
Query : 2024AJ....167..286B

2024AJ....167..286B - Astron. J., 167, 286 (2024/June-0)

Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES). I. Astrometric Noise and Planetary Detection Efficiency Due to Stellar Spots and Faculae.


Abstract (from CDS):

The Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey (CHES) is dedicated to the astrometric exploration for habitable-zone Earth-like planets orbiting solar-type stars in close proximity, achieving unprecedented microarcsecond precision. Given the elevated precision, meticulous consideration of photocenter jitters induced by stellar activity becomes imperative. This study endeavors to model the stellar activity of solar-type stars, compute astrometric noise, and delineate the detection limits of habitable planets within the astrometric domain. Simulations were conducted for identified primary targets of CHES, involving the generation of simulated observed data for astrometry and photometry, accounting for the impact of stellar activity. Estimation of activity levels in our sample was achieved through chromospheric activity indices, revealing that over 90% of the stars exhibited photocenter jitters below 1 μas. Notably, certain proximate stars, such as α Cen A and B, displayed more discernible noise arising from stellar activity. Subsequent tests were performed to evaluate detection performance, unveiling that stellar activity tends to have a less pronounced impact on planetary detectability for the majority of the stars. Approximately 95% of the targets demonstrated a detection efficiency exceeding 80%. However, for several cold stars, e.g., HD 32450 and HD 21531, with the habitable zones close to the stars, a reduction in detection efficiency was observed. These findings offer invaluable insights into the intricate interplay between stellar activity and astrometric precision, significantly advancing our understanding in the search for habitable planets.

Abstract Copyright: © 2024. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): Astrometric exoplanet detection - Habitable planets - Planetary system formation - Stellar activity

Simbad objects: 94

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Number of rows : 94
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * 85 Peg SB* 00 02 10.3487193861 +27 04 54.599101714 6.47 6.42 5.75 5.16 4.73 G5VbFe-2 549 0
2 HD 38A SB* 00 05 41.0220797201 +45 48 43.550746689   10.17 8.826     K6V 127 0
3 * zet Tuc PM* 00 20 04.2586334956 -64 52 29.257190108 4.82 4.80 4.23 3.73 3.40 F9.5V 386 0
4 * bet Hyi PM* 00 25 45.07036 -77 15 15.2860 3.52 3.41 2.79 2.28 1.94 G0V 598 0
5 * 54 Psc PM* 00 39 21.8053928046 +21 15 01.712899720 7.29 6.71 5.88 5.21 4.82 K0.5V 587 1
6 HD 4628 PM* 00 48 22.9759750919 +05 16 50.209484954 7.22 6.64 5.74 4.99 4.52 K2.5V 507 0
7 * eta Cas B PM* 00 49 05.1918602391 +57 49 04.174468559   8.90 7.51 6.9   K7Ve 119 0
8 * eta Cas PM* 00 49 06.2945942922 +57 48 54.638239716 4.04 4.02 3.44 2.94 2.58 F9V 643 0
9 * mu. Cas SB* 01 08 16.3029454473 +54 55 12.561201263 5.93 5.86 5.17 4.55 4.13 G5Vb 576 1
10 * p Eri B PM* 01 39 47.5647128524 -56 11 47.213189871   6.692 5.797     K2V 132 0
11 * p Eri A PM* 01 39 47.8126958280 -56 11 35.944312380   6.549 5.685 6.36   K2V 151 0
12 * 107 Psc PM* 01 42 29.7625251280 +20 16 06.645657710 6.57 6.08 5.24 4.55 4.12 K1V 559 0
13 * tau Cet PM* 01 44 04.0831371922 -15 56 14.927607677 4.43 4.22 3.50 2.88 2.41 G8V 1262 1
14 HD 10780 BY* 01 47 44.8344358038 +63 51 09.011001993 6.84 6.44 5.63 4.99 4.60 K0V 354 0
15 HD 13445 PM* 02 10 25.9181700303 -50 49 25.465181208   6.945 6.117     K1.5V 460 1
16 * tet Per PM* 02 44 11.9866154103 +49 13 42.414669174 4.62 4.62 4.11 3.67 3.37 F8V 408 0
17 HD 17925 RS* 02 52 32.1281856011 -12 46 10.968056223 7.48 6.91 6.05 5.34 4.89 K1V 521 0
18 * zet01 Ret PM* 03 17 46.1634549490 -62 34 31.152456644 6.24 6.18 5.54 5.00 4.66 G2.5VHdel1 298 0
19 * zet02 Ret ** 03 18 12.8188824117 -62 30 22.904711032   5.814 5.228     G1V 368 0
20 * kap01 Cet BY* 03 19 21.6964175772 +03 22 12.714979884 5.71 5.52 4.85 4.27 3.91 G5V 897 0
21 * e Eri PM* 03 19 55.6509122226 -43 04 11.215188426 5.20 4.98 4.27 3.65 3.25 G6V 455 1
22 HD 21531 SB* 03 27 52.40603 -19 48 16.1409 10.995 9.712 8.367 7.548 6.818 K5V 123 0
23 * eps Eri BY* 03 32 55.8444911587 -09 27 29.739493865 5.19 4.61 3.73 3.00 2.54 K2V 1953 1
24 * omi02 Eri Er* 04 15 16.3196189945 -07 39 10.330779018 5.69 5.25 4.43 3.74 3.29 K0V 823 0
25 * pi.03 Ori PM* 04 49 50.4112051485 +06 57 40.600622266 3.620 3.630 3.190 2.77 2.51 F6V 576 0
26 HD 32147 PM* 05 00 48.9993452248 -05 45 13.224327192 8.27 7.27 6.21 5.36 4.87 K3+V 465 1
27 HD 32450 ** 05 02 28.4709542438 -21 15 24.042798884 10.97 9.77 8.317 7.405 6.492 K7V 107 0
28 * zet Dor PM* 05 05 30.6556741368 -57 28 21.736898832   5.215 4.708     F9VFe-0.5 244 0
29 CD-57 1079 Er* 05 05 47.3720654976 -57 33 13.795316856 11.559 10.347 8.932 8.062 7.255 K7Vk 51 0
30 * lam Aur PM* 05 19 08.4754499121 +40 05 56.585080940 5.46 5.33 4.71 4.18 3.86 G1.5IV-VFe-1 535 0
31 HD 36003 PM* 05 28 26.0955363191 -03 29 58.398928866 9.864 8.777 7.642 6.968 6.401 K5V 213 0
32 V* V2689 Ori RS* 05 36 30.9904989312 +11 19 40.327533804 11.508 10.276 8.898 7.963 7.140 K6V 158 0
33 HD 37394 BY* 05 41 20.3356800431 +53 28 51.808818686 7.58 7.07 6.23 5.54 5.11 K1 332 0
34 V* AK Lep BY* 05 44 26.5367235521 -22 25 18.614500501   7.09 6.15     K3 168 0
35 * gam Lep PM* 05 44 27.7906169580 -22 26 54.187756254 4.08 4.07 3.60 3.15 2.89 F6V 433 0
36 HD 40307 PM* 05 54 04.2405000288 -60 01 24.493007640 8.814 8.097 7.147 6.597 6.119 K2.5V 270 1
37 * chi01 Ori RS* 05 54 22.9829893 +20 16 34.222038 5.08 5.00 4.40 3.90 3.59 G0V 858 0
38 * alf Men PM* 06 10 14.4725823672 -74 45 10.958331816   5.798 5.069     G7V 281 0
39 HD 50281 PM* 06 52 18.0505442698 -05 10 25.365598911   7.67 6.59     K3.5V 212 0
40 * alf CMi SB* 07 39 18.11950 +05 13 29.9552 0.82 0.79 0.37 -0.05 -0.28 F5IV-V+DQZ 1872 0
41 HD 69830 PM* 08 18 23.9469682407 -12 37 55.817187530   6.74 5.95     G8:V 535 1
42 HD 72673 PM* 08 32 51.4956803280 -31 30 03.064960317   7.17 6.38     K1V 218 0
43 HD 82106 PM* 09 29 54.8251829217 +05 39 18.473349688 9.071 8.223 7.197 6.626 6.13 K3V 217 0
44 * 11 LMi RS* 09 35 39.5021937366 +35 48 36.477051175 6.560 6.110 5.340 4.79 4.42 G8Va 376 0
45 HD 85512 PM* 09 51 07.0518026760 -43 30 10.023686079 9.963 8.83 7.651 6.934 6.319 K6Vk: 221 1
46 HD 88230 Er* 10 11 22.1399492383 +49 27 15.251007087 9.23 7.94 6.61 5.36 4.56 K6VeFe-1 467 0
47 * ksi UMa B SB* 11 18 10.8360115405 +31 31 44.821690914   5.41 4.77 4.4   G2V 338 1
48 * ksi UMa A SB* 11 18 10.901164 +31 31 44.97910   4.79 4.25     F8.5:V 312 1
49 * 20 Crt PM* 11 34 29.4864443348 -32 49 52.822793411   6.79 5.98 7.17   K0V 230 0
50 HD 101581 PM* 11 41 02.4684650438 -44 24 18.686737705 9.753 8.833 7.762 7.127 6.584 K4.5Vk: 114 0
51 * 61 UMa PM* 11 41 03.0162706212 +34 12 05.881605449 6.31 6.08 5.34 4.73 4.38 G8V 616 0
52 HD 102365 PM* 11 46 31.0725331317 -40 30 01.285867174 5.65 5.55 4.88 4.35 3.97 G2V 337 1
53 * bet Vir PM* 11 50 41.7185158616 +01 45 53.001539131 4.26 4.15 3.60 3.13 2.85 F9V 934 0
54 HD 103095 Pe* 11 52 58.7673387755 +37 43 07.254113125 7.38 7.20 6.45 5.80 5.35 K1V_Fe-1.5 807 1
55 * bet CVn ** 12 33 44.5442516547 +41 21 26.921352859 4.91 4.86 4.25 3.73 3.42 G0V 584 0
56 * gam Vir B Pe* 12 41 39.5425844770 -01 26 57.847656959   3.85 3.49     F0mF2V 223 0
57 * gam Vir PM* 12 41 39.6282288151 -01 26 57.854228847 3.07 3.10 2.74 2.45 2.26 F1-F2V 471 0
58 * bet Com PM* 13 11 52.3938268062 +27 52 41.462309460 4.92 4.84 4.25 3.77 3.47 F9.5V 913 0
59 HD 115404 PM* 13 16 51.0514297623 +17 01 01.840901307   7.69 6.66     K2V 284 0
60 * 61 Vir PM* 13 18 24.3139864471 -18 18 40.297748582 5.710 5.440 4.740     G6.5V 683 1
61 * alf Cen B PM* 14 39 35.06311 -60 50 15.0992 2.89 2.21 1.33     K1V 1035 2
62 * alf Cen A SB* 14 39 36.49400 -60 50 02.3737 0.96 0.72 0.01     G2V 1285 1
63 * ksi Boo B PM* 14 51 23.0436810216 +19 06 06.887747916   7.981 6.816     K5Ve 360 0
64 * ksi Boo A PM* 14 51 23.3884659504 +19 06 01.619801424   5.40 4.675     G7Ve 535 0
65 HD 131977 BY* 14 57 28.0007918772 -21 24 55.727265310 7.89 6.83 5.72 4.74 4.19 K4V 490 0
66 * i Boo A PM* 15 03 47.2296400706 +47 39 14.318060796   5.72 5.136     F5V 49 0
67 * i Boo B SB* 15 03 47.5145615709 +47 39 16.128926807   6.82 6.004     G9: 56 0
68 * lam Ser PM* 15 46 26.6142121632 +07 21 11.047378824 5.13 5.03 4.42 3.92 3.60 G0-V 578 0
69 * bet TrA PM* 15 55 08.5620636 -63 25 50.615531 3.19 3.14 2.85 2.53 2.38 F1V 165 0
70 * gam Ser PM* 15 56 27.1826577018 +15 39 41.809580382 4.31 4.34 3.84 3.37 3.13 F6V 562 0
71 HD 147513 PM* 16 24 01.2911377368 -39 11 34.729913940 6.17 6.02 5.376     G5V 356 1
72 * zet TrA SB* 16 28 28.1422653048 -70 05 03.824909916   5.446 4.899     F9V 208 0
73 * 12 Oph BY* 16 36 21.4496896968 -02 19 28.513024233 7.00 6.55 5.77 5.13 4.74 K1V 492 0
74 HD 154363 PM* 17 05 03.3944309308 -05 03 59.438943094 9.945 8.881 7.709 6.985 6.364 K4/5V 230 0
75 * 36 Oph A PM* 17 15 20.7836485323 -26 36 06.117207947   5.93 5.08     K2V 272 1
76 * 36 Oph B PM* 17 15 20.9838262152 -26 36 10.173444860   5.88 5.03     K1V 246 1
77 V* V2215 Oph RS* 17 16 13.3624141798 -26 32 46.136563394   7.50 6.34   4.8 K5V 310 0
78 HD 156384 ** 17 18 57.16483 -34 59 23.1416 7.80 6.93 5.89 4.97 4.38 K3V+K5V 168 0
79 * 41 Ara PM* 17 19 03.8375517433 -46 38 10.440417011 6.66 6.28 5.48 4.76 4.30 G9V 196 0
80 HD 157881 PM* 17 25 45.2324302566 +02 06 41.123732402 10.126 8.865 7.56 6.649 5.89 K7V 340 0
81 * 70 Oph B PM* 18 05 27.4629361936 +02 29 56.209188639   7.26 6.07 5.6   K4V 122 0
82 * chi Dra SB* 18 21 03.38255 +72 43 58.2518 4.010 4.070 3.580 3.14 2.83 F7V 406 1
83 * sig Dra PM* 19 32 21.5902098601 +69 39 40.235805206 5.860 5.460 4.680 4.04 3.63 K0V 640 0
84 HD 191408 PM* 20 11 11.9387690214 -36 06 04.351725607   5.44 5.32     K2.5V 272 1
85 HD 192310 PM* 20 15 17.3913760474 -27 01 58.711625384   6.63 5.723 5.98 8.74 K2+V 324 1
86 * 61 Cyg A BY* 21 06 53.9395895022 +38 44 57.902349973 7.50 6.39 5.21 4.19 3.54 K5V 1045 0
87 * 61 Cyg B Er* 21 06 55.2638444466 +38 44 31.358519864 8.63 7.40 6.03 4.86 3.55 K7V 731 0
88 * gam Pav PM* 21 26 26.6049826473 -65 21 58.313057521 4.57 4.70 4.22 3.75 3.45 F9VFe-1.4CH-0.7 417 0
89 * eps Ind PM* 22 03 21.6536261624 -56 47 09.522795714   5.75 4.69     K5V 559 0
90 * iot Peg SB* 22 07 00.6655101792 +25 20 42.356386464 4.190 4.200 3.770 3.36 3.11 F5V 449 1
91 V* TW PsA BY* 22 56 24.0525564918 -31 33 56.030584767   7.58 6.48     K4Ve 295 0
92 HD 217357 PM* 23 00 16.1221501260 -22 31 27.649676482 10.494 9.251 7.869 7.014 6.238 K7+Vk 182 0
93 HD 219134 Er* 23 13 16.9749603608 +57 10 06.083823619 7.460 6.560 5.570 4.76 4.23 K3V 609 1
94 HD 222237 PM* 23 39 37.3873674682 -72 43 19.755447187 8.912 8.088 7.087 6.502 5.987 K3+V 161 0

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