NAME Scl Group , the SIMBAD biblio

NAME Scl Group , the SIMBAD biblio (514 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.27CEST05:14:37

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Title First 3 Authors
1938BHarO.908....1S 1 2 29 A stellar system of a new type. SHAPLEY H.
1973A&A....23..295L 67 T                   1 9 25 The
Sculptor group.
1975ApJ...195L..97M 72 T                   1 3 84 Intergalactic H I in the
Sculptor group.
1979ApJ...227..767H 68 T                   1 21 57 Are there really intergalactic hydrogen clouds in the
Sculptor group ?
1979AN....300..181K 4 9 203 A catalog of galaxies within 10 Mpc. KRAAN-KORTEWEG R.C. and TAMMANN G.A.
1981ApJS...45..259W 90 142 A catalog of radial velocities in galactic globular clusters. WEBBINK R.F.
1982ApJ...252..474G 71 T                   1 4 43 The resolution of old red giant stars in the
Sculptor group of galaxies.
1982ApJ...261...70D 69 T                   1 18 24 Globular clusters in the
Sculptor group galaxy NGC 55.
1983MNRAS.204..743W 69 T                   59 123 Abundance gradients in galaxies in the
Sculptor and Centaurus groups.
1984A&A...132..253R 132 89 Is there a unique relation between absolute (blue) luminosity and total 21 cm linewidth of disk galaxies ? RICHTER O.G. and HUCHTMEIER W.K.
1984AJ.....89..814A 69 T                   1 7 7 Photoelectric UBVRI sequences in the
Sculptor group galaxies : NGC 45, NGC 55, NGC 247, NGC 253, NGC 300 and NGC 7793.
1984ApJ...285..555A 129 14 Properties of the quasars in the Sculptor region II. ARP H.
1984ApJ...286..442S 1 3 22 Redshift differentials in a complete sample of galaxy groups. SULENTIC J.W.
1985AJ.....90.1012A 69 T                   12 15 HI clouds in the
Sculptor and local groups.
1985AJ.....90.1801M 4 16 The Magellanic stream. II. MORRAS R.
1985ApJS...58..107C 73 T                   1 4 95 Surface photometry of the
Sculptor group galaxies: NGC 7793, NGC 247 and NGC 300.
1986MmSAI..57..553H 23 2 The ages of the local group galaxies. HODGE P.W.
1987MNRAS.226p...5A 70 T                   1 4 ~ Concentration of bright quasars in the
Sculptor group.
1988AJ.....95..644A 6 21 Quasar clustering in Sculptor and in the Veron catalog. ANDERSON N., KUNTH D. and SARGENT W.L.W.
1988AJ.....95.1025P 72 T                   1 8 86 HI studies of the
Sculptor group galaxies. I. Membership and M/L of the group.
1988PASP..100Q1220F 70 T                   1 3 1 Discovery of variable stars in
Sculptor group galaxies.
1989ApJ...344L..53P 5 9 182 Tracing galaxy orbits back in time. PEEBLES P.J.E.
1989ApJ...345..759Z 1 42 190 Velocities of stars in remote galactic satellites and the mass of the galaxy. ZARITSKY D., OLSZEWSKI E.W., SCHOMMER R.A., et al.
1989BAAS...21Z.787B 3 ~ Supernova remnants in Sculptor group galaxies. BLAIR W.P. and LONG K.S.
1990A&A...229...93A 7 14 Quasar numbers as a function of apparent magnitude: gravitational lensing or quasars associated with nearby galaxies ? ARP H.
1990AJ....100.1468P 81 T                   1 2 91 HI studies of the
Sculptor group galaxies. VI. NGC 300.
1990BAAS...22.1228P 2 0 A three dimensional membership determination of groups of galaxies. PUCHE D. and YOUNG W.K.
1990BAAS...22.1331P 3 ~ Absolute calibration of the luminosity-line-width relations and the implications for Ho. PIERCE M.
1990Msngr..60...36B 15 2 The stellar content of the dwarf galaxy NGC 3109. BRESOLIN F., CAPACCIOLI M. and PIOTTO G.
1991AJ....101..447P 80 T                   1 2 84 H I studies of the
Sculptor group galaxies. III. NGC 55.
1991AJ....101..456P 80 T                   1 2 86 H I studies of the
Sculptor group galaxies. V. NGC 253.
1991AJ....101.1377E 295 23 First giant branch and asymptotic giant branch stars in nearby aggregates. EGGEN O.J. and IBEN I.Jr
1991ApJ...378..487P 70 T                   15 56 HI studies of the Sculptor group of galaxies. VII. Implications on the distribution and nature of dark matter in groups. PUCHE D. and CARIGNAN C.
1991ARA&A..29..543H 2 77 660 Globular cluster systems in galaxies beyond the Local Group. HARRIS W.E.
1992A&A...255...69G 273 68 Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. I. Grouping hierarchical method and statistical properties. GOURGOULHON E., CHAMARAUX P. and FOUQUE P.
1992AJ....104.1831F 190 142 On the blue stragglers and horizontal branch morphology in galactic globular clusters : some speculations and a new working scenario. FUSI PECCI F., FERRARO F.R., CORSI C.E., et al.
1992ApJ...385..501D 70 T                   7 19 An improved method to derive HI absorption spectra through the disks of galaxies: application to the Sculptor Group. DICKEY J.M., BRINKS E. and PUCHE D.
1992ApJ...397...38G 2 5 41 Dwarf spheroidal galaxies and non-Newtonian gravity. GERHARD O.E. and SPERGEL D.N.
1992ApJS...80..479T viz 361 81 Nearby galaxy flows modeled by the light distribution: distances, model and the local velocity anomaly. TULLY R.B., SHAYA E.J. and PIERCE M.J.
1992ApJS...81..413M viz 1372 484 A southern sky survey of the peculiar velocities of 1355 spiral galaxies. MATHEWSON D.S., FORD V.L. and BUCHHORN M.
1992PASP..104..599J 4 26 467 A critical review of selected techniques for measuring extragalactic distances. JACOBY G.H., BRANCH D., CIARDULLO R., et al.
1992PASAu..10...83C 2 0 Dwarf galaxies in the Scukptor and Centaurus A groups. COTE S.
1992Sci...255..404C 6 0 Variable stars pulse in a new light. CROSWELL K.
1993Ast....21g..40B 5 0 Cosmic tug of war. BURSTEIN D. and MANLY P.L.
1993BAAS...25..898M 4 ~ H II regions in Sculptor group dwarf galaxies. MILLER B.W.
1993BAAS...25.1451C 10 ~ Kinematics of eight nearby dwarf galaxies. COTE S., FREEMAN K.C. and CARIGNAN C.
1994ApJ...422..659H 4 4 73 Constraints on galactic distributions of gamma-ray burst sources from BATSE observations. HAKKILA J., MEEGAN C.A., PENDLETON G.N., et al.
1994BAAS...26..939M 2 ~ Optical, far-infrared and X-ray properties of the FIR quiescent Sc galaxy NGC 247. MACKIE G., IKEBE Y., FABBIANO G., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1351C 2 ~ Cepheid distances to the Sculptor galaxies. I. Discovery of Cepheids and the distance to NGC 247. CATANZARITE J.H., et al.
1994BAAS...26.1365M 71 T                   9 ~ The star formation histories of dwarf galaxies in the
Sculptor and M81 groups.
1994BSAO...38....5K 84 15 Distance moduli in M 101 group from brightest stars. KARACHENTSEV I.D., KOPYLOV A.I. and KOPYLOVA F.G.
1995BAAS...27Q1293F 7 ~ Post-AGB A and F supergiants as standard candles. FULLTON L.K., et al.
1995BAAS...27.1354H 71 T                   4 ~ Diffuse ionized gas in
Sculptor Group galaxies.
1995BAAS...27.1354W 71 T                   2 ~ Diffuse ionized gas in Sculptor Group spirals. WYSE R.F.G., et al.
1995PASA...12...20K 5 16 Peculiar gas dynamics in the starburst galaxy NGC 253. KORIBALSKI B., WHITEOAK J.B. and HOUGHTON S.
1996A&A...310..353G viz 95 33 Redshift periodicity in the Local Supercluster. GUTHRIE B.N.G. and NAPIER W.M.
1996AJ....112..991M 71 T                   53 42 The star formation histories of Sculptor group dwarf galaxies. I. Current star formation rates and oxygen abundances. MILLER B.W.
1996AJ....112.1429H 74 T                   11 108 Diffuse ionized gas in three
Sculptor group galaxies.
1996AJ....112.2567F 4 6 86 The spectacular ionized interstellar medium of NGC 55. FERGUSON A.M.N., WYSE R.F.G. and GALLAGHER J.S.
1996ApJ...461..514R 10 12 The observed distribution function of peculiar velocities of galaxies. RAYCHAUDHURY S. and SASLAW W.C.
1996PASA...13T.278C 9 1 Dwarf galaxies in nearby southern groups. (Thesis abstract). COTE S.
1997A&A...322..730T 56 66 Kinematics of the Local Universe. V. The value of H0 from the Tully-Fisher B and logD25 relations for field galaxies. THEUREAU G., HANSKI M., EKHOLM T., et al.
1997A&A...325..923H 4 2 27 The extended CO J=1-0 emission in NGC 253. HOUGHTON S., WHITEOAK J.B., KORIBALSKI B., et al.
1997AJ....114.1190G viz 24 20 NSV 09295: a double-mode RR Lyrae variable. GARCIA-MELENDO E. and CLEMENT C.M.
1997AJ....114.1313C 223 139 Discovery of numerous dwarf galaxies in the two nearest groups of galaxies. COTE S., FREEMAN K.C., CARIGNAN C., et al.
1997ApJ...491...13K 51 87 Rebuilding the Cepheid distance scale. I. A global analysis of Cepheid mean magnitudes. KOCHANEK C.S.
1997ApJS..108..261B 36   K                 124 83 Identification of supernova remnants in the Sculptor group galaxies NGC 300 and NGC 7793. BLAIR W.P. and LONG K.S.
1997Ap&SS.250..163A 13 1 New evidence on the excess redshift of companion galaxies. ARP H.
1997IrAJ...24...45Z 72 T                   6 5 ROSAT PSPC observations of three Sculptor group galaxies: NGC 55, NGC 247 and NGC 300. ZANG Z., WARWICK R.S. and MEURS E.J.A.
1997PASA...14....4F 8 7 Dark matter and galaxy formation. FREEMAN K.C.
1997PASA...14...64B 14 6 Ionised hydrogen at large galactocentric distances. BLAND-HAWTHORN J.
1998AJ....115.2273N 4 2 28 A direct detection of dust in the outer disks of nearby galaxies. NELSON A.E., ZARITSKY D. and CUTRI R.M.
1998AJ....116.2873J 108 T K                 55 97 Surface brightness fluctuation distances to dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Sculptor group. JERJEN H., FREEMAN K.C. and BINGGELI B.
1998ApJ...495..115F 157 66 The Virgo cluster distance from 21 centimeter line widths. FEDERSPIEL M., TAMMANN G.A. and SANDAGE A.
1998ApJ...497..650D 109 T K                 6 21 The evolved red stellar contents of the
Sculptor group galaxies NGC 55, NGC 300, and NGC 7793.
1998PASP..110.1515P 17 2 The stellar content of Local Group galaxies: IAU symposium 192. (Conference highlights). PRITCHET C.
1998MmSAI..69...49K 1 9 31 Relative distance moduli based on the light and color curves of RR Lyrae stars. KOVACS G.
1999A&A...341....8R 36   K                 45 14 ROSAT observations of the
Sculptor galaxy NGC 7793.
1999A&AS..137..337B 30 35 Structure and stellar content of dwarf galaxies. III. B and R photometry of dwarf galaxies in the M101 group and the nearby field. BREMNES T., BINGGELI B. and PRUGNIEL P.
1999AJ....117..202W 108 T K                 10 14 Angular momentum in the Sculptor group. WHITING A.B.
1999AJ....117.1743Z 14 16 A dwarf irregular galaxy at the edge of the Local Group: stellar populations and distance of IC 5152. ZIJLSTRA A.A. and MINNITI D.
1999AJ....118..817L 73 T                   3 14 Stellar populations of the dwarf galaxy UKS 2323-326 in the Sculptor group. LEE M.G. and BYUN Y.-I.
1999AJ....118..883P 55 49 The luminosity distribution of Local Group galaxies. PRITCHET C.J. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1999AJ....118.2767W 30 57 A new Local Group galaxy in Cetus. WHITING A.B., HAU G.K.T. and IRWIN M.
1999ApJ...517L..97V 1 13 39 The nearest group of galaxies. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1999MNRAS.304..297M viz 2419 19 An automated search for nearby low-surface-brightness galaxies - I. The catalogue. MORSHIDI-ESSLINGER Z., DAVIES J.I. and SMITH R.M.
1999MNRAS.307L..37K 9 6 Cam A: a new dwarf low-surface-brightness galaxy on the Local Group outskirts ? KARACHENTSEV I.D., MAKAROVA L.N. and ANDERSEN M.I.
1999PASA...16...18C 22 14 Search for HI in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. CARIGNAN C.
2000AJ....119..166J 25 50 Testing the surface brightness fluctuations method for dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Centaurus A group. JERJEN H., FREEMAN K.C. and BINGGELI B.
2000AJ....119..593J 72 T                   59 141 Surface BR photometry of newly discovered dwarf elliptical galaxies in the nearby
Sculptor and Centaurus A groups.
2000AJ....119..748D 11 16 Near-infrared adaptive optics imaging of the central regions of nearby Sc galaxies. I. M33. DAVIDGE T.J.
2000AJ....119.1579V 4 19 241 Constraints on the structure of dark matter halos from the rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies. VAN DEN BOSCH F.C., ROBERTSON B.E., DALCANTON J.J., et al.
2000AJ....120.3027C 1 48 169 The various kinematics of dwarf irregular galaxies in nearby groups and their dark matter distributions. COTE S., CARIGNAN C. and FREEMAN K.C.
2000ApJ...542..128K 24 26 Hubble space telescope photometry of the dwarf spheroidal galaxy ESO 410-G005. KARACHENTSEV I.D., SHARINA M.E., GREBEL E.K., et al.
2000ApJ...544..780P 72 T                   45 42 An X-ray, optical, and radio search for supernova remnants in the nearby Sculptor group Sd galaxy NGC 300. PANNUTI T.G., DURIC N., LACEY C.K., et al.
2000MNRAS.311..673B 283 16 Spectroscopy of globular cluster candidates in the Sculptor group galaxies NGC 253 and 55. BEASLEY M.A. and SHARPLES R.M.
2000PASP..112..434T 248 4 Astrophysics in 1999. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2000Msngr..99...16T 25 17 Imaging with UT1/FORS1: the fossil record of star-formation in nearby dwarf galaxies. TOLSTOY E., GALLAGHER J., GREGGIO L., et al.
2000PhR...333...13F 1 14 60 The Hubble constant and the expansion age of the Universe. FREEDMAN W.L.
2000PASA...17....1P 17 28 The Magellanic system's interactive formations. PUTMAN M.E.
2001A&A...371..487J 109 T K                 18 18 Tip of the red giant branch distance for the
Sculptor group dwarf ESO 540-032.
2001A&A...373..473R 67 22 X-ray emission from the Sculptor galaxy NGC 300. READ A.M. and PIETSCH W.
2001A&A...375..909C viz 91 56 RR Lyrae stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy: Period analysis. CSERESNJES P.
2001ApJ...548L.139D 4 13 188 Substructure and dynamics of the Fornax cluster. DRINKWATER M.J., GREGG M.D. and COLLESS M.
2001ApJ...550...87G 5 7 Using perturbative least action to reconstruct the Local Group. GOLDBERG D.M.
2001ApJ...553...47F 7 133 3019 Final results from the Hubble Space Telescope key project to measure the Hubble constant. FREEDMAN W.L., MADORE B.F., GIBSON B.K., et al.
2001ApJ...554..104P 67 62 Radial and transverse velocities of nearby galaxies. PEEBLES P.J.E., PHELPS S.D., SHAYA E.J., et al.
2001MNRAS.322..121S 50 9 Predicting the peculiar velocities of nearby PSCz galaxies using the Least Action Principle. SHARPE J., ROWAN-ROBINSON M., CANAVEZES A., et al.
2001MNRAS.328.1151D 18 12 Gas-rich galaxies and the H I mass function. DAVIES J.I., DE BLOK W.J.G., SMITH R.M., et al.
2001Msngr.106...15G 21 12 Research in Conception on globular cluster systems and galaxy formation, and the Extragalactic Distance Scale. GIEREN W., GEISLER D., RICHTLER T., et al.
2002A&A...382...43D 73 T                   14 31 An HI survey of the Centaurus and
Sculptor groups. Constraints on the space density of low mass galaxies.
2002A&A...383..125K 1 60 228 The M 81 group of galaxies: New distances, kinematics and structure. KARACHENTSEV I.D., DOLPHIN A.E., GEISLER D., et al.
2002A&A...389..812K 87 153 The very local Hubble flow. KARACHENTSEV I.D., SHARINA M.E., MAKAROV D.I., et al.
2002AJ....123..789P viz 133 44 The ARAUCARIA project: discovery of cepheid variables in NGC 300 from a wide-field imaging survey. PIETRZYNSKI G., GIEREN W., FOUQUE P., et al.
2002ApJ...565..836G 164 23 A search for H2O maser emission in southern active galactic nuclei and star-forming galaxies: discovery of a maser in the edge-on galaxy IRAS F01063-8034. GREENHILL L.J., ELLINGSEN S.P., NORRIS R.P., et al.
2002ApJ...565..966P 73 T                   59 41 An X-ray, optical, and radio search for supernova remnants in the nearby
Sculptor group Sd galaxy NGC 7793.
2002ApJ...567..277B 85 51 Spectroscopy of blue supergiants in the spiral galaxy NGC 300. BRESOLIN F., GIEREN W., KUDRITZKI R.-P., et al.
2002ApJ...569..573T 53 143 Squelched galaxies and dark halos. TULLY R.B., SOMERVILLE R.S., TRENTHAM N., et al.
2002ApJ...577L..75M 9 19 Modified newtonian dynamics mass-to-light ratios for galaxy groups. MILGROM M.
2002ApJS..141...61G viz 103 8 The properties of satellite galaxies in external systems. I. Morphology and structural parameters. GUTIERREZ C.M., AZZARO M. and PRADA F.
2002PASP..114..475T 140 2 Astrophysics in 2001. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2002AGAb...19Q.118L 3 0 Chemical abundances of southern dwarf galaxies in nearby groups and the field. LEE H., GREBEL E.K. and HODGE P.W.
2002Ap&SS.280..165T 21 31 GAIA and the extragalactic distance scale. TAMMANN G.A. and REINDL B.
2002BaltA..11..297T 20 2 GAIA and the extragalactic distance scale. TAMMANN G.A. and REINDL B.
2002JKoAS..35....9K 73 T                   23 ~ Stellar contents and globular cluster candidates in the
Sculptor group galaxy NGC 300.
KIM S.C., SUNG H. and LEE M.G.
2002AAS...201.1421L 5 1 The chemical abundances of southern dwarf irregular galaxies. LEE H., GREBEL E.K. and HODGE P.W.
2003A&A...398..467K 78 107 Galaxy flow in the Canes Venatici I cloud. KARACHENTSEV I.D., SHARINA M.E., DOLPHIN A.E., et al.
2003A&A...398..479K viz 173 144 Local galaxy flows within 5 Mpc. KARACHENTSEV I.D., MAKAROV D.I., SHARINA M.E., et al.
2003A&A...399..433V 20 3 Non-confirmation of reported H I clouds without optical counterparts in the Hercules cluster. VAN DRIEL W., O'NEIL K., CAYATTE V., et al.
2003A&A...401..141L 37   K                 46 76 Nebular abundances of nearby southern dwarf galaxies. LEE H., GREBEL E.K. and HODGE P.W.
2003A&A...404...93K 3 22 210 Distances to nearby galaxies in Sculptor. KARACHENTSEV I.D., GREBEL E.K., SHARINA M.E., et al.
2003A&A...404..831D 2 6 41 The ESO-Sculptor Survey: Luminosity functions of galaxies per spectral type at redshifts 0.1-0.5. DE LAPPARENT V., GALAZ G., BARDELLI S., et al.
2003AJ....125..593S 73 T                   92 63 Star formation in
Sculptor group dwarf irregular galaxies and the nature of "transition" galaxies.
2003AJ....125..610S 73 T                   30 59 Interstellar medium abundances in
Sculptor group dwarf irregular galaxies.
2003AJ....125.2975L 76 51 Uncovering additional clues to galaxy evolution. II. The environmental impact of the Virgo cluster on the evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies. LEE H., McCALL M.L. and RICHER M.G.
2003AJ....125.3046D 26 37 The outer regions of the nearby Sc galaxies NGC 2403 and M33: evidence for an intermediate-age population at large radii. DAVIDGE T.J.
2003AJ....126..452O 9 19 Stellar crowding and the science case for extremely large telescopes. OLSEN K.A.G., BLUM R.D. and RIGAUT F.
2003ApJ...582L..83K 2 10 79 A new extragalactic distance determination method using the flux-weighted gravity of late B and early A supergiants. KUDRITZKI R.P., BRESOLIN F. and PRZYBILLA N.
2003ApJ...586..170P 76 T                   24 251 The Magellanic stream, high-velocity clouds, and the
Sculptor group.
2003Msngr.114...39T 6 2 Extraplanar star formation in NGC 55. TULLMANN R., ROSA M.R., ELWERT T., et al.
2004A&A...425..443P 74 T                   86 23 Multi-frequency study of extragalactic supernova remnants and HII regions
Sculptor group Sd galaxy NGC 300.
2004AJ....127..771J 36 86 Distances, metallicities, and ages of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster from surface brightness fluctuations. JERJEN H., BINGGELI B. and BARAZZA F.D.
2004AJ....127.1472B 13 21 The stellar content and star formation history of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 300 from Hubble Space Telescope observations. BUTLER D.J., MARTINEZ-DELGADO D. and BRANDNER W.
2004AJ....127.2674O viz 74 T                   38 43 The globular cluster systems of the
Sculptor group.
2004AJ....127.3431S 1 9 52 Metal-poor globular clusters and galaxy formation. STRADER J., BRODIE J.P. and FORBES D.A.
2004AJ....128..687D 23 53 Absolute proper motion of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy from photographic and Hubble space telescope WFPC2 data. DINESCU D.I., KEENEY B.A., MAJEWSKI S.R., et al.
2004AJ....128.1167G viz 67 38 The Araucaria project: an improved distance to the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300 from its Cepheid variables. GIEREN W., PIETRZYNSKI G., WALKER A., et al.
2004AJ....128.2815P viz 126 60 The araucaria project: the distance to the Local Group galaxy NGC 6822 from cepheid variables discovered in a wide-field imaging survey. PIETRZYNSKI G., GIEREN W., UDALSKI A., et al.
2004ApJ...607..274C 15 25 The complex neutral gas dynamics of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625. CANNON J.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS N.M., SKILLMAN E.D., et al.
2004ApJS..154..248E 1 7 35 Far-infrared imaging of NGC 55. ENGELBRACHT C.W., GORDON K.D., BENDO G.J., et al.
2004ApJS..154..253H 41 2 248 The anatomy of star formation in NGC 300. HELOU G., ROUSSEL H., APPLETON P., et al.
2004MNRAS.350..679M viz 152 6 The Araucaria Project. Variable stars outside the Local Group: NGC 300. MENNICKENT R.E., PIETRZYNSKI G. and GIEREN W.
2004MNRAS.351.1063S 37           X         1 22 23 A dipping black hole X-ray binary candidate in NGC 55. STOBBART A.-M., ROBERTS T.P. and WARWICK R.S.
2004ChJAA...4..299K 74 T                   7 12 UBVI surface photometry of the spiral galaxy NGC 300 in the
Sculptor Group.
KIM S.C., SUNG H., PARK H.S., et al.
2004IAUS..217..200S 5 4 The near-IR luminosity-metallicity relationship for dwarf irregular galaxies. SAVIANE I., RIEGERBAUER R., HELD E.V., et al.
2004NewAR..48..647G 32 6 Seeing double in the Local Group: extragalactic binaries. GUINAN E.F.
2004NewAR..48.1281W 9 1 SKA observations of the cosmic web. WILCOTS E.
2005A&A...433..751M viz 23 9 Imaging and photometry of nearby dwarf galaxies. II. Southern dwarfs. MAKAROVA L.N., KARACHENTSEV I.D., GREBEL E.K., et al.
2005A&A...434..909P 80 82 New light on the formation and evolution of M 31 and its globular cluster system. PUZIA T.H., PERRETT K.M. and BRIDGES T.J.
2005A&A...438..855I 37 32 Molecular gas in compact galaxies. ISRAEL F.P.
2005A&A...440..783P viz 74 T                   23 3 A survey for OB associations in the
Sculptor Group spiral galaxy NGC 7793.
2005A&A...442...85S viz 182 39 Hubble Space Telescope imaging of globular cluster candidates in low surface brightness dwarf galaxies. SHARINA M.E., PUZIA T.H. and MAKAROV D.I.
2005A&A...444..133T 22 2 The HI content of the recently discovered field dwarf galaxy NAME APPLES 1. TARCHI A., OTT J., PASQUALI A., et al.
2005AJ....129..148P 40 23 Discovery of a solitary dwarf galaxy in the APPLES survey. PASQUALI A., LARSEN S., FERRERAS I., et al.
2005AJ....129.1331S 24 55 A study of edge-on galaxies with the Hubble space telescope advanced camera for surveys. I. Initial results. SETH A.C., DALCANTON J.J. and DE JONG R.S.
2005AJ....130..539G 57 18 Revealing the supernova remnant population of M33 with Chandra. GHAVAMIAN P., BLAIR W.P., LONG K.S., et al.
2005AJ....130.2058B 74 T                   24 36 Detection of neutral hydrogen in early-type dwarf galaxies of the
Sculptor group.
2005AJ....130.2087D 14 28 The evolved stellar content of NGC 147, NGC 185, and NGC 205. DAVIDGE T.J.
2005ApJ...618..214T 67 41 Light-to-Mass variations with environment. TULLY R.B.
2005ApJ...622..862U 1 13 53 On the α-element abundance gradients in the disk of the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300. URBANEJA M.A., HERRERO A., BRESOLIN F., et al.
2005ApJ...625..763L 127 148 The molecular interstellar medium of dwarf galaxies on kiloparsec scales: a new survey for CO in northern, IRAS-detected dwarf galaxies. LEROY A., BOLATTO A.D., SIMON J.D., et al.
2005ApJ...628..695G 1 21 108 The Araucaria project: near-infrared photometry of Cepheid variables in the Sculptor galaxy NGC 300. GIEREN W., PIETRZYNSKI G., SOSZYNSKI I., et al.
2005ApJ...629..239B 3 12 119 NGC 300: an extremely faint, outer stellar disk observed to 10 scale lengths. BLAND-HAWTHORN J., VLAJIC M., FREEMAN K.C., et al.
2005ApJ...633..810M 15 39 Halos of spiral galaxies. I. The tip of the red giant branch as a distance indicator. MOUHCINE M., FERGUSON H.C., RICH R.M., et al.
2005ApJ...634.1020B 62 28 The Araucaria project: the effect of blending on the Cepheid distance to NGC 300 from Advanced Camera for Surveys images. BRESOLIN F., PIETRZYNSKI G., GIEREN W., et al.
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