SIMBAD references

2021MNRAS.508.4443M - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 508, 4443-4458 (2021/December-2)

Upper limits on the escape fraction of ionizing radiation from galaxies at 2 <= z < 6.


Abstract (from CDS):

In this work, we investigate upper limits on the global escape fraction of ionizing photons (fesc/globalabs) from a sample of galaxies probed for Lyman-continuum (LyC) emission characterized as non-LyC and LyC leakers. We present a sample of nine clean non-contaminated (by low-redshift interlopers, CCD problems, and internal reflections of the instrument) galaxies that do not show significant (>3σ) LyC flux in the range 880 < λrest < 910 Å. The nine-galaxy stacked spectrum reveals no significant LyC flux with an upper limit of f_ esc_abs ≤0.06. In the next step of our analysis, we join all estimates of fescabs upper limits derived from different samples of 2 <= z < 6 galaxies from the literature reported in last ∼20 yr and include the sample presented in this work. We find the fescabs upper limit <=0.084 for the galaxies recognized as non-LyC leakers. After including all known detections from literature fesc/globalabs upper limit <=0.088 for all galaxies examined for LyC flux. Furthermore, fescabs upper limits for different groups of galaxies indicate that the strongest LyC emitters could be galaxies classified as Lyman α emitters. We also discuss the possible existence of a correlation among the observed flux density ratio (FνLyC/FνUV)obs and Lyman α equivalent width EW(Lyα), where we confirm the existence of moderately significant correlation among galaxies classified as non-LyC leakers.

Abstract Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: high-redshift - dark ages - reionization - first stars

Simbad objects: 16

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