SIMBAD references

2016ApJ...824..114K - Astrophys. J., 824, 114-114 (2016/June-3)

Cosmic reionization on computers. Mean and fluctuating redshifted 21 cm signal.


Abstract (from CDS):

We explore the mean and fluctuating redshifted 21 cm signal in numerical simulations from the Cosmic Reionization On Computers project. We find that the mean signal varies between about ±25 mK. Most significantly, we find that the negative pre-reionization dip at z ∼ 10-15 only extends to <Δ{T}_{B}>∼-25 mK , requiring substantially higher sensitivity from global signal experiments that operate in this redshift range (EDGES-II, LEDA, SCI-HI, and DARE) than has often been assumed previously. We also explore the role of dense substructure (filaments and embedded galaxies) in the formation of the 21 cm power spectrum. We find that by neglecting the semi-neutral substructure inside ionized bubbles, the power spectrum can be misestimated by 25%-50% at scales k ∼ 0.1-1h/Mpc. This scale range is of particular interest, because the upcoming 21 cm experiments (Murchison Widefield Array, Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization, Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array) are expected to be most sensitive within it.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): cosmology: theory - intergalactic medium - methods: numerical

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