V* VV Ser , the SIMBAD biblio

V* VV Ser , the SIMBAD biblio (251 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:24:03

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Title First 3 Authors
1960ApJS....4..337H 2 63 894 The spectra of Be and Ae type stars associated with nebulosity. HERBIG G.H.
1972ApJ...174..401H 334 403 Second catalog of emission-line stars of the Orion population. HERBIG G.H. and RAO N.K.
1973MNRAS.161..145A 304 365 Near infrared magnitudes of 248 early-type emission-line stars and related objects. ALLEN D.A.
1974MNRAS.167..237G 88 98 An infrared survey of RW Aurigae stars. GLASS I.S. and PENSTON M.V.
1975ApJ...199..289D 101 30 Interstellar formaldehyde near stars of the Orion population. DIETER N.H.
1975MNRAS.170..579A 122 30 Emission-line stars with infrared dust emission: implications of the galactic distribution. (Errata: Vd 1-8 = 347+1 1) ALLEN D.A. and GLASS I.S.
1975MNRAS.173..279C 28 120 Infrared observations of young stars. VI. COHEN M.
1976AJ.....81..638S 40 89 Infrared surveys of dark cloud complexes. V. The NGC 7129 region and the Serpens dark cloud. STROM S.E., VRBA F.J. and STROM K.M.
1979A&AS...36...57B 54 43 UBV photometry of T Tauri stars and related objects. BASTIAN U. and MUNDT R.
1979ApJ...230L..99U 44 43 The gas flow near T Tau stars. ULRICH R.K. and KNAPP G.R.
1979ApJS...41..743C 408 1380 Observational studies of pre-main-sequence evolution. COHEN M. and KUHI L.V.
1980MitVS...8..140B 68 T                   1 1 3 Photographische Beobachtungen von
VV Ser.
1981A&AS...43..331S 23 12 Multichannel spectrophotometry of peculiar emission-line objects with infrared excess. SWINGS J.P.
1982PZ.....21..682K 69 T                   1 3 Preliminary discussion on the
VV Serpentis light curve.
1984A&AS...55..109F 1 60 460 The Herbig Ae/Be stars associated with nebulosity. FINKENZELLER U. and MUNDT R.
1985A&A...151..340F 59 115 Rotational velocities, spectral types and forbidden lines of Herbig Ae/Be stars. FINKENZELLER U.
1985PZ.....22..103K 20 23 Some T Tauri stars and related objects. UBVR photoelectric observations results. KARDOPOLOV V.I. and FILIPEV G.K.
1985PZ.....22..126K 69 T                   1 2 1 Some regularities of Is variable stars activity. I. V517 Cygni is a photometric analogue of
VV Serpentis.
1985PZ.....22..153K 69 T                   1 4 7 Brightness of VX Cassiopeiae, SV Cephei, EH Cephei and
VV Serpentis in 1980.
1986ATsir1452....1K 69 T                   1 1 2 On polarization of
VV Ser.
1987PZ.....22..455K 5 1 Some regularities of Is variable stars activity. III. Light and colours variations of VX Cassiopeiae. KARDOPOLOV V.I. and FILIPJEV G.K.
1987RMxAA..14..338C 70 T                   1 1 0 An observational study of the Herbig Ae star
VV Serpentis and R-stars associated with its dark cloud.
1987IAUS..122...97C 70 T                   1 9 7 An observational study of the Herbig Ae star
VV Serpentis, and of R-stars associated with its dark cloud.
1988A&A...197..151C 43 56 An observational study of the Herbig Ae star VV Serpentis, and of stars with reflection nebula associated with its dark cloud. CHAVARRIA-K. C., DE LARA E., FINKENZELLER U., et al.
1988A&A...199..170Z 20 29 IRAS study of the Serpens molecular cloud. I. Large scale. ZHANG C.Y., LAUREIJS R.J., CLARK F.O., et al.
1988ApJ...330..897L 69 151 Molecular outflows and mass loss in pre-main-sequence stars. LEVREAULT R.M.
1988Afz....29..448P 5 2 H-alpha luminosity of some antiflare stars. PUGACH A.F.
1988AZh....65..951K 12 9 Results of UBVR observations of some Is variable stars, T Tauri-type objects and stars Herbig AE/BE. KARDOPOLOV V.I., FILIP'EV G.K., SHAJMIEVA A.F., et al.
1988LicOB1111....1H viz 742 ~ Third catalog of emission-line stars of the Orion population. HERBIG G.H. and BELL K.R.
1989Afz....30..509V 8 10 Dust around young stars. Model of the Algol-type minima for UX Orionis-type stars. VOSHCHINNIKOV N.V.
1989RMxAA..18..180D 6 6 The distance to the Serpens cloud again. DE LARA E. and CHAVARRIA-K. C.
1990ApJ...356L..39M 36 63 A relation between H2 v=1-0S(1) and 3.28 micron emission in Seyfert and starburst galaxies. MOURI H., KAWARA K., TANIGUCHI Y., et al.
1990ApJS...74..575W 429 96 A catalog of pre-main-sequence emission-line stars with IRAS source associations. WEINTRAUB D.A.
1990AbaOB..68...59C 76 0 On the problem of the luminosity of reflection nebulae. CHKHIKVADZE J.N.
1990ATsir1544...15K 70 T                   1 2 2 On behaviour of the linear polarization of V517 Cygni and
VV Serpentis.
1991AZh....68..565K 70 T                   1 4 9 Results of polarimetry of
VV Serpentis.
1991KFNT....7b..43P 25 ~ The prophology of Is(A) irregular variables. II. The location on the H-R diagram. PUGACH A.F. and KOVAL'CHUK G.U.
1992ApJ...394..628H 91 65 Emission-line studies of young stars. III. Correlations with the infrared excess. HAMANN F. and PERSSON S.E.
1992ApJ...397..613H 4 48 786 Herbig Ae/Be stars: intermediate-mass stars surrounded by massive circumstellar accretion disks. HILLENBRAND L.A., STROM S.E., VRBA F.J., et al.
1992ApJ...398..254B 46 161 Infrared emission from dust structures surrounding Herbig Ae/Be stars. BERRILLI F., CORCIULO G., INGROSSO G., et al.
1992ApJS...78..239W viz 732 125 A catalog of co-added IRAS fluxes or Orion population stars. WEAVER W.B. and JONES G.
1992ApJS...82..285H 1 32 129 Emission-line studies of young stars. II. The Herbig Ae/Be stars. HAMANN F. and PERSSON S.E.
1993A&A...270..426G 39 12 Anomalous dust in the environment of Herbig Ae/Be stars. GORTI U. and BHATT H.C.
1993A&A...272..249P 55 21 Water masers associated with Herbig Ae/Be stars. PALLA F. and PRUSTI T.
1993A&A...274..847G 8 25 The accreting circumstellar gas envelope of HD 176386 a young star in the R Coronae Austrinae star formation region. GRADY C.A., PEREZ M.R. and THE P.S.
1993AJ....106..656B viz 49 63 Dust emission features in 3 microm. spectra of Herbig Ae/Be stars. BROOKE T.Y., TOKUNAGA A.T. and STROM S.E.
1993ApJS...86..499G 38 31 A search for Herbig-Haro objects near Herbig Ae/Be stars. GOODRICH R.W.
1993ApJS...87..217S 60 168 A high-sensitivity survey of radio continuum emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars. SKINNER S.L., BROWN A. and STEWART R.T.
1993Ap&SS.202..121S 78 40 Periodic phenomena in Ae/Be Herbig stars light curves. I. Light curves classification and digital analysis methods. SHEVCHENKO V.S., GRANKIN K.N., IBRAGIMOV M.A., et al.
1993Ap&SS.202..137S 7 19 Periodic phenomena in Ae/Be Herbig stars light curves. II. Results and probable interpretation for selected stars. SHEVCHENKO V.S., GRANKIN K.N., IBRAGIMOV M.A., et al.
1993S&T....86c..30K 6 ~ IUE : 15 years and counting. KONDO Y., WAMSTEKER W. and STICKLAND D.
1994A&AS..104..315T viz 337 440 A new catalogue of members and candidate members of the Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stellar group. THE P.S., DE WINTER D. and PEREZ M.R.
1994ApJ...433..199L 18 57 Near-infrared (J, H, K) imaging of Herbig Ae/Be stars. LI W., EVANS II N.J., HARVEY P.M., et al.
1995A&AS..109..177W viz 2981 67 Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update. WENDKER H.J.
1995A&AS..113..473F viz 26 9 Photometric observations of pre-main sequence objects. FERNANDEZ M.
1995A&AS..114..439F 73 92 Hα emission from pre-main sequence stars. FERNANDEZ M., ORTIZ E., EIROA C., et al.
1995PPMtO..14..185H viz 14       D               1 437 0 An atlas of H2O maser observations on the 13.7m radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory. HAN F., MAO R.Q., LEI C.-M., et al.
1996A&AS..120..157G 47 105 The β Pictoris phenomenon among Herbig Ae/Be stars. UV and optical high dispersion spectra. GRADY C.A., PEREZ M.R., TALAVERA A., et al.
1996A&AS..120..229R 65 188 Hα emission in pre-main sequence stars. I. An atlas of line profiles. REIPURTH B., PEDROSA A. and LAGO M.T.V.T.
1996ARep...40..171G viz 63 24 Orientation of circumstellar disks and the statistics of H-alpha profiles of Ae/Be Herbig stars. GRININ V.P. and ROSTOPCHINA A.N.
1996ARep...40..509M 75 7 Infrared excesses in A-type stars. MIROSHNICHENKO A.S., BERGNER Y.K., KURATOV K.S., et al.
1996BaltA...5..125S 107 90 Interstellar extinction in the area of the Serpens Cauda molecular cloud. STRAIZYS V., CERNIS K. and BARTASIUTE S.
1996BSAO...41...80G 34 3 Conditions of search for magnetic stars at early evolution stages. GLAGOLEVSKIJ Y.V.
1997A&A...318..472L 1 43 136 Binaries among Herbig Ae/Be stars. LEINERT C., RICHICHI A. and HAAS M.
1997A&A...321..189C 35 59 Forbidden emission lines in Herbig Ae/Be stars. CORCORAN M. and RAY T.P.
1997A&A...325.1083P 21 2 The luminosity of the Hα-emission envelopes of variable Is(A)-type stars. PUGACH A.F. and KOVALCHUK G.U.
1997ApJ...481..392P 39 68 A search for close bright companions to AeBe stars. PIRZKAL N., SPILLAR E.J. and DYCK H.M.
1997ApJ...491..885N 35 90 The evolutionary status of UX Orionis-type stars. NATTA A., GRININ V.P., MANNINGS V., et al.
1997SSRv...82..407P 59 23 Observational overview of young intermediate-mass objects: Herbig Ae/Be stars. PEREZ M.R. and GRADY C.A.
1998A&A...331..147C 40 51 Wind diagnostics and correlations with the near-infrared excess in Herbig Ae/Be stars. CORCORAN M. and RAY T.P.
1998A&AS..127..181H viz 97 27 New detections of H2O maser sources on the 13.7 m radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory. HAN F., MAO R.Q., LU J., et al.
1998A&AS..131..401Y viz 61 41 Polarimetry of southern peculiar early-type stars. YUDIN R.V. and EVANS A.
1998A&AS..133...81T 44 127 A search for clustering around Herbig Ae/Be stars. II. Atlas of the observed sources. TESTI L., PALLA F. and NATTA A.
1998AJ....116.2530G 65 51 The incidence of λ Bootis stars via an extension of the MK spectral classification system to very young A-type stars. GRAY R.O. and CORBALLY C.J.
1998BaltA...7..407E 125 6 Photoelectric photometry of Herbig Ae/Be and related stars in the Vilnius photometric system. EIMONTAS A. and SUDZIUS J.
1998BaltA...7..589S 51 3 Emission-line stars in the Vilnius photometric system. STRAIZYS V., EIMONTAS A., SUDZIUS J., et al.
1999A&A...342..515T 1 46 169 The onset of cluster formation around Herbig Ae/Be stars. TESTI L., PALLA F. and NATTA A.
1999A&AS..136..429C viz 63 74 A search for spectroscopic binaries among Herbig Ae/Be stars. CORPORON P. and LAGRANGE A.-M.
1999AJ....118.1043H viz 14       D               1 246 219 A photometric catalog of Herbig Ae/Be stars and discussion of the nature and cause of the variations of UX Orionis stars. HERBST W. and SHEVCHENKO V.S.
1999ARep...43..113R 13 12 The location of UX Ori stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. ROSTOPCHINA A.N.
2000A&AS..144..285Y 133 30 Analysis of correlations between polarimetric and photometric characteristics of young stars. A new approach to the problem after eleven years' study. YUDIN R.V.
2000ApJS..129..399V 184 117 An IUE atlas of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. I. Co-added final archive spectra from the SWP camera. VALENTI J.A., JOHNS-KRULL C.M. and LINSKY J.L.
2000Ap.....43..239G 23 2 Photometric activity and rotational velocities of UX Ori stars and related objects. GRININ V.P. and KOZLOVA O.V.
2000Ap.....43..289R 43 0 Interstellar polarization in a molecular cloud in Serpens. ROSTOPCHINA A.N. and SHAKHOVSKOI D.N.
2000Ap.....43..487S 72 T                   1 0 Photometry of the Herbig Ae star
VV Ser B in an anomalously deep brightness minimum.
2001A&A...365..110E viz 61 37 EXPORT: Near-IR observations of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars. EIROA C., GARZON F., ALBERDI A., et al.
2001A&A...375..927L 41 24 Halos around Herbig Ae/Be stars - more common than for the less massive T Tauri stars. LEINERT C., HAAS M., ABRAHAM P., et al.
2001A&A...378..116M viz 74 217 EXPORT: Spectral classification and projected rotational velocities of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars. MORA A., MERIN B., SOLANO E., et al.
2001A&A...379..564O viz 72 105 EXPORT: Optical photometry and polarimetry of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars. OUDMAIJER R.D., PALACIOS J., EIROA C., et al.
2001A&A...380..609D viz 164 87 A photometric catalogue of southern emission-line stars. DE WINTER D., VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., MAIRA A., et al.
2001KFNT...17d.291P 39 ~ Comparative morphology of ALIVARS and RCrB type stars. PUGACH A.F.
2001ARep...45...51R viz 76 T                   1 11 Photometry and polarimetry of the classical Herbig Ae star VV Ser. ROSTOPCHINA A.N., GRININ V.P. and SHAKHOVSKOI D.N.
2001AstL...27...39S 11 5 Long-term cyclicity of the Herbig Ae star BF Ori: giant protocomets and accretion from a protoplanetary disk. SHEVCHENKO V.S. and EZHKOVA O.V.
2002A&A...384.1038E 1 27 127 On the simultaneous optical and near-infrared variability of pre-main sequence stars. EIROA C., OUDMAIJER R.D., DAVIES J.K., et al.
2002A&A...387..977F 57 52 The history of mass dispersal around Herbig Ae/Be stars. FUENTE A., MARTIN-PINTADO J., BACHILLER R., et al.
2002yCat.2237....0D viz 15       D               1 3848 167 Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system. DUCATI J.R.
2003A&A...397..675T 41 94 A spectro-astrometric study of southern pre-main sequence stars. Binaries, outflows, and disc structure down to AU scales. TAKAMI M., BAILEY J. and CHRYSOSTOMOU A.
2003A&A...399..141M viz 2072 71 Merged catalogue of reflection nebulae. MAGAKIAN T.Y.
2003A&A...400..575H 26 19 Mid-IR observations of small stellar clusters surrounding Herbig AeBe stars. HABART E., TESTI L., NATTA A., et al.
2003AJ....126..286R 63 60 A 13CO and C18O survey of the molecular gas around young stellar clusters within 1 kiloparsec of the Sun. RIDGE N.A., WILSON T.L., MEGEATH S.T., et al.
2003AJ....126.1916P viz 92 145 A catalog of young stellar groups and clusters within 1 kiloparsec of the Sun. PORRAS A., CHRISTOPHER M., ALLEN L., et al.
2003AJ....126.2971V viz 15       D               1 203 221 Investigation of 131 Herbig Ae/Be candidate stars. VIEIRA S.L.A., CORRADI W.J.B., ALENCAR S.H.P., et al.
2003ApJ...588..360E 38   K                 19 97 Near-infrared interferometric measurements of Herbig Ae/Be stars. EISNER J.A., LANE B.F., AKESON R.L., et al.
2003ApJS..147..305V viz 15       D               273 51 An IUE atlas of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. III. Co-added final archive spectra from the long-wavelength cameras. VALENTI J.A., FALLON A.A. and JOHNS-KRULL C.M.
2004A&A...426..151A 1         O           48 209 ISO spectroscopy of disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars. ACKE B. and VAN DEN ANCKER M.E.
2004A&A...427..179H 32 62 PAHs in circumstellar disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars. HABART E., NATTA A. and KRUEGEL E.
2004AJ....127.1682H 1 76 268 Spectral analysis and classification of Herbig Ae/Be stars. HERNANDEZ J., CALVET N., BRICENO C., et al.
2004ApJ...606L..73B viz 4 7 102 High-resolution 4.7 micron Keck/NIRSPEC spectroscopy of the CO emission from the disks surrounding Herbig Ae stars. BLAKE G.A. and BOOGERT A.C.A.
2004ApJ...613.1049E 2 28 183 Resolved inner disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars. EISNER J.A., LANE B.F., HILLENBRAND L.A., et al.
2004ApJS..151..299H viz 921 16 Classification of spectra from the infrared space observatory PHT-s database. HODGE T.M., KRAEMER K.E., PRICE S.D., et al.
2004IAUS..224...69M 19 12 Pre-Main-Sequence A-type stars. MARCONI M. and PALLA F.
2005A&A...431..773R viz 3245 131 CHARM2: An updated Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements. RICHICHI A., PERCHERON I. and KHRISTOFOROVA M.
2005A&A...436..209A 50 147 [OI] 6300 in (emission) Herbig Ae/Be systems: Signature of Keplerian rotation. ACKE B., VAN DEN ANCKER M.E. and DULLEMOND C.P.
2005A&A...438..769D viz 1380 87 Pre-main sequence star Proper Motion Catalogue. DUCOURANT C., TEIXEIRA R., PERIE J.-P., et al.
2006A&A...451..951I 4 6 52 Large dust grains in the inner region of circumstellar disks. ISELLA A., TESTI L. and NATTA A.
2006A&A...457..171A         O           64 33 A survey for nanodiamond features in the 3 micron spectra of Herbig Ae/Be stars. ACKE B. and VAN DEN ANCKER M.E.
2006ApJ...639..275K 1 81 215 c2d Spitzer IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. I. Silicate emission and grain growth. KESSLER-SILACCI J., AUGEREAU J.-C., DULLEMOND C.P., et al.
2006ApJ...644..307H 1 35 137 The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, insterstellar clouds. II. Serpens observed with IRAC. HARVEY P.M., CHAPMAN N., LAI S.-P., et al.
2006A&A...459..545G 1         O           50 142 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. II. PAH emission features. GEERS V.C., AUGEREAU J.-C., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., et al.
2006ApJ...653..657M viz 15       D               92 130 Evolution of emission-line activity in intermediate-mass young stars. MANOJ P., BHATT H.C., MAHESWAR G., et al.
2006A&A...459..837G 2         O           45 222 Accretion rates in Herbig Ae stars. GARCIA LOPEZ R., NATTA A., TESTI L., et al.
2007A&A...462.1023R 37   K                 6 11 Discovery of δ Scuti pulsation in the Herbig Ae star
VV Serpentis.
2007ApJ...656..980P 5 3 31 Modeling Spitzer observations of VV Ser. I. The circumstellar disk of a UX Orionis star. PONTOPPIDAN K.M., DULLEMOND C.P., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2007ApJ...656..991P 2 4 18 Modeling Spitzer observations of VV Ser. II. An extended quantum-heated nebula and a disk shadow. PONTOPPIDAN K.M., DULLEMOND C.P., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2007ApJ...657..347E 39   K                 12 53 Spectrally dispersed K-band interferometric observations of Herbig Ae/Be sources: inner disk temperature profiles. EISNER J.A., CHIANG E.I., LANE B.F., et al.
2007ApJ...658..462V 50 36 Relation between the luminosity of young stellar objects and their circumstellar environment. VINKOVIC D. and JURKIC T.
2007A&A...466..229V 20 1 40 PAH chemistry and IR emission from circumstellar disks. VISSER R., GEERS V.C., DULLEMOND C.P., et al.
2007ApJ...659.1360W 20 16 Young stellar groups around Herbig Ae/Be stars: a low-mass YSO census. WANG S. and LOONEY L.W.
2007MNRAS.376.1879W 127       D     X         4 46 31 On the infant weight loss of low- to intermediate-mass star clusters. WEIDNER C., KROUPA P., NURNBERGER D.E.A., et al.
2007ApJ...661..374T 10 2 42 The inner rim of YSO disks: effects of dust grain evolution. TANNIRKULAM A., HARRIES T.J. and MONNIER J.D.
2007ApJ...663.1139H 27 46 The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. VIII. Serpens observed with MIPS. HARVEY P.M., REBULL L.M., BROOKE T., et al.
2007ApJ...663.1149H viz 15       D               580 171 The Spitzer c2d survey of large, nearby, interstellar clouds. IX. The Serpens YSO population as observed with IRAC and MIPS. HARVEY P., MERIN B., HUARD T.L., et al.
2007ApJ...665..492L 87 115 c2d Spitzer IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. III. [Ne II], [Fe I], and H2Gas-Phase lines. LAHUIS F., VAN DISHOECK E.F., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2007A&A...476..279G 165       D     X         5 39 72 Spatially extended polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in circumstellar disks around T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars. GEERS V.C., VAN DISHOECK E.F., VISSER R., et al.
2008A&A...478..193P 38           X         1 2 1 Seismic evolution of low/intermediate mass PMS stars. PINHEIRO F.J.G.
2008ApJ...673.1088Z 90       D       C       3 43 34 Comparing the observational instability regions for pulsating pre-main-sequence and classical δ Scuti stars. ZWINTZ K.
2008ApJ...678.1070S 76           X         2 18 66 Variability of disk emission in Pre-Main-Sequence and related stars. I. HD 31648 and HD 163296: isolated Herbig Ae stars driving Herbig-Haro flows. SITKO M.L., CARPENTER W.J., KIMES R.L., et al.
2008ApJ...680.1289A 701 T K A     X C       17 8 9 The dusty disk around
VV Serpens.
2008MNRAS.389..205C 38           X         1 9 1 Spectroscopic and photometric analysis of NSV24512: an early-type eclipsing binary embedded in a dust cloud. CAKIRLI O., IBANOGLU C., SOUTHWORTH J., et al.
2008ApJ...688.1326B 15       D               2 40 34 The TEXES survey for H2 emission from protoplanetary disks. BITNER M.A., RICHTER M.J., LACY J.H., et al.
2008ApJ...689..513T 53       D     X         2 62 93 A tale of two Herbig Ae stars, MWC 275 and AB Aurigae: comprehensive models for spectral energy distribution and interferometry. TANNIRKULAM A., MONNIER J.D., HARRIES T.J., et al.
2008MNRAS.391..711M 15       D               1 72 30 Maximum stellar mass versus cluster membership number revisited. MASCHBERGER T. and CLARKE C.J.
2009ApJ...690..496C 45           X         1 10 145 The mid-infrared extinction law in the Ophiuchus, Perseus, and Serpens molecular clouds. CHAPMAN N.L., MUNDY L.G., LAI S.-P., et al.
2009ApJ...692..309E 471   K   D S   X         12 32 64 Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Sub-AU-Sized regions of T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be disks. EISNER J.A., GRAHAM J.R., AKESON R.L., et al.
2009A&A...495..901M 1062     A D S   X C       27 58 116 Parameters of Herbig Ae/Be and Vega-type stars. MONTESINOS B., EIROA C., MORA A., et al.
2009ApJS..181..321E viz 53       D     X         2 1054 1239 The Spitzer c2d legacy results: star-formation rates and efficiencies: evolution and lifetimes. EVANS N.J., DUNHAM M.M., JORGENSEN J.K., et al.
2009A&A...497..117A 91       D     X         3 44 67 Circumstellar disks around Herbig Be stars. ALONSO-ALBI T., FUENTE A., BACHILLER R., et al.
2009ApJ...695.1495H 947 T   A D S   X C F     22 23 3 Serpens cluster B and VV Ser observed with high spatial resolution at 70, 160, and 350 µm. HARVEY P. and DUNHAM M.M.
2009ApJ...698.2031R viz 15       D               1 109 15 The alignment of the polarization of Herbig Ae/Be stars with the interstellar magnetic field. RODRIGUES C.V., SARTORI M.J., GREGORIO-HETEM J., et al.
2009A&A...501..595P 531     A D S O X C       13 31 14 Near infrared polarimetry of a sample of YSOs. PEREYRA A., GIRART J.M., MAGALHAES A.M., et al.
2009A&A...502..283H 356       D     X         10 42 78 Searching for a link between the magnetic nature and other observed properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars and stars with debris disks. HUBRIG S., STELZER B., SCHOELLER M., et al.
2009A&A...502L..17A 76         O   C       1 33 25 On the interplay between flaring and shadowing in disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars. ACKE B., MIN M., VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., et al.
2009A&A...505.1167S 39           X         1 14 29 The circumstellar disc in the Bok globule CB 26. Multi-wavelength observations and modelling of the dust disc and envelope. SAUTER J., WOLF S., LAUNHARDT R., et al.
2009A&A...507..327O 15       D   O           2 124 89 C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars. IV. Crystalline silicates. OLOFSSON J., AUGEREAU J.-C., VAN DISHOECK E.F., et al.
2010MNRAS.401..275W 15       D               2 173 198 The relation between the most-massive star and its parental star cluster mass. WEIDNER C., KROUPA P. and BONNELL I.A.D.
2010ARep...54..163A 44 17 A search for Keplerian periods in the brightness variations of T Tauri and Ae Herbig stars. ARTEMENKO S.A., GRANKIN K.N. and PETROV P.P.
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