NGC 6530 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 6530 , the SIMBAD biblio (420 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:54:23

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Title First 3 Authors
1894AstAp..13..791B 4 1 Photograph of M8, and the Trifid nebula. BARNARD E.E.
1920ApJ....51....4D 7 16 Bright nebulae and star clusters in Sagittarius and Scutum photographed with the 60-inch reflector. DUNCAN J.C.
1947ApJ...105..255B 4 6 208 Small dark nebulae. BOK B.J. and REILLY E.F.
1949ApJ...110..117S 122 31 Interstellar calcium lines in the spectra of stars in open clusters. SANFORD R.F.
1957ApJ...125..636W 66 T                   1 119 157 Studies of extremely young clusters. II.
NGC 6530.
1959ApJ...130...57W 98 61 Studies of extremely young clusters. III. IC 5146. WALKER M.F.
1959PASP...71..194B 66 T                   1 4 6 Red stars near the young cluster
NGC 6530.
1959MmSAI..30...83M 8 2 Nuove stelle variabili nella regione dell'M 20. MAFFEI P.
1961ApJ...133..438W 555 117 Studies of extremely young clusters. IV. NGC 6611. WALKER M.F.
1961LowOB...5..133J 133 145 Galactic clusters as indicators of stellar evolution and galactic structure. JOHNSON H.L., HOAG A.A., IRIARTE B., et al.
1963CoBos..18....1P 11 0 Correction of background effect in photographic photometry. PURBOSISWOJO K.
1963ZA.....56..257B 77 32 Die raumliche Verteilung von 55 H II-Regionen in der Milchstrasse. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1963ZA.....57..117B 156 162 Die raumliche Verteilung von 156 galaktischen Sternhaufen in Abhangikeit von ihrem Alter. BECKER W.
1964Obs....84..141P 25 7 Pre-main-sequence evolution. A comparison of theory and observation. PENSTON M.V.
1964RA......6..535M 130 6 M stars in the region of the Pleiades. McCARTHY M.F. and TREANOR P.J.
1965ApJ...141..183H 66 T                   1 27 31 Studies in spectral classification. II. The HR diagram of
NGC 6530.
1966ApJ...144..968I 6 4 154 Stellar formation rates in young clusters. IBEN I.Jr and TALBOT R.J.
1967ApJ...149..719S 67 T                   1 2 4 A note on emission B stars in
NGC 6530.
1968ArA.....5....1L 178 108 The ages of open clusters. LINDOFF U.
1968PROE....6..181S 36 ~ Results of a search for globules in OB clusters and associations. SIM M.E.
1970PDDO....4....1H 190 56 An atlas of open cluster colour-magnitude diagrams. HAGEN G.
1971A&AS....4..241B 215 324 A catalogue of galactic star clusters observed in three colours. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1972A&A....20..425V 67 T                   1 364 74 Membership in the extremely young open cluster
NGC 6530 (M 8).
1973BICDS...4...22M 148 3 First supplement to the list of transit tables for star numbering in open clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1976A&A....49...57G 1 133 726 The spiral structure of our galaxy determined from H II regions. GEORGELIN Y.M. and GEORGELIN Y.P.
1976A&A....51..247B 42 25 Observational tests on star formation. I. Size variation of very young clusters through the galaxy. BURKI G. and MAEDER A.
1976A&AS...24..143C 5 5 Photographic photometry in four clusters. CUDWORTH K.M.
1976ApJ...203..159L 16 79 Optical and millemeter-wave observations of the M8 region. LADA C.J., GULL T.R., GOTTLIEB C.A., et al.
1976ApJ...204..493S 55 73 A study of Be stars in clusters. SCHILD R. and ROMANISHIN W.
1976ApJS...30..451H 420 193 Evolved stars in open clusters. HARRIS G.L.H.
1976S&T....51..363H 43 0 Deep-sky wonders. HOUSTON W.S.
1977A&A....57..135B 28 55 Observational test on star formation. III. Variation of the upper mass spectrum with the size of very young clusters. BURKI G.
1977ApJ...214..725E 24 10 1218 Sequential formation of subgroups in OB associations. ELMEGREEN B.G. and LADA C.J.
1977MNRAS.178..423K 68 T                   1 251 19 Broad-band photometry of
NGC 6530.
1978ApJS...37...77S 44 62 Energy distributions of Be stars in clusters. SCHILD R.E.
1978MNRAS.184..467S 68 T                   1 103 36 Study of the extremely young open cluster
NGC 6530.
1979AJ.....84.1328T 8 19 Far-infrared observations of the Lagoon Nebula (M 8). THRONSON H.A.Jr, LOEWENSTEIN R.F. and STIKES G.M.
1981A&A...102..171C 111 31 UBV and Hbeta observations of stars towards M 8. CHINI R. and NECKEL T.
1981PASP...93..253S 1 4 21 Photographic photometry with IRIS diagram photometers. SCHAEFER B.E.
1981SvA....25...25S 15 8 The structure of star formation regions. III. Individual regions: spatial extent, mass, and age of SFR Sagittarius I. STAL'BOVSKII O.I. and SHEVCHENKO V.S.
1982ApJ...263L..39H 1 5 32 The peculiar extinction of Herschel 36. HECHT J., HELFER H.L., WOLF J., et al.
1982ApJS...49..425J 454 232 Open clusters and galactic structure. JANES K. and ADLER D.
1982PASJ...34..231I 3 12 The interstellar extinction toward the Galactic Central Region. ICHIKAWA T., HAMAJIMA K., ISHIDA K., et al.
1982IUE82......413H 10 ~ The peculiar UV extinction of Herschel 36. HECHT J., HELFER H.L., WOLF J., et al.
1983ApL....23..193H 5 7 The structure of the faint nebulosity and obscuration toward M 8, M 20, W 28. HARTL H., MALIN D.F., MacGILLIVRAY H.T., et al.
1983BASI...11...44S 142 22 Integrated photometric parameters of open and globular clusters. SAGAR R., JOSHI U.C. and SINVHAL S.D.
1984ApJ...287..825B 69 T                   1 8 19 The ultraviolet spectra of the O and B stars in the young galactic cluster
NGC 6530.
1984BICDS..26....9M viz 863 3 Bibliography of individual radial velocities for stars in open cluster. II. NGC and IC clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1984NInfo..56...59A 467 20 Exciting stars and the distances of the diffuse nebulae. AVEDISOVA V.S. and KONDRATENKO G.I.
1984IUE84......187B 69 T                   1 4 ~ The UV extinction laws in two very young clusters,
NGC 6530 in the galaxy and NGC 2100 in the LMC.
1984IUE84......223B 69 T                   1 3 ~ Stellar winds in the young galactic cluster
NGC 6530.
1985ApJ...292..130B 23 16 Ultraviolet studies of stars in the populous cluster NGC 2100 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. BOHM-VITENSE E., HODGE P. and PROFFITT C.
1985ApJ...293..207S 3 3 52 The star-formation history of very young clusters. STAHLER S.W.
1985AbaOB..59..155D 14 2 Investigation of the initial mass function from machine-readable data on young open clusters. DLUZHNEVSKAYA O.B., MYAKUTIN V.I., PISKUNOV A.E., et al.
1985AbaOB..59..191S 14 6 Photometric investigation of open clusters. SAGAR R.
1985AcASn..26..152Z 39 5 On determining membership of open clusters from relative proper motions. ZHAO J.-L. and TIAN K.-P.
1985AN....306...45S 178 11 Investigation of the initial mass spectrum of open star clusters. STECKLUM B.
1985IAUS..113..579V 74 8 Proper motion studies of stars in and around open clusters. VAN LEEUWEN F.
1986A&A...159..223F 74 20 Of-stars in young open clusters. FEINSTEIN A., VAZQUEZ R.A. and BENVENUTO O.G.
1986AJ.....91..870W 11 30 Optical, radio, and infrared observations of compact H II regions. V. The Hourglass in M 8. WOODWARD C.E., PIPHER J.L., HELFER H.L., et al.
1986ApJ...310..613M 4 3 50 An internal motion analysis of the open cluster M 35. McNAMARA B.J. and SEKIGUCHI K.
1986MNRAS.220..383S 1 12 78 Mass and age distributions of stars in young open clusters. SAGAR R., PISKUNOV A.E., MYAKUTIN V.I., et al.
1986PASP...98.1107T 6 ~ Observational aspects of the study of intermediate-mass pre-main sequence stars in very young open clusters. THE P.S. and PERZE M.R.
1986BICDS..31..175M 308 18 Catalogue of UBV photometry and MK spectral types in open clusters (Third edition). MERMILLIOD J.C.
1987A&A...176...34H 113 78 Kinematics of young open clusters and the rotation curve of our Galaxy. HRON J.
1987A&A...176..338H 7 8 The kinematics of H II regions. I. The velocity field of the Lagoon nebula (M 8). HANEL A.
1987AJ.....94...71M 1 7 41 Membership in the young cluster Trumpler 37. MARSCHALL L.A. and VAN ALTENA W.F.
1987ApJ...322..949T 70 T                   1 24 20 Ultraviolet interstellar extinction toward
NGC 6530 and the intrinsic energy distribution of 9 Sagittarii and HD 165052.
1987ApJS...64..241S 252 42 Yellow evolved stars in open clusters. SOWELL J.R.
1987MNRAS.228..483S 17 34 Study of interstellar extinction in some young open clusters. SAGAR R.
1987AZh....64..956B 70 6 A catalogue of some observational data and elements of galactic orbits of open star clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1987Ap&SS.129..293P 56 10 Age distribution of open clusters as a function of their linear diameter and age-dependence of cluster masses. PANDEY A.K., BHATT B.C. and MAHRA H.S.
1987Ap&SS.133...59D 49 0 Hydrodynamic and turbulent motions in the galactic disk. II. DE CASTRO ANDRADE J.R. and QUIROGA R.J.
1987BAAS...19..760T 70 T                   1 5 0 Ultraviolet interstellar extinction towards
NGC 6530 and the intrinsic continua of two early O-type stars.
1988A&AS...76..127R 416 13 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans des amas ouverts. RENSON P.
1988ApJ...326..756S 6 11 Star formation in very young galactic clusters. SCHROEDER M.C. and COMINS N.F.
1988MNRAS.234..831S 1 12 63 A study of the spatial stellar mass distribution in some young open clusters. SAGAR R., MYAKUTIN V.I., PISKUNOV A.E., et al.
1988AcA....38..225N 403 11 Chemically peculiar stars in open clusters. I. The catalog. NIEDZIELSKI A. and MUCIEK M.
1988AZh....65..330E 201 3 Cluster analysis of open clusters. EJGENSON A.M. and YATSYK O.S.
1988KFNT....4a..64B 57 ~ On some complexes of galactic clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., KUTUZOV S.A. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1988PAZh...14..817E 390 14 Young star-gaseous complexes of the galaxy. EFREMOV Y.N. and SITNIK T.G.
1988IIApN...3....6S 9 0 Does mass segregation in open clusters take place at the time of their formation ? SAGAR R., MYAKUTIN V.I., PISKUNOV A.E., et al.
1989A&A...213..299B 7 5 Capture of field stars by molecular clouds. BHATT H.C.
1989ApJ...339..209B 70 T                   1 25 15 Ultraviolet extinction differences within
NGC 6530.
1989AZh....66...12P 62 3 The groups of open clusters with common motion in the galaxy. PAVLOVSKAYA E.D. and FILIPPOVA A.A.
1989JApA...10..173S 12 5 Radial distribution of the integrated light and photometric colours in open star clusters. SAGAR R. and BHATT H.C.
1990AJ.....99..617P 13 17 The young open star clusters: stability and structure. PANDEY A.K., MAHRA H.S. and SAGAR R.
1990Ap&SS.174...13K 307 18 Solar-type stars in Cepheus OB 2: H-alpha emission stars and IRAS point sources. KUN M. and PASZTOR L.
1990BICDS..38..151R 451 4 Liste des etoiles Ap et Am dans les amas ouverts. RENSON P.
1990KFNT....6e...3B 4 ~ Kinematics of the supercomplex of open star clusters. BARKHATOVA K.A., NEZHINSKIJ E.M. and OSIPKOV L.P.
1990RMxAA..21..346V 65 5 Initial masses of WR stars in open clusters. VAZQUEZ R.A. and FEINSTEIN A.
1990RMxAA..21..373F 7 1 Be stars in open clusters. FEINSTEIN A.
1991A&A...245...75W 2 2 Dynamical capture of field stars by interstellar clouds. WHITMAN P.G., MATESE J.J. and WHITMIRE D.P.
1991AJ....101....1H 46 4 The Gould plates. HAZEN M.L.
1991ApJ...378..106A 84 41 Topography of the galactic disk: Z-structure and large-scale star formation. ALFARO E.J., CABRERA-CANO J. and DELGADO A.J.
1991MNRAS.249...76B 100 80 Formation and evolutionary properties of the galactic open cluster system. BATTINELLI P. and CAPUZZO-DOLCETTA R.
1991MmSAI..62..927P 6 2 A study of young open clusters. PANDEY A.K., BHATT B.C. and MAHRA H.S.
1991RMxAA..22...99P 37 26 The young open clusters NGC 2244 and NGC 2264 PEREZ M.R.
1991RMxAA..22..285S 5 12 Scattered light in M 8. SANCHEZ L.J. and PEIMBERT M.
1992A&A...253..374S 15 10 Age subgroups in open clusters. STROBEL A.
1992A&AS...93..271S 18 8 Estimation of the ages and distances of open clusters from the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. STROBEL A., SKABA W. and PROGA D.
1992BASI...20..287P 11 30 Effect of mass segregation on mass function of young open clusters. PANDEY A.K., MAHRA H.S. and SAGAR R.
1994A&AS..104..379B viz 139 59 Integrated photometric properties of open clusters. BATTINELLI P., BRANDIMARTI A. and CAPUZZO-DOLCETTA R.
1994Ast....22f..63E 15 0 Glittering realms of the summer Milky Way. EICHER D.J.
1994RMxAA..29..141F 46 11 The young open clusters in the galaxy. FEINSTEIN A.
1994SSRv...69....1G 41 4 The pre-main-sequence star RU Lupi: an extreme T Tauri star. GIOVANNELLI F.
1995A&AS..109..375A viz 852 100 Catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters. AHUMADA J. and LAPASSET E.
1995ApJ...452..652A 77 16 On coagulation and the stellar mass spectrum. ALLEN E.J. and BASTIEN P.
1995ApJS...96..605S viz 1280 5 Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: fields in Sagittarius and Scorpius. SCHMIDT E.G. and CARRUTHERS G.R.
1995AZh....72..333D 79 0 Estimates of geometric and dynamic parameters of star-gas complexes in the Galaxy. DANILOV V.M. and SELEZNEV A.F.
1995PAZh...21..331D 316 ~ Rotation curve of the system of classical Cepheids and the distance to the Galactic Center. DAMBIS A.K., MEL'NIK A.M. and RASTORGUEV A.S.
1996A&A...308..141D 1 7 22 The initial mass function and the dynamical evolution of open clusters. II. With mass loss. DE LA FUENTE MARCOS R.
1996A&A...309..544R 24 26 The infrared and radio continuum of early-type stars. RUNACRES M.C. and BLOMME R.
1996A&A...311..145B 45 11 Medium resolution spectroscopy of Hα objects in IC 1396. BALAZS L.G., GARIBJANYAN A.T., MIRZOYAN L.V., et al.
1996ApJS..104..101S viz 1759 7 Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: fields centered on ρ Ophiuchi and the Galactic Center. SCHMIDT E.G. and CARRUTHERS G.R.
1996MmSAI..67..289G 59 1 Young open clusters as gamma-ray emitters. GIOVANNELLI F.
1996PAZh...22..850G 29 ~ Determination of absolute proper motions for stars in 21 open clusters. GLUSHKOVA E.V., ZABOLOTSKIKH M.V., RASTORGUEV A.S., et al.
1996VA.....40..317R 85 3 The LS stars at 25 years. REED B.C.
1997A&A...327.1094V 19 21 V 3903 Sagittarii: a massive main-sequence (O7V+O9V) detached eclipsing binary. VAZ L.P.R., CUNHA N.C.S., VIEIRA E.F., et al.
1997A&AS..123...63V viz 107 T K                 141 46 A multiwavelength study of star formation in the very young open cluster
NGC 6530.
1997ApJ...478..271G 17 8 The H II region Sharpless 269. I. Morphological study of the radial velocity, velocity dispersion, and density fields. GODBOUT S., JONCAS G., DURAND D., et al.
1997Obs...117..295S 7 5 Spectroscopic binary orbits from ultraviolet radial velocities. Paper 26: HD 165052. STICKLAND D.J., LLOYD C. and KOCH R.H.
1997SSRv...82..407P 59 23 Observational overview of young intermediate-mass objects: Herbig Ae/Be stars. PEREZ M.R. and GRADY C.A.
1997ARep...41...28B 16 11 Luminosity function fine structure and the ages of young open clusters. BELIKOV A.N. and PISKUNOV A.E.
1998A&A...333..897R viz 495 96 Evolution of mass segregation in open clusters: some observational evidences. RABOUD D. and MERMILLIOD J.-C.
1998AJ....115..767S 1 9 42 The ultracompact H II region G5.97-1.17: an evaporating circumstellar disk in M8. STECKLUM B., HENNING T., FELDT M., et al.
1998AJ....116.1801D viz 141 16 Pre-main-sequence stars in the young galactic cluster IC 4996: a CCD photometric study. DELGADO A.J., ALFARO E.J., MOITINHO A., et al.
1998ApJ...492..540H 8 26 647 A preliminary study of the Orion nebula cluster structure and dynamics. HILLENBRAND L.A. and HARTMANN L.W.
1998BASI...26..539P 31 2 A report on the studies of star clusters with the UPSO 104-cm Sampurnanand telescope during last 25 years. PANDEY A.K.
1999A&A...345..471R viz 426 235 Open clusters with Hipparcos. I. Mean astrometric parameters. ROBICHON N., ARENOU F., MERMILLIOD J.-C., et al.
1999A&A...346..947C 13 8 Expansion and turbulence in the Hourglass region of the Lagoon Nebula (M 8). New [OIII]5007A line observations. CHAKRABORTY A. and ANANDARAO B.G.
1999MNRAS.310..175T 60 32 The Cepheid distance to M96 and the Hubble constant. TANVIR N.R., FERGUSON H.C. and SHANKS T.
1999Obs...119...16S 6 5 Spectroscopic binary orbits from ultraviolet radial velocities. Paper 30: HD 164402. STICKLAND D.J. and LLOYD C.
1999PASJ...51..791Y viz 66 53 Molecular clouds and star formation in the southern HII regions. YAMAGUCHI R., SAITO H., MIZUNO N., et al.
1999AstL...25..595R viz 119 30 Statistical parallaxes and kinematical parameters of classical Cepheids and young star clusters. RASTORGUEV A.S., GLUSHKOVA E.V., DAMBIS A.K., et al.
2000A&A...357..451F 47 90 On the evolutionary status of Be stars. FABREGAT J. and TORREJON J.M.
2000A&A...359.1025N 8 3 79 On the formation of massive stars by accretion. NORBERG P. and MAEDER A.
2000A&A...362..580V 23 9 The central part of the young open cluster NGC 6383. VAN DEN ANCKER M.E., THE P.S. and DE WINTER D.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2000AJ....120..333S viz 109 T K                 929 81 UBVRI and Hα photometry of the young open cluster
NGC 6530.
2000AJ....120..894P 219 79 The pre-main-sequence stars and initial mass function of NGC 2264. PARK B.-G., SUNG H., BESSELL M.S., et al.
2001ApJ...549..979K 56 143 Radio continuum and recombination line study of ultracompact H II regions with extended envelopes. KIM K.-T. and KOO B.-C.
2001MNRAS.328..370Y 31 25 Non-uniform extinction in young open star clusters. YADAV R.K.S. and SAGAR R.
2001AstL...27..386L 46 21 Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes and the distance scale for open star clusters. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2001AstL...27..728R 17 0 Estimation of errors in the distances to intrinsically reddened stars. RAZNIK R.M. and AGAFONOVA O.V.
2001IAUS..200..191M 73 16 Spectroscopic binaries in young open clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C. and GARCIA B.
2002A&A...384..403R 27 23 Search for star clusters close to the Galactic plane with DENIS. REYLE C. and ROBIN A.C.
2002A&A...386..576E 56 42 The blue to red supergiant ratio in young clusters at various metallicities. EGGENBERGER P., MEYNET G. and MAEDER A.
2002A&A...395..499R viz 110 T K                 173 34 An XMM-Newton observation of the Lagoon Nebula and the very young open cluster
NGC 6530.
RAUW G., NAZE Y., GOSSET E., et al.
2002A&A...395..803A 171 42 A search for TeV gamma-ray emission from SNRs, pulsars and unidentified GeV sources in the Galactic plane in the longitude range between -2° and 85°. AHARONIAN F.A., AKHPERJANIAN A.G., BEILICKE M., et al.
2002AJ....123..290S viz 1279 43 The open cluster NGC 2516. I. Optical photometry. SUNG H., BESSELL M.S., LEE B.-W., et al.
2002AJ....123..892P 595 58 UBVI and Hα photometry of the young open cluster NGC 2244. PARK B.-G. and SUNG H.
2002AJ....124.2145V 1 9 44 Investigation of the large-scale neutral hydrogen near the supernova remnant W28. VELAZQUEZ P.F., DUBNER G.M., GOSS W.M., et al.
2002ApJ...580..285T 27 30 The structure and evolution of the Lagoon nebula. I. Submillimeter continuum and CO line mapping. TOTHILL N.F.H., WHITE G.J., MATTHEWS H.E., et al.
2002MNRAS.333..202A 9 9 The massive double-lined O-type binary HD 165052. ARIAS J.I., MORRELL N.I., BARBA R.H., et al.
2002RMxAC..14...36G 11 0 Radial velocities, binarity, and kinematic membership in open clusters with blue straggler candidates. GONZALEZ J.F.
2002PASA...19..260B 19 5 Molecular hydrogen in the Lagoon : H2 line emission from Messier 8. BURTON M.G.
2003A&A...404..365G 59   K A   O           8 8 Spectroscopic orbits of two short-period early-type binaries using two-dimensional cross-correlations. GONZALEZ J.F. and LAPASSET E.
2003AJ....125.1397C viz 217 230 On the galactic disk metallicity distribution from open clusters. I. New catalogs and abundance gradient. CHEN L., HOU J.L. and WANG J.J.
2003ApJ...593..874T 130 196 10 MK gas in M17 and the Rosette nebula: X-ray flows in galactic H II regions. TOWNSLEY L.K., FEIGELSON E.D., MONTMERLE T., et al.
2003ARA&A..41...15M 2 37 277 Massive stars in the Local Group : implications for stellar evolution and star formation. MASSEY P.
2003ARA&A..41...57L 5 148 2488 Embedded clusters in molecular clouds. LADA C.J. and LADA E.A.
2003PhR...382..303T 127 127 Supernova remnants and gamma-ray sources. TORRES D.F., ROMERO G.E., DAME T.M., et al.
2003ARep...47....6L viz 387 27 Proper motions of open star clusters and the rotation rate of the galaxy. LOKTIN A.V. and BESHENOV G.V.
2003PABei..21..152Z 24 0 Recent developments on studies of open clusters. ZU Z.-L. and ZHAO J.-L.
2004ApJ...608..781D viz 111 T K                 896 34 A deep Chandra X-ray observation of the rich young cluster
NGC 6530. I. The X-ray source catalog and the cluster population.
2004MNRAS.347..246L 28 42 Population and dynamical state of the η Chamaeleontis sparse young open cluster. LYO A.-R., LAWSON W.A., FEIGELSON E.D., et al.
2004MNRAS.349.1449P 16 32 On the determination of age and mass functions of stars in young open star clusters from the analysis of their luminosity functions. PISKUNOV A.E., BELIKOV A.N., KHARCHENKO N.V., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..991K 155 10 On the highly reddened members in six young galactic star clusters - a multiwavelength study. KUMAR B., SAGAR R., SANWAL B.B., et al.
2004AN....325..740K viz 15       D               629 95 Astrophysical supplements to the ASCC-2.5. II. Membership probabilities in 520 Galactic open cluster sky areas. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2004RMxAC..21..141L 13 1 Spectroscopic binaries in southern open clusters. LEVATO H., GONZALEZ J.F., MALARODA S., et al.
2005A&A...430..941P viz 111 T K                 1418 65 The star formation region
NGC 6530: Distance, ages and initial mass function.
2005A&A...438.1163K viz 525 572 Astrophysical parameters of Galactic open clusters. KHARCHENKO N.V., PISKUNOV A.E., ROESER S., et al.
2005ApJS..161..118M viz 37   K     O           322 175 The evolutionary status of Be stars: results from a photometric study of southern open clusters. McSWAIN M.V. and GIES D.R.
2005MNRAS.357..345Z viz 296 17 Search for pulsating pre-main-sequence stars in NGC6383. ZWINTZ K., MARCONI M., REEGEN P., et al.
2005MNSSA..64..129S 19 0 Deepsky delights. STREICHER M.
2006A&A...446..949D viz 433 62 Proper motion determination of open clusters based on the UCAC2 catalogue. DIAS W.S., ASSAFIN M., FLORIO V., et al.
2006A&A...449.1033K 65 46 The youngest stellar clusters. Clusters associated with massive protostellar candidates. KUMAR M.S.N., KETO E. and CLERKIN E.
2006A&A...454.1047S viz 616 24 An XMM-Newton view of the young open cluster NGC 6231. I. The catalogue. SANA H., GOSSET E., RAUW G., et al.
2006A&A...457..237Z 112 T K                 49 27 Pulsating pre-main sequence stars in IC 4996 and
NGC 6530.
2006AJ....131.2580D 68 21 Cloud fragmentation and proplyd-like features in H II regions imaged by the Hubble space telescope. DE MARCO O., O'DELL C.R., GELFOND P., et al.
2006ApJ...646..269D viz 175 14 Multiwavelength analysis of the young open cluster NGC 2362. DELGADO A.J., GONZALEZ-MARTIN O., ALFARO E.J., et al.
2006MNRAS.365.1333W 5 24 285 The maximum stellar mass, star-cluster formation and composite stellar populations. WEIDNER C. and KROUPA P.
2006MNRAS.366..739A viz 46 33 The infrared Hourglass cluster in M8. ARIAS J.I., BARBA R.H., MAIZ-APELLANIZ J., et al.
2006ChA&A..30..274W 75 T                   1 2 Research on the membership and spatial motion of the open cluster
WEN W., ZHAO J.-L. and CHEN L.
2006ChJAA...6..287Z 207 1 Kinematics of the open cluster system in the Galaxy. ZHAO J.-L., CHEN L. and ZU Z.-L.
2006MNRAS.370.1623L 17 16 The XMM-Newton view of Plaskett's star and its surroundings. LINDER N., RAUW G., POLLOCK A.M.T., et al.
2006RMxAC..26...66A 74 T                   2 0 The pre-main sequence population of
NGC 6530 in M 8.
2006A&A...459..477D 113 T K     O           11 28 The rich young cluster
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