NGC 315 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 315 , the SIMBAD biblio (798 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST02:31:44

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Title First 3 Authors
1967BAN....19..201D 188 61 A 1417 MHz search for radio sources having a flux excess at short wavelengths. DAVIS M.M.
1968AJ.....73..135G 627 132 Survey of radio sources observed in the continuum near 1420 MHz, declinations -5 to +70. GALT J.A. and KENNEDY J.E.D.
1971AJ.....76..294D 341 15 A survey of the sky at 610.5 MHz. IV. The region between declinations +27 and +31.5 degrees. DICKEL J.R., WEBBER J.C. and YANG K.S.
1972AJ.....77..265P 257 127 The NRAO 5-GHz radio source survey. II. The 140-ft "Strong", "Intermediate", and "Deep" source surveys. PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., KELLERMANN K.I., DAVIS M.M., et al.
1972AJ.....77..405B viz 574 259 Flux densities, positions, and structures for a complete sample of intense radio sources at 1400 MHz. BRIDLE A.H., DAVIS M.M. and FOMALONT E.B.
1972AJ.....77..625W 493 6 Observations at 750, 1400, and 2700 MHz of radio sources in the Vermilion Observatory survey. WEBBER J.C. and WILLIS A.G.
1973A&A....24...69F 29 38 Identification and radio spectra of bright galaxies in the second Bologna catalogue of radiosources and their radio luminosity function. FANTI R., GIOIA I. and LARI C.
1974AJ.....79.1220C 462 84 Spectra of sources in the NRAO 5000-MHz surveys. CONDON J.J. and JAUNCEY D.L.
1975AJ.....80..771S viz 165 118 5-GHz survey of bright galaxies. SRAMEK R.
1976Natur.262..179B 71 T                   1 4 72 Giant radio galaxy
NGC 315.
1977A&A....54..297P 43 52 High resolution observations of weak radio nuclei in galaxies and quasars. PREUSS E., PAULINY-TOTH I.I.K., WITZEL A., et al.
1977A&AS...29..279F 41 70 Observations of 40 low luminosity radio galaxies with the Westerbork synthetis radio telescope. FANTI C., FANTI R., GIOIA I.M., et al.
1977AJ.....82...21B 456 21 Variability of extragalactic sources at 2.7 GHz II. Flux densities of 550 sources and further evidence for variations. BRIDLE A.H., KESTEVEN M.J.L. and BRANDIE G.W.
1977MNRAS.179....1W 81 6 High-resolution observations at 408 MHz of sources from the B2 catalogue. WARWICK R.S.
1977MNRAS.181..465W 7 4 152 NGC 6251, a very large radio galaxy with an exceptional jet. WAGGETT P.C., WARNER P.J. and BALDWIN J.E.
1978AJ.....83..209S 137 16 Optical identifications of radio sources in the NRAO 5-GHz survey - The 'S2' and 'intermediate' surveys. SHAFFER D.B.
1978AJ.....83..704B 42 98 Extended radio sources and elliptical galaxies. I. Small-diameter components in extended structures. BRIDLE A.H. and FOMALONT E.B.
1979A&A....77..316C 23 6 A search for radio recombination lines from galaxies and quasars. CHURCHWELL E. and SHAVER P.A.
1979AJ.....84....1C 98 63 318-MHz variability of complete samples of extragalactic radio sources. CONDON J.J., LEDDEN J.E., O'DELL S.L., et al.
1979ApJ...228L...9B 70 T                   1 7 83 Structure and polarization of jets in the giant radio galaxy
NGC 315.
1979ApJ...233L.101C 1 5 35 Misalignment in the radio jets of NGC 6251. COHEN M.H. and READHEAD A.C.S.
1980A&AS...40..191V 189 5 A study of the 4C catalogue of radio sources, between declinations 20 deg and 40 deg. II - The sample. VERON M.P. and VERON P.
1980AJ.....85..499P 1 6 52 High-resolution observations of 3C 219 at 1.48 and 4.89 GHz. PERLEY R.A., BRIDLE A.H., WILLIS A.G., et al.
1980AJ.....85..981F 5 24 Extended radio sources and elliptical galaxies. IV. Structures of 40 resolved sources. FOMALONT E.B., PALIMAKA J.J. and BRIDLE A.H.
1980ApJ...235..749B 5 5 130 Optical observations of radio jets. BUTCHER H.R., VAN BREUGEL W. and MILEY G.K.
1980ApJ...237..418F 72 T                   1 5 114 Structure of the magnetic field in the radio jets in 3C 31 and
NGC 315.
1980ApJ...239...42P 1 9 78 4C 32.69: a quasar with a radio jet. POTASH R.I. and WARDLE J.F.C.
1980MNRAS.193..427L 14 33 Observations of M 87 at 15.4 GHz with the 5-km telescope. LAING R.A.
1981A&A....95..250W 71 T                   1 5 92 Multifrequency observations of very large radio galaxies. III:
NGC 315.
1981A&A....96..332V 8 32 Multifrequency observations of extended radio galaxies. IV. The large radio jet galaxy 4CT 74.17.1. VAN BREUGEL W.J.M. and WILLIS A.G.
1981A&A....97..388G 10 21 VLBI Observations of selected galaxies. GRAHAM D.A., WEILER K.W. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1981ApJ...244..436L 4 4 87 VLBI observations of jets in double radio galaxies. LINFIELD R.
1981ApJ...246....1B 2 4 42 Gravitational distortion of the images of distant radio sources in an inhomogeneous universe. BLANDFORD R.D. and JAROSZYNSKI M.
1981ApJ...248...87L 2 13 160 Magnetic fields in extragalactic radio sources. LAING R.A.
1981ApJ...250...66V 11 35 Orbital motion of the head-tail radio galaxy IC 708. VALLEE J.P., BRIDLE A.H. and WILSON A.S.
1981ApJ...251...31F 2 15 187 The X-ray structure of Centaurus A. FEIGELSON E.D., SCHREIER E.J., DELVAILLE J.P., et al.
1982ApJ...257..538B 11 25 Multifrequency VLA observations of 3C 388: evidence for an intermittent jet ? BURNS J.O., CHRISTIANSEN W.A. and HOUGH D.H.
1982ApJ...263..546B 9 34 The curvature of radio jets and tails in the intracluster media of Abell 1446 and 2220. BURNS J.O. and BALONEK T.J.
1982MNRAS.200..705J 41 58 Radio observations of early-type galaxies. JENKINS C.R.
1982IAUS...97...13A 25 3 Large scale emission from radio galaxies. ANDERNACH H. and WIELEBINSKI R.
1982IAUS...97..121B 2 8 90 Systematics of large-scale radio jets. BRIDLE A.H.
1982IAUS...97..279R 48 21 The milliarcsecond structure of radio galaxies and quasars. READHEAD A.C.S. and PEARSON T.J.
1983A&A...119L...3S 14 33 A search for neutral hydrogen in radio galaxies. SHOSTAK G.S., VAN GORKOM J.H., EKERS R.D., et al.
1983A&A...121..313M 18 8 Further statistics on the M/L ratios in early-type galaxies. MICHARD R.
1983A&A...125..179F 7 30 Determination of physical parameters in extragalactic radio jets fromlarge scale, small amplitude oscillations. FERRARI A., TRUSSONI E. and ZANINETTI L.
1983A&AS...53..373B viz 30 13 Galaxies rotation curves : a catalogue. BAIESI-PILLASTRINI G.C., PALUMBO G.G.C. and VETTOLANI G.
1983AJ.....88...20C 145 24 Optical identifications of flat-Spectrum radio sources. CONDON J.J., CONDON M.A., BRODERICK J.J., et al.
1983AJ.....88..583H 20 55 Observations of neutral hydrogen in radio-loud and interacting galaxies. HECKMAN T.M., BALICK B., VAN BREUGEL W.J.M., et al.
1983ApJ...266...73S 13 2 137 The reconfinement of jets. SANDERS R.H.
1983ApJ...266L..97D 71 T                   1 1 13
NGC 315 : high velocity HI in an active elliptical galaxy ?
1983ApJ...266..516D 2 11 115 Dynamics of yet more ellipticals and bulges. DAVIES R.L. and ILLINGWORTH G.
1983ApJ...269...81K 1 2 13 Pressure collimation of supersonic radio jets. KRAUTTER A., HENRIKSEN R.N. and LAKE K.
1983ApJ...272..400H 27 43 An infrared and optical investigation of galactic nuclei with compact radio sources. HECKMAN T.M., LEBOFSKY M.J., RIEKE G.H., et al.
1983ApJS...52...61G viz 335 475 Groups of galaxies. III. THe CfA survey. GELLER M.J. and HUCHRA J.P.
1983ApJS...52...89H viz 2405 825 A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV. The data. HUCHRA J., DAVIS M., LATHAM D., et al.
1983AcApS...3..257Q 4 0 Physical conditions in radio jets and reacceleration of relativistic electrons by MHD turbulence. QIAN S.-J.
1983Ap&SS..90..207V 141 12 Are there correlations between radio and optical axes of radio galaxies ? VALTONEN M.J.
1983BAAS...15..659H 7 0 New low-frequency observations of giant radio galaxies. HANISCH R.J.
1983MmSAI..54..715F 16 1 Jets from QSO's. FERRARI A.
1983Natur.303..217G 3 5 Inversion symmetry of radio lobes in extragalactic sources. GOPAL-KRISHNA and CHITRE S.M.
1983PASAu...5..130B 2 3 The morphology and surface brightness of extragalactic jets. BICKNELL G.V.
1984A&A...139...55F 146 49 Statistical properties of the radio cores in elliptical galaxies. FERETTI L., GIOVANNINI G., GREGORINI L., et al.
1984A&A...141..189D 48 9 The correlation between distortion of radio structure and linear sizein low luminosity radio galaxies. DE RUITER H.R. and PARMA P.
1984AJ.....89..319G 140 30 A redshift survey of the poor cluster A1142. GELLER M.J., BEERS T.C., BOTHUN G.D., et al.
1984AJ.....89..323G 220 21 The low-frequency spectra of a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources. GREGORINI L., MANTOVANI F., ECKART A., et al.
1984AJ.....89..979B 95 104 Sidedness, field configuration, and collimation of extragalactic radio jets. BRIDLE A.H.
1984AJ.....89.1111H 242 92 Flickering of extragalactic radio sources. HEESCHEN D.S.
1984ApJ...278..499A 1 32 254 Optical spectropolarimetry of radio galaxies. ANTONUCCI R.R.J.
1984ApJS...56...91D 459 26 A comparison of distance scales for early-type galaxies. DE VAUCOULEURS G. and OLSON D.W.
1984MNRAS.207..361J 53 7 The rapid stellar rotation of radio galaxies. JENKINS C.R.
1984ARA&A..22..319B 191 769 Extragalactic radio jets. BRIDLE A.H. and PERLEY R.A.
1984Afz....21...93A 161 5 On the relative orientations of radio source axes and parent elliptical galaxies. ANDREASSIAN R.R.
1984Ap&SS.102...29P 91 0 A correlation between ellipticity and core-strength in extended radiogalaxies. PRABHU T.P. and KOCHHAR R.K.
1984Ap&SS.104..297M 26 8 Dynamical evolution of fragmenting gas clouds. MIKKOLA S., SAARINEN S. and VALTONEN M.
1984PASJ...36....1N 33 0 N-body simulations of the evolution of elliptical galaxies. NOGUCHI M.
1985A&A...152L...9K 12 11 Detection of distant extragalactic OH in absorption. KAZES I. and DICKEY J.M.
1985A&AS...61..273D 477 26 Catalogue of central velocity dispersions galaxies. DAVOUST E., PATUREL G. and VAUGLIN I.
1985A&AS...62..157G 745 9 A search for environmental effects on the optical properties of galaxies in groups. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1985AJ.....90...30R 87 51 Alignment of radio and optical polarization with VLBI structure. RUSK R. and SEAQUIST E.R.
1985AJ.....90..183E 103 101 A catalog of dusty elliptical galaxies. EBNETER K. and BALICK B.
1985AJ.....90.1446J 7 2 Does orientation affect the smoothness of parsec-scale radio jets ? JONES D.L.
1985AJ.....90.1599P 1228 160 A VLBI survey at 2.29 GHz. PRESTON R.A., MORABITO D.D., WILLIAMS J.G., et al.
1985ApJ...288..122H 100 51 The effect of local galaxy density on the production of powerful radio sources by early-type galaxies. HECKMAN T.M., CARTY T.J. and BOTHUN G.D.
1985ApJ...291...32B 56 156 The orientations of the rotation axes of radio galaxies. I. Radio morphologies of bright elliptical galaxies. BIRKINSHAW M. and DAVIES R.L.
1985ApJ...293..102F 2 56 726 Hot coronae around early-type galaxies. FORMAN W., JONES C. and TUCKER W.
1985ApJ...298..107S 2 9 Magnetized jet models for radio sources. SIAH M.J.
1985ApJ...299...41H 34 83 The kinematics of stars and gas in radio galaxies. HECKMAN T.M., ILLINGWORTH G.D., MILEY G.K., et al.
1985ApJS...59....1W viz 651 146 A catalog of stellar velocity dispersions. I. Compilation and standard galaxies. WHITMORE B.C., McELROY D.B. and TONRY J.L.
1985PASAu...6..130B 1 4 27 The relationship of the Fanaroff-Riley classification of extragalactic radio sources to jet physics. BICKNELL G.V.
1986A&A...165...15C 236 41 The HI content of lenticular and early-type galaxies: a comparison between field and Virgo cluster samples. CHAMARAUX P., BALKOWSKI C. and FONTANELLI P.
1986A&A...170...20S 11 41 Giant radio galaxy 0503-286. SARIPALLI L., GOPAL-KRISHNA, REICH W., et al.
1986A&AS...66..255K viz 99 218 A catalog of 2810 nearby galaxies : the effect of the virgocentric flow model on their observed velocities. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C.
1986AJ.....91...23W 308 145 The statistical distribution of the neutral-hydrogen content of SO galaxies. WARDLE M. and KNAPP G.R.
1986AJ.....91.1011R 19 36 Weak nuclei of powerful radio sources-spectra and polarizations. RUDNICK L., JONES T.W. and FIEDLER R.
1986AJ.....92..534B 6 2 51 Collimation and polarization of the jets in 3C 219. BRIDLE A.H., PERLEY R.A. and HENRIKSEN R.N.
1986AJ.....92.1291S 232 22 An Arecibo survey for extragalactic hydroxyl absorption. I. Presentation of results. SCHMELZ J.T., BAAN W.A., HASCHICK A.D., et al.
1986ApJ...300..151L 36 32 New evidence for galaxy luminosity evolution. LEBOFSKY M.J. and EISENHARDT P.R.M.
1986ApJ...300..190D 38 44 A survey of neutral hydrogen absorption in the nuclei of active spiral galaxies. DICKEY J.M.
1986ApJ...300..591B 5 3 66 A model for the surface brightness of a turbulent, low Mach number jet. II. The global energy budget and radiative losses. BICKNELL G.V.
1986ApJ...300..605W 3 10 Beam models for radio sources. V. Collimation in more realistic galactic potentials. WIITA P.J. and SHAI M.J.
1986ApJ...305..109B 118 T K                 1 1 58 A model for the surface brightness of a turbulent low Mach number jet. III. Adiabatic jets of arbitrary density ratio: application to
NGC 315.
1986MNRAS.221.1049F 17 60 A lower limit to the binding mass of early-type galaxies. FABIAN A.C., THOMAS P.A., FALL S.M., et al.
1986MNRAS.222..655T 1 19 94 The prevalence of cooling flows in early-type galaxies. THOMAS P.A., FABIAN A.C., ARNAUD K.A., et al.
1986PAZh...12..522G 4 0 The helical structure of radio jets in quasars and active cores of galaxies. GESTRIN S.G. and KONTOROVICH V.M.
1986RMxAA..12..143D 1 2 Magnetohydrodynamic effects in radio jets. DE GOUVEIA DAL PINO E.M. and OPHER R.
1987A&A...177L..53B 32 41 Radio activity and the shape of elliptical galaxies. BENDER R., DOBEREINER S. and MOLLENHOFF C.
1987A&A...181..244P 81 78 VLA observations of low-luminosity radio galaxies. VI. Discussion of radio jets. PARMA P., FANTI C., FANTI R., et al.
1987A&AS...67..341B 295 27 A catalogue of early-type galaxies with emission lines. BETTONI D. and BUSON L.M.
1987A&AS...69...57F 44 103 VLA observations of low luminosity radio galaxies. IV. The B2 sample revisited. FANTI C., FANTI R., DE RUITER H.R., et al.
1987A&AS...69..263C 63 22 HI observations of lenticular and early type galaxies. CHAMARAUX P., BALKOWSKI C. and FONTANELLI P.
1987A&AS...71...75J 1 8 34 0.6 GHz mapping of extended radio galaxies. II. Edge-darkened double sources. JAGERS W.J.
1987AJ.....93.1484M 267 27 A systematic search for long-term variability in a large sample of X-ray sources. MACCACARO T., GARILLI B. and MEREGHETTI S.
1987ApJ...312..503C 1 83 380 Properties of the X-ray emitting gas in early-type galaxies. CANIZARES C.R., FABBIANO G. and TRINCHIERI G.
1987ApJ...314..507L 3 3 Hydrostatic confinement of radio jets. LAKE K. and BOUCHER P.
1987ApJS...64..581D 434 291 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. II. The spectroscopic parameters. DAVIES R.L., BURSTEIN D., DRESSLER A., et al.
1987ApJS...64..601B 602 269 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. III. UBV aperture photometry, CCD photometry, and magnitude-related parameters. BURSTEIN D., DAVIES R.L., DRESSLER A., et al.
1987MNRAS.229...15S 103 35 The radio and optical axes of radio elliptical galaxies. SANSOM A.E., DANZIGER I.J., EKERS R.D., et al.
1987AISAO..25...68P 18 2 Investigation of radio objects with continuum optical spectra. Rapid radio variabiliy from the observations at the RATAN-600 radiotelescope. PUSTIL'NIK S.A. and ALIAKBEROV K.D.
1987BAAS...19..712V 11 0 Narrow-band H-alpha imaging of early-type galaxies. VEDDER P.W., CANIZARES C.R. and BLIZZARD P.L.
1987PhR...148..309A 76 28 Extragalactic magnetic fields. ASSEO E. and SOL H.
1987PAZh...13..381M 14 0 Observations of faint radio galaxies from the Bologna survey with RATAN-600 at frequencies 3.95 GHz and 7.69 GHz. MALUMIAN V.H.
1987IAUS..124..537P 47 2 Search for structural changes in the cores of 'nearby' radio galaxies. PREUSS E. and ALEF W.
1987IAUS..127..179S 19 13 Mass distribution in elliptical galaxies at large radii. SARAZIN C.L.
1987IAUS..127..405K 22 30 Dust in early type galaxies observed at the CFHT. KORMENDY J. and STAUFFER J.
1988A&A...193L...7B 1 31 203 Velocity anisotropies and isophote shapes in elliptical galaxies. BENDER R.
1988A&A...194...79S 29 36 Extensive gaseous haloes surrounding giant elliptical galaxies: evidence from depolarization in radio galaxies. STROM R.G. and JAGERS W.J.
1988A&A...199...73G 191 166 Radio nuclei in elliptical galaxies. GIOVANNINI G., FERETTI L., GREGORINI L., et al.
1988A&AS...74..385B 70 240 Isophote shapes of elliptical galaxies. I. The data. BENDER R., DOBEREINER S. and MOLLENHOFF C.
1988AJ.....95...26G 133 152 IRAS observations of radio galaxies. GOLOMBEK D., MILEY G.K. and NEUGEBAUER G.
1988AJ.....95.1360V 14 5 The 1 Mpc giant radio galaxy IC 711: 3 km Westerbork observations at lambda 92 cm. VALLEE J.P. and STROM R.G.
1988AJ.....96...30C 179 153 Radio identifications of UGC galaxies: starbursts and monsters. CONDON J.J. and BRODERICK J.J.
1988ApJ...328..381M 609 14 Cosmology from a galaxy group catalog. I. Binaries. MORGAN C.G. and HARTWICK F.D.A.
1988ApJ...331..102S 15 50 The X-ray emission of normal elliptical galaxies: steady state cooling flow models. SARAZIN C.L. and WHITE III R.E.
1988ApJ...334...95R 28 58 Jet precession in active galaxies. ROOS N.
1988ApJS...68..409D 2 15 133 The orientations of the rotation of radio galaxies. II. Stellar rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles. DAVIES R.L. and BIRKINSHAW M.
1988MNRAS.230..131P 210 219 The cluster environments of powerful radio galaxies. PRESTAGE R.M. and PEACOCK J.A.
1988MNRAS.233...33K 9 11 Twisted accretion discs - IV. Alignment in polytropic discs and low alpha limit. KUMAR S.
1988KFNT....4b..90G 4 ~ Influence of external magnetic field on the helical structure of Radio jets. GESTRIN S.G. and KONTOROVICH V.M.
1988SoByu..60...52I 40 0 Central part of some Irr II type candidates. ISKUDARIAN S.G.
1988IAUS..129...75C 17 0 VLBI cores in a sample of radio galaxies. COMORETTO G., FERETTI L. and GIOVANNINI G.
1989A&A...215..266N 34 114 Boxiness in elliptical galaxies. NIETO J.-L. and BENDER R.
1989A&A...217...35B 110 394 Isophote shapes of elliptical galaxies. II. Correlations with global optical, radio and X-ray properties. BENDER R., SURMA P., DOBEREINER S., et al.
1989AJ.....97..708V 66 204 H I absorption in radio elliptical galaxies-evidence for infall. VAN GORKOM J.H., KNAPP G.R., EKERS R.D., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1319C 643 25 On the relationship between radio emission and optical properties in early-type galaxies. CALVANI M., FASANO G. and FRANCESCHINI A.
1989ApJ...340..679C 6 17 Extragalactic jets as current carrying systems. II. Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, relativistic electron distribution, and observable quantities. CORBELLI E. and VELTRI P.
1989ApJ...347..127F 87 109 Radio emission and the hot interstellar medium of early-type galaxies. FABBIANO G., GIOIA I.M. and TRINCHIERI G.
1989ApJS...69..763F viz 14       D               712 594 Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. VI. Sample selection and data summary. FABER S.M., WEGNER G., BURSTEIN D., et al.
1989MNRAS.237..341A 15 17 VLBI observations of the nuclei of a mixed sample of bright galaxies and quasars at 327 MHz. ANANTHAKRISHNAN S., KULKARNI V.K., PONSONBY J.E.B., et al.
1989SoByu..61...46I 147 0 The galaxies with the possible signs of M 82 type galaxies. ISKUDARIAN S.G.
1990AJ.....99..476K 88 72 Infrared properties of nearby radio galaxies. KNAPP G.R., BIES W.E. and VAN GORKOM J.H.
1990AJ....100.1091P viz 3 42 523 CCD surface photometry of galaxies with dynamical data. II. UBR photometry of 39 elliptical galaxies. PELETIER R.F., DAVIES R.L., ILLINGWORTH G.D., et al.
1990ApJ...349...45C 60 24 Interaction versus radio source generation: the properties of radio jet parent galaxies. COLINA L. and PEREZ-FOURNON I.
1990ApJ...352L..37M 6 22 Atomic hydrogen in radio galaxies: a high-velocity cloud moving toward the giant elliptical 4C 31.04. MIRABEL I.F.
1990ApJ...354...52D 64 51 The correlation of X-ray and optical luminosities of early-type galaxies using new data and distances. DONNELLY R.H., FABER S.M. and O'CONNELL R.M.
1990ApJ...354...98B 19 38 Physical properties of jets in low-luminosity radio sources. BICKNELL G.V., DE RUITER H.R., FANTI R., et al.
1990ApJ...356...62I 60 18 Infrared studies of elliptical galaxies. II. A radio-selected sample. IMPEY C.D., WYNN-WILLIAMS C.G. and BECKLIN E.E.
1990ApJ...358..159G 28 46 VLBI observations of a complete sample of radio galaxies. I. Snapshot data. GIOVANNINI G., FERETTI L. and COMORETTO G.
1990ApJS...72...41C 47 29 Optical observations of galaxies containing radio jets: a catalog of sources with redshift smaller than 0.15. COLINA L. and PEREZ-FOURNON I.
1990AZh....67...33M 71 0 Observations of faint radio galaxies with the RATAN-600 radio telescope. MALUMYAN V.H.
1990BAAS...22..811G 3 0 The milli-arcsec radio structure of three FR-I radio galaxies. GIOVANNINI G., COMORETTO G., FERETTI L., et al.
1990JRASC..84..199R 93 10 Optical polarization properties of compact radio sources. RUSK R.
1991A&A...245..371B 1 5 25 WSRT and VLA observations of the radio galaxy B2 0326+39 at 0.6, 1.5 and 5 GHz. BRIDLE A.H., BAUM S.A., FOMALONT E.B., et al.
1991AJ....101..362C 363 128 UGC galaxies stronger than 25 mJy at 4.85 GHz. CONDON J.J. and FRAYER D.T.
1991AJ....101.1609K 27 63 Millimeter and submillimeter observations of nearby radio galaxies. KNAPP G.R. and PATTEN B.M.
1991AJ....101.2056E 251 29 H I content and FIR emission of SO galaxies. ESKRIDGE P.B. and POGGE R.W.
1991AJ....102.1314S 48 47 Optical nebulosity in X-ray-selected, early type galaxies. SHIELDS J.C.
1991ApJ...366...16B 54 31 Comparison of VLBI radio-core and X-ray flux densities of extragalactic radio sources. BLOOM S.D. and MARSCHER A.P.
1991ApJ...379..141M 4 8 Heavy, overpressured jets and the radio source Hercules A. MEIER D.L., SADUN A.C. and LIND K.R.
1991MNRAS.249..779F 140 61 On the external origin for dust in elliptical galaxies. FORBES D.A.
1992A&A...259..445F 7 15 The jet/interstellar medium interaction and the radiation properties of extragalactic jets. FRAIX-BURNET D.
1992A&AS...92..749T 1554 45 The far-infrared properties of the CfA galaxy sample. I. The catalog. THUAN T.X. and SAUVAGE M.
1992A&AS...93..211F 2164 70 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members. FOUQUE P., GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P., et al.
1992A&AS...95..249L 232 10 A finding list of extragalactic radio jets and statistical results. LIU F.K. and XIE G.Z.
1992AJ....104.1009W 117 30 A complete sample of northern hemisphere active galactic nuclei: differences in flux and spectra at high radio frequencies. WIREN S., VALTAOJA E., TERASRANTA H., et al.
1992ApJ...398...69W 1 83 597 Mg and Fe absorption features in elliptical galaxies. WORTHEY G., FABER S.M. and GONZALEZ J.J.
1992ApJ...399..462B 1 108 807 Dynamically hot galaxies. I. Structural properties. BENDER R., BURSTEIN D. and FABER S.M.
1992ApJS...80..531F viz 518 501 An X-ray catalog and atlas of galaxies. FABBIANO G., KIM D.-W. and TRINCHIERI G.
1992ApJS...80..645K 131 75 The X-ray spectra of galaxies. I. Spectral fits of individual galaxies and X-ray colors. KIM D.-W., FABBIANO G. and TRINCHIERI G.
1992Ap&SS.187..209E 11 3 Origin of the central radio gaps in extragalactic radio sources. EKEJIUBA I.E., OKEKE P.N. and OKOYE S.E.
1993A&A...278...23B 64 44 Do elliptical galaxies have r1/4 brightness profiles? BURKERT A.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1993A&AS..100..263O 438 5 Optical positions and 327 MHz flux-densities of UGC galaxies in selected Westerbork fields. OLY C. and ISRAEL F.P.
1993AJ....105..853I viz 143 36 Energy distributions of radio galaxies. IMPEY C. and GREGORINI L.
1993AJ....106..923S 23 30 Metallicity gradients in early-type galaxies. SCHOMBERT J.M., HANLAN P.C., BARSONY M., et al.
1993ApJ...408...81V 109 T K                 4 48 VLBI observations of a complete sample of radio galaxies. II. The parsec-scale structure of
NGC 315.
1993ApJ...411..153B 112 327 Dynamically hot galaxies. II. Global stellar populations. BENDER R., BURSTEIN D. and FABER S.M.
1993ApJ...413..453N viz 541 81 On the redshift-apparent size diagram of double radio sources. NILSSON K., VALTONEN M.J., KOTILAINEN J., et al.
1993ApJ...416L..61S 9 8 Low-mass star formation in cooling flow galaxies. SCHOMBERT J.M., BARSONY M. and HANLON P.C.
1993ApJ...417...63H 3 21 278 A reevaluation of the excitation mechanism of liners. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1993ApJS...85....1N 1321 89 A revised catalog of CfA1 galaxy groups in the Virgo/Great Attractor flow field. NOLTHENIUS R.
1993MNRAS.261..379G 27 25 Can isophotal shape discriminate between possible origins of elliptical galaxies ? GOVERNATO F., REDUZZI L. and RAMPAZZO R.
1993MNRAS.262L..51S 25 10 Non-equilibrium motions in galaxies and gravitational redshift. STIAVELLI M. and SETTI G.
1993MNRAS.262..650D 6 15 388 Line-strength gradients in elliptical galaxies. DAVIES R.L., SADLER E.M. and PELETIER R.F.
1993PAZh...19..701S 4 ~ The Mg/Fe ratio in the nuclei of elliptical and disk galaxies. SIL'CHENKO O.K.
1994A&A...283..729K 14 22 A high-frequency radio continuum investigation of giant radio galaxies. I. Observations of six objects at 2.8 cm wavelength. KLEIN U., MACK K.-H., STROM R., et al.
1994A&AS..105..211S viz 527 137 The optical identification status of the 1 Jy radio source catalogue. STICKEL M., MEISENHEIMER K. and KUEHR H.
1994AJ....107..118B 172 91 Mean morphological types of bright galaxies. BUTA R., MITRA S., DE VAUCOULEURS G., et al.
1994ApJ...422..542B 44   K                 5 186 On the relationship between BL Lacertae objects and Fanaroff-Riley I radio galaxies. BICKNELL G.V.
1994ApJ...424..126H 3 3 44 On jet response to a driving frequency and the jets in 3C 449. HARDEE P.E., COOPER M.A. and CLARKE D.A.
1994ApJ...427..134W 2 9 88 Multiple X-ray emission components in low-power radio galaxies. WORRALL D.M. and BIRKINSHAW M.
1994ApJ...429..638L 123 21 Survey of local CO emission toward compact extragalactic millimeter-wave continuum sources and implications for local galactic structure. LISZT H.S.
1994ApJ...430..467V viz 1 68 336 Superluminal motion statistics and cosmology. VERMEULEN R.C. and COHEN M.H.
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1994ApJS...91..507D viz 27 22 Surface photometry of low-luminosity radio galaxies. DE JUAN L., COLINA L. and PEREZ-FOURNON I.
1994MNRAS.271...39S 68 8 Line-strength gradients in the bulge components of NGC 3190 and 1023. SANSOM A.E., PEACE G. and DODD M.
1994AuJPh..47..669B 6 3 Extragalactic radio sources and the role of relativistic jets. BICKNELL G.V.
1994BAAS...26.1504B 3 ~ ROSAT observations of three galaxies with prominent radio jets. BIRKINSHAW M. and WORRALL D.M.
1994PAZh...20..178A 71 T                   5 ~ Observations of the radio galaxies NGC 315 and 3C 219 at 102 MHz. ARTYUKH V.S., HOVHANNISSIAN M.A. and TYUL'BASHEV S.A.
1994IAUS..159..385W 8 1 New X-ray results on radio galaxies. WORRALL D.M. and BIRKINSHAW M.
1995A&AS..109..147B viz 629 94 The ROSAT AGN content of the 87GB 5 GHz survey: bulk properties of previously optically identified sources. BRINKMANN W., SIEBERT J., REICH W., et al.
1995AJ....109.2318C viz 371 55 Radio identifications of extragalactic IRAS sources. CONDON J.J., ANDERSON E. and BRODERICK J.J.
1995ApJ...438..539F 36 100 Kinematics of 13 brightest cluster galaxies. FISHER D., ILLINGWORTH G. and FRANX M.
1995ApJ...442..523E viz 87 36 A multiparametric analysis of the Einstein sample of early-type galaxies. II. Galaxy formation history and properties of the interstellar medium. ESKRIDGE P.B., FABBIANO G. and KIM D.-W.
1995ApJ...448...70E 48 13 A multiparametric analysis of the Einstein sample of early-type galaxies. III. Comparisons with the k-parameters. ESKRIDGE P.B., FABBIANO G. and KIM D.-W.
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1995ApJ...448..548C 66 48 Collisions of ellipticals and the onset of Fanaroff-Riley type I radio sources. COLINA L. and DE JUAN L.
1995ApJ...454..735V 11 36 VLBI observations of a complete sample of radio galaxies. VI. The two FR I radio galaxies B2 0836+29 and 3C 465. VENTURI T., CASTALDINI C., COTTON W.D., et al.
1995ApJS...97..141E viz 151 91 A multiparametric analysis of the Einstein sample of early-type galaxies. I. Luminosity and ISM parameters. ESKRIDGE P.B., FABBIANO G. and KIM D.-W.
1995ApJS...98..477H viz 506 435 A search for "dwarf" Seyfert nuclei. II. An optical spectral atlas of the nuclei of nearby galaxies. HO L.C., FILIPPENKO A.V. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1995ApJS..100..105M viz 1290 138 A catalog of stellar velocity dispersions. II. 1994 update. McELROY D.B.
1995ApJS..101...29B 24 2 195 Relativistic jets and the Fanaroff-Riley classification of radio galaxies. BICKNELL G.V.
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1995Ap.....38..389H 4 0 Magnetic fields and radio jets in giant radio galaxies. HOVHANNISSIAN M.A.
1995PhRvL..75.3056S 4 10 189 Arrival directions of the most energetic cosmic rays. STANEV T., BIERMANN P.L., LLOYD-EVANS J., et al.
1996A&A...306..708S 11 14 A high-frequency radio continuum investigation of giant radio galaxies. II. Observations of four objects at 2.8cm wavelength. SARIPALLI L., MACK K.-H., KLEIN U., et al.
1996A&A...309..749P viz 1603 202 The fundamental plane of early-type galaxies: stellar populations and mass-to-light ratio. PRUGNIEL P. and SIMIEN F.
1996A&A...311..425B 1 43 166 Probing the age of elliptical galaxies. BRESSAN A., CHIOSI C. and TANTALO R.
1996A&AS..115..439E viz 173 88 A CO survey of galaxies with the SEST and the 20-m Onsala telescope. ELFHAG T., BOOTH R.S., HOEGLUND B., et al.
1996AJ....111..722F 180 4 Photoelectric UBV photometry of 179 bright galaxies. FRUEH M.L., CORWIN H.G.Jr, DE VAUCOULEURS G., et al.
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1996ApJ...461..155W 55 62 The effects of dust on broadband color gradients in elliptical galaxies. WISE M.W. and SILVA D.R.
1996MNRAS.278..273H 20 43 The jets in 3C 66B. HARDCASTLE M.J., ALEXANDER P., POOLEY G.G., et al.
1996MNRAS.281..425M 1 58 251 Optical spectroscopy and polarization of a new sample of optically bright flat radio spectrum sources. MARCHA M.J.M., BROWNE I.W.A., IMPEY C.D., et al.
1996BAAS...28S.839B 8 ~ The distribution of elliptical galaxy shapes. BAK J. and STATLER T.S.
1997A&A...321..765B 10 17 The neutral gas content of X-ray bright elliptical galaxies. BRAINE J., HENKEL C. and WIKLIND T.
1997A&A...323...71C viz 20 24 Line spectra of Liners. The contribution of the different ionization mechanisms. CONTINI M.
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1997AJ....114.1365B 1 74 228 Global relationships among the physical properties of stellar systems. BURSTEIN D., BENDER R., FABER S.M., et al.
1997ApJ...474..179L 1 12 40 VLBI observations of a complete sample of radio galaxies. VII. Study of the FR I sources 3C 31, 4C 35.03, and 3C 264. LARA L., COTTON W.D., FERETTI L., et al.
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1997MmSAI..68..151G 13 0 Parsec scale properties of low power radio galaxies. GIOVANNINI G., ARBIZZANI E., COTTON W.D., et al.
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1998A&A...333..419T 45 131 Ages and metallicities in elliptical galaxies from the Hβ, <Fe>, and Mg2 diagnostics. TANTALO R., CHIOSI C. and BRESSAN A.
1998A&A...335..847M 5 1 Metallicity gradients and the matter distribution in elliptical galaxies. MARTINELLI A.
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1998A&AS..128..299P viz 6817 141 Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies. PRUGNIEL P. and HERAUDEAU P.
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1998AJ....115.1737K 106 16 The identification of quasars behind elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies. KNEZEK P.M. and BREGMAN J.N.
1998AJ....116...85S 39 34 The ages of disturbed field elliptical galaxies. I. Global properties. SILVA D.R. and BOTHUN G.D.
1998AJ....116.1094C viz 1381 18 Galaxy alignments in the Pisces-Perseus supercluster revisited. CABANELA J.E. and ALDERING G.
1998AJ....116.2793S 37 19 The ages of disturbed field elliptical galaxies. II. Central properties. SILVA D.R. and BOTHUN G.D.
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1998MNRAS.300..790W viz 541 128 Interferometer phase calibrations sources - III. The regions +20deg ≤ delB1950 ≤ +35deg and +75deg ≤ delB1950 ≤ +90deg . WILKINSON P.N., BROWNE I.W.A., PATNAIK A.R., et al.
1998Ap.....41..308M 1394 1 Groups of galaxies. III. Some empirical characteristics. MAHTESSIAN A.P.
1999A&A...341...44S 1 9 38 The Mpc-scale radio source associated with the GPS galaxy B 1144+352. SCHOENMAKERS A.P., DE BRUYN A.G., ROETTGERING H.J.A., et al.
1999A&A...342..378G viz 316 153 The "angular size - redshift" relation for compact radio structures in quasars and radio galaxies. GURVITS L.I., KELLERMANN K.I. and FREY S.
1999A&A...344....7P 45 115 Radiative ages in a representative sample of low luminosity radio galaxies. PARMA P., MURGIA M., MORGANTI R., et al.
1999A&AS..139..545K viz 551 105 Survey of instantaneous 1-22 GHz spectra of 550 compact extragalactic objects with declinations from -30° to +43°. KOVALEV Y.Y., NIZHELSKY N.A., KOVALEV Y.A., et al.
1999AJ....118.1169X 415 161 Radio-loud and radio-quiet active galactic nuclei. XU C., LIVIO M. and BAUM S.
1999AJ....118.2592V 36 79 Hubble space telescope observations of nearby radio-loud early-type galaxies. VERDOES KLEIJN G.A., BAUM S.A., DE ZEEUW P.T., et al.
1999ApJ...512..105J 6 4 81 Simulating electron transport and synchrotron emission in radio galaxies: shock acceleration and synchrotron aging in axisymmetric flows. JONES T.W., RYU D. and ENGEL A.
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1999ApJ...525..673B 1 21 83 Polarized broad-line emission from low-luminosity active galactic nuclei. BARTH A.J., FILIPPENKO A.V. and MORAN E.C.
1999ApJ...527..573K viz 82 150 Gradients of absorption-line strengths in elliptical galaxies. KOBAYASHI C. and ARIMOTO N.
1999ApJS..121..287H viz 14       D               1 4290 204 The CfA redshift survey: data for the South Galactic Cap. HUCHRA J.P., VOGELEY M.S. and GELLER M.J.
1999ApJS..125..409C viz 13438 54 Arcsecond positions of UGC galaxies. COTTON W.D., CONDON J.J. and ARBIZZANI E.
1999MNRAS.302L..60S 72 8 Polarization of radio cores as a test of unified schemes. SAIKIA D.J.
1999MNRAS.302..209B 291 67 X-ray luminosities for a magnitude-limited sample of early-type galaxies from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. BEUING J., DOBEREINER S., BOHRINGER H., et al.
1999MNRAS.302..288N 2 5 40 Sunyaev-Zeldovich decrements with no clusters? NATARAJAN P. and SIGURDSSON S.
1999MNRAS.306..513L 50 118 Asymmetries in the jets of weak radio galaxies. LAING R.A., PARMA P., DE RUITER H.R., et al.
1999MNRAS.309..100I 56 131 Giant radio sources. ISHWARA-CHANDRA C.H. and SAIKIA D.J.
1999MNRAS.309..623F 94 45 On the relationship between age and dynamics in elliptical galaxies. FORBES D.A. and PONMAN T.J.
1999MNRAS.310...30C 57 66 X-ray observations of low-power radio galaxies from the B2 catalogue. CANOSA C.M., WORRALL D.M., HARDCASTLE M.J., et al.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
1999AGAb...15..130S 3 0 Polarization studies of giant radio galaxies. SOHN B.W. and KLEIN U.
1999Ap&SS.264..423B 5 3 The origin of highest energy cosmic rays and cosmic magnetic fields. BIERMANN P.L.
1999JApA...20..165M 24 35 Observational evidence for massive black holes in the centers of active galaxies. MORAN J.M., GREENHILL L.J. and HERRNSTEIN J.R.
1999RMxAA..35..187C viz 14       D               1 480 28 A multifrequency catalog of LINERs. CARRILLO R., MASEGOSA J., DULTZIN-HACYAN D., et al.
2000A&A...353..917L 89 62 Star formation history of early-type galaxies in low density environments. IV. What do we learn from nuclear line-strength indices? LONGHETTI M., BRESSAN A., CHIOSI C., et al.
2000A&A...361..480D 58 16 Flat radio-spectrum galaxies and BL Lacs. I. Core properties. DENNETT-THORPE J. and MARCHA M.J.
2000A&A...362..871C 59 75 The HST snapshot survey of the B2 sample of low luminosity radio-galaxies: a picture gallery. CAPETTI A., DE RUITER H.R., FANTI R., et al.
2000A&A...363..141R viz 752 25 Radio-loud active galaxies in the northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey. IV. Properties of sources stronger than 100 mJy at 5 GHz. REICH W., FUERST E., REICH P., et al.
2000A&AS..144...53K 3 24 220 Orbital structure and mass distribution in elliptical galaxies. KRONAWITTER A., SAGLIA R.P., GERHARD O., et al.
2000A&AS..146..293S 29 53 A new sample of giant radio galaxies from the WENSS survey. II. A multi-frequency radio study of a complete sample: Properties of the radio lobes and their environment. SCHOENMAKERS A.P., MACK K.-H., DE BRUYN A.G., et al.
2000AJ....119.1645T 4 49 611 The stellar population histories of local early-type galaxies. I. Population parameters. TRAGER S.C., FABER S.M., WORTHEY G., et al.
2000AJ....120..110B 15 36 The intrinsic shape distribution of a sample of elliptical galaxies. BAK J. and STATLER T.S.
2000AJ....120..165T 3 56 622 The stellar population histories of early-type galaxies. II. Controlling parameters of the stellar populations. TRAGER S.C., FABER S.M., WORTHEY G., et al.
2000AJ....120.2950X 40 48 VLBA observations of a sample of nearby FR I radio galaxies. XU C., BAUM S.A., O'DEA C.P., et al.
2000ApJ...530..719W 1 11 59 X-ray-emitting atmospheres of B2 radio galaxies. WORRALL D.M. and BIRKINSHAW M.
2000ApJ...539..161T 40 68 Hard X-ray emission and the ionizing source in LINERs. TERASHIMA Y., HO L.C. and PTAK A.F.
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2000ApJ...543..178G viz 6317 128 Nearby optical galaxies: selection of the sample and identification of groups. GIURICIN G., MARINONI C., CERIANI L., et al.
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2000ApJS..126..271J viz 203 134 Surface photometry of nearby field galaxies: the data. JANSEN R.A., FRANX M., FABRICANT D., et al.
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2000ApJS..131...95F viz 374 139 The VSOP 5 GHz continuum survey: the prelaunch VLBA observations. FOMALONT E.B., FREY S., PARAGI Z., et al.
2000MNRAS.314...11B 11 14 The radio jets in B2 0755+379. BONDI M., PARMA P., DE RUITER H., et al.
2000PASP..112.1506P 5 0 Evidence for a circumnuclear torus in edge-on radio galaxies. (Dissertation summary). PECK A.B.
2000A&ARv..10...81V 121 73 The emission line spectrum of active galactic nuclei and the unifying scheme. VERON-CETTY M.-P. and VERON P.
2000PhR...333..329O 9 4 117 Ultra high energy cosmic rays : the theoretical challenge. OLINTO A.V.
2001A&A...374..861S viz 130 92 A new sample of giant radio galaxies from the WENSS survey. I. Sample definition, selection effects and first results. SCHOENMAKERS A.P., DE BRUYN A.G., ROETTGERING H.J.A., et al.
2001A&A...380..471B 70 52 The fundamental plane of radio galaxies. BETTONI D., FALOMO R., FASANO G., et al.
2001AJ....121.1936G 5 28 449 Dynamical family properties and dark halo scaling relations of giant elliptical galaxies. GERHARD O., KRONAWITTER A., SAGLIA R.P., et al.
2001AJ....122.2243S 256 110 The frequency of active and quiescent galaxies with companions: implications for the feeding of the nucleus. SCHMITT H.R.
2001ApJ...549L..39E 38   K                 3 23 Signatures in a giant radio galaxy of a cosmological shock wave at intersecting filaments of galaxies. ENSSLIN T.A., SIMON P., BIERMANN P.L., et al.
2001ApJ...552..508G 2 28 251 VLBI observations of a complete sample of radio galaxies: 10 years later. GIOVANNINI G., COTTON W.D., FERETTI L., et al.
2001ApJ...554L.129M viz 364 78 The LX-σ relation for galaxies and clusters of galaxies. MAHDAVI A. and GELLER M.J.
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2001ApJS..133....1U viz 1480 79 The ASCA medium sensitivity survey (the GIS catalog project): source catalog. UEDA Y., ISHISAKI Y., TAKAHASHI T., et al.
2001ApJS..136..265L viz 15       D               158 23 A dual-frequency, multiyear monitoring program of compact radio sources. LAZIO T.J.W., WALTMAN E.B., GHIGO F.D., et al.
2001MNRAS.325..693H 210 52 X-ray luminosities of galaxies in groups. HELSDON S.F., PONMAN T.J., O'SULLIVAN E., et al.
2001MNRAS.325.1109B 52 25 Intermediate BL Lac objects. BONDI M., MARCHA M.J.M., DALLACASA D., et al.
2001MNRAS.326L..37X 5 6 MERLIN imaging of the maser flare in Markarian 348. XANTHOPOULOS E. and RICHARDS A.M.S.
2001MNRAS.326.1141R 75 20 Structural evolution in elliptical galaxies: the age-shape relation. RYDEN B.S., FORBES D.A. and TERLEVICH A.I.
2001MNRAS.326.1431G 92 29 Cold gas in elliptical galaxies. GEORGAKAKIS A., HOPKINS A.M., CAULTON A., et al.
2001MNRAS.328..461O viz 439 259 A catalogue and analysis of X-ray luminosities of early-type galaxies. O'SULLIVAN E., FORBES D.A. and PONMAN T.J.
2001AGAb...18Q.220S 3 ~ The spectral-curvature parameter: a new tool for the analysis of synchrotron spectra. SOHN B.W., KLEIN U. and MACK K.-H.
2001Ap&SS.278..185A 6 3 Investigations AGNs by the interplanetary scintillation method. ARTYUKH V.S.
2001JApA...22....1D 6 1 GMRT detection of HI 21 cm-line absorption from the peculiar galaxy in Abell 2125. DWARAKANATH K.S. and OWEN F.N.
2001MmSAI..72..105C 6 0 The HST survey of the B2 sample of low luminosity radio-galaxies. CAPETTI A., DE RUITER H.R., FANTI R., et al.
2001PASJ...53..475M 73 T                   9 10 The FR-I radio galaxies NGC 315 and NGC 4261 observed with ASCA. MATSUMOTO Y., FUKAZAWA Y., NAKAZAWA K., et al.
2002A&A...381..757L viz 493 57 A new list of extra-galactic radio jets. LIU F.K. and ZHANG Y.H.
2002A&A...383..104C 59 40 The HST survey of the B2 sample of radio-galaxies: Optical nuclei and the FR I/BL Lac unified scheme. CAPETTI A., CELOTTI A., CHIABERGE M., et al.
2002A&A...388L..40H 2 10 79 Radio lobe dynamics and the environment of microquasars. HEINZ S.
2002A&A...390...39A viz 174 21 Search for point sources of gamma radiation above 15 TeV with the HEGRA AIROBICC array. AHARONIAN F., AKHPERJANIAN A., BARRIO J.A., et al.
2002A&A...391...35F viz 1285 55 Compact groups in the UZC galaxy sample. FOCARDI P. and KELM B.
2002A&A...391..149S 52 17 CSSs in a sample of B2 radio sources of intermediate strength. SAIKIA D.J., THOMASSON P., SPENCER R.E., et al.
2002A&A...396..857D 57 31 HST images of B2 radio galaxies: A link between circum-nuclear dust and radio properties? DE RUITER H.R., PARMA P., CAPETTI A., et al.
2002AJ....123.1316B 1 29 88 Environment, ram pressure, and shell formation in Holmberg II. BUREAU M. and CARIGNAN C.
2002AJ....123.1334V 56 50 Core radio and optical emission in the nuclei of nearby FR I radio galaxies. VERDOES KLEIJN G.A., BAUM S.A., DE ZEEUW P.T., et al.
2002AJ....123.2976R viz 8030 125 The UZC-SSRS2 group catalog. RAMELLA M., GELLER M.J., PISANI A., et al.
2002AJ....123.3018M viz 495 33 Redshifts for a sample of radio-selected poor clusters. MILLER N.A., LEDLOW M.J., OWEN F.N., et al.
2002ApJ...575..150S 24 65 The orientation of jets relative to dust disks in radio galaxies. SCHMITT H.R., PRINGLE J.E., CLARKE C.J., et al.
2002ApJ...579..530W 1 183 699 Active galactic nucleus black hole masses and bolometric luminosities. WOO J.-H. and URRY C.M.
2002ApJS..139....1T 1 38 165 X-ray properties of LINERs and low-luminosity Seyfert galaxies observed with ASCA. I. Observations and results. TERASHIMA Y., IYOMOTO N., HO L.C., et al.
2002MNRAS.329..700S viz 1288 23 Automated optical identification of a large complete northern hemisphere sample of flat-spectrum radio sources with S6cm>200mJy. SNELLEN I.A.G., McMAHON R.G., HOOK I.M., et al.
2002MNRAS.330..547T viz 239 220 A catalogue and analysis of local galaxy ages and metallicities. TERLEVICH A.I. and FORBES D.A.
2002MNRAS.336..328L 4 10 141 Relativistic models and the jet velocity field in the radio galaxy 3C 31. LAING R.A. and BRIDLE A.H.
2002MNRAS.336..945L 94 50 The classification of BL Lacertae objects: the Ca H&K break. LANDT H., PADOVANI P. and GIOMMI P.
2002MNRAS.336.1161L 12 5 180 Dynamical models for jet deceleration in the radio galaxy 3C 31. LAING R.A. and BRIDLE A.H.
2002AGAb...19R.110S 4 0 Discovery of high Faraday rotation measures in giant radio galaxies. SOHN B.W., KLEIN U. and MACK K.-H.
2002PASJ...54..327K 83 218 Study of the X-ray background spectrum and its large-scale fluctuation with ASCA. KUSHINO A., ISHISAKI Y., MORITA U., et al.
2002RvMP...74..775W 10 25 785 Origin of galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields. WIDROW L.M.
2002NewAR..46..121W 28 6 The gaseous environments of radio galaxies. WORRALL D.M.
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