SIMBAD references

2024A&A...682A.121S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 682A, 121 (2024/2-1)

Intrinsic and extinction colour components in SNe Ia and the determination of RV.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. The colour fluctuations of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) include intrinsic and extrinsic components, which both contribute to the observed variability. Previous works proposed a statistical separation of these two contributions, but the individual intrinsic colour contributions of each SN Ia were not extracted. In addition, a large uncertainty remains on the value of the parameter RV, which characterises the dust extinction formula.
Aims. Leveraging the known parameterisation of the extinction formula for dust in our Galaxy, and applying it to the host galaxy of SNe Ia, we propose a new method of separation -valid for each SN- using the correlations between colour fluctuations. This also allows us to derive a well-constrained value of the extinction parameter RV with different, possibly smaller systematic errors. We also define a three-dimensional space of intrinsic colour fluctuations.
Methods. The key ingredients in this attempt at separating the intrinsic and extinction colour components for each SN -and subsequently measuring RV- are the assumption of a linearized dependence of magnitude on the extinction component of colour, a one-dimensional extra-intrinsic colour space (in addition to Ca II H&Kλ3945 and Si IIλ4131 contributions) over four independent colours, and the absence of correlation between the intrinsic and extrinsic variabilities.
Results. We show that a consistent solution is found under the previous assumptions, but the observed systematic trends point to a (small) inadequacy of the extinction formula. Once corrected, all systematic extinction effects can be cancelled by choosing a single scaling of the extinction colour component as well as an appropriate value of RV = 2.181 ± 0.117. The observed colours are described within an accuracy of 0.025 mag. The resulting magnitude variability is 0.13 over all UBVRI bandpasses, and this fluctuation is shown to be independent of the bandpass to within 0.02 mag.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2024

Journal keyword(s): instrumentation: spectrographs - supernovae: general - dust - extinction

Simbad objects: 3

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