NGC 6823 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 6823 , the SIMBAD biblio (271 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:47:34

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Title First 3 Authors
1951ZA.....29...66B 4 1 Entfernungsbestimmung offener Sternhaufen nach der Methode der Farbdifferenzen. BECKER W.
1954ApJ...119..334S 35 60 Multiple-star systems in emission nebulae. SHARPLESS S.
1954ZA.....34....1B 424 30 Drei-Farben-Photometrie von 11 offenen Sternhaufen, insbesondere solchen mit O und fruhen B Sternen. BECKER W. and STOCK J.
1957SvA.....1..822B 66 T                   1 235 9 The open stellar clusters
NGC 6823 and NGC 6830.
1960PASP...72..331W 116 99 A survey of galactic radiation at 960 MC/S. WILSON R.W. and BOLTON J.G.
1960PASJ...12..203M 59 4 On the radio emission from HII clouds. MORIYAMA F.
1960ZA.....50...14G 66 T                   1 53 5 Die offenen Sternhaufen
NGC 6823 und NGC 6830.
1961LowOB...5..133J 133 145 Galactic clusters as indicators of stellar evolution and galactic structure. JOHNSON H.L., HOAG A.A., IRIARTE B., et al.
1961PUSNO..17..343H 647 289 Photometry of stars in galactic cluster fields. HOAG A.A., JOHNSON H.L., IRIARTE B., et al.
1961VA......8..139H 59 2 Open cluster distance moduli. HOAG A.A.
1963AJ.....68..181W 125 40 Catalogue of radio sources in the Galactic plane. WILSON R.W.
1963BAN....17..115J 87 132 The law of interstellar extinction. JOHNSON H.L. and BORGMAN J.
1963ZA.....56..257B 77 32 Die raumliche Verteilung von 55 H II-Regionen in der Milchstrasse. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1963ZA.....57..117B 156 162 Die raumliche Verteilung von 156 galaktischen Sternhaufen in Abhangikeit von ihrem Alter. BECKER W.
1965ApJ...141.1340S 66 T                   1 281 54 Polarization of galactic clusters M 25, NGC 869, 884, 1893, 2422,
6823, 6871 and association VI Cygni.
1965ApJS...12..215H 446 169 Distance moduli of open clusters. HOAG A.A. and APPLEQUIST N.L.
1966JO.....49..411B 67 T                   1 39 4 Etude photometrique de l'amas
NGC 6823.
1966VA......8..127S 3 13 Stellar systems of the Trapezium type. SHARPLESS S.
1968PASP...80..290W 82 33 Spectral types and H-gamma observations for stars in eight associations. WALKER G.A.H. and HODGE S.M.
1968ArA.....5....1L 178 108 The ages of open clusters. LINDOFF U.
1968PROE....6..181S 36 ~ Results of a search for globules in OB clusters and associations. SIM M.E.
1969MNRAS.143..407H 46 46 178 MHz observations of galactic radio sources. HOLDEN D.J. and CASWELL J.L.
1970A&A.....7..322G 40 11 Comparaison des vitesses radiales de regions H II obtenues en optique et en radio. GEORGELIN Y.P.
1970PDDO....4....1H 190 56 An atlas of open cluster colour-magnitude diagrams. HAGEN G.
1971A&A....10..270E 67 T                   1 148 20 Membership of the young open cluster
NGC 6823.
1971A&A....14..226S 6 6 237 An improved method for computing membership probabilities in open clusters. SANDERS W.L.
1971A&AS....4..241B 215 324 A catalogue of galactic star clusters observed in three colours. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1972A&AS....7..355M 19 74 Photometry of eleven young open star clusters. MOFFAT A.F.J.
1972AuJPA..25....1D 384 74 A low-latitude galactic survey from lII = 46 to 61 and 190 to 290 at 2700 MHz. DAY G.A., CASWELL J.L. and COOKE D.J.
1973BICDS...4...22M 148 3 First supplement to the list of transit tables for star numbering in open clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1974A&AS...18..427A 162 1 A photographic search for red stars in Aquila-Cygnus. AKYOL M.U., HIDAJAT B., BALAZS L.G., et al.
1974VeBoc...2....1M 660 6 Photographische UBV-Helligkeiten in 14 jungen Sternhaufen der nordlichen Milchstrasse. MOFFAT A.F.J. and VOGT N.
1975A&A....43...37B 20 50 Non-uniform extinction in open star clusters and dispersion of the photometric sequences. BURKI G.
1976A&A....51..247B 42 25 Observational tests on star formation. I. Size variation of very young clusters through the galaxy. BURKI G. and MAEDER A.
1976ApJ...204..493S 55 73 A study of Be stars in clusters. SCHILD R. and ROMANISHIN W.
1976ApJS...30..451H 420 193 Evolved stars in open clusters. HARRIS G.L.H.
1977A&A....57..135B 28 55 Observational test on star formation. III. Variation of the upper mass spectrum with the size of very young clusters. BURKI G.
1978A&A....62..159B 14 23 Observational tests on star formation IV: birth-places of massive stars in open star clusters. BURKI G.
1979A&AS...35..271F 190 33 A catalogue of galactic clusters observed in three colours. FENKART R.P. and BINGGELI B.
1979JRASC..73...74T 69 T                   1 4 26 A study of the extinction in the young open cluster
NGC 6823.
1981A&A...100...28F 133 30 A high-resolution search for small-scale structure in Sharpless H II regions at 4.995 GHz. FELLI M. and HARTEN R.H.
1981Ap&SS..75..465S 72 T                   1 1 21 Study of the galactic cluster
NGC 6823.
1982ApJS...49..183B viz 409 459 Catalogue of CO radial velocities toward galactic HII regions. BLITZ L., FICH M. and STARK A.A.
1982ApJS...49..425J 454 232 Open clusters and galactic structure. JANES K. and ADLER D.
1983A&A...121..237B 71 29 The absolute masses of 72 galactic clusters and 12 OB associations. BRUCH A. and SANDERS W.L.
1983PASP...95..185C 107 1 Two newly discovered S stars in a list of faint red objects. CRAINE E.R., TURNSHEK D.E., TURNSHEK D.A., et al.
1983BASI...11...44S 142 22 Integrated photometric parameters of open and globular clusters. SAGAR R., JOSHI U.C. and SINVHAL S.D.
1983JRASC..77...40J 185 21 Study of the open cluster IC 1805. JOSHI U.C. and SAGAR R.
1984ApJ...279..125F 244 158 Optical H II regions in the outer Galaxy. FICH M. and BLITZ L.
1984ApJ...281..624S 47 84 Kinematics of molecular clouds.I. Velocity dispersion in the solar neighborhood.. STARK A.A.
1984IBVS.2603....1D 26 2 Search for B-type variable stars in open clusters. DELGADO A.J., ALFARO E.J., GARRIDO R., et al.
1985ApJ...292..222S 13 43 Stellar evolution at high mass with convective core overshooting. STOTHERS R.B. and CHIN C.-W.
1985ApJ...298..521S 13 14 Evolution of massive stars in very young clusters and associations. STOTHERS R.B.
1985AbaOB..59..155D 14 2 Investigation of the initial mass function from machine-readable data on young open clusters. DLUZHNEVSKAYA O.B., MYAKUTIN V.I., PISKUNOV A.E., et al.
1985AbaOB..59..191S 14 6 Photometric investigation of open clusters. SAGAR R.
1985AcASn..26..152Z 39 5 On determining membership of open clusters from relative proper motions. ZHAO J.-L. and TIAN K.-P.
1985AN....306...45S 178 11 Investigation of the initial mass spectrum of open star clusters. STECKLUM B.
1985Ap&SS.112..111S 49 11 Integrated magnitudes and colors of open clusters. SPASSOVA N.M. and BAEV P.V.
1985IAUS..113..579V 74 8 Proper motion studies of stars in and around open clusters. VAN LEEUWEN F.
1986A&A...159..223F 74 20 Of-stars in young open clusters. FEINSTEIN A., VAZQUEZ R.A. and BENVENUTO O.G.
1986MNRAS.220..383S 1 12 78 Mass and age distributions of stars in young open clusters. SAGAR R., PISKUNOV A.E., MYAKUTIN V.I., et al.
1986BICDS..31..175M 308 18 Catalogue of UBV photometry and MK spectral types in open clusters (Third edition). MERMILLIOD J.C.
1987A&A...176...34H 113 78 Kinematics of young open clusters and the rotation curve of our Galaxy. HRON J.
1987MNRAS.228..483S 17 34 Study of interstellar extinction in some young open clusters. SAGAR R.
1987ATsir1503....7S 7 1 UBV observations of compact emission-line objects. SHCHELKANOVA A.Y.
1987ATsir1508....6B 40 0 A possible rotation of the system of open cluster complexes. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSSIPKOV L.P.
1987AZh....64..956B 70 6 A catalogue of some observational data and elements of galactic orbits of open star clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1987Ap&SS.129..293P 56 10 Age distribution of open clusters as a function of their linear diameter and age-dependence of cluster masses. PANDEY A.K., BHATT B.C. and MAHRA H.S.
1987BAAS...19..678K 8 0 BU-Arecibo HI galactic survey progress report. KUCHAR T.A. and BANIA T.M.
1987KFNT....3f..77D 47 ~ The study of structural and dynamical characteristics of open clusters (OCL). I. The results of star counts in 50 OCL'S. DANILOV V.M., SELEZNEV A.F., GURTO E.Y., et al.
1988AJ.....96.1389S 4 1 18 The inner and outer membership regions of the young open cluster NGC 6823. STONE R.C.
1988ApJS...68....1L viz 78 176 The guide star photometric catalog. I. LASKER B.M., STURCH C.R., LOPEZ C., et al.
1988MNRAS.234..831S 1 12 63 A study of the spatial stellar mass distribution in some young open clusters. SAGAR R., MYAKUTIN V.I., PISKUNOV A.E., et al.
1988AZh....65..730E 116 2 Classification of open clusters by centroid method of taxonomical analysis. EJGENSON A.M., YATZYK O.S. and KHOMIK S.I.
1988KFNT....4a..64B 57 ~ On some complexes of galactic clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1988KFNT....4d..80K 2 ~ The investigation of the NGC 6823 cluster based on photometric kinematic and spectral data. KUZNETSOV V.I.
1988NASAR1202....1L viz 131 0 Catalog of open clusters and associated interstellar matter. LEISAWITZ D.
1988PAZh...14..492B 109 7 HCN line J = 1 - 0 survey of molecular clouds associated with Sharpless H II regions. Results of observations. BUROV A.B., VDOVIN V.F., ZINCHENKO I.I., et al.
1988PAZh...14..817E 390 14 Young star-gaseous complexes of the galaxy. EFREMOV Y.N. and SITNIK T.G.
1989A&A...213..303V 4 8 The nature of the cometary nebula 1548 C 27. VILCHEZ J.M., MAMPASO A., RIERA A., et al.
1989A&A...224..191V 42 8 Magnetised molecular cloud edges. VALLEE J.P.
1989A&AS...77..439F 58 28 Photometry and spectroscopy of stars in northern H II regions. FORBES D.
1989ApJ...339..763S 108 111 Kinematics of molecular clouds. II. New data on nearby giant molecular clouds. STARK A.A. and BRAND J.
1989ApJ...342..272F 1 107 530 The rotation curve of the Milky Way to 2 Ro. FICH M., BLITZ L. and STARK A.A.
1989ApJS...70..731L 182 228 A CO survey of regions around 34 open clusters. LEISAWITZ D., BASH F.N. and THADDEUS P.
1989Afz....30..489M 5 0 Spectral investigation of 1548 C27: object with collimated outflow. MAGAKIAN T.Y., MOVSESSIAN T.A., AFANASEV V.L., et al.
1989AZh....66...12P 62 3 The groups of open clusters with common motion in the galaxy. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1989AZh....66.1154B 70 2 Some properties of open star cluster complexes. BARKHATOVA K.A., OSSIPKOV L.P. and KUTUZOV S.A.
1989BAICz..40...42A 223 18 Kinematics of star forming regions. AVEDISOVA V.S. and PALOUS J.
1989JApA...10..173S 12 5 Radial distribution of the integrated light and photometric colours in open star clusters. SAGAR R. and BHATT H.C.
1990AJ.....99..617P 13 17 The young open star clusters: stability and structure. PANDEY A.K., MAHRA H.S. and SAGAR R.
1990AJ.....99..622F 297 103 Fabry-Perot H-alpha observations of galactic H II regions. FICH M., TREFFERS R.R. and DAHL G.P.
1990ApJ...359..319L 152 36 A CO survey of regions around 34 open clusters. II. Physical properties of cataloged molecular clouds. LEISAWITZ D.
1990ApJ...359..378X 4 14 A bipolar outflow in the globule Lynds 810. XIE T. and GOLDSMITH P.F.
1990AbaOB..68...79K 3 0 Some results of investigation of four extremely young stellar clusters. KUZNETSOV V.I., METREVELI M.D., LAZORENKO G.A., et al.
1990AGAb....4...32S 4 0 Chemical abundances in early-type stars. SZEIFERT T., JUTTNER A., STAHL O., et al.
1990KFNT....6e...8K 70 T                   1 4 ~ Investigation of the nature of inhomogeneous interstellar extinction in the open clusters NGC 2244,
6823, 6913.
1990RMxAA..21..346V 65 5 Initial masses of WR stars in open clusters. VAZQUEZ R.A. and FEINSTEIN A.
1991A&A...241...69A 16 7 Reddening effects in Stromgren photometry. ALFARO E.J. and DELGADO A.J.
1991ApJ...378..106A 84 41 Topography of the galactic disk: Z-structure and large-scale star formation. ALFARO E.J., CABRERA-CANO J. and DELGADO A.J.
1992AJ....103..197G 70 T                   100 22 Photometric studies of stars in the young open cluster NGC 6823. GUETTER H.H.
1992MNRAS.258..800A 114 5 Redshifts of high-luminosity stars - the K effect, the Trumpler effect and mass-loss corrections. ARP H.
1992BASI...20..287P 11 30 Effect of mass segregation on mass function of young open clusters. PANDEY A.K., MAHRA H.S. and SAGAR R.
1992KFNT....8d..76K 70 T                   54 ~ On physical parameters of the open cluster NGC 6823. KUZNETSOV V.I. and LAZORENKO G.A.
1993A&A...275...67B viz 289 849 The velocity field of the outer galaxy. BRAND J. and BLITZ L.
1993A&A...278...43K 58 6 Membership study in multidimensional data space with an application to the open cluster NGC 6823. KUZNETSOV V.I., LAZORENKO G.A. and LAROZENKO P.F.
1993A&AS..101..153P viz 762 132 Classification and statistical properties of galactic H2O masers. PALAGI F., CESARONI R., COMORETTO G., et al.
1993ApJ...404..144K 1 10 52 Formation of globular clusters from gas in large-scale unorganized motion in galaxies. KUMAI Y., BASU B. and FUJIMOTO M.
1993AGAb....9..165K 8 1 The galactic abundance gradient. KAUFER A., KRENZIN R., SZEIFERT T., et al.
1994RMxAA..29..141F 46 11 The young open clusters in the galaxy. FEINSTEIN A.
1994RMxAA..29..163T 10 24 The interstellar extinction law. TURNER D.G.
1995A&AS..109..375A viz 852 100 Catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters. AHUMADA J. and LAPASSET E.
1995ApJ...452..652A 77 16 On coagulation and the stellar mass spectrum. ALLEN E.J. and BASTIEN P.
1995ApJ...454..151M viz 9563 507 The initial mass function and massive star evolution in the OB associations of the Northern Milky Way. MASSEY P., JOHNSON K.E. and DEGIOIA-EASTWOOD K.
1995MNRAS.273..431G 4 4 Imaging polarimetry of the comet P/Swift-Tuttle. GOLDBERG Y. and BROSCH N.
1995AZh....72..333D 79 0 Estimates of geometric and dynamic parameters of star-gas complexes in the Galaxy. DANILOV V.M. and SELEZNEV A.F.
1996A&A...314..430F 416 14 Derivation of the galactic rotation curve using space velocities. FRINK S., FUCHS B., ROESER S., et al.
1996ApJ...462..919N 5 7 118 Kinematic diagnostics of disks around young stars: CO overtone emission from WL 16 and 1548C27. NAJITA J., CARR J.S., GLASSGOLD A.E., et al.
1996PAZh...22..471S 69 ~ Peculiar motions of OB associations and their associated molecular clouds. SITNIK T.G. and MEL'NIK A.M.
1996PAZh...22..850G 29 ~ Determination of absolute proper motions for stars in 21 open clusters. GLUSHKOVA E.V., ZABOLOTSKIKH M.V., RASTORGUEV A.S., et al.
1997A&AS..124..385Z viz 21 34 Studies of dense cores in regions of massive star formation. V. Structure and kinematics of dense cores from ammonia observations. ZINCHENKO I., HENNING T. and SCHREYER K.
1998A&A...333..897R viz 495 96 Evolution of mass segregation in open clusters: some observational evidences. RABOUD D. and MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1998A&A...338..881G 1 25 123 B stars and the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk. GUMMERSBACH C.A., KAUFER A., SCHAEFER D.R., et al.
1998BASI...26..539P 31 2 A report on the studies of star clusters with the UPSO 104-cm Sampurnanand telescope during last 25 years. PANDEY A.K.
1999A&AS..136..313S 108 T K                 266 37 Spectroscopic observations of young open clusters: IC 1805, NGC 654 and
NGC 6823.
SHI H.M. and HU J.Y.
1999A&AS..137....7R 1 40 139 The radio emission from the Galaxy at 22 MHz. ROGER R.S., COSTAIN C.H., LANDECKER T.L., et al.
1999AJ....118..421F 15 10 Analysis of the Vulpecula rift from a photographic survey of proper motions. FRESNEAU A. and MONIER R.
1999ApJS..125..161J viz 370 374 Dense cores mapped in ammonia: a database. JIJINA J., MYERS P.C. and ADAMS F.C.
1999AstL...25..595R viz 119 30 Statistical parallaxes and kinematical parameters of classical Cepheids and young star clusters. RASTORGUEV A.S., GLUSHKOVA E.V., DAMBIS A.K., et al.
1999RMxAC...8..107R 11 6 Mass segregation in very young open clusters. RABOUD D.
2000A&A...356..118W 104 17 Spectral classification and reddening in the young open cluster NGC 6913. WANG J.-J. and HU J.-Y.
2000A&A...357..451F 47 90 On the evolutionary status of Be stars. FABREGAT J. and TORREJON J.M.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2000AcA....50..113P 72 T                   38 29 A CCD search for variable stars of spectral type B in the northern hemisphere open clusters. III. NGC 6823. PIGULSKI A., KOLACZKOWSKI Z. and KOPACKI G.
2001A&A...368..122G 98 100 High-mass binaries in the very young open cluster NGC 6231. Implication for cluster and star formation. GARCIA B. and MERMILLIOD J.C.
2001A&A...369..981K 15 12 On the δ Scuti variability in the pre-main sequence Herbig Ae star HR 5999. KURTZ D.W. and CATALA C.
2001A&A...372L..21M 10 16 New observations of the pulsating PMS star V351 Ori. MARCONI M., RIPEPI V., BERNABEI S., et al.
2001A&A...374..682E 13 4 The HI supershell GS061+00+51 and its neighbours. EHLEROVA S., PALOUS J. and HUCHTMEIER W.K.
2001MNRAS.323..872B 38 4 Fundamental parameters and new variables of the galactic open cluster NGC 7128. BALOG Z., DELGADO A.J., MOITINHO A., et al.
2001MNRAS.325.1341K 21 17 Pulsation in the pre-main-sequence Herbig Ae star HD 142666. KURTZ D.W. and MULLER M.
2001MNRAS.328..370Y 31 25 Non-uniform extinction in young open star clusters. YADAV R.K.S. and SAGAR R.
2001AcA....51..159P 34 6 A CCD search for variable stars of spectral type B in the Northern hemisphere open clusters. IV. NGC 663. PIGULSKI A., KOPACKI G. and KOLACZKOWSKI Z.
2001IAUS..200..191M 73 16 Spectroscopic binaries in young open clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C. and GARCIA B.
2001NewA....6..293T         O           164 23 Morphological analysis of open clusters' properties - I. Properties' estimations. TADROSS A.L.
2002A&A...386..576E 56 42 The blue to red supergiant ratio in young clusters at various metallicities. EGGENBERGER P., MEYNET G. and MAEDER A.
2002A&A...388..158L 144 49 Integrated photometric characteristics of galactic open star clusters. LATA S., PANDEY A.K., SAGAR R., et al.
2002A&A...390..945K 51 48 Gamma-ray line emission from OB associations and young open clusters. II. The Cygnus region. KNOEDLSEDER J., CERVINO M., LE DUIGOU J.-M., et al.
2002MNRAS.333..923B 12 13 Short-period line profile and light variations in the Herbig Ae star V351 Orionis. BALONA L.A., KOEN C. and VAN WYK F.
2002NewA....7..553T         O           166 39 Morphological analysis of open clusters' properties - II. Relationships projected onto the Galactic plane. TADROSS A.L., WERNER P., OSMAN A., et al.
2003AJ....125.1397C viz 217 230 On the galactic disk metallicity distribution from open clusters. I. New catalogs and abundance gradient. CHEN L., HOU J.L. and WANG J.J.
2003MNRAS.345..269H 40 31 Distances to Cepheid open clusters via optical and K -band imaging. HOYLE F., SHANKS T. and TANVIR N.R.
2003AcA....53..151J 15 7 A CCD search for variable stars of spectral type B in the Northern Hemisphere open clusters. V.NGC 2169. JERZYKIEWICZ M., KOPACKI G., MOLENDA-ZAKOWICZ J., et al.
2003IBVS.5472....1G 5 0 GSC 2139 2190 is a slowly changing Be variable and not a hot low mass post asymptotic giant branch star. GREAVES J.
2003RMxAA..39..171P 73 T                   78 7 Ubvy beta photoelectric photometry of the open cluster
NGC 6823.
2003ARep...47....6L viz 387 27 Proper motions of open star clusters and the rotation rate of the galaxy. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2003NewA....8..737T         O           92 22 Metallicity distribution on the galactic disk. TADROSS A.L.
2004ApJS..153..269K 160 69 An X-ray search for compact central sources in supernova remnants. I. SNRS G093.3+6.9, G315.4-2.3, G084.2+0.8, and G127.1+0.5. KAPLAN D.L., FRAIL D.A., GAENSLER B.M., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..991K 155 10 On the highly reddened members in six young galactic star clusters - a multiwavelength study. KUMAR B., SAGAR R., SANWAL B.B., et al.
2004AN....325..740K viz 15       D               629 95 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5. II. Membership probabilities in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2004KFNT...20f.525Z 12 ~ Close binary systems in regions of OB-associations. II. AT Vulpeculae in Vul OB1 and EV Vulpeculae in Vul OB4. ZAKIROV M.M. and ESHANKULOVA M.U.
2004AAS...205.1303D 7 0 A study of stellar rotation in seven young clusters. DROR D.H., STROM S.E. and WOLFF S.C.
2005A&A...438.1163K viz 525 572 Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2005MNRAS.357..345Z viz 296 17 Search for pulsating pre-main-sequence stars in NGC6383. ZWINTZ K., MARCONI M., REEGEN P., et al.
2005JApA...26..293H 49 1 Collaborative research of open star clusters. HOJAEV A.S.
2006A&A...446..949D viz 433 62 Proper motion determination of open clusters based on the UCAC2 catalogue. DIAS W.S., ASSAFIN M., FLORIO V., et al.
2006Ap.....49...54P 28 0 Spectral observations of stars associated with nebulae. I. PP52, PP57, PP63, and PP89. PARSAMIAN E.S. and GASPARIAN L.G.
2006ChJAA...6..287Z 207 1 Kinematics of the open cluster system in the Galaxy. ZHAO J.-L., CHEN L. and ZU Z.-L.
1985ChA&A...9..300Z 40 2 On determining membership of open clusters from relative proper motion. ZHAO J.-L. and TIAN K.-P.
2007A&A...463..789A viz 15       D               528 97 New catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters. AHUMADA J.A. and LAPASSET E.
2007AJ....133.1092W viz 37   K                 293 93 Rotational velocities for B0-B3 stars in seven young clusters: further study of the relationship between rotation speed and density in star-forming regions. WOLFF S.C., STROM S.E., DROR D., et al.
2007AJ....133.1528C viz 209 48 Infrared nebulae around young stellar objects. CONNELLEY M.S., REIPURTH B. and TOKUNAGA A.T.
2007AJ....133.1795G viz 196 12 Globulettes as seeds of brown dwarfs and free-floating planetary-mass objects. GAHM G.F., GRENMAN T., FREDRIKSSON S., et al.
2007A&A...468..151P viz 15       D               241 82 Towards absolute scales for the radii and masses of open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2008A&A...477..165P viz 15       D               525 90 Tidal radii and masses of open clusters. PISKUNOV A.E., SCHILBACH E., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2008ApJ...673.1088Z 38           X         1 43 34 Comparing the observational instability regions for pulsating pre-main-sequence and classical δ Scuti stars. ZWINTZ K.
2008MNRAS.385.1076V 38           X         1 79 6 Infrared spectroscopic study of a selection of AGB and post-AGB stars. VENKATA RAMAN V. and ANANDARAO B.G.
2008ApJ...681..428C viz 1604     A S   X C       41 77 39 The balloon-borne large aperture submillimeter telescope (BLAST) 2005: a 4 deg2 galactic plane survey in Vulpecula (l = 59°). CHAPIN E.L., ADE P.A.R., BOCK J.J., et al.
2008ApJ...681..708P 118           X C       2 5 50 SANEPIC: a mapmaking method for time stream data from large arrays. PATANCHON G., ADE P.A.R., BOCK J.J., et al.
2008MNRAS.388.1879M 15       D               1 101 28 Be phenomenon in open clusters: results from a survey of emission-line stars in young open clusters. MATHEW B., SUBRAMANIAM A. and BHATT B.C.
2008A&A...489.1129B 2222     A D S   X C       58 30 21 Investigating the borderline between a young star cluster and a small stellar association: a test case with Bochum 1. BICA E., BONATTO C. and DUTRA C.M.
2009PASP..121...76C 49           X         1 25 552 MIPSGAL: a survey of the inner Galactic plane at 24 and 70 µm. CAREY S.J., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., MIZUNO D.R., et al.
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