* ome Sco , the SIMBAD biblio

* ome Sco , the SIMBAD biblio (471 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST08:37:53

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Title First 3 Authors
1914ApJ....40...43K 324 28 On the individual parallaxes of the brighter galactic helium stars in the southern hemisphere, together with considerations on the parallax of stars in general. KAPTEYN J.C.
1926ApJ....64....1F 367 54 Radial velocities of 368 helium stars. FROST E.B., BARRETT S.B. and STRUVE O.
1950ApJ...111..434R 173 5 Spectroscopic distance moduli for 224 O and B stars. RAMSEY J.
1951ApJ...113..100D 409 56 Intensities of the interstellar band at lambda 4430. DUKE D.
1951BAN....11..299O 414 9 Photoelectric colours of southern early-type stars. OOSTERHOFF P.T.
1953ApJ...117..313J 477 1747 Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the Revised System of the Yerkes Spectral Atlas. JOHNSON H.L. and MORGAN W.W.
1953ApJ...118..318M 230 268 Studies in galactic structure. I. A preliminary determination of the space distribution of the blue giants. MORGAN W.W., WHITFORD A.E. and CODE A.D.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1955ApJ...121..557B 9 6 19 Scorpii, a luminous A-star in the Scorpio-Centaurus association. BLAAUW A., MORGAN W.W. and BERTIAU F.C.
1955ApJS....2...41M 1279 406 Studies in galactic structure. II. Luminosity classification for 1270 blue giants stars. MORGAN W.W., CODE A.D. and WHITFORD A.E.
1956AJ.....61...90M 626 5 Proper motions of 650 bright B-type stars. MORGAN H.R.
1958ApJ...128..533B 161 205 Absolute magnitudes of stars in the Scorpio-Centaurus association. BERTIAU F.C.
1960BAN....15...67W 102 154 A new photoelectric method of classification of luminosity and spectral type for O and B-type stars. WALRAVEN T. and WALRAVEN J.H.
1960BAN....15..255B 328 33 Seven-colour photometry of O, B and A stars. BORGMAN J.
1961ApJ...133..843H 13       D               83 68 A study of the II Scorpii association. HARDIE R.H. and CRAWFORD D.L.
1962MNRAS.123..521B viz 175 20 Photoeletric measures of hydrogen-line absorption in early-type stars. BAPPU M.K.V., CHANDRA S., SANWAL N.B., et al.
1963ApJ...137..824V 31 23 Radial velocities of 29 stars in the Sco-Cen region. VAN HOOF A., BERTIAU F.C. and DEURINCK R.S.J.
1964BAN....17..358B 368 80 Luminosities and photometric distances of early-type stars. BORGMAN J. and BLAAUW A.
1964BAN....17..520W 68 87 Five colour observations of 24 classical Cepheids. WALRAVEN J.H., TINBERGEN J. and WALRAVEN T.
1964ZA.....59..108J 477 39 A survey of Southern Be stars. I. Spectroscopic data. JASCHEK C., JASCHEK M. and KUCEWICZ B.
1966AJ.....71..114C 13       D               80 377 Standard stars for photoelectric H-beta photometry. CRAWFORD D.L. and MANDER J.
1967ApJ...147.1003G 139 218 Some characteristics of the B and A stars in the Upper Scorpius complex. GARRISON R.F.
1967MNRAS.137..337D 262 24 Spiral arms. DIXON M.E.
1967PASP...79..173H 8 8 Additional photometry of stars near Sco X-1. HARDIE R.H.
1968ApJ...151.1043S 83 49 Stellar rotation in the Scorpio-Centaurus association. SLETTEBAK A.
1968ApJS...15..459G 286 60 A photometric investigation of the Scorpio-Centaurus association. GUTIERREZ-MORENO A. and MORENO H.
1968ApJS...17..371L viz 481 539 The kinematics of the Gould belt: an expanding group ? LESH J.R.
1968MNRAS.139..417B 71 24 Optical interstellar absorption features. BUSCOMBE W. and KENNEDY P.M.
1969ApJ...157..135H 75 237 Interferometric studies of interstellar sodium lines. HOBBS L.M.
1969ApJ...157..165H 31 47 The profiles of the interstellar sodium D-lines. HOBBS L.M.
1969ApJ...157..313H 495 300 MK spectral types for bright southern OB stars. HILTNER W.A., GARRISON R.F. and SCHILD R.E.
1969ApJ...157.1101G 215 33 Observations of the 21-cm hydrogen line toward high-latitude stars. GOLDSTEIN S.J. and MacDONALD D.D.
1969ApJ...158..461H 45 21 Regional studies of interstellar sodium lines. HOBBS L.M.
1969MNRAS.144....1B 123 65 Line strengths for southern OB stars. I. Spectrograms with high dispersion. BUSCOMBE W.
1969MNRAS.144...31B 384 51 Line strengths for southerns OB stars. II. Observations with moderate dispersion. BUSCOMBE W.
1970A&A.....5..135S 13 30 An elongated neutral hydrogen emission feature in Scorpius and Ophiuchus. SANCISI R. and VAN WOERDEN H.
1970A&A.....9..453H 75 10 Luminosity determination of O-B stars by H-beta indices. HAUG U.
1970AJ.....75..624C 414 182 Four-colour and H-beta photometry for bright stars in the southern hemisphere. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V. and GOLSON J.C.
1970AJ.....75..978C 349 564 Standard stars for uvby photometry. CRAWFORD D.L. and BARNES J.V.
1971AJ.....76.1041G 124 41 Uvby and beta observations of B-type stars in the Scorpio-Centaurus association. GLASPEY J.W.
1971ApJ...164...67J 18 10 The sky near the brightest X-ray source in Scorpius. III. JOHNSON H.M.
1971ApJ...166..333H 30 53 A comparison of the interstellar 21-centimenter and sodium D-lines. HOBBS L.M.
1971ApJS...23..257W 232 360 Some spectroscopic characteristics of OB stars: an investigation of the space distribution of certain OB stars and the reference frame of the classification. WALBORN N.R.
1971MNRAS.152..231J 87 83 The kinematics of the Scorpio-Centaurus association and Gould's belt. JONES D.H.P.
1971MNRAS.153..501S 29 34 On the energy distributions of main sequence stars. STICKLAND D.J.
1971MNRAS.154...79J 123 14 Intermediate-band photometry of RR Lyrae variables - I. Definition and characteristics of the system. JONES D.H.P.
1972A&A....16..478D 8 4 Photo-electric observations of the ultra-short period variable V567 Ophiuchi. DE BRUYN A.G.
1972A&A....17..378G 57 10 A comparison between the radial velocities of optical and radio interstellar lines in southern hemisphere. GONIADZKI D.
1972A&AS....5..129L 442 104 New kinematical data for bright southern OB stars. LESH J.R.
1972ApJ...171..293B 2 36 506 Ultraviolet photometry from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. II. Interstellar extinction. BLESS R.C. and SAVAGE B.D.
1972ApJ...172..491S 70 218 A survey of local interstellar hydrogen from OAO-2 observations of Lyman alpha absorption. SAVAGE B.D. and JENKINS E.B.
1972ApJ...173...43M 66 150 Interferometric studies of interstellar calcium lines. MARSCHALL L.A. and HOBBS L.M.
1972ApJ...177..219M 9 33 Rocket- ultraviolet spectra of eght stars in Ophiuchus and Scorpius. MORTON D.C., JENKINS E.B., MATILSKY T.A., et al.
1972MNRAS.159..165S 13       D               408 28 Four-colour and H beta photometry of some bright southern stars. STOKES N.R.
1973ApJ...179..855P 80 23 Four-color observations of early-type stars. Standards and secondary standards. PHILIP A.G.D. and PHILIP K.
1973ApJ...180..635P 31 30 Helium abundances in NGC 2264, II Scorpii, and I Lacertae. PETERSON D.M. and SHIPMAN H.L.
1973ApJ...182...95C 1 26 276 Interstellar dust in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud. CARRASCO L., STROM S.E. and STROM K.M.
1973ApJ...186..149C 31 96 Optical interstellar lines in dark clouds. COHEN J.G.
1973SAOSR.350....1D viz 13       D               4539 ~ Celescope catalogue of ultraviolet magnitudes. DAVIS R.J., DEUTSCHMAN W.A. and HARAMUNDANIS K.L.
1974A&A....36...57N 131 54 The He-to-hydrogen ratio in B stars, as determined from photoelectric observations of a narrow-band index of the He I lambda 4026 line. NISSEN P.E.
1974AJ.....79..368G 79 11 21-cm observations in the directions of 43 hot stars and 34 X-ray sources. GRAYZECK E.J. and KERR F.J.
1974AJ.....79.1022C 299 44 Investigation of a Milky Way region in Canis Majoris. CLARIA J.J.
1974ApJ...191L.131L 40 12 Neutral potassium in dusty clouds. LUTZ B.L.
1974ApJ...191..381H 85 344 A comparison of interstellar Na I, Ca II, and K I absorption. HOBBS L.M.
1974ApJ...191..659S 90 45 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XVI. The stellar Lyman-alpha absorption line. SAVAGE B.D. and PANEK R.J.
1974ApJ...194..313S 18 94 Diffuse interstellar band formation in dense clouds. SNOW T.P. and COHEN J.G.
1974MNRAS.166..203B 87 212 The H gamma-absolute magnitude calibration. BALONA L. and CRAMPTON D.
1974MNRAS.169..171F viz 13       D               299 36 Photoelectric measures of the hydrogen lines in early-type stars. FEINSTEIN A.
1975A&A....41..403R 47 6 A study of the interstellar gas between the Sun and the Sagittarius Arm. RICKARD J.J.
1975A&A....43..111H 431 11 Absolute luminosity calibration of Stroemgren's "intermediate group". HECK A.
1975A&A....44..195N 125 277 Studies of ultraviolet interstellar extinction with the sky-survey telescope of the TD-1 satellite. I. Results for three galactic regions. NANDY K., THOMPSON G.I., JAMAR C., et al.
1975ApJ...196..129H 1 60 570 The diffuse interstellar bands. IV. The region 4400-6850 Angstroms. HERBIG G.H.
1975ApJ...196..261S 330 1048 Wavelength dependence of interstellar polarization and ratio of total to selective extinction. SERKOWSKI K., MATHEWSON D.S. and FORD V.L.
1975ApJ...202..634C 27 39 Observations of interstellar Na I lines at 3302A. CRUTCHER R.M.
1975ApJS...29..137S 219 361 A system of standard stars for rotational velocity determinations. SLETTEBAK A., COLLINS G.W., BOYCE P.B., et al.
1975PASP...87...37E 515 106 Structure and age of the local association (Pleiades group). EGGEN O.J.
1975Ap&SS..37..197B 60 11 Absorption line profiles and rotational velocities for 59 stars. BUSCOMBE W. and STOECKLEY T.R.
1975MmRAS..78...51B 527 59 Equivalent widths and rotational velocities of southern early-type stars. BALONA L.A.
1976A&A....50..343N 119 52 Evidence of He abundance differences between young groups of stars. NISSEN P.E.
1976A&AS...24..413P 407 212 Five-channel photometry of Cepheids and supergiants in the Southern Milky Way. PEL J.W.
1976A&AS...26..155G 137 249 Standard stars uvby photoelectric photometry south of declination +10. GRONBECH B., OLSEN E.H. and STROMGREN B.
1976ApJ...206..167P 121 43 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXIII. The resonance lines of triply ionized carbon and silicon in the spectra of hot stars. PANEK R.J. and SAVAGE B.D.
1976ApJS...32....7B viz 640 231 Catalog of spectrophotometric scans of stars. BREGER M.
1976IzKry..55..112L 75 7 The He abundance in the atmospheres of the stars being members of O-associations and young clusters. LYUBIMKOV L.S.
1976RMxAA...2...13B 72 4 Spectral classification of early-type stars. Calibration using a TV-vidicon multichannel system. BISIACCHI G.F., FIRMANI C., ORTEGA R., et al.
1977A&A....54..137L 1 38 223 Properties of the Walraven VBLUW photometric system. LUB J. and PEL J.W.
1977A&A....58..201D 195 26 Correlations of the band at 2175 angstroms with other interstellar features. DORSCHNER J., FRIEDEMANN C. and GURTLER J.
1977A&AS...27..215K 14       D               1656 150 UBV, Hbeta and polarization measurements of 1660 southern OB stars. KLARE G. and NECKEL T.
1977A&AS...27..443G viz 14       D               2696 173 Photoelectric Hbeta photometry for bright O to G0 type stars south of declinaison +10. GRONBECH B. and OLSEN E.H.
1977A&AS...30..279H 127 45 Ara OB1, NGC 6193 and Ara R1: an optical study of a very young southern complex. HERBST W. and HAVLEN R.J.
1977ApJ...216..291S 1 110 793 A survey of interstellar molecular hydrogen. I. SAVAGE B.D., BOHLIN R.C., DRAKE J.F., et al.
1977ApJS...35..111G 1139 234 MK spectral classifications for southern OB stars. GARRISON R.F., HILTNER W.A. and SCHILD R.E.
1977IBVS.1230....1S 4 0 Uvby photometry of the suspected variable omega2 Sco. STERKEN C.
1978A&A....65..251A 50 2 Interactive process of computation of equivalent width at the objective-prism astrograph. AZZOPARDI M., BIJAOUI A., MARCHAL J., et al.
1978A&AS...32..409G 458 45 Space velocities and ages of nearby early-type stars. GROSBOL P.J.
1978ApJ...223..589V 35 71 Is the solar system entering a nearby interstellar cloud ? VIDAL-MADJAR A., LAURENT C., BRUSTON P., et al.
1978ApJ...224..132B 5 101 3026 A survey of interstellar H I from L alpha absorption measurements. II. BOHLIN R.C., SAVAGE B.D. and DRAKE J.F.
1978ApJS...36..115S 72 159 Interstellar titanium. STOKES G.M.
1978ApJS...38..129H 91 117 Observations of interstellar lines of Na I and/or Ca II toward 47 stars. HOBBS L.M.
1979A&AS...36...83L 14       D               214 15 Photometry of loose clusterings in the Southern Milky Way. LODEN L.O.
1979ApJ...229..136S 56 133 The depletion of interstellar gaseous iron. SAVAGE B.D. and BOHLIN R.C.
1979ApJ...231...55J 1 34 194 A survey of interstellar C I: insights on carbon abundances, UV grain albedos and pressures in the interstellar medium. JENKINS E.B. and SHAYA E.J.
1979MNRAS.189..601U 160 199 Effective temperatures,angular diameters, distances and linear radii for 160 O and B stars. UNDERHILL A.B., DIVAN L., PREVOT-BURNICHON M.L., et al.
1979PASP...91..348G 30 0 Spectrophotometry in the Upper Scorpius region. GUTIERREZ-MORENO A. and MORENO H.
1980A&AS...41...85L 14       D               556 9 Four-colour and H beta photometry for early type stars in three southern galactic regions. LODEN K., LINDBLAD P.O., SCHOBER J., et al.
1980ApJ...241..161S 1 7 61 Interstellar depletions and far ultraviolet extinction in the rho Ophiuchi cloud. SNOW T.P. and JENKINS E.B.
1980ApJ...241..173W 56 33 An ultraviolet extinction study of the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud. WU C.C., GILRA D.P. and VAN DUINEN R.J.
1980ApJ...242..545F 39 153 The abundance of CO in diffuse interstellar clouds - an ultraviolet survey. FEDERMAN S.R., GLASSGOLD A.E., JENKINS E.B., et al.
1980ApJS...42..283M 170 11 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXVIII. A second atlas of ultraviolet stellar spectra. MEADE M.R. and CODE A.D.
1980ApJS...43..501C viz 541 38 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXIV. Filter photometry of 531 stars of diverse types. CODE A.D., HOLM A.V. and BOTTEMILLER R.L.
1981A&AS...44..337S 14       D               235 8 Standard stars for H alf photometry. STRAUSS F.M. and DUCATI J.R.
1981ApJ...246L.147L 23 16 The carbon abundance in diffuse interstellar clouds. LISZT H.S.
1982A&AS...47..341K 546 10 Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations. KOORNNEEF J., MEADE M.R., WESSELIUS P.R., et al.
1982A&AS...50..199D 186 51 Largeurs equivalentes de raies spectrales dans les etoiles B. DIDELON P.
1982ApJ...254...82C 66 164 The local interstellar medium. CRUTCHER R.M.
1982ApJ...257..125F 46 150 Measurements of CH and CH+ in diffuse interstellar clouds. FEDERMAN S.R.
1982ApJ...262..663H 17 34 He I lines in B stars : comparison of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium models with observations. HEASLEY J.N., WOLFF S.C. and TIMOTHY J.G.
1982ApJS...48..369A 83 34 Copernicus observations of the N V resonance doublet in 53 early-type stars. ABBOTT D.C., BOHLIN R.C. and SAVAGE B.D.
1982AN....303..105G 423 6 The interstellar 2200 A band : a catalogue of equivalent widths. GURTLER J., SCHIELICKE R., DORSCHNER J., et al.
1983A&A...127..271K 88 13 A comparison of UV extinction in Sco OB2 and Per OB1 associations. KRELOWSKI J. and STROBEL A.
1983ApJ...266L..55Y 56 88 Interstellar abundances of oxygen and nitrogen. YORK D.G., SPITZER L.Jr, BOHLIN R.C., et al.
1983ApJ...268..195W 43 38 A survey of spectral morphology and rotational velocities among the helium-rich stars. WALBORN N.R.
1983ApJ...270...88J 43 184 Copernicus observations of C I: pressures and Carbon abundances in diffuse interstellar clouds. JENKINS E.B., JURA M. and LOEWENSTEIN M.
1983ApJS...51..277B 88 162 A survey of Ultraviolet interstellar absorption lines. BOHLIN R.C., HILL J.K., JENKINS E.B., et al.
1983MNRAS.202..317C 461 40 A survey of ultraviolet objects CARNOCHAN D.J. and WILSON R.
1984A&A...130...62D 30 149 The CH radical in diffuse interstellar clouds. DANKS A.C., FEDERMAN S.R. and LAMBERT D.L.
1984A&AS...56..229O 14       D               2708 44 A catalogue of H beta photometry of southern A5 to G0 stars brighter than 8.3m. OLSEN E.H. and PERRY C.L.
1984A&AS...57..213H viz 228 20 IUE low-dispersion spectra flux catalogue. Part 1 Normal stars (magnetic tape). HECK A., EGRET D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1984AJ.....89.1022P 103 362 On the distribution of interstellar matter around the sun. PARESCE F.
1984ApJ...282..481M 71 39 Interstellar magnesium abundances. MURRAY M.J., DUFTON P.L., HIBBERT A., et al.
1984ApJ...284..157H 1 7 46 The correlation of interstellar element depletions with mean gas density. HARRIS A.W., GRY C. and BROMAGE G.E.
1984ApJ...286..718W 50 76 Ultraviolet spectral morphology of the O stars. II. The main sequence. WALBORN N.R. and PANEK R.J.
1984MNRAS.208..941H 25 33 The abundance of interstellar chlorine in the galaxy. HARRIS A.W. and BROMAGE G.E.
1984IUE84......507H 231 ~ IUE low-dispersion reference atlas. HECK A., EGRET D., JASCHEK M., et al.
1985A&A...147...89K 26 30 The abundance of oxygen in the interstellar medium. KEENAN F.P., HIBBERT A. and DUFTON P.L.
1985A&A...151..121M 32 42 Molecular abundances in shocked diffuse clouds : results from time-dependent modelling and comparison with diffuse cloud abundances. MITCHELL G.F. and WATT G.D.
1985A&AS...60...99W 2021 82 The local system of early type stars. Spatial extent and kinematics. WESTIN T.N.G.
1985A&AS...60..365M 300 30 Observed and computed spectral flux distribution of non-supergiant 09-G8 stars. III. Determination of Teff for the stars in the Breger Catalogue. MOROSSI C. and MALAGNINI M.L.
1985ApJ...288..148M 12 29 The effect of a weak shock on interstellar gas toward the rho Ophiuchi cloud. MEYERS K.A., SNOW T.P., FEDERMAN S.R., et al.
1985ApJ...288..277S 9 17 A study of depletions within the rho Ophiuchi cloud based on IUE observations of HD 147889. SNOW T.P. and JOSEPH C.L.
1985ApJ...292..589W 60 58 The determination of the helium abundance in main-sequence B stars. WOLFF S.C. and HEASLEY J.N.
1985ApJ...293..230G 15 11 Depletion of elements in the interstellar medium. GONDHALEKAR P.M.
1985ApJ...298..838F 76 165 Na I as a tracer of H I in the diffuse interstellar medium. FERLET R. and VIDAL-MADJAR A.
1985ApJS...59..397S viz 1283 150 A catalog of ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses for 1415 stars. SAVAGE B.D., MASSA D., MEADE M., et al.
1985ApJS...59..769S 116 79 Be stars in open clusters. SLETTEBAK A.
1985MNRAS.212...77W 111 1 uvby H beta photometry of UV-bright stars. WADE B.R. and SMITH L.F.
1985MNRAS.213..721H 26 43 Oscillator strengths for transitions in N I and the interstellar abundance of nitrogen. HIBBERT A., DUFTON P.L. and KEENAN F.P.
1985MNRAS.214..327T 100 23 Empirical effective temperatures of late O, B, A and early F stars. THEODOSSIOU E.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1985IrAJ...17...20K 25 3 The interstellar abundance of nitrogen. KEENAN F.P., HIBBERT A. and DUFTON P.L.
1985RMxAA..11...55S 101 3 Research note : absolute UBV photometry at the Zacatecas Observatory SCHUSTER W.J., PARRAO L., GONZALEZ-BEDOLLA S.F., et al.
1985IAUS..111..121K 142 17 The MK classification and its calibration. KEENAN P.C.
1985IAUS..111..411R 5 2 UV spectral classification of B stars. ROUNTREE J., SONNEBORN G. and PANEK J.
1985IAUS..111..529K 50 0 On the observational determination of OB standards. KRELOWSKI J. and STROBEL A.
1986A&A...162..140M 43 64 The empirical BC versus T eff scale for non-supergiant O9-G5 stars. MALAGNINI M.L., MOROSSI C., ROSSI L., et al.
1986A&A...164..179D 51 22 The abundance of phosphorus in the interstellar medium. DUFTON P.L., KEENAN F.P. and HIBBERT A.
1986A&A...164..274C 24 46 The interstellar medium in the vicinity of the association Sco OB2. CAPPA DE NICOLAU C.E. and POPPEL W.G.L.
1986A&AS...64..391V 56 122 Chemical equilibrium from diffuse to dense interstellar clouds. I. Galactic molecular clouds. VIALA Y.P.
1986ApJ...301..355J 87 215 Abundances of interstellar atoms from ultraviolet absorption lines. JENKINS E.B., SAVAGE B.D. and SPITZER L.Jr
1986ApJ...303..401L 64 83 On the CH+ ion in diffuse interstellar clouds. LAMBERT D.L. and DANKS A.C.
1986ApJ...303..433S 5 12 Observations of neutral atoms in the rho Ophiuchi cloud. SNOW T.P., JOSEPH C.L. and MEYER D.M.
1986ApJ...309..306F 35 14 The 1088 A feature toward reddened stars. FEDERMAN S.R.
1986MNRAS.219..903C 183 42 The variation of interstellar extinction in the ultraviolet. CARNOCHAN D.J.
1986MNRAS.220..271H 25 23 Interstellar zinc revisited : possible depletion in high density sight-lines. HARRIS A.W. and MAS-HESSE J.M.
1986Ap&SS.128...33Z 27 0 Interstellar gas depletion and dust parameters. ZIMMERMANN H.
1987A&A...175..186K 66 14 Extinction curves and intrinsic colours in local and distant OB complexes. KRELOWSKI J. and STROBEL A.
1987A&AS...69..421A 297 14 Small Magellanic Cloud : H gamma-line equivalent widths and luminosity classes of the brightest blue star members. AZZOPARDI M.
1987A&AS...71..539M 312 52 Instrumental effects and the Stromgren photometric system. MANFROID J. and STERKEN C.
1987ApJS...64..219T 79 45 The evolution of the magnetic fields of Ap stars : magnetic observations of stars in Scorpius-Centaurus association. THOMPSON I.B., BROWN D.N. and LANDSTREET J.D.
1987ApJS...64..487L 82 71 Stellar multiplicity in the Scorpius-Centaurus association. LEVATO H., MALARODA S., MORRELL N., et al.
1987PASP...99.1184P 367 125 A catalog of bright uvby beta standard stars. PERRY C.L., OLSEN E.H. and CRAWFORD D.L.
1987Ap&SS.138..229B 50 52 Local interstellar medium. BOCHKAREV N.G.
1987IAUS..120..123F 27 5 Optical observations related to the molecular chemistry in diffuse interstellar clouds. FEDERMAN S.R.
1988A&A...194..197W 55 17 A differential analysis of UV photospheric lines of OBN and OBC stars. WOLLAERT J.P.M., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M. and DE JAGER C.
1988A&A...203..134W 1 9 56 The intrinsic profiles of five diffuse interstellar bands. WESTERLUND B.E. and KRELOWSKI J.
1988A&AS...75..117B 121 22 The velocity field of the outer Galaxy in the southern hemisphere. III. Determination of distances to O, B, and A type stars in the Walraven photometric system. BRAND J. and WOUTERLOOT J.G.A.
1988ApJ...326L..69L 24 39 Two populations of diffuse molecular clouds. LADA E.A. and BLITZ L.
1988ApJ...335..177C 25 39 Total-to-selective extinction and the formation of molecules in diffuse interstellar clouds. CARDELLI J.A.
1988VilOB..80....7S 397 ~ Energy distribution in the stellar spectra of different spectral types and luminosities. V. Normal stars. SVIDERSKIENE Z.
1988MSS...C04....0H viz 14       D               1 33291 ~ Catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars, Vol.4 HOUK N. and SMITH-MOORE M.
1989A&A...214..153H 149 5 Effects of stellar rotation on the Geneva photometric system. HAUCK B. and SLETTEBAK A.
1989A&A...214..304N 6 0 Elemental depletions in single interstellar clouds. NIEDZIELSKI A. and KRELOWSKI J.
1989A&A...216...44D viz 309 394 Physical parameters of stars in the Scorpio-Centaurus OB association. DE GEUS E.J., DE ZEEUW P.T. and LUB J.
1989A&A...223..329B 26 25 Diffuse absorption bands and the 2175 A feature : results from a sample of galactic stars. BENVENUTI P. and PORCEDDU I.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989A&AS...79...61S 343 12 The distance and structure of the Coalsack. I. Photometric data. SEIDENSTICKER K.J.
1989A&AS...80...73G 1092 26 Empirical temperature calibrations for early-type stars. GULATI R.K., MALAGNINI M.L. and MOROSSI C.
1989A&AS...81..151C 33 65 Intensive photometry of southern Be variables. I. Winter objects. CUYPERS J., BALONA L.A. and MARANG F.
1989AN....310..255K 10 8 Diffuse interstellar bands - an observational review (Review). KRELOWSKI J.
1989AN....310..281K 43 12 Interstellar extinction curves originated in single clouds. KRELOWSKI J. and WEGNER W.
1989BICDS..36...27G viz 907 49 A list of MK standard stars. GARCIA B.
1989TarOT.100....1R 255 8 Catalogue of i and w/w crit values for rotating early type stars. RUUSALEPP M.
1990A&A...236..409H 13 19 Absolute dimensions of early-type eclipsing binary stars. II. AH Cephei. HOLMGREN D.E., HILL G. and FISHER W.
1990A&AS...85..915D viz 5260 19 Walraven photometry of nearby southern OB associations. DE GEUS E.J., LUB J. and VAN DE GRIFT E.
1990AJ.....99..323B 136 16 Estimation of the equivalent width of the interstellar Ca II K absorption line. BEERS T.C.
1990AJ....100.1994W 81 13 Luminosoties, masses, and ages of B-type stars. WOLFF S.C.
1990ApJ...348..153R 62 46 What ionizes the interstellar hydrogen toward PSR 0950+08 and PSR 0823+26 ? REYNOLDS R.J.
1990MNRAS.242....1C 212 246 Southern JHKL standards. CARTER B.S.
1990MNRAS.242p..52K 4 ~ An investigation of oscillator strength calculations for interstellar lines of Cl I. KEENAN F.P. and DUFTON P.L.
1991A&A...246..559D 20 57 Gas and dust in the Ophiuchus region. DE GEUS E.J. and BURTON W.B.
1991A&A...247..183C 32 67 High resolution observations of interstellar Na I and Ca II towards the Scorpio-Centaurus association. CRAWFORD I.A.
1991A&A...251..106C 96 37 Effective temperature and gravity c0 and beta indices for B-type stars. CASTELLI F.
1991A&AS...87..541G 14       D               738 43 The calibration of the Stromgren photometric system for A, F and early G supergiants. I. The observational data. GRAY R.O. and OLSEN E.H.
1991ApJ...369..515R 89 31 Criteria for the spectral classification of B stars in the ultraviolet. ROUNTREE J. and SONNEBORN G.
1991ApJ...381..462W 105 58 Further high-resolution Na I observations of the local interstellar medium. WELSH B.Y., VEDDER P.W., VALLERGA J.V., et al.
1991MNRAS.252..403P viz 167 33 Atlas of extinction curves derived from ultraviolet spectra of the TD-1 satellite. PAPAJ J., WEGNER W. and KRELOWSKI J.
1991PASP..103..494P 3320 12 Interstellar reddening in the southern hemisphere. I. The uvby-beta observations. PERRY C.L.
1991Ap&SS.183...91T 519 18 The stellar temperature scale for stars of spectral types from 08 to F6 and the standard deviation of the MK spectral classification. THEODOSSIOU E. and DANEZIS E.
1991KFNT....7a..64G 228 ~ The surface-brightness method and the dependence of the bolometric correction on star effective temperature. GUBOCHKIN A.N. and MIROSHNICHENKO A.S.
1992A&A...262..258D 7 8 244 Interactions of stars and interstellar matter in Scorpio Centaurus. DE GEUS E.J.
1992A&AS...93..449B 65 11 Narrow band multicolor photometry of reddened and unreddened early-type stars. BASTIAANSEN P.A.
1992ApJS...78..205G 34 41 Non-LTE, line blanketed model atmospheres for late O- and early B-type stars. GRIGSBY J.A., MORRISON N.D. and ANDERSON L.S.
1992ApJS...82..117S viz 14       D               2916 16 A homogeneous catalog of new UBV and H-beta photometry of B-and A-type stars in and around the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association. SLAWSON R.W., HILL R.J. and LANDSTREET J.D.
1992MNRAS.259...47C 11 37 High-resolution observations of the interstellar lambda 3302 Na I doublet and a discussion of the resulting NaI/Ca II ratios. CRAWFORD I.A.
1992AcA....42..211P 425 10 Extinction law survey based on UV ANS photometry. PAPAJ J. and KRELOWSKI J.
1992IzKry..84...90M 90 0 The continuous spectrum of the normal galaxies central regions obtained on the station "ASTRON". MERKULOVA N.I., METIK L.P., PRONIK V.I., et al.
1993A&A...268..653N 2 65 543 On the determination of effective temperature and surface gravity of B, A, and F stars using Stromgren uvby-beta photometry. NAPIWOTZKI R., SCHOENBERNER D. and WENSKE V.
1993A&AS..102...89O viz 316 201 Stromgren four-colour uvby photometry of G5-type HD stars brighter than mv = 8.6. OLSEN E.H.
1993ApJ...411..729V 129 120 High-resolution Ca II observations of the local interstellar medium. VALLERGA J.V., VEDDER P.W., CRAIG N., et al.
1993ApJS...89..293V 339 42 MK spectral types for OB+ stars in the southern Milky Way. VIJAPURKAR J. and DRILLING J.
1993PASP..105..693T viz 60 88 An atlas of low-resolution near-infrared spectra of normal stars. TORRES-DODGEN A.V. and WEAVER W.B.
1993PASP..105.1127G viz 302 48 The distribution of interstellar dust in the solar neighborhood. GAUSTAD J.E. and VAN BUREN D.
1993Ap&SS.203...53H viz 14       D               1 2047 1 A catalogue of spectral classification and photometric data of B-type stars. HAMDY M.A., ABO ELAZM M.S. and SAAD S.M.
1994A&A...290..563K 47 6 Ultraviolet FeIII lines in the spectra of high galactic latitude early-type stars. KENDALL T.R., CONLON E.S., DUFTON P.L., et al.
1994A&AS..103..135A 108 5 A study of Be stars in the wavelength region around Paschen 7. ANDRILLAT Y., JASCHEK M. and JASCHEK C.
1994ApJ...424..748C 55 48 The depletion of calcium in the interstellar medium. CRINKLAW G., FEDERMAN S.R. and JOSEPH C.L.
1994ApJ...424..754A 117 34 CH+ in the interstellar medium. ALLEN M.M.
1994ApJ...424..772F 123 119 Chemical transitions for interstellar C2 and CN in cloud envelopes. FEDERMAN S.R., STROM C.J., LAMBERT D.L., et al.
1994ApJ...432..641G 38 41 The far-ultraviolet dust albedo in the upper Scorpius subgroup of the Scorpius OB2 association. GORDON K.D., WITT A.N. and CARRUTHERS G.R.
1994ApJ...437..638W 289 77 The local distribution of Na I interstellar gas. WELSH B.Y., CRAIG N., WEDDER P.W., et al.
1994ApJS...94..127F viz 14       D               595 122 The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the interstellar medium. I. The data. FRUSCIONE A., HAWKINS I., JELINSKY P., et al.
1994ApJS...94..163S 57 9 Ultraviolet spectral classification and stellar winds in a sample of Be and standard stars. SLETTEBAK A.
1994ApJS...95..163S viz 233 29 An atlas of ultraviolet P Cygni profiles. SNOW T.P., LAMERS H.J.G.L.M., LINDHOLM D.M., et al.
1994PASP..106..382D viz 151 53 An atlas of southern MK standards from 5800 to 10,200 A1. DANKS A.C. and DENNEFELD M.
1994AcApS..14..228P 117 2 Measurement and analysis of rotation in close binary stars. 1. Observations and results. PAN K.-K., TAN H.-S. and WANG X.-H.
1995A&AS..110..553S viz 236 30 The determination of Teff of B, A and F main sequence stars from the continuum between 3200 A and 3600 A. SOKOLOV N.A.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20881 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1995ApJ...438..740L 3 5 64 Hubble Space Telescope observations of C2 molecules in diffuse interstellar clouds. LAMBERT D.L., SHEFFER Y. and FEDERMAN S.R.
1995ApJ...442..794G 42 10 The threshold for stellar winds in hot main-sequence stars. GRIGSBY J.A. and MORRISON N.D.
1995ApJ...443..698S 10 6 Diffuse band profiles in the rho Ophiuchi cloud. SEAB C.G. and SNOW T.P.
1995MNRAS.274..388M 7 2 Average unreddened UV flux distributions of OB dwarfs. MEGIER A.
1995P&SS...43.1195K 17 44 A survey of weak diffuse interstellar bands in selected ranges between 5600 and 7000 A. KRELOWSKI J., SNEDEN C. and HILTGEN D.
1996A&AS..118..481B viz 1826 175 The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars. BERGHOEFER T.W., SCHMITT J.H.M.M. and CASSINELLI J.P.
1996ApJ...469..355F viz 1 330 1195 Transformations from theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams to color-magnitude diagrams: effective temperatures, B-V colors, and bolometric corrections. FLOWER P.J.
1996ApJS..104..101S viz 1759 7 Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: fields centered on ρ Ophiuchi and the Galactic Center. SCHMIDT E.G. and CARRUTHERS G.R.
1996BaltA...5..603A viz 630 45 The Pulkovo spectrophotometric catalog of bright stars in the range from 320 to 1080 nm. ALEKSEEVA G.A., ARKHAROV A.A., GALKIN V.D., et al.
1997A&A...319..811B 214 82 High S/N echelle spectroscopy in young stellar groups. II. Rotational velocities of early-type stars in Sco OB2. BROWN A.G.A. and VERSCHUEREN W.
1997A&A...320..893L 26 13 Behaviour of the HeI 587.6, 667.8, 706.5 and 728.1nm lines in B-type stars. On the helium stratification in the atmosphere of magnetic helium peculiar stars. LEONE F. and LANZAFAME A.C.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118340 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1997ApJ...477L..57C 2 8 53 The abundance of interstellar krypton. CARDELLI J.A. and MEYER D.M.
1997ApJ...477..209K 23 44 Instrinsic profiles of strong diffuse interstellar bands. KRELOWSKI J. and SCHMIDT M.
1997ApJ...484..761G 85 21 Kinematical structure of the local interstellar medium: the galactic center hemisphere. GENOVA R., BECKMAN J.E., BOWYER S., et al.
1997ApJ...487..847W 262 21 Accurate two-dimensional classification of stellar spectra with artificial neural networks. WEAVER W.B. and TORRES-DODGEN A.V.
1997MNRAS.292..853M 43 5 A survey of vacuum-ultraviolet extinction curves based on International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra. MEGIER A., KRELOWSKI J., PATRIARCHI P., et al.
1997PASP..109.1135K 17 29 Groupings of strong and weak diffuse interstellar bands formed by common carriers. KRELOWSKI J., SCHMIDT M. and SNOW T.P.
1998A&A...330..306L 20 24 Visible neutral helium lines in main sequence B-type stars: observations and NLTE calculations. LEONE F. and LANZAFAME A.C.
1998A&A...330..619J 121 50 The absolute magnitude of the early type MK standards from Hipparcos parallaxes. JASCHEK C. and GOMEZ A.E.
1998A&A...337..512A 55 1 Helium peculiar stars in the red spectral region. ANDRILLAT Y. and JASCHEK C.
1998A&A...339..150T 109 T K                 7 21 A new bright β Cephei star: line-profile variability in ω1 Sco. TELTING J.H. and SCHRIJVERS C.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1998AJ....116.1314E 102 17 The Scorpius OB2 complex. EGGEN O.J.
1998ApJ...504..290M 14 24 The variation of the CO to H2 conversion factor in two translucent clouds. MAGNANI L., ONELLO J.S., ADAMS N.G., et al.
1998Ap&SS.257..161C 2 ~ High resolution spectral atlas of telluric lines. CATANZARO G.
1998JRASC..92..134W 44 4 A search for helium spectrum variables. WIEGERT P. and GARRISON R.F.
1998ARep...42...60K viz 102 2 On the normal spectral energy distribution of stars: spectral types O9-B5. KNYAZEVA L.N. and KHARITONOV A.V.
1999A&A...345..547Y 27 12 Polarimetry of the young Herbig Ae star HD 139614. Differences of polarimetric behaviour of Vega-type stars. YUDIN R.V., CLARKE D. and SMITH R.A.
1999A&A...347..524A 16 5 HD 42927 and HD 126341: two pulsating B stars surrounded by circumstellar dust. AERTS C., DE BOECK I., MALFAIT K., et al.
1999A&A...351..680M 80 42 On correlations between diffuse interstellar bands. MOUTOU C., KRELOWSKI J., D'HENDECOURT L., et al.
1999A&A...352..600K viz 190 6 Stroemgren and Hβ photometry of O and B type stars in star-forming regions. I. Canis Major - Puppis - Vela. KALTCHEVA N.T. and OLSEN E.H.
1999A&AS..137..113V viz 1207 2 Five-colour photometry of OB-stars in the Southern Hemisphere. VAN HOUTEN C.J., WALRAVEN T. and WALRAVEN J.H.
1999AJ....117..354D viz 1276 1157 A Hipparcos census of the nearby OB associations. DE ZEEUW P.T., HOOGERWERF R., DE BRUIJNE J.H.J., et al.
1999ApJ...520..149S 32 15 CO and C2 absorption toward W40 IRS 1a. SHUPING R.Y., SNOW T.P., CRUTCHER R., et al.
1999MNRAS.309..221B 40 49 Excitation and visibility of high-degree modes in stars. BALONA L.A. and DZIEMBOWSKI W.A.
2000A&AS..142..239W 17 32 A new survey of diffuse interstellar bands (5650 - 6865Å). WESELAK T., SCHMIDT M. and KRELOWSKI J.
2000ApJ...530..251D 64 68 B stars as a diagnostic of star formation at low and high redshift. DE MELLO D.F., LEITHERER C. and HECKMAN T.M.
2000ApJS..129..399V 184 117 An IUE atlas of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. I. Co-added final archive spectra from the SWP camera. VALENTI J.A., JOHNS-KRULL C.M. and LINSKY J.L.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001A&A...369..527V viz 715 1 Observations of OB-stars at the former Leiden Southern Station. VAN HOUTEN C.J.
2001A&A...371.1035U 6 10 Line-profile variations of the double-lined spectroscopic binary κ Scorpii. UYTTERHOEVEN K., AERTS C., DE CAT P., et al.
2001A&A...377..677W 41 17 A possible sets of diffuse bands originating at the same carrier. WESELAK T., FULARA J., SCHMIDT M.R., et al.
2001A&A...380L..13B 1 2 8 Near infra-red and optical spectroscopy of Delta Scorpii. BANERJEE D.P.K., JANARDHAN P. and ASHOK N.M.
2001AJ....121.1040P viz 119 71 A large spectroscopic survey for young low-mass members of the Upper Scorpius OB association. PREIBISCH T., GUENTHER E. and ZINNECKER H.
2001ApJ...548..889P 17 21 Tomographic separation of composite spectra. VII. The physical properties of the massive triple system HD 135240 (δ Circini). PENNY L.R., SEYLE D., GIES D.R., et al.
2001ApJ...554..362B 9 15 iota Orionis – Evidence for a capture origin binary. BAGNUOLO W.G.Jr, RIDDLE R.L., GIES D.R., et al.
2001ApJS..133..345W 60 154 A high-resolution survey of interstellar K I absorption. WELTY D.E. and HOBBS L.M.
2001MNRAS.326.1095M 91 8 Far-ultraviolet extinction and diffuse interstellar bands. MEGIER A., AIELLO S., BARSELLA B., et al.
2002A&A...381..446M viz 1053 100 Astrometric radial velocities. III. Hipparcos measurements of nearby star clusters and associations. MADSEN S., DRAVINS D. and LINDEGREN L.
2002A&A...382...92S viz 122 127 The mass ratio distribution of B-type visual binaries in the Sco OB2 association. SHATSKY N. and TOKOVININ A.
2002A&A...384..215G 1 8 32 Very high resolution profiles of 6196 Å and 6614 Å diffuse interstellar bands. GALAZUTDINOV G., MOUTOU C., MUSAEV F., et al.
2002A&A...386..492R viz 2100 58 CHARM: A Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements. RICHICHI A. and PERCHERON I.
2002A&A...395..969G 14 13 The interstellar C3 chain molecule in different interstellar environments. GALAZUTDINOV G., PETLEWSKI A., MUSAEV F., et al.
2002ApJ...573..359A viz 1098 321 Rotational velocities of B stars. ABT H.A., LEVATO H. and GROSSO M.
2002IBVS.5352....1G 12 11 delta Scorpii: visual photometric variability in 2000-2002. GANDET T.L., OTERO S., FRASER B., et al.
2002BaltA..11....1W viz 15       D               437 24 Atlas of interstellar extinction curves of OB stars covering the whole available wavelength range. WEGNER W.
2002yCat.2237....0D viz 15       D               1 3848 167 Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system. DUCATI J.R.
2003A&A...399..639A 5 13 Spectroscopic mode identification for the β Cephei star EN(16) Lacertae. AERTS C., LEHMANN H., BRIQUET M., et al.
2003A&A...404..913S viz 1239 88 Formation scenarios for the young stellar associations between galactic longitudes l=280°-360°. SARTORI M.J., LEPINE J.R.D. and DIAS W.S.
2003A&A...406..281B 39   K                 1 8 Surface imaging of stellar non-radial pulsations. II. The β Cephei star
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2003A&A...407..631B viz 597 86 Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. I. Chemically peculiar A and B type stars. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2003A&A...408..297S 44 6 Grey extinction in the solar neighbourhood ? SKORZYNSKI W., STROBEL A. and GALAZUTDINOV G.A.
2003AJ....125.2531R viz 15       D               18376 146 Catalog of galactic OB stars. REED B.C.
2003ApJ...589..319Z 14 34 Nonthermal chemistry in diffuse clouds with low molecular abundances. ZSARGO J. and FEDERMAN S.R.
2003ApJ...597..408C 29 24 The homogeneity of interstellar krypton in the galactic disk. CARTLEDGE S.I.B., MEYER D.M. and LAUROESCH J.T.
2003ApJS..147...61W viz 140 54 High-resolution observations of interstellar Ca I absorption–Implications for depletions and electron densities in diffuse clouds. WELTY D.E., HOBBS L.M. and MORTON D.C.
2003ApJS..147..305V viz 15       D               273 51 An IUE atlas of Pre-Main-Sequence stars. III. Co-added final archive spectra from the long-wavelength cameras. VALENTI J.A., FALLON A.A. and JOHNS-KRULL C.M.
2003MNRAS.338..990W 74 17 Toward an adequate method to isolate spectroscopic families of diffuse interstellar bands. WSZOLEK B. and GODLOWSKI W.
2003AN....324..219W viz 599 31 The total-to-selective extinction ratio determined from near IR photometry of OB stars. WEGNER W.
2003MmSAI..74..151M 1 1 The Asiago Database on Photometric Systems. MUNARI U. and FIORUCCI M.
2003SSRv..105..453A 36 37 Beta Cep stars from a spectroscopic point of view. AERTS C. and DE CAT P.
2004A&A...413.1037K viz 602 17 J - K DENIS photometry of a VLTI-selected sample of bright southern stars. KIMESWENGER S., LEDERLE C., RICHICHI A., et al.
2004A&A...414..949W viz 38 33 On the relation between diffuse bands and column densities of H2, CH and CO molecules. WESELAK T., GALAZUTDINOV G.A., MUSAEV F.A., et al.
2004ApJ...605..278C 23 12 Reanalysis of Copernicus measurements of interstellar carbon monoxide. CRENNY T. and FEDERMAN S.R.
2004ApJ...616..912V 15       D               1 423 146 Ultraviolet extinction properties in the Milky way. VALENCIC L.A., CLAYTON G.C. and GORDON K.D.
2004ApJS..151..299H viz 921 16 Classification of spectra from the infrared space observatory PHT-s database. HODGE T.M., KRAEMER K.E., PRICE S.D., et al.
2004AN....325..237B 1 0 Tomography of stellar non-radial pulsations. BERDYUGINA S.V.
2005A&A...431..773R viz 3245 131 CHARM2: An updated Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements. RICHICHI A., PERCHERON I. and KHRISTOFOROVA M.
2005A&A...432..955U 9 16 Disentangling component spectra of κ Sco, a spectroscopic binary with a pulsating primary. II. Interpretation of the line-profile variability. UYTTERHOEVEN K., BRIQUET M., AERTS C., et al.
2005A&A...433..659N         O           49 31 Metallicities of the β Cephei stars from low-resolution ultraviolet spectra. NIEMCZURA E. and DASZYNSKA-DASZKIEWICZ J.
2005A&A...433.1031D 49 8 Metallicity of mono- and multiperiodic β Cephei stars. DASZYNSKA-DASZKIEWICZ J. and NIEMCZURA E.
2005A&A...437..611R 214 92 A multiplicity survey of the ρ Ophiuchi molecular clouds. RATZKA T., KOEHLER R. and LEINERT C.
2005A&A...440..249U 9 8 The orbit of the close spectroscopic binary epsilon Lup and the intrinsic variability of its early B-type components. UYTTERHOEVEN K., HARMANEC P., TELTING J.H., et al.
2005AJ....130.1652R viz 15       D               18344 57 New estimates of the solar-neighborhood massive star birthrate and the galactic supernova rate. REED B.C.
2005ApJ...619..357L 13 5 A study of far-ultraviolet extinction in the Upper Scorpius cloud using the SPINR sounding rocket experiment. LEWIS N.K., COOK T.A. and CHAKRABARTI S.
2005ApJ...633..257S 13 21 Dust properties in the far-ultraviolet in Ophiuchus. SUJATHA N.V., SHALIMA P., MURTHY J., et al.
2005ApJ...634..451M viz 148 25 Interstellar Ca II line intensities and the distances of the OB stars. MEGIER A., STROBEL A., BONDAR A., et al.
2005ApJS..158..193S viz 239 174 Catalog of Galactic β Cephei stars. STANKOV A. and HANDLER G.
2005MNRAS.358..563M viz 49 16 Correlation patterns between 11 diffuse interstellar bands and ultraviolet extinction. MEGIER A., KRELOWSKI J. and WESELAK T.
2006A&A...448.1001J viz 67 10 Radial velocity measurements of B stars in the Scorpius-Centaurus association. JILINSKI E., DAFLON S., CUNHA K., et al.
2006A&A...452..945T         O           185 29 A high-resolution spectroscopy survey of β Cephei pulsations in bright stars. TELTING J.H., SCHRIJVERS C., ILYIN I.V., et al.
2006A&ARv..13...31K 4 18 173 Ultraviolet spectroscopy of extended solar corona. KOHL J.L., NOCI G., CRANMER S.R., et al.
2006ApJ...651L..49C viz 15       D               228 264 Evidence for mass-dependent circumstellar disk evolution in the 5 Myr old upper Scorpius OB association. CARPENTER J.M., MAMAJEK E.E., HILLENBRAND L.A., et al.
2006ApJ...652.1617C 6 3 41 Properties of the δ Scorpii circumstellar disk from continuum modeling. CARCIOFI A.C., MIROSHNICHENKO A.S., KUSAKIN A.V., et al.
2006AstL...32..759G viz 15       D               35568 316 Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system. GONTCHAROV G.A.
2007AJ....133.1092W viz 15       D               293 93 Rotational velocities for B0-B3 stars in seven young clusters: further study of the relationship between rotation speed and density in star-forming regions. WOLFF S.C., STROM S.E., DROR D., et al.
2007ApJ...663..320F viz 15       D               352 577 An analysis of the shapes of interstellar extinction curves. V. The IR-through-UV curve morphology. FITZPATRICK E.L. and MASSA D.
2007A&A...468.1063S 16       D               2 45 165 Fourier method of determining the rotational velocities in OB stars. SIMON-DIAZ S. and HERRERO A.
2007MNRAS.378..893B 15       D               1 42 8 CaFe interstellar clouds. BONDAR A., KOZAK M., GNACINSKI P., et al.
2007ApJ...664.1102K viz 37           X         1 157 98 A radial velocity survey of the Cyg OB2 association. KIMINKI D.C., KOBULNICKY H.A., KINEMUCHI K., et al.
2007AJ....134.1089S 361 14 H-R diagrams based on the HD stars in the Michigan spectral catalogue and the Hipparcos catalog. SOWELL J.R., TRIPPE M., CABALLERO-NIEVES S.M., et al.
2007MNRAS.380.1276N       D           *   2 15 11 Orbital solution and fundamental parameters of σ Scorpii. NORTH J.R., DAVIS J., TUTHILL P.G., et al.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118084 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2004CoAst.145...40B         O           1 0 Mapping non-radial pulsation using surface imaging techniques. BERDYUGINA S.V., KORHONEN H., TELTING J.H., et al.
2008A&A...477..917P viz 75             C       1 179 41 β Cephei stars in the ASAS-3 data. II. 103 new β Cephei stars and a discussion of low-frequency modes. PIGULSKI A. and POJMANSKI G.
2007AstL...33..571B viz 15       D               274 11 Kinematics of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association. BOBYLEV V.V. and BAJKOVA A.T.
2008A&A...479..149W 15       D               1 56 19 Relation between CH cation and neutral/molecular hydrogen. WESELAK T., GALAZUTDINOV G., MUSAEV F., et al.
2008ApJ...676L..49S 52           X         1 6 179 H2 O and OH gas in the terrestrial planet-forming zones of protoplanetary disks. SALYK C., PONTOPPIDAN K.M., BLAKE G.A., et al.
2008ApJ...679..512S 429       D     X C       11 27 24 A study of the ρ Ophiuchi cloud: mapping the distribution and the motions of interstellar gas. SNOW T.P., DESTREE J.D. and WELTY D.E.
2008ApJ...680..384W 15       D               2 47 82 Chemical rates on small grains and PAHs: c+ recombination and H2Formation. WOLFIRE M.G., TIELENS A.G.G.M., HOLLENBACH D., et al.
2008MNRAS.389..869E viz 15       D               1 4737 155 A catalogue of multiplicity among bright stellar systems. EGGLETON P.P. and TOKOVININ A.A.
2007A&ARv..14..217C 89 116 Asteroseismology and Interferometry. CUNHA M.S., AERTS C., CHRISTENSEN-DALSGAARD J., et al.
2008A&A...492..743L 15       D               2 116 5 A CO J=1-0 survey of common optical/uv absorption sightlines. LISZT H.S.
2008MmSAI..79..539P 38           X         1 4 4 Metallicity estimates of galactic Cepheids based on Walraven photometry. PEDICELLI S., LUB J., PEL J.W., et al.
2009MNRAS.394.1338B viz 15       D               1 1222 78 Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields - II. Re-discussion of chemically peculiar A and B stars. BYCHKOV V.D., BYCHKOVA L.V. and MADEJ J.
2009ApJ...700.1299J viz 16       D               4 284 651 A unified representation of gas-phase element depletions in the interstellar medium. JENKINS E.B.
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