
Query : 2011A&A...532A...8M

2011A&A...532A...8M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 532A, 8-8 (2011/8-1)

The two metallicity groups of the globular cluster M 22: a chemical perspective.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a detailed chemical composition analysis of 35 red giant stars in the globular cluster M22. High resolution spectra for this study were obtained at five observatories, and analyzed in a uniform manner. We have determined abundances of representative light proton-capture, α, Fe-peak and neutron-capture element groups. Our aim is to better understand the peculiar chemical enrichment history of this cluster, in which two stellar groups are characterized by a different content in iron, neutron capture elements Y, Zr and Ba, and α element Ca. The principal results of this study are: (i) substantial star-to-star metallicity scatter (-2.0≲[Fe/H]≲-1.6); (ii) enhancement of s-process/r-process neutron-capture abundance ratios in a fraction of giants, positively correlated with metallicity; (iii) sharp separation between the s-process-rich and s-process-poor groups by [La/Eu] ratio; (iv) possible increase of [Cu/Fe] ratios with increasing [Fe/H], suggesting that this element also has a significant s-process component; and (v) presence of Na-O and C-N anticorrelations in both the stellar groups.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): techniques: spectroscopic - stars: abundances - stars: Population II - globular clusters: individual: M22 (NGC 6656)

CDS comments: Table 2 star C is 2MASS J18361022-2348444.

Simbad objects: 44

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Number of rows : 44
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 1851 GlC 05 14 06.76 -40 02 47.6           ~ 1450 0
2 NGC 2419 GlC 07 38 08.51 +38 52 54.9     10.05     ~ 949 0
3 NGC 5139 GlC 13 26 47.28 -47 28 46.1           ~ 3462 0
4 M 5 GlC 15 18 33.22 +02 04 51.7     5.95     ~ 1997 0
5 M 4 GlC 16 23 35.22 -26 31 32.7           ~ 1876 0
6 Cl Terzan 5 Cl* 17 48 05.00 -24 46 48.0           ~ 864 1
7 Cl* NGC 6656 PG 9 * 18 35 50.0239606896 -23 57 41.740951212   13.052 11.356   9.567 A5 7 0
8 NGC 6656 3096 * 18 36 02.1971307408 -23 56 50.543629044   13.511 12.138   10.575 ~ 10 0
9 NGC 6656 2104 * 18 36 07.7194579176 -23 50 55.712368788   13.7458 12.3171   10.6334 ~ 11 0
10 NGC 6656 2031 * 18 36 09.9313167888 -23 52 52.920794064   13.436 11.927 11.41 11.927 ~ 24 0
11 NGC 6656 3052 * 18 36 10.1880699192 -23 54 22.149836316   13.2488 11.5217   9.6761 ~ 36 0
12 DENIS J183610.1-234844 LP? 18 36 10.2172374768 -23 48 44.677062648   13.309 11.309 10.54 9.35 ~ 6 0
13 NGC 6656 3050 * 18 36 13.4362325544 -23 54 55.593736236   14.6701 13.4704 13.53 12.0023 ~ 9 0
14 NGC 6656 3012 * 18 36 14.2688646888 -23 54 31.402104804   13.236 11.540   9.723 ~ 24 0
15 NGC 6656 3047 * 18 36 14.8021476672 -23 55 16.019781312   13.699 12.385 11.78 10.848 ~ 8 0
16 NGC 6656 3014 * 18 36 15.1036106568 -23 54 54.906835572   12.40 10.93   9.145 ~ 23 0
17 NGC 6656 3015 * 18 36 15.6175331280 -23 55 01.580436012   13.057 11.362   9.484 ~ 15 0
18 NGC 6656 2096 * 18 36 17.2424729856 -23 54 11.604246840   13.134 11.604   9.879 ~ 9 0
19 2MASS J18361751-2354263 LP* 18 36 17.5180920480 -23 54 26.583103224   12.8797 11.0304   9.0975 ~ 34 0
20 NGC 6656 3033 * 18 36 20.1391362096 -23 56 45.989405016   13.6269 12.2122   10.5598 ~ 15 0
21 NGC 6656 3025 * 18 36 20.1714578232 -23 55 54.280178832   13.9028 12.6644 12.72 11.1595 ~ 11 0
22 NGC 6656 3035 * 18 36 20.5188035040 -23 56 24.807406452   13.7089 12.3647   10.7539 ~ 16 0
23 NGC 6656 2001 * 18 36 23.8609766832 -23 52 44.254659540   13.585 12.043 11.45 10.367 ~ 8 0
24 M 22 GlC 18 36 23.94 -23 54 17.1           ~ 1390 0
25 NGC 6656 4020 * 18 36 25.9951256040 -23 55 58.727655408   13.6157 12.0413   10.3165 ~ 32 0
26 NGC 6656 1012 * 18 36 27.3693642144 -23 51 26.472598488   13.19 11.76   9.9282 ~ 26 0
27 NGC 6656 5002 * 18 36 27.9809099904 -23 55 02.189994312   13.260 11.498 10.85 9.674 ~ 7 0
28 NGC 6656 1037 * 18 36 30.0312412200 -23 53 50.463927528   13.450 12.008   10.372 ~ 9 0
29 NGC 6656 1036 * 18 36 30.0808902216 -23 53 37.862908908   13.342 11.931   10.320 ~ 10 0
30 NGC 6656 1027 * 18 36 30.5925927744 -23 52 48.890051724   13.54 12.37   10.8732 ~ 14 0
31 NGC 6656 1086 * 18 36 32.1422845440 -23 51 31.749823080   13.7589 12.2961   10.6084 ~ 22 0
32 NGC 6656 4059 * 18 36 32.1668419872 -23 56 04.352982504   13.4254 11.9082 11.20 10.19 ~ 19 0
33 2MASS J18363282-2351112 AB* 18 36 32.8348019856 -23 51 11.228277816   13.7257 12.4310   10.8985 ~ 20 0
34 NGC 6656 4068 * 18 36 32.8909473864 -23 54 58.738000932   14.6746 13.4606 13.45 11.9562 ~ 6 0
35 NGC 6656 1092 * 18 36 33.2884633608 -23 52 32.858872716   13.141 11.561   9.828 ~ 28 0
36 NGC 6656 4076 * 18 36 35.4140436264 -23 54 40.350386988   13.709 12.299   10.790 ~ 9 0
37 NGC 6656 1080 * 18 36 36.0715153344 -23 50 16.490712264   13.9042 12.5003   10.9469 ~ 20 0
38 Cl* NGC 6656 ALC 3107 LP? 18 36 36.1972212960 -23 59 39.467606388   12.70 11.17   9.111 ~ 31 0
39 NGC 6656 1057 * 18 36 38.2771221672 -23 53 13.429969728   13.578 11.981   10.290 ~ 12 0
40 NGC 6656 1053 * 18 36 38.3696670480 -23 54 01.747368108   14.051 12.690   11.0746 ~ 20 0
41 Cl* NGC 6656 ALC 3113 LP? 18 36 41.0626578168 -23 58 19.486392024   12.799 10.9295   8.9453 ~ 38 0
42 NGC 6656 4088 * 18 36 44.9664628680 -23 54 57.774666708   13.718 12.228   10.608 ~ 9 0
43 M 54 GlC 18 55 03.33 -30 28 47.5           ~ 1085 0
44 NAME Galactic Bulge reg ~ ~           ~ 4377 0

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