
Query : 2018MNRAS.475.2697P

2018MNRAS.475.2697P - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 475, 2697-2712 (2018/April-1)

Revisiting the stellar velocity ellipsoid-Hubble-type relation: observations versus simulations.


Abstract (from CDS):

The stellar velocity ellipsoid (SVE) in galaxies can provide important information on the processes that participate in the dynamical heating of their disc components (e.g. giant molecular clouds, mergers, spiral density waves, and bars). Earlier findings suggested a strong relation between the shape of the disc SVE and Hubble type, with later-type galaxies displaying more anisotropic ellipsoids and early types being more isotropic. In this paper, we revisit the strength of this relation using an exhaustive compilation of observational results from the literature on this issue. We find no clear correlation between the shape of the disc SVE and morphological type, and show that galaxies with the same Hubble type display a wide range of vertical-to-radial velocity dispersion ratios. The points are distributed around a mean value and scatter of σzR = 0.7 ± 0.2. With the aid of numerical simulations, we argue that different mechanisms might influence the shape of the SVE in the same manner and that the same process (e.g. mergers) does not have the same impact in all the galaxies. The complexity of the observational picture is confirmed by these simulations, which suggest that the vertical-to-radial axis ratio of the SVE is not a good indicator of the main source of disc heating. Our analysis of those simulations also indicates that the observed shape of the disc SVE may be affected by several processes simultaneously and that the signatures of some of them (e.g. mergers) fade over time.

Abstract Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: evolution - galaxies: kinematics and dynamics - galaxies: spiral - galaxies: structure

Simbad objects: 54

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Number of rows : 54
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 M 31 AGN 00 42 44.330 +41 16 07.50 4.86 4.36 3.44     ~ 12790 1
2 NGC 234 EmG 00 43 32.3817530400 +14 20 33.397671804   13.5       ~ 127 0
3 NGC 488 GiG 01 21 46.7967133224 +05 15 24.623017524   15.0       ~ 291 0
4 NGC 524 GiP 01 24 47.7429545736 +09 32 20.089023900   11.5       ~ 472 1
5 M 77 Sy2 02 42 40.7091669408 -00 00 47.859690204 9.70 9.61 8.87 10.1 9.9 ~ 4638 2
6 ESO 416-25 GiC 02 48 40.805 -31 32 10.62   14.68   13.30 13.7 ~ 67 0
7 ESO 201-22 AG? 04 08 59.922 -48 43 37.49   14.73   14.3 13.8 ~ 56 0
8 IC 2058 EmG 04 17 54.3720552624 -55 55 57.738342360   13.90   12.94 13.2 ~ 93 2
9 ESO 202-35 AG? 04 32 16.4374770384 -49 40 32.866998276   13.38   12.31 13.0 ~ 65 0
10 NGC 1886 Sy2 05 21 48.1563158664 -23 48 36.315007812   13.62   12.28   ~ 78 0
11 ESO 33-22 EmG 05 31 41.294 -73 45 05.14   15.56   14.71 14.7 ~ 40 1
12 NGC 2280 EmG 06 44 49.0852522224 -27 38 18.562480188   11.13   9.77 11.3 ~ 132 0
13 NGC 2460 AGN 07 56 52.3308252792 +60 20 57.759748944   12.5       ~ 131 0
14 NGC 2775 AG? 09 10 20.1334093488 +07 02 16.874157048   11.417 10.481 9.920 8.994 ~ 357 0
15 ESO 564-27 Sy2 09 11 54.664 -20 07 00.82   14.39   13.03 13.0 ~ 65 0
16 NGC 2985 Sy1 09 50 22.233 +72 16 43.13   11.37 10.61     ~ 253 1
17 ESO 435-14 EmG 09 57 48.417 -28 30 23.57   14.44   13.06 13.7 ~ 63 1
18 IC 2531 EmG 09 59 55.6140265128 -29 37 04.575809208   13.19   11.54 12.1 ~ 143 1
19 NGC 3115 GiG 10 05 13.9270507008 -07 43 06.982712292   11   9.37   ~ 1022 2
20 ESO 435-50 AG? 10 10 50.50 -30 25 26.0   15.94   14.94   ~ 39 0
21 NGC 3156 GiG 10 12 41.2457368824 +03 07 45.701284764   12.8       ~ 236 0
22 NGC 3223 Sy2 10 21 35.0831008008 -34 16 00.504571368   11.82 10.82 10.35 11.2 ~ 170 0
23 NGC 3414 GiP 10 51 16.2099174408 +27 58 30.297624852   12.1       ~ 331 0
24 NGC 3810 GiG 11 40 58.7615811624 +11 28 15.808680696   11.4       ~ 337 2
25 NGC 3949 GiG 11 53 41.7311041896 +47 51 31.401451476   10.9       ~ 337 1
26 NGC 3982 Sy1 11 56 28.1445516072 +55 07 30.859586652   12.20 11.70 11.18   ~ 554 1
27 NGC 4030 GiP 12 00 23.6102390784 -01 06 00.197099136   11.42   10.3 10.4 ~ 343 1
28 ESO 505-2 GiG 12 00 32.2682 -24 43 23.964   13.80   13.34   ~ 26 0
29 NGC 4150 GiG 12 10 33.655 +30 24 05.35 12.72 12.44 11.64     ~ 314 2
30 ESO 506-2 Sy2 12 20 10.1608836912 -26 04 00.152684508   14.60   13.15   ~ 50 0
31 NGC 4459 H2G 12 29 00.0329905416 +13 58 42.826603332   11.6       ~ 545 0
32 IRAS 12315+0758 GiG 12 34 03.029 +07 41 56.90   10.6       ~ 683 0
33 NGC 4550 GiP 12 35 30.5913588048 +12 13 14.921166792 12.97 12.56 11.68     ~ 541 1
34 M 104 LIN 12 39 59.43185902 -11 37 22.9961800 9.51 9.55 8.00 8.05   ~ 1409 3
35 ESO 322-87 GiG 12 48 02.6698910352 -40 49 07.390787916   14.68   13.31   ~ 48 0
36 ESO 269-15 EmG 12 57 13.154 -46 22 28.79   14.07   13.7 13.5 ~ 56 0
37 ESO 444-21 EmG 13 23 30.645 -30 06 51.31   15.60   14.81 15.33 ~ 57 0
38 ESO 509-19 EmG 13 27 56.3718046296 -25 51 22.461435936   14.97   13.48 13.58 ~ 46 0
39 ESO 383-5 EmG 13 29 23.551 -34 16 16.82   14.25   12.82 12.9 ~ 58 1
40 ESO 446-18 Sy2 14 08 38.287 -29 34 19.34   14.91   13.48 14.87 ~ 63 0
41 IC 4393 Sy2 14 17 48.951 -31 20 57.12   14.59   13.20 13.5 ~ 71 0
42 IC 4484 AG? 14 47 43.894 -73 18 21.46   14.23   14.39 13.3 ~ 41 0
43 IC 4819 AG? 19 07 07.30 -59 28 01.0   14.15   13.21 13.6 ~ 34 0
44 IC 4871 EmG 19 35 42.224 -57 31 09.30   14.03   12.73 13.2 ~ 66 0
45 ESO 460-31 EmG 19 44 21.5359366440 -27 24 24.849832680   15.15   13.9 13.6 ~ 58 0
46 ESO 340-8 Sy2 20 17 11.8389133440 -40 55 25.314812724   15.45   14.50 14.8 ~ 50 0
47 ESO 340-9 EmG 20 17 20.515 -38 40 25.24   14.52   14.4 14.3 ~ 55 0
48 IC 5026 AG? 20 48 28.0612119312 -78 04 09.170029920   15.48   14.12 14.5 ~ 52 0
49 ESO 286-18 GiP 20 57 50.3434558560 -43 22 28.058494764   14.30   12.77 13.2 ~ 51 0
50 ESO 235-53 GiG 21 05 10.210 -47 47 22.75   14.53   12.68   ~ 30 0
51 ESO 531-22 EmG 21 40 29.480 -26 31 40.68   13.92   13.7 13.3 ~ 63 0
52 ESO 288-25 Sy2 21 59 17.8140093336 -43 52 01.109469720   13.97   12.67   ~ 53 0
53 NGC 7457 AG? 23 00 59.9263288440 +30 08 41.764398792   11.04 11.87     ~ 444 0
54 ESO 240-11 EmG 23 37 49.4188489776 -47 43 38.430144948   13.05   11.69 12.3 ~ 114 1

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