SIMBAD references

2024ApJ...965...44F - Astrophys. J., 965, 44 (2024/April-2)

Probing Lorentz Invariance Violation with Absorption of Astrophysical γ-Rays by Solar Photons.


Abstract (from CDS):

We compute in detail the absorption optical depth for astrophysical γ-ray photons interacting with solar photons to produce electron-positron pairs. This effect is greatest for γ-ray sources at small angular distances from the Sun, reaching optical depths as high as τγγ ∼ 10–2. We also calculate this effect including modifications to the absorption cross-section threshold from subluminal Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). We show for the first time that subluminal LIV can lead to increases or decreases in τγγ compared to the non-LIV case. We show that, at least in principle, LIV can be probed with this effect with observations of γ-ray sources near the Sun at ≳20 TeV by HAWC or LHAASO, although a measurement will be extremely difficult due to the small size of the effect.

Abstract Copyright: © 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): Quiet Sun - Gamma-ray astronomy

Simbad objects: 43

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