
Query : 1996PASP..108..113H

1996PASP..108..113H - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 108, 113-129 (1996/February-0)

Advances in solar-stellar astrophysics.


Abstract (from CDS):

The discovery on stars of coronae and of X-ray emission from flares in the 1970's opened up the investigation of stellar activity. Solar-stellar astrophysics has now become a two-way street. The rich detail of the Sun provides a close-up view of physical phenomena, while the stellar observations provide a way to, in effect, vary the otherwise fixed solar parameters. In this way we can study the evolution of the Sun, the dependence of activity on rotation, and the degree of autonomy between magnetic fields and such fundamental parameters as mass and age. We present an overview of the Sun as a star, stellar coronae along the main sequence, the dividing line for evolved stars, rotation-activity relations, activity cycles, flux-flux relations, basal acoustic heating, evidence for coronal heating by microflaring, and a few facts about flares.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Invited Review

Simbad objects: 27

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Number of rows : 27
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * bet Cet PM* 00 43 35.37090 -17 59 11.7827 3.90 3.02 2.01 1.29 0.78 G9.5IIICH-1 528 1
2 V* CF Tuc RS* 00 53 07.7675726832 -74 39 05.608753668   8.31 7.90   6.730 G2/5V+F0 232 0
3 G 272-61B Er* 01 39 01.6377185550 -17 57 01.001240728           M6V 858 0
4 V* BX Cet BY* 02 36 15.2668724487 +06 52 17.915599626   13.28   11.405   M3.5V 188 1
5 * alf Per V* 03 24 19.3700924 +49 51 40.245455 2.64 2.27 1.79     F5Ib 837 1
6 V* UX Ari RS* 03 26 35.3756804760 +28 42 54.226408428 7.76 7.28 6.37     K0IV 702 0
7 * eps Eri BY* 03 32 55.8444911587 -09 27 29.739493865 5.19 4.61 3.73 3.00 2.54 K2V 1953 1
8 * alf Aur SB* 05 16 41.35871 +45 59 52.7693 1.33 0.88 0.08 -0.52 -0.96 G3III: 1182 0
9 * zet Ori ** 05 40 45.52666 -01 56 33.2649 0.50 1.56 1.77 1.85 2.05 O9.7Ib+B0III 360 0
10 * alf CMa SB* 06 45 08.91728 -16 42 58.0171 -1.51 -1.46 -1.46 -1.46 -1.43 A0mA1Va 1538 0
11 * alf CMi SB* 07 39 18.11950 +05 13 29.9552 0.82 0.79 0.37 -0.05 -0.28 F5IV-V+DQZ 1872 0
12 * zet Pup BY* 08 03 35.04754 -40 00 11.3321 0.89 1.98 2.25 2.36 2.58 O4I(n)fp 1159 1
13 V* AZ Cnc Er* 08 40 29.6791626163 +18 24 08.726250637   19.2 17.59 16.6 13.45 M6.0V 87 0
14 Wolf 359 Er* 10 56 28.9208702274 +07 00 53.003285286 16.706 15.541 13.507 11.684 9.507 dM6 724 0
15 HD 95314 * 11 00 11.6928209664 -14 05 00.129016680   7.371 5.857     K5III 32 0
16 V* RS CVn RS* 13 10 36.9077924448 +35 56 05.584994412 8.57 8.51 7.93 7.7   F6IV+G8IV 731 0
17 LP 271-25 LM* 14 28 43.2275214164 +33 10 39.259309081   21.2   17.8   M9Ve 251 0
18 NAME Proxima Centauri Er* 14 29 42.9461331854 -62 40 46.164680672 14.21 12.95 11.13 9.45 7.41 M5.5Ve 1317 0
19 * alf Cen ** 14 39 36.50 -60 50 02.3   0.4 -0.1     G2V+K1V 961 0
20 * ksi Boo A PM* 14 51 23.3884659504 +19 06 01.619801424   5.40 4.675     G7Ve 535 0
21 LP 914-54 Er* 14 56 38.2634715567 -28 09 48.619153485     17.141 14.863 12.433 M7.0Ve 158 0
22 * sig CrB RS* 16 14 40.85557 +33 51 30.9497           F6V+G0V 496 0
23 V* BY Dra BY* 18 33 55.7720712062 +51 43 08.897780286 10.22 9.23   8.733   K4Ve+K7.5Ve 623 0
24 * alf Lyr dS* 18 36 56.33635 +38 47 01.2802 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.10 A0Va 2692 1
25 V* BO Mic BY* 20 47 45.0056152368 -36 35 40.769832192   10.39 9.337   8.216 K3V(e) 201 0
26 V* AR Lac RS* 22 08 40.8182089680 +45 44 32.107863120 7.09 6.83 6.11     K0IVe+G5IV 728 0
27 V* FK Aqr SB* 22 38 45.5746238605 -20 37 16.087447076 11.714 10.595 9.083 8.073 6.876 M0Vep 285 0

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