SIMBAD references

2019AJ....157..199V - Astron. J., 157, 199-199 (2019/May-0)

Time and phase resolved optical spectra of potentially hazardous asteroid 2014 JO25.


Abstract (from CDS):

The asteroid 2014 JO25, considered to be potentially hazardous by the Minor Planet Center, was spectroscopically followed during its close-Earth encounter on 2017 April 19 and 20. The spectra of the asteroid were taken with the low-resolution spectrograph (LISA), mounted on the 1.2 m telescope at the Mount Abu Infrared Observatory, India. Coming from a region close to the Hungaria population of asteroids, this asteroid follows a comet-like orbit with a relatively high inclination and large eccentricity. Hence, we carried out optical spectroscopic observations of the asteroid to look for comet-like molecular emissions or outbursts. However, the asteroid showed a featureless spectrum, devoid of any comet-like features. The light curve of the asteroid was analyzed using V-band magnitudes derived from the spectra and the most likely solution for the rotation of the asteroid was obtained. The absolute magnitude H and the slope parameter G were determined for the asteroid in the V filter band using the IAU accepted standard two-parameter H-G model. A peculiar, rarely found result from these observations is its phase bluing trend. The relative B-V color index seems to decrease with increasing phase angle, which indicates a phase bluing trend. Such trends have seldom been reported in the literature. However, phase reddening in asteroids is very common. The asymmetry parameter g and the single-scattering albedo w were estimated for the asteroid by fitting the Hapke phase function to the observed data. The asteroid shows a relatively large value for the single-scattering albedo and a highly back-scattering surface.

Abstract Copyright: © 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): methods: observational - minor planets, asteroids: individual 2014 JO25 - techniques: spectroscopic - telescopes

Simbad objects: 4

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