EM* AS 373 , the SIMBAD biblio

EM* AS 373 , the SIMBAD biblio (586 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:41:28

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Title First 3 Authors
1906MNRAS..66..104B 43 1 The annular nebula in Lyra (M 57). BARNARD E.E.
1950ApJ...112...72M 543 210 Additional stars whose spectra have a bright H-alpha line. MERRILL P.W. and BURWELL C.G.
1954ApJ...119..496B 15 10 Spectrographic observations of emission-line stars. BURBIDGE E.M. and BURBIDGE G.R.
1965IAUC.1916....0M 2 1 18 Activity in Halpha emission object. McCUSKEY S.
1965IAUC.1917....0M 66 T                   1 1 5 Emission object
MHalpha 328-116 in Cygnus.
1965IAUC.1917....0R 66 T                   1 1 3 Emission object
MHalpha 328-116 in Cygnus.
1965IAUC.1918....0H 66 T                   1 1 4 Light curve of emission object
MHalpha 328-116.
1965IAUC.1927....0D 66 T                   1 1 0 Emission object MHalpha 328-116. DUFAY J.
1965IAUC.1946....1P 66 T                   1 1 2 Emission object
MHalpha 328-116.
1966ApJ...144.1135F 67 T                   1 9 50 A peculiar emission star in Cygnus:
MH-alf 328-116.
1966POHP....8...18B 67 T                   1 2 0
MH alpha 3280116, etoile a raies d'emission.
1967ApJ...149..373O 70 T                   1 1 23 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of
MHalf 328-116.
1967IAUC.2029....1P 1 2 MHalpha 328-116. PHILIP A.G.D.
1968ApJ...151L..69P 68 T                   1 1 6 Photometry of
MH-alpha 328-116.
1968LAstr..82...23S 2 1 Etoiles symbiotiques. SWINGS P.
1968MmSAI..39..471M 67 T                   1 4 4 The spectrum 1966-67 of the peculiar object
MH-alpha 328-116 (V1016 Cyg ). Note II.
1968RA......7..241M 67 T                   1 9 ~ Nine Cygnus cloud variable stars, VV 172-
1968RA......7..313M 201 ~ Ten new variable stars in the Cygnus cloud, VV 191-200. MILLER W.J.
1968IAUS...34..261O 6 0 Observations aspects of the evolution of planetary nebulae their central stars. O'DELL C.R.
1969PASP...81..248P 68 T                   1 1 6 Photometry of
MH alpha 328-116. II.
1969ApL.....3..141B 67 T                   1 1 3 Presence de Fe IV dans le spectre de
MH alpha 328116.
1969IBVS..372....1K 67 T                   1 1 1 Emission object MHalpha 328-116 =
V1016 Cyg.
1969IBVS..400....1F 67 T                   1 1 0 Emission object
V1016 Cyg (MHalpha 328-116).
1970ApJ...159..963F 70 T                   1 1 23 Spectral observations, 1965-1968, of the peculiar emission object
V1016 Cygni (MHA 328-116).
1970PASP...82..924D 3 8 Spectroscopic observations of HBV 475 and Z Andromedae. DEAN C.A. and VAN CITTERS W.
1970LAstr..84..455D 5 1 Une nouvelle etoile variable a raies d'emission HBV 475. DUMORTIER B. and STRAM E.
1970ApL.....5..275C 67 T                   1 1 4 The continuum of
MH-alpha 328-116.
1971Ap&SS..10..383G 13 6 On the spectrum of a gaseous nebula of pure hydrogen. GEROLA H., SALEM M. and PANAGIA N.
1971CoWat...9....1F 67 T                   1 1 0
V1016 Cyg., spectral observations 1968-1971.
1972PASP...84..523S 49 116 Photometry of symbiotic and VV Cephei stars in the near infrared (with anote on MWC 56). SWINGS J.P. and ALLEN A.
1972ApL....11..201K 69 T                   1 2 24 Infrared photometry of HBV 475,
MH alpha 328-116.
1973MNRAS.161..145A 304 365 Near infrared magnitudes of 248 early-type emission-line stars and related objects. ALLEN D.A.
1973IAUC.2563....2S 67 T                   1 3 10 Radio emission from
V1016 Cygni, VY 2-2 and HD 167362.
1973MSRSL...5..321S 11 9 Introductory report. SWINGS J.P.
1973MSRSL...5..335A 20 3 Infrared photometry of bright line stars. Planetary nebulae. ALLEN D.A.
1973Natur.245....5P 67 T                   1 1 ~ Radio stars-
V1016 Cygni observed at 2.8 cm.
1973NPhS..245...58F 68 T                   1 1 6 Expansion of
V1016 Cyg.
1974A&A....36..469L 36 41 OH emission associated with early-type stars. LEPINE J.R.D. and NGUYEN-QUANG-RIEU
1974AJ.....79...47S 2 2 33 The emission-line variable HBV 475. STIENON F.M., CHARTRAND M.R. and SHAO C.Y.
1974ApJ...187..651B 68 T                   1 4 29 On the problem of
V1016 Cygni and the evolutionary stage of the symbiotic stars.
1974ApJ...187..651C 67 T                   1 11 ~ On the problem of
V1016 Cygni and the evolutionary stage of the symbiotic stars.
1974ApJ...188...95H 75 T                   1 1 48 Infrared variability of
V1016 Cygni.
1974ApJS...28..147F 68 T                   1 4 28
V1016 Cygni: spectral observations 1969-1973.
1974IAUS...60..377B 30 5 Radio continuum observations of stellar sources. BRAES L.L.E.
1975A&A....38..435C 10 21 Ejection of nebulae by BQ radiostars with infrared excesses. CIATTI F. and MAMMANO A.
1975A&A....39....1P 37 3 673 The spectrum of the free-free radiation from extended envelopes. PANAGIA N. and FELLI M.
1975A&A....39..217O 15 2 185 Thermal Bremsstrahlung radiospectra for inhomogeneous objects, with an application to MWC 349. OLNON F.M.
1975A&A....39..405M 69 T                   1 4 42 Symbiotic binary
V1016 Cygni early stage of a planetary nebulae.
1975A&A....42..173W 3 4 76 High resolution radio and optical observations of NGC 6888. WENDKER H.J., SMITH L.F., ISRAEL F.P., et al.
1975AJ.....80..515R 35 88 Preeruption light curves of novae. ROBINSON E.L.
1975ApJ...197..639A 71 T                   1 1 19 Absolute emission line intensities for
V1016 Cygni.
1975ApJ...201..190M 1 3 30 The radio spectra of mass-outflow stars. MARSH K.A.
1975MNRAS.170...41W 29 5 872 The radio and infrared spectrum of early-type stars undergoing mass loss. WRIGHT A.E. and BARLOW M.J.
1975MNRAS.170..579A 122 30 Emission-line stars with infrared dust emission: implications of the galactic distribution. (Errata: Vd 1-8 = 347+1 1) ALLEN D.A. and GLASS I.S.
1975MNRAS.171..171W 20 110 Symbiotic stars and dust. WEBSTER B.L. and ALLEN D.A.
1975MitVS...6..201W 226 0 Beobachtungen der Nova Persei 1974. WENZEL W.
1975IAUS...67..389C 68 T                   1 1 0 Physical characteristics of
V1016 Cygni.
1976A&A....49..211M 1 4 29 Radio observations of eight early-type emission-line stars. MARSH K.A., PURTON C.R. and FELDMAN P.A.
1976ApJ...203L..35S 2 3 33 Radio emission from the Wolf-Rayet binary gamma2 Velorum. SEAQUIST E.R.
1976ApJ...203..552M 2 7 Accelerated gas outflow in early-type emission-line stars. MARSH K.A.
1976ApJ...204L.123A 23 43 8200 to 11200 A spectra of peculiar emission-line objects with infrared excess. ANDRILLAT Y. and SWINGS J.P.
1976ApJ...204..293V 18 53 Forbidden and permitted emission lines of singly ionized as a diagnostic in the investigation of stellar emission-line spectra. VIOTTI R.
1976MNRAS.174..601H 6 25 5 GHz radio observations of LKH alf 101, MI-82#1 and other infrared sources. HARRIS S.
1976MNRAS.175..371H 4 3 72 Observations of five thermal sources at 15 GHz with the 5-km telescope. HARRIS S. and SCOTT P.F.
1976ATsir.929....1D 3 4 On the new variable emission object SVS 2183. DOKUCHAEVA O.D. and BALAZS B.
1976ATsir.930....5A 2 0 On the spectrum of new emission object in Sagitta. ARKHIPOVA V.P. and ESIPOV V.F.
1976BAAS....8..372F 68 T                   1 0
V1016 Cyg a protoplanetary nebula.
1976IBVS.1189....1D 3 3 46 A new emission object. DOKUCHAEVA O.D.
1976MSRSL...9..303S 4 ~ Symbiotic objects. SAHADE J.
1976IAUS...70..157P 4 8 Radio observations of Be stars. PURTON C.R.
1977A&A....58...35A 70 T                   1 2 27 A single star model for
V1016 Cygni.
1977A&A....60...93L 15 61 Peculiar central stars of planetary nebulae. LUTZ J.H.
1977A&A....61..261M 14 64 Compact H II regions near type I OH maser sources: IV. MATTHEWS H.E., GOSS W.M., WINNBERG A., et al.
1977A&A....61..459C 7 32 The eruptive BQ[] star HM Sagittae. CIATTI F., MAMMANO A. and VITTONE A.
1977A&AS...27..277G 7 3 A compilation of fluorescent molecular lines originating in or around stellar objects with strong atomic emission lines. GAHM G.F., LINDGREN B. and LINDROOS K.P.
1977A&AS...30..217A 982 4 Bibliographical index of planetary nebulae for the period 1965-1976. ACKER A. and MARCOUT J.
1977A&AS...30..381W 63 14 Positions of radio stars. WALTER H.G.
1977ApJ...211L..97Z 74 98 Expanding molecular envelopes around evolved stars. ZUCKERMAN B., PALMER P., MORRIS M., et al.
1977ApJ...212..112J 9 13 Radio and X-ray observations of NGC 1851 and NGC 1904. JOHNSON H.M., CATURA R.C., CHARLES P.A., et al.
1977ApJ...214..437K 72 T                   1 1 23 On the nature of the peculiar emission object
V1016 Cygni.
1977MNRAS.179..499F 1 9 85 The infrared variability and nature of symbiotic stars. FEAST M.W., ROBERTSON B.S.C. and CATCHPOLE R.M.
1977MNRAS.180p..97P 4 ~ The spectrum of H1-36(=3U 1746-37?) at radio wavelengths. PURTON C.R., ALLEN D.A., FELDMAN P.A., et al.
1977BAAS....9..600F 2 6 The radio continuum properties of HM Sge. FELDMAN P.A., PURTON C.R., RYLE M., et al.
1977BAAS....9..601K 1 0 On the origin of planetary nebulae. KWOK S., PURTON C.R. and FITZGERALD M.P.
1977JRASC..71..386F 3 4 The detection of radio emission from the new optical emission variable HM Sge. FELDMAN P.A.
1977IAUCo..42..595C 68 T                   1 1 ~ Further evolution of
V1016 Cyg, 1974-77.
1978A&A....66..283K 6 20 On the nature of the peculiar emission-line object RX Puppis. KLUTZ M., SIMONETTO O. and SWINGS J.P.
1978A&A....68..251C 69 T                   1 6 46 On the further evolution of
V1016 Cyg and HM Sge: mass ejection in proto planetary nebulae.
1978A&A....70...37N 3 12 (Fe VI) emission under nebular conditions. NUSSBAUMER H. and STOREY P.J.
1978A&A....70L..75S 3 13 The infrared variability of the eruptive variable HM Sagittae. SLOVAK M.H.
1978ApJ...219L..33B 2 10 114 Detection of molecular hydrogen emission from five planetary nebulae. BECKWITH S., PERSSON S.E. and GATLEY I.
1978ApJ...219L.125K 126 1 632 On the origin of planetary nebulae. KWOK S., PURTON C.R. and FITZGERALD M.P.
1978ApJ...220..239D 1 6 41 Optical and infrared observations of the new emission-line object HM Sagittae. DAVIDSON K., HUMPHREYS R.M. and MERRILL K.M.
1978ApJ...223L..93P 72 T                   1 2 48 Infrared spectra of HM Sagittae and
V1016 Cygni.
1978ApJ...223..901A 8 39 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of compact nebulae. AHERN F.J.
1978MNRAS.182p..57A 7 ~ Steam in RR Telescopii and Henize 2-38. ALLEN D.A., BEATTIE D.H., LEE T.J., et al.
1978MNRAS.184..893W 91 34 Radio observations of symbiotic stars. WRIGHT A.E. and ALLEN D.A.
1978SvAL....4..100S 5 1 The near-infrared spectrum of HM Sge. SHANIN G.I.
1978IAUS...76...47K 267 45 New and misclassified planetary nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
1978IAUS...76..185L 19 13 Observations of central stars. LUTZ J.H.
1978IAUS...76..315P 2 3 Planetary nebulae and related objects. PANAGIA N.
1978IAUS...76..325P 7 0 Radio measurements of possible proto-planetary nebulae. PURTON C.R. and FELDMAN P.A.
1978IAUS...76..326A 68 T                   1 1 0 A single star model for
V1016 Cyg.
1978IAUS...76..328A 3 1 The "Butterfly" nebula M 2-9 : its possible relation to Be stars and proto-planetaries. ANDRILLAT Y. and SWINGS J.P.
1978IAUS...76..367F 2 3 Symposium conclusions II. FIELD G.B.
1979A&A....72L...1F 1 3 26 The EUV spectra of young planetary nebulae. FLOWER D.R., NUSSBAUMER H. and SCHILD H.
1979A&A....74...85S 10 39 The Butterfly Nebula M 2-9: its possible relation to Be stars and/or to protoplanetary nebula. SWINGS J.P. and ANDRILLAT Y.
1979A&A....77..327I 1 4 27 The interaction of high-velocity planetary nebulae with the interstellar medium. ISAACMAN R.
1979A&A....79..247C 69 T                   1 4 20 New observations of HM Sge and
V1016 Cyg: simultaneous presence of increasing excitation and cool features.
1979ApJ...229..187K 4 2 46 HM Sagittae as a young planetary nebulae. KWOK S. and PURTON C.R.
1979ApJ...233..925A 1 16 104 8-13 micron spectrophotometry of planetary nebulae. AITKEN D.K., ROCHE P.F., SPENSER P.M., et al.
1979PASP...91..519B 13 10 A survey of symbiotic stars at 1612 MHz. BROCKA B.
1979ARA&A..17....9M 24 52 Infrared spectroscopy of stars. MERRILL K.M. and RIDGWAY S.T.
1979Ap&SS..65..199M 9 12 The observed infrared properties of grains in space. MERRILL K.M.
1979BAAS...11..419C 11 32 Survey of the ultraviolet spectra of late-type stars. CARPENTER K.G. and WING R.F.
1979BAICz..30..308G 3 2 35 The symbiotic variable V1329 Cyg (=HBV 475) a decade after its discovery. GRYGAR J., HRIC L., CHOCHOL D., et al.
1979IBVS.1721....1M 68 T                   1 2 0 UBV photoelectric observations of
V1016 Cyg during 1979.
1980A&A....82..349P 7 3 114 Symbiotic stars. Evolutionary considerations. PACZYNSKI B. and RUDAK B.
1980AJ.....85..451C 32 28 A radio molecular maser line study of symbiotic stars. COHEN N.L. and GHIGO F.D.
1980ApJ...236..592K 1 6 33 Dust in planetary nebulae. KWOK S.
1980ApJ...238..929S 1 3 21 IUE observations of the peculiar M giant HD 4174. STENCEL R.E. and SAHADE J.
1980ApJ...242..188A 1 4 32 Observational studies of the symbiotic stars. I. H alpha profile variations in CH Cygni. ANDERSON C.M., OLIVERSEN N.A. and NORDSIECK K.H.
1980MNRAS.190...75A 2 5 66 On the unidentified bands 6830-7088 in symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1980MNRAS.192..521A 71 114 On the late-type components of slow novae and symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1980MNRAS.193p...1R 4 ~ The effect of photoelectric absorption on the comptonized X-ray spectrum of an accreting white dwarf. ROSS R.R. and FABIAN A.C.
1980MNRAS.193..207A 68 T                   1 5 9 8-13 mu spectrophotometry of
V1016 Cyg and the shape of the "silicate" feature.
1980BAAS...12..843N 68 T                   1 1 0 VLA observations of
V1016 Cygni and P Cygni.
1980QJRAS..21...82T 50 ~ Planetary nebulae. TERZIAN Y.
1980SvAL....6..273T 68 T                   1 2 8 Infrared variability of HM Sge and
V1016 Cyg.
1980IUE80......451S 20 ~ IUE observations of symbiotic stars. SAHADE J. and BRANDI E.
1981A&A....96..406K 1 3 17 Is RX Puppis returning to a symbiotic phase ? KLUTZ M. and SWINGS J.P.
1981A&A...101..118N 91 T                   1 1 118 A model of
V1016 Cyg based on the ultraviolet spectrum.
1981A&A...103L...3S 25 16 Line widths in peculiar emission line objects. SWINGS J.P. and ANDRILLAT Y.
1981A&AS...43..331S 23 12 Multichannel spectrophotometry of peculiar emission-line objects with infrared excess. SWINGS J.P.
1981ApJ...243..583S 68 T                   1 2 4 Absolute spectrophotometry of
V1016 Cygni: OI (8446A) line.
1981ApJ...245..903G 1 5 31 The role of ionization fronts in the colliding wind model of planetary nebulae. GIULIANI J.L.
1981MNRAS.194..903W 1 3 29 M 2-9: a bipolar nebula with a wind-driven shell. WALSH J.R.
1981MNRAS.195..921A 3 2 35 Infrared spectral observations of the BKNL complex in Orion. AITKEN D.K., ROCHE P.F., SPENSER P.M., et al.
1981MNRAS.197..739A 18 46 X-ray observations of symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1981PASP...93..165D 92 163 Light curve types, absolute magnitudes, and physical properties of galactic novae. DUERBECK H.W.
1981ATsir1160....4Y 68 T                   1 1 2 Optical continuum of
V1016 Cyg.
1981IBVS.2041....1G 14 3 Spectroscopic observations of symbiotic stars in July and September 1981. GRAVINA R.
1981Natur.293...99A 2 1 Symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.
1981Obs...101..172W 34 29 Symbiotic stars as an old disk population. WALLERSTEIN G.
1981SvAL....7..238I 68 T                   1 1 3 Spectrophotometry of
V1016 Cyg.
1981SvAL....7..309I 2 2 Spectrophotometry of HM Sge. IPATOV A.P. and YUDIN B.F.
1982A&A...116..265K 71 T                   1 1 13 Interpretation of line profiles of the symbiotic star
V1016 Cyg.
1982ApJ...257..204K 1 6 31 IUE observations of the peculiar star RX Puppis. KAFATOS M., MICHALITSIANOS A.G. and FEIBELMAN W.A.
1982ApJ...258..548F 70 T                   1 6 46 IUE observations of proto-planetary nebulae. I.
V1016 Cygni, HM Sagittae and HBV 475.
1982ApJ...263L..69F 69 T                   1 5 5 Ultraviolet shell formation at
V1016 Cygni.
1982MNRAS.198..321P 53 83 Radio observations of early-type emission-line stars and related objects. PURTON C.R., FELDMAN P.A., MARSH K.A., et al.
1982PASP...94..285H 8 19 Far-infrared photometry of optical emission-line stars. II. HARVEY P.M. and WILKING B.A.
1982Ap&SS..83..423A 69 T                   1 5 19 Visible and or near infrared spectral variations of
V1016 Cyg, HM Sge and MWC 349.
1982BICDS..23...92A 34 0 A first glance at the catalogue of the central stars of planetary nebulae. ACKER A.
1982PSCDS...3....0A 452 ~ Catalogue of the central stars of true and possible planetary nebulae. ACKER A., GLEIZES F., CHOPINET M., et al.
1982SvA....26..187Y 69 T                   1 1 1 Infrared observations of
V1016 Cygni.
1982IAUCo..70....1S 14 ~ Fifty years of symbiotic stars. SAHADE J.
1982IAUCo..70...17K 7 ~ Radio observations of symbiotic stars. KWOK S.
1982IAUCo..70...27A 101 ~ Infrared studies of symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1982IAUCo..70...43E 5 ~ IR photometry of symbiotic stars at Calar Alto Observatory EIROA C., HEFELE H. and QIAN Z.-Y.
1982IAUCo..70...47A 10 ~ Near IR spectra of symbiotic stars. ANDRILLAT Y.
1982IAUCo..70...61C 20 ~ Properties of symbiotic stars from studies in the optical region. CIATTI F.
1982IAUCo..70...71O 23 ~ Spectra of individual symbiotic stars. OLIVERSEN N.A. and ANDERSON C.M.
1982IAUCo..70...83M 4 ~ Visual symbiotic spectra obtained with the Haute Provence multiphot detector. MURATORIO G. and FRIEDJUNG M.
1982IAUCo..70...85N 7 ~ UV line emission of symbiotic stars. NUSSBAUMER H.
1982IAUCo..70..115A 16 ~ X-ray observations of symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1982IAUCo..70..145B 5 ~ IUE observations of CI Cygni during 1979-1981. BARATTA G.B., ALTAMORE A., CASSATELLA A., et al.
1982IAUCo..70..157C 69 T                   1 2 ~ Introductory report on
V1016 Cygni.
1982IAUCo..70..161M 69 T                   1 3 ~ Recent studies of the spectrum of
V1016 Cygni.
1982IAUCo..70..165G 8 ~ The peculiar symbiotic object V1329 Cygni : single-star versus binarymodels. GRYGAR J. and CHOCHOL D.
1982IAUCo..70..253F 13 ~ Models for symbiotic stars in the light of the data. FRIEDJUNG M.
1982IAUCo..70..269K 8 ~ Symbiotic star UV emission and theoretical models. KAFATOS M.
1982IAUCo..70..283T 10 ~ On the model of symbiotic stars. TUTUKOV A.V. and YUNGELSON L.R.
1982IAUCo..70..297S 15 ~ Concluding remarks. SWINGS J.P.
1982IUE82.......89H 18 ~ IUE observations of symbiotic stars. HACK M.
1982IUE3r.......43D 10 ~ Review of galactic ultraviolet astronomy. DE JAGER C.
1982IUE3r......203F 13 ~ A review of the ultraviolet results about symbiotic stars. FRIEDJUNG M. and VIOTTI R.
1982IUE3r......209N 69 T                   1 1 ~ Line shapes from the symbiotic star
V1016 Cyg.
1983A&A...117..209T 70 T                   1 8 52
V1016 Cygni and HM Sagittae: binary stellar systems.
1983A&A...122..335F 15 9 Profiles and intensity ratios of the C IV lambda 1548, 1550 emission lines in planetary nebulae. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1983A&A...122..343C 69 T                   1 2 4 HM Sge and
V1016 Cyg : spectroscopic changes in l981-1982.
1983A&AS...54..315A 1436 15 Index and cross-identification of planetary nebulae. ACKER A., MARCOUT J., OCHSENBEIN F., et al.
1983AJ.....88..666K 79 109 Infrared spectroscopy of symbiotic stars and the nature of their cool components. KENYON S.J. and GALLAGHER J.S.
1983AJ.....88.1825P 1 2 14 The radio history of HM Sagittae. PURTON C.R., KWOK S. and FELDMAN P.A.
1983ApJ...266L.113S 79 T                   1 1 53 Optical confirmation of a very compact bipolar nebula associated withthe symbiotic star
V1016 Cygni.
1983ApJ...268..250O 70 T                   1 4 24 Observational studies of the symbiotic stars. II. Emission-line relative intensity variations in CI Cygni, BF Cygni, AX Persei, and
V1016 Cygni.
1983ApJ...271L..19D 69 T                   1 1 4 The evidence for shell formation in
V1016 Cygni.
1983ApJ...273..280K 1 7 57 The outbursts of symbiotic novae. KENYON S.J. and TRURAN J.W.
1983ApJS...53..573B 1 16 83 Spectrophotometric observations of symbiotic stars and related objects. BLAIR W.P., STENCEL R.E., FEIBELMAN W.A., et al.
1983MNRAS.202..951F 1 7 45 The infrared variability and nature of symbolic stars- II. RR Tel. FEAST M.W., WHITELOCK P.A., CATCHPOLE R.M., et al.
1983MNRAS.204.1009R 20 39 Symbiotic stars : spectrophotometry at 3-4 and 8-13 microns. ROCHE P.F., ALLEN D.A. and AITKEN D.K.
1983MNRAS.205p..71J 69 T                   1 2 ~ Strong Fe II fluorescence lines in RR Tel and
V1016 Cyg excited by C IV in a Bowen mechanism.
1983PASP...95..217W 69 T                   1 18 27 Emission-line profiles for selected planetary nebulae and symbiotic stars
V1016 Cygni and HM Sagittae.
1983PASP...95..601S 2 0 High-resolution spectroscopy of symbiotic stars. STAUFFER J.R.
1983ATsir1250....7Y 3 3 He 2-442A - the possible candidate for simbiotic stars. YUDIN B.F.
1983AZh....60..746K 10 10 The optical variability of PU Vulpeculae (Nova-Like Kuwano's object 1979) in 1979-1982. KOLOTILOV E.A.
1983MmSAI..54..493B 20 3 New results on symbiotic stars. BARATTA G.B. and VIOTTI R.
1983MmSAI..54..511C 87 4 Planetary nebulae: IUE results. CERRUTI-SOLA M. and PERINOTTO M.
1983PZ.....22...25A 69 T                   1 1 2 On the light variability of
V1016 Cygni after outburst.
1983IAUS..103...61S 6 3 Radio observations of planetary nebulae. SCOTT P.F.
1983IAUS..103...69B 11 24 High resolution maps with the VLA. BIGNELL R.C.
1984A&A...133..137W 74 T                   1 3 79 Winds in collision. I. Geometric implications of the emission lines for
V1016 Cyg and HM Sge.
1984A&A...133..154W 1 8 58 Winds in collision. II. An analysis of the X-ray emission from the eruptive symbiotic HM Sge. WILLSON L.A., WALLERSTEIN G., BRUGEL E.W., et al.
1984A&AS...56...17S 21 31 IUE low dispersion observations of symbiotic objects. SAHADE J., BRANDI E. and FONTENLA J.M.
1984A&AS...56..293N 15 3 231 Dielectronic recombination at low temperatures. II. Recombination coefficients for lines of C, N, O. NUSSBAUMER H. and STOREY P.J.
1984ApJ...277L..79S 2 2 22 Laboratory identification of the 3S 2 3P 2 3P2.1 - 3S 3P3 5S 2 intersystem lines of S III. SMITH P.L., MAGNUSSON C.E. and ZETTERBERG P.O.
1984ApJ...279..252K 2 27 270 The nature of symbiotic stars. KENYON S.J. and WEBBINK R.F.
1984ApJ...280..695S 3 2 32 Evolution of the optical spectrum of HM Sagittae : 1977-1982. STAUFFER J.R.
1984ApJ...283..675K 2 3 40 X-ray emissions from symbiotic novae. KWOK S. and LEAHY D.A.
1984MNRAS.207..575M 1 2 10 Variable ultraviolet emission in SY Muscae. MICHALITSIANOS A.G. and KAFATOS M.
1984MNRAS.209....1C 68 19 Optical positions and proper motions of radio stars CLEMENTS E.D. and ARGYLE R.W.
1984MNRAS.209p...1D 2 ~ Si III emission line strengths in low density plasmas. DUFTON P.L., KEENAN F.P. and KINGSTON A.E.
1984Ap&SS..99..101A 5 24 Symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1984MitAG..62..239S 4 0 Spektroskopischer nachweis von bipolarem massenfluss vbei symbiotischen Sternen.. SOLF J.
1984PASAu...5..369A 145 247 A catalogue of symbiotic stars. ALLEN D.A.
1984SciAm.251g..70K 10 0 Symbiotic stars. KAFATOS M. and MICHALITSIANOS A.G.
1984IAUS..105..213A 6 2 Spectroscopic observations of nuclei of planetary nebulae. ACKER A.
1984IUE84......404L 16 ~ Three short-period binaries seen at high-dispersion : UX Ari, iota Tri and HR 5110. LITTLE-MARENIN I.R., AYRES T.R. and SIMON T.
1985A&A...142...85I 69 T                   1 2 7 HM Sagittae and
V1016 Cygni in 1982-83 : unforeseen variations in the IR spectrum of 1016 Cyg.
1985A&A...142..333S 16 22 Linear polarization of symbiotic stars. SCHULTE-LADBECK R.
1985A&A...148..274S 7 4 143 The structure of the R Aquarii nebula. SOLF J. and ULRICH H.
1985ApJ...292L..15F 69 T                   1 1 0 Dynamical activity in
V1016 Cygni.
1985ApJ...295..183J 48 20 The detection of rotationally excited OH emission toward the probable young planetary nebula Vy 2-2. JEWELL P.R., SCHENEWERK M.S. and SNYDER L.E.
1985ApJ...298..350L 70 T                   1 3 22 On the IR variability of symbiotic stars : the case of
V1016 Cygni, HM Sagittae and V1329 Cygni.
1985ARA&A..23...89K 1 17 89 Planetary nebulae and their central stars. KALER J.B.
1985Afz....23..527I 69 T                   1 2 0 Spectrophotometric observations of
V1016 Cyg in 1980-1985.
1985AZh....62..930I 12 3 Spectrophotometric observations of symbiotic stars. IPATOV A.P. and YUDIN B.F.
1985IBVS.2724....1M 10 5 Spectra of 10 symbiotic stars. MARTEL M.T. and GRAVINA R.
1985IBVS.2750....1M 25 11 UBV observations of symbiotic stars in July and October 1982. MARTEL M.T. and GRAVINA R.
1985IBVS.2834....1G 69 T                   1 10 1 Photometry and spectrophotometry of symbiotic stars : CI Cyg, Z And,
V1016 Cyg, HM Sge, HBV 475.
1985PAZh...11...55T 4 4 The symbiotic star AS 296 : optical and infrared photometry in 1982-1983. TARANOVA O.G. and YUDIN B.F.
1985S&W....24..577G 20 0 Die zentralsterne planetarischer Nebel, Teil 2. GIESEKING F.
1986A&A...155..137S 1 7 47 Intermediate mass stars undergoing a very hot phase: can we measure their temperatures ? STASINSKA G. and TYLENDA R.
1986A&AS...65..607O 5417 387 IRAS catalogues and atlases. Atlas of Low-Resolution Spectra. OLNON F.M., RAIMOND E. (The IRAS Science Team)
1986AJ.....91.1400G 1 17 81 Spectroscopic orbits of symbiotic stars : preliminary results. GARCIA M.R.
1986ATsir1473....7T 10 4 The search of periods of the infrared variability of symbiotic stars. TARANOVA O.G.
1986AZh....63..151T 2 7 Photometry of V1329 Cyg in 1980-1983. TARANOVA O.G. and YUDIN B.F.
1986AZh....63..317T 70 T                   1 1 5 Sporadic formation of a dust envelope in the system
V1016 Cygni in summer 1983.
1986BICDS..30...61H 51 2 Finding charts of radio stars for the Hipparcos mission. HERING R., SCHWERDTFEGER H.M. and WALTER H.G.
1986SSRv...43..139D 72 21 Semidetached systems : evolutionary viewpoints and observational constraints. DE GREVE J.P.
1986NIA86......447N 6 ~ IUE capabilities and a new approach to symbiotic stars. NUSSBAUMER H.
1987A&A...171..178T 21 40 Radio continuum spectra of compact planetary nebulae: a wind-shell model. TAYLOR A.R., POTTASCH S.R. and ZHANG C.Y.
1987A&A...182...51N 5 6 136 A new approach to symbiotic stars. NUSSBAUMER H. and VOGEL M.
1987A&A...183..247G 14 2 118 Winds in collision. III. Modeling the interaction nebulae of eruptive symbiotics. GIRARD T. and WILLSON L.A.
1987AJ.....93..938K 132 198 The cool components of symbiotic stars. I. Optical spectral types. KENYON S.J. and FERNANDEZ-CASTRO T.
1987ApJ...312..813S 1 4 20 A detailed analysis of the radio emission from the symbiotic star RX Puppis. SEAQUIST E.R. and TAYLOR A.R.
1987ApJ...319..407F 130 43 The (C III lambda1909 /Si III lambda1892) ratio as a diagnostic for planetary nebulae and symbiotic stars. FEIBELMAN W.A. and ALLER L.H.
1987PASP...99..573W 2 23 214 Symbiotic Miras. WHITELOCK P.A.
1987Afz....26..457L 72 11 Symbiotic stars observed fom the IRAS satellite. LUUD L. and TUVIKENE T.
1987LAstr.101..181B 5 0 Nouvelles de Sirius. Sirius B naine blanche. BAIZE P.
1987Ap&SS.131..707S 3 3 Theoretical line profiles from a symbiotic system. SCHMID H.M. and VOGEL M.
1987Ap&SS.135..143Y 10 5 The nature of classical symbiotic stars. YUDIN B.F.
1987BAAS...19..753L 4 0 IUE and optical observations of the symbiotic star/nebula He 2-104. LUTZ J.H.
1987MmSAI..58..233S 9 3 Infrared variability of symbiotic stars. STRAFELLA F., CALAMAI G., FUENSALIDA J.J., et al.
1987MitAG..70..300S 61 1 Optical positions of radio stars SCHWERDTFEGER H.M., HERING R. and WALTER H.C.
1987IAUS..122..491K 5 1 Jets from symbiotic stars. KAFATOS M., CASSATELLA A., MICHALITSIANOS A.G., et al.
1987PN86........55R 17 ~ Proto-planetary nebulae. RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1987PN86.......163V 9 ~ Formation and structure of nebulae around symbiotic objects based on radio to X-rays observations (A review). VIOTTI R.
1988A&A...192L..10N 2 1 8 Discovery of a 9.5-year period in the symbiotic star V1016 Cyg. NUSSBAUMER H. and SCHMID H.M.
1988A&A...197..161W 5 3 Optical spectroscopy of V1016 Cygni during 1983-1985. WALLERSTEIN G.
1988A&A...197..182W 6 10 Observations of (Fe VII) and (Fe X) in the symbiotic star HM Sge during the interval of 1983-1985. WALLERSTEIN G. and BRUGEL E.W.
1988A&A...198..179N 36 88 Relative C, N, O abundances in red giants, planetary nebulae, novae and symbiotic stars. NUSSBAUMER H., SCHILD H., SCHMID H.M., et al.
1988A&A...200L..13M 6 19 Studies of symbiotic stars. II. V1016 Cyg: a binary of 6.0 yr period with variable dust obscuration. MUNARI U.
1988A&A...202...83M 6 23 A probable non-degenerate H-burning flash on the white dwarf of the symbiotic slow nova V1329 Cygni. MUNARI U., MARGONI R. and MAMMANO A.
1988A&A...202..203L 66 16 IRAS pointed observations of planetary nebulae. LEENE A. and POTTASCH S.R.
1988A&A...203..361A 1 7 30 Dust emission from symbiotic stars : an interpretation of IRAS observations. ANANDARAO B.G., TAYLOR A.R. and POTTASCH S.R.
1988A&A...204..242B 31 83 Proto-planetary nebulae : the case of CRL 618. BUJARRABAL V., GOMEZ-GONZALEZ J., BACHILLER R., et al.
1988AJ.....95.1817K 62 115 Far-infrared data for symbiotic stars. II. The IRAS survey observations. KENYON S.J., FERNANDEZ-CASTRO T. and STENCEL R.E.
1988AJ.....96..337K 165 69 The cool components of symbiotic stars. II. Infrared photometry. KENYON S.J.
1988ApJ...326..339P 20 45 High spatial and spectral resolution observations of the optical counterparts of GL 490 and S 106/IRS 3. PERSSON S.E., McGREGOR P.J. and CAMPBELL B.
1988PASP..100.1101F 3 3 The IUE spectrum of Cn 1-2 (= PK 326-10 1) : a southern counterpart to V1016 Cygni and HM Sagittae ? FEIBELMAN W.A.
1988AcASn..29..305X 15 3 Optical determinations in the positions of radio stars. XU T.-Q., LU P.-Z., CHU Z.-Y., et al.
1988Ap&SS.150...31M 7 10 A nova outburst scenario for GX 1+4 spin-down episode. MANCHANDA R.K.
1988IBVS.3231....1F 3 4 Cn 1-2 (= PK 326-10 1). FEIBELMAN W.A.
1988IzKry..78...43B 2 4 The light curve of peculiar symbiotic star HM Sge. BELYAKINA T.S., ARKHIPOVA V.P., DOKUCHAEVA O.D., et al.
1988PZ.....22..858Y 8 ~ The symbiotic stars. YUDIN B.F.
1989A&A...211L..31S 18 3 217 Identification of the emission bands at lambda lambda 6830, 7088. SCHMID H.M.
1989A&A...213..137N 3 3 40 Z Andromedae and the symbiotic phenomenon. NUSSBAUMER H. and VOGEL M.
1989AJ.....97..476B 1 14 60 M 2-9: a planetary nebula with an eruptive nucleus ? BALICK B.
1989ApJ...337..520D 8 10 The chemical composition of the emitting gas in HM Sagittae. DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A., CODINA-LANDABERRY S.J. and LOPES D.F.
1989ApJ...341..299L 13 40 Accretion onto hot white dwarfs in relation to symbiotic novae. LIVIO M., PRIALNIK D. and REGEV O.
1989MNRAS.237p..45M 5 ~ Variable dust obscuration in the symbiotic Mira and very slow nova, HM Sge. MUNARI U. and WHITELOCK P.A.
1989MNRAS.237..487K 14 10 Anomalously high intercombination line ratios in symbiotic stars; extreme Bowen pumping ? KASTNER S.O., BHATIA A.K. and FEIBELMAN W.A.
1989MNRAS.239..273M 4 7 The spectra energy distribution and nature of the symbiotic system AS 296 in outburst. MUNARI U. and WHITELOCK P.A.
1989MNRAS.240...63S 1 8 32 AGB stellar evolution and symbiotic stars. SCHILD H.
1989PASP..101..189W 6 10 Strange behavior by the eruptive symbiotic star V1329 Cygni. WALLERSTEIN G., SOLF J., MIKOLAJEWSKA J., et al.
1989PASP..101..966L 9 34 He 2-104: a link between symbiotic stars and planetary nebulae ? LUTZ J.H., KALER J.B., SHAW R.A., et al.
1989Afz....31..309L 15 2 Characteristics of the components of symbiotic stars from model calculations. LEEDJAERV L.
1989IBVS.3364....1H 28 22 Call for a campaign of long-term photometry of symbiotic stars. HRIC L. and SKOPAL A.
1989SSRv...51..339K 41 8 Planetary nebulae. KHROMOV G.S.
1989IAUS..131...29K 127 5 New and misclassified planetary nebulae. KOHOUTEK L.
1990A&A...229..104B 8 16 The spectrum of the symbiotic nova HBV 475 in 1969 II. BARATTA G.B. and VIOTTI R.
1990A&AS...86..227S 22 17 A polarimetric survey of symbiotic stars. SCHULTE-LADBECK R.E., ASPIN C., MAGALHAES A.M., et al.
1990AJ....100..485V 178 39 The IRAS low-resolution spectra of planetary nebulae. VOLK K. and COHEN M.
1990ApJ...349..313S 109 122 The collective radio properties of symbiotic stars. SEAQUIST E.R. and TAYLOR A.R.
1990ApJ...362..346R 106 T K                 1 2 15 Optical and infrared spectrophotometry of the symbiotic system

V1016 Cygni
1990ApJ...362..745K 10 21 Explicit relations in Bowen fluorescence: applications to nebulae, the Sun, Scorpius X-1, and laboratory plasmas. KASTNER S.O. and BHATIA A.K.
1990MNRAS.246...84S 75 T                   1 3 66 Physical conditions and elemental abundances in the symbiotic novae
V1016 Cyg, HM Sge and HBV 475.
1990AcASn..31..267X 85 3 Optical positions of the radio stars and the radio sources. XU T.-Q., LU P.-Z., WANG S.-H., et al.
1990Afz....32...15L 15 1 On the properties of ionized gas in symbiotic stars. LEEDJAERV L.
1990Ap&SS.174..321S 24 2 A discussion on the classification and evolution of symbiotic stars. SEAL P.
1990BICDS..38..175K 660 7 Close binaries observed polarimetrically. KOCH R.H.
1990IzKry..82...45N 29 1 The radio emission from several stars at frequency 36 GHz. NESTEROV N.S.
1990MmSAI..61...87M 2 2 Dust in symbiotic Miras. MUNARI U.
1990MmSAI..61...91M 12 0 The extreme, probably symbiotic Mira V 407 Cyg and its relevand its relevance to the study of OH/IR sources. MUNARI U.
1991A&A...248..458M 3 17 240 Temperature and luminosity of hot components in symbiotic stars. MURSET U., NUSSBAUMER H., SCHMID H.M., et al.
1991A&A...249..199B 3 7 Observations of the inner core of the Southern Crab. BURGARELLA D., CLAMPIN M. and PARESCE F.
1991A&AS...89..311R viz 156 29 Optical positions of 221 radio stars obtained with the Bordeaux automaticmeridian circle. REQUIEME Y. and MAZURIER J.M.
1991AJ....101.1735J 38 71 From red to planetary nebula: dust, asymmetry, and polarization. JOHNSON J.J. and JONES T.J.
1991ApJ...368..252B 1 3 18 Energy distributions of symbiotic novae. BRYAN G.L. and KWOK S.
1991ApJ...373..649F 34 17 Ultraviolet high-excitation Fe II fluorescence lines excited by O VI, C IV and HI resonance as seen in IUE spectra. FEIBELMAN W.A., BRUHWEILER F.C. and JOHANSSON S.
1991ApJ...375..335F 5 6 The ultraviolet spectrum of KX Trianguli Australis. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1991MNRAS.249..374I 17 36 A multi-frequency study of symbiotic stars - I. Near-simultaneous optical and radio observations. IVISON R.J., BODE M.F., ROBERTS J.A., et al.
1991PASP..103..185W 8 7 Observation of Bowen fluorescence and other phenomena in five symbiotic stars. WALLERSTEIN G., SCHACHTER J., GARNAVICH P.M., et al.
1991AcApS..11..172D 227 33 Early-type emission-line stars with large infrared excesses. DONG Y.-S. and HU J.-Y.
1991Ap&SS.185..265K 3 1 The symbiotic stellar lines at 6830 A, an origin in optically thick fluorescence. KASTNER S.O.
1991AuJPh..44..441C 6 5 Effect of source morphology on thermal radio continuum spectra. CALABRETTA M.
1991ChA&A..15...19X 83 ~ Optical positions of radio stars and radio sources. XU T.-Q., LU P.-Z., WANG S.-H., et al.
1991ChA&A..15..275D 224 ~ Early-type emission-line stars with large infrared excesses. DONG Y.-S. and HU J.-Y.
1991CoSka..21..303H 49 30 Photometry of symbiotic stars - an international campaign. HRIC L., SKOPAL A., URBAN Z., et al.
1991JRASC..85..192S 3 0 Observations of symbiotic stars at 1 mm wavelength. SEAQUIST E.R. and TAYLOR A.R.
1992A&A...257..619D 7 26 Chemical abundances in symbiotic nebulae. DE FREITAS PACHECO J.A. and COSTA R.D.D.
1992A&A...258..368C 8 16 The active phase of the symbiotic star BF Cygni. CASSATELLA A., FERNANDEZ-CASTRO T., GONZALEZ-RIESTRA R., et al.
1992A&A...259..525V 1 7 36 PU Vulpeculae : the outburst of a symbiotic nova. VOGEL M. and NUSSBAUMER H.
1992A&AS...93..383M viz 88 107 UBVRI-JHKL photometric catalogue of symbiotic stars. MUNARI U., YUDIN B.F., TARANOVA O.G., et al.
1992AJ....103..243H 105 22 IRAS observations of novae. III. The related objects. HARRISON T. and GEHRZ R.D.
1992AJ....104..262M 11 19 The ongoing outburst of the eclipsing symbiotic nova AS 296: the first 1200 days. MUNARI U., WHITELOCK P.A., GILMORE A.C., et al.
1992ApJ...385..375K 4 9 Al II emission-line strengths in low-density astrophysical plasmas. KEENAN F.P., HARRA L.K., AGGARWAL K.M., et al.
1992ApJ...386..265S 20 7 586 Colliding winds from early-type stars in binary systems. STEVENS I.R., BLONDIN J.M. and POLLOCK A.M.T.
1992ApJ...387L..77B 6 4 Detection of the H92 alpha radio recombination line from the symbiotic star H1-36 Arae. BASTIAN T.S.
1992ApJ...387..624S 1 3 20 Observations of symbiotic stars at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. SEAQUIST E.R. and TAYLOR A.R.
1992MNRAS.256p..59B 70 T                   1 ~ Discovery of an extensive optical nebula around the symbiotic nova
V1016 Cygni.
BANG M.K., BODE M.F., IVISON R.J., et al.
1992MNRAS.256..177M 18 66 On the nova-like eruptions of symbiotic binaries. MIKOLAJEWSKA J. and KENYON S.J.
1992MNRAS.257...47I 5 15 A multi-frequency study of symbiotic stars - II. Submillimetre/millimetre observations. IVISON R.J., HUGHES D.H. and BODE M.F.
1992MNRAS.258...95S 25 26 Infrared spectroscopy of symbiotic stars: carbon abundances and 12C/13C isotopic ratios. SCHILD H., BOYLE S.J. and SCHMID H.M.
1992AZh....69..262T 4 3 The extremely deep minimum in the IR brightness of the symbiotic star CH Cyg, accompanied by the new activity of its hot component. TARANOVA O.G. and YUDIN B.F.
1992CoSka..22..131S 70 T                   22 30 Photometry of symbiotic stars - an international campaign. III. Z And, EG And, R Aqr, UV Aur, TX CVn, T CrB, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, CI Cyg,
V1016 Cyg, V1329 Cyg, AG Dra, CQ Dra (4 Dra), YY Her, V443 Her, SS Lep, RS Oph, AG Peg, AX Per, HM Sge, FG Ser (AS 296), PU Vul.
SKOPAL A., HRIC L., URBAN Z., et al.
1992Gemin..35....4B 4 0 Manchester echelle spectroscopy of symbiotic stars. BODE M., IVISON R., ROBERTS J., et al.
1992IzKry..84...49B 9 15 The photometric observations of the symbiotic variables Z And, AG Peg and V443 Her in the eighthies. BELYAKINA T.S.
1992JBAA..102...21I 27 0 Symbiotic stars in 1988-1989. ISLES J.E.
1992IAUS..151..137K 21 9 Symbiotic binary stars. KENYON S.J.
1992ESOPN...1....1A viz 1829 ~ Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae ACKER A., OCHSENBEIN F., STENHOLM B., et al.
1993A&A...278..209N 1 7 51 Modification of the nebular environment in symbiotic systems due to colliding winds. NUSSBAUMER H. and WALDER R.
1993AJ....105.1915R 11 ~ High resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis star, V854 Centauri, during a deep minimum. RAO N.K. and LAMBERT D.L.
1993ApJ...410..260S 104 78 A highly sensitive radio survey of symbiotic stars at 3.6 centimeters. SEAQUIST E.R., KROGULEC M. and TAYLOR A.R.
1993ApJS...88..169K 4 12 Electron density diagnostics for gaseous nebulae involvingthe O IV intercombination lines near 1400A. KEENAN F.P., CONLON E.S., BOWDEN D.A., et al.
1993PASP..105..859W 5 4 The spectrum of the symbiotic nova AS 296 (= FG Serpentis) from 1988 July to 1992 March. WALLERSTEIN G., GILROY K.K., WILLSON L.A., et al.
1993BAAS...25.1424G 3 ~ Polarization in the Raman-scattered emission from symbiotic stars. GARNAVICH P.M.
1993CoSka..23...73H 26 26 Photometry of symbiotic stars - an international campaign IV. HRIC L., SKOPAL A., URBAN Z., et al.
1993IzKry..88...22T 3 4 The model of symbiotic binary AG Peg. TOMOV N.A.
1993JApA...14...37A 10 2 Infrared observations of symbiotic stars. ANANTH A.G. and LEAHY D.A.
1994A&A...281..145S 18 43 Raman scattered emission lines in symbiotic stars : a spectropolarimetric survey. SCHMID H.M. and SCHILD H.
1994A&A...281..594C 31 8 Photometric calibration of the international Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) for high resolution spectra. CASSATELLA A., SELVELLI P.L., PONZ J.D., et al.
1994A&A...282..586M 1 19 113 Temperatures and luminosities of symbiotic novae. MURSET U. and NUSSBAUMER H.
1994A&A...283..919I 14 23 High velocity and rapidly variable emission features in the spectra of RS Ophiuchi and CH Cygni. IIJIMA T., STRAFELLA F., SABBADIN F., et al.
1994A&AS..103..201I viz 35 44 An atlas of high resolution line profiles of symbiotic stars. II. Echelle spectroscopy of northern sky objects IVISON R.J., BODE M.F. and MEABURN J.
1994ApJ...423..882K 1 5 20 N III intercombination lines in the IUE spectra of gaseous nebulae. KEENAN F.P., DUFTON P.L., FEIBELMAN W.A., et al.
1994ApJS...94..183M 32 13 A far-ultraviolet atlas of symbiotic stars observed with IUE. I. The SWP range. MEIER S.R., KAFATOS M., FAHEY R.P., et al.
1994MNRAS.268..213P 24 40 He I emission lines in symbiotic stars. PROGA D., MIKOLAJEWSKA J. and KENYON S.J.
1994CoSka..24...31H 19 19 Photometry of symbiotic stars - an international campaign V. HRIC L., SKOPAL A., CHOCHOL D., et al.
1994KFNT...10a..45C 5 1 Photometric observations of symbiotic stars. CHINAROVA L.L.
1994PAZh...20..723A 7 ~ UBV observations of the symbiotic nova HM Sagittae. ARKHIPOVA V.P., DOKUCHAEVA O.D. and NOSKOVA R.I.
1995A&A...297L..87M 8 27 The ROSAT spectrum of the symbiotic nova AG Pegasi: evidence for colliding winds. MUERSET U., JORDAN S. and WALDER R.
1995A&A...297..759B 13 6 On two recently announced new symbiotic novae. BRAGAGLIA A., DUERBECK H.W., MUNARI U., et al.
1995A&A...303..833S 29 17 A search for SiO maser emission from symbiotic Miras. SCHWARZ H.E., NYMAN L.-A., SEAQUIST E.R., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..111..471P 23 17 Chemical abundances of southern symbiotic stars. PEREIRA C.B.
1995AJ....109.1320K 25 19 Spectroscopy of evolved stars in the near infrared: explorations beyond the AGB. KELLY D.M. and LATTER W.B.
1995ApJ...438..500K 7 19 N IV emission lines in the ultraviolet spectra of gaseous nebulae. KEENAN F.P., RAMSBOTTOM C.A., BELL K.L., et al.
1995ApJ...438..921W 1 5 21 The temporal evolution of the 1-5 micron spectrum of V1974 Cygni (nova Cygni 1992). WOODWARD C.E., GREENHOUSE M.A., GEHRZ R.D., et al.
1995ApJ...445..457B 39   K                 2 25 Transition probabilities for the UV0.01 multiplet in N III. BRAGE T., FROESE FISCHER C. and JUDGE P.G.
1995ApJ...447..656Y 4 7 114 A model for the galactic population of symbiotic stars with white dwarf accretors. YUNGELSON L., LIVIO M., TUTUKOV A., et al.
1995MNRAS.272..878I 16 7 Multi-frequency observations of K3-9 - a new radio-luminous symbiotic Mira. IVISON R.J. and SEAQUIST E.R.
1995MNRAS.273..517I 34 14 Millimetre continuum emission from symbiotic stars. I. The measurements. IVISON R.J., SEAQUIST E.R., SCHWARZ H.E., et al.
1995MNRAS.276..867S 25 24 A study of OH and H2O maser emission in Mira-type symbiotic stars. SEAQUIST E.R., IVISON R.J. and HALL P.J.
1995PASP..107..462G 11 30 A diagnostic diagram for planetary nebulae and symbiotic stars. GUTIERREZ-MORENO A., MORENO H. and CORTES G.
1995CoSka..25...53S 71 T                   19 20 Photometry of symbiotic stars - an international campaign VI. Z And, EG And, V1413 Aql (AS 338), R Aqr, UV Aur, TX CVn, T CrB, BF Cyg, CH Cyg,
V1016 Cyg, AG Dra, CQ Dra (4 Dra), YY Her, V443 Her, SS Lep, AG Peg, AX Per, PU Vul.
1996A&A...310..211S 108 T K                 9 35 Spectropolarimetry of symbiotic stars. On the binary orbit and the geometric structure of V1016 Cygni. SCHILD H. and SCHMID H.M.
1996ApJ...462..777K 107 180 H2 Emission from planetary nebulae: signpost of bipolar structure. KASTNER J.H., WEINTRAUB D.A., GATELY I., et al.
1996ApJ...471..930P 3 3 27 Illumination in symbiotic binary stars: Non-LTE photoionization models. I. Hydrostatic case. PROGA D., KENYON S.J., RAYMOND J.C., et al.
1996ApJS..105..145I 51 106 On the evolution of symbiotic stars and other binaries with accreting degenerate dwarfs. IBEN I.Jr and TUTUKOV A.V.
1996MNRAS.279.1137K 37 7 The Bowen fluorescence lines : overview and re-analysis of the observations. KASTNER S.O. and BHATIA A.K.
1996PASP..108...81H 7 17 ROSAT observations of the symbiotic stars PU Vulpeculae and FG Serpentis, and the cataclysmic variable V Sagittae. HOARD D.W., WALLERSTEIN G. and WILLSON L.A.
1996Ap.....39...15P 8 1 9.6-year periodicity of symbiotic nova RT Ser (1909) during the outburst decay from 1940 to 1994. PAVLENKO E.P., BOCHKOV V.V. and VASIL'YANOVSKAYA O.P.
1996Ap&SS.238..125N 6 4 Symbiotic stars with Wolf-Rayet spectra as protoplanetary nebulae ? NUSSBAUMER H.
1996CoSka..26...46H 71 T                   11 14 Photometry of symbiotic stars - an international campaign. VIIa. Z And, EG And, V1413 Aql (AS 338), UV Aur, TX CVn, T CrB, BF Cyg, CH Cyg,
V1016 Cyg, V1329 Cyg, AG Dra.
HRIC L., SKOPAL A., URBAN Z., et al.
1996MmSAI..67..215V 8 0 Multifrequency behaviour of symbiotic stars. VITTONE A.A.
1996LNP96.472..225B 217 ~ ROSAT observations of symbiotic binaries and related objects. BICKERT K.F., GREINER J. and STENCEL R.E.
1997A&A...319..201M 1 35 125 X-ray properties of symbiotic stars. II. Systems with colliding winds. MUERSET U., WOLFF B. and JORDAN S.
1997A&A...321..791S 1 6 29 Spectropolarimetry of symbiotic stars: AG Draconis. SCHMID H.M. and SCHILD H.
1997A&A...324..606S 1 6 30 Spectropolarimetry and nebular geometry of the symbiotic star HBV 475. SCHILD H. and SCHMID H.M.
1997AJ....114.1679S 157 7 Accurate positions for radio stars as determined from CCD observations in the extragalactic reference frame. STONE R.C.
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1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1997AAHam..11....1K viz 4093 ~ Catalogue of stars in the Northern Milky Way having H-α in emission. KOHOUTEK L. and WEHMEYER R.
1998A&A...333..658P viz 14 10 Spectroscopic observations of D-type symbiotic stars. PEREIRA C.B., LANDABERRY S.J.C. and JUNQUEIRA S.
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1998Ap&SS.255..361E 6 3 ISO observations of symbiotic stars. EYRES S.P.S., EVANS A., SALAMA A., et al.
1998PAZh...24..526K 6 ~ UBVJHKLMN photometry and optical spectrophotometry of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cygni. KOLOTILOV E.A., MUNARI U., POPOVA A.A., et al.
1999A&A...343..841C viz 17 45 A narrowband imaging survey of symbiotic stars. CORRADI R.L.M., BRANDI E., FERRER O.E., et al.
1999A&A...348..950S 2 6 39 ORFEUS spectroscopy of the OVI lines in symbiotic stars and the Raman scattering process. SCHMID H.M., KRAUTTER J., APPENZELLER I., et al.
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1999A&A...349..169D 1 6 25 Circumstellar matter around M-giants in symbiotic binaries: SY Muscae and RW Hydrae. DUMM T., SCHMUTZ W., SCHILD H., et al.
1999A&AS..134..255K viz 4182 102 Catalogue of H-alpha emission stars in the Northern Milky Way. KOHOUTEK L. and WEHMEYER R.
1999A&AS..135..199K 32 15 JHK photometry of symbiotic stars. KAMATH U.S. and ASHOK N.M.
1999A&AS..137..473M 154 200 Spectral classification of the cool giants in symbiotic systems. MUERSET U. and SCHMID H.M.
1999ApJ...515L..89L 1 5 24 Toward the evidence of the accretion disk emission in the symbiotic star RR Telescopii. LEE H.-W. and PARK M.-G.
1999ApJS..121..533R 6 11 Near-infrared and ultraviolet spectrophotometry of symbiotic novae. RUDY R.J., MEIER S.R., ROSSANO G.S., et al.
1999ApJS..122..299K 18 25 Final Astro-2 calibration of the Hopkins ultraviolet telescope. KRUK J.W., BROWN T.M., DAVIDSEN A.F., et al.
1999MNRAS.305..190M 21 40 The symbiotic binary system RX Puppis: a possible recurrent nova with a Mira companion. MIKOLAJEWSKA J., BRANDI E., HACK W., et al.
1999MNRAS.305..380R 7 20 High-resolution radio observations of HM Sge - II. Two decades after outburst. RICHARDS A.M.S., BODE M.F., EYRES S.P.S., et al.
1999MNRAS.308...82C 13 15 NaSt1: a Wolf-Rayet star cloaked by an eta Car-like nebula ? CROWTHER P.A. and SMITH L.J.
1999MNRAS.309.1074P 22 7 Bowen fluorescence lines in symbiotic stars - I. Observational data, line ratios and efficiency. PEREIRA C.B., DE ARAUJO F.X. and LANDABERRY S.J.C.
1999PASP..111..571G 16 17 Spectroscopic observations of some S-type symbiotic stars. GUTIERREZ-MORENO A., MORENO H. and COSTA E.
1999CoSka..29...31C 1 4 12 Long-term photometry of the symbiotic nova V1329 Cyg. CHOCHOL D., ANDRONOV I.L., ARKHIPOVA V.P., et al.
2000A&A...354..674S 8 19 A high-resolution long-slit spectroscopic study of the various bipolar outflow components in M 2-9 (``Butterfly Nebula''). SOLF J.
2000A&A...355..261S 1 8 25 Spectropolarimetry of the symbiotic nova HM Sge. SCHMID H.M., CORRADI R., KRAUTTER J., et al.
2000A&A...361..139H 7 15 Spectropolarimetric orbits of symbiotic stars: five S-type systems. HARRIES T.J. and HOWARTH I.D.
2000A&A...363..671C 6 4 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the outflow from the symbiotic Mira RX Puppis. CORRADI R.L.M. and SCHWARZ H.E.
2000A&AS..146..407B viz 216 310 A catalogue of symbiotic stars. BELCZYNSKI K., MIKOLAJEWSKA J., MUNARI U., et al.
2000A&AS..147..111C viz 8 12 Atomic data from the Iron Project. XLIV. Transition probabilities and line ratios for Fe VI with fluorescent excitation in planetary nebulae. CHEN G.X. and PRADHAN A.K.
2000ApJ...545.1020B 9 24 Contemporaneous ultraviolet and optical observations of direct and Raman-scattered O VI lines in symbiotic stars. BIRRIEL J.J., ESPEY B.R. and SCHULTE-LADBECK R.E.
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2000MNRAS.313..775S 20 17 Nova outbursts on rotating oblate white dwarfs. SCOTT A.D.
2000CoSka..30...99P 72 T                   21 8 Long-term photometry of the symbiotic nova V1016 Cyg. PARIMUCHA S., ARKHIPOVA V.P., CHOCHOL D., et al.
2000PASJ...52..589I 13 12 Spectroscopic diagnostics of symbiotic stars. III. Radial velocity analyses of HBV 475. IKEDA Y. and TAMURA S.
2000AstL...26..404T 35 3 Infrared photometry for variable stars of selected types in 1978-1999. TARANOVA O.G.
2000AstL...26..600T viz 72 T                   4 11 Infrared photometry of the symbiotic novae V1016 Cyg and HM Sge in 1978-1999. TARANOVA O.G. and SHENAVRIN V.I.
2001A&A...375..670R viz 114 1 The comparative accuracy of photographic observations of radio stars observed at the Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory. RIZVANOV N., DAUTOV I. and SHAIMUKHAMETOV R.
2001A&A...378..146S 4 11 ISO observations of symbiotic stars. I. HM Sge. SCHILD H., EYRES S.P.S., SALAMA A., et al.
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2001AJ....121.2219F 1 10 31 Infrared spectroscopy of symbiotic stars. III. First orbits for three S-type systems. FEKEL F.C., HINKLE K.H., JOYCE R.R., et al.
2001AJ....122.3313L 10 13 3-14 micron spectroscopy of nova V445 Puppis. LYNCH D.K., RUSSELL R.W. and SITKO M.L.
2001ApJ...550..785F 1 4 12 Electron densities, radial and terminal wind velocities for the planetary nebula NGC 6302 and its O VI-type binary nucleus. FEIBELMAN W.A.
2001ApJ...553..211C 1 14 53 The southern Crab from a new perspective. CORRADI R.L.M., LIVIO M., BALICK B., et al.
2001ApJ...563..883G 14 18 The constant-velocity highly collimated outflows of the planetary nebula He 2-90. GUERRERO M.A., MIRANDA L.F., CHU Y.-H., et al.
2001MNRAS.323L..13W 5 6 An extremely slow nova?. WHITELOCK P. and MARANG F.
2001MNRAS.326..437C 12 5 Variation mechanisms in symbiotic nova V1329 Cygni. CHOCHOL D. and WILSON R.E.
2001PASP..113..507B 10 0 Raman scattering in symbiotic stars. (Dissertation summary). BIRRIEL J.J.
2001PASP..113.1025T 274 7 Astrophysics in 2000. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2001Ap.....44..335K viz 267 0 Classification of red stars with spectral absorption bands observed in the near-infrared range. KAZARIAN M.A. and PETROSIAN G.V.
2001BAVSR..50...22P 5 0 Die 32 Konferenz uber Veraenderlische in Brno 2000. PASCHKE A.
2001ARep...45..461B 73 T                   2 1 The dust envelope of the symbiotic Nova V1016 Cyg. BOGDANOV M.B. and TARANOVA O.G.
2002A&A...383..188M viz 171 105 A multi-epoch spectrophotometric atlas of symbiotic stars. MUNARI U. and ZWITTER T.
2002A&A...386..237M viz 17 12 Symbiotic stars on Asiago archive plates. II. MUNARI U. and JURDANA-SEPIC R.
2002A&A...388..563M         O           13 6 V669 Cep: A new binary system with a B[e] star. MIROSHNICHENKO A.S., BJORKMAN K.S., CHENTSOV E.L., et al.
2002A&A...391..999P 110 T K                 4 9 Multiwavelength evidence for a 15-year periodic activity in the symbiotic nova

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2002A&A...395..117S         O           8 13 Orbital motion in symbiotic Mira systems. SCHMID H.M. and SCHILD H.
2002ApJ...571..947B 110 T K                 5 12 The central binary and surrounding nebula of the symbiotic star

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2002AN....323..484K viz 15       D               740 5 Accurate coordinates of planetary nebulae. KOHOUTEK L. and KUHL D.
2002Ap&SS.282..669W 29 0 Infrared low-resolution spectra of symbiotic stars. WANG F. and CHEN P.-S.
2002MmSAI..73..232C 8 0 Multifrequency behaviour of symbiotic novae. CHOCHOL D. and VITTONE A.A.
2003A&A...412..771J 4 6 Anomalously bright UV lines of Fe II as a probe of gas condensations in the vicinity of hot stars. JOHANSSON S. and LETOKHOV V.S.
2003ApJ...589..439M 6 16 Abundance anomalies in the X-ray spectra of nebulae NGC 7027 and BD +30°3639. MANESS H.L., VRTILEK S.D., KASTNER J.H., et al.
2003ApJ...598..553L 110 T K                 6 10 Raman-scattered He II λ6545 line in the symbiotic star

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2003ApJS..147...97A 16 32 Broad hα wings in nebulae around evolved stars and in young planetary nebulae. ARRIETA A. and TORRES-PEIMBERT S.
2003MNRAS.344.1264B 17 6 HST/WFPC2 snapshot imaging of symbiotic stars. BROCKSOPP C., BODE M.F. and EYRES S.P.S.
2003CoSka..33...99P 74 T                   1 5 Properties of a cool component in the symbiotic nova
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2003JAVSO..31...89S 82 18 Symbiotic stars as laboratories for the study of accretion and jets: a call for optical monitoring. SOKOLOSKI J.L.
2003ARep...47..889T 12 7 Spectral observations of the symbiotic Mira variable V407 Cyg in 1993-2002. TATARNIKOVA A.A., MARRESE P.M., MUNARI U., et al.
2003RMxAC..15...23S 18 0 Properties of bipolar planetary nebulae. SCHWARZ H.E. and MONTEIRO H.
2003BaltA..12..555P 28 4 High-precision ubvri photometry with a new 50 cm telescope at Stara Lesna. PRIBULLA T. and CHOCHOL D.
2003BaltA..12..604S 1 1 3 Correction of UBV photometry for emission. SKOPAL A.
2003BaltA..12..610C 37   K                 7 3 Long-term photometry of very slow novae. CHOCHOL D., PRIBULLA T., PARIMUCHA S., et al.
2004A&A...422..987E 8 14 Modeling the wind structure of AG Peg by fitting of C IV and N V resonance doublets. ERIKSSON M., JOHANSSON S. and WAHLGREN G.M.
2004AJ....128.1761H viz 15       D               1 1625 96 HATNET variability survey in the high stellar density ``Kepler field'' with millimagnitude image subtraction photometry. HARTMAN J.D., BAKOS G., STANEK K.Z., et al.
2004ApJ...612.1136B 111 T K                 8 12 Raman-scattered He II at 4851 Å in the symbiotic stars HM Sagittae and

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2004MNRAS.350..580J 5 11 On the centre shifts of Raman-scattered He II and Hα wings in symbiotic stars . JUNG Y.-C. and LEE H.-W.
2004MNRAS.355..221J 112 T K                 4 13 Centre shift of the Raman scattered He iiλ 4850 in the symbiotic star

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JUNG Y.-C. and LEE H.-W.
2004CoSka..34....5C 9 3 Long-term photometry of the symbiotic nova HM Sge. CHOCHOL D., PARIMUCHA S., PRIBULLA T., et al.
2004PASJ...56..353I 34 12 Spectroscopic diagnostics of symbiotic stars. II. Statistical analyses of highly resolved emission-line profiles. IKEDA Y. and TAMURA S.
2004AstL...30..258A viz 3 0 Spectral and photometric evolution of the symbiotic nova HM Sagittae in 1986-2002. ARKHIPOVA V.P., ESIPOV V.F., IKONNIKOVA N.P., et al.
2004IAUS..217..190R 23 6 Flux ratio [Nev] 14.3/24.3 as a test of collision strengths. RUBIN R.H.
2004RMxAC..20..224P 74 T                   1 0 Multiwavelength variability in the symbiotic nova
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2004RMxAC..21..132E 12 2 Fe II fluorescence in symbiotic stars. ERIKSSON M., VEENHUIZEN H., WAHLGREN G.M., et al.
2005A&A...435.1087L viz 67 21 Nebular abundances of southern symbiotic stars. LUNA G.J.M. and COSTA R.D.D.
2005A&A...440..239B 7 9 The spectroscopic orbits and other parameters of the symbiotic binary FN Sgr. BRANDI E., MIKOLAJEWSKA J., QUIROGA C., et al.
2005ApJ...619..527K 12 26 Colliding winds in symbiotic binary systems. I. Analytic and numerical solutions. KENNY H.T. and TAYLOR A.R.
2006A&A...451..157E 19 10 The nature of ultraviolet spectra of AG Pegasi and other symbiotic stars: locations, origins, and excitation mechanisms of emission lines. ERIKSSON M., JOHANSSON S. and WAHLGREN G.M.
2006A&A...451..563I 1 13 31 Spectral evolution of the slowest classical nova V723 Cassiopeiae in the decline stage. IIJIMA T.
2006A&A...453..279S 4 3 29 Structure of the hot object in the symbiotic prototype Z Andromedae during its 2000-03 active phase. SKOPAL A., VITTONE A.A., ERRICO L., et al.
2006ApJ...636.1045L 8 10 Raman-scattered He II λλ4850, 6545 in the young and compact planetary nebula IC 5117. LEE H.-W., JUNG Y.-C., SONG I.-O., et al.
2006MNRAS.366..675L 1 7 19 Multiperiodic variations in the last 104-yr light curve of the symbiotic star BF Cyg. LEIBOWITZ E.M. and FORMIGGINI L.
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2006A&A...458..339H viz 44 26 UBV(RI)C photometric sequences for symbiotic stars. III. HENDEN A. and MUNARI U.
2006RMxAA..42..291P 36 2 Searching for Balmer self-absorption in planetary nebulae. PHILLIPS J.P.
2007A&A...461.1019G 9 4 Radio-continuum spectrum, brightness temperature, and planetary nebulae properties. GRUENWALD R. and ALEMAN A.
2007MNRAS.374..187K 7 1 A Monte Carlo study of polarization structures in the Thomson-scattered line radiation. KIM H.J., LEE H.-W. and KANG S.
2007A&A...465..481S viz 37           X         1 19 14 HST and VLT observations of the symbiotic star Hen 2-147. Its nebular dynamics, its Mira variable and its distance. SANTANDER-GARCIA M., CORRADI R.L.M., WHITELOCK P.A., et al.
2007MNRAS.376.1120P 15       D               1 222 20 2MASS near-infrared photometry of symbiotic stars. PHILLIPS J.P.
2007BaltA..16...95E 2 1 Fluorescence Fe II lines as traces of fast outflows of white dwarf winds. ERIKSSON M., VEENHUIZEN H. and NILSSON H.
2007ApJ...660..341K 11 9 Multiple coaxial rings in the bipolar nebula Hubble 12. KWOK S. and HSIA C.H.
2007ApJ...662.1231K 1 4 8 Colliding winds in symbiotic binary systems. II. Colliding winds geometries and orbital motion in the symbiotic nova AG Pegasi. KENNY H.T. and TAYLOR A.R.
2007NewA...12..597S 1 8 19 On the effect of emission lines on UBVR photometry. SKOPAL A.
2007AJ....134..205A 240   K   D     X         7 29 16 Silicates in D-type symbiotic stars: an infrared space observatory overview. ANGELONI R., CONTINI M., CIROI S., et al.
2007ApJ...669.1156L 40   K                 2 12 Raman-scattered O VI λ6825 and the accretion disk emission model in the symbiotic stars
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LEE H.-W. and KANG S.
2008A&A...477..255E 844       D S   X C       21 8 2 Modeling of CIV pumped fluorescence of FeII in symbiotic stars. ERIKSSON M., NILSSON H., VEENHUIZEN H., et al.
2006JAVSO..35..168S 74 T                   4 0 The Photometry of Four Symbiotic Stars: UV Aur, TX CVn, BF Cyg, and V1016 Cyg for the Last 100 Years. SHUGAROV S.Yu. and UL'JANIKHINA O.A.
2006JAVSO..35..173C 5 0 Periodic and Aperiodic Variability of Symbiotic Stars. CHINAROVA L.L.
2008ApJ...677.1253B 39           X         1 7 26 Milliarcsecond N-band observations of the nova RS Ophiuchi: first science with the Keck interferometer nuller. BARRY R.K., DANCHI W.C., TRAUB W.A., et al.
2008ApJ...683..990L 414           X C       10 12 15 Chemical abundances in symbiotic stars. LU G., ZHU C., HAN Z., et al.
2008MNRAS.388.1047P 39           X         1 23 47 A 3D dynamical model of the colliding winds in binary systems. PARKIN E.R. and PITTARD J.M.
2008AstL...34..474A 3 2 Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of the symbiotic nova V1016 Cygni after its outburst. ARKHIPOVA V.P., ESIPOV V.F., IKONNIKOVA N.P., et al.
2009ApJ...695..542K 76           X         2 11 3 Raman-scattered He II λ6545 in the young and compact planetary nebula NGC 6790. KANG E.-H., LEE B.-C. and LEE H.-W.
2008BaltA..17..293H viz 15       D               86 10 Multi-epoch UBVRcIc photometric catalog of symbiotic stars. HENDEN A. and MUNARI U.
2009AcA....59..169G 38           X         1 23 21 Light curves of symbiotic stars in massive photometric surveys I: D-type systems. GROMADZKI M., MIKOLAJEWSKA J., WHITELOCK P., et al.
2008OEJV...95...59S 7 0 On the light curves of symbiotic stars SKOPAL A.
2009ARep...53.1020T 7 3 Analysis of archive UV observations of the symbiotic nova PU Vul during its nebular stage and brightness minimum in 1993-1994. TATARNIKOVA A.A. and TATARNIKOV A.M.
2009MNRAS.400.2153L 38           X         1 9 3 On the linear spectropolarimetry of Raman-scattered HeII 6545 in young planetary nebulae. LEE H.-W.
2010PASP..122...35J viz 38     A D               2 30 11 Symbiotic stars on Asiago archive plates. JURDANA-SEPIC R. and MUNARI U.
2010MNRAS.402.2075A 740   K   D     X C F     18 15 18 The spectral energy distribution of D-type symbiotic stars: the role of dust shells. ANGELONI R., CONTINI M., CIROI S., et al.
2010A&A...510A..70S 39           X         1 5 12 The spectroscopic evolution of the symbiotic star AG Draconis. I. The O VI Raman, Balmer, and helium emission line variations during the outburst of 2006-2008. SHORE S.N., WAHLGREN G.M., GENOVALI K., et al.
2010NewA...15..637C 343     A D     X         10 7 3 Notices to investigation of symbiotic binaries V. Physical parameters derived from UBV magnitudes. CARIKOVA Z. and SKOPAL A.
2010A&A...515A.108S 290     A     X C       7 30 7 The O I] 1641 Å line as a probe of symbiotic star winds. SHORE S.N. and WAHLGREN G.M.
2010ApJ...719..126C 15       D               2 50 8 Simultaneous observations of SiO and H2 O masers toward symbiotic stars. CHO S.-H. and KIM J.
2011ARep...55...31S viz 15       D               1 252 61 Search for and study of hot circumstellar dust envelopes. SHENAVRIN V.I., TARANOVA O.G. and NADZHIP A.E.
2011A&A...526A..73I 38           X         1 9 8 Spectral evolution of the nova V2468 Cygni: asymmetric and variable profiles of its emission lines. IIJIMA T. and NAITO H.
2012PASJ...64....4D viz 15       D               1 399 11 Kinematics of red variables in the Solar neighborhood. I.Basic data obtained by an SiO maser survey DEGUCHI S., SAKAMOTO T. and HASEGAWA T.
2012ApJ...750....5K 39           X         1 14 11 Evolution of the symbiotic nova PU Vul–Outbursting white dwarf, nebulae, and pulsating red giant companion. KATO M., MIKOLAJEWSKA J. and HACHISU I.
2012ApJ...750..127L 681 T K A S   X C       15 8 6 Raman scattered He II λ4332 in the symbiotic star

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2012BaltA..21..196S 139     A     X C       3 4 3 Contribution of the electron scattering process to the broad H-alpha wings. SEKERAS M. and SKOPAL A.
2012AN....333..242S viz 39           X         1 41 27 Recent photometry of symbiotic stars. SKOPAL A., SHUGAROV S., VANKO M., et al.
2012A&A...546A..60L 39         O X         1 11 21 Impact of orbital motion on the structure and stability of adiabatic shocks in colliding wind binaries. LAMBERTS A., DUBUS G., LESUR G., et al.
2011PASP..123.1062M viz 38           X         1 11 6 High-dispersion spectroscopy of BF Cygni at the beginning of the 2006 Outburst. McKEEVER J., LUTZ J., WALLERSTEIN G., et al.
2012A&A...548A..79A viz 15       D               1 5274 86 The first INTEGRAL-OMC catalogue of optically variable sources. ALFONSO-GARZON J., DOMINGO A., MAS-HESSE J.M., et al.
2012MNRAS.427..979S 660     A D S   X C F     15 3 12 Electron optical depths and temperatures of symbiotic nebulae from Thomson scattering. SEKERAS M. and SKOPAL A.
2013ApJ...764..169P 40           X         1 6 13 Wind-accretion disks in wide binaries, second-generation protoplanetary disks, and accretion onto white dwarfs. PERETS H.B. and KENYON S.J.
2012MmSAI..83..840T 39           X         1 15 2 Symbiotic nova eruption of R Aquarii: a geological remnant? TANABE K. and MOTIZUKI Y.
2013ApJ...770...28H 1615       D S   X C       40 25 7 Infrared spectroscopy of symbiotic stars. IX. D-type symbiotic novae. HINKLE K.H., FEKEL F.C., JOYCE R.R., et al.
2013A&A...556A..85G 39           X         1 5 2 XMM-Newton observations of RR Telescopii: evidence for wind signatures and shocked gas emission. GONZALEZ-RIESTRA R., SELVELLI P. and CASSATELLA A.
2013A&A...558A...2M 39           X         1 16 2 Discovery of a planetary nebula surrounding the symbiotic star DT Serpentis. MUNARI U., CORRADI R.L.M., SIVIERO A., et al.
2013A&A...559A...6L 55       D   O X         2 79 89 Symbiotic stars in X-rays. LUNA G.J.M., SOKOLOSKI J.L., MUKAI K., et al.
2014ApJ...785...97H 118           X C       2 55 24 The UBV color evolution of classical novae. I. Nova-giant sequence in the color-color diagram. HACHISU I. and KATO M.
2014ApJ...795...83B 39           X         1 12 2 The emerging planetary nebula CRL 618 and its unsettled central star(s). BALICK B., RIERA A., RAGA A., et al.
2014MNRAS.442.1956L 1125 T K A S   X C       26 10 3 Raman-scattered Ne VII λ973 at 4881 Å in the symbiotic star

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LEE H.-W., HEO J.-E. and LEE B.-C.
2015A&A...573A...8S 41           X         1 2 7 Wind mass transfer in S-type symbiotic binaries. I. Focusing by the wind compression model. SKOPAL A. and CARIKOVA Z.
2015MNRAS.447..993G 79           X         2 16 6 Discovery of true, likely and possible symbiotic stars in the dwarf spheroidal NGC 205. GONCALVES D.R., MAGRINI L., DE LA ROSA I.G., et al.
2015ApJ...812..162S 581 T K A     X C       13 2 6 Mass-loss rate by the Mira in the symbiotic binary
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2015MNRAS.452.3696J 40           X         1 15 10 Infrared studies of Nova Scorpii 2014: an outburst in a symbiotic system sans an accompanying blast wave. JOSHI V., BANERJEE D.P.K., ASHOK N.M., et al.
2015AstL...41..613A viz 2 1 Symbiotic nova V1016 Cygni: Evolution of the dust envelope and the gaseous nebula. ARKHIPOVA V.P., TARANOVA O.G., IKONNIKOVA N.P., et al.
2016MNRAS.456.2558L 80           X         2 17 9 Spectroscopic view on the outburst activity of the symbiotic binary AG Draconis. LEEDJARV L., GALIS R., HRIC L., et al.
2016BaltA..25...23K viz 16       D               1 142 2 On the Astron UV space mission data. KILPIO E.Y., MIRONOV A.V. and MALKOV O.Y.
2016BaltA..25...35A 1 ~ Half a century after the outburst of the symbiotic nova V1016 Cyg. ARKHIPOVA V.P., TARANOVA O.G., IKONNIKOVA N.P., et al.
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