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Title First 3 Authors
1917ApJ....46..313A 227 17 The luminosities and parallaxes of five hundred stars. ADAMS W.S. and JOY A.H.
1950ApJ...112..141E 189 10 Photoelectric studies. IV. Color-luminosity array for stars in the region of the Sun. EGGEN O.J.
1950ApJ...112..554R 94 82 A correlation between the spectroscopic and dynamical characteristics of the late F and early G type stars. ROMAN N.G.
1951ApJ...113..663E 93 2 Photoelectric studies. VII. Color and magnitude systems for brighter stars and the color-spectral-type relation. EGGEN O.J.
1952ApJ...116..251S 221 209 A study of the Orion aggregate of early-type stars. SHARPLESS S.
1952AnAp...15..201C 240 154 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. V. Etude du spectre continu de 150 etoiles entre 3150 et 4600 A. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1952AnAp...15..237D 91 3 Recherches sur les spectres continus stellaires. VI. Remarques sur les proprietes absorbantes de la matiere interstellaire. DIVAN L.
1953ApJ...117..313J 477 1747 Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the Revised System of the Yerkes Spectral Atlas. JOHNSON H.L. and MORGAN W.W.
1953ApJ...118...92M 193 118 Some characteristics of color systems. MORGAN W.W., HARRIS D.L. and JOHNSON H.L.
1953GCRV..C......0W viz 13       D               1 15130 835 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E.
1954ApJ...119..200S 123 44 A study of the Orion aggregate of early-type stars. II. SHARPLESS S.
1954ApJ...120..384O 39 36 The rotational velocities of A, F and G-type giant stars. OKE J.B. and GREENSTEIN J.L.
1955AJ.....60..401E 333 11 The color-luminosity array for stars near the Sun. EGGEN O.J.
1955ApJ...121...38G 234 14 Preliminary list of photoelectric classification indices for 234 bright Northern G and K stars. GYLDENKERNE K.
1955ApJ...121..118H 647 81 Axial rotation and line broadening in stars of spectral types F0-K5. HERBIG G.H. and SPALDING J.Jr
1955ApJ...121..653S 217 170 The spectra and rotational velocities of the bright stars of Draper types A3-G0. SLETTEBAK A.
1955PASP...67..315E 30 21 The masses of the subgiants. EGGEN O.J.
1955AnAp...18..292J 389 209 A photometric system. JOHNSON H.L.
1956AJ.....61..360F 18 0 Occultations of stars by the Moon observed during 1955. FARNSWORTH A.H.
1956AJ.....61..361E 188 25 Photometric parallaxes and the mass-luminosity relation. EGGEN O.J.
1956JO.....39...53D 52 2 La mesure des vitesses radiales au prisme-objectif. DUFLOT M. and FEHRENBACH C.
1957ApJ...126..266S 1 14 173 Sx-color photometry of stars. X. The stellar magnitude and color index of the Sun. STEBBINS J. and KRON G.E.
1957ApJ...126..509O 99 14 Determination of spectroscopic absolute magnitude for late-type stars. OKE J.B.
1958AJ.....63..127T 161 15 A system of three-color photometry, with applications to galactic structure in Cygnus. TIFFT W.G.
1958AnAp...21...26G 259 8 Photoelectric spectral classification of G and K stars. I. GYLDENKERNE K.
1959ApJ...130..507P 152 435 A spectroscopic study of the RR Lyrae stars. PRESTON G.W.
1962ApJ...135...94W 4 7 207 On the effect of Fraunhoffer lines on UBV measurements. WILDEY R.L., BURBIDGE E.M., SANDAGE A.R., et al.
1963AJ.....68..413V 102 15 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of stars. VAN DEN BERGH S.
1963ApJ...137.1057S 96 98 A four-color photometric system applied to line blanketing of subdwarfs. SANDAGE A. and SMITH L.L.
1963PASP...75..288K 9 19 The color of the Sun. KRON E.G.
1963BAN....17...58B 106 6 Seven-colour photometry of A, F, G, K and M stars. BORGMAN J.
1964ZA.....58..253S 7 16 Blanketing corrections for the RGU system. SMITH L.L. and STEINLIN U.W.
1965AJ.....70..353V 206 39 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of stars. II. VAN DEN BERGH S. and SACKMANN I.J.
1965ApJ...141..588H 98 226 Lithium abundances in F5-G8 dwarfs. HERBIG G.H.
1966AJ.....71..114C 13       D               80 377 Standard stars for photoelectric H-beta photometry. CRAWFORD D.L. and MANDER J.
1966AJ.....71..709C 13       D               1192 112 Photoelectric H-beta photometry for 1217 stars brighter than V= 6.5 mag. CRAWFORD D.L., BARNES J.V., FAURE B.Q., et al.
1966MNRAS.133..475A 641 58 UBV photometry of 550 F, G and K type stars. ARGUE A.N.
1966AnAp...29..601S 129 28 Methode quantitative de classification tri-dimensionnelle d'etoiles froides; applications. SPITE F.
1966JO.....49..417R 659 2 Catalogue des etoiles mesurees dans le systeme photometrique de l'Observatoire de Geneve. RUFENER F., HAUCK B., GOY G., et al.
1967PDDO....2..479H 30 2 Absolute energy distribution for stars of spectral types F, G and K. HAGEN G.L. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1968AJ.....73..313M 212 269 Five-color intermediate-band photometry of stars, clusters, and galaxies. McCLURE R.D. and VAN DEN BERGH S.
1968ApJ...151..567C 38 8 The Li/Be ratio in main-sequence stars. CONTI P.S.
1968ApJ...153..213J 116 11 The spectral-energy curves of subdwarfs. JOHNSON H.L. and MITCHELL R.I.
1968JO.....51..123N 54 1 Photoelectric observations of an index of the microturbulence in the atmospheres of F and G main sequence stars. NISSEN P.E.
1969AJ.....74..920T viz 81 8 H-alpha and H-beta photoelectric photometry for 80 bright stars. TEBBE P.L.
1969ApJ...155L.167C 10 5 Stellar Li/Be and 6Li/7Li ratios. CONTI P.S.
1969PASP...81..826M 8 9 Line-blanketing effects on the uvby beta photometric system. McNAMARA D.H. and COLTON D.J.
1969PROE....6..225S 62 1 Abundance determinations in late-type stars from Schmidt camera objective prism spectra. SAMSON W.B.
1970A&A.....6..138N 54 86 The relative metal/hydrogen ratio for the Sun, Hyades and 53 F5 - G2 stars. NISSEN P.E.
1970A&AS....1..165J 13       D               489 28 Photoelectric observations of early A stars. JOHANSEN K.T. and GYLDENKERNE K.
1970A&AS....1..189F 439 3 A catalogue of proper motions for 437 A stars. FOGH OLSEN H.J.
1970AJ.....75..978C 349 564 Standard stars for uvby photometry. CRAWFORD D.L. and BARNES J.V.
1970ApJ...162..891S 23 50 On the supermetallicity of the main-sequence stars in M 67 and NGC 188. SPINRAD H., GREENSTEIN J.L., TAYLOR B.J., et al.
1970ApJS...19..281B 157 35 Spectral classification of A & F stars. BARRY D.C.
1970ApJS...19..387A 3104 190 Catalog of individual radial velocities, 0h-12h, measured by astronomers of the Mount Wilson Observatory. ABT H.A.
1970MNRAS.148..477P 12 37 The chemical composition of 12 late F dwarfs. POWELL A.L.T.
1971AJ.....76..324B 40 8 An accurate low-dispersion luminosity indicator for late F and early G dwarfs. BARRY D.C.
1971MNRAS.154..343B viz 47 77 Theoretical colours for F and G dwarf stars. BELL R.A.
1971MNRAS.155...65B 142 45 The temperatures, abundances and gravities of F dwarf stars. BELL R.A.
1972ApJ...174..595S 95 33 The temperature scale of F and G stars. I. Hydrogen line profiles. SCHMIDT E.G.
1972ApJ...177..653G 51 19 Some characteristics of the moderately old open cluster NGC 752. GARRISON R.F.
1973A&A....23...63S 8 11 Study of the abundances of heavy elements in F-G type stars. I. Differential analysis of two metal-deficient stars: HR 646 and HR 860. SPITE M. and SPITE F.
1973A&A....27..129F 39 28 Stellar chromospheric velocity fields and the width luminosity relations. FOSBURY R.A.E.
1973A&A....29..151A 65 0 On the spectral gradient around wave-number 2.34. ARDEBERG A.
1973PASP...85..542E 406 51 Luminosity and velocity distribution of high-luminosity red stars. III. Old-disk-population giants. EGGEN O.J.
1974A&A....36..191H 25 54 Carbon and iron abundances for twenty F and G type stars. HEARNSHAW J.B.
1974AJ.....79..616B 28 20 The "Hyades anomaly" and the uvby luminosity calibration. BARRY D.C.
1974ApJ...187..107B 50 33 Spectroscopic comparison of open clusters. I. The reddening, blanketing, and metallicity of M 67. BARRY D.C. and CROMWELL R.H.
1974MNRAS.169..171F viz 13       D               299 36 Photoelectric measures of the hydrogen lines in early-type stars. FEINSTEIN A.
1975A&AS...19..321H 62 3 FeIand CH equivalent width measurements for sixty-on e F, G and K type stars. HEARNSHAW J.B.
1975AJ.....80..955C 2 52 686 Empirical calibrations of the uvby-beta system. I. The F-type stars. CRAWFORD D.L.
1976ApJ...203..680L 150 71 Synchronization in binaries and age. LEVATO H.
1976ApJ...208..414Z 188 77 Further observations of the lambda 10830 He line in stars and their significance as a measure of stellar activity. ZIRIN H.
1976ApJ...210..466B 38 81 Beryllium in main-sequence stars. BOESGAARD A.M.
1976ApJS...30..273A 139 502 Multiplicity among solar-type stars. ABT H.A. and LEVY S.G.
1976PASP...88...95C 643 85 Spectral classification of the bright F stars. COWLEY A.P.
1976IzKry..55..127B 468 2 Abundances of lithium in stellar atmospheres. BOYARCHUK M.E.
1977A&A....54..779P 141 135 Fine structure of the H-R diagram for 138 stars in the solar neighbourhood. PERRIN M.N., HEJLESEN P.M., CAYREL DE STROBEL G., et al.
1977A&A....55..121C 70 5 Classification BCD: relation entre le type spectral et la temperature effective. CHALONGE D. and DIVAN L.
1977A&AS...27..267G 234 0 Kinematical data of two samples of late-type stars. GRENIER S., HECK A. and JUNG J.
1977A&AS...29..195D 182 14 Recalibration and analysis of Spite's method of quantitative three-dimensional classification for the F8-K1 stars. DA SILVA L. and GRENIER S.
1977ApJ...212..462B 17 13 Spectral quantification. BARRY D.C., CROMWELL R.H. and SCHOOLMAN S.A.
1977ApJS...34..115W viz 14       D               770 200 A photometric study of the Ori OB1 association. I. Observational data. WARREN W.H. and HESSER J.E.
1977PASP...89..524C 13 1 On the question of molecular features in cool Ap stars. COWLEY C.R. and ETZLER P.J.
1977PDAO...15...37C 30 16 A study of the uranium stars and related objects. COWLEY C.R., AIKMAN G.C.L. and FISHER W.A.
1978A&A....66..335H 708 12 Absolute luminosity calibration of F stars. HECK A.
1978A&AS...31..159B 1139 11 Catalogue general des etoiles observees a l'astrolabe (1957-1975), corrections individuelles aux positions du FK4. BILLAUD G., GUALLINO G. and VIGOUROUX G.
1978A&AS...34..441P 165 1 Photoelectric K-line indices for 165 B, A and F stars. PEDERSEN H. and RUDKJOBING M.
1978ApJS...36..173T 71 34 The differential blanketing of the main-sequence and near-main-sequence M 67 stars relative to the Hyades and Coma. TAYLOR B.J.
1978PASP...90..288M 158 54 Binary stars unresolved by speckle interferometry. McALISTER H.A.
1978PDAO...15..121B 974 284 Seventh catalogue of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binary systems. BATTEN A.H., FLETCHER J.M. and MANN P.J.
1979A&A....75..193C 16 18 Comparison of solar and stellar flux distributions and the determination of the B-V and U-B colors of the Sun. CLEMENTS G.L. and NEFF J.S.
1979A&AS...35..325T 188 34 A list of zero-polarization standards. TINBERGEN J.
1979ApJ...233..211C 102 211 Subdwarf ultraviolet excesses and metal abundances. CARNEY B.W.
1979ApJS...41..119B 3 14 Spectroscopic comparison of open clusters. II. The reddening, blanketing, and metallicity of NGC 2264. BARRY D.C., CROMWELL R.H. and SCHOOLMAN S.A.
1979PASP...91..180M 186 71 Secondary standards for BVRI photometry. MOFFETT T.J. and BARNES III T.G.
1979PASP...91..553S 862 44 Three-dimensional motion of dwarf stars and RR Lyrae variables. SAIO H. and YOSHII Y.
1979AN....300...99G 240 0 Koordinatenverbesserungen von FK4-Sternen aus Beobachtungen am Ni2-astrolab. GERSTBACH G.
1980A&AS...40..307A 340 23 A catalogue of stellar spectrophotometric data. ARDEBERG A. and VIRDEFORS B.
1980A&AS...41..405C 530 74 A catalogue of Fe/H determinations. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., BENTOLILA C., HAUCK B., et al.
1980AJ.....85..171L 15 9 Astrometric analyses of 15 bright nearby stars from plates taken with the Sproul 61 cm refractor. LIPPINCOTT S.L. and WORTH M.D.
1980AJ.....85..242T 44 46 An investigation of previously derived Hyades, Coma, and M 67 reddenings. TAYLOR B.J.
1980ApJ...242..684C 102 29 Stellar abundances from line statistics. COWLEY C.R. and AIKMAN G.C.L.
1980ApJS...43..501C viz 541 38 Ultraviolet photometry from the orbiting astronomical observatory. XXXIV. Filter photometry of 531 stars of diverse types. CODE A.D., HOLM A.V. and BOTTEMILLER R.L.
1981A&A....97..145N 180 196 Metal abundance and microturbulence in F0-G2 stars and the calibration of the Stromgren m1 index. NISSEN P.E.
1981ApJ...247..210B 19 32 Chromospheric decay and the ages of solar type stars. BARRY D.C., CROMWELL R.H., HEGE K., et al.
1981ApJ...248..651D 117 261 Lithium abundances, K line emission and ages of nearby solar type stars. DUNCAN D.K.
1981PASJ...33..373N 177 109 Near-infrared photometry of carbon stars. NOGUCHI K., KAWARA K., KOBAYASHI Y., et al.
1982A&AS...47..341K 546 10 Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations. KOORNNEEF J., MEADE M.R., WESSELIUS P.R., et al.
1982A&AS...47..595V 249 2 UV photometric data on standard A, F and Am stars observed by S2/68. VAN'T VEER-MENNERET C., FARAGGIANA R., BURKHART C., et al.
1982A&AS...50..147C 917 3 Quatrieme meridien de l'Observatoire de Besancon. CREZE M., MAZODIER B., CLAIREMIDI J., et al.
1982ApJ...263..239S 75 171 Rotational studies of late-type stars. I. Rotational velocities of solar-type stars. SODERBLOM D.R.
1982PASP...94..650G 55 10 A search for secondary lines in the visual spectra of 55 binaries. GOMEZ A.E. and ABT H.A.
1983A&A...119....1C 482 72 Status of evolution of F, G, and K field stars contained in the Fe/H catalogue. CAYREL DE STROBEL G. and BENTOLILA C.
1983A&A...122..261T 15 18 Determination of the atmospheric parameters of late-type stars from low resolution spectra. THEVENIN F. and FOY R.
1983A&AS...53..223H viz 1577 8 Meridian observations made with the Carlsberg automatic meridian circle at Brorfelde (Copenhagen University Observatory) 1981-1982. HELMER L., FABRICIUS C., EINICKE O.H., et al.
1983A&AS...54...55O 14       D               2496 468 Four-colour uvby and Hbeta photometry of A5 to G0 stars brighter than 8.3. OLSEN E.H.
1983ApJS...53....1S 77 208 Rotational studies of late-type stars. II. Ages of solar-type stars and the rotational history of the Sun. SODERBLOM D.R.
1983ApJS...53..643J 1981 18 Predicted infrared brightness of stars within 25 parsecs of the Sun. JOHNSON H.M. and WRIGHT C.D.
1983Ap&SS..97..151C 32 1 The age decay of stellar magnetic activity in MS field solar-type stars. CABESTANY J. and VAZQUEZ M.
1983IzKry..67...13B 295 8 Effective temperatures, gravities and metallicity for late-type stars based on their scanner observations. BURNASHEV V.I.
1983RMxAA...7..201S 12 24 Recent progress in the study of young stellar objects. STROM S.E.
1984A&A...130..353R 141 132 Magnetic structure in cool stars. VII. Absolute surface flux in Ca IIH and K line cores. RUTTEN R.G.M.
1984A&A...138..183B 82 137 Photoelectric rotational velocities of late-type dwarfs. BENZ W. and MAYOR M.
1984A&AS...58..601P 346 13 Binaires spectroscopiques - 14e catalogue complementaire. PEDOUSSAUT A., GINESTET N. and CARQUILLAT J.M.
1984ApJS...54..421G 628 27 The period distribution of unevolved close binary systems. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1984PASP...96..105H 469 90 Binary stars unresolved by speckle interferometry. III. HARTKOPF W.I. and McALISTER H.A.
1984IzKry..69...71N 307 0 The observations of the emission from some stars at millimeter wavelengths. NESTEROV N.S.
1985A&A...151..372S 1 35 181 An empirical temperature calibration for F dwarfs. SAXNER M. and HAMMARBACK G.
1985A&AS...59..145C 1020 153 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations, 1984 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., BENTOLILA C., HAUCK B., et al.
1985AJ.....90.2103S 171 153 A survey of chromospheric emission and rotation among solar-type stars in the solar neighborhood. SODERBLOM D.R.
1985ApJ...289..269H 44 98 Chromospheric H alpha emission in F8-G3 dwarfs and its connection with the T Tauri stars. HERBIG G.H.
1985ApJS...59..197B viz 14       D               1 3392 78 G.P. Kuiper's spectral classifications of proper-motion stars. BIDELMAN W.P.
1985PASP...97..247S 107 56 The binary frequency of extreme subdwarfs revisited. STRYKER L.L., HESSER J.E., HILL G., et al.
1985AbaOB..59...83B 1591 43 Catalogue of the energy distribution data in spectra of stars in the uniform spectrophotometric system. BURNASHEV V.I.
1985PAZh...11..112B 119 10 Digital speckle interferometry of 72 binary stars. BALEGA I.I. and BALEGA Y.Y.
1986ApJ...307..151V 129 11 Close binary mass anomalies and metallicity. VAN HAMME W. and WILSON R.E.
1986ApJ...309..762B 19 50 Abundances in beryllium-deficient F stars. BOESGAARD A.M. and LAVERY R.J.
1986ApJS...60..577T 746 167 Transformation equations and other aids for VRI photometry. TAYLOR B.J.
1986ApJS...62..147B 1892 158 E.W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I. 1976-1984. BEAVERS W.I. and EITTER J.J.
1986PASP...98..319G 12 31 The rotation effect - A mechanism for measuring granulation velocities in stars. GRAY D.F.
1987A&A...183..403C 120 0 Right ascension corrections to 120 FK4-stars by the analysis of time observations obtained with the photoelectric transit instrument at Torino Observatory. CHIUMIENTO G., SARASSO M. and POMA A.
1987A&AS...71..421R 14       D               122 20 A uvby beta survey of northern-hemisphere active binaries. I. The observations. REGLERO V., GIMENEZ A., DE CASTRO E., et al.
1987AJ.....94.1066C 61 74 A survey of proper-motion stars. II. Extracting metallicities from high-resolution, low-S/N spectra. CARNEY B.W., LAIRD J.B., LATHAM D.W., et al.
1987ApJ...315..264B 62 49 Chromospheric activity and ages of solar-type stars. BARRY D.C., CROMWELL R.H. and HEGE E.K.
1987ApJ...317..343M 27 68 On the reality of certain spectroscopic orbits. MORBEY C.L. and GRIFFIN R.F.
1987PASP...99.1184P 367 125 A catalog of bright uvby beta standard stars. PERRY C.L., OLSEN E.H. and CRAWFORD D.L.
1987Ap&SS.136..231S 24 1 Studies of some diatomic molecules in the F- and early G-type dwarf stars. SINGH M. and CHATURVEDI J.P.
1987S&T....73..131K 27 0 The temperate F stars. KALER J.B.
1987TarOT..84...25M 112 0 An Hipparcos astrometric programme for spectral classification standard stars. MALYUTO V. and JIMSHELEISHVILI G.
1988A&A...203..341P 216 11 Stellar integrated fluxes for 216 stars in the wavelength range 380nm-900nm. PETFORD A.D., BLACKWELL D.E., BOOTH A.J., et al.
1988A&A...206...63A 31 33 An empirical approach to the location of the theoretical isochrones in the observational plane. ARRIBAS S. and MARTINEZ ROGER C.
1988A&AS...74..127S 176 47 Narrow band 1 mu.m-4 mu.m infrared photometry of 176 stars. SELBY M.J., HEPBURN I., BLACKWELL D.E., et al.
1988AJ.....95.1558R 14       D               56 8 H-beta photometry for uvby standard stars. REGLERO V., GIMENEZ A., FABREGAT J., et al.
1988AJ.....96.1072H 71 9 Photographic astrometry of binary and proper-motion stars. IV. HEINTZ W.D.
1988ApJ...334..436B 104 140 The chromospheric age dependence of the birthrate, composition, motions and rotation of late F and G dwarfs within 25 parsecs of the sun. BARRY D.C.
1988VilOB..80....7S 397 ~ Energy distribution in the stellar spectra of different spectral types and luminosities. V. Normal stars. SVIDERSKIENE Z.
1989A&A...219..239R 148 46 Magnetic structure in cool stars. XVI. Emissions from the outer atmospheres of M-type dwarfs. RUTTEN R.G.M., SCHRIJVER C.J., ZWAAN C., et al.
1989A&AS...78..511P 1219 3 Stellar integrated fluxes in the wavelength range 380 nm - 900 nm derived from Johnson 13-colour photometry. PETFORD A.D. and BLACKWELL D.E.
1989AJ.....97..539S 72 49 Calibration stars for cross-correlation studies of stellar rotation and an examination of the archival data. SODERBLOM D.R., PENDLETON J. and PALLAVICINI R.
1989ApJ...342..823S 200 22 Determining the temperatures of solar-type stars : do star spots produce color anomalies ? SODERBLOM D.R.
1989MNRAS.239..325D 110 172 Near-IR features in late type stars: their relation with stellar atmosphere parameters. DIAZ A.I., TERLEVICH E. and TERLEVICH R.
1989MNRAS.239..905F 51 22 A calibration of the (V-K), effective temperature relation for intermediate type stars. FERNLEY J.A.
1989BICDS..36...27G viz 907 49 A list of MK standard stars. GARCIA B.
1989PBeiO..14...12L 1243 0 Third preliminary catalogue of stars observed with the photoelectric astrolabe of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory. LU L.-Z.
1990A&A...232..396B 113 149 Determination of temperatures and angular diameters of 114 F-M stars using the infrared flux method (IRFM). BLACKWELL D.E., PETFORD A.D., ARRIBAS S., et al.
1990A&A...236..440B 164 26 New calibrations of blanketing parameters DELTA m2 and delta m1 in terms of [Fe/H]. BERTHET S.
1990A&A...238..265K 48 1 A uvby-like photometric system for the WF/PC of the HST. KISELMAN D., OJA T. and GUSTAFSSON B.
1990A&AS...83..225A 185 ~ An uvby-beta catalogue of FO-KO supergiant stars brighter than V = 6.5. ARELLANO FERRO A., PARRAO L., SCHUSTER W., et al.
1990A&AS...84..229A 259 125 Six centimetre VLA radio survey of compact planetary nebulae. AAQUIST O.B. and KWOK S.
1990A&AS...85..999K 77 51 A new calibration of the Geneva photometry in terms of Te, log g, [Fe/H] and mass for main sequence A4 to G5 stars. KOBI D. and NORTH P.
1990ApJ...354..310B 199 170 Lithium depletion and rotation in main-sequence stars. BALACHANDRAN S.
1990Ap&SS.166...13R 4 0 Dust shell around F and G main-sequence stars. RAUTELA B.S., SANWAL B.B. and JOSHI G.C.
1990BICDS..38..175K 660 7 Close binaries observed polarimetrically. KOCH R.H.
1990PBeiO..16...18L viz 1537 0 Physical data of the fundamental stars. LUO D. and ZHANG B.
1990PNAOJ...1..381I 98 6 Speckle observations of visual and spectroscopic binaries. II. ISOBE S., NORIMOTO Y., NOGUCHI M., et al.
1990SoSAO..65....5B 223 3 A first catalogue of speckle-interferometric measurements of binary stars made vith 6-m telescope of the USSR AS. BALEGA I., BALEGA Y.Y. and VASYUK V.A.
1990VilOB..85...50J 233 5 Photoelectric photometry of G-M stars in the Vilnius system. JASEVICIUS V., KURILIENE G., STRAZDAITE V., et al.
1991A&A...244..335N 95 25 The nature of the F str Lambda 4077 stars. II. Frequency, kinematics, metallicity, binarity and rotational velocities. NORTH P. and DUQUENNOY A.
1991A&A...245..567B 113 94 Effect of improved H- opacity on the infrared flux method temperature scale and derived angular diameters. Use of a self-consistent calibration. BLACKWELL D.E., LYNAS-GRAY A.E. and PETFORD A.D.
1991A&A...248..485D 1 346 2503 Multiplicity among solar-type stars in the solar neighbourhood. II - Distribution of the orbital elements in an unbiased sample. DUQUENNOY A. and MAYOR M.
1991A&AS...88..281D 278 107 Multiplicity among solar type stars in the solar neighbourhood. I. CORAVEL radial velocity observations of 291 stars. DUQUENNOY A., MAYOR M. and HALBWACHS J.-L.
1991A&AS...90..109C 466 0 Santiago declination catalogue. II. A declination catalogue of 493 FK5 stars (equinox J2000.0). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1991ApJS...76..383D viz 1216 361 Ca II H and K measurements made at Mount Wilson Observatory, 1966-1983. DUNCAN D.K., VAUGHAN A.H., WILSON O.C., et al.
1991MNRAS.253..610L viz 81 68 Lithium abundances for 81 F dwarfs. LAMBERT D.L., HEATH J.E. and EDVARDSSON B.
1991KFNT....7a..64G 228 ~ The surface-brightness method and the dependence of the bolometric correction on star effective temperature. GUBOCHKIN A.N. and MIROSHNICHENKO A.S.
1991PASAu...9..270I 94 11 Speckle observations of spectroscopic binaries. ISOBE S.
1991PPMtO..10..214Y 508 0 The correction in right ascension of 508 stars determinated with PMO photoelectric transit instrument. YAO J.-S.
1992A&AS...95..273C viz 1597 172 A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations : 1991 edition. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., HAUCK B., FRANCOIS P., et al.
1992A&AS...95..355C viz 1037 6 Santiago Fundamental Catalogue. A catalogue of 1105 FK5 stars (equinox J2000.0). CARRASCO G. and LOYOLA P.
1992AJ....103.2090R 200 30 A radio optical reference frame. III. Additional radio and optical positions in the southern hemisphere. RUSSELL J.L., JAUNCEY D.L., HARVEY B.R., et al.
1992AJ....104.1961M 63 16 Binary star orbits from speckle interferometry. IV. The old disk population star HR 1071. McALISTER H.A., HARTKOPF W.I. and MASON B.D.
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1998AJ....115.2122D 1 3 12 Synchronization timescales for three solar-type stars that have Jupiter-mass companions in short-period orbits. DRAKE S.A., PRAVDO S.H., ANGELINI L., et al.
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1998PASP..110..223T 201 6 Astrophysics in 1997. (Review paper). TRIMBLE V. and McFADDEN L.A.
1998ARA&A..36...57M 6 15 293 Detection of extrasolar giant planets. MARCY G.W. and BUTLER R.P.
1998BASI...26..479M 146 0 The central depth of the Ca II triplet lines as a discriminant of chromospheric activity in late type stars. MALLIK S.V.
1998EM&P...81...83S 9 0 Development of an absolute accelerometer for extra-solar planet detection. SCHMITT J., CONNES P. and BERTAUX J.L.
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1998Icar..132..196W 2 6 41 Habitable planet formation in binary star systems. WHITMIRE D.P., MATESE J.J. and CRISWELL L.
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1998Natur.391..127M 16 14 Extrasolar planets : back in focus. MARCY G.
1998Natur.395..320B 12 4 Twin planetary systems in embryo. BOSS A.P.
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1999AJ....117.2466C viz 274 19 The second extreme ultraviolet explorer right angle program catalog. CHRISTIAN D.J., CRAIG N., CAHILL W., et al.
1999AJ....118.1759D 40 11 Spectroscopy of pre-main-sequence candidates of spectral type AF in the young galactic cluster IC 4996. DELGADO A.J., MIRANDA L.F. and ALFARO E.J.
1999AJ....118.2483C 726 0 Photometric measurements of the fields of more than 700 nearby stars. CREECH-EAKMAN M.J., KULKARNI S.R., PAN X.P., et al.
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1999ApJ...520..239M 34 72 Two new candidate planets in eccentric orbits. MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., VOGT S.S., et al.
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1999ApJ...526..881L 111 T K                 5 47 Stability and chaos in the υ Andromedae planetary system. LAUGHLIN G. and ADAMS F.C.
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1999ApJS..123..283M viz 131 33 Library of medium-resolution fiber optic echelle spectra of F, G, K, and M field dwarfs to giant stars. MONTES D., RAMSEY L.W. and WELTY A.D.
1999MNRAS.308..447G 27 66 Are stars with planets anomalous ? GONZALEZ G.
1999PASP..111...50F 1 17 98 Planetary companions around two solar-type stars: HD 195019 and HD 217107. FISCHER D.A., MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., et al.
1999BASI...27...51B 17 0 Planet formation in sun-like systems. BHATT H.C.
1999CR2...327..621S 20 ~ The study of extrasolar planets : methods of detection, first discoveries and future perspectives. SCHNEIDER J.
1999Natur.398..659L 79 T                   1 23 Three planets for Upsilon Andromedae. LISSAUER J.J.
1999PhR...311..317M 28 8 The mass distribution of extrasolar planet candidates and low-mass secondaries. MAZEH T.
1999PASJ...51..505S 12 18 Metallic abundances in the planet-harboring G type star HD 217107. SADAKANE K., HONDA S., KAWANOMOTO S., et al.
1999Rech..321...28S 6 0 Enfin, un autre systeme solaire. SCHNEIDER J.
1999SciAm.281c..56M 2 2 Migrating planets. MALHOTRA R.
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1999BaltA...8...73M 35 16 GAIA spectroscopy : proposing the 8500-8750 A region and evaluating the performances. MUNARI U.
1999AAS...194.1402M 73 T                   1 4 Three Jupiter-mass companions orbiting upsilon Andromedae. MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P. and FISCHER D.A.
2000A&A...354...99Q 12 9 331 The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets. I. A planet orbiting the star Gliese 86. QUELOZ D., MAYOR M., WEBER L., et al.
2000A&A...355..573R 16 17 Search for an exosphere around 51 Pegasi B with ISO. RAUER H., BOCKELEE-MORVAN D., COUSTENIS A., et al.
2000A&A...356..213G 31 20 uvby Photometry of stars with planets. GIMENEZ A.
2000A&A...356..238C viz 271 144 Abundances of light elements in metal-poor stars. III. Data analysis and results. CARRETTA E., GRATTON R.G. and SNEDEN C.
2000A&A...356..903S 2 5 30 Statistics of low-mass companions to stars: Implications for their origin. STEPINSKI T.F. and BLACK D.C.
2000A&A...361..379N 75 17 Scale-relativity and quantization of exoplanet orbital semi-major axes. NOTTALE L., SCHUMACHER G. and LEFEVRE E.T.
2000A&A...363..228S 1 40 148 Chemical analysis of 8 recently discovered extra-solar planet host stars. SANTOS N.C., ISRAELIAN G. and MAYOR M.
2000AJ....119..390G 4 9 125 Parent stars of extrasolar planets. V. HD 75289. GONZALEZ G. and LAWS C.
2000ApJ...528..336F 2 7 51 Theoretical implications of the PSR B1620-26 triple system and its planet. FORD E.B., JOSHI K.J., RASIO F.A., et al.
2000ApJ...529..499T 17 30 Circumstellar dust disks around stars with known planetary companions. TRILLING D.E., BROWN R.H. and RIVKIN A.S.
2000ApJ...530..454R 116 T K                 4 85 Stability analysis of the planetary system orbiting υ Andromedae. RIVERA E.J. and LISSAUER J.J.
2000ApJ...531L..67Z 2 5 38 Analysis of the Hipparcos measurements of HD 10697: a mass determination of a brown dwarf secondary. ZUCKER S. and MAZEH T.
2000ApJ...531..415H 1 33 111 Photometric and Ca II H and K spectroscopic variations in nearby sun-like stars with planets. III.. HENRY G.W., BALIUNAS S.L., DONAHUE R.A., et al.
2000ApJ...533L.151C 3 27 243 On stellar activity enhancement due to interactions with extrasolar giant planets. CUNTZ M., SAAR S.H. and MUSIELAK Z.E.
2000ApJ...534L..97B 3 15 175 On the radii of close-in giant planets. BURROWS A., GUILLOT T., HUBBARD W.B., et al.
2000ApJ...535..176A 1 7 40 Limits on stellar and planetary companions in microlensing event OGLE-1998-BUL-14. ALBROW M.D., BEAULIEU J.-P., CALDWELL J.A.R., et al.
2000ApJ...535..385F 9 12 353 Secular evolution of hierarchical triple star systems. FORD E.B., KOZINSKY B. and RASIO F.A.
2000ApJ...537L..61T 36   K                 30 37 Tidal constraints on the masses of extrasolar planets. TRILLING D.E.
2000ApJ...540..504S 5 15 266 Photometric light curves and polarization of close-in extrasolar giant planets. SEAGER S., WHITNEY B.A. and SASSELOV D.D.
2000ApJ...545..504B 71 98 Planetary companions to the metal-rich stars BD -10°3166 and HD 52265. BUTLER R.P., VOGT S.S., MARCY G.W., et al.
2000ApJ...545.1044S 115 T K                 2 41 The υ Andromedae system: models and stability. STEPINSKI T.F., MALHOTRA R. and BLACK D.C.
2000ApJ...545.1058B 1 28 121 A search for radio emission from extrasolar planets. BASTIAN T.S., DULK G.A. and LEBLANC Y.
2000ApJ...545.1064L 228 83 Mining the metal-rich stars for planets. LAUGHLIN G.
2000MNRAS.316L..35R 22 51 The host stars of extrasolar planets have normal lithium abundances. RYAN S.G.
2000MNRAS.316..845H 2 3 Partial averaging near a resonance in planetary dynamics. HAGHIGHIPOUR N.
2000MNRAS.317..211L 22 33 Space-borne global astrometric surveys: the hunt for extrasolar planets. LATTANZI M.G., SPAGNA A., SOZZETTI A., et al.
2000PASP..112..137M 30 4 370 Planets orbiting other suns (Millennium essay). MARCY G.W. and BUTLER R.P.
2000LAstr.114....4O 27 0 A la recherche de planetes extra-solaires. OUDENOT G. and MAYOR M.
2000Icar..143....2B 4 18 260 Models of the in situ formation of detected extrasolar giant planets. BODENHEIMER P., HUBICKYJ O. and LISSAUER J.J.
2000Obs...120..127C 14 1 On the constitution of extra-solar planets. COLE G.H.A.
2000PhRvL..84.3240L 31 1 94 On the spacing of planetary systems. LASKAR J.
2000RPPh...63.1209P 72 108 Extra-solar planets. PERRYMAN M.A.C.
2000ARep...44..246G 31 5 Solar analogs: spectral energy distributions and physical parameters of their atmospheres. GLUSHNEVA I.N., SHENAVRIN V.I. and ROSHCHINA I.A.
2001A&A...365..222G viz 1542 14 The proper motions of fundamental stars. I. 1535 stars from the Basic FK5. GONTCHAROV G.A., ANDRONOVA A.A., TITOV O.A., et al.
2001A&A...365..545H viz 85 168 Incidence and survival of remnant disks around main-sequence stars. HABING H.J., DOMINIK C., JOURDAIN DE MUIZON M., et al.
2001A&A...366..254J 2 7 59 The stability of the orbits of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of known exoplanetary systems. JONES B.W., SLEEP P.N. and CHAMBERS J.E.
2001A&A...367..253F 24 59 The nature of super-metal-rich stars. Detailed abundance analysis of 8 super-metal-rich star candidates. FELTZING S. and GONZALEZ G.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6124 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001A&A...367..943J 83 T                   1 31 The planetary system of upsilon Andromedae. JIANG I.-G. and IP W.-H.
2001A&A...369L..22P 45 42 The Hipparcos observations and the mass of sub-stellar objects. POURBAIX D.
2001A&A...371..943C viz 184 98 Lithium abundances for 185 main-sequence stars. Galactic evolution and stellar depletion of lithium. CHEN Y.Q., NISSEN P.E., BENONI T., et al.
2001A&A...373L..21S 38   K                 3 23 Detection and measurement of planetary systems with GAIA. SOZZETTI A., CASERTANO S., LATTANZI M.G., et al.
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2001A&A...373.1019S 1         O           99 408 The metal-rich nature of stars with planets. SANTOS N.C., ISRAELIAN G. and MAYOR M.
2001A&A...375..205N viz         O           34 64 The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets. V. 3 new extrasolar planets. NAEF D., MAYOR M., PEPE F., et al.
2001A&A...378..569G 55   K                 1 59 Global dynamics of planetary systems with the MEGNO criterion. GOZDZIEWSKI K., BOIS E., MACIEJEWSKI A.J., et al.
2001A&A...379..992J 2         O           11 76 The distribution of exoplanet masses. JORISSEN A., MAYOR M. and UDRY S.
2001AJ....121..432G 1 45 239 Parent stars of extrasolar planets. VI. Abundance analyses of 20 new systems. GONZALEZ G., LAWS C., TYAGI S., et al.
2001AJ....121.1136P 10 15 Limits on line bisector variability for stars with extrasolar planets. POVICH M.S., GIAMPAPA M.S., VALENTI J.A., et al.
2001AJ....121.2148G viz 15       D               1 374 128 The physical basis of luminosity classification in the late A-, F-, and early G-type stars. I. Precise spectral types for 372 stars. GRAY R.O., NAPIER M.G. and WINKLER L.I.
2001AJ....121.2159G viz 233 109 The physical basis of luminosity classification in the late A-, F-, and early G-type stars. II. Basic parameters of program stars and the role of microturbulence. GRAY R.O., GRAHAM P.W. and HOYT S.R.
2001AJ....121.3207S 33 69 The abundance distribution in the extrasolar-planet host star HD 19994. SMITH V.V., CUNHA K. and LAZZARO D.
2001AJ....122.1607C 113 T K                 4 58 Apsidal alignment in υ Andromedae. CHIANG E.I., TABACHNIK S. and TREMAINE S.
2001ApJ...548L..57H 64 43 Preliminary astrometric masses for proposed extrasolar planetary companions. HAN I., BLACK D.C. and GATEWOOD G.
2001ApJ...548..466B 10 10 324 On the tidal inflation of short-period extrasolar planets. BODENHEIMER P., LIN D.N.C. and MARDLING R.A.
2001ApJ...550..884B 111 T K                 4 24 A statistical examination of the short-term stability of the υ Andromedae planetary system. BARNES R. and QUINN T.
2001ApJ...551L.109L 4 14 176 Short-term dynamical interactions among extrasolar planets. LAUGHLIN G. and CHAMBERS J.E.
2001ApJ...551..507T 3 15 139 First results from the anglo-australian planet search: a brown dwarf candidate and a 51 Peg-like planet. TINNEY C.G., BUTLER R.P., MARCY G.W., et al.
2001ApJ...551.1107F 1 42 138 Planetary companions to HD 12661, HD 92788, and HD 38529 and variations in keplerian residuals of extrasolar planets. FISCHER D.A., MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., et al.
2001ApJ...552..372I 109 T K                 4 8 An estimation of upper limit masses of υ Andromedae planets. ITO T. and MIYAMA S.M.
2001ApJ...553L..73K 36   K                 25 7 Effects of perturbing forces on the orbital stability of planetary systems. KISELEVA-EGGLETON L. and BOIS E.
2001ApJ...554.1141L 112 T K                 5 48 Stability analysis of the planetary system orbiting υ Andromedae. II. Simulations using new Lick observatory fits. LISSAUER J.J. and RIVERA E.J.
2001ApJ...556..296M 18 6 336 A pair of resonant planets orbiting GJ 876. MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., FISCHER D., et al.
2001ApJ...561.1095B 84 37 An assessment of the rotation rates of the host stars of extrasolar planets. BARNES S.A.
2001ApJ...562..549Z 117 39 Analysis of the Hipparcos observations of the extrasolar planets and the brown dwarf candidates. ZUCKER S. and MAZEH T.
2001ApJ...562.1038Z 126 49 Derivation of the mass distribution of extrasolar planets with MAXLIMA, a maximum likelihood algorithm. ZUCKER S. and MAZEH T.
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2001MNRAS.325...55S 15 24 A search for Ca II emission enhancement in stars resulting from nearby giant planets. SAAR S.H. and CUNTZ M.
2001MNRAS.325.1402D 34 ~ Migration of giant planets in planetesimal discs. DEL POPOLO A., GAMBERA M. and ERCAN N.
2001MNRAS.328..986H 10 13 Properties of microlensing light curve anomalies induced by multiple planets. HAN C., CHANG H.-Y., AN J.H., et al.
2001PASP..113.1025T 274 7 Astrophysics in 2000. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
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2001ARep...45..100S 60 3 Revised magnesium abundances in galactic halo and disk stars. SHIMANSKAYA N.N. and MASHONKINA L.I.
2001RvMP...73..719B 2 97 642 The theory of brown dwarfs and extrasolar giant planets. BURROWS A., HUBBARD W.B., LUNINE J.I., et al.
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2002A&A...384..879B viz 62 21 Galactic orbits of stars with planets. BARBIERI M. and GRATTON R.G.
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2002A&A...386..492R viz 2100 58 CHARM: A Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements. RICHICHI A. and PERCHERON I.
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2002A&A...393..997G 2 4 28 Stability of the 47 UMa planetary system. GOZDZIEWSKI K.
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2002ApJ...578..565B 123 51 On the double-planet system around HD 83443. BUTLER R.P., MARCY G.W., VOGT S.S., et al.
2002ApJ...579..455L 2 8 53 A dynamical analysis of the 47 Ursae Majoris planetary system. LAUGHLIN G., CHAMBERS J. and FISCHER D.
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2002MNRAS.332..485D 16 9 Migration of giant planets in a time-dependent planetesimal accretion disc. DEL POPOLO A. and EKSI K.Y.
2002MNRAS.336..637L 12 7 A search for the infrared spectroscopic signature of hot Jupiter planets. LUCAS P.W. and ROCHE P.F.
2002PASP..114..306R 73 73 On the nature of stars with planets. REID I.N.
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2002PASJ...54.1041T 32 20 Spectroscopic determination of stellar atmospheric parameters: application to mid-F through early-K dwarfs and subgiants. TAKEDA Y., SATO B., KAMBE E., et al.
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2002ChJAA...2..151C 64 5 Planet host stars: mass, age and kinematics. CHEN Y.-Q. and ZHAO G.
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2003A&A...404..715B 121 74 Chemical abundances of planet-host stars. Results for alpha and Fe-group elements. BODAGHEE A., SANTOS N.C., ISRAELIAN G., et al.
2003A&A...407..377K 35 1 Interrelations between Vilnius and Stroemgren photometric systems: The luminosity indicator (v - X). KALTCHEVA N., KNUDE J. and GEORGIEV V.
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2003A&A...411..559K viz 15       D               182 78 High precision effective temperatures for 181 F-K dwarfs from line-depth ratios. KOVTYUKH V.V., SOUBIRAN C., BELIK S.I., et al.
2003AJ....125.2664L 66 116 Parent stars of extrasolar planets. VII. New abundance analyses of 30 systems. LAWS C., GONZALEZ G., WALKER K.M., et al.
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2003ApJ...589..605W 18 9 486 Planet migration and binary companions: the case of HD 80606b. WU Y. and MURRAY N.
2003ApJ...590L.115M 5 9 A possible correlation between mass ratio and period ratio in multiple planetary systems. MAZEH T. and ZUCKER S.
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2003ApJ...591L..57J 27 53 The librating companions in HD 37124, HD 12661, HD 82943, 47 Ursa Majoris, and GJ 876: alignment or antialignment. JI J., LIU L., KINOSHITA H., et al.
2003ApJ...592.1201L 1 24 141 Secular evolution of hierarchical planetary systems. LEE M.H. and PEALE S.J.
2003ApJ...597.1092S 8 7 174 Evidence for planet-induced chromospheric activity on HD 179949. SHKOLNIK E., WALKER G.A.H. and BOHLENDER D.A.
2003ApJ...598.1290Z 32 35 Occurrence and stability of apsidal resonance in multiple planetary systems. ZHOU J.-L. and SUN Y.-S.
2003ApJS..145..181T 123 69 Target selection for SETI. I. A catalog of nearby habitable stellar systems. TURNBULL M.C. and TARTER J.C.
2003MNRAS.346..890L 9 11 Prospects for spectroscopic reflected-light planet searches. LEIGH C., COLLIER CAMERON A. and GUILLOT T.
2003PASP..115..700W 6 8 The radial velocity precision of fiber-fed spectrographs. WALKER G.A.H., SHKOLNIK E., BOHLENDER D.A., et al.
2003PASP..115.1072S 34 20 Narrow-angle astrometry with the space interferometry mission: the search for extrasolar planets. II. Detection and characterization of planetary systems. SOZZETTI A., CASERTANO S., BROWN R.A., et al.
2003BASI...31...37V 189 1 Search for periodicities in distribution of orbits of planets. VAHIA M.N., MAHAJANI P. and RAO A.R.
2003ChA&A..27..127J 19 7 The apsidal motion in multiple planetary systems. JI J.-J., LIU L., ZHOU J.-L., et al.
2003Icar..162..214C 11 25 On the possibility of Earth-type habitable planets around 47 UMa. CUNTZ M., VON BLOH W., BOUNAMA C., et al.
2003PSci..314..152B 6 0 Systemes planetaires : du chaos a la stabilite. BOIS E.
2003RvMP...75..101G 66 40 Stars, planets and metals. GONZALEZ G.
2003ASPC..294....1M 18 40 Properties of extrasolar planets. MARCY G.W., BUTLER R.P., FISCHER D.A., et al.
2003ASPC..294...43E 12 25 Planets in binaries. EGGENBERGER A., UDRY S. and MAYOR M.
2003ASPC..294..103M 5 2 Searching for faint companions with the TRIDENT differential simultaneous imaging camera. MAROIS C., NADEAU D., DOYON R., et al.
2003ASPC..294..117F 10 28 Metallicities of stars with extrasolar planets. FISCHER D.A. and VALENTI J.A.
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2003ASPC..294..157S 5 2 Modulation of Ca II H and K emission by short-period planets. SHKOLNIK E., WALKER G.A.H. and BOHLENDER D.A.
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2003ASPC..294..201N 4 0 Eccentricity evolution of multiple planetary systems due to the depletion of protostellar disks. NAGASAWA M. and LIN D.N.C.
2003ASPC..294..205R 4 7 On the stability of particles in extrasolar planetary systems. RIVERA E.J. and HAGHIGHIPOUR N.
2003ASPC..294..225J 5 6 The orbits of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of known extrasolar planetary systems. JONES B.W. and SLEEP P.N.
2003ASPC..294..449C 1 4 22 HD 209458 and the power of the dark side. CHARBONNEAU D.
2003ASPC..294..573G 8 4 All sky doppler extrasolar planet surveys with a multi-object dispersed fixed-delay interferometer. GE J., MAHADEVAN S., VAN EYKEN J., et al.
2004A&A...414..351N viz 23     A   O           23 101 The ELODIE survey for northern extra-solar planets. III. Three planetary candidates detected with ELODIE. NAEF D., MAYOR M., BEUZIT J.L., et al.
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2004A&A...417..353E 3         O           18 184 Statistical properties of exoplanets. III. Planet properties and stellar multiplicity. EGGENBERGER A., UDRY S. and MAYOR M.
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2004A&A...427.1085S         O           70 35 Are beryllium abundances anomalous in stars with giant planets? SANTOS N.C., ISRAELIAN G., GARCIA LOPEZ R.J., et al.
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2004AJ....128.1177V viz 796 690 Stellar chemical signatures and hierarchical galaxy formation. VENN K.A., IRWIN M., SHETRONE M.D., et al.
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2004ApJ...609..417R 40 36 Cooler and bigger than previously thought? planetary host stellar parameters from the infrared flux method. RAMIREZ I. and MELENDEZ J.
2004ApJ...611..494B 20 59 The (In)stability of planetary systems. BARNES R. and QUINN T.
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2004ApJ...613.1202B 50 23 The correlation of lithium and beryllium in F and G field and cluster dwarf stars. BOESGAARD A.M., ARMENGAUD E., KING J.R., et al.
2004ApJ...617..569B 2 10 61 Predicting planets in known extrasolar planetary systems. I. Test particle simulations. BARNES R. and RAYMOND S.N.
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2004RMxAC..21..207U 18 8 Planets in multiple-star systems: properties and detections. UDRY S., EGGENBERGER A., MAYOR M., et al.
2004AAS...205.1123S 4 0 Magnetic interaction between stars and hot Jupiters as observed in Ca II H & K emission - an update. SHKOLNIK E., WALKER G.A.H., BOHLENDER D.A., et al.
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2005ApJ...619..549R 22 38 Predicting planets in known extrasolar planetary systems. II. Testing for Saturn mass planets. RAYMOND S.N. and BARNES R.
2005ApJ...622.1075S 2 28 212 Hot Jupiters and hot spots: the short- and long-term chromospheric activity on stars with giant planets. SHKOLNIK E., WALKER G.A.H., BOHLENDER D.A., et al.
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2005ApJS..159..141V viz 1041 1186 Spectroscopic properties of cool stars (SPOCS). I. 1040 F, G, and K dwarfs from Keck, Lick, and AAT planet search programs. VALENTI J.A. and FISCHER D.A.
2005MNRAS.356.1053S 64 47 Magnetospheric radio emission from extrasolar giant planets: the role of the host stars. STEVENS I.R.
2005MNRAS.359..567A 10 22 712 On detecting terrestrial planets with timing of giant planet transits. AGOL E., STEFFEN J., SARI R., et al.
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