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2023RNAAS...7..152S - Research Notes of the AAS, 7, 152 (2023/July-0)

Optical and Near-infrared Atmospheric Extinction Coefficients at La Silla.


Abstract (from CDS):

We used observations obtained at the Rapid Eye Mount (REM) at the La Silla Observatory between 2016 June 7 UT to determine the extinction coefficients of the REM filters currently in use. The observations were obtain on 6 nights, spanning 2016 June UT through 2016 July 4 UT, over a wide range of airmass values, to determine the mean atmospheric extinction coefficients at the La Silla Observatory site. Coefficients in the REM filter sets-Sloan g', r', i', z', and J, H and K were determined, where the REM infrared filters closely match those of the J, H, and Ks filters of the 2MASS All-Sky Survey.

Abstract Copyright: © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): Atmospheric extinction

Simbad objects: 2

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