SIMBAD references

2022A&A...663L...6A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 663, L6-6 (2022/7-1)

Mapping 'out-of-the-box' the properties of the baryons in massive halos.


Abstract (from CDS):

We study the distributions of the baryons in massive halos (Mvir > 1013 h–1 M) in the Magneticum suite of smoothed particle hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, out to the unprecedented radial extent of 10R_500, c_. We confirm that, under the action of non-gravitational physical phenomena, the baryon mass fraction is lower in the inner regions (< R_500, c_) of increasingly less massive halos, and rises moving outwards, with values that span from 51% (87%) of the cosmological value in the regions around R_500, c_ to 95% (100%) at 10R_500, c_ in the systems with the lowest (highest; Mvir ∼ 5 x 1014 h–1 M) masses. The galaxy groups almost match the gas (and baryon) fraction measured in the most massive halos only at very large radii (r > 6R_500, c_), where the baryon depletion factor Ybar = fbar/(Ωbm) approaches the value of unity, expected for 'closed-box' systems. We find that both the radial and mass dependence of the baryon, gas, and hot depletion factors are predictable and follow a simple functional form. The star mass fraction is higher in less massive systems, decreases systematically with increasing radii, and reaches a constant value of Ystar ≃ 0.09, where the gas metallicity is also constant, regardless of the host halo mass, as a result of the early (z > 2) enrichment process.

Abstract Copyright: © M. Angelinelli et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): methods: numerical - large-scale structure of Universe - galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium - galaxies: groups: general - hydrodynamics - galaxies: clusters: general

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