VIGROUX L., STASINSKA G. and COMTE G.
1987AJ.....93..833K 81 45 Variable stars in local group galaxies. I. M 33. KINMAN T.D., MOULD J.R. and WOOD P.R.
1987AJ.....94.1538M 91 50 The spectra of extragalactic Wolf-Rayet stars. MASSEY P., CONTI P.S. and ARMANDROFF T.E.
1987ApJ...317...82G 2 30 240 The composition gradient across M 81. GARNETT D.R. and SHIELDS G.A.
1987ApJ...317..557S 18 20 The redshift-distance relation. IXa. Reinterpretation of the Local Group deceleration data emphasizing the Kahn-Woltjer mass determination. SANDAGE A.
1987ApJ...323...44V 771 130 The supernova rate in Shapley-Ames galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S., McCLURE R.D. and EVANS R.
1987ApJ...323...79P 1 9 62 The late-type stellar content of NGC 55. PRITCHET C.J., RICHER H.B., SCHADE D., et al.
1987ApJS...65..485C viz 315 274 A 1.49 GHz atlas of spiral galaxies with BT <+12 and delta >-45. CONDON J.J.
1987MNRAS.226..493C 70 T                   1 8 13 The dynamics of the giant ring nebula Hubble III in
NGC 6822.
1987MNRAS.226..689S 54 44 A systematic search for OH megamasers. STAVELEY-SMITH L., COHEN R.J., CHAPMAN J.M., et al.
1987MNRAS.226..849M 1 19 100 Giant H II regions as distance indicators - I. Relations between global parameters for the local calibrators. MELNICK J., MOLES M., TERLEVICH R., et al.
1987PASP...99....5H 21 26 Massive stars in galaxies. HUMPHREYS R.M.
1987ARA&A..25..345F 1 58 297 Cepheids as distance indicators. FEAST M.W. and WALKER A.R.
1987BAAS...19..703M 5 0 The spectra of extragalactic Wolf-Rayet stars. MASSEY P., CONTI P.S. and ARMANDROFF T.E.
1987BAAS...19.1036S 70 T                   1 2 2 A search for new variable stars in
NGC 6822 and M 33.
1987BAAS...19.1052J 70 T                   1 2 1 Near infrared photometry of Cepheid variables in
NGC 6822.
1987Mercu..16....3H 11 0 The Local Group : our galactic neighborhood. HODGE P.
1987Msngr..47....4M 11 0 Giant HII regions and the quest for the Hubble constant. MELNICK J.
1987QJRAS..28..217W 8 4 Wolf-Rayet stars: current status and major questions. WILLIS A.J.
1987QJRAS..28..334C 4 2 Echelle observations of interstellar bubbles. CLAYTON C.A.
1987RMxAA..14..158M 11 1 Giant HII regions as distance indicators. MELNICK J., TERLEVICH R. and MOLES M.
1987IAUS..117..139K 1 13 63 Dark matter in dwarf galaxies. KORMENDY J.
1987IAUS..121..545M 28 17 Superassociations in the arms of normal and active galaxies. MELNICK J.
1987IAUS..124..151T 25 54 The cosmic distance scale. TAMMANN G.A.
1988A&A...189...34A 14 49 The number of Wolf-Rayet stars in Local Group galaxies. AZZOPARDI M., LEQUEUX J. and MAEDER A.
1988A&A...195...27F 115 38 A model of spiral-galaxy evolution. I. Galaxy morphology and star formation rate. FERRINI F. and GALLI D.
1988A&A...196...31S 16 62 The extremely low oxygen abundance of GR 8: a very low luminosity dwarf irregular galaxy. SKILLMAN E.D., MELNICK J., TERLEVICH R., et al.
1988A&A...201..199A 39 36 Correlations between integrated parameters and H-alpha velocity widths in giant extragalactic HII regions: a new appraisal. ARSENAULT R. and ROY J.-R.
1988A&A...203..237H 146 101 HI observations of galaxies in the Kraan-Korteweg-Tammann catalogue of nearby galaxies. III. Global parameters of the galaxies. HUCHTMEIER W.K. and RICHTER O.-G.
1988AJ.....95..720K 1 15 87 Giant HII regions and the formation of populous star clusters. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and CHU Y.-H.
1988AJ.....96...73T 87 65 The galaxy luminosity function and environmental dependencies. TULLY R.B.
1988AJ.....96.1248F 41 83 Stellar content of nearby galaxies. I. BVRI CCD photometry for IC 1613. FREEDMAN W.L.
1988ApJ...327..128S 1 6 32 On the relationship of W-R star numbers and subclass distribution to OB star numbers and metallicity in galaxies. SMITH L.F.
1988ApJ...329..618T 75 60 Bursting dwarf galaxies: implications for luminosity function, space density, and cosmological mass density. TYSON N.D. and SCALO J.M.
1988ApJ...330..191R 92 46 Pregalactic formation of globular clusters in cold dark matter. ROSENBLATT E.I., FABER S.M. and BLUMENTHAL G.R.
1988ApJ...334..144K 130 168 Properties of H II region populations in galaxies. I. The first-ranked H II regions. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1988ApJS...67....1T 637 114 Uncertainties in 21 centimeter redshifts. I. Data. TIFFT W.G. and COCKE W.J.
1988ApJS...68...91R viz 147 491 A catalog of IRAS observations of large optical galaxies. RICE W., LONSDALE C.J., SOIFER B.T., et al.
1988MNRAS.235..297M 43 99 Giant H II regions as distance indicators- II. Application to H II galaxies and the value of the Hubble constant. MELNICK J., TERLEVICH R. and MOLES M.
1988PASP..100..568H 11 18 Star clusters in galaxies. HODGE P.
1988PASP..100..917H 148 43 The HII regions of NGC 6822. I. An atlas of 157 HII regions. HODGE P., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and LEE M.G.
1988PASP..100..935S 1 12 49 Cepheids as distance indicators when used near their detection limit. SANDAGE A.
1988Afz....28..510U 1 1 On the dynamical evolution of ringlike gaseous structures in discs ofspiral galaxies. USOVICH K.I.
1988BAAS...20..701P 3 1 CCD surface photometry of NGC 147, IC 1613, and NGC 6822. PRICE J.S., MASON S.F. and GULLIXSON C.A.
1988BAAS...20.1081L 2 0 HII regions in M 31. LEE M.G.
1988BAAS...20.1083G 1 ~ Far-infrared emission and the structure of NGC 6822. GALLAGHER J.S., HUNTER D.A., RICE W., et al.
1989A&A...224...73A 3 6 88 Observed and synthesized populations of Wolf-Rayet stars: their evolution and the influence of metallicity. ARNAULT P., KUNTH D. and SCHILD H.
1989AJ.....98.1659S 1 1 The period-decline-rate relation for pulsating stars. SCHMIDT E.G. and WIESE K.H.
1989ApJ...338...13C 2 24 227 The 1.4 gigahertz luminosity function and its evolution. CONDON J.J.
1989ApJ...338..789C 1 13 81 Star formation in NGC 5253. CALDWELL N. and PHILLIPS M.M.
1989ApJ...344L..53P 5 9 182 Tracing galaxy orbits back in time. PEEBLES P.J.E.
1989ApJ...345..108P 13 49 A model for the formation of the local group. PEEBLES P.J.E., MELOTT A.L., HOLMES M.R., et al.
1989ApJ...345..752E 856 107 Revised supernova rates in Shapley-Ames galaxies. EVANS R., VAN DEN BERGH S. and McCLURE R.D.
1989ApJ...346..629V 70 19 The zero point of the Cepheid period-luminosity relation in the 1.05 micron wave band. VISVANATHAN N.
1989ApJ...347..812P 69 31 A self-regulated star formation rate as a function of global galactic parameters. PARRAVANO A.
1989ApJ...347..875S 3 46 561 Oxygen abundances in nearby dwarf irregular galaxies. SKILLMAN E.D., KENNICUTT R.C. and HODGE P.W.
1989MNRAS.236..567S 70 T                   1 8 5 Pulsational properties of extragalactic Cepheids - I. Differential light curves of field No 1 in
NGC 6822.
1989MNRAS.240..563S 3 10 124 Abundances in southern Local Group dwarf irregular galaxies. SKILLMAN E.D., TERLEVICH R. and MELNICK J.
1989PASP..101..640H 35 35 The HII regions of GR8. HODGE P., LEE M.G. and KENNICUTT R.C.
1989ARA&A..27...87F 10 21 864 X rays from normal galaxies. FABBIANO G.
1989ARA&A..27..139H 1 17 126 Populations in local group galaxies. HODGE P.
1989Afz....30..489M 5 0 Spectral investigation of 1548 C27: object with collimated outflow. MAGAKIAN T.Y., MOVSESSIAN T.A., AFANASEV V.L., et al.
1989Ast....17l..38J 8 0 The legacy of Edwin Hubble. JONES B.
1989JRASC..83..351S 5 4 Edwin HUBBLE 1889-1953. SANDAGE A.
1989Msngr..57...57T 6 4 Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies. TOSI M., FOCARDI P., GREGGIO L., et al.
1990A&AS...84...47T 137 16 Comparisons between 21cm data from Effelsberg and Greenbank. TIFFT W.G. and HUCHTMEIER W.K.
1990AJ....100..420P 45 15 The H II regions of IC 1613. PRICE J.S., MASON S.F. and GULLIXSON C.A.
1990ApJ...352...30I 152 60 Low-frequency radio continuum evidence for cool ionized gas in normal spiral galaxies. ISRAEL F.P. and MAHONEY M.J.
1990ApJ...362....1P 3 6 85 The gravitational instability picture and the formation of the local group. PEEBLES P.J.E.
1990ApJ...362..480H 31 105 Properties of ionized interstellar froth in irregular galaxies. HUNTER D.A. and GALLAGHER III J.S.
1990ApJ...363..142G 2 25 262 Nitrogen in irregular galaxies. GARNETT D.R.
1990ApJ...364..444V 231 28 The dustiness, luminosity, and metallicity of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S. and PIERCE M.J.
1990ApJ...364..513G 43 35 First images of water vapor masers in the galaxy M 33. GREENHILL L.J., MORAN J.M., REID M.J., et al.
1990ApJS...73..603T 287 16 Properties of the redshift. I. Data and calibrations. TIFFT W.G.
1990MNRAS.242..318S 13 10 536 The 60-mu.m and far-infrared luminosity functions of IRAS galaxies. SAUNDERS W., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., LAWRENCE A., et al.
1990MNRAS.245..101C 62 57 Implications of the correlation between radio and far-infrared emission for spiral galaxies. CHI X. and WOLFENDALE A.W.
1990PASP..102...26H 162 78 The HII regions of IC 10. HODGE P. and LEE M.G.
1990PASP..102.1241S 20 8 H-alpha mapping of DDO 53. STROBEL N.V., HODGE P. and KENNICUTT R.C.Jr
1990PASP..102.1245H 133 32 The H II regions of IC 1613. HODGE P., LEE M.G. and GURWELL M.
1990Ap&SS.171..203C 4 0 Density studies of giant extragalactic HII regions. CASTANEDA H.O. and VILCHEZ J.M.
1990Msngr..60...36B 15 2 The stellar content of the dwarf galaxy NGC 3109. BRESOLIN F., CAPACCIOLI M. and PIOTTO G.
1990PASAu...8..243P 13 0 Helium in three HII galaxies and the helium abundance. PAGEL B.E.J. and SIMONSON E.A.
1990RPPh...53.1559P 35 85 Planetary nebulae. PEIMBERT M.
1991A&A...242...93M 6 6 166 The relative numbers of Wolf-Rayet stars in galaxies with active with active star formation: the metallicity effect. MAEDER A.
1991A&AS...90..375L 159 21 The UV properties of normal galaxies. I. The IUE data. LONGO G., CAPACCIOLI M. and CERIELLO A.
1991AJ....102..927A 1 12 51 Wolf-Rayet stars in local group galaxies: numbers and spectral properties. ARMANDROFF T.E. and MASSEY P.
1991AJ....102..951T 3 16 227 Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: Sextans B. TOSI M., GREGGIO L., MARCONI G., et al.
1991ApJ...371..142G 105 T K                 1 7 25 Far-infrared properties of
NGC 6822.
1991ApJ...379..621H 106 T K                 1 6 37 A cosmos study of the structure and content of
NGC 6822.
1991ApJ...380..140M 2 60 668 H II region abundances: model oxygen line ratios. McGAUGH S.S.
1991MNRAS.250..392G 107 7 X-ray emission from spiral galaxies with normal and low-activity nuclei. GIURICIN G., BERTOTTI G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1991PASP..103..919S 31 10 Relative abundances in the low-metallicity dwarf irregular galaxy UGC 4483. SKILLMAN E.D.
1991PASP..103..933M 5 21 487 The Cepheid distance scale. MADORE B.F. and FREEDMAN W.L.
1991Ap&SS.178..227I 209 16 The stellar content of associations and star complexes in M 33. IVANOV G.R.
1991BAAS...23..949H 7 0 The history of star formation rates in galaxies. HODGE P.
1991QJRAS..32..217M 6 17 Massive stars in galaxies. MAEDER A.
1992A&A...256L..19M 6 9 220 Genesis of a dwarf galaxy from the debris of the Antennae. MIRABEL I.F., DOTTORI H. and LUTZ D.
1992A&A...257..511K 7 8 Metallicity and gas mass fraction in irregulars and blue compact galaxies: the effect of dark matter. KUMAI Y. and TOSA M.
1992A&A...264...37F 47 53 Evolutionary models for disk galaxies. FIRMANI C. and TUTUKOV A.
1992A&A...264...75V 31 38 The luminosity function of the Local Group. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1992AJ....103.1151C 34 37 On the Cepheid variables of the nearby irregular galaxy NGC 3109. CAPACCIOLI M., PIOTTO G. and BRESOLIN F.
1992AJ....103.1159M 33 51 IC 10: a "poor cousin" rich in Wolf-Rayet stars. MASSEY P., ARMANDROFF T.E. and CONTI P.S.
1992AJ....103.1484B 29 28 Surface photometry of disk galaxies at 60 and 100 micro-m: radial gradients in dust temperature in optically thin disks. BOTHUN G.D. and ROGERS C.
1992AJ....104.1374W 70 T                   427 42 The stellar populations of NGC 6822. WILSON C.D.
1992ApJ...384L..29W 107 T K                 2 13 A comparison of the properties of an unbiased sample of OB associations in the Local group galaxies M 33 and
NGC 6822.
1992ApJ...384...50A 9 16 629 The formation of globular clusters in merging and interacting galaxies. ASHMAN K.M. and ZEPF S.E.
1992ApJ...391..144W 107 T K                 5 23 CO emission from the dwarf irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
1992ApJS...79..183T 62 5 Properties of the redshift. IV. Reference data. TIFFT W.G.
1992ApJS...80..531F viz 518 501 An X-ray catalog and atlas of galaxies. FABBIANO G., KIM D.-W. and TRINCHIERI G.
1992MNRAS.255p..29V 29 ~ Galaxy evolution and the Local Group. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1992MNRAS.259..121V 4 30 485 The relation between abundance gradients and the physical properties of spiral galaxies. VILA-COSTAS M.B. and EDMUNDS M.G.
1992PASP..104..599J 4 26 467 A critical review of selected techniques for measuring extragalactic distances. JACOBY G.H., BRANCH D., CIARDULLO R., et al.
1992PASP..104..861V 58 102 The Hubble parameter. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1992AN....313..189S viz 301 55 Nearby galaxies. I. The catalogue. SCHMIDT K.-H. and BOLLER T.
1992Ast....20c..68E 8 0 Going deep for galaxies. EICHER D.J.
1992BAAS...24..690W 70 T                   2 ~ CO emission from the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. WILSON C.D.
1992BAAS...24.1201C 70 T                   1 ~ The HII regions of NGC 6822 : a multivariate analysis of physical properties. COLLIER J. and HODGE P.
1992Sci...256..321H 15 27 The Hubble constant. HUCHRA J.P.
1992Sci...258..421V 14 13 The age and size of the universe. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1992S&T....84..613L 33 2 Cosmology of the Local Group. LAKE G.
1993A&A...268..483B 20 26 H2O masers in nearby irregular galaxies. BECKER R., HENKEL C., WILSON T.L., et al.
1993A&A...271....1R 31 70 Results of the ESO-SEST key programme: CO in the Magellanic Clouds. II. CO in the SW region of the small Magellanic Cloud. RUBIO M., LEQUEUX J., BOULANGER F., et al.
1993AJ....105...67R 29 68 An atlas of high-resolution IRAS maps of nearby galaxies. RICE W.
1993AJ....105..894G viz 27 83 Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: DDO 210 and NGC 3109. GREGGIO L., MARCONI G., TOSI M., et al.
1993AJ....105.1779B 60 33 The dwarf galaxy NGC 3109. I. The data. BRESOLIN F., CAPACCIOLI M. and PIOTTO G.
1993AJ....106.1797H 64 183 A survey for extra-H II region ionized gas structures in irregular galaxies. HUNTER D.A., HAWLEY W.N. and GALLAGHER III J.S.
1993ApJ...408..409L 14 55 The distance to nearby galaxy NGC 3109 based on the tip of the red giant branch. LEE M.G.
1993ApJ...417..553L 11 14 621 The tip of the red giant branch as a distance indicator for resolved galaxies. LEE M.G., FREEDMAN W.L. and MADORE B.F.
1993MNRAS.264..865D 12 29 The least action principle and the spin of galaxies in the Local Group. DUNN A.M. and LAFLAMME R.
1993MNRAS.265..199V 1 29 210 The nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio in galaxies and its implications for the origin of nitrogen. VILA-COSTAS M.B. and EDMUNDS M.G.
1993PASP..105..374H 10 17 CO observations of several amorphous and Magellanic irregular galaxies. HUNTER D.A. and SAGE L.
1993AGAb....8...38G 71 T                   2 0 The stellar content of NGC 6822: deep UBVRI CCD photometry. GALLART C., APARICIO A. and VILCHEZ J.M.
1993AN....314..361S 77 25 Nearby galaxies. III. Gas-to-dust ratio in the interstellar medium of spiral and dwarf irregular galaxies. SCHMIDT K.-H. and BOLLER T.
1993Ap&SS.201..243G 38 9 The substructure of the Local Group. GURZADYAN V.G., KOCHARYAN A.A. and PETROSIAN A.R.
1993BAAS...25.1357P 2 ~ Ionizational boundedness of HII regions and lifetimes of O stars in HII regions. PATEL K.
1993PASJ...45L..21O 9 31 CO-to-H2 conversion factor in dwarf irregular galaxies. OHTA K., TOMITA A., SAITO M., et al.
1993PASJ...45..693T 4 12 Halpha velocity fields of giant H II regions in foru nearby dwarf irregular galaxies. TOMITA A., OHTA K. and SAITO M.
1993SciAm.269a..70O 3 ~ Edwin Hubble and the expanding universe. OSTERBROCK D.E., GWINN J.A. and BRASHEAR R.S.
1994A&A...285...51M 279 36 Global properties of dwarf galaxies II. Colours and luminosities. MELISSE J.P.M. and ISRAEL F.P.
1994A&A...286..718K 42 61 New photometric distances for dwarf galaxies in the Local Volume. KARACHENTSEV I.D. and TIKHONOV N.A.
1994A&A...287..803M 13 5 275 New models of Wolf-Rayet stars and comparison with data in galaxies. MAEDER A. and MEYNET G.
1994A&AS..103..391M 281 43 Global properties of dwarf galaxies. I. Galaxy sample and IRAS infrared flux-densities. MELISSE J.P.M. and ISRAEL F.P.
1994AJ....107.1328V 49 94 The outer fringes of the Local Group. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1994AJ....107.1338W 43 26 Classical H II regions in the Magellanic Clouds. I. Physical properties. WILCOTS E.M.
1994ApJ...421..458T 14 16 Constraining the influence of star formation on the lowest 12CO line ratios in M 33. THORNLEY M.D. and WILSON C.D.
1994ApJ...425L...9G 107 T K                 4 31 Asymptotic giant branch stars in
NGC 6822 : probes of star formation history.
1994ApJ...430...74A 25 24 Companion galaxies : a test of the assumption that velocities can be inferred from red shifts. ARP H.
1994ApJ...434L..11W 107 T K                 8 35 First observations of individual molecular clouds in the irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
1994ApJ...437L..27A 3 3 37 The distance to the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy : an open question. APARICIO A.
1994ApJS...92..119C 106 T K                 46 8 The H II regions of
NGC 6822. III. A photometric atlas.
1994MNRAS.270...35M 88 134 Element abundances in blue compact galaxies. MARCONI G., MATTEUCCI F. and TOSI M.
1994MNRAS.271..530R 39 43 The accuracy of the brightest stars in galaxies as distance indicators. ROZANSKI R. and ROWAN-ROBINSON M.
1994PASP..106..765H 85 23 The H II regions of Sextans A. HODGE P., KENNICUTT R.C. and STROBEL N.
1994PASP..106.1225G 1 28 116 Dwarf spheroidal galaxies : keystones of galaxy evolution. GALLAGHER III J.S. and WYSE R.F.G.
1994ARA&A..32..227M 3 18 232 Massive star populations in nearby galaxies. MAEDER A. and CONTI P.S.
1994LAstr.108..290S 31 0 Le monde des galaxies. SOL H. and VICENTE L.
1994Ast....22b..27H 9 0 Our new ! improved ! cluster of galaxies. HODGE P.
1994Ap&SS.216..285C 8 2 Supersonic turbulence in giant extragalactic HII regions. CASTANEDA H.O.
1994BAAS...26.1436M 4 ~ The reddening, distance, and star formation rate of IC 10. MASSEY P. and ARMANDROFF T.E.
1994MmSAI..65..739T 5 0 Evolution of irregular galaxies. TOSI M.
1995A&A...295..335C 72 5 A generalized Schmidt star formation law: observational constraints. CAIMMI R.
1995A&A...295..599I 25 50 CO observations of 25 dwarf galaxies. ISRAEL F.P., TACCONI L.J. and BAAS F.
1995A&AS..109..341R viz 362 13 The UV properties of normal galaxies. II. The ``non-IUE'' data. RIFATTO A., LONGO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1995A&AS..114..215M viz 84 42 New supernova remnant candidates in M 31. MAGNIER E.A., PRINS S., VAN PARADIJS J., et al.
1995AJ....109..173M viz 71 T                   1781 71 Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: NGC 6822. MARCONI G., TOSI M., GREGGIO L., et al.
1995AJ....109..990V 96 47 H I envelopes around low luminosity galaxies. VAN ZEE L., HAYNES M.P. and GIOVANELLI R.
1995AJ....109.1645M 3 12 154 The tip of the red giant branch as a distance indicator for resolved galaxies. II. Computor simulations. MADORE B.F. and FREEDMAN W.L.
1995AJ....109.2470M 31 80 The massive star content, reddening, and distance of the nearby irregular galaxy IC 10. MASSEY P. and ARMANDROFF T.E.
1995AJ....110..212A viz 9 14 Bright stars and recent star formation in the irregular Magellanic galaxy NGC 2366. APARICIO A., CEPA J., GALLART C., et al.
1995AJ....110..613V 339 21 A preliminary classification scheme for the central regions of late-type galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1995AJ....110.1129L 29 35 Stellar populations of the dwarf galaxy LGS 3 in the Local Group. LEE M.G.
1995AJ....110.2105A 6 3 77 The stellar content of the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy. APARICIO A. and GALLART C.
1995AJ....110.2715M viz 71 T                   40 116 Hot, luminous stars in selected regions of
NGC 6822, M31 and M33.
1995ApJ...442..618V 1 7 29 Yet another theory for the origin of halo globular clusters and spheroid stars. VIETRI M. and PESCE E.
1995ApJ...445...98C 1 14 58 Chemical evolution of irregular and blue compact galaxies. CARIGI L., COLIN P., PEIMBERT M., et al.
1995ApJ...445..642R 1 43 248 Oxygen abundances in diffuse ellipticals and the metallicity-luminosity relations for dwarf galaxies. RICHER M.G. and McCALL M.L.
1995ApJ...446..616V 1 14 59 GR 8: CO-TO-H2 conversion factor at extremely low metallicity. VERTER F. and HODGE P.
1995ApJ...448L..97W 38   K                 29 303 The metallicity dependence of the CO-to-H2 conversion factor from observations of Local Group galaxies. WILSON C.D.
1995ApJ...449...52P 1 11 67 Mass of the Milky Way and redshifts of the nearby galaxies. PEEBLES P.J.E.
1995ApJ...451..607P 10 20 Are galaxies optically thin to their own Lyman-continuum radiation? I. M33. PATEL K. and WILSON C.D.
1995ApJ...453..162P 107 T K                 8 14 Are galaxies optically thin to their own Lyman-continuum radiation ? II.
NGC 6822.
1995MNRAS.275..429L 1 48 267 Ghostly streams from the formation of the Galaxy's halo. LYNDEN-BELL D. and LYNDEN-BELL R.M.
1995PASP..107..361C 71 T                   143 5 The HII regions of NGC 6822. IV. A multivariate and bivariate analysis. COLLIER J., HODGE P. and KENNICUTT R.C.
1995PASP..107..561E 11 6 IC 1613 X-1: a galaxy cluster at z about 0.2 behind a Local Group dwarf galaxy. ESKRIDGE P.B.
1995BAAS...27Q1293F 7 ~ Post-AGB A and F supergiants as standard candles. FULLTON L.K., et al.
1995MNSSA..54...72. 127 0 The nomenclature of deep-sky objects.
1995PAZh...21...13M viz 88 ~ New list of OB associations of our galaxy. MEL'NIK A.M. and EFREMOV Y.N.
1995P&SS...43.1405P 5 1 Reddening free distance determination via Cepheid variables. PIOTTO G., CAPACCIOLI M., MUSELLA I., et al.
1995IAUS..163...83A 2 1 A search for Wolf-Rayet stars in NGC 300. AZZOPARDI M., MURATORIO G., BREYSACHER J., et al.
1995IAUS..163..280M 6 1 Wolf-Rayet stars in galaxies and the role of binaries and hydrodynamics. MAEDER A.
1996A&A...305...33K 75 43 The Local Group in comparison with other nearby groups of galaxies. KARACHENTSEV I.
1996A&A...305..708I 11 25 OB associations in nearby galaxies. IVANOV G.R.
1996A&A...308..723I 107 T K                 50 27 Dust and molecules in the Local Group galaxy
NGC 6822. I. Dust, star formation and the origin of infrared emission.
1996A&A...312..391G 15 31 NGC 1569: the molecular and ionized gas near the superluminous star clusters A and B. GREVE A., BECKER R., JOHANSSON L.E.B., et al.
1996A&A...315...40S viz 1 13 49 CCD photometry of the Tucana dwarf galaxy. SAVIANE I., HELD E.V. and PIOTTO G.
1996AJ....111....1S 14 26 Bias properties of extragalactic distance indicators. V. H0 from luminosity functions of different spiral types and luminosity classes corrected for bias. SANDAGE A.
1996AJ....111..794K 103 164 The galaxy motion relative to nearby galaxies and the local velocity field. KARACHENTSEV I.D. and MAKAROV D.A.
1996AJ....111.2303B 32 15 The winds of hot stars in external galaxies. III. HST UV spectroscopy of O and B supergiants in M31 and M33. BIANCHI L., HUTCHINGS J.B. and MASSEY P.
1996AJ....112..991M 53 42 The star formation histories of Sculptor group dwarf galaxies. I. Current star formation rates and oxygen abundances. MILLER B.W.
1996AJ....112.1009B 1 8 27 An HST study of OB associations and star clusters in M101. BRESOLIN F., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and STETSON P.B.
1996AJ....112.1588W 2 2 Testing an identification algorithm for extragalactic OB associations using a galactic sample. WILSON C.D. and BAKKER K.J.
1996AJ....112.1928G 72 T                   28 144 The Local Group dwarf galaxy NGC 6822. I. The stellar content. GALLART C., APARICIO A. and VILCHEZ J.M.
1996AJ....112.1950G 93 T                   2 133 The Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. II. The old and intermediate age star formation history. GALLART C., APARICIO A., BERTELLI G., et al.
1996AJ....112.2596G 97 T                   1 80 The local group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. III. The recent star formation history. GALLART C., APARICIO A., BERTELLI G., et al.
1996ApJ...458..467M 18 47 Spectroscopy of H II regions in M81 group dwarf galaxies. MILLER B.W. and HODGE P.
1996ApJ...461..202H 17 21 Molecular gas in the irregular galaxy NGC 4449. HUNTER D.A. and THRONSON H.A.Jr
1996ApJ...462..684T 17 48 The resolved stellar population of Leo A. TOLSTOY E.
1996ApJ...464..568F 98 194 The extragalactic distance scale key project. IV. The discovery of Cepheids and a new distance to M100 using the Hubble Space Telescope. FERRARESE L., FREEDMAN W.L., HILL R.J., et al.
1996ApJ...467..579E 84 50 On the size and formation mechanism of star complexes in Sm, Im, and BCD galaxies. ELMEGREEN B.G., ELMEGREEN D.M., SALZER J.J., et al.
1996ApJ...469L..97A 2 7 42 Model color-magnitude diagrams for Hubble Space Telescope observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies. APARICIO A., GALLART C., CHIOSI C., et al.
1996ApJ...470..781W 8 22 Observations of molecular gas in the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 185. WELCH G.A., MITCHELL G.F. and YI S.
1996ApJ...473...42P 18 7 The primeval mass fluctuation spectrum and the distribution of the nearby galaxies. PEEBLES P.J.E.
1996ApJ...473..810S 1 7 41 A dynamical model for the twisted gas disk in Centaurus A. SPARKE L.S.
1996MNRAS.280..720V 2 27 228 The chemical composition of H II regions in the outer Galaxy. VILCHEZ J.M. and ESTEBAN C.
1996PASP..108.1068G 3 0 The scale of the universe: a curtain-raiser in four acts and four morals. GINGERICH O.
1996PASP..108.1073T 12 8 H_0: The incredible shrinking constant, 1925-1975. TRIMBLE V.
1996BAAS...28R1288F 5 ~ Calibration of post-AGB A and F supergiants as standard candles. FULLTON L.K., et al.
1996JRASC..90..246R 7 1 Planetary nebulae: their use as a tool to probe the evolution of galaxies. RICHER M.G.
1996JRASC..90Q.328W 71 T                   3 0 Physical conditions in molecular clouds in the dwarf irregular galaxies IC 10 and NGC 6822. WILSON C.D. and PETITPAS G.
1996MmSAI..67..915A 2 0 Modelling the old and intermediate-age star formation history of dwarf irregular galaxies. APARICIO A., GALLART C., BERTELLI G., et al.
1996PASJ...48..275A 7 10 239 CO-to-H2 conversion factor in galaxies. ARIMOTO N., SOFUE Y. and TSUJIMOTO T.
1996PABei..14...81C 30 0 Recent progress in the research of big bang nucleosynthesis. CHEN S., MA E. and YU Y.Q.
1997A&A...317...65I 109 T K                 5 30 Dust and molecules in the Local Group galaxy
NGC 6822. II. CO and molecular hydrogen.
1997A&A...317..871L viz 77 88 Revised spectral types for 64 B-supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud: metallicity effects. LENNON D.J.
1997A&A...322..730T 56 66 Kinematics of the Local Universe. V. The value of H0 from the Tully-Fisher B and logD25 relations for field galaxies. THEUREAU G., HANSKI M., EKHOLM T., et al.
1997A&A...328..471I 1 70 277 H2 and its relation to CO in the LMC and other Magellanic irregular galaxies. ISRAEL F.P.
1997AJ....114..147M 40 60 Stellar populations of the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM. MINNITI D. and ZIJLSTRA A.A.
1997AJ....114..669A 5 4 63 The star formation history of the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy. APARICIO A., GALLART C. and BERTELLI G.
1997AJ....114..680A 3 6 71 The stellar content and the star formation history of the local group dwarf galaxy LGS 3. APARICIO A., GALLART C. and BERTELLI G.
1997AJ....114..988E 72 T                   9 7 The nature of the X-ray point source in the bar of NGC 6822. ESKRIDGE P.B. and WHITE III R.E.
1997AJ....114..996W 15 30 A new galaxy in the Local Group: the Antlia dwarf galaxy. WHITING A.B., IRWIN M.J. and HAU G.K.T.
1997AJ....114.1447A 19 43 The nature of the Antlia galaxy: a new dwarf irregular in the outskirts of the Local Group. APARICIO A., DALCANTON J.J., GALLART C., et al.
1997AJ....114.2353C viz 179 26 Probes for nearby galaxies. CRAMPTON D., GUSSIE G., COWLEY A.P., et al.
1997AJ....114.2527D 14 3 129 The dwarf irregular galaxy Sextans A. II. Recent star formation history. DOHM-PALMER R.C., SKILLMAN E.D., SAHA A., et al.
1997ApJ...474..205S 1 17 58 Interstellar medium abundances in the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy. SKILLMAN E.D., BOMANS D.J. and KOBULNICKY H.A.
1997ApJ...477..679K 1 34 154 Hubble Space Telescope faint object spectroscope spectroscopy of localized chemical enrichment from massive stars in NGC 5253. KOBULNICKY H.A., SKILLMAN E.D., ROY J.-R., et al.
1997ApJ...481L..81T 16 4 Gamma-ray line signals from 26Al and 60Fe in the galaxies of the Local Group. TIMMES F.X. and WOOSLEY S.E.
1997ApJ...487..579H 11 3 100 Properties of H II regions in the centers of nearby galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1997ApJ...489..636K 2 26 226 Elemental abundance variations and chemical enrichment from massive stars in starbursts. II. NGC 1569. KOBULNICKY H.A. and SKILLMAN E.D.
1997ApJS..112...49M 196 142 Optically identified supernova remnants in the nearby spiral galaxies: NGC 5204, NGC 5585, NGC 6946, M81, and M101. MATONICK D.M. and FESEN R.A.
1997MNRAS.289..406S 1 29 100 The 'tip' of the red giant branch as a distance indicator: results from evolutionary models. SALARIS M. and CASSISI S.
1997PASP..109..629G 72 T                   2 1 Old populations and the star formation history of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. (Dissertation summary). GALLART C.
1997PASP..109..927W 1 5 23 The luminosity function and size distribution of the H II regions in M33. WYDER T.K., HODGE P.W. and SKELTON B.P.
1997PASP..109..937H 1 18 99 Star formation in irregular galaxies: a review of several key questions. HUNTER D.
1997LAstr.111...74P 3 0 L'expansion de l'univers. PATUREL G.
1997AN....318..369C 77 0 Proper motions, absolute magnitudes and spatial distribution of zirconium stars. CHANTURIYA S.M.
1997Ap&SS.251..311V 11 2 Physical properties of Wolf-Rayet winds. VAN DER HUCHT K.A.
1997CR2...325..421B 7 ~ Les etoiles de Wolf-Rayet d'hier a aujourd'hui. BREYSACHER J.
1997PAZh...23..742G 32 ~ Calibration of the brightest red and blue stars as distance indicators for late-type galaxies. GEORGIEV T.B., BILKINA B.I. and DENCHEVA N.M.
1997PAZh...23..755G 45 ~ Calibration of the luminosity function of bright blue stars as a distance indicator for late-type galaxies. GEORGIEV T.B., BILKINA B.I. and DENCHEVA N.M.
1997RMxAC...6....1T 8 8 Starburst galaxies - The dawn of a new era. TERLEVICH R.
1998A&A...329..971V 71 52 The HIPPARCOS Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of S stars: probing nucleosynthesis and dredge-up. VAN ECK S., JORISSEN A., UDRY S., et al.
1998A&A...333L..35A viz 29 4 The possible effects of an unusual resonance in very long period Cepheids. ANTONELLO E.
1998A&A...334...45H 65 42 The Z-L relationship of dwarf irregular galaxies. I. First results. HIDALGO-GAMEZ A.M. and OLOFSSON K.
1998A&A...335..152G 46 28 CO in blue compact and star burst galaxies. GONDHALEKAR P.M., JOHANSSON L.E.B., BROSCH N., et al.
1998A&A...335..807A 4 9 117 Resolved 200µm images of nearby galaxies - evidence for an extended distribution of cold dust. ALTON P.B., TREWHELLA M., DAVIES J.I., et al.
1998A&AS..127..117P viz 2385 30 A catalogue of spatially resolved kinematics of galaxies: Bibliography. PRUGNIEL P., ZASOV A., BUSARELLO G., et al.
1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
1998A&AS..131...73M viz 1372 15 Catalogue of HI maps of galaxies. I. MARTIN M.C.
1998AJ....115.1462M 1 6 30 The star formation history of the Local Group dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 185. I. Stellar content. MARTINEZ-DELGADO D. and APARICIO A.
1998AJ....115.1869G 2 14 85 A wide field planetary camera 2 study of the resolved stellar population of the Pegasus dwarf irregular galaxy (DDO 216). GALLAGHER J.S., TOLSTOY E., DOHM-PALMER R.C., et al.
1998AJ....115.2231S 14 25 On variational dynamics in redshift space. SCHMOLDT I.M. and SAHA P.
1998AJ....115.2356C 109 T K                 6 26 An old cluster in
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1998AJ....116..119B 66 36 A Hubble Space Telescope study of extragalactic OB Associations. BRESOLIN F., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, FERRARESE L., et al.
1998AJ....116..146L viz 2 13 81 Star formation in and evolution of the blue compact dwarf galaxy UGC 6456 determined from Hubble space telescope images. LYNDS R., TOLSTOY E., O'NEIL E.J.Jr, et al.
1998AJ....116.2246K viz 206 14 Automatic determination of unbiased luminosity functions for H II regions. II. Four nearby dwarf galaxies. KINGSBURGH R.L. and McCALL M.L.
1998AJ....116.2341V viz 45 28 The recent star formation in Sextans A. VAN DYK S.D., PUCHE D. and WONG T.
1998AJ....116.2746T 83 164 CO emission in low-luminosity, H I-rich galaxies. TAYLOR C.L., KOBULNICKY H.A. and SKILLMAN E.D.
1998AJ....116.2873J 55 97 Surface brightness fluctuation distances to dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Sculptor group. JERJEN H., FREEMAN K.C. and BINGGELI B.
1998ApJ...493L..23S 4 4 49 ``Baade's red sheet'' resolved into stars with HST in the blue compact dwarf galaxy VII Zw 403. SCHULTE-LADBECK R.E., CRONE M.M. and HOPP U.
1998ApJ...494..581T 16 10 12CO J=1-0 observations of individual giant molecular clouds in M81. TAYLOR C.L. and WILSON C.D.
1998ApJ...496..145L 1 47 240 Dust-to-gas ratio and metal abundance in dwarf galaxies. LISENFELD U. and FERRARA A.
1998ApJ...496..226P 108 T K                 20 17 The effect of star formation on molecular clouds in dwarf irregular galaxies: IC 10 and
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1998ApJ...497..601K 1 20 94 Testing CNO enrichment scenarios in metal-poor galaxies with Hubble space telescope spectroscopy. KOBULNICKY H.A. and SKILLMAN E.D.
1998ApJ...498..181K 3 30 292 The Hubble Space Telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XIII. The metallicity dependence of the Cepheid distance scale. KENNICUTT R.C., STETSON P.B., SAHA A., et al.
1998ApJ...501..153M viz 108 T K                 960 82 Evolved massive stars in the local group. I. Identification of red supergiants in

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1998ApJ...504..725G 5 7 123 The resolved stellar population of the poststarburst galaxy NGC 1569. GREGGIO L., TOSI M., CLAMPIN M., et al.
1998ApJ...505..793M viz 287 141 Evolved massive stars in the Local Group. II. A new survey for Wolf-Rayet stars in M33 and its implications for massive star evolution: evidence of the ``Conti scenario'' in action. MASSEY P. and JOHNSON O.
1998ApJ...507..507R 152 83 Infrared excess and molecular clouds: a comparison of new surveys of far-infrared and H I 21 centimeter emission at high galactic latitudes. REACH W.T., WALL W.F. and ODEGARD N.
1998ApJ...507..655F viz 105 31 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XII. The discovery of cepheids and a new distance to NGC 2541. FERRARESE L., BRESOLIN F., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, et al.
1998ApJS..117..233S 2 4 26 The calibration of the ROSAT HRI particle background. SNOWDEN S.L.
1998MNRAS.298..114R 31 16 On the motion of the Local Group and its substructures. RAUZY S. and GURZADYAN V.G.
1998MNRAS.298..166S 1 24 106 A new analysis of the red giant branch 'tip' distance scale and the value of the Hubble constant. SALARIS M. and CASSISI S.
1998MNRAS.300..828P 82 40 HST UV measurements of wind structure and velocities in Local Group OB stars. PRINJA R.K. and CROWTHER P.A.
1998PASP..110..223T 201 6 Astrophysics in 1997. (Review paper). TRIMBLE V. and McFADDEN L.A.
1998ARA&A..36..435M 17 41 2094 Dwarf galaxies of the Local Group. MATEO M.
1998MmSAI..69..127C 23 1 The 'Tip' of the Red Giant Branch as a distance indicator: theoretical calibration and the value of H-o-. CASSISI S. and SALARIS M.
1998MmSAI..69..189M 8 0 Cepheids in nearby galaxies. MUSELLA I., PIOTTO G. and CAPACCIOLI M.
1998PhR...307....1S 1 17 55 The time scale test for OMEGA : the inverse Hubble constant compared with the age of the Universe. SANDAGE A., TAMMANN G.A. and SAHA A.
1998S&T....96c..38F 1 0 Cosmic yardsticks : supernovae and the fate of the Universe. FINKBEINER A.K.
1998RMxAC...7...65S 10 0 Self-consistent star formation histories of dwarf irregular galaxies. SKILLMAN E.D., DOHM-PALMER R.C. and KOBULNICKY H.A.
1999A&A...343..100B 87 10 Ultraviolet spectral properties of Magellanic and non-Magellanic irregulars, HII and starburst galaxies. BONATTO C., BICA E., PASTORIZA M.G., et al.
1999A&A...345..778G 32 10 High resolution radio observations of NGC 4631: probing the central starburst. GOLLA G.
1999A&A...346...33A 18 5 Infrared photometry of the inner regions of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 3109. ALONSO M.V., MINNITI D., ZIJLSTRA A.A., et al.
1999A&A...349...55A 120 21 Variable stars in nearby galaxies. I. Search for Cepheids in field A of IC 1613. ANTONELLO E., MANTEGAZZA L., FUGAZZA D., et al.
1999A&A...349..424T 22 57 Giant molecular clouds in the dwarf galaxy NGC 1569. TAYLOR C.L., HUETTEMEISTER S., KLEIN U., et al.
1999A&A...350..970K 1 33 186 The wind momentum-luminosity relationship of galactic A- and B-supergiants. KUDRITZKI R.P., PULS J., LENNON D.J., et al.
1999A&A...351..827E 33 20 Investigations of the Local Supercluster velocity field. II. A study using Tolman-Bondi solution and galaxies with accurate distances from the Cepheid PL-relation. EKHOLM T., LANOIX P., TEERIKORPI P., et al.
1999A&A...352L..40M 73 T                   7 29 VLT FORS spectra of blue supergiants in the Local Group galaxy NGC 6822. MUSCHIELOK B., KUDRITZKI R.P., APPENZELLER I., et al.
1999A&A...352..363K 14 23 The Sagittarius dwarf irregular galaxy (SagDIG): distance and star formation history. KARACHENTSEV I., APARICIO A. and MAKAROVA L.
1999A&AS..139...97K viz 320 28 HI properties of nearby galaxies from a volume-limited sample. KARACHENTSEV I.D., MAKAROV D.I. and HUCHTMEIER W.K.
1999AJ....117.1237S 29 24 The molecule-rich tail of the peculiar galaxy NGC 2782 (Arp 215). SMITH B.J., STRUCK C., KENNEY J.D.P., et al.
1999AJ....117.1743Z 14 16 A dwarf irregular galaxy at the edge of the Local Group: stellar populations and distance of IC 5152. ZIJLSTRA A.A. and MINNITI D.
1999AJ....117.2211V 33 12 Subclustering among Local Group galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1999AJ....117.2789H 98 95 Emission-line spectroscopy of H II regions in irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies. HUNTER D.A. and HOFFMAN L.
1999AJ....118..302A 2 18 138 The star formation history of I Zw 18. ALOISI A., TOSI M. and GREGGIO L.
1999AJ....118..337C 1 55 165 The solar motion relative to the Local Group. COURTEAU S. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1999AJ....118..853L 1 11 41 Stellar populations and the Local Group membership of the dwarf galaxy DDO 210. LEE M.G., APARICIO A., TIKONOV N., et al.
1999AJ....118..862M 37 56 The stellar content of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Phoenix. MARTINEZ-DELGADO D., GALLART C. and APARICIO A.
1999AJ....118..883P 55 49 The luminosity distribution of Local Group galaxies. PRITCHET C.J. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1999AJ....118.1657C 1 15 83 Stellar populations at the center of IC 1613. COLE A.A., TOLSTOY E., GALLAGHER III J.S., et al.
1999AJ....118.2767W 30 57 A new Local Group galaxy in Cetus. WHITING A.B., HAU G.K.T. and IRWIN M.
1999ApJ...511..671S 1 10 52 Cepheid and tip of the red giant branch distances to the dwarf irregular galaxy IC 10. SAKAI S., MADORE B.F. and FREEDMAN W.L.
1999ApJ...513..720R 1 11 42 The eastern arm of M83 revisited: high-resolution mapping of 12CO 1-0 emission. RAND R.J., LORD S.D. and HIGDON J.L.
1999ApJ...514..119K 12 20 Evolutionary status of dwarf ``Transition'' galaxies. KNEZEK P.M., SEMBACH K.R. and GALLAGHER III J.S.
1999ApJ...514..188C 22 30 A high-resolution VLA and optical study of NGC 604. CHURCHWELL E. and GOSS W.M.
1999ApJ...514..787C 17 36 Dark matter and the chemical evolution of irregular galaxies. CARIGI L., COLIN P. and PEIMBERT M.
1999ApJ...519...89C 3 52 588 The nature of accreting black holes in nearby galaxy nuclei. COLBERT E.J.M. and MUSHOTZKY R.F.
1999ApJ...521..577H viz 1 8 40 Hubble space Telescope Studies of the WLM galaxy. I. The age and metallicity of the globular cluster. HODGE P.W., DOLPHIN A.E., SMITH T.R., et al.
1999ApJ...522...82K 27 29 2398 Where are the missing galactic satellites? KLYPIN A., KRAVTSOV A.V., VALENZUELA O., et al.
1999ApJ...522..793S 13 8 ΩB and Ω0 from MACHOs and Local Group dynamics. STEIGMAN G. and TKACHEV I.
1999ApJS..124...95B 95 80 The NICMOS snapshot survey of nearby galaxies. BOEKER T., CALZETTI D., SPARKS W., et al.
1999PASP..111..559H 72 T                   8 15 The resolved outer population of NGC 6822 with WFPC2. HUTCHINGS J.B., CAVANAGH B. and BIANCHI L.
1999PASP..111.1367S 55 9 The early Palomar program (1950-1955) for the discovery of classical novae in M81: analysis of the spatial distribution, magnitude distribution, and distance suggestion. SHARA M.M., SANDAGE A. and ZUREK D.R.
1999PASP..111.1382O 108 T K                 25 18 A Hubble space telescope study of two HII regions in
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1999ARA&A..37..445S 59 7 The first 50 years at Palomar : 1949-1999. The early years of stellar evolution, cosmology and high-energy astrophysics. SANDAGE A.
1999AN....320...21L 34 10 Extragalactic Cepheid database. LANOIX P., GARNIER R., PATUREL G., et al.
1999A&ARv...9..273V 1 44 192 The Local Group of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1999Ap&SS.265..199T 8 5 Old stellar populations in nearby dwarf galaxies. TOLSTOY E.
1999Ap&SS.265..291A 20 9 Carbon stars in nearby Local Group galaxies. AZZOPARDI M.
1999Ap&SS.269..101D 5 3 The morphology of nearby low surface brightness galaxies. DE BLOK W.J.G., WALTER F. and BELL E.
1999IAUC.7208S...1K 3 ~ Nova in NGC 6822. KING J.Y. and LI W.D.
1999IAUC.7209R...1W 2 ~ Nova in NGC 6822. WEI J.Y., XU D.W., QIAO Q.Y., et al.
1999IAUC.7211S...1B 2 ~ Nova in NGC 6822. BAKOS G. (The PLANET Collaboration)
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1999IAUC.7220R...1F 2 ~ Nova in NGC 6822. FILIPPENKO A.V.
1999JAF....60...19H 3 2 GIRAFFE sur le VLT : un instrument dedie a la physique stellaire et extragalactique. HAMMER F., HILL V. and CAYATTE V.
1999MmSAI..70..667B 11 2 Hot massive stars in Local Group galaxies. BIANCHI L. and SCUDERI S.
1999IAUS..191..535G 12 35 Carbon stars in populations of different metallicity. GROENEWEGEN M.A.T.
1999INGN....1....5L 9 0 Extragalactic stellar spectroscoy. LENNON D.J., SMARTT S.J., DUFTON P.L., et al.
1999BaltA...8..191D 3 0 The Cepheid-based distance scale. DI BENEDETTO G.P. and LATTANZI M.G.
2000A&A...354..874P 28 18 The oxygen abundance deficiency in irregular galaxies. PILYUGIN L.S. and FERRINI F.
2000A&A...356L..37A 28 9 Metallicity effects on the light curve shape of Cepheids with period close to 10 days. ANTONELLO E., FUGAZZA D. and MANTEGAZZA L.
2000A&A...357..621C 31 28 Internal variation of electron density in galactic HII regions. COPETTI M.V.F., MALLMANN J.A.H., SCHMIDT A.A., et al.
2000A&A...358..471F 127 39 The elliptical galaxy formerly known as the Local Group: merging the globular cluster systems. FORBES D.A., MASTERS K.L., MINNITI D., et al.
2000A&A...363...29A viz 129 20 Variable stars in nearby galaxies. III. White light observations of Field B of IC 1613. ANTONELLO E., FUGAZZA D., MANTEGAZZA L., et al.
2000A&AS..142..347D viz 47 6 The stellar content and distance to the nearby blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 6789. DROZDOVSKY I. and TIKHONOV N.
2000AJ....119..177A 16 43 DDO 187: do dwarf galaxies have extended, old halos ? APARICIO A., TIKHONOV N. and KARACHENTSEV I.
2000AJ....119.2248H 43 45 The structure of the outer halo of the Galaxy and its relationship to nearby large-scale structure. HARTWICK F.D.A.
2000AJ....119.2780A viz 205 48 A carbon star survey of the Local Group dwarf galaxies. I. IC 1613. ALBERT L., DEMERS S. and KUNKEL W.E.
2000AJ....120..583D 65 84 ISO mid-infrared observations of normal star-forming galaxies: the key project sample. DALE D.A., SILBERMANN N.A., HELOU G., et al.
2000AJ....120.1713S 1 7 30 A near-infrared stellar census of blue compact dwarf galaxies: NICMOS detection of red giant stars in the Wolf-Rayet galaxy Markarian 178. SCHULTE-LADBECK R.E., HOPP U., GREGGIO L., et al.
2000AJ....120.1801B viz 58 36 A carbon star survey of the Local Group dwarf galaxies. II. Pegasus, DDO 210, and Tucana. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2000AJ....120.3060H 2 6 36 Stellar populations in the Phoenix dwarf (dIrr/dSph) galaxy as observed by Hubble space telescope WFPC2. HOLTZMAN J.A., SMITH G.H. and GRILLMAIR C.
2000AJ....120.3088C 109 T K                 25 30 Spectroscopy of star cluster candidates and H II regions in
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2000ApJ...529..745F 122 251 The Hubble space telescope key project on the extragalactic distance scale. XXVI. The calibration of population II secondary distance indicators and the value of the Hubble constant. FERRARESE L., MOULD J.R., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, et al.
2000ApJ...531..776G 1 67 219 A spectroscopic study of a large sample of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. GUSEVA N.G., IZOTOV Y.I. and THUAN T.X.
2000ApJ...537L..95D 114 T K                 6 99 Evidence for tidal interaction and a supergiant H I shell in the Local Group dwarf galaxy
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2000ApJ...542..137H 27 37 Identifying old tidal dwarf irregulars. HUNTER D.A., HUNSBERGER S.D. and ROYE E.W.
2000ApJS..128..431F 178 172 A database of cepheid distance moduli and tip of the red giant branch, globular cluster luminosity function, planetary nebula luminosity function, and surface brightness fluctuation data useful for distance determinations. FERRARESE L., FORD H.C., HUCHRA J., et al.
2000MNRAS.313..271P 92 31 Period-luminosity relations for red supergiant variables - I.The calibration. PIERCE M.J., JURCEVIC J.S. and CRABTREE D.
2000MNRAS.313..291F 1 50 247 The role of stellar feedback and dark matter in the evolution of dwarf galaxies. FERRARA A. and TOLSTOY E.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2000PASP..112..434T 248 4 Astrophysics in 1999. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2000PASP..112.1162W 109 T K                 11 22 Hubble space telescope observations of the Hubble clusters in
NGC 6822: ages and structure.
2000PASP..112.1413C 11 9 Wolf-Rayet stars and galaxies. (Millennium essay). CONTI P.S.
2000KFNT...16c.195G 28 ~ Wolf-Rayet galaxies. GUSEVA N.G.
2000Msngr..99...16T 25 17 Imaging with UT1/FORS1: the fossil record of star-formation in nearby dwarf galaxies. TOLSTOY E., GALLAGHER J., GREGGIO L., et al.
2000AAS...197.2803W 72 T                   1 0 The stellar populations and star formation history of NGC 6822.. WYDER T.K.
2000NewAR..44..335P 13 0 On the oxygen abundance deficiency in irregular galaxies. PILYUGIN L.S. and FERRINI F.
2001A&A...366..811T 10 12 A search for CO in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy WLM. TAYLOR C.L. and KLEIN U.
2001A&A...367..388H 73 T                   19 16 The chemical abundances in a sample of dwarf irregular galaxies. I. Small scale variations within NGC 6822? HIDALGO-GAMEZ A.M., OLOFSSON K. and MASEGOSA J.
2001A&A...367..759M viz 96 14 Variable stars in nearby galaxies. IV. Fields C and D of IC 1613. MANTEGAZZA L., ANTONELLO E., FUGAZZA D., et al.
2001A&A...368L..17E 1 15 45 On the quiescence of the Hubble flow in the vicinity of the Local Group. A study using galaxies with distances from the Cepheid PL-relation. EKHOLM T., BARYSHEV Y., TEERIKORPI P., et al.
2001A&A...369..339P 8 38 937 GAIA: Composition, formation and evolution of the Galaxy. PERRYMAN M.A.C., DE BOER K.S., GILMORE G., et al.
2001A&A...369..797H 28 25 The chemical abundances in a sample of dwarf irregular galaxies. II. The case of IC 4662 and ESO 245-G05. HIDALGO-GAMEZ A.M., MASEGOSA J. and OLOFSSON K.
2001A&A...369.1009P 4 6 89 Non-LTE line formation for MgI/II: Abundances and stellar parameters. Model atom and first results on A-type stars. PRZYBILLA N., BUTLER K., BECKER S.R., et al.
2001A&A...374..412P 37   K                 32 109 Oxygen abundances in dwarf irregular galaxies and the metallicity-luminosity relationship. PILYUGIN L.S.
2001A&A...378...51B 1 46 140 Abundant molecular gas in tidal dwarf galaxies: On-going galaxy formation. BRAINE J., DUC P.-A., LISENFELD U., et al.
2001A&A...379..955P 2 8 62 Non-LTE line formation for N I/II: Abundances and stellar parameters. Model atom and first results on BA-type stars. PRZYBILLA N. and BUTLER K.
2001AJ....121..727W 41 54 The interaction between the interstellar medium and star formation in the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 4214. WALTER F., TAYLOR C.L., HUETTEMEISTER S., et al.
2001AJ....121.1275C 10 23 Lost and found: the damped Lyα absorbers in the QSO OI 363. COHEN J.G.
2001AJ....121.1461K 24 39 H II regions and abundances in the ``Dark galaxy'' DDO 154 and the chemical evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr and SKILLMAN E.D.
2001AJ....121.2020B viz 109 T K                 367 24 The massive star content of
NGC 6822: ground-based and Hubble space telescope photometry.
2001AJ....121.3026W 35 31 The neutral interstellar medium of the dwarf irregular galaxy DDO 47 and its companion. WALTER F. and BRINKS E.
2001AJ....121.3075O 22 19 A comprehensive look at LH 72 in the context of the supergiant shell LMC 4. OLSEN K.A.G., KIM S. and BUSS J.F.
2001AJ....122.1084L 41 42 The Tolman surface brightness test for the reality of the expansion. IV. A measurement of the Tolman signal and the luminosity evolution of early-type galaxies. LUBIN L.M. and SANDAGE A.
2001AJ....122.1350A 54 23 Statistical properties of circumnuclear H II regions in nearby galaxies. ALONSO-HERRERO A. and KNAPEN J.H.
2001AJ....122.1747Y 14 11 Properties of a molecular cloud in NGC 185. YOUNG L.M.
2001AJ....122.2428H 13 10 The fine structure and outskirts of DDO 154. HOFFMAN G.L., SALPETER E.E. and CARLE N.J.
2001AJ....122.2490W 109 T K                 15 43 The star formation history of
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2001AJ....122.3070O 21 39 Evidence for BlowOut in the low-mass dwarf galaxy Holmberg I. OTT J., WALTER F., BRINKS E., et al.
2001ApJ...547..765V 110 T K                 23 121 First stellar abundances in
NGC 6822 from VLT-UVES and Keck-HIRES spectroscopy.
2001ApJ...548L.159B 27 52 Stellar spectroscopy far beyond the Local Group. BRESOLIN F., KUDRITZKI R.-P., MENDEZ R.H., et al.
2001ApJ...548..564W 38 24 A determination of the Hubble constant from cepheid distances and a model of the local peculiar velocity field. WILLICK J.A. and BATRA P.
2001ApJ...553...47F 7 133 3019 Final results from the Hubble Space Telescope key project to measure the Hubble constant. FREEDMAN W.L., MADORE B.F., GIBSON B.K., et al.
2001ApJ...553..121H 36   K                 26 63 The interstellar medium of star-forming irregular galaxies: the view with ISO. HUNTER D.A., KAUFMAN M., HOLLENBACH D.J., et al.
2001ApJ...554..104P 67 62 Radial and transverse velocities of nearby galaxies. PEEBLES P.J.E., PHELPS S.D., SHAYA E.J., et al.
2001ApJ...556...24Z 36 10 The cores of local group galaxies at x-rays. ZANG Z. and MEURS E.J.A.
2001ApJ...558...63P 2 7 52 Diffuse gamma rays from Local Group galaxies. PAVLIDOU V. and FIELDS B.D.
2001ApJ...559..851W viz 93 28 Identification and analysis of young star cluster candidates in M31. WILLIAMS B.F. and HODGE P.W.
2001ApJ...560..630L 23 31 On the metallicity of star-forming dwarf galaxies. LEGRAND F., TENORIO-TAGLE G., SILICH S., et al.
2001ApJS..136...25H 3 15 164 A method for determining the star formation history of a mixed stellar population. HARRIS J. and ZARITSKY D.
2001MNRAS.322..121S 50 9 Predicting the peculiar velocities of nearby PSCz galaxies using the Least Action Principle. SHARPE J., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., CANAVEZES A., et al.
2001MNRAS.323..555L 28 38 The chemical evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies. LARSEN T.I., SOMMER-LARSEN J. and PAGEL B.E.J.
2001MNRAS.325..257S 22 53 Chemical abundances and winds of massive stars in M31: a B-type supergiant and a WC star in OB 10. SMARTT S.J., CROWTHER P.A., DUFTON P.L., et al.
2001MNRAS.327..918T viz 36   K                 123 113 Using the Ca II triplet to trace abundance variations in individual red giant branch stars in three nearby galaxies. TOLSTOY E., IRWIN M.J., COLE A.A., et al.
2001PASP..113..267S viz 1051 7 The Mount Wilson halo mapping project 1975-1985. II. Photometric properties of the Mount Wilson catalogue of photographic magnitudes in selected areas 1-139. SANDAGE A.
2001PASP..113..697B 109 T K                 23 6 Spectroscopy of massive stars in
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2001PASP..113..770F 5 0 Ionized gaseous Nebulae(1). (Conference highlights). FRANCO J., HENNEY W., MARTOS M., et al.
2001AcA....51..221U viz 148 81 The optical gravitational lensing experiment. Cepheids in the galaxy IC 1613: no dependence of the period-luminosity relation on metallicity. UDALSKI A., WYRZYKOWSKI L., PIETRZYNSKI G., et al.
2001AGAb...18R..20P 4 ~ Observational constraints of rotational mixing i PRZYBILLA N.
2001Ap&SS.276..545A 16 2 The star formation history of dwarf galaxies over cosmological timescales. APARICIO A.
2001ARep...45..120C 76 15 Wolf-Rayet stars and relativistic objects: distinctions between the mass distributions in close binary systems. CHEREPASHCHUK A.M.
2002A&A...381L..37T 35 12 Evidence for the extragalactic Cepheid distance bias from the kinematical distance scale. TEERIKORPI P. and PATUREL G.
2002A&A...384...33B 1 44 179 Molecular gas in normal late-type galaxies. BOSELLI A., LEQUEUX J. and GAVAZZI G.
2002A&A...386..860A 110 T K                 31 11 Variable stars in nearby galaxies. V. Search for Cepheids in field A of
NGC 6822.
2002A&A...388..477A 21 13 Variable stars in nearby galaxies. VI. Frequency-period distribution of Cepheids in IC 1613 and other galaxies of the Local Group. ANTONELLO E., FUGAZZA D. and MANTEGAZZA L.
2002A&A...389...19P viz 36 29 Calibration of the distance scale from galactic Cepheids. II. Use of the HIPPARCOS calibration. PATUREL G., TEERIKORPI P., THEUREAU G., et al.
2002A&A...389..812K 87 153 The very local Hubble flow. KARACHENTSEV I.D., SHARINA M.E., MAKAROV D.I., et al.
2002A&A...389..836H 16 22 The chemical content of a sample of dwarf irregular galaxies. HIDALGO-GAMEZ A.M. and OLOFSSON K.
2002AJ....123..238D 73 40 C star survey of local group dwarf galaxies. III. The Sagittarius dwarf irregular and the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxies. DEMERS S. and BATTINELLI P.
2002AJ....123..832L viz 110 T K                 915 71 The extent of
NGC 6822 revealed by its C star population.
2002AJ....123..915R 2 4 31 Accurate stellar population studies from multiband photometric observations. ROMANIELLO M., PANAGIA N., SCUDERI S., et al.
2002AJ....123.1454B 100 117 Compact star clusters in nearby dwarf irregular galaxies. BILLETT O.H., HUNTER D.A. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
2002AJ....124..782V viz 941 44 Bar galaxies and their environments. VAN DEN BERGH S.
2002ApJ...564..712C 26 50 Kinematics of star clusters in M33: distinct populations. CHANDAR R., BIANCHI L., FORD H.C., et al.
2002ApJ...567..277B 85 51 Spectroscopy of blue supergiants in the spiral galaxy NGC 300. BRESOLIN F., GIEREN W., KUDRITZKI R.-P., et al.
2002ApJ...567..875I 27 26 Hubble space telescope observations of the cometary blue compact dwarf galaxy UGC 4483: a relatively young galaxy? IZOTOV Y.I. and THUAN T.X.
2002ApJ...567..896L 32 43 Hubble space telescope imaging of a peculiar stellar complex in NGC 6946. LARSEN S.S., EFREMOV Y.N., ELMEGREEN B.G., et al.
2002ApJ...574L..21B 11 32 Extended H I spiral structure and the figure rotation of triaxial dark halos. BEKKI K. and FREEMAN K.C.
2002ApJ...580L..35M 1 11 44 Wolf-Rayet stars in IC 10: probing the nearest starburst. MASSEY P. and HOLMES S.
2002ApJ...581.1002N 74 T                   3 9 Infrared space observatory short wavelength spectrometer observations of H II regions in
NGC 6822 and I Zwicky 36: sulfur abundances and temperature fluctuations.
2002ApJS..141...81M viz 1418 322 A UBVR CCD survey of the Magellanic clouds. MASSEY P.
2002MNRAS.329..481B 37   K                 40 26 Narrow-band CCD photometry of giant H II regions. BOSCH G., TERLEVICH E. and TERLEVICH R.
2002MNRAS.330...69D 1 95 394 New light on the search for low-metallicity galaxies - I. The N2 calibrator. DENICOLO G., TERLEVICH R. and TERLEVICH E.
2002MNRAS.332...91D 12 13 480 Numerical methods of star formation history measurement and applications to seven dwarf spheroidals. DOLPHIN A.E.
2002PASP..114..475T 140 2 Astrophysics in 2001. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2002Ap&SS.280..165T 21 31 GAIA and the extragalactic distance scale. TAMMANN G.A. and REINDL B.
2002Ap&SS.281..127B 13 21 The CO to H2 conversion factor in normal late-type galaxies. BOSELLI A., LEQUEUX J. and GAVAZZI G.
2002IBVS.5254....1A 73 T       O           104 2 Variable stars in field a of
NGC 6822.
2002IAUS..207...94G 17 4 Star clusters in irregular galaxies in the Local Group. GREBEL E.K.
2002RMxAC..12..183G 16 4 Thirty years of extragalactic H II region studies. GARNETT D.R.
2002RMxAC..12..195S 9 1 Observational constraints on dwarf galaxy evolution: a retrospective of Lequeux et al. (1979). SKILLMAN E.D.
2002RMxAC..12..201L 5 1 The chemical evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies. LARSEN T.I., SOMMER-LARSEN J. and PAGEL B.E.J.
2002RMxAC..12..230V 73 T                   5 5 First stellar abundances in
NGC 6822.
2002RMxAC..14...57M 39 1 Internal variation of electron density in galactic and extragalactic HII regions. MALLMANN J.A.H., COPETTI M.V.F., DOS SANTOS I.C.F., et al.
2002BaltA..11..297T 20 2 GAIA and the extragalactic distance scale. TAMMANN G.A. and REINDL B.
2003A&A...397...87I 110 T K                 23 17 Dust and molecules in the Local Group galaxy
NGC 6822. III. The first-ranked HII region complex Hubble V.
ISRAEL F.P., BAAS F., RUDY R.J., et al.
2003A&A...397..859S 86 33 A large Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 300 uncovered by VLT-FORS2. SCHILD H., CROWTHER P.A., ABBOTT J.B., et al.
2003A&A...399...63H 63 10 The metallicity-luminosity relationship of dwarf irregular galaxies. II. A new approach. HIDALGO-GAMEZ A.M., SANCHEZ-SALCEDO F.J. and OLOFSSON K.
2003A&A...400..511M 55 18 Spectroscopy of planetary nebulae in M 33. MAGRINI L., PERINOTTO M., CORRADI R.L.M., et al.
2003A&A...401..141L 46 76 Nebular abundances of nearby southern dwarf galaxies. LEE H., GREBEL E.K. and HODGE P.W.
2003A&A...403..111C 110 T K                 12 3 Spectroscopy of early-type star candidates in M 33 and
NGC 6822. II.
2003A&A...405....5B viz 1917 62 A new catalogue of ISM content of normal galaxies. BETTONI D., GALLETTA G. and GARCIA-BURILLO S.
2003A&A...405..111G viz 1087 18 OB stellar associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Survey of young stellar systems. GOULIERMIS D., KONTIZAS M., KONTIZAS E., et al.
2003A&A...405..513C 114 T K                 3 44 Magnetic fields and ionized gas in the local group irregular galaxies IC 10 and
NGC 6822.
2003A&A...405..563B 112 T K                 1 8 Young stars in the periphery of
NGC 6822.
2003A&A...407...51M 35 38 The Local Group Census: Planetary nebulae in IC 10, Leo A and Sextans A. MAGRINI L., CORRADI R.L.M., GREIMEL R., et al.
2003A&A...408...95M 19 0 A limit on nuclear activity in Leo A. MEURS E.J.A.
2003A&A...410..795D viz 455 25 Carbon star survey in the Local Group. VII. NGC 3109 a galaxy without a stellar halo. DEMERS S., BATTINELLI P. and LETARTE B.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2003AJ....125..146L 59 98 Uncovering additional clues to galaxy evolution. I. Dwarf irregular galaxies in the field. LEE H., McCALL M.L., KINGSBURGH R.L., et al.
2003AJ....125..525J 2 103 864 The 2MASS large galaxy atlas. JARRETT T.H., CHESTER T., CUTRI R., et al.
2003AJ....125..593S 92 63 Star formation in Sculptor group dwarf irregular galaxies and the nature of "transition" galaxies. SKILLMAN E.D., COTE S. and MILLER B.W.
2003AJ....125..610S 30 59 Interstellar medium abundances in Sculptor group dwarf irregular galaxies. SKILLMAN E.D., COTE S. and MILLER B.W.
2003AJ....125.1204T 10 4 The origin of the dust arch in the halo of NGC 4631: an expanding superbubble. TAYLOR C.L. and WANG Q.D.
2003AJ....125.1298B viz 35 30 Carbon star survey in the Local Group. V. The outer disk of M 31. BATTINELLI P., DEMERS S. and LETARTE B.
2003AJ....125.1926G 3 45 415 The progenitors of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. GREBEL E.K., GALLAGHER III J.S. and HARBECK D.
2003AJ....125.2975L 76 51 Uncovering additional clues to galaxy evolution. II. The environmental impact of the Virgo cluster on the evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies. LEE H., McCALL M.L. and RICHER M.G.
2003AJ....125.3037D viz 540 21 Carbon star survey in the Local Group. VI. The dwarf spheroidal galaxy NGC 205. DEMERS S., BATTINELLI P. and LETARTE B.
2003AJ....125.3097W 110 T K                 16 19 The star formation histories of four fields spanning the minor axis of
NGC 6822.
2003AJ....126.1326V 26 55 The chemical composition of two supergiants in the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM. VENN K.A., TOLSTOY E., KAUFER A., et al.
2003AJ....126.1607S viz 703 925 The IRAS revised bright galaxy sample. SANDERS D.B., MAZZARELLA J.M., KIM D.-C., et al.
2003AJ....126.2752A 1 8 44 The star formation history of NGC 1705: a poststarburst galaxy on the verge of activity. ANNIBALI F., GREGGIO L., TOSI M., et al.
2003AJ....126.2806C 25 26 The recent evolution of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625 from Hubble Space Telescope imaging. CANNON J.M., DOHM-PALMER R.C., SKILLMAN E.D., et al.
2003ApJ...582L..83K 2 10 79 A new extragalactic distance determination method using the flux-weighted gravity of late B and early A supergiants. KUDRITZKI R.P., BRESOLIN F. and PRZYBILLA N.
2003ApJ...588L..85C 111 T K                 15 52 RR Lyrae and short-period variable stars in the dwarf irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
2003ApJ...590L..17K 111 T K                 1 5 29 Discovery of latent star formation in the extended H I gas around the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
2003ApJ...591..167C 61 59 Galaxy populations and evolution in clusters. IV. Deep H I observations of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster. CONSELICE C.J., O'NEIL K., GALLAGHER J.S., et al.
2003ApJ...596..253S 2 18 113 Deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging of IC 1613. II. The star formation history. SKILLMAN E.D., TOLSTOY E., COLE A.A., et al.
2003ApJ...596..957S 3 12 143 High-resolution measurements of the dark matter halo of NGC 2976: evidence for a shallow density profile. SIMON J.D., BOLATTO A.D., LEROY A., et al.
2003ApJ...596..982M 28 76 Searches for giant pulses from extragalactic pulsars. McLAUGHLIN M.A. and CORDES J.M.
2003MNRAS.338..572M 15 42 Carbon star populations in systems with different metallicities: statistics in Local Group galaxies. MOUHCINE M. and LANCON A.
2003MNRAS.339..707S 110 T K                 8 8 Spectroscopy of a globular cluster in the Local Group dwarf irregular
NGC 6822.
2003MNRAS.340...12W 156 T K                 1 139 A high-resolution rotation curve of
NGC 6822: a test-case for cold dark matter.
2003MNRAS.341L..39D 115 T K                 2 35 Young stars in the outer HI disc of
NGC 6822.
2003MNRAS.344..715G 19 3 179 The structure of voids. GOTTLOEBER S., LOKAS E.L., KLYPIN A., et al.
2003MNRAS.346..501B 3 9 98 Reconstruction of the early Universe as a convex optimization problem. BRENIER Y., FRISCH U., HENON M., et al.
2003PASP..115..273H 12 3 The outer edges of dwarf irregular galaxies: stars and gas. (Conference highlights). HODGE P., HUNTER D. and OEY S.
2003PASP..115..635D 110 T K                 7 18 The metallicity of the red giant branch in the disk of
NGC 6822.
2003PASP..115..928K 2 126 1120 SINGS: the SIRTF nearby galaxies survey. KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, ARMUS L., BENDO G., et al.
2003ARA&A..41...15M 2 37 277 Massive stars in the Local Group : implications for stellar evolution and star formation. MASSEY P.
2003IAUC.8141....2P 2 2 Nova in NGC 6822. PAPENKOVA M., LI W. and LOTOSS
2003IAUC.8158....2F 73 T                   2 4 No nova in
NGC 6822.
2003MmSAI..74..510R 9 6 The Padova Survey of Local Group galaxies. RIZZI L., HELD E.V., MOMANY Y., et al.
2003MmSAI..74..856A 5 0 Variable stars in nearby galaxies. ANTONELLO E., BOSSI M., COVINO S., et al.
2003MmSAI..74..860B 73 T                   2 2
NGC 6822: detection of variable stars with ISIS2.1.
2003MmSAI..74..878C 11 2 The VSNG Project: variable stars in nearby galaxies. CLEMENTINI G.
2003IAUS..212...30V 10 2 Chemical abundances of massive stars in Local Group galaxies. VEN K.A., KAUFER A., TOLSTOY E., et al.
2003IAUS..212..316M 8 4 Observational constraints on massive star evolution. MASSEY P.
2003RMxAC..16..145S 16 0 Stellar astrophysics in the Local Group and beyond with the GTC. SMARTT S.J.
2004A&A...413..889B 66 11 A catalogue of OB associations in IC 1613. BORISSOVA J., KURTEV R., GEORGIEV L., et al.
2004A&A...414...69W 1 11 42 The Small Magellanic Cloud in the far infrared. II. Global properties. WILKE K., KLAAS U., LEMKE D., et al.
2004A&A...416..111B viz 158 24 Carbon star survey of Local Group galaxies. X. Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte a galaxy with an extreme C/M ratio. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2004A&A...417..479B viz 149 30 Carbon star survey of Local Group galaxies. IX. The spheroidal galaxy NGC 185. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2004A&A...418...33B viz 295 31 Carbon star survey in the Local Group. VIII. Probing the stellar halo of NGC 147. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2004A&A...418...67N 8 2 Space distribution of IRAS sources: Difference between oxygen-rich and carbon stars. NOGUCHI K., AOKI W. and KAWANOMOTO S.
2004A&A...422...39S viz 2260 32 The ISOPHOT 170µm Serendipity Survey. II. The catalog of optically identified galaxies. STICKEL M., LEMKE D., KLAAS U., et al.
2004A&A...422...55P 5 3 45 Periodic bursts of star formation in irregular galaxies. PELUPESSY F.I., VAN DER WERF P.P. and ICKE V.
2004A&A...424..125D viz 686 34 A Carbon star approach to IC 10: Distance and correct size. DEMERS S., BATTINELLI P. and LETARTE B.
2004A&A...426..779M 34 24 Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae in M33. MAGRINI L., PERINOTTO M., MAMPASO A., et al.
2004AJ....127..798S 37 25 Star clusters in Virgo and Fornax dwarf irregular galaxies. SETH A., OLSEN K., MILLER B., et al.
2004AJ....127.1472B 13 21 The stellar content and star formation history of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 300 from Hubble Space Telescope observations. BUTLER D.J., MARTINEZ-DELGADO D. and BRANDNER W.
2004AJ....127.2031K viz 531 658 A catalog of neighboring galaxies. KARACHENTSEV I.D., KARACHENTSEVA V.E., HUCHTMEIER W.K., et al.
2004AJ....127.2723K viz 1 14 42 First stellar abundances in the dwarf irregular galaxy Sextans A. KAUFER A., VENN K.A., TOLSTOY E., et al.
2004AJ....128...16K viz 1033 424 The 1000 brightest HIPASS galaxies: H I properties. KORIBALSKI B.S., STAVELEY-SMITH L., KILBORN V.A., et al.
2004AJ....128.1177V viz 796 690 Stellar chemical signatures and hierarchical galaxy formation. VENN K.A., IRWIN M., SHETRONE M.D., et al.
2004AJ....128.2170H viz 189 227 Star formation properties of a large sample of irregular galaxies. HUNTER D.A. and ELMEGREEN B.G.
2004AJ....128.2783K 111 T K                 8 10 X-Ray-Optical-Radio observations of a resolved supernova remnant in
NGC 6822.
2004AJ....128.2815P viz 111 T K                 126 60 The araucaria project: the distance to the Local Group galaxy
NGC 6822 from cepheid variables discovered in a wide-field imaging survey.
2004ApJ...600..182B 31 26 On the photometric variability of blue supergiants in NGC 300 and its impact on the flux-weighted gravity-luminosity relationship. BRESOLIN F., PIETRZYNSKI G., GIEREN W., et al.
2004ApJ...603..531R 32 23 Spectrophotometry of planetary nebulae in the bulge of M31. ROTH M.M., BECKER T., KELZ A., et al.
2004ApJ...608...42S 3 17 195 The effect of metallicity on cepheid-based distances. SAKAI S., FERRARESE L., KENNICUTT R.C.Jr, et al.
2004ApJ...614..698L 37 60 Chemical abundances of H II regions in the starburst galaxy NGC 1705. LEE H. and SKILLMAN E.D.
2004ApJ...617.1059R 1 20 92 The rotation curves of dwarf galaxies: a problem for cold dark matter. RHEE G., VALENZUELA O., KLYPIN A., et al.
2004MNRAS.351..333B 7 11 The neutral hydrogen environments of the nearby galaxies WLM, NGC 1313 and Sextans A. BARNES D.G. and DE BLOK W.J.G.
2004MNRAS.353L..17D 24 69 Cores of dark matter haloes correlate with stellar scalelengths. DONATO F., GENTILE G. and SALUCCI P.
2004PASP..116....1D 9 4 Deep near-infrared imaging of a field in the outer disk of M82 with the altair adaptive optics system on gemini-north. DAVIDGE T.J., STOESZ J., RIGAUT F., et al.
2004PASP..116..187T 182 6 Astrophysics in 2003. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2004PASP..116..497K 111 T K                 21 8 Newly identified star clusters in
NGC 6822, and the age distribution of its cluster system.
2004Ap.....47..389A 38 1 Classical Cepheids and the distances of HST program galaxies. ABRAHAMYAN H.V.
2004MmSAI..75..126B 75 T                   3 9 Variable stars as tracers of stellar populations in Local Group galaxies: Leo I and
NGC 6822.
2004IAUS..217..168D 74 T                   1 0 Young stars in the outer disc of
NGC 6822.
2004IAUS..220..249A 2 1 Cold molecular gas as a possible component of dark matter in the outer parts of disk galaxies. ALLEN R.J. and DIAZ-MILLER R.
2004IAUS..220..373D 74 T                   1 2 A high-resolution rotation curve of
NGC 6822.
2004PABei..22...71L 14 0 Metallicity vs rotation velocity in late-type galaxies. LUO Z.-J., FU L.-P., SHU C.-G., et al.
2004AAS...205.9311C 5 0 Paleochemistry of local group dwarf irregular galaxies. COLE A.A., TOLSTOY E., IRWIN M., et al.
2004NewAR..48..679C 22 25 Eclipsing binaries as precise standard candles. CLAUSEN J.V.
2004NewAR..48..763V 144 144 Cosmic magnetic fields - as observed in the Universe, in galactic dynamos, and in the Milky Way. VALLEE J.P.
2004NewAR..48.1305B 8 1 The ISM in nearby galaxies. BRINKS E.
2004NewAR..48.1399F 53 8 Using SKA to observe relativistic jets from X-ray binary systems. FENDER R.
2005A&A...429..837C viz 76 T                   6 48 Near-IR observations of
NGC 6822: AGB stars, distance, metallicity and structure.
2005A&A...430..603D viz         O           13 20 Variable stars in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud: The photometric catalogue. DI FABRIZIO L., CLEMENTINI G., MAIO M., et al.
2005A&A...430..905B 22 8 Exploratory C star search in the disk of M 31 beyond 30 kpc. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2005A&A...431.1189B viz 133 T K A   O           394 15 Variable stars in the dwarf irregular galaxy
NGC6822: The photometric catalogue.
2005A&A...434..657B 25 46 The calibration of the metallicity versus C/M relation. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2005A&A...436...91D viz 3 4 The C star outer disk population of M31 seen with the SLOAN filters. DEMERS S. and BATTINELLI P.
2005A&A...436..437L 133 T K A   O           55 14 Planetary nebulae in the dwarf galaxy
NGC 6822: Detection of new candidates.
2005A&A...438..855I 37 32 Molecular gas in compact galaxies. ISRAEL F.P.
2005A&A...439..265H viz 30 35 A spectroscopic search for the non-nuclear Wolf-Rayet population of the metal-rich spiral galaxy M83. HADFIELD L.J., CROWTHER P.A., SCHILD H., et al.
2005A&A...440..783P viz 23 3 A survey for OB associations in the Sculptor Group spiral galaxy NGC 7793. PIETRZYNSKI G., ULACZYK K., GIEREN W., et al.
2005A&A...442..159B 27 19 The standard candle aspect of carbon stars. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2005A&A...442..165C viz 15 17 The Draco dwarf galaxy in the near-infrared. CIONI M.-R.L. and HABING H.J.
2005AJ....129..178K 185 207 The Local Group and other neighboring galaxy groups. KARACHENTSEV I.D.
2005AJ....129..729R viz 1 7 29 Carbon stars and other luminous stellar populations in M 33. ROWE J.F., RICHER H.B., BREWER J.P., et al.
2005AJ....130.1049S 30 7 DDO 43: a prototypical dwarf irregular galaxy? SIMPSON C.E., HUNTER D.A. and NORDGREN T.E.
2005AJ....130.2087D 14 28 The evolved stellar content of NGC 147, NGC 185, and NGC 205. DAVIDGE T.J.
2005ApJ...618..214T 67 41 Light-to-Mass variations with environment. TULLY R.B.
2005ApJ...618..569M 3 82 897 On the maximum luminosity of galaxies and their central black holes: feedback from momentum-driven winds. MURRAY N., QUATAERT E. and THOMPSON T.A.
2005ApJ...619L..79T 14 6 255 Recent star formation in the extreme outer disk of M83. THILKER D.A., BIANCHI L., BOISSIER S., et al.
2005ApJ...620..223L 28 36 Investigating the possible anomaly between nebular and stellar oxygen abundances in the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM. LEE H., SKILLMAN E.D. and VENN K.A.
2005ApJ...621..750S 28 6 Subaru imaging and spectroscopy of globular cluster candidates around M82. SAITO Y., OHYAMA Y., YOSHIDA M., et al.
2005ApJ...622..217W viz 176 9 Light and motion in the local volume. WHITING A.B.
2005ApJ...627..224G 58 107 Direct distances to Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud: evidence for a universal slope of the period-luminosity relation up to solar abundance. GIEREN W., STORM J., BARNES III T.G., et al.
2005ApJ...630L..25P 10 3 H I observations of Sa 68-6597: the faintest blue compact dwarf galaxy. PISANO D.J., KOO D.C., WILLMER C.N.A., et al.
2005ApJ...633..857D 1 75 245 Infrared spectral energy distributions of nearby galaxies. DALE D.A., BENDO G.J., ENGELBRACHT C.W., et al.
2005ApJ...634.1056P 112 T K                 20 81 Chemical composition of two H II regions in
NGC 6822 based on VLT spectroscopy.
2005ApJ...635..311U 35 59 Blue luminous stars in nearby galaxies: quantitative spectral analysis of M33 B-type supergiant stars. URBANEJA M.A., HERRERO A., KUDRITZKI R.-P., et al.
2005MNRAS.356..680B 4 10 135 Formation and evolution of the Magellanic Clouds - I. Origin of structural, kinematic and chemical properties of the Large Magellanic Cloud. BEKKI K. and CHIBA M.
2005MNRAS.356.1357F 9 12 New giant HII regions in the southern sky. FIRPO V., BOSCH G. and MORRELL N.
2005MNRAS.357..783T 61 39 The galaxy luminosity function from MR=-25 to MR=-9. TRENTHAM N., SAMPSON L. and BANERJI M.
2005MNRAS.361..517M 27 10 The Local Group Census: searching for planetary nebulae in IC 1613, WLM and GR8. MAGRINI L., CORRADI R.L.M., GREIMEL R., et al.
2005MNRAS.361.1273L 111 T K                 13 3 High-resolution observations of the near-infrared emission from
NGC 6822 Hubble V.
LEE S., PAK S., LEE S.-G., et al.
2005MNRAS.363..734C viz 150 20 The metal abundance distribution of the oldest stellar component in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. CLEMENTINI G., RIPEPI V., BRAGAGLIA A., et al.
2005MNRAS.364.1286V 67 32 The evolution of actively star-forming galaxies in the mid-infrared. VEGA O., SILVA L., PANUZZO P., et al.
2005PASP..117..311T 211 3 Astrophysics in 2004. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.
2005ARA&A..43..581S 73 68 The classification of galaxies : early history and ongoing developments. SANDAGE A.
2005AN....326..533W 5 0 Dust and gas in nearby galaxies: first results from SINGS and THINGS. WALTER F. (The SINGS and THINGS Teams)
2005JRASC..99U.135D 74 T                   1 0 One MEGACAM field is not enough! The huge nearby dwarf galaxy
NGC 6822.
2005Msngr.121...23G 1 15 48 Measuring improved distances to nearby galaxies: Thae Araucaria project. GIEREN W., PIETRZYNSKI G., BRESOLIN F., et al.
2005PASJ...57..429S 47 24 A dynamical model for the orbit of the Andromeda galaxy M31 and the origin of the Local Group of galaxies. SAWA T. and FUJIMOTO M.
2005RMxAC..23..118P 74 T                   8 0 Chemical composition of the H II region Hubble V in
NGC 6822 based on VLT spectroscopy.
2005RMxAC..24...56C 20 0 Imaging resources for the GTC: the Local Group Census. CORRADI R.L.M. and MAMPASO A.
2006A&A...445..875R 2 7 33 Dynamical and chemical evolution of NGC 1569. RECCHI S., HENSLER G., ANGERETTI L., et al.
2006A&A...447..473B 55 9 The C star population of DDO 190. BATTINELLI P. and DEMERS S.
2006A&A...449..569A 74 T                   73 1 On the light curve shape of Cepheids in IC 1613 and
NGC 6822.
2006A&A...449..711C 83 129 Reduced Wolf-Rayet line luminosities at low metallicity. CROWTHER P.A. and HADFIELD L.J.
2006A&A...450..873M viz 74 T                   8 6 The Araucaria project. Bright variable stars in
NGC6822 from a wide-field imaging survey.
2006A&A...451...99B 112 T K                 14 18 Photometric survey of the polar ring galaxy
NGC 6822.
2006A&A...454L.111D 112 T K                 8 3 APEX CO(3-2) observations of
NGC 6822.
2006A&A...454..717K viz 113 T K                 7 22 The evolved asymptotic giant branch stars in the central bar of the dwarf irregular galaxy
NGC 6822.
KANG A., SOHN Y.-J., KIM H.-I., et al.
2006A&A...455..845F 39 12 Towards a phylogenetic analysis of galaxy evolution: a case study with the dwarf galaxies of the Local Group. FRAIX-BURNET D., CHOLER P. and DOUZERY E.J.P.
2006A&A...456..905D viz 117 T K                 2 21 Carbon stars in the outer spheroid of
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