SIMBAD references

2022PASP..134k4101G - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 134, part no 11, 4101 (2022/November-1041)

Is Jet Re-orientation the Elusive Trigger for Star Formation Suppression in Radio Galaxies?


Abstract (from CDS):

Jet re-orientation associated with the time evolution of radio quasars explains the formation of X-shaped radio galaxies and their preference for isolated environments. But since X-shaped radio galaxies are generally not found in dense environments (e.g., groups/clusters), the jet re-orientation phenomenon for radio galaxies in groups and clusters has been ignored. We take a closer look at the re-orientation of FRI jets with respect to FRII jets, and find that it may constitute the as-yet unidentified trigger for star formation suppression in radio galaxies. We show how the recently explored radio “red geyser” galaxies can be interpreted in this context and ultimately reveal a deeper understanding of why FRII radio galaxies are on one side of the star formation enhancement/suppression divide compared to FRI radio galaxies.

Abstract Copyright: © 2022. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Star formation - Relativistic jets

Simbad objects: 3

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