
Query : 2021MNRAS.501.2478M

2021MNRAS.501.2478M - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 501, 2478-2486 (2021/February-3)

AU-scale radio imaging of the wind collision region in the brightest and most luminous non-thermal colliding wind binary Apep.


Abstract (from CDS):

The recently discovered colliding-wind binary (CWB) Apep has been shown to emit luminously from radio to X-rays, with the emission driven by a binary composed of two Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars of one carbon-sequence (WC8) and one nitrogen-sequence (WN4-6b). Mid-infrared imaging revealed a giant spiral dust plume that is reminiscent of a pinwheel nebula but with additional features that suggest Apep is a unique system. We have conducted observations with the Australian Long Baseline Array to resolve Apep's radio emission on milliarcsecond scales, allowing us to relate the geometry of the wind-collision region to that of the spiral plume. The observed radio emission shows a bow-shaped structure, confirming its origin as a wind-collision region. The shape and orientation of this region is consistent with being originated by the two stars and with being likely dominated by the stronger wind of the WN4-6b star. This shape allowed us to provide a rough estimation of the opening angle of ∼150* assuming ideal conditions. The orientation and opening angle of the emission also confirms it as the basis for the spiral dust plume. We also provide estimations for the two stars in the system to milliarcsecond precision. The observed radio emission, one order of magnitude brighter and more luminous than any other known non-thermal radio-emitting CWB, confirms it is produced by an extremely powerful wind collision. Such a powerful wind-collision region is consistent with Apep being a binary composed of two WR stars, so far the first unambiguously confirmed system of its kind.

Abstract Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): radiation mechanisms: non-thermal - techniques: interferometric - stars: individual: Apep - radio continuum: stars - binaries: close

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * eta Car Em* 10 45 03.545808 -59 41 03.95124 6.37 7.03 6.48 6.123 4.41 LBV 2448 0
2 WR 48a WR* 13 12 39.6052790136 -62 42 55.939362876       16.081   WC6 99 0
3 AX J1600.9-5142 WR* 16 00 50.47872 -51 42 44.9784           WC8+WN4-6b 15 1
4 PMN J1603-4904 BLL 16 03 50.68456556 -49 04 05.5056817   20.67       ~ 83 1
5 QSO J1626-2951 Bla 16 26 06.02084013 -29 51 26.9712990   18.41 20.5 17.6   ~ 432 1
6 ICRF J193925.0-634245 Sy2 19 39 25.0245304992 -63 42 45.640373400   18.87 18.37 17.64   ~ 1245 2
7 HD 193793 WR* 20 20 27.9757908696 +43 51 16.286840244 6.90 7.25 6.85 4.58   WC7pd+O5.5fc 713 0

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