
Query : 2024MNRAS.527.9522E

2024MNRAS.527.9522E - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 527, 9522-9528 (2024/January-3)

Fe II fluorescence in main-sequence K-dwarfs.


Abstract (from CDS):

Main-sequence K-dwarfs possess strong emission in the form of the H I Ly α line. There is a close coincidence between the energy corresponding to the transitions H I 1s-2p and Fe II (5D)5s 4D5/2-(5D)5p 4D5/2. Singly ionized iron has been confirmed being pumped by photo-excitation by accidental resonance (PAR) in planetary nebulae, symbiotic stars, K-giants, and active galactic nebulae. I investigate in this work whether PAR can occur in the atmospheres of main-sequence K-dwarfs, which do not possess the large extended atmospheres of the late-type K-giants. Specifically a search for possible Fe II fluorescence lines is conducted. For the case when I can confirm PAR, I estimate the total flux leaving the stars in the form of Fe II fluorescence. I search for emission lines from the Fe II (5D)5p 4D5/2 level. Since those of these lines with the largest branching fractions correspond to lines at wavelengths covered by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite, a search for archival FUSE spectra from K-dwarfs within 20 ly from the sun is conducted. I retrieve and analyse FUSE spectra for four of these K-dwarfs. In each case I can confirm PAR, I fit the H I Ly α line in Hubble Space Telescope spectra recorded with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, in order to estimate the efficiency of the PAR mechanism. I can now confirm Fe II fluorescence in the two closest K-dwarfs, Alpha Centauri B, and Epsilon Eridani. The total power leaving as Fe II fluorescence are 4.9 × 1017 and 1.30 × 1018 W respectively.

Abstract Copyright: © The Author(s) 2023 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): atomic processes - line: formation - line: identification - stars: low-mass

Simbad objects: 9

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Number of rows : 9
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * eps Eri BY* 03 32 55.8444911587 -09 27 29.739493865 5.19 4.61 3.73 3.00 2.54 K2V 1953 1
2 * omi02 Eri Er* 04 15 16.3196189945 -07 39 10.330779018 5.69 5.25 4.43 3.74 3.29 K0V 823 0
3 * omi02 Eri B WD* 04 15 21.7957181469 -07 39 29.203986789 9.147 9.83 9.53     DA2.9 337 0
4 V* TW Hya TT* 11 01 51.9053285064 -34 42 17.033218380   11.94 10.50 10.626 9.18 K6Ve 1916 1
5 V* RW Hya Sy* 13 34 18.1289607744 -25 22 48.881433972   11.51 10.00     M1/2IIIe 197 0
6 * alf Cen B PM* 14 39 35.06311 -60 50 15.0992 2.89 2.21 1.33     K1V 1035 2
7 EM* AS 373 Sy* 19 57 05.0166505224 +39 49 36.076143036     11.50   10.592 M6/8e 586 0
8 V* RR Tel Sy* 20 04 18.5404499712 -55 43 33.153979080 9.93 11.33 10.81 11.689   M5e 535 0
9 * 61 Cyg A BY* 21 06 53.9395895022 +38 44 57.902349973 7.50 6.39 5.21 4.19 3.54 K5V 1045 0

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