SIMBAD references

2021ApJ...919...59C - Astrophys. J., 919, 59-59 (2021/September-3)

Gamma-ray emission produced by r-process elements from neutron star mergers.

CHEN M.-H., LI L.-X., LIN D.-B. and LIANG E.-W.

Abstract (from CDS):

The observation of a radioactively powered kilonova AT 2017gfo associated with the gravitational wave event GW170817 from a binary neutron star merger proves that these events are ideal sites for the production of heavy r-process elements. The gamma-ray photons produced by the radioactive decay of heavy elements are unique probes for the detailed nuclide compositions. Based on the detailed r-process nucleosynthesis calculations and considering radiative transport calculations for the gamma rays in different shells, we study the gamma-ray emission in a merger ejecta on a timescale of a few days. It is found that the total gamma-ray energy generation rate evolution is roughly depicted as {dot}E∝t–1.3. For the dynamical ejecta with a low electron fraction (Ye <= 0.20), the dominant contributors of gamma-ray energy are the nuclides around the second r-process peak (A ∼ 130) and the decay chain of 132Te (t1/2 = 3.21 days) - 132I (t1/2 = 0.10 days) - 132Xe produces gamma-ray lines at 228, 668, and 773 keV. For the case of a wind ejecta with Ye >= 0.30, the dominant contributors of gamma-ray energy are the nuclides around the first r-process peak (A ∼ 80) and the decay chain of 72Zn (t1/2 = 1.93 days) - 72Ga (t1/2 = 0.59 days) - 72Ge produces gamma-ray lines at 145, 834, 2202, and 2508 keV. The peak fluxes of these lines are 10–9 ∼ 10–7 ph cm–2 s–1, which are marginally detectable with the next-generation MeV gamma-ray detector ETCC if the source is at a distance of 40 Mpc.

Abstract Copyright: © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Gamma-ray bursts - Explosive nucleosynthesis - Gravitational wave sources

Simbad objects: 5

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