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2023A&A...669A...5V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 669A, 5 (2023/1-1)

High precision modeling of polarized signals: Moment expansion method generalized to spin-2 fields.


Abstract (from CDS):

The modeling and removal of foregrounds poses a major challenge to searches for signals from inflation using the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In particular, the modeling of CMB foregrounds including various spatial averaging effects introduces multiple complications that will have to be accounted for in upcoming analyses. In this work, we introduce the generalization of the intensity moment expansion to the spin-2 field of linear polarization: the spin-moment expansion. Within this framework, moments become spin-2 objects that are directly related to the underlying spectral parameter and polarization angle distribution functions. In obtaining the required expressions for the polarization modeling, we highlight the similarities and differences with the intensity moment methods. A spinor rotation in the complex plane with frequency naturally arises from the first order moment when the signal contains both spectral parameter and polarization angle variations. Additional dependencies are introduced at higher order, and we demonstrate how these can be accounted with several illustrative examples. Our new modeling of the polarized signals reveals to be a powerful tool to model the frequency dependence of the polarization angle. As such, it can be immediately applied to numerous astrophysical situations.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2022

Journal keyword(s): polarization - cosmic background radiation - cosmology: observations - dust, extinction - ISM: general

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