SIMBAD references

2022yCat.1358....0G - CDS/ADC Collection of Electronic Catalogues, 1358, 0 (2022)

Gaia Data Release 3 (Gaia DR3). Part 4. Variability.


Journal keyword(s):

VizieR on-line data: <CDS Catalogue: I/358>

CDS comments: Cepheids (classical, type II, & RV Tau) , Long Period Variables with a period (N=392,240), Microlensing events, Main-sequence oscillators , RR Lyrae, and Eclipsing Binaries with a compact companion candidate, have been ingested in SIMBAD (tables I/358/vcep, I/358/vlpv, I/358/vmicro, I/358/vmsosc, I/358/vrrlyr, and I/358/vcc, respectively, in VizieR). Eclipsing Binaries will be ingested (table I/358/veb).

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