SIMBAD references

2017MNRAS.465..180L - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 465, 180-191 (2017/February-2)

Detecting the elusive blazar counter-jets.


Abstract (from CDS):

Detection of blazar pc scale counter-jets is difficult, but it can provide invaluable insight into the relativistic effects, radiative processes and the complex mechanisms of jet production, collimation and accelation in blazars. We build on recent populations models (optimized using the MOJAVE apparent velocity and redshift distributions) in order to derive the distribution of jet-to-counter-jet ratios and the flux densities of the counter-jet at different frequencies, in an effort to set minimum sensitivity limits required for existing and future telescope arrays in order to detect these elusive counter-jets. We find that: for the BL Lacs, 5 per cent of their counter-jets have a flux density higher than 100 mJy, 15 per cent are higher than 10 mJy, and 32 per cent have higher flux density than 1 mJy, whereas for the FSRQs, 8 per cent have a flux density higher than 10 mJy, 17 per cent are higher than 1 mJy, and 32 per cent are higher than 0.1 mJy (at 15 GHz). Future telescopes like the SKA and newly operating like e-MERLIN and JVLA may detect up to 99 per cent of the BL Lac and 77 per cent of the FSRQ counter-jets. Sources with both low apparent velocity and a low Doppler factor make prime candidates for counter-jet detection. Combining our findings with the literature values, we have identified five such counter-jet detection candidates. Finally, we discuss possible effects beyond relativistic deboosting that may complicate the detection of counter-jets and that need to be accounted for in the interpretation of detections.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): relativistic processes - galaxies: active - galaxies: jets - galaxies: jets

Simbad objects: 14

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