SIMBAD references

2020A&A...638L...9K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 638, L9-9 (2020/6-1)

Longitudinal drift of Tayler instability eigenmodes as a possible explanation for super-slowly rotating Ap stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Rotation periods inferred from the magnetic variability of some Ap stars are incredibly long, exceeding ten years in some cases. An explanation for such slow rotation is lacking.
Aims. This paper attempts to provide an explanation of the super-slow rotation of the magnetic and thermal patterns of Ap stars in terms of the longitudinal drift of the unstable disturbances of the kink-type (Tayler) instability of their internal magnetic field.
Methods. The rates of drift and growth were computed for eigenmodes of Tayler instability using stellar parameters estimated from a structure model of an A star. The computations refer to the toroidal background magnetic field of varied strength.
Results. The non-axisymmetric unstable disturbances drift in a counter-rotational direction in the co-rotating reference frame. The drift rate increases with the strength of the background field. For a field strength exceeding the (equipartition) value of equal Alfven and rotational velocities, the drift rate approaches the proper rotation rate of a star. The eigenmodes in an inertial frame show very slow rotation in this case. Patterns of magnetic and thermal disturbances of the slowly rotating eigenmodes are also computed.
Conclusions. The counter-rotational drift of Tayler instability eigenmodes is a possible explanation for the observed phenomenon of super-slowly rotating Ap stars.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2020

Journal keyword(s): instabilities - magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) - stars: magnetic field - stars: rotation - stars: chemically peculiar

Simbad objects: 2

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