SIMBAD references

2002MNRAS.333..923B - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 333, 923-931 (2002/July-2)

Short-period line profile and light variations in the Herbig Ae star V351 Orionis.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present 318 high-dispersion echelle spectra and 450 UBVRCIC observations of the pre-main-sequence star V351 Orionis. These data were obtained simultaneously over a two-week period. The star is unusual in that it no longer shows the frequent sharp fadings that occurred prior to 1986. We find features characteristic of Herbig Ae stars: Hα emission, sharp and broad Naii absorption components and weak Hei absorption. The Hα profile is strongly variable with a time-scale of 1d and normally is an inverse P Cygni profile, but on occasions overt emission disappears altogether. The equivalent widths of the sharp Naii absorption lines have decreased quite markedly since 1995, indicating a decrease in the column density of gas in the line of sight. We also detect very weak forbidden [Oi] emission. There is no evidence for veiling of the star, but a possible 1.0-d or 0.5-d period in the equivalent widths of the lines could indicate the presence of an accretion hotspot.

The star is of particular interest because it is pulsating. We detect at least two periods in the light variation and a further period from the radial velocity variations. Attempts at photometric mode identification were not successful, but from the morphology of the line profiles we can identify one mode as non-radial. In addition, we see on some nights several residual absorption subfeatures moving across the line profile from blue to red. These are almost certainly caused by one or more modes of high degree (ℓ~8).

Abstract Copyright: 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd

Journal keyword(s): line: profiles - stars: individual: V351 Ori - stars: oscillations - stars: pre-main-sequence - δ Scuti

Simbad objects: 12

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