SIMBAD references

2019A&A...628A..32P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 628A, 32-32 (2019/8-1)

High-order regularised symplectic integrator for collisional planetary systems.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a new mixed variable symplectic (MVS) integrator for planetary systems that fully resolves close encounters. The method is based on a time regularisation that allows keeping the stability properties of the symplectic integrators while also reducing the effective step size when two planets encounter. We used a high-order MVS scheme so that it was possible to integrate with large time-steps far away from close encounters. We show that this algorithm is able to resolve almost exact collisions (i.e. with a mutual separation of a fraction of the physical radius) while using the same time-step as in a weakly perturbed problem such as the solar system. We demonstrate the long-term behaviour in systems of six super-Earths that experience strong scattering for 50kyr. We compare our algorithm to hybrid methods such as MERCURY and show that for an equivalent cost, we obtain better energy conservation.

Abstract Copyright: © A. C. Petit et al. 2019

Journal keyword(s): celestial mechanics - planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability - methods: numerical

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