
Query : 2021AJ....162..159L

2021AJ....162..159L - Astron. J., 162, 159-159 (2021/October-0)

VOLKS2: a transient search and Localization pipeline for VLBI observations.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present VOLKS2, the second release of "VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher." The pipeline aims at transient search in regular VLBI observations as well as detection of single pulses from known sources in dedicated VLBI observations. The underlying method takes the idea of geodetic VLBI data processing, including fringe fitting to maximize the signal power and geodetic VLBI solving for localization. By filtering the candidate signals with multiple windows within a baseline and by cross matching with multiple baselines, RFIs are eliminated effectively. Unlike the station autospectrum-based method, RFI flagging is not required in the VOLKS2 pipeline. EVN observation (EL060) is carried out, so as to verify the pipelines detection efficiency and localization accuracy in the whole FoV. The pipeline is parallelized with MPI and further accelerated with GPU, so as to exploit the hardware resources of modern GPU clusters. We can prove that, with proper optimization, VOLKS2 could achieve comparable performance as autospectrum-based pipelines. All the code and documents are publicly available, in the hope that our pipeline is useful for radio transient studies.

Abstract Copyright: © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Very long baseline interferometry - Publicly available software - Transient detection - Distributed computing - GPU computing - Pulsars

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Number of rows : 9
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 PSR B0329+54 Psr 03 32 59.3370698592 +54 34 45.028206408           ~ 646 1
2 NVSS J034634+540059 Rad 03 46 34.50413162 +54 00 59.1092061           ~ 26 1
3 FRB 20181119D rB 05 31 58.6980 +33 08 52.588           ~ 737 0
4 7C 175844.60+384828.00 QSO 18 00 24.76536016 +38 48 30.6974570   17.8 17.98 17.04   ~ 153 1
5 PSR J1819-1458 Psr 18 19 34.173 -14 58 03.57           ~ 123 0
6 PMN J1825-1718 Rad 18 25 36.532306 -17 18 49.84801           ~ 37 1
7 PSR J1854+0306 Psr 18 54.0 +03 06           ~ 9 0
8 ICRF J190711.9+012708 QSO 19 07 11.99616361 +01 27 08.9617282           ~ 46 1
9 NAME Sgr 1935+2154 * 19 34 55.68 +21 53 48.2           ~ 605 1

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