
Query : 2024A&A...683A.108Y

2024A&A...683A.108Y - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 683A, 108 (2024/3-1)

Simulating radio-off fractions in rotating radio transients.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. We aim to simulate the proportions of non-detectable emission, measured as radio-off fractions (foff), in rotating radio transients (RRATs). We also investigate the properties related to the underlying mechanism for such sporadic emission.
Methods. From observations of intermittent pulsars, radio emission originates from two distinct emission states and it becomes non-detectable when the pulsar switches to an emission state characterized by magnetospheric plasma density of zero. We performed simulations of foff based on 10 000 samples, each with 10 000 rotations and using a model that tracks changes in the plasma density in a pulsar magnetosphere with multiple emission states. We assumed that (i) RRATs are radio pulsars, (ii) radio pulse intensity is correlated with the emitting plasma density as stated in the conventional models, and (iii) a pulse emission corresponds to a change in the plasma density under favorable conditions.
Results. A best-fit distribution for foff is obtained when emission from RRATs is defaulted to radio-off. The resulting wait time distribution can be fitted by two functions of an exponential and a Gaussian, which is consistent with the observations. We demonstrate that the switch rate is low and that the burst rate is dependent on rotation period. In addition, the switch rate is related to the obliquity angle, which implies that the mechanism varies over time. Our results suggest that switching to radio-on is a random process, which implies that the burst rate is different for different RRATs. We show that RRAT emission and pulse nulling may share similar origins, but with different default emission. We discuss how the emission may change from that of RRAT to pulse nulling (or vice versa) as a pulsar evolves.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2024

Journal keyword(s): radiation mechanisms: non-thermal - pulsars: general

Status at CDS : Examining the need for a new acronym.

Simbad objects: 66

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Number of rows : 66
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 PSR J0054+66 Psr 00 54 00.0 +66 50 00           ~ 4 0
2 [KKL2015] J0103+54 Psr 01 03 37.0 +54 02 00           ~ 5 0
3 PSR J0410-31 Psr 04 10 39.0 -31 07 29           ~ 6 0
4 [KKL2015] J0447-04 Psr 04 47 00.0 -04 35 00           ~ 4 0
5 [DSM2016] J0550+09 Psr 05 50 28 +09 51.0           ~ 2 0
6 PSR J0627+16 Psr 06 27 13 +16 12.0           ~ 8 0
7 PSR J0628+09 Psr 06 28 36 +09 09.2           ~ 21 0
8 PSR J0847-4316 Psr 08 47 57.33 -43 16 56.8           ~ 23 0
9 PSR J0912-3851 Psr 09 12 42.70 -38 51 03.0           ~ 9 0
10 [KKL2015] J0957-06 Psr 09 57 00.0 -06 17 00           ~ 4 0
11 PSR J1014-48 Psr 10 14 18.0 -48 49 42           ~ 2 0
12 PSR J1048-5838 Psr 10 48 12.570 -58 38 18.58           ~ 6 0
13 [KKL2015] J1126-27 Psr 11 26.0 -27 37           ~ 2 0
14 PSR J1129-53 Psr 11 29 21 -53 31.0           ~ 8 0
15 [KKL2015] J1153-21 Psr 11 53.0 -21 18           ~ 2 0
16 PSR J1216-50 Psr 12 16 20.0 -50 27 01           ~ 2 0
17 PSR J1226-3223 Psr 12 26 45.9 -32 23 14           ~ 6 0
18 PSR J1307-67 Psr 13 07 41.0 -67 03 27           ~ 3 0
19 PSR J1317-5759 Psr 13 17 46.31 -57 59 30.2           ~ 29 0
20 PSR J1332-03 Psr 13 32 -03.0           ~ 2 0
21 PSR J1423-56 Psr 14 24 23.0 -56 40 47           ~ 6 0
22 [KKL2015] J1439+76 Psr 14 39 00.0 +76 55 00           ~ 5 0
23 PSR J1443-60 Psr 14 44 06.02 -60 26 09.4           ~ 13 0
24 PSR J1514-59 Psr 15 13 44.78 -59 46 31.9           ~ 7 0
25 PSR J1549-57 Psr 15 49 05.0 -57 21 37           ~ 2 0
26 PSR J1554-5209 Psr 15 54 27.15 -52 09 38.3           ~ 11 0
27 [DSM2016] J1603+18 Psr 16 03 34 +18 51.0           ~ 3 0
28 PSR J1610-17 Psr 16 10 -17.8           ~ 7 0
29 [KKL2015] J1611-01 Psr 16 11 00.0 -01 28 00           ~ 4 0
30 PSR J1623-0841 Psr 16 23 42.701 -08 41 36.40           ~ 8 0
31 PSR J1647-36 Psr 16 47 43 -36 05.0           ~ 4 0
32 HESS J1649-460 gam 16 49 -46.0           ~ 2 0
33 PSR J1652-4406 Psr 16 52.0 -44 06           ~ 6 0
34 [KLE2010] J1703-38 Rad 17 03 26 -38 12.0           ~ 3 0
35 PSR J1705-04 Psr 17 05 00.0 -04 41 00           ~ 4 0
36 PSR J1707-44 Psr 17 07 41.41 -44 17 19.0           ~ 8 0
37 [DSM2016] J1717+03 Psr 17 17 56 +03 11.0           ~ 3 0
38 [DSM2016] J1720+00 Psr 17 20 55 +00 40.0           ~ 2 0
39 PSR J1724-3549 Psr 17 24 43.00 -35 49 18.6           ~ 5 0
40 PSR J1752+2359 Psr 17 52 35.42 +23 59 48.2           ~ 61 0
41 PSR J1753-12 Psr 17 53 -13.0           ~ 6 0
42 PSR J1753-38 Psr 17 53 00 -38 49.0           ~ 8 0
43 PSR J1754-30 Psr 17 54 00.0 -30 11 00           ~ 9 0
44 PSR J1807-25 Psr 18 07 13.66 -25 57 20.0           ~ 5 0
45 PSR J1819-1458 Psr 18 19 34.173 -14 58 03.57           ~ 123 0
46 PSR J1825-33 Psr 18 26 -33.4           ~ 4 0
47 PSR J1826-14 Psr 18 26 42.391 -14 19 21.60           ~ 19 0
48 PSR J1839-01 Psr 18 39.0 -01 36           ~ 12 0
49 PSR J1839-0141 Psr 18 39 07.03 -01 41 56.0           ~ 7 0
50 PSR J1840-1417 Psr 18 41.0 -14 18           ~ 20 0
51 PSR J1846-02 Psr 18 46 15.49 -02 57 36.0           ~ 25 0
52 PSR J1848-12 Psr 18 48 00.0 -12 47 00           ~ 9 0
53 PSR J1854+0306 Psr 18 54.0 +03 06           ~ 9 0
54 PSR J1854-15 Psr 18 54 53.6 -15 57 47           ~ 9 0
55 PSR J1909+06 Psr 19 09 24 +06 40.0           ~ 6 0
56 PSR B1908+00A Psr 19 11 11.02 +01 02 10.9           ~ 47 0
57 PSR J1913+1333 Psr 19 13 17.975 +13 30 32.80           ~ 33 0
58 [KKL2015] J1915-11 Psr 19 15.0 -11 30           ~ 2 0
59 PSR J1919+17 Psr 19 19 47 +17 44.0           ~ 4 0
60 PSR J1925-16 Psr 19 25 06.0 -16 01 00           ~ 3 0
61 PSR J1928+15 Psr 19 28 20 +15 13.0           ~ 6 0
62 [KKL2015] J1944-10 Psr 19 44 00.0 -10 17 00           ~ 3 0
63 PSR J1946+24 Psr 19 46 00 +23 58.0           ~ 7 0
64 [KKL2015] J1956-28 Psr 19 56.0 -27 53           ~ 2 0
65 PSR J2225+35 Psr 22 25.0 +35 00           ~ 6 0
66 PSR J2310+6706 Psr 23 10 42.077 +67 06 52.10           ~ 7 0

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