SIMBAD references

2017ApJ...834L..14P - Astrophys. J., 834, L14-L14 (2017/January-2)

Stellar cluster candidates discovered in the Magellanic system.


Abstract (from CDS):

We address the currently exciting issue of the presence of stellar clusters in the periphery of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) and beyond by making use of a wealth of wide-field high-quality images released in advance from the Magellanic Stellar Hystory (SMASH) survey. We conducted a sound search for new stellar cluster candidates from suitable kernel density estimators running for appropriate ranges of radii and stellar densities. In addition, we used a functional relationship to account for the completeness of the SMASH field sample analyzed that takes into account not only the number of fields used but also their particular spatial distribution; the present sample statistically represents ∼50% of the whole SMASH survey. The relative small number of new stellar cluster candidates identified, most of them distributed in the outer regions of the MCs, might suggest that the lack of detection of a larger number of new cluster candidates beyond the main bodies of the MCs could likely be the outcome once the survey is completed.

Abstract Copyright: © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): techniques: photometric - galaxies: individual: LMC-SMC - galaxies: star clusters: general - galaxies: star clusters: general

Nomenclature: Fig. 3, Table 1: [P2017] Field FF-NN N=24 among (Field 4-01 to Field 55-01).

Simbad objects: 27

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