
Query : 2016MNRAS.456.1093K

2016MNRAS.456.1093K - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 456, 1093-1114 (2016/February-2)

The detection rate of inspiral and quasi-normal modes of Population III binary black holes which can confirm or refute the general relativity in the strong gravity region.


Abstract (from CDS):

Using our population synthesis code, we found that the typical chirp mass defined by (m1m2)3/5/(m1 + m2)1/5 of Population III (Pop III) binary black holes (BH-BHs) is ∼ 30M with the total mass of ∼ 60M so that the inspiral chirp signal as well as quasi-normal mode (QNM) of the merging black hole (BH) are interesting targets of KAGRA. The detection rate of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs is ∼ 180 eventsyr- 1 (SFRp/(10-2.5M/yrMpc-3))([fb/(1 + fb)]/0.33)Errsys in our standard model, where SFRp, fb and Errsys are the peak value of the Pop III star formation rate, the binary fraction and the systematic error with Errsys = 1 for our standard model, respectively. To evaluate the robustness of chirp mass distribution and the range of Errsys, we examine the dependence of the results on the unknown parameters and the distribution functions in the population synthesis code. We found that the chirp mass has a peak at ∼ 30M in most of parameters and distribution functions as well as Errsys ranges from 0.046 to 4. Therefore, the detection rate of the coalescing Pop III BH-BHs ranges about 8.3-720eventsyr- 1(SFRp/(10- 2.5Myr- 1Mpc- 3))([fb/(1 + fb)]/0.33). The minimum rate corresponds to the worst model which we think unlikely so that unless (SFRp/(10- 2.5Myr- 1Mpc- 3))([fb/(1 + fb)]/0.33) ≪ 0.1, we expect the Pop III BH-BHs merger rate of at least one event per year by KAGRA. Nakano, Tanaka & Nakamura show that if signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of QNM is larger than 35, we can confirm or refute the general relativity (GR) more than 5σ level. In our standard model, the detection rate of Pop III BH-BHs whose S/N is larger than 35 is 3.2eventsyr- 1(SFRp/(10- 2.5Myr- 1Mpc- 3))([fb/(1 + fb)]/0.33)Errsys. Thus, there is a good chance to check whether GR is correct or not in the strong gravity region.

Abstract Copyright: © 2015 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society (2015)

Journal keyword(s): black hole physics - gravitational waves - binaries: general - stars: black holes

Status at CDS : Large table(s) will be appraised for possible ingestion in VizieR.

Simbad objects: 3

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Number of rows : 3
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 CXOU J002029.1+591651 HXB 00 20 29.09 +59 16 51.9           ~ 170 0
2 CXOU J005510.0-374212 HXB 00 55 09.990 -37 42 12.16     22.44     WNE 127 1
3 Ass Cyg OB 2 As* 20 33.2 +41 19           ~ 948 0

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