HD 161198 , the SIMBAD biblio

HD 161198 , the SIMBAD biblio (125 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST01:38:33

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1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954MNRAS.114..218Y 126 2 Magnitudes and colors of 123 stars in the neighbourhood of the Sun. YATES G.G.
1955AJ.....60...65E 833 50 Magnitudes and colors for 833 Northern and Southern stars. EGGEN O.J.
1955ApJS....2..195R viz 629 249 A catalogue of high-velocity stars. ROMAN N.G.
1955LFT...C......0L 13       D               1 1843 3 Luyten's Five Tenths. LUYTEN W.J.
1956AJ.....61..462E 408 3 Magnitudes, colors and photometric parallaxes of proper motion stars. EGGEN O.J.
1958MNRAS.118..560E 298 4 Stellar groups. III. The space motions of some main-sequence dwarfs. EGGEN O.J.
1960MNRAS.120..287G viz 714 127 Photoelectric measurements of the lambda 4200 A CN band and the G band in G8-K5 spectra. GRIFFIN R.F. and REDMAN R.O.
1960MNRAS.121...52D 541 38 The Magnesium b lines in late-type stars. DEEMING T.J.
1961ApJ...134..809Y 736 38 Spectral and luminosity classifications and measurements of the strength of CN absorption for late-type stars from objective-prism spectra. YOSS K.M.
1962AJ.....67..757Y 394 19 Relationship between CN anomaly and U, V, W components of space velocity. YOSS K.M.
1962ApJ...136..793W 129 37 Relationship between colors and spectra of late main-sequence stars. WILSON O.C.
1963MNRAS.125..557A 300 55 UBV photometry of 300 G and K type stars. ARGUE A.N.
1964MNRAS.128..435P viz 585 19 H-alpha photometry of late-type stars. I. F, G, and K type stars North of the equator. PEAT D.W.
1966MNRAS.133...99S 621 16 Photoelectric observations of Fe I lines in late-type stellar spectra. SCARFE C.D.
1966MNRAS.134..135P 448 25 Narrow band photometry in the study of stellar populations. PRICE M.J.
1967AJ.....72.1334C 286 51 Spectral classification and photometry of high proper motion stars. COWLEY A.P., HILTNER W.A. and WITT A.N.
1968AnAp...31..413R 72 16 Les relations type spectral, temperature effective et couleurs (teneur en metaux ou microturbulence) pour les etoiles de O.C. Wilson de type spectral G5 a K3. ROUSSEAU J.
1970ApJS...22..177T viz 285 81 Scanner abundance studies. II. Late G and K dwarfs in the solar neighborhood. TAYLOR B.J.
1979LHS...C......0L viz 14       D               4461 ~ A catalogue of stars with proper motions exceeding 0".5 annually (2nd edition). LUYTEN W.J.
1980AcA....30..453G viz 1318 13 Catalogue of stars with CA II H and K emissions. GLEBOCKI R., MUSIELAK G. and STAWIKOWSKI A.
1983AJ.....88..853L 105 87 UBVRI Photometry of stars useful for checking equipment orientation stability. LANDOLT A.U.
1983ApJS...53..643J 1981 18 Predicted infrared brightness of stars within 25 parsecs of the Sun. JOHNSON H.M. and WRIGHT C.D.
1984A&AS...56..313K 275 2 A calibration of the gnkmfu system for dwarf stars. KJAERGAARD P.
1985AJ.....90.2103S 171 153 A survey of chromospheric emission and rotation among solar-type stars in the solar neighborhood. SODERBLOM D.R.
1986ApJS...62..147B 1892 158 E.W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I. 1976-1984. BEAVERS W.I. and EITTER J.J.
1987AJ.....93..379E 992 38 Catalog of proper-motion stars. III. Stars brighter than visual magnitude 15.1, south of declination +30, and with annual proper motion between 0.5 and 0.7 arcsec. EGGEN O.J.
1987AJ.....93..393E 408 28 Luminosities, abundances, and motions of stars brighter than visual magnitude 15.1 and annual proper motions larger than one-half arcsecond. EGGEN O.J.
1988ApJ...334..436B 104 140 The chromospheric age dependence of the birthrate, composition, motions and rotation of late F and G dwarfs within 25 parsecs of the sun. BARRY D.C.
1988Afz....28..297T 166 6 Radial velocities of K, M dwarfs. TOKOVININ A.A.
1989PASP..101.1017Y 513 31 Chromospheric activity in evolved stars: the rotation-activity connection and the binary-single dichotomy. YOUNG A., AJIR F. and THURMAN G.
1989SoByu..61...66M 17 0 A search for photometric variability among lower main sequence stars. MELKONIAN A.S.
1990PAZh...16...52T viz 136 14 Rotation velocities and metallicities of dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood. TOKOVININ A.A.
1991ApJS...76..383D viz 1216 361 Ca II H and K measurements made at Mount Wilson Observatory, 1966-1983. DUNCAN D.K., VAUGHAN A.H., WILSON O.C., et al.
1991PAZh...17..530B 21 6 Speckle-interferometric observations of stars from Gliese catalogue. BALEGA I.I., BALEGA Y.Y., VASYUK V.A., et al.
1991PAZh...17..817T 23 0 The mass distribution of the secondary components of K and M dwarfs. TOKOVININ A.A.
1992A&A...256..121T viz 208 64 The frequency of low-mass companions to K and M stars in the solar neighbourhood. TOKOVININ A.A.
1993A&AS..100..343P 587 39 The importance of surface inhomogeneities for K and M dwarf chromospheric fluxes. PANAGI P.M. and MATHIOUDAKIS M.
1993ApJS...85..315S viz 304 250 Rotation and chromospheric emission among F, G and K dwarfs of the Pleiades. SODERBLOM D.R., STAUFFER J.R., HUDON J.D., et al.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995BaltA...4...48L 103 3 Empirical calibration of absolute magnitudes for G-K dwarfs and subdwarfs in the Vilnius photometric system. LAZAUSKAITE R.
1995GCTP..C......0V viz 14       D               1 7047 ~ The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition. VAN ALTENA W.F., LEE J.T. and HOFFLEIT E.D.
1996A&A...314..846D viz 109 T K                 1 7 Spectroscopic and speckle interferometric orbit of
Gliese 692.1.
1996KFNT...12b..20Z viz 558 0 The catalogue of nearby stars metallicities. ZAKHOZHAJ V.A. and SHAPARENKO E.F.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1998A&A...339..858D viz 523 145 Towards a fundamental calibration of stellar parameters of A, F, G, K dwarfs and giants. DI BENEDETTO G.P.
1998A&AS..129..505B viz 420 97 Determination of the temperatures of selected ISO flux calibration stars using the Infrared Flux Method. BLACKWELL D.E. and LYNAS-GRAY A.E.
1998A&AS..133..149M 76 39 Mass determination of astrometric binaries with Hipparcos. III. New results for 28 systems. MARTIN C., MIGNARD F., HARTKOPF W.I., et al.
1998AJ....115.2397E viz 994 52 Kinematics and metallicity of stars in the solar region. EGGEN O.J.
1998MNRAS.298..332R viz 731 80 Metallicity effects on the chromospheric activity-age relation for late-type dwarfs. ROCHA-PINTO H.J. and MACIEL W.J.
1999AJ....118.2483C 726 0 Photometric measurements of the fields of more than 700 nearby stars. CREECH-EAKMAN M.J., KULKARNI S.R., PAN X.P., et al.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001BaltA..10..481B viz 15       D               576 13 Kinematics of Hipparcos visual binaries. I. Stars with orbital solutions. BARTKEVICIUS A. and GUDAS A.
2002ApJS..141..187B viz 4465 67 Revised coordinates and proper motions of the stars in the Luyten half-second catalog. BAKOS G.A., SAHU K.C. and NEMETH P.
2002ApJS..141..503N viz 891 430 Radial velocities for 889 late-type stars. NIDEVER D.L., MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., et al.
2003A&A...397..159H         O           495 226 Multiplicity among solar-type stars. III. Statistical properties of the F7-K binaries with periods up to 10 years. HALBWACHS J.L., MAYOR M., UDRY S., et al.
2003AJ....125.3311K viz 302 20 High-precision near-infrared photometry of a large sample of bright stars visible from the northern hemisphere. KIDGER M.R. and MARTIN-LUIS F.
2003AJ....126.2048G viz 15       D               1 683 393 Contributions to the nearby stars (NStars) project: spectroscopy of stars earlier than M0 within 40 parsecs: the northern sample. I. GRAY R.O., CORBALLY C.J., GARRISON R.F., et al.
2003ApJ...582.1011S viz 35377 223 Improved astrometry and photometry for the Luyten catalog. II. Faint stars and the revised catalog. SALIM S. and GOULD A.
2003Obs...123..344G 19 1 Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities. Paper 173: HD 111306, HD 113023, HD 117901, and HD 142474. GRIFFIN R.F.
2004A&A...418..989N viz 16705 1463 The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood. Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ∼14000 F and G dwarfs. NORDSTROEM B., MAYOR M., ANDERSEN J., et al.
2004A&A...423..517R viz 426 35 Chemical enrichment and star formation in the Milky Way disk. III. Chemodynamical constraints. ROCHA-PINTO H.J., FLYNN C., SCALO J., et al.
2004A&A...424..727P viz 15       D               3572 525 SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits. POURBAIX D., TOKOVININ A.A., BATTEN A.H., et al.
2004ApJS..152..261W viz 1225 473 Chromospheric Ca II emission in nearby F, G, K, and M stars. WRIGHT J.T., MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., et al.
2004AN....325....3F 295 275 Nearby stars of the galactic disk and halo. III. FUHRMANN K.
2005A&A...442..365J viz 315 83 Astrometric orbits of SB9^_ stars. JANCART S., JORISSEN A., BABUSIAUX C., et al.
2005AJ....129.1483L viz 63380 364 A catalog of northern stars with annual proper motions larger than 0.15" (LSPM-NORTH catalog). LEPINE S. and SHARA M.M.
2005AJ....129.2420M viz 3785 146 Statistical constraints for astrometric binaries with nonlinear motion. MAKAROV V.V. and KAPLAN G.H.
2006A&A...450..735M viz 10999 183 Effective temperature scale and bolometric corrections from 2MASS photometry. MASANA E., JORDI C. and RIBAS I.
2006ApJ...640.1051G viz 15       D               470 277 How dry is the brown dwarf desert? Quantifying the relative number of planets, brown dwarfs, and stellar companions around nearby Sun-like stars. GRETHER D. and LINEWEAVER C.H.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007A&A...464..377F viz 15       D               3640 57 Proper-motion binaries in the Hipparcos catalogue. Comparison with radial velocity data. FRANKOWSKI A., JANCART S. and JORISSEN A.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2008AN....329..790J viz 15       D               779 6 The main sequence from F to K stars of the solar neighbourhood in SDSS colours. JUST A. and JAHREISS H.
2009A&A...501..941H viz 15       D               1 16531 506 The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the solar neighbourhood. III. Improved distances, ages, and kinematics. HOLMBERG J., NORDSTROEM B. and ANDERSEN J.
2010A&A...515A.111S viz 15       D               4 17229 227 The PASTEL catalogue of stellar parameters. SOUBIRAN C., LE CAMPION J.-F., CAYREL DE STROBEL G., et al.
2010ChA&A..34..277X 127 17 The V-band empirical mass-luminosity relation for main sequence stars. XIA F. and FU Y.-N.
2010A&A...520A..79M viz 15       D               1 401 124 Chromospheric activity and rotation of FGK stars in the solar vicinity . An estimation of the radial velocity jitter. MARTINEZ-ARNAIZ R., MALDONADO J., MONTES D., et al.
2010A&A...521A..12M viz 15       D               1 446 101 A spectroscopy study of nearby late-type stars, possible members of stellar kinematic groups. MALDONADO J., MARTINEZ-ARNAIZ R.M., EIROA C., et al.
2010PASP..122..885S viz 15       D               1 3982 28 Accurate coordinates and 2MASS cross identifications for (almost) all Gliese catalog star. STAUFFER J., TANNER A.M., BRYDEN G., et al.
2011MNRAS.411..435B viz 15       D               1 46925 109 Bayesian inference of stellar parameters and interstellar extinction using parallaxes and multiband photometry. BAILER-JONES C.A.L.
2011A&A...530A.138C viz 15       D               1 16600 708 New constraints on the chemical evolution of the solar neighbourhood and Galactic disc(s). Improved astrophysical parameters for the Geneva-Copenhagen survey. CASAGRANDE L., SCHOENRICH R., ASPLUND M., et al.
2012ApJ...745...24R viz 15       D               1 189 8 A search for separated fringe packet binaries using the CHARA array. RAGHAVAN D., FARRINGTON C.D., TEN BRUMMELAAR T.A., et al.
2012AJ....144...62A viz 170       D     X C       4 138 18 Low-mass tertiary companions to spectroscopic binaries. I. Common proper motion survey for wide companions using 2MASS. ALLEN P.R., BURGASSER A.J., FAHERTY J.K., et al.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012A&A...546A..69M viz 15       D               1 3258 83 Dynamical masses of a selected sample of orbital binaries. MALKOV O.Yu., TAMAZIAN V.S., DOCOBO J.A., et al.
2012MNRAS.427.2723J 15       D               2 156 7 Regions of dynamical stability for discs and planets in binary stars of the solar neighbourhood. JAIME L.G., PICHARDO B. and AGUILAR L.
2013A&A...551L...8P viz 16       D               2 7420 121 Chromospheric activity as age indicator. An L-shaped chromospheric-activity versus age diagram. PACE G.
2013A&A...553A..95M viz 16       D               1 3574 9 A PCA approach to stellar effective temperatures. MUNOZ BERMEJO J., ASENSIO RAMOS A. and ALLENDE PRIETO C.
2013A&A...559A..17S viz 39           X         1 13 6 Robotic observations of the most eccentric spectroscopic binary in the sky. STRASSMEIER K.G., WEBER M. and GRANZER T.
2014AJ....147..160M 16       D               1 101 45 Prospecting in ultracool dwarfs: measuring the metallicities of mid- and late-M dwarfs. MANN A.W., DEACON N.R., GAIDOS E., et al.
2014ApJ...792..119D viz 184 63 Wide cool and ultracool companions to nearby stars from Pan-STARRS 1. DEACON N.R., LIU M.C., MAGNIER E.A., et al.
2014MNRAS.443..260J 16       D               6 70 9 Habitable zones with stable orbits for planets around binary systems. JAIME L.G., AGUILAR L. and PICHARDO B.
1993yCat.3135....0C viz 14       D               1 252977 52 VizieR Online Data Catalog: Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension, published in Ann. Harvard Obs. 91-100 (1918-1925) CANNON A.J. and PICKERING E.C.
2015AJ....149..140H 16       D               1 84 4 Optical-near infrared photometric calibration of M dwarf metallicity and its application. HEJAZI N., DE ROBERTIS M.M. and DAWSON P.C.
2015ApJ...809..107F 79           X         2 210 9 Multiplicity among F-type stars. II. FUHRMANN K. and CHINI R.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60853 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2015AJ....150..142H 238           X C       5 17 5 Quantifying the carbon abundances in the secondary stars of SS Cygni, RU Pegasi, and GK Persei. HARRISON T.E. and HAMILTON R.T.
2016ApJ...817..112S viz 16       D               1 20552 25 A proper motion survey using the first sky pass of NEOWISE-reactivation data. SCHNEIDER A.C., GRECO J., CUSHING M.C., et al.
2016ApJS..224...36K viz 16       D               2 45304 70 The AllWISE motion survey, part 2. KIRKPATRICK J.D., KELLOGG K., SCHNEIDER A.C., et al.
2016A&A...591A.118S viz 16       D               5 31407 141 The PASTEL catalogue: 2016 version. SOUBIRAN C., LE CAMPION J.-F., BROUILLET N., et al.
2016ApJ...826..171G viz 16       D               1 20830 48 The correlation between metallicity and debris disk mass. GASPAR A., RIEKE G.H. and BALLERING N.
2016ApJS..225...32B viz 16       D               1 1473 266 Spectral properties of cool stars: extended abundance analysis of 1,617 planet-search stars. BREWER J.M., FISCHER D.A., VALENTI J.A., et al.
2017PASP..129e4501I viz 16       D               1 1719 81 The Breakthrough Listen search for intelligent life: target selection of nearby stars and galaxies. ISAACSON H., SIEMION A.P.V., MARCY G.W., et al.
2017ApJ...844..103T viz 1159 56 Orbit alignment in triple stars. TOKOVININ A.
2017AJ....154..115H viz 16       D               1 22399 12 Optimized trajectories to the nearest stars using lightweight high-velocity photon sails. HELLER R., HIPPKE M. and KERVELLA P.
2017MNRAS.469.3042N viz 16       D               1 4553 1 Metallicity calibrations for dwarf stars and giants in the Geneva photometric system. NETOPIL M.
2018A&A...616A.108B viz 16       D               2 4335 137 Chromospheric activity catalogue of 4454 cool stars. Questioning the active branch of stellar activity cycles. BORO SAIKIA S., MARVIN C.J., JEFFERS S.V., et al.
1995yCat.1098....0L viz 14       D               1 52093 ~ New Luyten Catalogue of stars with proper motions larger than two tenths of an arcsecond (NLTT). LUYTEN W.J.
2018A&A...619A..81H viz 140       D     X   F     3 271 19 Multiplicity among solar-type stars. IV. The CORAVEL radial velocities and the spectroscopic orbits of nearby K dwarfs. HALBWACHS J.-L., MAYOR M. and UDRY S.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17       D               1 117374 256 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2019ApJ...880...49H viz 17       D               1 4241 11 A recommendation algorithm to predict giant exoplanet host star's using stellar elemental abundances. HINKEL N.R., UNTERBORN C., KANE S.R., et al.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465837 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.
2020ApJ...889..157C viz 17       D               1 165 3 Ages of dwarfs in the solar neighborhood: considering C and O enhancements. CHEN X., GE Z., CHEN Y., et al.
2020AJ....159...90S viz 17       D               2 264 18 High-resolution spectroscopic study of dwarf stars in the Northern sky: lithium, carbon, and oxygen abundances. STONKUTE E., CHORNIY Y., TAUTVAISIENE G., et al.
2020ApJS..247...11R viz 17       D               1 46229 22 Radial velocity photon limits for the dwarf stars of spectral classes F-M. REINERS A. and ZECHMEISTER M.
2020AJ....160....7T viz 17       D               1 2500 ~ Speckle interferometry at SOAR in 2019. TOKOVININ A., MASON B.D., MENDEZ R.A., et al.
2020ApJ...898...27S viz 17       D               1 2727 23 BAFFLES: Bayesian ages for field lower-mass stars. STANFORD-MOORE S.A., NIELSEN E.L., DE ROSA R.J., et al.
2021AJ....161..134H viz 104       D     X         3 275 26 Understanding the impacts of stellar companions on planet formation and evolution: a survey of stellar and planetary companions within 25 pc. HIRSCH L.A., ROSENTHAL L., FULTON B.J., et al.
2021A&A...649A...6G viz 17       D               1 128237 168 Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars. GAIA COLLABORATION, SMART R.L., SARRO L.M., et al.
2021A&A...649A.126T viz 17       D               2 506 15 Abundances of neutron-capture elements in thin- and thick-disc stars in the solar neighbourhood. TAUTVAISIENE G., VISCASILLAS VAZQUEZ C., MIKOLAITIS S., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17       D               1 115489 112 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.
2022AJ....163...45R viz 18       D               1 1400 6 Infrared absolute calibration. I. Comparison of Sirius with fainter calibration stars. RIEKE G.H., SU K., SLOAN G.C., et al.
2022A&A...663A...4S viz 18       D               1 14206 7 Assessment of [Fe/H] determinations for FGK stars in spectroscopic surveys. SOUBIRAN C., BROUILLET N. and CASAMIQUELA L.
2023AJ....165..267H viz 19       D               1 64663 1 Bioverse: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Capabilities of Extremely Large Telescopes to Probe Earth-like O2 Levels in Nearby Transiting Habitable-zone Exoplanets. HARDEGREE-ULLMAN K.K., APAI D., BERGSTEN G.J., et al.

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