* alf Aur , the SIMBAD biblio

* alf Aur , the SIMBAD biblio (1183 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:57:46

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Title First 3 Authors
1892Obs....15..393M 28 3 Potsdam observations of motion in the line of sight. MAUNDER E.W.
1899ApJ....10..177C 62 T                   1 1 11 The spectroscopic binary
1900MNRAS..60..418N 62 T                   1 1 6 On the binary system of
1901ApJ....14..261C 62 T                   1 1 0 Observations of the spectroscopic binary
1901ApJ....14..263R 62 T                   1 1 1 A determination of the orbit of
1901PASP...13..168C 62 T                   1 1 0 Observations of the spectroscopic binary
1905ApJ....21..297L 31 4 Observations of the radial velocities of thirty-one stars made at the Emerson McMillan Observatory. LORD H.C.
1914ApJ....39..459S 19 7 Photometric tests of spectroscopic binaries. STEBBINS J.
1914ApJ....40..385A 115 13 Some spectral criteria for the determination of absolute stellar magnitudes. ADAMS W.S. and KOHLSCHUTTER A.
1915PAllO...3..153J 78 ~ The orbit of 25 Serpentis. JORDAN F.C.
1917ApJ....46..313A 227 17 The luminosities and parallaxes of five hundred stars. ADAMS W.S. and JOY A.H.
1920ApJ....51..263A 5 1 63 Application of Michelson's interferometer method to the measurement of close double stars. ANDERSON J.A.
1922ApJ....55...20C 29 3 New measurements of stellar radiation. COBLENTZ W.W.
1922ApJ....56...40M 84 66 Interforemeter observations of double stars. MERRILL P.W.
1924ApJ....60...87A 9 4 Radiometer measurements of stellar energy spectra. ABBOT C.G.
1945ApJ...102..309B 29 117 B Cassiopeiae as a supernova of type I. BAADE W.
1950AJ.....55...97S 19 6 The gravitational galactic force and the density of interstellar matter. SCHILT J.
1950AnAp...13....1P 67 1 Les bandes violettes de CN prises pour criteres de magnitude absolue dans les etoiles G et K. PLASSARD J.
1950AnAp...13..251M 7 2 Monochromatic stellar fluxes. II. The absolute photovisual fluxes of the stars. MILFORD N.
1950JO.....33....1B 295 13 Second catalogue d'orbites d'etoiles doubles visuelles. BAIZE P.
1950ZA.....27..193P 71 2 Zur Masse-Leuchtkraft-Beziehung und zur empirischen Festlegung einer Skala von effektiven Temperaturen. PILOWSKI K.
1950ZA.....28..219P 66 ~ Uber die Struktur des Zustandsdiagramms der Sterne. PILOWSKI K.
1951AJ.....56R..56S 2 0 Note on the duplicity of Ross 79 and of Capella H. STEARNS C.L.
1951AJ.....56..114S 5 1 Recent progress in stellar spectroscopy. STRUVE O.
1951MNRAS.111..537F 64 11 An exploration of infra-red stellar magnitudes using the photo-conductivity of lead sulphide. FELLGETT P.B.
1951AnAp...14..245S 65 T                   1 1 1 The emission lines of CaII in the spectrum of
1951ZA.....29..162P 31 1 Zur Masse-Leuchtkraftbeziehung und zur empirischen Festlegung einer Skala von effectiven Temperaturen. II. Teil. PILOWSKI K.
1952AJ.....57...65S 5 24 Evolution of stars. STROMGREN B.
1952ApJ...116..317O 2 12 Inhomogeneous stellar models. I. Models with a convective core and a discontinuity in the chemical composition. OKE J.B. and SCHWARZSCHILD M.
1952MNRAS.112...73E 11 18 Some experiments on the scintillation of stars and planets. ELLISON M.A. and SEDDON H.
1952MNRAS.112..335V 30 0 Double stars: new pairs, measures. VAN DEN BOS W.H.
1952PASP...64..221K 65 T                   1 1 0 A new determination of the spectrographic orbit of
1952PASP...64..288S 10 3 Notes on stellar spectra. V. STRUVE O.
1952BAN....11..385V 240 211 On the structure of the Hyades cluster. VAN BUEREN H.G.
1953ApJ...117....1S 65 T                   1 4 10 The F-type component of
1953ApJ...117..272S 67 T                   1 1 20 A new determination of the spectrographic orbit of
1953PASP...65...30V 20 0 The twenty brightest stars. VAN DE KAMP P.
1953AnAp...16...96B 39 8 Etude photometrique de la region ultraviolette de la lumiere du ciel nocturne. BARBIER D.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJ...119..471W 65 T                   1 8 27 The secondary component in the spectrum of
1954ApJ...120..322S 26 9 Visual binaries for the mass-luminosity relation. STRAND K.A. and HALL R.G.
1954PASP...66...58D 65 T                   1 11 7 Alpha Equulei: another
1954PASP...66..312M 15 11 Spectra of the cool carbon star in the 9000-11000 A wave-length region. McKELLAR A.
1955AJ.....60..401E 333 11 The color-luminosity array for stars near the Sun. EGGEN O.J.
1955ApJ...121..118H 647 81 Axial rotation and line broadening in stars of spectral types F0-K5. HERBIG G.H. and SPALDING J.Jr
1955ApJ...121..616J 62 177 The galactic cluster M 67 and its significance for stellar evolution. JOHNSON H.L. and SANDAGE A.R.
1955PASP...67..293P 17 22 Temperatures on the bright and dark sides of Venus. PETTIT E. and NICHOLSON S.B.
1955PASP...67..387K 6 12 On the origin of binary stars. KUIPER G.P.
1955ZA.....37..149P 65 0 Uber das Zustandsdiagramm der Sterne. PILOWSKI K.
1956AJ.....61..405E 228 22 The nearest visual binaries. EGGEN O.J.
1956ApJ...123..440S 412 76 Six-color photometry of stars. VIII. The colors of 409 stars of different spectral types. STEBBINS J. and KRON G.E.
1957AJ.....62...45E 262 33 Distribution of the nearer bright stars in the color-luminosity array. EGGEN O.
1957AJ.....62..205K 274 174 Red and infrared magnitudes for 282 stars with known trigonometric parallaxes. KRON G.E., GASCOIGNE S.C.B. and WHITE H.S.
1957ApJ...126..113J 228 39 Three-color photometry of nearby stars. JOHNSON H.L. and KNUCKLES C.F.
1957SvA.....1..874M 9 0 Photoelectric photometry of sections of the surface of Mars. MOROZ V.I. and KHARITONOV A.V.
1957SvA.....1..926G 2 0 Three-color colorimetry of the integral brightness of Mars, based on 1956 observations. GURTOVENKO E.A. and GORDELADZE S.G.
1958AJ.....63..194L 5 0 Intercomparison of spectroscopic and spectrophotometric methods. LUYTEN W.J.
1958ApJ...128..572B 95 43 Multicolor photoelectric photometry of stars with composite spectra. BAHNG J.D.R.
1958PASP...70..168B 73 52 Spectral classification of visual binaries having primaries above the main sequence. BIDELMAN W.P.
1959ApJ...130..139F 66 T                   1 8 7 A quantitative spectrophotometric investigation of
1959SvA.....3..633M 14 6 The visual stellar magnitude of the Sun, the Moon, and the lux. MARTYNOV D.Y.
1960MNRAS.120..540E 212 67 Stellar groups. VII. The structure of the Hyades group. EGGEN O.J.
1960AnAp...23....1L 61 4 Recherches de photometrie stellaire dans l'infrarouge au moyen d'une cellule au sulfure de plomb. LUNEL M.
1960ZA.....49..161M 6 4 Beobachtungen der Richtungsszintillation. MAYER U.
1962ApJ...135...69J 54 48 Infrared stellar photometry. JOHNSON H.L.
1963AJ.....68..483E 271 110 Three-color photometry of the components in 228 wide double and multiple systems. EGGEN O.J.
1963ApJ...138..302J 15 10 Stellar photometry at 5 microns. JOHNSON H.L. and MITCHELL R.I.
1963ApJS....8..125E 85 63 The empirical mass-luminosity relation. EGGEN O.J.
1963ZA.....57..135K 11 0 Statistische Betrachtungen zur empirischen Masse-Leuchtkraft Beziehung. KURTH R.
1964AJ.....69..826G 31 174 Wavelength dependance of polarization. III. The lunar surface. GEHRELS T., COFFEEN T. and OWINGS D.
1964ApJ...139..123F 70 14 Stellar X-ray emission. FISHER P.C. and MEYEROTT A.J.
1964MmSAI..35..345C 21 1 La stella doppia c Herculis = ADS 10360 nel quadro delle binarie a corto periodo. CESTER B.
1965AJ.....70...19E 223 86 Masses, luminosities, colors, and space motions of 228 visual binaries. EGGEN O.J.
1965MmSAI..36..215C 118 7 La relazione empirica massa-luminosita per le stelle doppie visuali. CESTER B.
1966AJ.....71..709C 13       D               1192 112 Photoelectric H-beta photometry for 1217 stars brighter than V= 6.5 mag. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., FAURE B.Q., et al.
1966ApJ...143..823W 10 23 Lithium in giant stars of types F0 to G5. WALLERSTEIN G.
1966ApJ...144.1101M 120 23 Narrow-band photometry of F5-K5 stars. MINER E.D.
1966ApJ...146..719L 49 3 The central depth of the lambda 6362 A auto-ionization feature of neutral calcium in stellar spectra. LILLER W.
1966AnAp...29..601S 129 28 Methode quantitative de classification tri-dimensionnelle d'etoiles froides; applications. SPITE F.
1966SvA....10...47M 17 6 Infrared spectra of stars (1 to 2.5 microns). MOROS W.I.
1967ApJ...148..105C 102 89 Neutral Oxygen in late-type stars. CONTI P.S., GREENSTEIN J.L., SPINRAD H., et al.
1967Obs....87..238A 8 1 50 A possible source of lithium in the atmospheres of some red giants. ALEXANDER J.B.
1967SvA....11..598K 17 ~ Absolute spectral energy distribution for 18 type B5-M2 stars. KHARITONOV A.V. and KNYAZEVA L.N.
1968ApJ...152..123V 85 52 The He line lambda 10830 A in late-type stars. VAUGHAN A.H.J. and ZIRIN H.
1968MNRAS.140...81B 32 2 The masses of spectroscopic binary stars in the sixth catalogue. BATTEN A.H. and OVENDEN M.W.
1969A&A.....1..442S 42 17 Polarimetric observations of magnetic stars with two-channel polarimeter. SERKOWSKI K. and CHOJNACKI W.
1969AJ.....74..689S 378 31 The masses of stars above the main sequence. STEPHENSON C.B. and SANWAL N.B.
1969AJ.....74.1155H 176 42 Some properties of K-giant field stars. HELFER H.L.
1969MNRAS.143...73B 64 9 Infra-red colours of G, K and M stars. BAHNG J.
1970A&A.....4..482B 7 19 Light variation of HD 209813. BLANCO C. and CATALANO S.
1970A&A.....7..150L 14 83 Evolution with mass exchange of case C for a binary system of total mass=7 solar masses. LAUTERBORN D.
1970A&AS....1..199H viz 642 16 Narrow-band photometry of late-type stars. HAGGKVIST L. and OJA T.
1970AJ.....75..158F 24 4 Stellar and planetary spectra in the infrared from 1.35 to 4.10 microns. FORBES F.F., STONAKER W.F. and JOHNSON H.L.
1970MNRAS.150..325N 26 10 An opical heterodyne experiment on stars. NIEUWENHUIJZEN H.
1970VA.....12..367E 451 74 Stellar kinematics and evolution. EGGEN O.J.
1971AJ.....76..544L 217 609 Spectroscopic binaries with circular orbits. LUCY L.B. and SWEENEY M.A.
1971ApJ...165..285G 111 363 Mass loss from M stars. GEHRZ R.D. and WOOLF N.J.
1971ApJ...167..511B 70 T                   1 1 18 The Lithium content of
1971ApJS...22..389E 395 91 Luminosites, temperatures and kinematics of K-type dwarfs. EGGEN O.J.
1972ApJ...173L...1G 2 11 177 Speckle interferometry: Diffraction-limited measurements of nine stars with the 200-inch telescope. GEZARI D.Y., LABEYRIE A. and STACHNIK R.V.
1972ApJ...178..715G 72 105 Infrared radiation from RV Tauri stars. I. An infrared survey of RV Tauri stars and related objects. GEHRZ R.D.
1972MNRAS.158..199L 1 5 Random wave-front perturbations and telescopic star images. LINFOOT E.H. and WITCOMB R.C.
1972PASP...84..406E 118 19 The red giants in the Hyades group. EGGEN O.J.
1973ApJ...180..831D 183 59 New H20 sources associated with infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F., BECHIS K.P. and BARRETT A.H.
1973ApJ...184..427B 161 100 The strengths of infrared CO and H2O bands in late-type stars. BALDWIN J.R., FROGEL J.A. and PERSSON S.E.
1973ApJ...185L.139B 23 36 A search for weak stellar magnetic fields. BORRA E.F. and LANDSTREET J.D.
1973ApJ...186..193M 76 73 Broad-band 20-micron photometry of 76 stars. MORRISON D. and SIMON T.
1973SAOSR.350....1D viz 13       D               4539 ~ Celescope catalogue of ultraviolet magnitudes. DAVIS R.J., DEUTSCHMAN W.A. and HARAMUNDANIS K.L.
1974A&A....35..493G 1 3 On the possibility of spectral classification of stars by their ultraviolet spectrograms. GURZADYAN G.A.
1974ApJ...192..149M 18 82 Starspots on flare stars. MULLAN D.J.
1974ApJ...194L.147L 1 14 86 Speckle interferometry. III. High-resolution measurements of twelve close binary systems. LABEYRIE A., BONNEAU D., STACHNIK R.V., et al.
1974ApJS...28..413V 640 24 Micrometric measures of double stars. VAN BIESBROECK G.
1974MNRAS.169..331N 62 4 The obliquity of the ecliptic two millenia ago. NEWTON R.R.
1974Ap.....10..236G 6 0 Interesting ultraviolet star discovered by Orion-2. GURZADYAN G.A.
1974Natur.249..638G 5 5 Astronomical demonstration of an infrared upconverter. GURSKI T.R., EPPS H.W. and MARAN S.P.
1974Obs....94..293G 10 3 A group of "ultra-violet" stars in Auriga. GURZADYAN G.A.
1975A&A....43..215C 6 24 Stellar line profiles by Tilt-scanned narrow band interference filters. CLARKE D., McLEAN I.S. and WYLLIE T.H.A.
1975A&AS...22....1V 64 29 Infrared observations of the association Cyg OB 2. VOELCKER K.
1975ApJ...195..411H 68 T                   1 4 21 Parallax and motions of the
Capella system.
1975ApJ...196L..47C 72 T                   1 3 76 Evidence for X- ray emission from
1975ApJ...200L..27D 73 T                   1 2 63 Ultraviolet observations of
alpha Aurigae from Copernicus.
1975ApJ...202L..67M 32 118 Detection of X-ray emission from stellar coronae with ANS. MEWE R., HEISE J., GRONENSCHILD E.H.B.M., et al.
1975MNRAS.171p..47B 68 T                   1 1 ~ A new spectroscopic orbit for
1975PASP...87...17B 169 37 DDO intermediate-band photometry of moving-group stars. BOYLE R.J. and McCLURE R.D.
1975PASJ...27..507I 2 2 Near-infrared observations of comet Bradfield (1974b). IIJIMA T., MATSUMOTO T., OISHI M., et al.
1976A&A....46...11A 121 72 A search for radio emission from stars. ALTENHOFF W.J., BRAES L.L.E., OLNON F.M., et al.
1976A&A....46..391B 93 15 The luminosity dependence of the 1.65 micron flux from K and early M stars. Observations and interpretation. BELL R.A., GUSTAFSSON B., NORDH H.L., et al.
1976ApJ...205..226L 5 22 On the ultrasoft X-ray background. LEVINE A., RAPPAPORT S., DOXSEY R., et al.
1976ApJ...205..426H 11 27 Limits on the space density of O subdwarfs and hot white dwarfs from a seach for extreme ultraviolet sources. HENRY P., BOWYER S., LAMPTON M., et al.
1976ApJ...207..167K 15 35 The behavior of the MgII doublet emissions near 2800 A observed in late-type giants. KONDO Y., MORGAN T.H. and MODISETTE J.L.
1976ApJ...208..414Z 188 77 Further observations of the lambda 10830 He line in stars and their significance as a measure of stellar activity. ZIRIN H.
1976ApJ...209..171M 1 6 33 Properties of minimum-flux coronae in dwarfs and giants. MULLAN D.J.
1976ApJ...210..694T 38 114 The 12C/13C ratio in stellar atmospheres. VII. 38 giants and supergiants. TOMKIN J., LUCK R.E. and LAMBERT D.L.
1976ApJS...30..259D 245 66 Water emission from infrared stars. DICKINSON D.F.
1976PASP...88..317M 64 41 Spectroscopic binaries as a source for astrometric and speckle interferometric studies. McALISTER H.A.
1976Ap&SS..40..393G 35 2 Space Astrophysical Observatory 'Orion-2'. GURZADYAN G.A., JARAKYAN A.L., KRMOYAN M.N., et al.
1976Ap&SS..42..217M 6 12 A Search for soft X-ray emission from stellar sources. MEWE R., HEISE J., GRONENSCHILD E.H.B.M., et al.
1976Ap&SS..44..451R 47 1 A comparison between the two-micron Sky survey and the Celescope catalogue of ultraviolet stellar observations. ROSSI L.
1976IzKry..55..127B 468 2 Abundances of lithium in stellar atmospheres. BOYARCHUK M.E.
1976JBAA...86..219E 25 0 Building Chaucer's astrolabe. III. EISNER S.
1976MmSAI..47..593P 11 ~ Diagnostic of stellar chromospheres. III. Diagnostic of chromospheres from spectral lines. PRADERIE F.
1977A&AS...27..267G 234 0 Kinematical data of two samples of late-type stars. GRENIER S., HECK A. and JUNG J.
1977A&AS...29..195D 182 14 Recalibration and analysis of Spite's method of quantitative three-dimensional classification for the F8-K1 stars. DA SILVA L. and GRENIER S.
1977AJ.....82..989S 151 102 Radio survey of close binary stars. SPANGLER S.R., OWEN F.N. and HULSE R.A.
1977ApJ...214L..79B 59 122 The digital speckle interferometer: preliminary results on 59 stars and 3C 273. BLAZIT A., BONNEAU D., KOECHLIN L., et al.
1977ApJ...214..667M 10 21 Radiometric diameters of 84 asteroids from observations in 1974-1976. MORRISON D.
1977ApJ...215..159M 61 76 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. I. McALISTER H.A.
1977ApJ...217L..55B 72 T                   2 1 23 The angular diameters of
Capella A and
B from two-telescope interferometry.
1977ApJ...218..361D 2 5 59 Deuterium and hydrogen in the local interstellar medium. DUPREE A.K., BALIUNAS S.L. and SHIPMAN H.L.
1977MNRAS.180..177B 3 28 462 Stellar angular diameters from infrared photometry. Application to Arcturus and other stars with effective temperatures. BLACKWELL D.E. and SHALLIS M.J.
1977PASP...89..147P 62 26 On the linear polarization of close binaries. PFEIFFER R.J. and KOCH R.H.
1977IBVS.1267....1P 36 5 Etoiles variables proches. PETIT M.
1977MNSSA..36...41L 24 7 The G-K giants in short period binaries. LLOYD EVANS T.
1977PASJ...29..511N 54 36 Three micron absorption band of carbon stars. NOGUCHI K., MAIHARA T., OKUDA H., et al.
1977SvAL....3..272B 4 7 Speckle interferometry of some bright stars with the 6 meter telescope. BALEGA Y.Y. and TIKHONOV N.A.
1977SSRv...20..687M 27 40 Sco X-1. MIYAMOTO S. and MATSUOKA M.
1978A&A....68L...5W 13 3 Speckle interferometry measurements of 12 binary stars. WEIGELT G.P.
1978A&AS...31..159B 1139 11 Catalogue general des etoiles observees a l'astrolabe (1957-1975), corrections individuelles aux positions du FK4. BILLAUD G., GUALLINO G. and VIGOUROUX G.
1978AJ.....83..188N 6 6 Airborne photometric observations between 1.25 and 3.25 mu of late-type stars. NORDH H.L., OLOFSSON S.G. and AUGASON G.C.
1978AJ.....83.1539W 13 49 X-ray emission from RS CVn systems : a progress report. WALTER F., CHARLES P. and BOWYER S.
1978ApJ...220..619L 1 31 167 Stellar model chromospheres. VI. Empirical estimates of the chromospheric radiative losses of late-type stars. LINSKY J.L. and AYRES T.R.
1978ApJ...220..962K 72 T                   1 6 130 Stellar model chromospheres. VII.
Capella (G5III+), Pollux (KO III), and Aldebaran (K5 III).
1978ApJ...223..589V 35 71 Is the solar system entering a nearby interstellar cloud ? VIDAL-MADJAR A., LAURENT C., BRUSTON P., et al.
1978ApJ...225..465M 1 12 93 Ultraviolet observations of cool stars. VII. Local interstellar hydrogen and deuterium Lyman-alf. McCLINTOCK W., HENRY R.C., LINSKY J.L., et al.
1978ApJ...225..932M 38 46 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. II. McALISTER H.A.
1978ApJ...226..883A 1 5 27 Ultraviolet observations of cool stars. VIII. Interstellar matter toward Procyon. ANDERSON R.C., HENRY R.C., MOOS H.W., et al.
1978ATsir1010....5L 1 0 A close trapezium type system. LATYSHEV I.N.
1978Ap&SS..55..147D 25 2 Excited cosmic plasmas. DE JAGER C.
1978Natur.274R.569W 1 5 35 Discovery of quiescent X-ray emission from HR 1099 and RS CVn. WALTER F., CHARLES P. and BOWYER S.
1978Natur.275..389L 71 T                   1 4 60 IUE observations of cool stars :
alf Aur, HR 1099, lam and eps Eri.
1978PDAO...15..121B 974 284 Seventh catalogue of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binary systems. BATTEN A.H., FLETCHER J.M. and MANN P.J.
1978SvA....22..208K 69 T                   1 1 5 An analysis of extra-atmospheric observations of
1978SvA....22..248M 3 0 On the new value for the precession constant and its effect on the proper motions of stars. MIKHAILOV A.A.
1979A&A....78..104L 6 17 Minimum-flux coronal models for hydrogen and He white dwarf atmospheres. LAMPTON M. and MEWE R.
1979A&A....80L..13K 72 T                   1 1 21 Detection d'un effet de phase a l'interferometre du CERGA application du mouvement orbital de
1979A&A....80...67C 23 25 Interstellar absorption of the extreme ultraviolet flux from two hot white dwarfs. CASH W., BOWYER S. and LAMPTON M.
1979A&AS...35..325T 188 34 A list of zero-polarization standards. TINBERGEN J.
1979ApJ...228..493M 91 32 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. III. McALISTER H.A. and DEGIOIA K.A.
1979ApJ...229L..27L 3 21 345 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. I. The sharp division into solar-type and non-solar-type stars. LINSKY J.L. and HAISCH B.M.
1979ApJ...229..661T 7 22 Detection of soft X-rays from alpha Lyrae and eta Bootis with an imaging X-ray telescope. TOPKA K., FABRICANT D., HARNDEN F.R., et al.
1979ApJ...230..526K 56 27 Balloon-borne ultraviolet stellar spectrograph. I. Instrumentation and observation. KONDO Y., DE JAGER C., HOEKSTRA R., et al.
1979ApJ...230..815D 1 7 49 What tides and flares do to RS CVn binaries. DECAMPLI W.M. and BALIUNAS S.L.
1979ApJ...232..181P 4 16 Intrinsic linear polarization of the eclipsing binary RS Canum Venaticorum. PFEIFFER R.J.
1979ApJ...233..132S 1 3 17 The spectrum of the Becklin-Neugebauer source in Orion from 3.3 to 5.5 microns. SMITH H.A., LARSON H.P. and FINK U.
1979ApJ...234..993C 16 19 The RS Canum Venaticorum system BD +61 1211 = 2A 1052+606. CRAMPTON D., DOBIAS J. and MARGON B.
1979ApJ...234.1023B 56 94 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. II. Mg II flux profiles and chromospheric radiative loss rates. BASRI G.S. and LINSKY J.L.
1979ApJS...39..195C 174 106 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXII. An atlas of ultraviolet stellar spectra. CODE A.D. and MEADE M.R.
1979ApJS...41..481L 51 78 Stellar model chromospheres. XI. A survey of Ca II lam 8542 line profiles in late-type stars of differing chromospheric activity. LINSKY J.L., HUNTEN D.M., SOWELL R., et al.
1979AcA....29..505G 44 10 Ca II H and K emissions in binaries. II. G and K type giants. GLEBOCKI R. and STAWIKOWSKI A.
1979ATsir1054....1K 68 T                   1 1 0 On the emission line in the soft X-ray spectrum of
1979Natur.282..691C 1 4 24 X-ray and optical variability in 2A 1052+60.6 a new RS CVn-type system. CHARLES P., WALTER F. and BOWYER S.
1979PASJ...31..667K 26 8 Balloon-borne near-infrared multicolor photometry of late-type stars. II. Data analysis. KODAIRA K., TANAKA W., ONAKA T., et al.
1979S&T....57..438P 16 1 IUE., the search for a lukewarm corona. PASACHOFF J.M., LINSKY J.L., HAISCH B.M., et al.
1980A&A....83...58F 10 9 Observations of interstellar helium with a gas absorption cell: implications for the structure of the local interstellar medium. FREEMAN J., PARESCE F., BOWYER S., et al.
1980A&A....84..191S 5 18 Theoretical stellar chromospheres of late type stars. III. SCHMITZ F. and ULMSCHNEIDER P.
1980A&A....87..139B 52 25 IJHKL photometry of carbon stars. BERGEAT J. and LUNEL M.
1980ApJ...235..519H 12 39 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. IV. A discussion of cool stellar wind models. HAISCH B.M., LINSKY J.L. and BASRI G.S.
1980ApJ...236..212W 56 196 X-rays from RS Canum Venaticorum systems: a HEAO 1 survey and the development of a coronal model. WALTER F.M., CASH W., CHARLES P.A., et al.
1980ApJ...241..279A 92 T                   1 1 124 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. V. IUE observations of
Capella: the rotation - activity connection.
1980ApJS...42..541K 552 136 Revised MK spectral types for G, K ans M stars. KEENAN P.C. and PITTS R.E.
1980ApJS...43..501C viz 541 38 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXIV. Filter photometry of 531 stars of diverse types. CODE A.D., HOLM A.V. and BOTTEMILLER R.L.
1980MNRAS.190..853A 12 11 Soft X-ray observations of the binary sigma CrB with HEAO-1. AGRAWAL P.C., RIEGLER G.R. and GARMIRE G.P.
1980MNRAS.192..143M 29 14 Observations of binary stars by speckle interferometry. II. MORGAN B.L., BECKMANN G.K. and SCADDAN R.J.
1980AcA....30..453G viz 1318 13 Catalogue of stars with CA II H and K emissions. GLEBOCKI R., MUSIELAK G. and STAWIKOWSKI A.
1980Ap.....16..270R 5 0 Macroscopic structure of the spectra of hot stars in the ultraviolet. RUSTAMBEKOVA S.S.
1980Ap&SS..67..285S 15 1 Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the outer layers of stars. SNOW T.P. and LINSKY J.L.
1980Ap&SS..68..433D 184 25 Close binary systems before and after mass transfer : a comparison of observations and theory. DE GREVE J.P. and VANBEVEREN D.
1980IUE80......237A 7 ~ An IUE's eye view of cool-star outer atmospheres. AYRES T.
1980IUE80......435S 8 ~ IUE spectra of a flare in HR 5110: a flaring RS CVn or Algol system ? SIMON T., LINSKY J.L. and SCHIFFER F.H.
1981A&A...103...28B 17 27 Stellar diameter measurements by two-telescope interferometry in optical wavelengths. BONNEAU D., KOECHLIN L., ONETO J.L., et al.
1981A&A...104..240S 19 11 Transition region structure in F dwarfs. SAXNER M.
1981A&AS...46..193H 85 157 Empirical bolometric corrections for the main-sequence. HABETS G.M.H.J. and HEINTZE J.R.W.
1981AJ.....86..795M 74 T                   1 1 33 The apparent orbit of
1981ApJ...243..161B 18 63 Physical and chemical fractionation of deuterium in the interstellar medium. BRUSTON P., AUDOUZE J., VIDAL-MADJAR A., et al.
1981ApJ...245..163V 183 548 Results from an extensive Einstein stellar survey. VAIANA G.S., CASSINELLI J.P., FABBIANO G., et al.
1981ApJ...245..677W 1 19 154 On the coronae of rapidly rotating stars. II. A period-activity relation in G stars. WALTER F.M.
1981ApJ...246..208S 5 7 180 Two-component X-ray emission from RS Canum Venaticorum binaries. SWANK J.H., WHITE N.E., HOLT S.S., et al.
1981ApJ...246..473B 11 36 Short time-scale variability of chromospheric Ca II in late-type stars. BALIUNAS S.L., HARTMANN L., VAUGHAN A.H., et al.
1981ApJ...247..545A 1 30 259 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. IX. A survey of ultraviolet emission from F-K dwarfs and giants with the IUE. AYRES T.R., MARSTAD N.C. and LINSKY J.L.
1981ApJ...247..569B 13 44 Multilist photoelectric magnetometer observations of Cepheids and supergiants: probable detections of weak magnetic fields. BORRA E.F., FLETCHER J.M. and POECKERT R.
1981ApJ...248..279P 2 67 755 Relations among stellar X-ray emission observed from Einstein, stellar rotation and bolometric luminosity. PALLAVICINI R., GOLUB L., ROSNER R., et al.
1981ApJ...250..293A 44 179 The cool Half of the H-R diagram in soft X-rays. AYRES T.R., LINSKY J.L., VAIANA G.S., et al.
1981ApJS...47..243H 137 17 Preliminary orbital parallax catalog. HALLIWELL M.
1981PASP...93..777G 63 1 Speed of light outside the solar system : a new test using visual binary stars. GRUBER R., KOO D. and MIDDLEDITCH J.
1981LowOB...9..125M 6 ~ Five years of double star interferometry and its lessons. McALISTER H.A.
1981LowOB...9..154B 3 ~ Observation of multiple stars with the digital speckle interferometer. BONNEAU D. and KOECHLIN L.
1981LowOB...9..159C 68 T                   1 3 ~ An image reconstruction for
Capella with the Steward Observatoty.
1981LowOB...9..180B 68 T                   1 1 ~ Shift-and-add-type algorithms and their application to
1981LowOB...9..185H 10 ~ Recovery of intensity information from speckle data. HEGE E.K., HUBBARD E.N., COCKE W.J., et al.
1981PASJ...33..373N 177 109 Near-infrared photometry of carbon stars. NOGUCHI K., KAWARA K., KOBAYASHI Y., et al.
1982A&A...105...53T 1 23 141 Interstellar polarization in the immediate solar neighbourhood. TINBERGEN J.
1982A&A...110...30O 30 53 Magnetic structure in cool stars. V. Chronospheric and transition-region emission from giants. ORANJE B.J., ZWAAN C. and MIDDELKOOP F.
1982A&A...112..341H 1 15 94 On the linearity of the SWP camera of the IUE: a correction algorithm. HOLM A., BOHLIN R.C., CASSATELLA A., et al.
1982A&AS...47..341K 546 10 Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations. KOORNNEEF J., MEADE M.R., WESSELIUS P.R., et al.
1982AJ.....87..141B 19 5 Parallaxes and proper motions. XIV. BREAKIRON L.A., UPGREN A.R. and WEIS E.W.
1982ApJ...252..214H 31 72 Ultraviolet observations of stellar chromospheric activity. HARTMANN L., DUPREE A.K. and RAYMOND J.C.
1982ApJ...254..670W 29 21 An occultation angular diameter in Halpha light. WHITE N.M., KREIDL T.J. and GOLDBERG L.
1982ApJ...256..206P 1 9 59 Energy distribution in the strongly interacting binary system SX Cassiopeiae. PLAVEC M.J., WEILAND J.L. and KOCH R.H.
1982ApJ...256..550A 1 4 30 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. XI. High-dispersion IUE spectra of five late-type dwarfs and giants. AYRES T.R., LINSKY J.L., BASRI G.S., et al.
1982ApJ...259L..67S 1 6 38 Einstein solid state spectrometer observation of the peculiar red dwarf Wolf 630 AB. SWANK J.H. and JOHNSON H.M.
1982ApJ...260..233M 81 T                   1 1 60 X-ray spectrum of
Capella and its relation to coronal structure and ultraviolet emission.
1982ApJ...260..655Z 416 84 Lambda 10830 He I observations of 455 stars. ZIRIN H.
1982ApJ...263..252H 41 58 Further observational evidence for a coronal boundary line in the cool star region of the H-R diagram. HAISCH B.M. and SIMON T.
1982ApJS...48..273M 168 37 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. VI. McALISTER H.A. and HENDRY E.M.
1982ApJS...49..267M 149 40 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. VII. McALISTER H.A. and HENDRY E.M.
1982PASP...94..821W 88 23 Observations of nearby M dwarf stars in VRI colors. WEIS E.W. and UPGREN A.R.
1982S&T....63..334L 17 2 Stellar interferometry : a widening frontier. LABEYRIE A.
1982IUE82.......17L 23 ~ The structure and energy balance of cool star atmospheres. LINSKY J.L.
1982IUE82......125B 13 ~ The distribution of interstellar gas within 50pc of the Sun. BRUHWEILER F.C.
1982IUE82......251A 69 T                   1 3 ~
Capella revisited.
1982IUE82......554M 10 0 Results of an IUE program of monitoring the ultraviolet emission line fluxes of four binary systems : HR 1099, II Peg, AR Lac, and BY Dra. MARSTAD N., LINSKY J.L., SIMON T., et al.
1982IUE3r........3L 31 ~ The structure, energy balance, and winds of cool stars. LINSKY J.L.
1982IUE3r......473L 36 ~ Current NASA studies for a far-ultraviolet spectrographic Explorer (FUSE) LINSKY J., BOGGESS A., BOWYER S., et al.
1983A&AS...53..223H viz 1577 8 Meridian observations made with the Carlsberg automatic meridian circle at Brorfelde (Copenhagen University Observatory) 1981-1982. HELMER L., FABRICIUS C., EINICKE O.H., et al.
1983AJ.....88.1017R 71 71 Additional UBVRI and JHKL photometry of T Tauri stars in the Taurus region. RYDGREN A.E. and VRBA F.J.
1983AJ.....88.1027E 72 114 Comparison of the MT. Stromlo/AAO and Caltech/Tololo infrared photometric systems. ELIAS J.H., FROGEL J.A., HYLAND A.R., et al.
1983ApJ...270..666V 73 T                   1 1 23 Measurement of coronal X-ray emission lines from
1983ApJ...272..223A 78 T                   1 1 47 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. XIII.
Capella at critical phases.
1983ApJ...272..665E 15 24 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. XIV. A model for the chromosphere and transition region of beta Ceti (G9.5 III). ERIKSSON K., LINSKY J.L. and SIMON T.
1983ApJ...274..801A 2 6 62 Redshifts of high-temperature emission lines in the far-ultraviolet spectra of late-type stars. AYRES T.R., STENCEL R.E., LINSKY J.L., et al.
1983ApJS...51....1N 118 78 HEAO A-2 soft X-ray source catalog. NUGENT J.J., JENSEN K.A., NOUSEK J.A., et al.
1983ApJS...51..309M 333 90 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. VIII. McALISTER H.A., HENDRY E.M., HARTKOPF W.I., et al.
1983ApJS...53..643J 1981 18 Predicted infrared brightness of stars within 25 parsecs of the Sun. JOHNSON H.M. and WRIGHT C.D.
1983MNRAS.205...23W 7 3 High precision spectropolarimetry of stars and planets- I. The ROE spectropolarimeter. WOLSTENCROFT R.D., CORMACK W.A., CAMPBELL J.W., et al.
1983PASP...95..181G 13 8 Stellar rotation as a controller of coronae and chromospheres of giant stars. GRAY D.F.
1983PASP...95..532B 9 4 Progress in stellar chromospheres observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite. BALIUNAS S.L.
1983PASP...95..992B 72 T                   1 1 17 The true nodal quadrant of
1983AZh....60..267K 69 T                   1 1 3 The observations of the 10830 A line and the helium emission in the chromosphere of
1983Ap&SS..91..157G 9 3 Stellar chromospheric temperatures. GURZADYAN G.A.
1983Ap&SS..96..125C 115 21 The empirical mass-luminosity relation. CESTER B., FERLUGA S. and BOEHM C.
1983Ap&SS..97..161V 26 19 Near infrared photometry of some RS CVn systems and candidates. VERMA R.P., GHOSH S.K., IYENGAR K.V.K., et al.
1983BICDS..24...65W 1011 0 Errata in magnitudes of stars in AGK3. WILLSTROP R.V.
1983BAAS...15..917B 69 T                   1 1 0 Shift-and-add type algorithms and their application to
1983BAAS...15..947D 69 T                   1 1 0 Why is
Capella not a microwave source ?
1983IzKry..66..162B 13 5 Spectrophotometric analysis of some unresolved double stars. BURNASHEV V.I.
1983Obs...103...58S 34 4 Psi03 Psc and the rotation-activity connection. STICKLAND D.J. and WILLIAMS D.
1983QJRAS..24...27N 6 0 The authenticity of PTOLEMY's star data - II. NEWTON R.R.
1983TrSht..55...84V 54 3 The energy distribution for 50 stars in the spectral region lambda-lambda 3200-10800 A. VOLOSHINA I.B., GLUSHNEVA I.N. and SHENAVRIN V.I.
1984A&A...133..363K 44 4 A comparison between various UV photometric systems for late-type stars. KJAERGAARD P., NORGAARD-NIELSEN H.U., CACCIARI C., et al.
1984A&A...141..227G 45 20 Synchronization in late-type binary stars. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1984A&AS...57...31B 34 27 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. II. BALEGA Y.Y., BONNEAU D. and FOY R.
1984A&AS...58..601P 346 13 Binaires spectroscopiques - 14e catalogue complementaire. PEDOUSSAUT A., GINESTET N. and CARQUILLAT J.M.
1984AJ.....89..172T 1 18 98 A reevaluation of the 20-mu-m magnitude system. TOKUNAGA A.T.
1984AJ.....89.1022P 103 362 On the distribution of interstellar matter around the sun. PARESCE F.
1984AJ.....89.1366S 41 31 Photometric standard stars for L' and M filter bands. SINTON W.M. and TITTEMORE W.C.
1984ApJ...277..678B 70 T                   1 1 7 XUV observations of
Capella and the local interstellar medium.
1984ApJ...279..738S 40 23 On the dispersion in brightness of far-ultraviolet emission lines of cool giant stars. SIMON T.
1984ApJ...284..784A 75 T                   1 1 31 The many faces of
Capella: a search for rotational modulations and a study of systematic velocities of emission lines in the ultraviolet.
1984ApJ...287..633M 1 14 120 SAS 3 survey of the soft X-ray background. MARSHALL F.J. and CLARK G.W.
1984ApJS...56...67D 5 2 54 A solar spectral line between 10 and 200 A modified for application to high spectral resolution X-ray astronomy. DOSCHEK G.A. and COWAN R.D.
1984MNRAS.206..611G 117 9 JHK photometry of 'unidentified' Equatorial Infrared Catalogue 1 sources. GHOSH S.K., IYENGAR K.V.K., RENGARAJAN T.N., et al.
1984AcA....34...97E 124 19 A redetermination of the Barnes-Evans relation for surface flux in the V band. EATON J.A. and POE C.H.
1984AZh....61..333G 20 8 Effective temperatures for stars of spectral types A-G. Comparison with theoretical models. GLUSHNEVA I.N.
1984Ap&SS.107..373Z 41 5 JHK photometry for some stellar maser sources. ZHOU K.P., HAO Y.-X., CHEN P.-S., et al.
1984BAAS...16.1011A 2 0 New insights into the solar-stellar connection. AYRES T.R.
1984IBVS.2538....1K 69 T                   1 2 4 Photometry of
1984MitAG..62...19P 15 2 Some problems in the determination of fundamental stellar parameters from binary stars. POPPER D.M.
1984IUE84.......64B 19 ~ Outer atmospheres of cool stars observed with the IUE. BALIUNAS S.L.
1984IUE84......445L 28 ~ A progress report on the analysis of long exposure SWP high resolution spectra of cool stars. LINSKY J.L., AYRES T.R., BROWN A., et al.
1984IUE84......468A 14 ~ Precise measurements of radial velocities of emission lines in the far-ultraviolet spectra of late-type stars. AYRES T.R., ENGVOLD O., KJELDSETH-MOE O., et al.
1985A&A...145..232C 25 13 Polarization measurements of late-type stars at Hbeta and Ca IIK. CLARKE D., SCHWARZ H.E. and STEWART B.G.
1985A&A...149...95P 33 54 Microwave observations of late-type stars with the Very Large Array. PALLAVICINI R., WILLSON R.F. and LANG K.R.
1985A&AS...62..137F 144 0 Observations of right ascensions of selected FK4-stars concerning the magnitude equation. FIRNEIS M. and GOBEL E.
1985AJ.....90..493M 54 52 Radio emission from RS CVn binaries. I. VLA survey and period-radio luminosity relationship. MUTEL R.L. and LESTRADE J.F.
1985AJ.....90..900R 1 16 99 An absolute photometric system at 10 and 20 mu.m. RIEKE G.H., LEBOFSKY M.J. and LOW F.J.
1985AJ.....90.1503S 74 T                   1 1 25 A double-line spectroscopic orbit for
1985ApJ...299..873L 4 2 40 Interstellar absorption features toward the compact infrared source W33A. LARSON H.P., DAVIS D.S., BLACK J.H., et al.
1985ApJS...59...95A viz 1005 46 Visual multiples. VIII. 1000 MK types. ABT H.A.
1985AbaOB..58..327B 12 2 Specle interferometry and new possibilities in the binary stars research. BALEGA Y.Y.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1985AcASn..26..235Z 39 2 Near infrared photometry for stellar maser sources. ZHOU K.-P., HAO Y.-X., CHEN P.-S., et al.
1985ARA&A..23...59M 36 35 High angular resolution measurements of stellar properties. McALISTER H.A.
1985AZh....62.1139K 69 T                   1 1 2 On the structure of the upper atmosphere of
1985Ap&SS.110..413M 21 1 The dependence of He I 10830 absorption on X-ray luminosity in RS CVn binaries and very active F and G main-sequence stars. MEKKADEN M.V.
1985GriO...49d...2M 4 0 Red and white; black and brown : hide-and-seek with the four dwarfs. McCARTHY D.W.Jr and ZEITNER M.
1985PAZh...11..112B 119 10 Digital speckle interferometry of 72 binary stars. BALEGA I.I. and BALEGA Y.Y.
1985SSRv...40....3S 12 29 Magnetic activity in cool stars. SCHRIJVER C.J.
1985IAUS..111...97M 151 6 The calibration of interferometrically determined properties of binary stars. McALISTER H.A.
1985IAUS..111..121K 142 17 The MK classification and its calibration. KEENAN P.C.
1985IAUS..111..459P 12 1 A comparison of direct and indirect methods of determination of stellar angular diameters PASTORI L., PASINETTI L.E. and ANTONELLO E.
1986A&A...154..185O 132 64 Magnetic structure in cool stars. IX. Ultraviolet emission lines from chromospheres and transition regions. ORANJE B.J.
1986A&A...155..407V 1 6 29 Deuterium and the local interstellar cloud(s?). VIDAL-MADJAR A., FERLET R., GRY C., et al.
1986A&AS...65...27B 105 36 Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars. III. BONNEAU D., BALEGA Y., BLAZIT A., et al.
1986A&AS...65..607O 5417 387 IRAS catalogues and atlases. Atlas of Low-Resolution Spectra. OLNON F.M., RAIMOND E. (The IRAS Science Team)
1986AJ.....91..602D 38 74 Radio continuum emission from winds, chromospheres and coronae of cool giants and supergiants. DRAKE S.A. and LINSKY J.L.
1986AJ.....92.1183T 1 15 90 The NASA infrared telescope facility comet Halley monitoring program. I. Preperihelion results. TOKUNAGA A.T., GOLISCH W.F., GRIEP D.M., et al.
1986ApJ...300..360M 29 106 X-ray spectra and the rotation-activity connection of RS Canum Venaticorum binaries. MAJER P., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., GOLUB L., et al.
1986ApJ...310L..39J 1 4 22 Detection of 12 micron MgI and OH lines in stellar spectra. JENNINGS D.E., DEMING D., WIEDEMANN G.R., et al.
1986ApJS...60..551F 1 51 251 A survey of chromospherically active stars. FEKEL F.C., MOFFETT T.J. and HENRY G.W.
1986ApJS...62..147B 1892 158 E.W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I. 1976-1984. BEAVERS W.I. and EITTER J.J.
1986ApJS...62..899O 65 51 The 10830 A chromospheric line of helium in bright stars. O'BRIEN G.T.Jr and LAMBERT D.L.
1986AZh....63..606D 27 0 Speckle interferometric measurements of binaries with the BTA telescope. DUDINOV V.N., KUZ'MENKOV S.G., KONICHEK V.V., et al.
1986LAstr.100...17B 1 0 Ou en est l'astronomie des etoiles doubles ? BAIZE P.
1986Ap&SS.118..209S 15 8 Stellar chromospheres, coronae and winds. SIMON T.
1986Ap&SS.123...67G 21 6 A phenomenological interpretation of stellar chromospheres. GURZADYAN G.A.
1986Icar...65..152V 100 4 A search for the tritium hyperfine line from nearby stars. VALDES F. and FREITAS R.A.Jr
1986IBVS.2937....1S 69 T                   1 7 13 H-alpha and LiI observations of the RS CVn type binaries : sigma Gem,
alpha Aur, 93 Leo and HR 6469.
1986IrAJ...17..288D 35 0 Microwave continuum measurements and estimates of mass loss rates for cool giants and supergiants. DRAKE S.A. and LINSKY J.L.
1986JApA....7...45G 72 T                   1 2 31 The identity of the primary component of
1986S&T....72..130K 36 0 The K stars : orange giants and dwarfs. KALER J.B.
1986SSRv...43..211V 35 17 Dark companions of stars. VAN DE KAMP P.
1986NIA86......129J 18 ~ EUV line emission as a diagnostic of cool giant stars. JORAS P.
1986NIA86......225E 16 ~ TZ Fornacis - An eclipsing Capella-like system observed with the IUE. ERIKSSON K., SAXNER M., GUSTAFSSON B., et al.
1986NIA86......555H 7 ~ IUE study of the very local interstellar medium. HENRY R.C., MURTHY J., MOSS H.W., et al.
1986NIA86......669N 8 ~ Correcting observed stellar Lyman alpha profiles for the effects of interstellar absorption and geocoronal emission. NEFF J.E., LINSKY J.L., LANDSMAN W.B., et al.
1987A&A...172...74H 57 37 Measurements and study of rotational velocities in RS CVn star systems. HUISONG T. and XUEFU L.
1987A&A...174..187G 16 14 Solar-type giants : new X-ray detections from EXOSAT observations. GONDOIN P., MANGENEY A. and PRADERIE F.
1987A&A...183..403C 120 0 Right ascension corrections to 120 FK4-stars by the analysis of time observations obtained with the photoelectric transit instrument at Torino Observatory. CHIUMIENTO G., SARASSO M. and POMA A.
1987AJ.....93..688M 1080 157 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. II. Measurements during 1982-1985 from the Kitt Peak 4 m telescope. McALISTER H.A., HARTKOPF W.I., HUTTER D.J., et al.
1987AJ.....94..771D 463 11 On the (B-V) colors of the bright stars. DAVIDSON G.T., CLAFLIN E.S. and HAISCH B.M.
1987ApJ...315..675M 2 7 57 IUE observations of hydrogen and deuterium in the local interstellar medium. MURTHY J., HENRY R.C., MOOS H.W., et al.
1987ApJ...316..377B 51 78 Stellar activity in synchronized binaries. II. A correlation analysis with single stars. BASRI G.
1987ApJ...316..434S 93 78 The dependence of ultraviolet chromospheric emission upon rotation among late-type stars. SIMON T. and FEKEL F.C.Jr
1987ApJ...323...91D 233 114 The spatial distribution of 10 micron luminosity in spiral galaxies. DEVEREUX N.
1987ApJS...65..273A 17 59 Rapid, low-level X-ray variablity in active late-type dwarfs. AMBRUSTER C.W., SCIORTINO S. and GOLUB L.
1987AcApS...7..255W 50 4 Infrared radiation of RS CVn systems. WANG G., HU J.-Y., QIAN Z.-Y., et al.
1987AZh....64.1243K 39 16 X-ray emission and structure of coronae of active late-type dwarfs. KATSOVA M.M., BADALYAN O.G. and LIVSHITS M.A.
1987ApL....26...73B 3 ~ Low energy X-ray transmission grating spectrometer for AXAF. BRINKMAN A.C., VAN ROOIJEN J.J., BLEEKER J.A.M., et al.
1987BAAS...19..748N 6 ~ Speckle imaging at CfA. NISENSON P., KAROVSKA M., NOYES R., et al.
1987NewSc.113...58H 3 0 An ultraviolet eye on the sky. HOWARTH I.
1987PAZh...13..508B 101 5 Binary star measurements with a digital speckle interferometer of the 6-m telescope. BALEGA I.I. and BALEGA Y.Y.
1987RMxAA..14..385M 90 3 A preliminary report on photometric measurements of the helium line lambda 10830A. MENDOZA V E.E.
1987S&T....73..131K 27 0 The temperate F stars. KALER J.B.
1987LNP87.291...21M 7 ~ Flux tube dynamics and solar/stellar redshift measurements. MARISKA J.T.
1987LNP87.291...60M 2 ~ Evidence for expanding loop geometries in stellar coronae. MEWE R., LEMEN J.R., SCHRIJVER C.J., et al.
1987LNP87.291..110V 7 ~ Heating of stellar chromospheres and coronae observational constraints and evidence for saturation. VILHU O.
1987LNP87.291..269H 33 ~ The coronal dividing line. HAISCH B.M.
1987LNP87.291..315E 18 ~ The Wilson-Bappu relationship - A barometric effect. ENGVOLD O. and ELGAROY O.
1988A&AS...72..291S viz 173 278 A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars. STRASSMEIER K.G., HALL D.S., ZEILIK M., et al.
1988A&AS...75..441P viz 399 13 Binaires spectroscopiques. 15e catalogue complemetaire. PEDOUSSAUT A., CARQUILLAT J.M., GINESTET N., et al.
1988AJ.....95..204M 104 63 Radio emission from RS CVn binaries. III. A VLA survey of 103 systems. MORRIS D.H. and MUTEL R.L.
1988AJ.....96..719U 205 16 Space motions of low-mass stars. I. UPGREN A.R. and CARUSO J.R.
1988AJ.....96.1056B 9 1 36 Binary star speckle photometry. I. The colors and spectra types of the Capella. BAGNUOLO W.G. and SOWELL J.R.
1988ApJ...331..467A 35   K                 9 32 A spectral dissection of the ultravolet emissions of Capella. AYRES T.R.
1988AcA....38..443B 32 14 Local interstellar wind velocity from Doppler shifts of interstellar matter lines. BZOWSKI M.
1988Aster.101....7T 4 0 Program de observacion de Betelgeuse. TORRELL S.
1988LAstr.102..512B 13 0 L'observation des etoiles doubles et multiples par interferometrie des tavelures BONNEAU D.
1988Ap&SS.142...49G 85 17 The third catalogue of nearby stars with special emphasis on wide binaries. GLIESE W. and JAHREISS H.
1988MmSAI..59....7W 1 16 74 The EXOSAT Observatory. WHITE N.E. and PEACOCK A.
1988MmSAI..59...53H 19 0 X-ray spectroscopy with transmission gratings. HEISE J.
1988MmSAI..59...71P 18 4 Stellar coronae : ther EXOSAT picture. PALLAVICINI R.
1988RvPD...16...16P 23 0 L'activite d'origine magnetique dans les etoiles. PRADERIE F.
1988SoByu..60...59O 18 0 Analysis of stellar ultraviolet fluxes obtained by "Orion-2". OHANESSIAN J.B.
1988TarOT..92....7T 1 0 The observation of stellar activity. TUOMINEN I.
1988TarOT..92...96K 1 0 The activity of Capella in the infrared helium line. KATSOVA M.M., SHCHERBAKOV A.G., TUOMINEN I., et al.
1988IAUS..132..163J 6 1 Spectroscopy of cool stars from IUE data. JUDGE P.G.
1989A&A...211...56H 1 6 39 Asynchronous rotation in close binary systems with circular orbits. HABETS G.M.H.J. and ZWAAN C.
1989A&A...216..139S 22 40 X-ray emission from acoustically heated coronae. STEPIEN K. and ULMSCHNEIDER P.
1989A&A...226..225P 16 29 X-ray spectroscopy of RS CVn stars with EXOSAT. PASQUINI L., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and PALLAVICINI R.
1989A&AS...77..497B 220 31 Etoiles doubles orbitales a composantes variables. BAIZE P. and PETIT M.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989AJ.....97..510M 1281 123 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. IV. Measurements during 1986-1988 from the Kitt Peak 4m telescope. McALISTER H.A., HARTKOPF W.I., SOWELL J.R., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1139F 25 34 Chromospherically active stars. VII. 39 Ceti=AY Ceti, HD 185151=V1764 Cygni, and binary synchronization. FEKEL F.C. and EITTER J.J.
1989AJ.....98.1918V 83 46 On the calibration of the IRAS low-resolution spectra. VOLK K. and COHEN M.
1989AJ.....98.2275B 5 1 22 Binary star orbits from speckle interferometry. III. The evolution of the Capella stars. BAGNUOLO W.G.Jr and HARTKOPF W.I.
1989ApJ...340L..65H 10 0 Discovery of broad-band optical circular polarization in alpha Leonis. HENSON G.D., KEMP J.C., KRAUS D.J., et al.
1989ApJ...341..474L 79 T                   1 3 117 Coronal activity in F-, G-, and K-type stars. III. The coronal differential emission measure distribution of
Capella, sigma2 CrB and Procyon.
1989ApJ...341..484S 4 3 55 Coronal activity in F-, G-, and K-type stars. IV. Evidence for expanding loop geometries in stellar coronae. SCHRIJVER C.J., LEMEN J.R. and MEWE R.
1989ApJ...346..303S 151 179 The evolution of chromospheric activity of cool giant and subgiant stars. SIMON T. and DRAKE S.A.
1989ApJS...71..245K viz 1145 415 The Perkins catalog of revised MK types for the cooler stars. KEENAN P.C. and McNEIL R.C.
1989MNRAS.236..485R 3 5 61 The emission structure between 11 and 13 mu-m across the Orion ionization front. ROCHE P.F., AITKEN D.K. and SMITH C.H.
1989ARA&A..27..397K 27 9 Astrophysical contributions of the international ultraviolet explorer. KONDO Y., BOGGESS A. and MARAN S.P.
1989Afz....30..111C 1 0 The emission doublet 2800 Mg II in the spectra of cool stars. CHOLAKYAN V.G.
1989GriO...53a...2B 7 0 Rhe search for brown dwarfs. BYRD D.
1989MmSAI..60...33P 15 0 Recent advances in stellar coronal physics. PALLAVICINI R.
1989NewSc.123...54W 6 0 A new wave in astronomy. WELSH B.
1989PBeiO..14...12L 1243 0 Third preliminary catalogue of stars observed with the photoelectric astrolabe of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. LU L.-Z.
1989S&T....77..140M 70 T                   1 13 0 A star-hop from
1990A&A...230..389S 49 151 The spectral classification of chromospherically active binary stars with composite spectra. STRASSMEIER K.G. and FEKEL F.C.
1990A&A...235..205S 74 T                   1 1 16 Activity modulation of
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1990A&A...237..153P 9 9 Infrared photometry up to 34 mu.m of the type II OH/IR sources OH 127.8-0.0 and OH 345.0+15.7 PERSI P., FERRARI-TONIOLO M., SHIVANANDAN K., et al.
1990A&AS...85..971P 497 18 Catalogue des etoiles variables ou suspectes dans le voisinage du soleil. PETIT M.
1990AJ.....99..965M 1046 94 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. V. Measurements during 1988-1989 from the Kitt Peak and the Cerro Tololo 4m telescopes. McALISTER H.A., HARTKOPF W.I. and FRANZ O.G.
1990ApJ...348..253M viz 379 85 EINSTEIN Observatory magnitude-limited X-ray survey of late-type giant and supergiant stars. MAGGIO A., VAIANA G.S., HAISCH B.M., et al.
1990ApJ...355..150G 74 43 Mg II observed in the local interstellar medium: the local cloud. GENOVA R., MOLARO P., VLADILO G., et al.
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1990ApJ...361..570H 230 22 IUE and Einstein survey of late-type giant and supergiant stars and the dividing line. HAISCH B.M., BOOKBINDER J.A., MAGGIO A., et al.
1990ApJ...365..704S 130 259 Einstein Observatory coronal temperatures of late-type stars. SCHMITT J.H.M.M., COLLURA A., SCIORTINO S., et al.
1990ApJS...74.1075M 672 375 High-resolution spectroscopic survey of 671 GK giants. I. Stellar atmosphere parameters and abundances. McWILLIAM A.
1990PASP..102..351B 7 1 Passive interspectroscopy. BAGNUOLO W.G. and KAMPER K.W.
1990PASP..102.1420A 2 7 Signal-to-noise ratios in IUE SWP-LO spectra of chromospheric emission-line sources. AYRES T.R.
1990Ast....18c..30S 7 0 A journey with light. Come on a 12-billion-year journey as the light from a distant quasar travels to Earth. SCHILLING G.
1990BICDS..38..175K 660 7 Close binaries observed polarimetrically. KOCH R.H.
1990IBVS.3511....1K 7 18 Unexplained light variations of the FO V star 9 Aurigae. KRISCIUNAS K. and GIONAN E.
1990IBVS.3548....1K 70 T                   1 3 3 Photometry of
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1990PBeiO..16...15Q 70 T                   1 1 0 Short-term chromospheric activity in
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1990PBeiO..16...18L viz 1537 0 Physical data of the fundamental stars. LUO D. and ZHANG B.
1990PNAOJ...1..381I 98 6 Speckle observations of visual and spectroscopic binaries. II. ISOBE S., NORIMOTO Y., NOGUCHI M., et al.
1991A&A...246L..28P 1 8 45 Discovery of a galactic supernova remnant with ROSAT. PFEFFERMANN E., ASCHENBACH B. and PREDEHL P.
1991A&A...248..485D 1 346 2503 Multiplicity among solar-type stars in the solar neighbourhood. II - Distribution of the orbital elements in an unbiased sample. DUQUENNOY A. and MAYOR M.
1991A&A...251..183S 35 48 Activity in tidally interacting binaries. SCHRIJVER C.J. and ZWAAN C.
1991A&A...252..645D 71 T                   1 1 6 Near-infrared observations of
Capella by Michelson interferometry.
1991A&AS...87..471L 21 7 Location and thickness of the nearest neutral gas cloud in the direction of Auriga-Perseus. LILIENTHAL D. and DE BOER K.S.
1991A&AS...88..281D 278 107 Multiplicity among solar type stars in the solar neighbourhood. I. CORAVEL radial velocity observations of 291 stars. DUQUENNOY A., MAYOR M. and HALBWACHS J.-L.
1991AJ....101.1489F 8 12 Chromospherically active stars. VIII. HD 155638 = V792 Herculis: observational constraints on evolutionary theory. FEKEL F.C.
1991ApJ...375..704A 106 T K                 1 3 21 The many faces of F stars : a rotational modulation study of
Capella, Procyon and Caph with the International Ultraviolet Explorer.
1991ApJ...382..523S 9 26 10 micron spectra of protostars and the solid methanol abundance. SCHUTTE W.A., TIELENS A.G.G.M. and SANDFORD S.A.
1991PASP..103..623B 72 T                   1 2 23 On the mass ratio ratio of
1991AcASn..32..145T 90 2 Non-synchronous systems among RS CVn stars. TAN H.-S., WANG X.-H. and PAN K.-K.
1991Ap&SS.182...35M 3 9 The AXAF low-energy transmission grating spectrometer letgs : diagnostic capabilities for the study of stellar coronae. MEWE R., LEMEN J.R. and SCHRIJVER C.J.
1991BAAS...23..910L 70 T                   1 1 0 GHRS far-ultraviolet spectra of the coronal giant
Capella binary.
1991BAAS...23.1341L 70 T                   1 1 0 GHRS observations of the local interstellar medium and the D/H ratio along the line of sight towards
1991BAAS...23.1385S 70 T                   1 1 0 The lithium abundances of the
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1991ChA&A..15..461T 88 ~ The non-synchronous systems among RS CVn stars. TAN H.-S., WANG X.-H. and PAN K.-K.
1991C&E...262...44B 4 0 ROSAT radioscopie de l'univers. BONNET-BIDAUD J.-M.
1991KFNT....7a..64G 228 ~ The surface-brightness method and the dependence of the bolometric correction on star effective temperature. GUBOCHKIN A.N. and MIROSHNICHENKO A.S.
1991PPMtO..10..214Y 508 0 The correction in right ascension of 508 stars determinated with PMO photoelectric transit instrument. YAO J.-S.
1991SciN..139..408C 5 0 ROSAT revelations. Satellite provides a new view of the X-ray and ultraviolet universe. COWEN R.
1991S&W....30..234T 18 0 Die Erforschung des Rontgenhimmels mit ROSAT. TRUMPER J.
1991IAUS..145..327V 10 12 Turbulence and the lithium abundance in giants and main-sequence disk and halo stars. VAUCLAIR S.
1992A&A...256..463B 9 12 A photometric survey of the eclipsing RS CVn-type system RZ Eridani : starspot variability, circumstellar matter, tidal evolution. BURKI G., KVIZ Z. and NORTH P.
1992A&AS...92....1G viz 241 49 Secondary spectrophotometric standards. GLUSHNEVA I.N., KHARITONOV A.V., KNYAZEVA L.N., et al.
1992AJ....103..608B 83 15 Rotation and transition layer emission in cool giants. BOHM-VITENSE E.
1992AJ....103..911M 3 4 Velocity ellipsoids of the Hyades and UMA moving groups: an application to proper motion surveys. MENDEZ R. and RUIZ M.T.
1992AJ....103.1668P 75 T                   1 21 The Lithium abundances of the Capella giants. PILACHOWSKI C.A. and SOWELL J.R.
1992AJ....104..386H 9 21 The dust coma of comet P/Giacobini-Zinner in the infrared. HANNER M.S., VEEDER G.J. and TOKUNAGA A.T.
1992AJ....104.1248E 20 72 Analytic approximations to the 2-60 micro-m infrared continua for standard calibration stars: with application to the calibration of spectroscopy and photometry, and the determination of effective temperature and angular size from its measurements. ENGELKE C.W.
1992ApJ...390..213M 18 56 The interstellar deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio: a reevaluation of Lyman absorption-line measurements. McCULLOUGH P.R.
1992ApJ...390..253B 35 16 Carbon and nitrogen abundances determined from transition layer lines. BOHM-VITENSE E. and MENA-WERTH J.
1992ApJ...397L..99G 106 T K                 2 5 Extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy of Capella. GREEN J.C., WILKINSON E., AYRES T.R., et al.
1992ApJS...78..423L 39 11 The spectral archive of cosmic X-ray sources observed by the Einstein Observatory focal plane crystal spectrometer. LUM K.S.K., CANIZARES C.R., CLARK G.W., et al.
1992AcASn..33..316L 60 2 Lithium abundance and activity for 57 RS CVn systems. LIU X.-F., ZHAO G., TAN H.-S., et al.
1992BAAS...24..801G 70 T                   1 ~ An EUV observation of Capella. GREEN J.C., WILKINSON E. and CASH W.C.
1992BAAS...24.1206L 70 T                   2 ~ Models for the transition regions of gamma Draconis and Capella based on Hubble GHRS spectra. LINSKY J.L., ANDRULIS C. and BROWN A.
1992MmSAI..63..577L 6 0 Ultraviolet observations of stellar coronae : early results from HST. LINSKY J.L.
1992MmSAI..63..681M 6 1 X-ray spectroscopy of solar & stellar coronae. MEWE R.
1992PPMtO..11..184X 1204 0 Corrections to the right ascension to be applied to the apparent places of 1217 stars given in "The Chinese Astronomical Almanach" for the year 1984 to 1992. XIAN D.-Z., LI N.-Y. and YAO H.-Y.
1992SciAm.266f..18C 11 0 Early results from the Hubble Space Telescope. CHAISSON E.J.
1993A&A...270..315D 42 88 Empirical effective temperatures and angular diameters of stars cooler than the Sun. DI BENEDETTO G.P.
1993A&A...272..709C 25 2 High resolution image restoration by stellar interferometry: the 5 beam optical simulator. CRUZALEBES P., SCHUMACHER G. and ROBBE S.
1993A&AS..100..173S viz 207 411 A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (second edition). STRASSMEIER K.G., HALL D.S., FEKEL F.C., et al.
1993A&AS..101..551L viz 1003 31 Optical polarization of 1000 stars within 50 pc from the Sun LEROY J.L.
1993AJ....105.1860C viz 176 64 A model of the 2-35 microm. point source infrared sky. COHEN M.
1993AJ....106.1639M viz 201 105 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. X. A further survey for duplicity among the bright stars. McALISTER H.A., MASON B.D., HARTKOPF W.I., et al.
1993ApJ...402..694L 112 T K                 11 286 Goddard high-resolution spectrograph observations of the local interstellar medium and the deuterium/hydrogen ratio along the line of sight toward Capella. LINSKY J.L., BROWN A., GAYLEY K., et al.
1993ApJ...402..710A 109 T K                 1 14 The hydrogen Lyman-alpha emission of Capella. AYRES T.R., BROWN A., GAYLEY K.G., et al.
1993ApJ...408..305L viz 277 39 A catalog of stellar Lyman-alpha fluxes. LANDSMAN W. and SIMON T.
1993ApJ...413..333D 44 143 The ROSAT all-sky survey of active binary coronae. II. Coronal temperatures of the RS Canum Venaticorum systems. DEMPSEY R.C., LINSKY J.L., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., et al.
1993ApJ...415..862J 8 3 96 Restoration of astronomical images by iterative blind deconvolution. JEFFERIES S.M. and CHRISTOU J.C.
1993ApJ...417L..79L 2 5 51 A deeply embedded companion to LkH-alpha 198. LAGAGE P.O., OLOFSSON G., CABRIT S., et al.
1993ApJ...418L..41D 143 T K                 1 148 The extreme ultraviolet spectrum og alpha Aurigae (Capella). DUPREE A.K., BRICKHOUSE N.S., DOSCHEK G.A., et al.
1993ApJS...86..293D 67 38 Observations of the Ca II infrared triplet in chromospherically active single and binary stars. DEMPSEY R.C., BOPP B.W., HENRY G.W., et al.
1993ApJS...86..599D 136 234 The ROSAT all-sky survey of active binary coronae. I. Quiescent fluxes for the RS Canum Venaticorum systems. DEMPSEY R.C., LINSKY J.L., FLEMING T.A., et al.
1993ApJS...89..211W 35   K                 2 2 The extreme ultraviolet spectrograph: a radial groove grating, sounding rocket-borne, astronomical instrument. WILKINSON E., GREEN J.C. and CASH W.
1993MNRAS.260...77P viz 479 332 The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources. I. The bright source catalogue. POUNDS K.A., ALLAN D.J., BARBER C., et al.
1993PASP..105..387S 394 19 An optical atlas of ROSAT wide field camara EUV sources. SHARA M.M., SHARA D.J. and McLEAN B.
1993PASP..105..476B 72 T                   9 36 A three-dimensional solution for the orbit of Capella. BARLOW D.J., FEKEL F.C. and SCARFE C.D.
1993LAstr.107..110B 26 0 L'interferometrie des tavelures. BONNEAU D.
1993Ap&SS.205..359L 14 3 New H-alpha survey of chromospherically active binaries. LIU X.-F., LI A., HUANG H., et al.
1993BICDS..42...27M 119 23 Catalogue of astrophysical parameters of binary systems. MALKOV O.Y.
1993BAAS...25..804L 2 ~ Deuterium in the line of sight towards Procyon and its cosmological significance. LINSKY J.L., et al.
1993BAAS...25..823H 5 ~ A search for pulsations in late-type giants. HORNER S.
1993BAAS...25..856D 1 ~ Analysis of EUV spectra of cool stars. DUPREE A.K.
1993BAAS...25..864D 71 T                   1 ~ EUVE spectra of Capella (alpha Aurigae). DUPREE A.K., et al.
1993BAAS...25.1301T 1 ~ A high-resolution solar spectrum in the EUVE bandpass. THOMAS R.J. and DAVILA J.M.
1993BAAS...25.1464L 71 T                   2 ~ A reanalysis of the interstellar medium along the
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1993ChA&A..17...51L 59 8 Lithium abundance and activity for 57 RS CVn systems. LIU X.-F., ZHAO G., TAN H.-S., et al.
1993MmSAI..64..323L 2 1 Scientific rationale and present implementation strategy for the Far Ultraviolet Spectrograph Explorer (FUSE). LINSKY J.L.
1993S&T....85e..66S 5 0 Virgo highlights spring evenings. SCHAZAF F.
1994A&A...281..161A viz 240 98 Radio emission from stars: a survey at 250 GHz ALTENHOFF W.J., THUM C. and WENDKER H.J.
1994A&A...281..613D 71 T                   2 4 CAPELLA : software for stellar photmoetry in dense fields with an irregular background. DEBRAY B., LLEBARIA A., DUBOUT-CRILLON R., et al.
1994A&A...281..855S 62 58 Chromospheric activity in G an K giants and their rotation-activity relation. STRASSMEIER K.G., HANDLER G., PAUNZEN E., et al.
1994A&A...283..893R 55 75 Lithium in RS Canum Venaticorum binaries and related chromospherically active stars. III. Northern RS CVn systems. RANDICH S., GIAMPAPA M.S. and PALLAVICINI R.
1994A&A...284..883F 44 76 Hα survey of late-type active binaries. FRASCA A. and CATALANO S.
1994A&A...286..898L 6 4 96 GHRS observations of Sirius-A I. Interstellar clouds toward Sirius and Local Cloud ionization. LALLEMENT R., BERTIN P., FERLET R., et al.
1994A&A...290..137B 53 22 The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries. I. The evolutionary status. BARRADO D., FERNANDEZ-FIGUEROA M.J., MONTESINOS B., et al.
1994A&A...291..135D 6 8 Surface inhomogeneities on SZ Piscium. DOYLE J.G., MITROU C.K., MATHIOUDAKIS M., et al.
1994A&AS..103..413S 63 27 Chromospheric activity in G and K giants: the spectroscopic data base. STRASSMEIER K.G.
1994A&AS..106..103H 21 1 Optical positions of 20 radio stars from astrolabe observations. HU H., LI D.-M., WANG R., et al.
1994AJ....107..751M viz 360 106 Extreme ultraviolet Explorer bright source list. MALINA R.F., MARSHALL H.L., ANTIA B., et al.
1994AJ....107.1859H 89 T                   1 74 Very high precision orbit of Capella by long baseline interferometry. HUMMEL C.A., ARMSTRONG J.T., QUIRRENBACH A., et al.
1994AJ....107.2211W 52 23 The lithium content and other properties of F2-G5 giants in the Hertzsprung gap. WALLERSTEIN G., BOHM-VITENSE E., VANTURE A.D., et al.
1994ApJ...421L..39H 2 2 22 The extreme ultraviolet coronal spectrum of the solar-type star khi1 Orionis. HAISCH B., DRAKE J.J. and SCHMITT J.H.M.M.
1994ApJ...426..716H 24 21 ROSAT all-sky survey observations of X-ray variability in cool giant stars. HAISCH B. and SCHMITT J.H.M.M.
1994ApJ...427..232F 1 14 62 Composition of interstellar clouds in the disk and halo. II. Gamma-2 Velorum. FITZPATRICK E.L. and SPITZER L.Jr
1994ApJ...430..650S 9 7 255 The abundant elements in interstellar dust. SOFIA U.J., CARDELLI J.A. and SAVAGE B.D.
1994ApJ...436L..87D 3 4 58 ASCA X-ray spectra of the active single stars beta Ceti and pi01 Ursa Majoris. DRAKE S.A., SINGH K.P., WHITE N.E., et al.
1994ApJS...93..569B viz 410 136 The first Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer source catalog. BOWYER S., LIEU R., LAMPTON M., et al.
1994ApJS...94..127F viz 14       D               595 122 The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the interstellar medium. I. The data. FRUSCIONE A., HAWKINS I., JELINSKY P., et al.
1994MNRAS.267..840H 310 26 ROSAT EUV luminosity functions of nearby late-type stars. HODGKIN S.T. and PYE J.P.
1994PASP..106..890B 2 8 76 The Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph : instrument, goals and science results. BRANDT J.C., HEAP S.R., BEAVER E.A., et al.
1994AcA....44...33S 26 12 Are the rotational axes perpendicular to the orbital planes in the binary systems. I. Asynchronous long-period RS CVn stars. STAWIKOWSKI A. and GLEBOCKI R.
1994Ast....22c..32K 12 0 Hypergiants. KALER J.B.
1994A&ARv...6..123M 3 9 140 Spectroscopic diagnostics in the VUV for solar and stellar plasmas. MASON H.E. and MONSIGNORI FOSSI B.C.
1994BAAS...26..863A 4 ~ The flare-ona of 31 Comae. AYRES T.R. and BROWN A.
1994BAAS...26..864D 71 T                   1 ~ EUVE spectra of alpha Aurigae (Capella) at different phases. DUPREE A.K., BRICKHOUSE N.S., DOSCHEK G.A., et al.
1994BAAS...26Q.864W 71 T                   1 ~ A reanalysis of the IUE high resolution observations of Capella. WOOD B.E. and AYRES T.R.
1994BAAS...26R.864B 71 T                   1 ~ Constraints on EUV spectral diagnostics of Capella. BRICKHOUSE N.S., DUPREE A.K. and RAYMOND J.C.
1994BAAS...26.1379W 4 ~ GHRS observations of Procyon and HR 1099. WOOD B.E. and LINSKY J.L.
1994BAAS...26.1381A 4 ~ HST/GHRS and EUVE spectra of the active clump giant beta Ceti (K0 III). AYRES T.R., et al.
1994KFNT...10b..68Z 96 0 The masses of the nearest stars. ZAKHOZHAJ V.A.
1994MmSAI..65...73H 334 29 The active dynamo stars RS Cvn, BY Dra, FK Com, Algol, W UMa and T Tau. HALL D.S.
1994Sci...265.1423F 2 8 69 Morphology and ionization of the interstellar cloud surrounding the solar system. FRISCH P.C.
1994S&T....88f..36B 10 0 Observing a partly cloudy universe. BOWYER S., MALINA R. and HAISCH B.
1994IAUCo.151..407K 36 ~ The Odessa sky patrol plate collection. KARETNIKOV V.G., MARKINA A.K. and SOTNIKOV V.P.
1995A&A...293..107D 1 8 41 Activity, rotation and evolution of the RS CVn system λ Andromedae. DONATI J.-F., HENRY G.W. and HALL D.S.
1995A&A...296..477M 1 13 75 EUV spectroscopy of cool stars. I. The corona of α Centauri observed with EUVE. MEWE R., KAASTRA J.S., SCHRIJVER C.J., et al.
1995A&A...302..193M 4 7 The EUV spectrum of AT Microscopii. MONSIGNORI FOSSI B.C., LANDINI M., DRAKE J.J., et al.
1995A&A...302..438S 1 13 99 EUV spectroscopy of cool stars. II. Coronal structure of selected cool stars observed with the EUVE. SCHRIJVER C.J., MEWE R., VAN DEN OORD G.H.J., et al.
1995A&A...302..497G 1 13 67 The interstellar void in the direction to ε CMa: local clouds and hot gas. GRY C., LEMONON L., VIDAL-MADJAR A., et al.
1995A&A...302..745D 84 29 On the link between rotation and coronal activity in evolved stars. DE MEDEIROS J.R. and MAYOR M.
1995A&A...302..889B 1 9 49 Possible detection of a diffuse interstellar cloud boundary. II. HST-GHRS observations of Sirius A. BERTIN P., VIDAL-MADJAR A., LALLEMENT R., et al.
1995A&A...302..899B 3 2 24 HST-GHRS observations of Sirius A. III. Detection of a stellar wind from Sirius A. BERTIN P., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., VIDAL-MADJAR A., et al.
1995A&A...304..461L 2 12 133 Local Cloud structure from HST-GHRS. LALLEMENT R., FERLET R., LAGRANGE A.M., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995A&AS..114..465K viz 335 14 A ROSAT XUV pointed phase source catalogue. KREYSING H.-C., BRUNNER H. and STAUBERT R.
1995AJ....109.1797E viz 250 25 H-alpha measurements for cool giants. EATON J.A.
1995AJ....109.2187W 55 18 On the role of mass transfer in X-ray emission of RS CVn systems. WELTY A.D. and RAMSEY L.W.
1995AJ....110.2862E 160 22 Reality tests of superclusters in the young disk population. EGGEN O.J.
1995ApJ...438..350W 23 5 Determination of plasma temperatures and luminosities using multiple extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray filters. WOOD B.E., BROWN A. and LINSKY J.L.
1995ApJ...439..672S 12 20 Probing the Galactic disk and halo. II. Hot interstellar gas toward the inner galaxy star HD 156359. SEMBACH K.R., SAVAGE B.D. and LU L.
1995ApJ...442..381L 109 T K                 8 67 The transition regions of Capella. LINSKY J.L., WOOD B.E., JUDGE P., et al.
1995ApJ...443..329W 109 T K                 2 17 A reanalysis of the SWP-HI IUE observations of Capella. WOOD B.E. and AYRES T.R.
1995ApJ...444..702V 14 40 Epsilon Canis Majoris and the ionization of the Local Cloud. VALLERGA J.V. and WELSH B.Y.
1995ApJ...444..936C 9 1 36 The O IV and S IV intercombination lines in solar and stellar ultraviolet spectra. COOK J.W., KEENAN F.P., DUFTON P.L., et al.
1995ApJ...445..314S 4 14 Properties of the +70 kilometers per second cloud toward HD 203664. SEMBACH K.R.
1995ApJ...446..812H 1 8 32 ORFEUS observations of G191-B2B: neutral and ionized gas in the local interstellar medium. HURWITZ M. and BOWYER S.
1995ApJ...449..900R 11 32 Spectroscopic EUVE observations of the active star AB Doradus. RUCINSKI S.M., MEWE R., KAASTRA J.S., et al.
1995ApJ...451..335L 113 T K                 9 225 Deuterium and the local interstellar medium: properties for the Procyon and Capella lines of sight. LINSKY J.L., DIPLAS A., WOOD B.E., et al.
1995ApJ...452..407H 1 7 32 A semiempirical determination of the wind velocity structure for the hybrid-chromosphere star alpha-Trianguli australis. HARPER G.M., WOOD B.E., LINSKY J.L., et al.
1995ApJS...96..223A 95 99 The RIASS coronathon: joint X-ray and ultraviolet observations of normal F-K stars. AYRES T.R., FLEMING T.A., SIMON T., et al.
1995ApJS...96..303W viz 79 9 Calibrating the broad band X-ray telescope. WEAVER K.A., ARNAUD K.A., BOLDT E.A., et al.
1995ApJS...96..581E 30 19 H-alpha profiles of 25 chromospherically active binaries. EKER Z., HALL D.S. and ANDERSON C.M.
1995ApJS...97..551B 149 T K                 1 168 New model of iron spectra in the extreme ultraviolet and application to SERTS and EUVE observations: a solar active region and Capella. BRICKHOUSE N.S., RAYMOND J.C. and SMITH B.W.
1995MNRAS.273..219C 1 5 22 Ultra-high-resolution observations of Ca+ ions in the local interstellar medium. CRAWFORD I.A. and DUNKIN S.K.
1995MNRAS.274..589D 85 27 ROSAT EUV observations of DA white dwarfs and late-type stars and the structure of the local interstellar medium. DIAMOND C.J., JEWELL S.J. and PONMAN T.J.
1995MNRAS.274.1165P viz 504 157 The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources - II. The 2RE Source Catalogue. PYE J.P., McGALE P.A., ALLAN D.J., et al.
1995MNRAS.276..715C 20 41 Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared - V. The role of UKIRT and the CGS3 spectrometer. COHEN M. and DAVIES J.K.
1995PASP..107..691I 94 0 Evaluation of a 512x512-element platinum silicide Schottky-Barrier infrared image sensor and pilot observations of the Cygnus X region. ITO M., KASABA Y., UENO M., et al.
1995AcA....45..293S 7 0 Local interstellar medium toward beta-Gem and sigma-Gem. SIKORSKI J., GLEBOCKI R. and GNACINSKI P.
1995Ast....23b..48C 71 T                   1 0 Compelling Capella. CROSWELL K.
1995BAAS...27.1340A 2 ~ Double star astronomy with optical interferometers. ARMSTRONG J.T.
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1995IrAJ...22...29D 6 1 On the power output from late-type stars. DOYLE J.G.
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1996A&A...306..563M 1 4 22 Loop modeling of coronal X-ray spectra. II. Parameter constraints and diagnostics. MAGGIO A. and PERES G.
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1996A&A...310..173N viz 1 3 11 Rotational modulation and flares on RS Canum Venaticorum and BY Draconis stars. XIX. Simultaneous IUE, ROSAT, VLA, and visual observations of TY Pyxidis. NEFF J.E., PAGANO I., RODONO M., et al.
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1996A&A...310..908V 10 22 Flare energetics: analysis of a large flare on YZ Canis Minoris observed simultaneously in the ultraviolet, optical and radio. VAN DEN OORD G.H.J., DOYLE J.G., RODONO M., et al.
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1996A&AS..118..239H viz 609 1 The photoelectric astrolabe catalogue of Yunnan Observatory (YPAC). HU H., LI D., LI Y., et al.
1996AJ....111.2415S 90 38 RS CVn versus Algol-type binaries : a comparative study of their X-ray emission. SINGH K.P., DRAKE S.A. and WHITE N.E.
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1996ApJ...469..872R 2 4 25 Observing stellar coronae with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph. II. The RS CVn binary system HR 1099. ROBINSON R.D., AIRAPETIAN V.S., MARAN S.P., et al.
1996ApJ...470.1157W 1 9 53 The properties of the local interstellar medium and the interaction of the stellar winds of ε Indi and λ Andromedae with the interstellar environment. WOOD B.E., ALEXANDER W.R. and LINSKY J.L.
1996ApJS..102..129B viz 737 123 The second Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer source catalog. BOWYER S., LAMPTON M., LEWIS J., et al.
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1996Ap&SS.237...13J 12 7 The chromosphere-corona transition region in late-type stars. JORDAN C.
1996JAF....50...20F 2 0 Abondance interstellaire du deuterium. FERLET R., LEMOINE M. and VIDAL-MADJAR A.
1996JAVSO..25....1H 8 0 Anniversaries and anticipations: CHARA at age 20 and beyond. HARTKOPF W.I.
1996MmSAI..67..113B 4 0 Highlights of recent results from the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer. BOWYER S.
1996PhT....49d..17S 1 1 Telescope array begins interferometric imaging of stars at optical wavelengths. SCHWARZSCHILD B.
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1996S&T....92e..28M 20 ~ Twenty years of seeing double. McALISTER H.A.
1996SSRv...78..239G 10 3 Local clouds : distribution, density and kinematics through ground-based and HST spectroscopy. GRY C.
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1997AJ....114.1221B 5 3 46 Multichannel optical aperture synthesis imaging of dzeta1 Ursae Majoris with the navy prototype optical interferometer. BENSON J.A., HUTTER D.J., ELIAS II N.M., et al.
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1997ApJ...474..315P 1 20 84 Local interstellar medium properties and deuterium abundances for the lines of sight toward HR 1099, 31 Comae, β Ceti, and β Cassiopeiae. PISKUNOV N., WOOD B.E., LINSKY J.L., et al.
1997ApJ...478..745W 3 11 107 Evaluating possible heating mechanisms using the transition region line profiles of late-type stars. WOOD B.E., LINSKY J.L. and AYRES T.R.
1997ApJ...479..416G 1 7 41 A determination of the coronal emission measure distribution in the young solar analog EK Draconis from ASCA/EUVE spectra. GUEDEL M., GUINAN E.F., MEWE R., et al.
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1997ApJS..112..557K viz 11279 205 Classification and identification of IRAS sources with low-resolution spectra. KWOK S., VOLK K. and BIDELMAN W.P.
1997ApJS..113..131C 100 25 The extreme ultraviolet explorer stellar spectral atlas. CRAIG N., ABBOTT M., FINLEY D., et al.
1997MNRAS.285..696S 7 11 243 A critical test of stellar evolution and convective core 'overshooting' by means of dzeta Aurigae systems. SCHROEDER K.-P., POLS O.R. and EGGLETON P.
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1997PASP..109..697S 4 10 136 Wolfgang-amadeus: the University of Vienna twin automatic photoelectric telescope. STRASSMEIER K.G., BOYD L.J., EPAND D.H., et al.
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1997PAZh...23..826P 13 ~ Statistical equilibrium of lithium in the atmospheres of late-type stars: lithium-rich G-K giants. PAVLENKO Y.V.
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1998A&A...338..694V 3 6 65 Detection of spatial variations in the (D/H) ratio in the local interstellar medium. VIDAL-MADJAR A., LEMOINE M., FERLET R., et al.
1998A&A...339..545M 8 6 α Centauri: coronal temperature structure and abundances from ASCA observations. MEWE R., DRAKE S.A., KAASTRA J.S., et al.
1998A&A...339..858D viz 523 145 Towards a fundamental calibration of stellar parameters of A, F, G, K dwarfs and giants. DI BENEDETTO G.P.
1998A&AS..127..251H viz 517 56 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright late-type giants and supergiants. HUENSCH M., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and VOGES W.
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1998ApJ...496..428A 1 17 51 The coronae of moderate-mass giants in the Hertzsprung gap and the clump. AYRES T.R., SIMON T., STERN R.A., et al.
1998ApJ...497..883G 2 8 69 Coronal and transition region structure in the RS Canum Venaticorum binaries V711 Tauri, AR Lacertae, and II Pegasi. I. Data analysis and emission measure distributions. GRIFFITHS N.W. and JORDAN C.
1998ApJ...497..921V 54 45 The stellar extreme-ultraviolet radiation field. VALLERGA J.
1998ApJ...500L..33D 7 12 ORFEUS observations of luminous cool stars. DUPREE A.K. and BRICKHOUSE N.S.
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1998ApJ...502..833M 34 67 Temporal variations of midinfrared spectra in late-type stars. MONNIER J.D., GEBALLE T.R. and DANCHI W.C.
1998MNRAS.295..825J 8 11 A ROSAT observation of the eclipsing binary system XY UMa. JEFFRIES R.D.
1998MNRAS.301.1083S 74 36 Silicate and hydrocarbon emission from galactic M supergiants. SYLVESTER R.J., SKINNER C.J. and BARLOW M.J.
1998PASP..110..794S 94 8 Recalibration of the Wilson-Bappu effect using the singly ionized magnesium K line. SCOVILLE F. and MENA-WERTH J.
1998AcApS..18..404C 34 2 Mutual irradiation and absorption in detached binary systems and surface temperature variation. CHEN Y.-J., ZHOU D.-Q. and ZHANG F.-J.
1998JHA....29..331S 7 0 Eclipse observations made by Regiomontanus and Walther. STEELE J.M. and STEPHENSON F.R.
1998KFNT...14c.274K 167 0 Averaged energy distributions in the stellar spectra. KOMAROV N.S., DRAGUNOVA A.V. and BELIK S.I.
1998S&T....95d..59T 18 0 Once and future celestial kings. TOMKIN J.
1998SSRv...84..285L 1 27 119 Deuterium abundance in the local ISM and possible spatial variations. LINSKY J.L.
1998SSRv...84..297V 25 13 Deuterium observations in the Galaxy. VIDAL-MADJAR A., FERLET R. and LEMOINE M.
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1998SerAJ.157...13P 89 0 Inclination of the orbital planes of visual binaries. POPOVIC G.M.
1999A&A...343..222E 66 8 The Wilson-Bappu effect of the MgIIk line - dependence on stellar temperature, activity and metallicity. ELGAROY O., ENGVOLD O. and LUND N.
1999A&A...345..514T 12 8 A BeppoSAX observation of HD 9770: a visual triple system containing a recently discovered short-period eclipsing binary. TAGLIAFERRI G., COVINO S., CUTISPOTO G., et al.
1999A&A...348..127P 1 3 11 γ Persei: a challenge for stellar evolution models. POURBAIX D.
1999A&A...349..475S 24 21 Radio counterparts to extreme X-ray YSO's. SMITH K., GUEDEL M. and BENZ A.O.
1999A&A...350..643H 1 12 60 Ultraviolet observations of Sirius A and Sirius B with HST-GHRS. An interstellar cloud with a possible low deuterium abundance. HEBRARD G., MALLOURIS C., FERLET R., et al.
1999A&A...351L..23M 1 2 11 The effects of opacity in the transition region of YZ CMi. MATHIOUDAKIS M., McKENNY J., KEENAN F.P., et al.
1999A&A...352..248M 12 2 ASCA X-ray observations of the super-metal-rich stars 30 Ari and η Boo. MAGGIO A., FAVATA F., NEGORO H., et al.
1999A&A...352..555A viz 6 12 244 Fundamental parameters of nearby stars from the comparison with evolutionary calculations: masses, radii and effective temperatures. ALLENDE PRIETO C. and LAMBERT D.L.
1999A&AS..134..523T viz 1117 65 Catalogs of temperatures and [Fe/H] averages for evolved G and K stars. TAYLOR B.J.
1999A&AS..135..319H viz 1221 244 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of the nearby stars. HUENSCH M., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., STERZIK M.F., et al.
1999A&AS..136..419P 37 4 Evolution of the ``efficiency'' when different data sets are combined into a unified adjustment. POURBAIX D. and EICHHORN H.
1999AJ....117..548H viz 176 34 Speckle observations of binary stars with the WIYN telescope. I. Measures during 1997. HORCH E., NINKOV Z., VAN ALTENA W.F., et al.
1999AJ....117.3066H 44 0 Optical positions of 44 radio stars from astrolabe observations. HU H., WANG R. and LI X.
1999AJ....118...35N 39 30 Variability of quasars at 10 microns. NEUGEBAUER G. and MATTHEWS K.
1999AJ....118.2483C 726 0 Photometric measurements of the fields of more than 700 nearby stars. CREECH-EAKMAN M.J., KULKARNI S.R., PAN X.P., et al.
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1999ApJ...512..874S 26 37 X-ray spectroscopy of rapidly rotating, late-type dwarf stars. SINGH K.P., DRAKE S.A., GOTTHELF E.V., et al.
1999ApJ...514..402P 14 21 Precise spectropolarimetric measurements of magnetic fields on some solar-like stars. PLACHINDA S.I. and TARASOVA T.N.
1999ApJ...515..746O 22 61 Extreme ultraviolet explorer photometry of RS Canum Venaticorum systems: four flaring megaseconds. OSTEN R.A. and BROWN A.
1999ApJ...517..841H 1 9 38 Far-ultraviolet space telescope imaging spectrometer spectra of the white dwarf REJ 1032+532. I. Interstellar line of sight. HOLBERG J.B., BRUHWEILER F.C., BARSTOW M.A., et al.
1999ApJ...519L.185B 3 4 47 Observation of quasi-continuum line emission from Fe VII to Fe X in the extreme-ultraviolet region below 140 Å. BEIERSDORFER P., LEPSON J.K., BROWN G.V., et al.
1999ApJ...520..182J 2 12 89 Spatial variability in the ratio of interstellar atomic deuterium to hydrogen. I. Observations toward δ Orionis by the interstellar medium absorption profile spectrograph. JENKINS E.B., TRIPP T.M., WOZNIAK P.R., et al.
1999ApJ...521..297I 4 9 A comparison of stellar evolution with binary systems. IWAMOTO N. and SAIO H.
1999ApJ...523L.159S 4 3 36 The D/H ratio in interstellar gas toward G191-B2B. SAHU M.S., LANDSMAN W., BRUHWEILER F.C., et al.
1999ApJ...524..988K 177 21 On X-ray variability in active binary stars. KASHYAP V. and DRAKE J.J.
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1999ApJS..122..299K 18 25 Final Astro-2 calibration of the Hopkins ultraviolet telescope. KRUK J.W., BROWN T.M., DAVIDSEN A.F., et al.
1999A&ARv...9..153F 22 32 The Local Interstellar Medium. FERLET R.
1999Ap&SS.261..101P 8 ~ X-ray spectroscopy of active stars with ASCA and BeppoSAX. PALLAVICINI R., MAGGIO A., ORTOLANI A., et al.
1999ChA&A..23...89C 33 1 Mutual irradiation and absorption and surface temperature variation in detached binary systems. CHEN Y.-J., ZHOU D.-Q. and ZHANG F.-J.
1999JBAA..109...22M 7 0 A mathematical method for identifying lines in stellar spectra. MARTIN J.
1999RPPh...62..143W 2 29 255 Isotopes in the interstellar medium and circumstellar envelopes. WILSON T.L.
1999S&T....97f..40P 127 1 Hipparcos : the stars in three dimensions. PERRYMAN M.
1999S&T....98d..46H 4 0 The solar-stellar connection. HAISCH B. and SCHMITT J.
1999ARep...43..229B 12 5 Three-dimensional modeling of mass transfer in close binary systems with asynchronous rotation. BISIKALO D.V., BOYARCHUK A.A., KUZNETSOV O.A., et al.
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2000A&A...362..683L 1 4 14 Chromospheric two-component NLTE modelling of the binary system V711 Tau = HR 1099. LANZAFAME A.C., BUSA I. and RODONO M.
2000A&AS..145..215P 1 42 139 Resolved double-lined spectroscopic binaries: a neglected source of hypothesis-free parallaxes and stellar masses. POURBAIX D.
2000A&AS..146..437S viz 126 147 Dust features in the 10-µm infrared spectra of oxygen-rich evolved stars. SPECK A.K., BARLOW M.J., SYLVESTER R.J., et al.
2000A&AS..147..285P 3 2 20 First images on the sky from a hyper telescope. PEDRETTI E., LABEYRIE A., ARNOLD L., et al.
2000AJ....119.3084H viz 1257 82 ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. XXIII. Measurements during 1982-1997 from six telescopes, with 14 new orbits. HARTKOPF W.I., MASON B.D., McALISTER H.A., et al.
2000ApJ...528..756L 64 47 The three-dimensional structure of the warm local interstellar medium. I. Methodology. LINSKY J.L., REDFIELD S., WOOD B.E., et al.
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2000ApJ...532..497P 1 12 38 HST/STIS echelle spectra of the dM1e star AU Microscopii outside of flares. PAGANO I., LINSKY J.L., CARKNER L., et al.
2000ApJ...533L.135P 11 2 70 High-resolution spectroscopy of the x-ray-photoionized wind in Cygnus X-3 with the Chandra high-energy transmission grating spectrometer. PAERELS F., COTTAM J., SAKO M., et al.
2000ApJ...534..825R 41 118 The three-dimensional structure of the warm local interstellar medium. II. The Colorado model of the Local Interstellar Cloud. REDFIELD S. and LINSKY J.L.
2000ApJ...539L..41C 50   K                 4 172 High-resolution X-ray spectra of capella: initial results from the Chandra high-energy transmission grating spectrometer. CANIZARES C.R., HUENEMOERDER D.P., DAVIS D.S., et al.
2000ApJ...539..815J 122 131 An IUE atlas of pre-main-sequence stars. II. Far-ultraviolet accretion diagnostics in T Tauri stars. JOHNS-KRULL C.M., VALENTI J.A. and LINSKY J.L.
2000ApJ...542..493W 1 10 36 Hydrogen Lyα absorption predictions by Boltzmann models of the heliosphere. WOOD B.E., MULLER H.-R. and ZANK G.P.
2000ApJ...544..423V 1 9 29 Hubble space telescope imaging spectrograph observations of the hot white dwarf in the close binary Feige 24. VENNES S., POLOMSKI E.F., LANZ T., et al.
2000ApJ...544..953O 2 5 36 Radio, X-ray, and extreme-ultraviolet coronal variability of the short-period RS Canum Venaticorum binary σ2 coronae Borealis. OSTEN R.A., BROWN A., AYRES T.R., et al.
2000ApJ...545L..81O 8 5 128 Chandra observations of the X-ray narrow-line region in NGC 4151. OGLE P.M., MARSHALL H.L., LEE J.C., et al.
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2000ApJ...545..277S 2 11 72 Spatial variability in the ratio of interstellar atomic deuterium to hydrogen. II. Observations toward γ2 Velorum and ζ Puppis by the interstellar medium absorption profile spectrograph. SONNEBORN G., TRIPP T.M., FERLET R., et al.
2000ApJS..131..561S viz 139 20 Speckle observations of double stars with PISCO at Pic du midi: measurements in 1998. SCARDIA M., PRIEUR J.-L., ARISTIDI E., et al.
2000MNRAS.312..225G 10 5 Composite spectra. Paper 9: HR 5983. GRIFFIN R.E.M. and GRIFFIN R.F.
2000ARA&A..38..231B 97 32 Extreme ultraviolet astronomy. BOWYER S., DRAKE J.J. and VENNES S.
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