
Query : 2018MNRAS.474.1826S

2018MNRAS.474.1826S - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 474, 1826-1849 (2018/February-3)

VIRAC: the VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalogue.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present VIRAC version 1, a near-infrared proper motion and parallax catalogue of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey for 312 587 642 unique sources averaged across all overlapping pawprint and tile images covering 560 deg2 of the bulge of the Milky Way and southern disc. The catalogue includes 119 million high-quality proper motion measurements, of which 47 million have statistical uncertainties below 1 mas yr–1. In the 11 < Ks < 14 magnitude range, the high-quality motions have a median uncertainty of 0.67 mas yr–1. The catalogue also includes 6935 sources with quality-controlled 5σ parallaxes with a median uncertainty of 1.1 mas. The parallaxes show reasonable agreement with the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution, though caution is advised for data with modest significance. The SQL data base housing the data is made available via the web. We give example applications for studies of Galactic structure, nearby objects (low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, subdwarfs, white dwarfs) and kinematic distance measurements of young stellar objects. Nearby objects discovered include LTT 7251 B, an L7 benchmark companion to a G dwarf with over 20 published elemental abundances, a bright L subdwarf, VVV 1256-6202, with extremely blue colours and nine new members of the 25 pc sample. We also demonstrate why this catalogue remains useful in the era of Gaia. Future versions will be based on profile fitting photometry, use the Gaia absolute reference frame and incorporate the longer time baseline of the VVV extended survey.

Abstract Copyright: © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): parallaxes - proper motions - brown dwarfs - stars: kinematics and dynamics - Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics - solar neighbourhood

VizieR on-line data: <CDS Catalogue: II/364>

Nomenclature: [SLK2018] NNNNNNNNN (Nos 100000001-412587642).

Status at CDS : All or part of tables of objects will not be ingested in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 34

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Number of rows : 34
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 2MASSI J0103320+193536 BD* 01 03 32.03712 +19 35 36.1824           L6V 80 0
2 DENIS J025503.3-470049 BD* 02 55 03.6927058871 -47 00 51.356903955     22.921 19.906 17.454 L9 147 0
3 2MASS J05325346+8246465 BD* 05 32 54.4345118405 +82 46 45.161005926           esdL7 61 0
4 2MASS J08350622+1953050 BD* 08 35 06.22944 +19 53 05.0532           L5 41 0
5 2MASS J09153413+0422045 BD* 09 15 34.13712 +04 22 04.5948           L6 38 0
6 2MASS J10101480-0406499 BD* 10 10 14.80704 -04 06 49.9320           L6 63 0
7 HD 104013 * 11 58 35.7227842128 -64 37 47.745302268   9.65 9.55     A0V 15 0
8 2MASS J12564352-6202041 BD* 12 56 43.5338984151 -62 02 04.301972270           L 7 0
9 SDSS J133837.01-022908.4 BD* 13 38 37.01088 -02 29 08.4480           sdL7 7 0
10 VVV J141159.32-592045.7 WD* 14 11 59.1740702472 -59 20 44.996516592   15.09 14.55 14.57   DA 8 0
11 L 149-77 PM* 14 12 28.0729582464 -62 56 14.959572972   12.26 11.21     K7V 7 0
12 2MASS J14162408+1348263 BD* 14 16 24.0739698960 +13 48 26.193281184           L5 82 0
13 NAME Proxima Centauri Er* 14 29 42.9461331854 -62 40 46.164680672 14.21 12.95 11.13 9.45 7.41 M5.5Ve 1322 0
14 * bet Cir B BD* 15 17 21.6005192664 -58 51 29.791272600           L1.0 8 0
15 * bet Cir PM* 15 17 30.8494520580 -58 48 04.345266926   4.153 4.057     A3Va 129 0
16 L 200-41 PM* 15 18 40.4474815320 -56 27 55.829476980   12.19 11.45     ~ 4 0
17 CD-53 6250 PM* 15 48 38.9613897600 -53 40 42.496812084   11.62 10.80     K0IV 6 0
18 2MASS J16095770-5048094 Y*O 16 09 57.702 -50 48 09.43           ~ 5 0
19 [CLM2017] VVVv717 Y*O 16 36 05.560 -46 40 40.61           ~ 3 0
20 Cl Westerlund 1 Cl* 16 47 02.4 -45 51 07           ~ 582 0
21 NAME 2MASS-GC03 GlC 16 52 10.602 -47 03 29.00           ~ 57 0
22 NGC 6231 OpC 16 54 10.8 -41 48 43           ~ 542 0
23 CD-32 12443 PM* 17 12 16.3897178880 -32 16 31.479225276   11.25 10.57     ~ 3 0
24 VVV BD001 BD* 17 26 40.6389160820 -27 37 59.871010106           L5 11 0
25 OGLE BLG653.19 81200 V* 17 36 43.88 -28 21 21.3         15.069 ~ 5 0
26 HD 163336 PM* 17 56 19.0354512072 -15 48 45.101447424   5.967 5.929     A0V 63 0
27 PM J18018-2706 PM* 18 01 52.6618223231 -27 06 54.379602473     14.82     ~ 7 0
28 NGC 6544 GlC 18 07 20.58 -24 59 50.4   11.36 9.90     ~ 310 0
29 PM J18087-2632 PM* 18 08 47.5345581106 -26 32 39.766155560     13.87     ~ 8 0
30 HD 167359 PM* 18 15 49.0702125648 -23 48 57.424312008   9.29 8.54     G8V 64 0
31 HD 167359B BD* 18 15 49.140 -23 48 45.23           L7 3 0
32 NAME SDG G 18 55 19.0 -30 32 43   4.5 3.6     ~ 2233 2
33 2MASSI J2158045-155009 BD* 21 58 04.5716969232 -15 50 09.793729140       20.771 18.582 L4 50 0
34 NAME Galactic Bulge reg ~ ~           ~ 4377 0

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