IRAS 04368+2557 , the SIMBAD biblio

IRAS 04368+2557 , the SIMBAD biblio (281 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST06:21:11

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Title First 3 Authors
1986ApJS...62..673S 839 1 Lunar occultations of IRAS point sources, 1986-1990. SIMON M., CASSAR L. and CHEN W.P.
1987ApJ...321..370H 30 79 A survey of IRAS point sources in Taurus for high-velocity molecular gas. HEYER M.H., SNELL R.L., GOLDSMITH P.F., et al.
1989ApJ...340..472T 1 25 103 High-resolution CO observations of young low-mass stars. TEREBEY S., VOGEL S.N. and MYERS P.C.
1989ApJS...69..651C 1616 1 Lunar occultations of IRAS point sources, 1991-2000. CASSAR L., CHEN W.P. and SIMON M.
1989ApJS...71...89B 289 626 A survey for dense cores in dark clouds. BENSON P.J. and MYERS P.C.
1990AJ.....99..869K 3 30 461 An IRAS survey of the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. KENYON S.J., HARTMANN L.W., STROM K.M., et al.
1990ApJ...357..388L 291 44 Identifying galaxies in the zone of avoidance. LU N.Y., DOW M.W., HOUCK J.R., et al.
1991AJ....102.2054O 1 19 98 Observations of 11 protostellar sources in Taurus with Nobeyama millimeter array: growth of circumstellar disks. OHASHI N., KAWABE R., HAYASHI M., et al.
1991ApJ...374L..25T 29 86 wo micron morphology of candidate protostars. TAMURA M., GATLEY I., WALLER W., et al.
1991ApJS...75..611C 458 41 Young stellar objects detected by IRAS. CLARK F.O.
1992ApJ...386..248B 94 42 Star formation in Taurus. I. The IRAS faint source survey. BEICHMAN C.A., BOULANGER F. and MOSHIR M.
1992ApJ...390..181T 23 41 Probing the circumstellar environments of very young low-mass stars using water masers. TEREBEY S., VOGEL S.N. and MYERS P.C.
1992ApJ...400..260M 25 64 Circumprotostellar environments. I. Molecular outflows from protostar candidates in Taurus. MORIARTY-SCHIEVEN G.H., WANNIER P.G., TAMURA M., et al.
1993A&AS...98..589W viz 1214 138 IRAS sources beyond the solar circle. III. Observations of H2O, OH, CH3OH and CO. WOUTERLOOT J.G.A., BRAND J. and FIEGLE K.
1993ApJ...414..676K 3 19 258 The embedded young stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. I. Models for spectral energy distributions. KENYON S.J., CALVET N. and HARTMANN L.
1993ApJ...414..759T 48 127 The contribution of disks and envelopes to the millimeter continuum emission from very young low-mass stars. TEREBEY S., CHANDLER C.J. and ANDRE P.
1993ApJ...414..773K 2 18 151 The embedded young stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. II. Models for scattered light images. KENYON S.J., WHITNEY B.A., GOMEZ M., et al.
1994A&A...283..973E 18 25 Herbig-Haro objects associated with extremely young sources in L 1527 and L 1448. EIROA C., MIRANDA L.F., ANGLADA G., et al.
1994AJ....107.1850G 62 21 A near-infrared survey for pre-main sequence stars in Taurus. GOMEZ M., KENYON S.J. and HARTMANN L.
1994AJ....108..251K 76 74 New pre-main-sequence stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. KENYON S.J., GOMEZ M., MARZKE R.O., et al.
1994ApJ...426..234H 34 14 A C18 O (J=1-0) survey of protostellar candidates embedded in the Taurus Molecular Cloud. HAYASHI M., HASEGAWA T., OHASHI N., et al.
1994ApJ...436..800M 27 57 Circumprotostellar environments. II. Envelopes, activity and evolution. MORIARTY-SCHIEVEN G.H., WANNIER P.G., KEENE J., et al.
1994Natur.368..719M 26 57 Molecular cloud condensation as a tracer of low-mass star formation. MIZUNO A., ONISHI T., HAYASHI M., et al.
1995A&A...297..391N viz 154 283 ROSAT survey observation of T Tauri stars in Taurus. NEUHAEUSER R., STERZIK M.F., SCHMITT J.H.M.M., et al.
1995ApJ...445..377C 222 293 Bolometric temperature and young stars in the Taurus and Ophiuchus complexes. CHEN H., MYERS P.C., LADD E.F., et al.
1995ApJ...449L..65M 4 5 88 Gravitational infall in the dense cores L1527 and L483. MYERS P.C., BACHILLER R., CASELLI P., et al.
1995ApJ...453..754F 1 9 36 The infrared nebula and outflow in Lynds 483. FULLER G.A., LADA E.A., MASSON C.R., et al.
1995ApJ...454..862F 1 5 20 The circumstellar molecular core around L1551 IRS 5. FULLER G.A., LADD E.F., PADMAN R., et al.
1995ApJ...455..190M 27 32 Circum-protostellar environments. III. Gas densities and kinetic temperatures. MORIARTY-SCHIEVEN G.H., WANNIER P.G., MANGUM J.G., et al.
1995ApJS..101..117K viz 2 184 1594 Pre-main-sequence evolution in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. KENYON S.J. and HARTMANN L.
1995PASP..107..617P viz 256 4 A catalog of the youngest YSOs and candidate protostars. POLLANEN M.D. and FELDMAN P.A.
1995Ap.....38....7G 33 2 Trapezium systems containing T Tauri stars. GYULBUDAGHIAN A.L.
1995Ap&SS.224..113H 9 1 Physical properties of the outflow sources in Taurus. HIRANO N., HASEGAWA T., HAYASHI M., et al.
1996A&A...311..858B 2 82 602 Evolution of outflow activity around low-mass embedded young stellar objects. BONTEMPS S., ANDRE P., TEREBEY S., et al.
1996A&AS..115..283W viz 269 71 A catalogue of high velocity molecular outflows. WU Y., HUANG M. and HE J.
1996AJ....112.2076T 30 35 Interferometric observations of outflows from low-mass protostars in Taurus. TAMURA M., OHASHI N., HIRANO N., et al.
1996ApJ...463L..97F 1 8 33 Lynds 1527: an embedded protobinary system in Taurus. FULLER G.A., LADD E.F. and HODAPP K.-W.
1996ApJ...466..296Z 2 6 39 Small-scale structure of candidates for protostellar collapse. I. BIMA observations of L1527 and CB 54. ZHOU S., EVANS II N.J. and WANG Y.
1996ApJ...473..464S 1 9 39 Imaging of an infalling disklike envelope around L1551 IRS 5. SAITO M., KAWABE R., KITAMURA Y., et al.
1996ARA&A..34..111B 3 40 478 Bipolar molecular outflows from young stars and protostars. BACHILLER R.
1997AJ....114.1138G 87 60 A survey of optical and near-infrared jets in Taurus embedded sources. GOMEZ M., WHITNEY B.A. and KENYON S.J.
1997ApJ...474..749L 21 40 A double outflow from a deeply embedded source in Cepheus. LADD E.F. and HODAPP K.-W.
1997ApJ...475..211O 78 T                   9 169 Interferometric imaging of IRAS 04368+2557 in the L1527 molecular cloud core: a dynamically infalling envelope with rotation. OHASHI N., HAYASHI M., HO P.T.P., et al.
1997ApJ...478..569M 2 8 60 Gravitational contraction of rotating clouds: formation of self-similarly collapsing disks. MATSUMOTO T., HANAWA T. and NAKAMURA F.
1997ApJ...485..703W 35 104 Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of embedded young stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. WHITNEY B.A., KENYON S.J. and GOMEZ M.
1997ApJ...488..317O 2 11 87 Rotation in the protostellar envelopes around IRAS 04169+2702 and IRAS 04365+2535: the size scale for dynamical collapse. OHASHI N., HAYASHI M., HO P.T.P., et al.
1997ApJ...489..293H 39 67 Tracing the envelopes around embedded low-mass young stellar objects with HCO+ and millimeter-continuum observations. HOGERHEIJDE M.R., VAN DISHOECK E.F., BLAKE G.A., et al.
1997ApJ...489..719M 1 95 293 A search for infall motions toward nearby young stellar objects. MARDONES D., MYERS P.C., TAFALLA M., et al.
1997IAUS..182...83R 24 51 Thermal radio jets. RODRIGUEZ L.F.
1998AJ....115.2491K 144 96 Optical spectroscopy of embedded young stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. KENYON S.J., BROWN D.I., TOUT C.A., et al.
1998AJ....116.1933C 174 37 An X-ray survey of very young stellar objects. CARKNER L., KOZAK J.A. and FEIGELSON E.D.
1998ApJ...501..723T 25 26 H13CO+ and CH3OH line observations of prestellar dense cores in the TMC-1C region. TAKAKUWA S., MIKAMI H. and SAITO M.
1998ApJ...502..296O 88 172 A C18O survey of dense cloud cores in Taurus: star formation. ONISHI T., MIZUNO A., KAWAMURA A., et al.
1998ApJ...502..315H 5 10 171 Envelope structure on 700 AU scales and the molecular outflows of low-mass young stellar objects. HOGERHEIJDE M.R., VAN DISHOECK E.F., BLAKE G.A., et al.
1998ApJ...503..717H 1 40 198 Abundances of HCN and HNC in dark cloud cores. HIROTA T., YAMAMOTO S., MIKAMI H., et al.
1998ApJ...504..314M 4 7 91 Aperture synthesis C18O j= 1-0 observations of L1551 IRS 5: detailed structure of the infalling envelope. MOMOSE M., OHASHI N., KAWABE R., et al.
1998ApJ...509..229B 2 7 46 Constraints on the formation and evolution of circumstellar disks in rotating magnetized cloud cores. BASU S.
1998RMxAA..34...13R 50 30 VLA detection of the exciting sources of HH 83, HH 117, HH 124, HH 192, HH 300, HH 366, and HH 375. RODRIGUEZ L.F. and REIPURTH B.
1999AJ....118.1354B 49 46 A large-scale objective-prism and X-ray survey in Taurus-Auriga. BRICENO C., CALVET N., KENYON S., et al.
1999ApJ...510..274N 2 5 30 Gravitational collapse of isothermal magnetized clouds: the universality of self-similar collapse. NAKAMURA F., MATSUMOTO T., HANAWA T., et al.
1999ApJ...513..350H 1 24 95 Envelope structure of deeply embedded young stellar objects in the Serpens molecular cloud. HOGERHEIJDE M.R., VAN DISHOECK E.F., SALVERDA J.M., et al.
1999ApJ...524L.129M 14 40 Large-scale mapping observations of the C I 3P1-3P0 line toward Heiles cloud 2 in the Taurus dark cloud. MAEZAWA H., IKEDA M., ITO T., et al.
2000A&A...353.1065H 18 19 The distribution of OH in Taurus Molecular Cloud-1. HARJU J., WINNBERG A. and WOUTERLOOT J.G.A.
2000ApJ...534..880H 2 12 104 Testing envelope models of young stellar objects with submillimeter continuum and molecular-line observations. HOGERHEIJDE M.R. and SANDELL G.
2000ApJ...542..367T 12 24 A comparison of the spatial distribution of H13CO+, CH3OH, and C34S emission and its implication in Heiles cloud 2. TAKAKUWA S., MIKAMI H., SAITO M., et al.
2000ApJS..131..249S 1 43 237 Tracing the mass during low-mass star formation. I. Submillimeter continuum observations. SHIRLEY Y.L., EVANS II N.J., RAWLINGS J.M.C., et al.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2001A&A...365..440M 1 69 327 The circumstellar environment of low-mass protostars: A millimeter continuum mapping survey. MOTTE F. and ANDRE P.
2001A&A...369..155C 37 65 Mm/Submm images of Herbig-Haro energy sources and candidate protostars. CHINI R., WARD-THOMPSON D., KIRK J.M., et al.
2001A&A...369..971K 207 20 X-ray emission of multiple T Tauri stars in Taurus. KOENIG B., NEUHAEUSER R. and STELZER B.
2001ApJ...547..840S 22 28 An H13CO+ survey for dense envelopes around low-mass embedded sources in Taurus. SAITO M., KAWABE R., KITAMURA Y., et al.
2001ApJ...553..618H 1 13 56 From infall to rotation around young stellar objects: a transitional phase with a 2000 AU radius contracting disk? HOGERHEIJDE M.R.
2001PASJ...53..251T 8 10 The ortho-to-para ratio and the chemical properties of C3-H2 in dark cloud cores. TAKAKUWA S., KAWAGUCHI K. and MIKAMI H.
2002AJ....123.3370P 25 30 Extended near-infrared emission from candidate protostars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. PARK S. and KENYON S.J.
2002ApJ...575..337S 2 26 162 Tracing the mass during low-mass star formation. III. Models of the submillimeter dust continuum emission from class 0 protostars. SHIRLEY Y.L., EVANS II N.J. and RAWLINGS J.M.C.
2002ApJ...575..950O 145 179 A complete search for dense cloud cores in Taurus. ONISHI T., MIZUNO A., KAWAMURA A., et al.
2002ApJ...578..914H viz 141 196 Flows, fragmentation, and star formation. I. Low-mass stars in Taurus. HARTMANN L.
2002ApJ...581L.109L 73 T                   14 28 Orbital proper motions in the protobinary system L1527/
IRAS 04368+2557.
2002ApJ...581.1194P viz 231 98 Star formation in space and time: Taurus-Auriga. PALLA F. and STAHLER S.W.
2003ApJ...582L.109C 11 11 Very large array observations of proper motions in YLW 15. CURIEL S., GIRART J.M., RODRIGUEZ L.F., et al.
2003ApJ...583..330R 1 6 32 Very large array observations of proper motions in L1551 IRS 5. RODRIGUEZ L.F., CURIEL S., CANTO J., et al.
2003ApJS..144...71F 268 129 Water maser survey toward low-mass young stellar objects in the northern sky with the Nobeyama 45 meter telescope and the Very Large Array. FURUYA R.S., KITAMURA Y., WOOTTEN A., et al.
2004A&A...416..577M 2 18 113 The H2CO abundance in the inner warm regions of low mass protostellar envelopes. MARET S., CECCARELLI C., CAUX E., et al.
2004A&A...416..631B 9 23 L1157: Interaction of the molecular outflow with the Class 0 environment. BELTRAN M.T., GUETH F., GUILLOTEAU S., et al.
2004A&A...426..503W viz 434 259 A study of high velocity molecular outflows with an up-to-date sample. WU Y., WEI Y., ZHAO M., et al.
2004AJ....127.1736R 84 69 Radio continuum jets from protostellar objects. REIPURTH B., RODRIGUEZ L.F., ANGLADA G., et al.
2004ApJ...605L.137A 15 17 A single circumstellar disk in the SVS 13 close binary system. ANGLADA G., RODRIGUEZ L.F., OSORIO M., et al.
2004ApJ...606..333T 21 19 N2H+ observations of molecular cloud cores in Taurus. TATEMATSU K., UMEMOTO T., KANDORI R., et al.
2004ApJ...616..998W 1 63 278 On the evolutionary status of class I stars and Herbig-Haro energy sources in Taurus-Auriga. WHITE R.J. and HILLENBRAND L.A.
2004RMxAC..21...93R 13 1 Orbital motions in binary protostellar systems. RODRIGUEZ L.F.
2004BaltA..13..424Y 14 1 Dense cores and protostellar collapse. In nearby star-forming regions. YAMAMOTO H., ONISHI T., TACHIHARA K., et al.
2005ApJ...629..881H 94 265 IRAC observations of Taurus pre-main-sequence stars. HARTMANN L., MEGEATH S.T., ALLEN L., et al.
2005ApJ...631.1134A 1 165 713 Circumstellar dust disks in Taurus-Auriga: the submillimeter perspective. ANDREWS S.M. and WILLIAMS J.P.
2005ApJ...635..396E 24 70 Constraining the evolutionary stage of class I protostars: multiwavelength observations and modeling. EISNER J.A., HILLENBRAND L.A., CARPENTER J.M., et al.
2006ApJ...639..292L 1 11 36 Infall and outflow around the HH 212 protostellar system. LEE C.-F., HO P.T.P., BEUTHER H., et al.
2006ApJ...647.1180L viz 180 95 A survey for new members of Taurus with the Spitzer Space Telescope. LUHMAN K.L., WHITNEY B.A., MEADE M.R., et al.
2007ApJS..169..328R 11 31 730 Interpreting spectral energy distributions from young stellar objects. II. Fitting observed SEDs using a large grid of precomputed models. ROBITAILLE T.P., WHITNEY B.A., INDEBETOUW R., et al.
2007ApJ...659..479J 3 35 223 PROSAC: a submillimeter array survey of low-mass protostars. I. Overview of program: envelopes, disks, outflows, and hot cores. JORGENSEN J.K., BOURKE T.L., MYERS P.C., et al.
2007AJ....133.1911G 16 6 High spatial resolution near-infrared images of Taurus protostars. GRAMAJO L.V., WHITNEY B.A., KENYON S.J., et al.
2007A&A...467.1197M 112           X         3 75 18 Proper motion studies of outflows from Classical T Tauri stars. McGROARTY F., RAY T.P. and FROEBRICH D.
2007A&A...468..379A viz 2140 23 The XMM-Newton Optical Monitor survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud. AUDARD M., BRIGGS K.R., GROSSO N., et al.
2007ApJ...667L..65S 7 4 61 Detection of C6H toward the low-mass protostar IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527. SAKAI N., SAKAI T., OSAMURA Y., et al.
2008ApJ...672..371S 303 T         X C       6 30 165 Abundant carbon-chain molecules toward the low-mass protostar IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527. SAKAI N., SAKAI T., HIROTA T., et al.
2008ApJ...673L..71S 100 T   A               2 6 29 Tentative detection of C4H toward the low-mass protostar IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527. SAKAI N., SAKAI T. and YAMAMOTO S.
2008A&A...478L..19A 40           X         1 11 53 Search for anions in molecular sources: C4H detection in L1527. AGUNDEZ M., CERNICHARO J., GUELIN M., et al.
2008MNRAS.384..755N 76               F     1 16 54 SCUBA and Spitzer observations of the Taurus molecular cloud - pulling the bull's tail. NUTTER D., KIRK J.M., STAMATELLOS D., et al.
2008ApJ...673..954C 38           X         1 12 5 Mid-infrared photometry and spectra of three high-mass protostellar candidates at IRAS 18151-1208 and IRAS 20343+4129. CAMPBELL M.F., SRIDHARAN T.K., BEUTHER H., et al.
2008ApJS..175..277D viz 15       D               7166 308 The SCUBA legacy catalogues: submillimeter-continuum objects detected by SCUBA. DI FRANCESCO J., JOHNSTONE D., KIRK H., et al.
2008ApJ...675..427S 15       D               4 32 27 Morphological evolution of bipolar outflows from young stellar objects. SEALE J.P. and LOONEY L.W.
2008ApJ...675L..89S 173 T   A     X         4 10 19 Detection of HCO+2 toward the low-mass protostar
IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527.
SAKAI N., SAKAI T., AIKAWA Yu., et al.
2008ApJS..176..184F 189           X         5 41 98 Spitzer IRS spectra and envelope models of class I protostars in Taurus. FURLAN E., McCLURE M., CALVET N., et al.
2008ApJ...679.1364T 174     A     X C       4 15 57 Constraining the envelope structure of L1527 IRS: infrared scattered light modeling. TOBIN J.J., HARTMANN L., CALVET N., et al.
2008AJ....135.2496C viz 90       D       C       4 339 91 The evolution of the multiplicity of embedded protostars. I. Sample properties and binary detections. CONNELLEY M.S., REIPURTH B. and TOKUNAGA A.T.
2008ApJ...681.1385H 41           X         1 12 73 Modeling the lukewarm corino phase: is L1527 unique? HASSEL G.E., HERBST E. and GARROD R.T.
2007PASJ...59.1185S viz 15       D               1597 41 Water maser and ammonia survey toward IRAS sources in the Galaxy. I. H2O maser data. SUNADA K., NAKAZATO T., IKEDA N., et al.
2008ApJ...685..272H 41           X         1 5 37 Modeling carbon chain anions in L1527. HARADA N. and HERBST E.
2008ApJ...687..340M 15 28 Protostar mass due to infall and dispersal. MYERS P.C.
2009A&A...493...89E 16       D               1 40 119 The N2D+/N2H+ ratio as an evolutionary tracer of Class 0 protostars. EMPRECHTINGER M., CASELLI P., VOLGENAU N.H., et al.
2009A&A...496..281O 132           X         2 2 225 Photodesorption of ices I: CO, N2, and CO2. OEBERG K.I., VAN DISHOECK E.F. and LINNARTZ H.
2009MNRAS.394..221C 38           X         1 13 13 Cyanopolyynes in hot cores: modelling G305.2+0.2. CHAPMAN J.F., MILLAR T.J., WARDLE M., et al.
2009ApJ...695.1505M 38           X         1 30 5 The molecular emission of the irradiated star-forming core ahead of HH 80N. MASQUE J.M., GIRART J.M., BELTRAN M.T., et al.
2009ApJ...696.1918T 584   K   D     X C       15 22 26 Far-infrared observations of the very low luminosity embedded source L1521F-IRS in the Taurus star-forming region. TEREBEY S., FICH M., NORIEGA-CRESPO A., et al.
2009ApJ...697..769S 38     A D               2 50 93 Discovery of the second warm carbon-chain-chemistry source, IRAS15398-3359 in Lupus. SAKAI N., SAKAI T., HIROTA T., et al.
2009ApJ...699..585H 91       D     X         3 147 62 A search for carbon-chain-rich cores in dark clouds. HIROTA T., OHISHI M. and YAMAMOTO S.
2009ApJ...700..872B 43           X         1 3 34 Multidimensional chemical modeling of young stellar objects. II. Irradiated outflow walls in a high-mass star-forming region. BRUDERER S., BENZ A.O., DOTY S.D., et al.
2010ApJS..186..111L viz 206       D     X         6 441 328 The disk population of the Taurus star-forming region. LUHMAN K.L., ALLEN P.R., ESPAILLAT C., et al.
2010ApJS..186..259R viz 15       D               3 507 236 The Taurus Spitzer survey: new candidate Taurus members selected using sensitive mid-infrared photometry. REBULL L.M., PADGETT D.L., McCABE C.-E., et al.
2010ApJ...710.1247S viz 15       D               1 761 87 The mass distribution of starless and protostellar cores in Gould Belt clouds. SADAVOY S.I., DI FRANCESCO J., BONTEMPS S., et al.
2010AJ....139.2504G 473       D S   X C       11 13 16 Combined analysis of images and spectral energy distributions of Taurus protostars. GRAMAJO L.V., WHITNEY B.A., GOMEZ M., et al.
2010ApJ...720.1370H 76           X         2 16 5 Depletion of CCS in a candidate warm-carbon-chain-chemistry source L483. HIROTA T., SAKAI N. and YAMAMOTO S.
2010ApJ...722L..12T 101     A     X         3 6 24 The inner envelope and disk of L1527 revealed: Gemini l'-band-scattered light imaging. TOBIN J.J., HARTMANN L. and LOINARD L.
2010ApJ...722.1598O 44           X         1 2 26 Formation of carbonic acid (H2CO3) by surface reactions of non-energetic OH radicals with CO molecules at low temperatures. OBA Y., WATANABE N., KOUCHI A., et al.
2010ApJ...722.1633S 78           X         2 10 40 Distributions of carbon-chain molecules in L1527. SAKAI N., SAKAI T., HIROTA T., et al.
2011ApJ...727...64K viz 54       D     X         2 1045 99 Young stellar groups and their most massive stars. KIRK H. and MYERS P.C.
2011ApJS..195....3F 54       D     X         2 244 129 The Spitzer infrared spectrograph survey of T Tauri stars in Taurus. FURLAN E., LUHMAN K.L., ESPAILLAT C., et al.
2011ApJ...739L...7M 1344   K A D S   X C       34 17 10 Microwave observations of edge-on protoplanetary disks: program overview and first results. MELIS C., DUCHENE G., CHOMIUK L., et al.
2011ApJ...740...45T 38           X         1 50 90 Complex structure in class 0 protostellar envelopes. II. Kinematic structure from single-dish and interferometric molecular line mapping. TOBIN J.J., HARTMANN L., CHIANG H.-F., et al.
2011ApJS..196....4R viz 15       D               2 1030 50 New young star candidates in the Taurus-Auriga region as selected from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. REBULL L.M., KOENIG X.P., PADGETT D.L., et al.
2011ApJ...742...63B 41           X         1 4 30 Absolute photodetachment cross-section measurements for hydrocarbon chain anions. BEST T., OTTO R., TRIPPEL S., et al.
2011ApJ...743..182H 38           X         1 18 13 Carbon-chain species in warm-up models. HASSEL G.E., HARADA N. and HERBST E.
2012ApJ...744..131C 39           X         1 21 15 Organic chemistry of low-mass star-forming cores. I. 7 mm spectroscopy of Chamaeleon MMS1. CORDINER M.A., CHARNLEY S.B., WIRSTROEM E.S., et al.
2012ApJ...744..163A 39           X         1 6 1 A search for interstellar carbon-chain alcohol HC4 OH in star-forming region L1527 and dark cloud TMC-1. ARAKI M., TAKANO S., YAMABE H., et al.
2012A&A...538A..57A 94       D     X         3 19 58 AKARI observations of ice absorption bands towards edge-on young stellar objects. AIKAWA Y., KAMURO D., SAKON I., et al.
2012MNRAS.420.3334S 557       D S   X C F     12 17 15 Radio continuum observations of class I protostellar discs in Taurus: constraining the greybody tail at centimetre wavelengths. SCAIFE A.M.M., BUCKLE J.V., AINSWORTH R.E., et al.
2012ApJ...749..120C 77           X         2 11 14 Gas-grain models for interstellar anion chemistry. CORDINER M.A. and CHARNLEY S.B.
2012ApJ...756..168C 41           X         1 13 55 The envelope and embedded disk around the class 0 protostar L1157-mm: dual-wavelength interferometric observations and modeling. CHIANG H.-F., LOONEY L.W. and TOBIN J.J.
2012ApJ...758L...4S 178 T   A     X         4 13 3 Tentative detection of deuterated methane toward the low-mass protostar
IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527.
2012ApJ...759...75L 193           X         5 10 4 Searching for interstellar molecule butatrienylidene in reaction C2+ C2H4. LEE S.-H., HUANG W.-J., LIN Y.-C., et al.
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2023ApJ...951....8O 532       D     X         12 92 7 Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). I. Overview of the Program and First Results. OHASHI N., TOBIN J.J., JORGENSEN J.K., et al.
2023ApJ...951....9L 233           X         5 21 3 Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). II. Limited Dust Settling and Prominent Snow Surfaces in the Edge-on Class I Disk IRAS 04302+2247. LIN Z.-Y.D., LI Z.-Y., TOBIN J.J., et al.
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