SIMBAD references

2021A&A...645A..31S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 645A, 31-31 (2021/1-1)

Origin of the zebra structure in the Jovian decameter radio emission.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. We discuss the origin of quasi-harmonic emission bands that have been observed in the dynamic spectra of the Jovian decameter emission.
Aims. We aim to show that the interpretation of the observed structure can be based on the effect of double plasma resonance (DPR) at ion cyclotron harmonics.
Methods. According to the proposed model, in the extended source in the upper ionosphere of Jupiter, where the DPR condition is satisfied for one of the ion cyclotron frequency harmonics, the ion cyclotron waves are effectively excited at the frequency of the lower hybrid resonance. The observed electromagnetic radiation with a quasi-harmonic structure arises due to scattering of ion cyclotron waves by supra-thermal electrons.
Results. Based on the VIP4 magnetic field model, we determine the longitudes at which the source of the considered radiation can be located. The obtained estimates of the plasma density and its height distribution in the source, as well as the energies of emitting ions and scattering electrons provide information about the plasma parameters in the upper ionosphere of Jupiter. Furthermore, these estimates are in good agreement with the observational data.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2020

Journal keyword(s): planets and satellites: individual: Jupiter - radiation mechanisms: non-thermal - methods: analytical

Simbad objects: 2

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