SIMBAD references

2023ApJ...948L..17L - Astrophys. J., 948, L17 (2023/May-2)

H I Self-absorption toward the Cygnus X North: From Atomic Filament to Molecular Filament.

LI C., QIU K., LI D., WANG H., CAO Y., LIU J., MA Y. and YANG C.

Abstract (from CDS):

Using the H I self-absorption data from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, we perform a study of the cold atomic gas in the Cygnus X North region. The most remarkable H I cloud is characterized by a filamentary structure, associated in space and in velocity with the principal molecular filament in the Cygnus X North region. We investigate the transition from atomic filament to molecular filament. We find that the H II regions Cygnus OB2 and G081.920+00.138 play a critical role in compressing and shaping the atomic Cygnus X North filament, where the molecular filament subsequently forms. The cold H I in the DR21 filament has a much larger column density (N(H I) ∼1 × 1020 cm–2) than the theoretical value of the residual atomic gas (∼1 × 1019 cm–2), suggesting that the H I-to-H2 transition is still in progress. The timescale of the H I-to-H2 transition is estimated to be 3 × 105 yr, which approximates the ages of massive protostars in the Cygnus X North region. This implies that the formation of molecular clouds and massive stars may occur almost simultaneously in the DR21 filament, in accord with a picture of rapid and dynamic cloud evolution.

Abstract Copyright: © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.

Journal keyword(s): Interstellar atomic gas - Interstellar filaments - Molecular clouds - Star forming regions

Simbad objects: 15

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