NAME HDF-S , the SIMBAD biblio

NAME HDF-S , the SIMBAD biblio (572 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:35:38

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1997AAONw..83....4B 72 T                   2 1 The QSO at the centre of the HDF-S. BOYLE B.
1998A&A...340L..10T 73 T                   4 17 An extremely red r1/4 galaxy in the test image of the Hubble Deep Field South. TREU T., STIAVELLI M., WALKER A.R., et al.
1998AJ....116.1055S 73 T                   3 17 The metal absorption systems of the Hubble Deep Field South QSO. SAVAGLIO S.
1998ApJ...499L.135S 75 T                   2 19 Observations of QSO J2233-606 in the Southern Hubble Deep Field. SEALEY K.M., DRINKWATER M.J. and WEBB J.K.
1998ApJ...506..557B 72 T                   35 72 Cloning
Hubble deep fields. I. A model-independent measurement of galaxy evolution.
1998A&G....39c..14W 10 0 The Infrared Space Observatory. WALKER H.J.
1999A&A...343L..19F 75 T                   3 27 The VLT observations of the HDF-S NICMOS field: photometric catalog and high redshift galaxy candidates. FONTANA A., D'ODORICO S., FOSBURY R., et al.
1999A&A...343L..25S 75 T                   4 37 VLT and HST observations of a candidate high redshift elliptical galaxy in the Hubble Deep Field South. STIAVELLI M., TREU T., CAROLLO C.M., et al.
1999A&A...343L..40B 74 T                   2 17 Lyα emission at z∼zem around the quasar J2233-606 in the Hubble Deep Field South. BERGERON J., PETITJEAN P., CRISTIANI S., et al.
1999A&A...345...73P 73 T                   9 41 The zabs∼zem absorption line systems toward QSO J2233-606 in the Hubble Deep Field South: Ne VIIIλλ770,780 absorption and partial coverage. PETITJEAN P. and SRIANAND R.
1999A&A...346L..21T 72 T                   13 16 Identification of absorbing galaxies towards the QSO J2233-606 in the Hubble Deep Field South. TRESSE L., DENNEFELD M., PETITJEAN P., et al.
1999AJ....117.1957P 75 T                   2 22 Investigating the metal line systems at z=1.9 toward J2233-606 in the Hubble Deep Field South. PROCHASKA J.X. and BURLES S.M.
1999ApJ...513L..91B 72 T                   5 11 A possible gravitational lens in the Hubble Deep Field South. BARKANA R., BLANDFORD R. and HOGG D.W.
1999ApJ...515L...5S 75 T                   3 31 The Lyα forest of the quasar in the Hubble Deep Field South. SAVAGLIO S., FERGUSON H.C., BROWN T.M., et al.
1999ApJ...515L..65B 2 8 66 Detection of evolved high-redshift galaxies in deep NICMOS/VLT images. BENITEZ N., BROADHURST T., BOUWENS R., et al.
1999MNRAS.305..685O 73 T                   3 10 Echelle spectrograph observations of the Hubble Deep Field South QSO J2233-606. OUTRAM P.J., BOYLE B.J., CARSWELL R.F., et al.
1999MNRAS.308L..11C 72 T                   40 4 Candidate high-redshift and primeval galaxies in Hubble Deep Field South. CLEMENTS D.L., EALES S.A. and BAKER A.C.
1999MNRAS.308..569A 96 T                   2 146 The evolution of barred spiral galaxies in the Hubble Deep Fields North and
1999MNRAS.310L..27F 7 2 44 High-redshift evolution of optical- and infrared-selected galaxies: a comparison with cold dark matter scenarios. FONTANA A., MENCI N., D'ODORICO S., et al.
1999PASP..111.1475S 54 57 Search techniques for distant galaxies. (Invited review). STERN D. and SPINRAD H.
1999AGAb...15...54H 72 T                   1 0 First results of a search for LSB-galaxies around the HDF-S. HABERZETTL L., BOMANS D.J., DETTMAR R.-J., et al.
1999Ap&SS.269..165I 7 2 Galaxies at high redshift. ILLINGWORTH G.
1999ExA.....9..119B 45 6 Ultraviolet sky surveys. Instuments, findings, and prospects. BROSCH N.
1999Msngr..96...12R 3 1 FORS1 and ISAAC science verification at Antu/UT1. RENZINI A.
1999NewA....4..431J 72 T                   3 4 A survey of unresolved objects in the Hubble Deep Field South. JOHNSON R.A., GILMORE G.F., TANVIR N.R., et al.
2000A&A...353...92R 15 11 Interaction rate at z∼1. RESHETNIKOV V.P.
2000A&A...355...37F 1 2 10 Clustering of galaxies at faint magnitudes. FYNBO J.U., FREUDLING W. and MOLLER P.
2000A&A...359..489C 72 T                   31 59 The first VLT FORS1 spectra of Lyman-break candidates in the HDF-S and AXAF Deep Field. CRISTIANI S., APPENZELLER I., ARNOUTS S., et al.
2000A&A...362..487V 74 T                   2 16 Interpreting the optical data of the Hubble Deep Field South: colors, morphological number counts and photometric redshifts. VOLONTERI M., SARACCO P., CHINCARINI G., et al.
2000A&A...363..476B 96 4 1152 Photometric redshifts based on standard SED fitting procedures. BOLZONELLA M., MIRALLES J.M. and PELLO R.
2000A&AS..145..111V viz 73 T                   2 9 A catalogue of galaxies in the HDF-South: Photometry and structural parameters. VOLONTERI M., SARACCO P. and CHINCARINI G.
2000AJ....119..486G viz 72 T                   679 39 The Hubble Deep Field South: STIS imaging. GARDNER J.P., BAUM S.A., BROWN T.M., et al.
2000AJ....119.2589G 73 T                   4 14 Counts and sizes of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South: implications for the next generation space telescope. GARDNER J.P. and SATYAPAL S.
2000AJ....120..801R 1 8 41 Deep Hubble space telescope STIS color-magnitude diagrams of the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM: detection of the horizontal branch. REJKUBA M., MINNITI D., GREGG M.D., et al.
2000AJ....120.1153B 4 2 29 Measurements of the diffuse ultraviolet background and the terrestrial airglow with the space telescope imaging spectrograph. BROWN T.M., KIMBLE R.A., FERGUSON H.C., et al.
2000AJ....120.1209C 22 9 A color analysis of the NICMOS parallel image archive. CORBIN M.R., O'NEIL E., THOMPSON R.I., et al.
2000AJ....120.1648C 74 T                   3 20 High-resolution spectroscopy from 3050 to 10000 Å of the Hubble Deep Field South QSO J2233-606 with UVES at the ESO very large telescope. CRISTIANI S. and D'ODORICO V.
2000AJ....120.2131Z viz 6 7 141 The first US naval observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog. ZACHARIAS N., URBAN S.E., ZACHARIAS M.I., et al.
2000AJ....120.2190V viz 237 70 Caltech faint galaxy redshift survey. XIV. Galaxy morphology in the Hubble Deep Field (North) and its flanking fields to z=1.2. VAN DEN BERGH S., COHEN J.G., HOGG D.W., et al.
2000AJ....120.2206F viz 452 135 Photometric redshifts and selection of high-redshift galaxies in the NTT and Hubble Deep Fields. FONTANA A., D'ODORICO S., POLI F., et al.
2000AJ....120.2735W 81 T                   4 115 The Hubble Deep Field South: formulation of the observing campaign. WILLIAMS R.E., BAUM S., BERGERON L.E., et al.
2000AJ....120.2747C viz 72 T                   2658 246 WFPC2 observations of the Hubble Deep Field South. CASERTANO S., DE MELLO D.F., DICKINSON M., et al.
2000ApJ...529..911M 77 T                   3 52 Faint blue objects on the Hubble Deep Field North and South as possible nearby old halo white dwarfs. MENDEZ R.A. and MINNITI D.
2000ApJ...530L..53B 77 T                   2 33 Young red spheroidal galaxies in the
Hubble deep fields: evidence for a truncated initial mass function at ∼2 m and a constant space density to z ∼ 2.
2000ApJ...531..624D 2 15 101 The unusual infrared object HDF-N J123656.3+621322. DICKINSON M., HANLEY C., ELSTON R., et al.
2000ApJ...532...88H 5 11 182 Hubble space telescope weak-lensing study of the z=0.83 cluster MS 1054-03. HOEKSTRA H., FRANX M. and KUIJKEN K.
2000ApJ...532..308B viz 3 12 126 Detection and photometry of hot horizontal branch stars in the core of M32. BROWN T.M., BOWERS C.W., KIMBLE R.A., et al.
2000ApJ...536..571B 167 2 1004 Bayesian photometric redshift estimation. BENITEZ N.
2000ApJ...537L..85R 72 T                   17 41 Very large Telescope-ISAAC near-infrared spectroscopy of ISO-selected Hubble Deep Field South galaxies. RIGOPOULOU D., FRANCESCHINI A., AUSSEL H., et al.
2000ApJ...538..493Y viz 72 T                   1617 44 Photometry and photometric redshifts of faint galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South NICMOS field. YAHATA N., LANZETTA K.M., CHEN H.-W., et al.
2000ApJ...541...61P 72 T                   14 15 Wide-field imaging of
Hubble Deep Field-South region. I. Quasar candidates.
2000ApJ...541..134X 135 49 Local luminosity function at 15 microns and galaxy evolution seen by ISOCAM 15 micron surveys. XU C.
2000ApJ...542L..79G 80 T                   2 53 Ultraviolet galaxy counts from space telescope imaging spectrograph observations of the Hubble deep
2000ApJ...542..761W 72 56 Seeing galaxies through thick and thin. I. Optical opacity measures in overlapping galaxies. WHITE III R.E., KEEL W.C. and CONSELICE C.J.
2000MNRAS.312L...9M 37 3 339 Deep galaxy counts, extragalactic background light and the stellar baryon budget. MADAU P. and POZZETTI L.
2000MNRAS.318..913M 2 3 19 Galaxy clustering in the Herschel Deep Field. McCRACKEN H.J., SHANKS T., METCALFE N., et al.
2000MNRAS.319..807P 73 T                   2 10 Morphological number counts and redshift distributions to I=25 from the Hubble Deep
Fields: constraints on cosmological models from early-type galaxies.
2000PASP..112..809B 2 5 43 Volume-phase holographic gratings and the efficiency of three simple volume-phase holographic gratings. BARDEN S.C., ARNS J.A., COLBURN W.S., et al.
2000PASP..112.1188T 2 0 Redshift estimation from low-resolution prism spectral energy distributions with a next generation space telescope multiobject spectrograph. TEPLITZ H.I., MALUMUTH E., WOODGATE B.E., et al.
2000PASP..112.1526L 9 12 Exploring the structure of distant galaxies with adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope. LARKIN J.E., GLASSMAN T.M., WIZINOWICH P., et al.
2000ARA&A..38..667F 5 7 117 The Hubble Deep Fields. FERGUSON H.C., DICKINSON M. and WILLIAMS R.
2000ExA....10..419H 5 2 31 What will the next generation radio telescope detect at 1.4 GHz ? HOPKINS A., WINDHORST R., CRAM L., et al.
2000IrAJ...27...35M 2 0 Prospects for extragalactic research with big telescopes. MEURS E.J.A.
2000Msngr..99...20F 5 2 31 FIRES at the VLT: the Faint InfraRed Extragalactic Survey. FRANX M., MOORWOOD A., RIX H.-W., et al.
2000Msngr.100...37R 7 0 ISAAC on the VLT investigates the nature of the high-redshift sources of the cosmic infrared background. RIGOPOULOU D., FRANCESCHINI A., AUSSEL H., et al.
2000Msngr.100...44A 1 3 17 The FORS Deep Field. APPENZELLER I., BENDER R., BOEHM A., et al.
2000Natur.405..143W 86 2 516 Detection of weak gravitational lensing distortions of distant galaxies by cosmic dark matter at large scales. WITTMAN D.M., TYSON J.A., KIRKMAN D., et al.
2001A&A...370..729D 75 T                   2 17 Inhomogeneous metal enrichment at (z)∼1.9: The Lyman limit systems in the spectrum of the HDF-S quasar. D'ODORICO V. and PETITJEAN P.
2001A&A...375....1S viz 748 71 Deep near-IR observations of the Chandra Deep Field and of the HDF South. Color and number counts. SARACCO P., GIALLONGO E., CRISTIANI S., et al.
2001A&A...379..384C 5 5 82 Wide field weak lensing observations of A1689. CLOWE D. and SCHNEIDER P.
2001AJ....122.2190V 73 T                   1612 28 Multicolor observations of the Hubble Deep Field South. VANZELLA E., CRISTIANI S., SARACCO P., et al.
2001AJ....122.2205R viz 73 T                   138 85 A K-band-selected photometric redshift catalog in the Hubble Deep Field South: sampling the rest-frame V band to z=3. RUDNICK G., FRANX M., RIX H.-W., et al.
2001ApJ...547..786G 2 4 25 A new (old) component of the galaxy as the origin of the observed Large Magellanic Cloud microlensing events. GATES E.I. and GYUK G.
2001ApJ...548..127T viz 75 T                   3 20 Wide-field imaging of the
Hubble Deep Field-South region. II. The evolution of galaxy clustering at z < 1.
2001ApJ...550..177G 26 2 159 Clustering segregation with ultraviolet luminosity in Lyman break galaxies at z∼3 and its implications. GIAVALISCO M. and DICKINSON M.
2001ApJ...551L..45P 6 2 39 The evolution of the luminosity function in deep fields: a comparison with cold dark matter models. POLI F., MENCI N., GIALLONGO E., et al.
2001ApJ...551..111E viz 73 T                   257 50 The relative star formation histories of spiral bulges and elliptical galaxies in the Hubble deep
2001ApJ...552L..85R 8 4 102 Detection of cosmic shear with the Hubble space telescope survey strip. RHODES J., REFREGIER A. and GROTH E.J.
2001ApJ...553...33P 76 T                   2 20 Topology of the galaxy distribution in the Hubble deep
2001ApJ...559L..91P 6 2 40 The consequences of the cosmic star formation rate: X-ray number counts. PTAK A., GRIFFITHS R., WHITE N., et al.
2001ApJ...560L.131M viz 8 4 100 The Las Campanas infrared survey: early-type galaxy progenitors beyond z=1. McCARTHY P.J., CARLBERG R.G., CHEN H.-W., et al.
2001ApJ...562L..23M 1 6 29 The origin of blue cores in Hubble Deep Field E/S0 galaxies. MENANTEAU F., JIMENEZ R. and MATTEUCCI F.
2001ApJ...562..337A viz 154 16 Astrometry with the MACHO data archive. I. High proper motion stars toward the Galactic Bulge and Magellanic clouds. ALCOCK C., ALLSMAN R.A., ALVES D.R., et al.
2001ApJS..135....7P 4 2 26 Light propagation in inhomogeneous universes. II. Cosmological parameter survey. PREMADI P., MARTEL H., MATZNER R., et al.
2001MNRAS.320..504S 105 2 634 The nature of high-redshift galaxies. SOMERVILLE R.S., PRIMACK J.R. and FABER S.M.
2001MNRAS.322....1M 77 T                   9 132 Evidence for evolving spheroidals in the Hubble Deep Fields North and
2001MNRAS.322..131R 6 7 Depletion of background galaxies owing to the cluster lens CL 0024+1654: U- and R-band observations. ROGNVALDSSON O.E., GREVE T.R., HJORTH J., et al.
2001MNRAS.323..795M 6 8 156 Galaxy number counts - V. Ultradeep counts: the Herschel and Hubble Deep Fields. METCALFE N., SHANKS T., CAMPOS A., et al.
2001MNRAS.324..491R 44 35 Deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging surveys and the formation of spheroidal galaxies. RODIGHIERO G., FRANCESCHINI A. and FASANO G.
2001ARA&A..39..249H 22 10 675 The cosmic infrared background : measurements and implications. HAUSER M.G. and DWEK E.
2001Icar..152..185G 6 8 160 The galactic habitable zone: galactic chemical evolution. GONZALEZ G., BROWNLEE D. and WARD P.
2001S&T...102c..42T 3 0 A wide deep field : getting the big picture. TYTELL D.
2001ApSSS.277..535F 3 1 High evolution of optically and IR-selected galaxies. FONTANA A.
2001ApSSS.277..607V 73 T                   1 0 Number counts and colors of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South. VOLONTERI M., SARACCO P., CHONCARINI G., et al.
2002A&A...382..513R viz 73 T                   55 29 Statistics of galaxy warps in the HDF North and South. RESHETNIKOV V., BATTANER E., COMBES F., et al.
2002A&A...386...12D 1 3 11 Lens magnification by CL 0024+1654 in the U and R band. DYE S., TAYLOR A.N., GREVE T.R., et al.
2002A&A...395..443B 76 T                   2 23 Luminosity functions beyond the spectroscopic limit. I. Method and near-infrared LFs in the HDF-N and
2002A&A...395..779M 5 12 Dark matter revealed. More evidence from faint-star proper-motions for a cool and warm component of the local dark matter in the Galaxy. MENDEZ R.A.
2002A&A...396..847V 73 T                   93 28 A VLT/FORS2 spectroscopic survey in the
2002AJ....123.3041K 28 15 Active nuclei and star-forming objects at z>2: metallicities, winds, and formation histories. KEEL W.C., WU W., WADDINGTON I., et al.
2002AJ....124...33H 16 44 Moderate-temperature clusters of galaxies from the RDCS and the high-redshift luminosity-temperature relation. HOLDEN B.P., STANFORD S.A., SQUIRES G.K., et al.
2002ApJ...570...54C viz 6 3 54 The Las Campanas infrared survey. III. The H-band imaging survey and the near-infrared and optical photometric catalogs. CHEN H.-W., McCARTHY P.J., MARZKE R.O., et al.
2002ApJ...570..119D 3 13 119 Intracluster red giant stars in the Virgo cluster. DURRELL P.R., CIARDULLO R., FELDMEIER J.J., et al.
2002ApJ...570..470T 5 3 53 A bridge from optical to infrared galaxies: explaining local properties and predicting galaxy counts and the cosmic background radiation. TOTANI T. and TAKEUCHI T.T.
2002ApJ...570..492L 20 2 120 The star formation rate intensity distribution function: implications for the cosmic star formation rate history of the Universe. LANZETTA K.M., YAHATA N., PASCARELLE S., et al.
2002ApJ...574...51M 7 6 138 Are high-redshift damped Lyα galaxies Lyman break galaxies? MOLLER P., WARREN S.J., FALL S.M., et al.
2002ApJ...575...18M 7 3 69 Binary aggregations in hierarchical galaxy formation: the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function. MENCI N., CAVALIERE A., FONTANA A., et al.
2002ApJ...580..789R 73 T                   16 20 Kinematics of galaxies in the
Hubble Deep Field-South: discovery of a very massive spiral galaxy at z = 0.6.
2002MNRAS.329..355A 103 T                   2 185 Measuring the redshift evolution of clustering: the
Hubble Deep Field South.
2002MNRAS.330L..63B 1 14 45 A SCUBA scan-map of the Hubble Deep Field : measuring the bright end of the submillimetre source counts. BORYS C., CHAPMAN S.C., HALPERN M., et al.
2002MNRAS.332..536O 73 T                   74 37 Observations of the
Hubble Deep Field South with the Infrared Space Observatory - I. Observations, data reduction and mid-infrared source counts.
2002MNRAS.332..549M 73 T                   39 43 Observations of the
Hubble Deep Field South with the Infrared Space Observatory - II. Associations and star formation rates.
2002MNRAS.332..617F viz 16 2 97 The Las Campanas Infrared Survey - II. Photometric redshifts, comparison with models and clustering evolution. FIRTH A.E., SOMERVILLE R.S., McMAHON R.G., et al.
2002MNRAS.335..831G 5 4 70 A new method for ISOCAM data reduction - II. Mid-infrared extragalactic source counts in the ELAIS Southern field. GRUPPIONI C., LARI C., POZZI F., et al.
2002MNRAS.336..564B 5 2 32 On the continuous formation of field spheroidal galaxies in hierarchical models of structure formation. BENSON A.J., ELLIS R.S. and MENANTEAU F.
2002Ap&SS.281..509M 3 0 The evolution of the galaxy luminosity function: theoretical predictions vs. observations. MENCI N.
2002MmSAI..73...88P 11 0 Space telescopes of today and tomorrow: HST and NGST. PANAGIA N.
2002Msngr.110...38L 73 T                   3 0 FIRES: ultradeep near-infrared imaging with ISAAC of the
Hubble Deep Field South.
LABBE I., FRANX M., DADDI E., et al.
2002AstL...28....1R 24 1 The observed structure of extremely distant galaxies. RESHETNIKOV V.P. and VASIL'EV A.A.
2002NewA....7..337B 1 2 9 The star formation rate intensity distribution function - Comparison of observations with hierarchical galaxy formation. BARKANA R.
2002AAS...201..603S 73 T                   3 ~ First results from the Gemini-South/FLAMINGOS demonstration science program: infrared multi-object spectroscopy in the
HDF-s and the GOODS southern field.
2002AAS...201..609G 1 ~ The clustering properties of high-redshift galaxies in the GOODS. GIAVALISCO M., DICKINSON M., FERGUSON H., et al.
2002AAS...201.3204B 4 0 Cloning drop-outs: implications for galaxy evolution from z∼6 to z∼2 using HST ACS/WFPC2 data. BOUWENS R., ILLINGWORTH G.D., BROADHURST T.J., et al.
2002AAS...201.5109S 2 0 Nearby galaxies at high redshifts. STRUBBE L.E., SHETH K., SCOVILLE N.Z., et al.
2003A&A...398...49H viz 8756 77 The FORS Deep Field: Field selection, photometric observations and photometric catalog. HEIDT J., APPENZELLER I., GABASCH A., et al.
2003A&A...403..501F 73 T                   41 55 Infrared spectroscopy of faint 15 µm sources in the
Hubble Deep Field South: First hints at the properties of the sources of the IR background.
2003A&A...409..851C 7 3 Weak lensing by high-redshift clusters of galaxies. II. Mean redshift of the faint background galaxy population. CLOWE D., LUPPINO G.A. and KAISER N.
2003A&A...410...17M viz 15 3 139 The VIRMOS deep imaging survey. II: CFH12K BVRI optical data for the 0226-04 deep field. McCRACKEN H.J., RADOVICH M., BERTIN E., et al.
2003AJ....125...53K 6 3 56 Subaru deep survey. III. Evolution of rest-frame luminosity functions based on the photometric redshifts for a K'-band-selected galaxy sample. KASHIKAWA N., TAKATA T., OHYAMA Y., et al.
2003AJ....125..398L 73 T                   5 9 The
Hubble Deep Field South flanking fields.
LUCAS R.A., BAUM S.A., BROWN T.M., et al.
2003AJ....125.1107L viz 73 T                   836 235 Ultradeep near-infrared ISAAC observations of the
Hubble Deep Field South: observations, reduction, multicolor catalog, and photometric redshifts.
2003AJ....126.1208S viz 73 T                   105 19 Redshifts in the
Hubble Deep Field South.
2003AJ....126.2662D 10 17 The morphological decomposition of Abell 868. DRIVER S.P., ODEWAHN S.C., ECHEVARRIA L., et al.
2003ApJ...584...76C 29 37 A multiwavelength approach to the star formation rate estimation in galaxies at intermediate redshifts. CARDIEL N., ELBAZ D., SCHIAVON R.P., et al.
2003ApJ...586..745C 8 3 75 The Las Campanas Infrared Survey. IV. The photometric redshift survey and the rest-frame R-band galaxy luminosity function at 0.5≤z≤1.5. CHEN H.-W., MARZKE R.O., McCARTHY P.J., et al.
2003ApJ...587...25D 9 16 433 The evolution of the global stellar mass density at 0<z<3. DICKINSON M., PAPOVICH C., FERGUSON H.C., et al.
2003ApJ...587L..79F 74 2 444 A significant population of red, near-infrared-selected high-redshift galaxies. FRANX M., LABBE I., RUDNICK G., et al.
2003ApJ...587L..83V 4 8 119 Spectroscopic confirmation of a substantial population of luminous red galaxies at redshifts z≳2. VAN DOKKUM P.G., FOERSTER-SCHREIBER N.M., FRANX M., et al.
2003ApJ...587..544F 3 2 23 A european southern observatory very large telescope survey of near-infrared (Z ≤ 25) selected galaxies at redshifts 4.5 < z < 6: constraining the cosmic star formation rate near the reionization epoch. FONTANA A., POLI F., MENCI N., et al.
2003ApJ...588...50D 9 4 116 Detection of strong clustering of red K-selected galaxies at 2<zphot<4 in the Hubble Deep Field-South. DADDI E., ROETTGERING H.J.A., LABBE I., et al.
2003ApJ...591L..95L 2 8 67 Large disklike galaxies at high redshift. LABBE I., RUDNICK G., FRANX M., et al.
2003ApJ...592..664P 11 2 67 Detection of dark matter skewness in the VIRMOS-DESCART survey: implications for Ω0. PEN U.-L., ZHANG T., VAN WAERBEKE L., et al.
2003ApJ...593L...1P 3 5 59 The evolution of the galaxy luminosity function in the rest-frame blue band up to z=3.5. POLI F., GIALLONGO E., FONTANA A., et al.
2003ApJ...593L..61B 3 2 22 Galaxy bias in quintessence cosmological models. BASILAKOS S. and PLIONIS M.
2003ApJ...593..640B 9 2 57 Cloning dropouts: implications for galaxy evolution at high redshift. BOUWENS R., BROADHURST T. and ILLINGWORTH G.
2003ApJ...594L...9F 13 3 117 The assembly of massive galaxies from near-infrared observations of the Hubble Deep Field-South. FONTANA A., DONNARUMMA I., VANZELLA E., et al.
2003ApJ...597..706C 1 25 106 The nature of damped Lyα absorbing galaxies at z ≤ 1: a photometric redshift survey of damped Lyα absorbers. CHEN H.-W. and LANZETTA K.M.
2003ApJ...598..827P 1 16 54 The internal ultraviolet-optical color dispersion: quantifying the morphological K-correction. PAPOVICH C., GIAVALISCO M., DICKINSON M., et al.
2003ApJ...599..847R 27 3 249 The rest-frame optical luminosity density, color, and stellar mass density of the universe from z = 0 to z = 3. RUDNICK G., RIX H.-W., FRANX M., et al.
2003MNRAS.338...72S 1 2 Surface brightness measurements for APM galaxies. SHAO Z., MADDOX S.J., JONES J.B., et al.
2003MNRAS.342..439S 4 11 160 Lyman break galaxies and the star formation rate of the Universe at

z ~ 6.

2003MNRAS.343..913B 1 4 12 Simulating a white dwarf dominated Galactic halo. BROOK C.B., KAWATA D. and GIBSON B.K.
2003MNRAS.343.1348P 50 18 On the nature of the ISO-selected sources in the ELAIS S2 region. POZZI F., CILIEGI P., GRUPPIONI C., et al.
2003MNRAS.345..819R 62 51 Photometric redshifts in the Hubble Deep Fields : evolution of extinction and the star formation rate. ROWAN-ROBINSON M.
2003ARA&A..41..465H 1 27 85 Cool white dwarfs. HANSEN B.M.S. and LIEBERT J.
2003AN....324...24M 5 9 XMM-Newton view of the Hubble Deep Field-North and Groth-Westphal strip regions. MIYAJI T., GRIFFITHS R.E., LUMB D., et al.
2003Msngr.113...56F 6 0 Deep infrared surveys and their cosmological implications. FRANCESCHINI A., BERA S., RODIGHIERO G., et al.
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